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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the fatally fat who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75027842
Lifting light is fine, but you should be aiming for overweight BMI before you try a serious body recomp. Our fat brains will workout and instantly want huge amounts of calories afterwards. That's fine if you're already skinny like most people on /fit/ are, but if you end up overeating to reward yourself for going to the gym (and you may feel hungry or denied of pleasure if you restrict yourself) you are ultimately working against yourself.
>t. lost 70 lbs to normal BMI over years and then started using the fatperson appetite capability to build back up
Anons that have lost over 50 lbs only:

What does it feel like? What are some things you noticed about yourself?
I started being able to see the outlines of my muscles for the first time.
Better sleep too.
My nephew had doritos out
I ate only one
I am become the master of self control
Need help

the cut has been very good but its stalling and I've slipped. what do you guys do to give your cutting efforts a little jumpstart
275->208 I'm still a fatass but I no longer feel my heart beating in my wrist or at night. I also noticed I no longer get short of breath from just walking around.
Reposting since it was at the end of last thread

A couple years ago, people kept coming up to me and asking how I did it (240 > 175 in about half a year). Some said they didn't want to ask because it sounded rude while others wanted to praise me. It apparently inspired some people to start going to the gym. Everyone started talking to me about their gym routines.

Lived in Japan for 2023, so nobody there even knew how much I used to weigh. When my friends saw an older picture of me on my phone they were in shock. Even though I gained back over 20 lbs since coming home, everyone thought I looked the same. I've since worked it all off (but I've hardly seen anyone in that time), and and now I'm trying to go significantly lower.
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Reaching that point in the weight loss where I can see the loose skin will be noticeable and the stretch marks even moreso. I'm probably never going to be conventionally attractive without clothes. It is what it is, I'm still going to make it.
410 to around 305, so still morbidly obese but a huge difference
Biggest thing is I can walk with no issues now, enjoying an hour and a half walk to the park and back with family is not strenuous at all, would not have been possible a year ago. Also has opened up easy hikes for recreation again
Can see my arm veins again, getting blood drawn recently was quick and easy instead of taking 5-10 minutes and multiple nurses jabbing around
Being able to wear 2X instead of 4X feels nice, becoming normal-sized is going to be a trip but I expect to get there. Even at how big I am now I look down at my thighs and can't believe how much smaller they are compared to how huge they were six months ago
>Some said they didn't want to ask because it sounded rude
Have noticed this too, for people who haven't seen you in a while they'll definitely notice right away but a lot won't say anything until you bring it up yourself. I think it comes from the onus everyone feels to never mention that you were/are a big fat bastard so it's still like "oh I shouldn't mention that"
My Manboobs are noticably smaller
loose skin should be removed via eventual surgery but scars and stretch marks genuinely aren’t a big deal whatsoever they don’t make you unattractive and you should cherish them anyways
are u in the fatty contest? I’ll keep an eye out for u bro
Intensive surgery recovery fucking sucks, I'm not getting it unless the skin is causing me medical issues
Yeah, Big Frigate
Came to this thread when I was already down to 355 so it starts there
Yeah I might get it depending on how bad it is. If it's just my gut I might leave it alone to be honest, but if I get it on my chest I'll do surgery.
I feel just as fat in my mind's eye but all my fat clothes fall off me. I get glimpses of a thin person but then can only focus on my problem spots.
today i'm gonna meet my mom who hasn't seen me in 2 years (i've lost 20ishkg, 110kg -> 90~)
wonder if she'll notice
Boys I bought semaglutide off the internet. Here we go!
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Being fat is a choice, choose to not be fat
62lbs down. All the clothes I bought before summer are too big for me now which is a hassle but it’s also a good feeling. I can see the overall outline of abdominal muscles but I still have atleast another 15-20 to go before I see any definition there. I see arm veins when I’m lifting but not when I’m at rest. I’ve been sleeping better but that could also be a product of sobriety. Setting goals and reaching them feels good too.
Soon you will need a pillow to sleep on your side.
I'm 6"1 230lb how fat am I?

Should I focus on losing weight before building muscle?
Obese. Yes imo
lift while you lose weight, you will not regret it
Recomping is way harder to maintain than cutting and building
news to me, I'm lifting getting newbie gains and losing 3.5 lbs a week
Have you tried frying your chicken instead of boiling it?
i didn't say recomp, i said lift while you lose weight. Too many people will neglect it thinking something along the lines "i'll get lean first and then bulk up while lifting, so it doesn't matter if i lose more muscle right now" and it's nearly always a mistake. unless you're like 500 pounds and would probably hurt yourself moving at all
you will look better as you slim down, and the results will be more motivating
you will grow accustomed to it and start learning to integrate exercise into your life earlier
the (admittedly small) amount of muscle you build off newbie gains will help increase your CO

there's no real reason to delay it. of course you won't build large amounts of muscle while cutting but that doesn't matter, waiting until you're thin to lift doesn't do anything for you
of course the major focus will still be on losing fat, not gaining muscle. but lift anyway. it's not a fatal mistake if you don't but it's an unnecessary delay
Yeah not worth the effort to me and technically healthier this way.
1lb of prediced frozen chicken breast
1lb mixed frozen veggies
let them cook until the chicken is almost white, drain and add low calorie sauce to stir fry them (japanese bbq sauce)
Why not at least sear your chicken in a tbsp of oil? You only need a tiny layer of maybe 20 calories to make the chicken instantly taste better with caramelization rather than rubber cubes
I make fried rice - end of the day, healthy fats like sesame oil will keep you satiated without compromising on taste. Just watch how much you add
280 to 220lbs.
Doesn't really feel different health wise but my fat face going away gives me more confidence to go outside now.
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It's a fasting day maybe tomorrow, too
6'6 392 to 320 in 2 1/2 months. I don't feel any different but i can finally do push ups
I can see my veins in my arms now. Pretty much it but still continuing to lose weight so maybe in the future
Not the anon that asked for advice, but I'm also 6'1 and 220lbs from 240lbs, I don't notice any gains in strength, I don't think my deficit is even that big (500 calories + the ones burnt from exercise as a bonus) and I've been eating a gram of protein per lb of lean miscle mass like everyone recommends.
Lifting to preserve muscle while trying to lose fat from actual fat person stage is counterproductive. At the end of the day, the goal should be to bumrush healthy weights. The fat person appetite takes care of the subsequent bulk because the myofibrils built up from years of carrying excess pounds still exist. "Reinflating" muscle fibers is way easier than what regular body builders do when on a bulk which is build up totally new levels of hypertrophy. Stop giving shit advice that'll end up trapping people in a cycle of minimal progress, demoralization, and return to unhealthy habits. It's a vicious cycle for many
Because the other anon is bullshitting you. Just focus on basic cardio (at least a daily walk) and maybe calisthenics if you can handle it
When you get to 160-170 (solidly lean), then you can start a good clean bulking phase
Im fasting too
Me three
Went from 159kg to 134
The amount of energy I have through the day is amazing even after going for my morning hour walk to town to grab a black coffee from my favourite cafe downside is my clothes are like a tent now and I really don’t want to buy more until I lose more weight lol
fatty contest
>had 2 am spaghetti
well at least I had only a small meal during the day so I'm still in a deficit
>unironically advocating sneed oils
good goy

1. use butter
2. dry with paper towel before seasoning (and using salt, ofc)
3. use higher temperature
4. use BBQ or if you can't do that, indoor odourless grill (what I use and it's amazing)
5. Use herbs and spices so your chicken doesn't look or taste like a "white people food" meme
normals make fun of me less in public
losing weight feels like the only thing ive done successfully this year. it's a bittersweet feel, mostly sweet
Asians and Indians have been using sesame oil for centuries and they're still far healthier than the average amerilardo. Being deranged about seed oils is the ultimate giveaway that you know nothing about biology besides what your influencers spoonfeed you on brainrot shortform content.
No oil is better than limited seed oils is better than limited butter is better than lots of seed oils is better than lots of butter.
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Got really drunk last night, feeling fucking awful, and over ate. At 28 I'm not sure if I want to get this drunk again, and it fucked my diet.
Just think about whether Emi would want to do this with you if you were morbidly a beast and an alcoholic.
>Asians and Indians have been using sesame oil for centuries and they're still far healthier than the average amerilardo
Poo in loo
My BMI is 26, I'm not morbid, just fat. Also I prefer bacon and then blind,
I posted Emi because it was the first acceptable reaction image I had.
using a small amount probably isn't a big deal, but if you aren't already using them, there's no reason to add them
especially when there's superior alternatives
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>uh ackshually we're the healthiest country on earth guey no mames
>if you disagree you're indian or however the boston donut is creamed
Fair enough. Drink in moderation, and remember
>Fair enough. Drink in moderation, and remember
As soon as I start drinking all control goes and I'm down to party. I need to remember this feeling but I fear I won't. Maybe I should say never again, idk I need to think on this when not hungover.
You're 28 not 70. The calories suck but don't write off drinking, you have a lifetime of drunk nights ahead of you.
I wrote the number of lbs I need to lose on my bathroom mirror: 50. I need to lose fifty pounds. I've lost and gained so many times. I won't lose focus again.
I believe in you barbarian anon
I mealprepped a shredded chicken dish and it tastes like fucking shit. A complete waste of food.

Can someone please recommend me some recipes? I need something:
1. I can prepare in just an oven (no stovetop)
2. Savory
3. I can prep on Sunday and eat until Friday
I usually use Chicken Thighs just cuz they taste better.
Does anyone have any advice for helping their friends & family lose weight?
One of my best friends is morbidly obese, 180kg / 400lb. He's 30 now but will probably going to be dead before he reaches 40, and I really want to help him avoid that.
He does want to lose weight, and we talk about it often. But he has depression, a lot of delusional ideas about weight loss, and I don't think he really understands how bad the problem is.
Because of that, none of my advice is sticking. I know it's his individual journey, but is there anything that I can do to help him?
Use Retinol cream, probably the only proved cream compound that helps skin "stick to the muscle" a bit, but if you are dropping from severely obese then it will help less. I dropped from 230 pounds to 200 and now I am trying to drop to 175, so far no lose skin aside from stretch marks from my chest, thans to hypertrophy
I like using mfp to count what you are eating. It makes every piece of food a decision and tells you your goal intake.
egg bites :)
Although baked chicken just seems like the most practical since no stove top.
Beat him up untill he can't eat
I've tried to get him on MFP for ages. I recommended just logging his calories for a few weeks even without a deficit so that he could find his maintenance and get used to logging it. But he never even downloaded it.
The next time I saw him after he said he would try it out, he told me that he thought he should eat more because he was getting too tired at the gym.
Maybe you should explain the reason he's tired is because he weighs 400lbs
>What does it feel like?
Good but I'm usually more focused on defeating my current plateau than cheering over the progress. Sometimes I am awash with a buzz of positive energy though.

>changes you notice
It's more comfortable to stand, sit and whatever without such a big gut. My computer chairs don't creak and I fit into my old clothes that I couldn't wear for years. Even if I didn't care about long term benefits to health or people's opinions [I do] I still think it's worth it because having a fat cut just is physically uncomfortable.
Tell him he's too fat to get muscles, he needs to focus on fat loss which he's clearly failing at. I think you've got to be harsh.
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>no stovetop
Fuck, I honestly don't have anything suitable for meal prep for an oven, but there's a very simple yet satisfying dish I cook in the oven from time to time:
>Some form of sosig (think Johnsonville or better, other forms of meat will work too but you'll have to dial the time in yourself).
>Yellow potatoes. It's better if they have thin skin, so you don't have to peel them.
I'm usually aiming at about 600~700 calories worth of sausages and 300~400 calories worth of potatoes
>Wash the potatoes, cut them in eights, throw them in a bowl, dry them up with a paper towel or something
>Add a bit of oil (I use EVOO), weight and count the calories. You don't need a lot but you need like 5~10 grams to cover potatoes properly
>Add salt, pepper, your preferred spices if you have any (I like red pepper, dry basil and oregano also work nicely even if they'll mostly burn to be honest - they create a nice crust if anything)
>Toss the potatoes in oil and spices, load them onto a tray, and put in a preheated oven (I'm doing it on a "grill" mode that's just a bit hotter than the highest temp my oven usually goes to, which is 250C) for 30 minutes (you might have to dial that up to 45~50 minutes depending on your oven)
>Meanwhile, score the sosig (or other meat), and toss it in the residue oil and spices from the potatoes (you'll need to add more salt if you are just using chicken or something)
>When the potatoes have 10 minutes left to go, toss the sosig right on top of them and continue baking.
That's it.
Typing it out probably took longer than the active work involved in actually cooking it.
You can add a bit of butter to the potatoes after they are done, tastes great. I usually end up with a portion of about 1200~1300 kcal.
Pairs well with gherkins.

Consider looking into meat pies. You can bake them in bulk, as well as prep and freeze them (without baking).
Stuff like uchpuchmak or rasstegai should have fairly decent macros I think.
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Im fakefasting with sugar free energy drinks
enjoy your cancer
I hope you didn't type that from a phone, anon.
just continue practising chicken, that's how you get better at stuff
once you get it right right RIGHT, it's god tier food
i don't even know how you could have fucked this up
The motivation has to come from him. You can buy him a kitchen scale and explain CICO and TDEE but it has to make sense to HIM, and that's a process that took me roughly 31 years even though it's so fucking simple
just go all out and bring him along to 4chan, tell him globohomo is psyoping him into eating slop so white women can be bred by bbc, link him to this thread and fattycontestpill him
>woke up
>weigh in
>94.3 kg
>go do morning bathroom stuff
>pissed my dick off and shat my guts out

Why yes i do indeed excrete negative mass shits how did you know?
>weigh again
>94.5 kg
I tried that too. He already goes on /pol/, /g/ and /v/ (plus probably more), and I've even linked him to this thread at least once. It's honestly really sad, because he does want to get married and have kids some day. He rightfully sees his weight as an obstacle to that, but only from the perspective of "women won't like me" rather than "I'll die before my kids reach school age".
Methane is lighter than air bro, always weigh yourself before farting.
I'm at a healthy weight already, but I still have a bit of a gut without abs and some fat in my face. I will try to lose a bit more. I hope I'm not becoming anorexic.
lmao mfs be having BMI 24.999 and think they're normal
nigga if you're one glass of water away from overweight you need to lose a lot more
Healthy weight (assuming you're using BMI) is a surprisingly lenient category. Some people look puffy and fat, and some like skeletons. I don't know if the numbers have been shifted to account for everyone being over-weight or why that is.
I had anorexia in my teens and the lowest I got was still within healthy normal weight.
>absolutely fucked up day
>everything that could've gone wrong did go wrong
>horrifically humid
>in pain
>domestic in the house I have no control over
>ridiculous friend group drama I have to deal with
>can't even play vidya well today

>check scales next morning to see my Plateau gave out and I'm over 2 pounds down from the day before

Thank you woosh, wether it's just because I sweated out literal pounds of fluids in this shit weather or it's some devils bargain I don't care I'm just glad something came along to even out what was an otherwise terrible evening we are so back
I can't seem to dip below 78kg. I have been around this weight for several years now, I guess its time for me to accept it. Even though I would like to slim down more I don't think it's worth the effort for me.
have you tried eating less?
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i have weird stripling along the langer lines of my thighs, which happens to be where fat most easily accumulates on my body. It looks kind of like if you lightly score a sand zen garden with a tiny rake: well-ordered parallel lines of tiny impressions on my skin. I've lost about 20kg so far and I'm thinking this may be the start of loose skin. It kind of tracks with image examples I see in google images.
On one hand it's sad that I'm gonna get loose skin since I'm only about halfway through. On the other hand if I'm gonna get bad loose skin anywhere then the thighs are the best place, since i don't really care much how they look compared to stomach, chest and face. Guess you lose some you win some. Hope I don't get it too bad elsewhere.

Pic not mine but off google, left looks similar to mine, though mine are more near the groin rather than down near the knees.
Yeah that's perplexing lmao. I'm currently at 90kg pretty evenly and trying to finally break that plateau. Once I get to 83-85kg range I can be a bit happier.
Anyone here has ACTUALLY made it? Meaning, actually reached your goal weight and feel actually comfortable with your body?
No one ever truly makes it
In late highschool I went from 180lb to 130lb (5'4") I went from a social outcast to a desirable element. The lack of ass fat makes sitting more uncomfortable. All sorts of clothes fit and while self consciousness is ingrained after a childhood of being fat the confidence increase is evident. It's easier to participate in social and public events. You can take long walks and take part in physical/sporty social events without a second thought.

I gained in back and more as a young adult and then dieted again, 230lb to 145lb. At this point the biggest difference is I felt lighter, healthier, had more endurance, and enjoyed the increase of confidence more than I did as a teenager.

Now in current year I once again gained back all the wait because I had two children, started at 220lb now I'm at 206lb, now my focus is being healthier and living longer for my family. I feel embarrassed for gaining it back twice but it's so difficult to be consistent with low TDEE maintenance after growing up as a fat kid (thanks parents), the psychological aspect of weight-loss should not be downplayed
I had a health checkup today.
It's the first time in ~4 years I had normal blood pressure.
I reached my goal weight, decided I felt alright there and managed to stay there without efforts for year. Then a whole bunch of shit happened to my life and I stress ate through all of it, and now I'm here again. I didn't open /fat/ once when I was fit tho, so I suspect you're only going to get replies from other fattier
I reached a 23 BMI and gave up. Now, after 2 years, I'm still at 23 BMI and finally going to try to go lower than that. The most impressive thing is that I maintained the same weight for 2 years without dieting. I eat whatever my mom made, plus chocolate, cookies, cakes, burgers, etc. This is insane.
The real problems and scars are internal
yeah multiple times
look at the fatty contest
a lot of people go through herculean weight loss efforts and lose 100 lbs and then they just gain it right back

making it appears to be temporary for most
Because a lot of people sadly treat this as a race where you can stop running once you've reached the finish line that is your goal weight. But you gotta keep jogging your whole life
Most fatty contest completionists have remained fit or at worst, a lot less fat than they were from the start. You have some slingshot candidates, but even they are still trying after regaining the weight. People here are not the 99 percentile of the general population who regain it all in five years, people here are actively fighting against regression to the norm
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>lower my kcal intake and eat 2700kcal per day
>lose like 7kg in a month and a few days
>got injured and had to stay at home, no work for a week
>eat 1800kcal
>stop losing weight
did I burn that many calories in my work?
Just keep counting calories once you hit your goal weight it's that fucking simple. For at least a year, but c'mon, if your fat ass got here your natural instinct for calories might be off
Did you calculate your new TDEE? It goes down the more weight you lose. Put in your weight and pick "sedentary."

maybe you just gained some water weight.
one week is not enough data.
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I kinda started drinking diet pop. Lemonade and orange soda. I don't want caffeine.
I should really stick to only water and herbal tea, rite?
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yes, and it makes sense, it's just that I was right at first, my work is considered as moderate exercise (/fit/ told me to pick sedentary), and it just surprises me how my work burns so many calories

I'm weighting daily (I know I shouldn't)
I think compulsive soda fatties are the most pathetic of all. Imagine being a grown adult who doesn’t like ice cold water. ngmi
if you are weighing yourself daily just mark it on a chart and observe the curve long term.
Fatty Contest

Oops forgot
water and tea will be healthiest. diet drinks wont impact your weight loss though.

I think its kinda subhuman to think you are better for preferring one beverage over another.
what a stupid thing to attach self worth to.
Well, go by the sedentary TDEE measurement and eat below that and weight loss will continue for sure. Do you do factory work? A buddy of mine gets 7 miles of walking in a day from his factory job
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Trump said it best:
I've never seen a thin person drinking diet soda
>diet drinks wont impact your weight loss though
I'm more worried about the chemichals in it.
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I'm pretty happy with how I turned out. Still have a lot more lean mass to add though.
nope sorry maximus bloatlord but the subhuman thing is living off 2 liters of pepsi for hydration
its obviously not healthy like the other options listed.

nigger you're in the fat general you are a bloatlord.
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>Well, go by the sedentary TDEE measurement and eat below that and weight loss will continue for sure.
yep, I'm adjusting my diet to go below that, for now I'm not hungry so it's okay

>Do you do factory work?
I'm a postman (I do my daily route walking everywhere)
I got fat off of food like a real american
you turned out really well, count your blessings for no loose skin flaps
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Great transformation. Congratulations!
Oh, that's legitimate exercise. Still, best to veer on the side of caution with the calculator, else you have stalls or in worst cases, gains. Don't listen to that reddit crap about "atypical anoxeria", if you're in /fat/ you can probably afford to go on a larger deficit.
Fatty contest
Back from 1.5 weeks vacation.. only 10 pounds gained but hopefully means a quick loss now that I'm starting diet proper again, but also showed me how whatbi used to est was probably way too much(this gain was prolly just from all the drinking)
Started at 315
Currently 236
I see and feel nothing. My legs, hips, ass, stomach, and man tits are exactly as big as they were 80 lbs ago.
I still have pain when I sleep.
I still can't run more than a minute at a time without choking for air through burning throat and lungs.
I still have no muscle definition.
Nobody notices I lost the weight because my body composition is exactly the same.
My watch says I went from 42% body fat to 33% but it's meaningless.
Things don't start to make a difference until you reach sub 20% body fat. Then it all clicks.
The hardest part is, coming so far with 0 feeling of progress, and running up against a brick wall plateau of weight loss. The struggle is real and I can't get below 230. My body yearns to put the mass back on, and I feel burnt out.
>What does it feel like?
Felt like i was still a fat fuck and didnt matter because i gained it all back
Good, go on a 1 month vacation now
Lol thats how i sleep
I've gone from 280 and 184 and I know how you feel, I looked the same for a long time, because you're still just fat for a lot of that, only less so.
But the changes do become more dramatic and obvious once you get to like 200 and below, at least they did for me. Can actually see muscle on my arms and legs (not stomach though, still too fat there)
Keep fighting brother, it gets better
Fatty Contest
Thanks friend and good work to you. I have a lot going on medical wise, my endo suspects I have a pituitary adenoma causing my super low FSH, total, free and bioavailable test. This could be a big part of why it's been such a struggle for me. I'm actually hoping there is a tumor there because then I can at least feel some relief to why things have been such a challenge. I know it's not meant to be easy, but there ARE variable levels of struggle for each individuals journey and fuck me if I feel absolutely hamstrung. Feels like some invisible force is actively fighting me to succeed. I'll keep fighting in the meantime though while waiting for answers from my doctors. No fucking way I fall back into my old ways and blow up again. I'm over this shit.
When you get to your goal weight, will you date fat chicks?
>only 10 pounds gain
Anon that's a lot. Here's a tip that had me LOSE weight on vacation - just eat half portions. Going out to eat? Only eat half. Family member bake a lasagna? only eat half of what you are served. Works like a charm
fat chicks are horrible. they dont even compensate like some fat men try to.
no way fag, they are disgusting
Nah. If I could be guranteed a fat chick that would put as much effort into weight loss as me, maybe, but motivating other fatties lose weight is SO GODDAMN HARD. I feel like I'm interacting with my younger self giving him all the advice he needs to be happy and the fat fuck just doesn't listen
Date no, fugg yes.
The entire time I’ve been ultra fat 240+ was with a chubby girl. She isn’t a whale by any means but she definitely has a big round ass and tits and small belly. She carries it well trust me she looks good in a bathing suit to 90% of men.

Will I break up with her? Honestly it is a big possibility. I’m growing tired of our relationship and when I see ultra thin girls younger than her I feel so much more sexually excited.

And weight loss is really goddamn hard when your girl wants to eat birria tacos and italian subs every time you see each other.
How the hell do you attract a good looking girl while being that fat?
I just want to get rid of this disgusting excess fat, I gate being skinny fat.
Is a good thought for sure, b7t I was down to eating 2 burgers a day during the trio cause all the American guys I went with wanted was burgers, even when we went to an upscale place, but we drank about 4L of atleast 80 proof liqour over the week.. think that's where I fuckered up
nta but personality, confidence and good sense of humor is the holy trinity, if you have all 3 looks don't matter 90% of the time
One of the reasons I only started my weightloss at 29 was because I never had any problems with my sex life despite being 317 pounds so I never felt any kind social pressure to change. Since I was fat since childhood I realized I never knew how I looked underneath all the fat and that life, my friends and my family are too fun to die from a heart attack at 40
well when I got her I was about 220 and had been lifting a little.. but honestly?

6’0, nice enough face (jawline could still use work), white, good hair, always smell really good, can make her laugh and do silly things, show her some real music, get her drunk, fuck her hard — congratulations now she is obsessed with you; being funny, feigning confidence, and putting on the pressure goes a lot farther than you think trust me

and girls with a booty don’t mind some pudge believe it or not, there is more to getting laid than being really skinny — I have some skeleton friends who are absolute pussy repellent because of the general vibe they give off

obviously some 5’7 balding manlet might not have the same ability but most people will truly surprise themselves when they put in real effort
I'm gonna have sex with so many fat women when I get skinny
they'll just make you fat again through osmosis.
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I've been doing PSMF on 800 kcals a day for 3 weeks and cut a lot of fat real quick.
Maybe 3 more weeks for 6-7kg more fat loss and I am finally done for this cut.
I even built some muscle on that heavy deficit thanks to the doctors special sauce.
you look huge bro your traps are nasty
Ivd noticed fat missing in alot of places you dint notice while clothed, but I'm noticing that I've got alot of loose skin on my back especially
Tysm, we all gonna make it!
ironic coming from a fatty who eats like shit
What excercises are you doing to build these traps and shoulders?
Looking great
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Traps just shrugs 2-3 times a week after the workout for 3 sets till failure (minimum 12 reps).

Shoulders are bit more complicated (pic related):

I focus mainly on side delts (rear delts I do on my pull/back day).
I have a shoulder A and shoulder B day (but I do triceps also on that day).
Just my shoulder workout looks like pic related.
High intensity, medium volume, medium frequency and focusing on the long length position of muscle, meaning the stretched part.
Thats why I prefer cable exercises over dumbbells and smith machine, over free weight OHP. You can easily do a few more half reps in the stretched position for more intensity and hypertrophy.
I weight the same but my waist is 4cm down from 2 weeks ago, I honestly didn't take care of my diet so I take this small victory lol
PSMF works really well but its fucking hell to live with, especially because it expects you to lift still on a massive deficit.
What a weird feeling. I normally would feel mad that you're showing off a body that good but I don't. I'm actually ecstatic that I still have such a long road ahead. It's like motivation fuel. Insane results man. May the cut gods give you the strength to push oat your goals.
Dont stress it, at the beginning of the year I had a deadly disease and was bed ridden for 1 month in the hospital, gaining 20-30kg fat over that time and the months I had to recover after.
I had to learn how to walk, talk, shower and everything.
Thankfully muscle memory and sticking to my program and diet made me bounce back really quickly. That picture is probably 2-3 months after I started lifting again after I had to pause for 9 months...
Just stick to it and you will make it! Not everything is as easy as it looks and people have ups and downs.
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>be fat retard
>tired of it
>over 8 months go down to 130kg
>brain becomes functional again
>go from there to 87kg in 5 months eating 500kcal a day avg
>lose 90% of muscles
>return to eating normally
>spike up to 100kg and flatline for a year
>want muscles again tired of being weak
>get a more active life
>now at 113kg and feel tired and bad all the time

What do I do to not lose as much muscle/only the fat? I lost the 40ish kg by literally wasting away playing video games all day at work and sleeping 12 hours. cut all social life and activities, and it was pretty bad for my mental health.
I can just do it again but surely there is a better way. I'm going to be under 100 by jan 1st either way.
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Hey lads. some quick stats and a question.
>5'8, started at 300 lbs last year, now 220
last year, my main lifts at 3x5 were as follows
>bench 2pl8, now down to 185
>OHP 155 now down to 135
>squat 260 now down to 225
I had a few injuries (sprained wrist, some sort of shoulder injury, and knee issues) that attributed to the strength loss on top of being in a 750ish calorie deficit for a year. I'm getting 130-160 grams of protein a day, but can't get any of my lift numbers up. Do i need to increase protein or am I just kind of fucked until I start bulking? thx in advance
A cut will always result In a loss of strength to some extent. You lift during a cut to maintain muscle mass and avoid as much loss as possible. You won't travel the same distance with only half a tank of gas as you'd do with a full one.
more protein, lift consistently, smaller calorie deficit

you know this though so the real answer is trying harder and building habits
I tried the gym for like 4 months and couldnt keep up, I work for 11 hours a day and i cant fucking wake up any earlier than I already do, but the gym is always packed after work. no space at home since I live with other flatmates who dont care about themselves.
What I can do is stay active, walk more at work and hike on weekends, I can easily squeeze one gym session in a week on the weekends too for just arms and chest.
add six sets of push ups and pull ups to failure 6/7 days a week
>Finally start stretching
>Suddently feel like a new man
Lost 45 pounds in 12.5 weeks. Started at 278, weighed 233 yesterday. I'm 5'11. Subsisted on almost nothing but pistachios and chicken every day. I work warehousing so I lift boxes and shit for multiple hours for 5 days every week.
truth. that's why I'm still cutting down despite being 24.5 bmi
Never really tried to lose weight my entire life so I have no idea how much muscle I'm really losing. Losing 3.6 pounds a week sounds kinda bad, but work at the warehouse still feels the same. If anything it's easier for me to lift boxes these days.
I look online and see people saying losing more than 3 pounds a week is asking for trouble, and I've been trying to maintain a caloric diet to lose only 2 pounds a week, and only just recently have I done the math and realized I've been losing much more on average.
1-2 pounds a week is what doctors recommend, because they are legally liable, it's what they recommend to old ladies as well, a completely blanket universal number
if you're an otherwise healthy young male who's above 30BMI / 30% BF you can lose a lot more with minimal muscle loss, which becomes essentially nothing if you keep protein above 100g a day and do minimal strength exercise
Hmm, I see. If that's true then that makes things less stressful for me. I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and eat my 1500 calorie pistachio/chicken diet.
seems legit
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>Lost 40lbs so far (340-300)
>Fellow wagie comments on how good i look
>Realise i'm such a ham beast that i look 'good' at 300lbs compared to how i did
I know he meant good but it honestly just made me realise how much of a obeast i was and still am
lose another 40 and see what they say then
if you never do then you will never know
One thing that I’ve started to notice is that I only lurk here when I’m hungry.
you're looking at the sad part instead of the good part (which is bigger)
think again
don't get stuck in the past, enjoy the present
I'm not going to stop, it just made me realise how disgusting i must have appeared to the people around me at my heaviest. Better late than never i guess
Yeah true, it just was a bit of a reality check was all. Lots of work to go.
I tend to lurk here for the first two weeks of my diet motivation then I give up and leave
I do that too, except it's the first two months instead
I sorta do the same. In general I'm the kind of person that watches recipe videos to kill my hunger
that makes me way more hungry that is pure torture
It makes you hungry for stuff that you can't have on the spot tho, because it takes preparation. It actually inspires me to plan something more satisfying to eat.
Any good meal prep channels or websites that aren't behind a paywall?
I've been gathering tiktoks but that's not ideal. Just got an air fryer too so that should help
> ate 1700 calories yesterday
>lost 1 pound
I know it's just water weight but feels fucking good man
Water weight is definitely the biggest cope in this general
water weight killed my dad okay
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if I go over my maintenance kcal intake, that doesn't mean ALL those extra calories are going right into fat right? some of them are going to help build muscle
or how does this work?
is the milk diet real?
gallon of milk a day is 1600 calories
drink that and nothing else
cheap, easy, great protein, healthy fat, enough carbs for working out, no man made chemicals, all natural
>some of them are going to help build muscle
Yes but only if you use your muscles a lot
fuck motivation, just do it faggot.
>t. 80 pounds down in 14 months fatty
unironically preferred them
my life is weird and I've only had attractive, thin girlfriends. and I'm upset about it. Greener grass and all that

I did have sex with a huge chick once and I came buckets. It's probably still dried up and crusty in her folds somewhere.
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me when I started

>spend my whole life being depressed and miserable
>lift a weight 3 times and pull on a rope
>Suddenly have a desire to conquer planets and must get myself fit to do so
>Suddenly desire to have sex and achieve a body capable of acquiring it from women

no one told me it was so easy
Any time I hear the word water weight I viscerally cringe because it's what my mom says all the time when she's 600 pounds and I've seen her shoving her gullet full of lard
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Home scales are garbage. or at least mine is and maybe yours is too.
I like to weigh myself a few times consecutively sometimes, just to see the results scattered across 2 to 3 pounds.
I asked something smarter than me how to formalize this, see picrel if that's what you're into.
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Any anons use VR to help lose weight?
I have a really hard time pushing myself when exercising to keep going
Obviously it's not lifting, but I've been lifting as well and trying to use VR as cardio and it's kinda working

Beat Saber on expert and other games makes me sweat like nothing else. I guess the bing bing wahoo makes it easier for me to keep going. I can stay in beat saber for an hour, but after like 2 minutes of just exercising I just want to leave.
There's a calories burned and minute counter built in too. It's not going to be exact or anything but pushes me to keep going which is what I need
According to it I burned 260 calories in 44 minutes earlier which flew by.
>want to weigh in but I haven't had a shit in over a week
it's over.
Do not believe any calculation about how many calories you burned but yeah man whatever gets you off the couch
yeah I know but the math doesn't matter other than it's a number I can make go up and that's fun

I know whether I shoved my gullet, being off by 100-200 calories doesn't matter
Yes but:
- stick to whole milk, to get optimal nutrition and satiety and stuff.
- a gallon of whole milk is 2400 calories, so maybe don't go through a full gallon a day.
- "no man made chemicals" is highly dependent on where you source your milk. you'll want milk from pasture grass-fed cows, to try and minimize the amount of FDA-allowable puss in your food supply (up to 400,000,000 puss cells per liter of milk can be sold to you legally.) Not having the cows stuck in an industrial cowschwitz facility might also improve their milk's nutritional value.
- probably don't do this for too long, and take multivitamins, fish oil, etc, etc.
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>a gallon of whole milk is 2400 calories
damn, youre right, I googled it and it defaulted to 1%
dudes will really do anything to avoid eating chicken breast and broccoli
I don't any personal preference. I'm just into girls who are real and in front of me and are giving me bedroom eyes, which usually means chubby girls. I am become plapjack, destroyer of piglets.
I used to do 10k steps per day or 40 minutes with at least 400cals burned of beatsaber as part of cardio
As the other anon mentioned dont take the numbers as being accurate but rather just as a metric of how hard you went
Its good exercise and definitely worth doing if you are too lazy to do cardio the normal way but definitely cant give you the same gains as lifting weights
Also going to your original question, any form of cardio is good to do for various health reason but it will never directly drop the weight off you, thats 99% dependant on your calories
>1 week 82.75kg
wow, nice progress
>2 week 83.10
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SW: 352
CW: 297

Finally broke under 300 only 118 more pounds to lose feels so good man
Yeah, I feel really good about myself. I'm still in a long-term process of cutting and bulking to try and get to a lower BF% at a similar weight, but I'm confident that I'll never be fat again. I keep coming here because I want to help others. I've actually thought about starting a fat camp if I ever get rich enough for the starting funds.
>didn't eat the extra chinese food today
Another under maintenance day achieved.
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its normal
weight fluctuates but the average goes down (as long as you are on a cal def)
You done good, bud.
Back from vacation
Will weigh in tomorrow morning and see what damage I did
Definitely didn't hit old bingeing habits but I did have burgers and pizza and fries for the first time in half a year
I've been drinking a 24oz tall boy and eating a quarter pounder per day and I'm never hungry
that is all I have a day which is like almost 1000 calories

slop is the only way I can reach cico
You shall not reach elysium through the slop
I eat 4 eggs, 4 oz deli meat, 4 string cheese sticks, and 2 mcdoubles
1600 cals a day
every day for 2 months now
lost 18 pounds
if it's stupid and it works, it aint stupid
jesus christ bro get some fiber for gods sake
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I miss food when I've been fasted for a while and as soon as I finish eating I miss being empty..
there is no winning
Ate some salted cashews from a can today. Maybe it's the fact that my only nut exposure for a long time has been unsalted raw almonds and peanut butter, but holy shit were these salty, my lips and mouth burned.
since when did she get cat ears, not a fan
Winning is eating at a steady, low calorie pace so that you never miss eating or being hungry. Don't fall into unhealthy habits like fasting and binging
This. A lot of people here dont seem to realise that trading one eating disorder for another will not work long term

Rather than focusing on not eating you should be focusing on eating right to get the right nutrients and also doing at least 200 minutes of cardio a week.

The health profile benefits from doing cardio will make you eat less naturally. Trying to force willpower through not eating when youre a food addict with a broken hormone profile wont work. A steady diet and exercise is the best route. Not fasting
My wedding band is getting loose. :^)
>used to train daily, would wake up at 5.30 am, perfect weight
>covid happened
>never went to the gym again
>now a hambeast

Time to get on calorie restriction and train again, what is your actual routine at the gym atm? I used to do GSLP but I think I need more motivation.
>200 minutes of cardio a week
I don't run but I do get a lot of walking.
nah fuck all that I'm gonna continue fasting and walking 15k steps a day
How do you walk so much in public as a fat ass? I hate feeling embarrassed or humiliated and unless I do a light jog and I'm dripping sweat I can see smirks and stink eye, a couple of college girls laughed at me the other day. I try to be secretive about my Pokémon shit lest I look like a bigger fag
I cut out high calorie drinks, switched to a very small breakfast, and a relatively small lunch. However, I'm also trying to avoid large calorie deficits because I'm terrified of excessive loose skin. I'm ending up eating dinner that's larger than I'm comfortable with to stay within the range I'm targeting (not quite as much as when I would binge, but not what I want to be normal).
Should I care about that and change something or is it not a big deal? If so, should I force myself to eat breakfast and a larger lunch, or should I drink some of the calories? To be honest, I'm not unhappy with the amount of breakfast or lunch at all, and I would much rather have a soda than either of them, but I get the impression that most people would not consider that the wise option.
Obviously this is only a problem in the (hopefully) short-term until my calorie target is lower.
Dont worry so much about loose skin, just take care if your skin (exfoliate&moisturize) and lift to build muscle to fill it back out. Try diet soda if you're fiending that hard, and eat what you're comfortable with. Don't force feed or starve yourself if it's harmful yo your long term goals
I don't know how big you are (right now im 108.3 kilos) but it's really just not something I get selfconscious about.
I guess it helps that I've never been openly mocked about my weight since I was like 8.
Some guy rolled down his car window and called me a faggot one night and internally I thought it was kinda funny. I would've said "thank you" had he braked instead of going full speed.
Fuck. I'm 84kg and I dunno if I'm just a sensitive little fairy or if kids are just mean. You're a tough customer, anon. Last Friday I was in Walmart and two college guys were really laughing and snickering and shushing each other following behind me, all I had in my cart was deodorant, shampoo, and brown listerene so it must not have actually been about me?
do you eat peanut butter?
>really just not something I get selfconscious about.
*Except on the very rare occasion when I get bubble tea. Then I rightfully feel out of place since I'm not a dainty Asian.
>The health profile benefits from doing cardio will make you eat less naturally
what does this mean
I don't find that cardio suppresses my appetite either. Maybe HIIT does.
Lost fifteen pounds so far in the last six weeks or so, mostly by eating less. I almost never take pictures of myself or willingly show up in someone else's pictures, but I got curious and just took a few. Man, I looked awful. My profile is horrendous as far as how bloated my face looks, my facial hair was hiding it facing the mirror head on. And I didn't realize how thin my hair was getting in the back near the root. I can't help being bald, but the last thing I wanna be is bald AND fat. Especially when I'm trying to get a career going. That much more motivation to get my shit together.
Get under 200 and you'll start to notice changes. I went from 238 to about 185 and I really didn't look any different at 210, as soon as I got below 200 though I could run comfortably and that helped a ton. 200 seems to be the magic number for me. My weight will creep up to 195 and that's when I kick it in the ass now and fast or whatever it takes to get back in the 180's
Don't give up man. Wagmi
Do you have a dry well near you? If not then there isn't anything you can really do.
Probably the most impactful is to get super fit yourself and show him what he could be by living the chad life and being extremely enthusiastic. You may even have to start calling him a fat fuck every time you see him. Either way, you should start to move on a bit with your life.
Sometimes moving on from people is the only way people can face real consequences for their life choices and it'll protect you when his health seriously declines.
Yes it's harsh but you cannot save somebody who doesn't want to be saved. Not everybody will make it. At some point you have every right to think of yourself. When people tell you it's not your fault with what happens to a guy like that they really mean it.
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how many grams of carbs to pounds of bodyweight do you frens aim for on refeed day?
picrel first save of refeed supplies.
YGMI king
you just sound paranoid bro, no one gives a flying fuck about what you in your cart, for example do you remember what was in those kids' carts?
and no, people are not laughing at you, well the only exception are school kids under 13 or so, they can be irrational little shits that haven't learned about social norms
just walk, the more you walk and the more you lose the better you'll feel walking, confidence gains are important too
Getting a couple of All-Bran Buds tomorrow to deal with constipation. I always feel like I'm carrying around extra weight.
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Any suggestions for non-sweet oats recipes?
I've been finding overly sweet flavors kinda sickening, and it's been hard to finish my usual "Overnight oats with fruit".

I especially need something I can prepare before hand... Either all at once on the weekend or just the night before.
just google savory oats recipe

leanbeefpatty just posted a video where she does savory oats for dinner, i didn't even know that was a thing
>stuffed from dinner and it wasn't even 600 calories
How the hell
That's called being normal
she gets more muscular every time I see a picture of her
i think it's time to try to quit being a daily coffee drinker
i spend too much money on it and i barely do anything to be taking stims anyway
I don't particularly care about macros if it's my first meal after days of fast but I usually end up around 0.5g of carbs per pound. This is not based on a conscious choice, it's just an average. I try to do cardio on refeed days so I kind of justify eating carbs for dinner
Threadly reminder that
I just make regular balanced meals
This is a favorite of mine, I just double the chicken, dump in more frozen veggies and eat 2 portions + fruit as dessert.
Alternatively you can use the same recipe to make "chow mein" with whole wheat spaghetti.
>9 mile incelwalk
>32 hrs into fasting

Refeed is tomorrow afternoon/evening
Whenever I eat every day I'm hungry all the time and its torture, after like the first day or two of fasting I never feel hungry. I just find fasting so much easier to stick to.
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>do squats - ohp - assisted dips
>finish with 15 minutes rowing
>pulls at arms and legs but nothing acute
>take a breath at end, hydrate, shower
>sit down
>sudden nausea
Happened three times in a row. I never actually had bile rise up or anything but should I take it slower post rowing? I don't get anything like that if it's just lifts. (Possibly because I lift DYEL amounts)
Same here, with a consistent small calorie deficit my urge to binge eat is easy to give into
Those are some huge fucking pickles.
I lost like 100lbs once
my strategy went something like this:

the biggest issue for me regarding snacking, taking seconds or too big of servings etc is that it comes down to an internal "to eat or not to eat" debate in my head that I always inevitably failed due to non existent will power

the solution to this problem ended up starting with completely unrelated reflexive habit forming and learning to fight the impulse to eat with another impulse

basically if I saw anything out of place in my home, I would deal with it instantly. for example if i see a piece of trash, i would go to walk by it, but say "no" in my mind and go back and pick it up and throw it out

basically you do this with EVERYTHING YOU CAN, everything, even the most minuscule insignificant example helps, you see ANYTHING out of place, or there's any small chore you need to do, you do it. maybe you're a disgusting cretin and don't wash your hands sometimes, well you do now, and if you leave the washroom without washroom you say "no" and turn around and wash.

the key is that it doesn't actually matter how small the task is because quantity and consistency is what matters"

with repetition you build the reflexive habit of saying "no" and doing what youre supposed to do,

once you get the habit going thn you can you apply this to eating,

basically instead of having that "do i or dont I eat" debate in your head, you remove the debate all together with a pure knee jerk "no" . you win the debate by not participating in the debate.

if youre like me , what this will look like is you getting up and going to the kitchen over and over and over again to eat, then saying "no" and going to sit down again. its not one time thing, and you will get up to snack several times an hour for days/weeks, but you just have to cut that thought process with a pure impulsive knee jerk "no" and go an sit down again every time
then its just a race against time for you to mentally adjust to not snacking and stuff. you have to keep that reflexive "no" habit going for long enough that your body and mind adjust and the cravings become less and less compulsive as time goes on
You probably need a longer end of workout cooldown where you more gradually lower your activity level.
I realized after starting dieting that the portions I used to eat I only ate because I could, not because I needed to. Now I always eat my smaller portion and feel I could eat more, but then after a couple minutes I feel full
I am sisyphus pushing my gut up the hill
Is it possible to learn this power? I never feel full until I've absolutely overstuffed myself. If I eat less than that I'm hungry the rest of the day and I just have to endure the constant cravings.
>be funny
how 2 become funny?
it feels like half the time I try to make a joke it falls flat, but I can sometimes turn that into a laugh by saying "no one laughed? alright, I'm killing myself"
Just eat less
Women like a guy who likes himself. Most fat fucks hate themselves for being fat fucks and women pick up on that. They're like biologically tuned to be repulsed not only by fat guys, but also by guys who don't like who they are or trying to be someone they're not.

The secret to getting women to like you is to first learn to be comfortable with who you are and to like yourself for it. Being tall, generally good looking, wealthy, and charismatic with good social skills help a lot too.
I'm doing that, the part I'd like to learn is how to eat less and then magically feel satisfied instead of having to endure cravings the rest of the day.
Gone from 360 to 256 since March. My brain thinks I'm still the same but every now and again I catch glimpses of the man I'll eventually look like. Mostly it's my general fitness like walking up a steep hill and maintaining a conversation without worry or being able to pick shit up off the floor without it effort.
Beef makes me feel great.
Went from 386lbs to 154lbs

On the plus side: I like standing up without feeling pain in my knees or back. I like being able to stand around without shifting from one foot to the other. I like being able to get out of bed feeling refreshed and energetic. I like not having to worry about being too fat to sit/stand on stuff without it breaking. I like not being sore after doing even the most basic physical exertion. I like being able to run and jump without worrying about hurting my knees/feet. I like not feeling weighed down all the time.

On the negative side: I've got a shitton of loose skin and it's probably never going to get better without surgery and I'm ashamed to take off my shirt around people. Girls often give me the "ick" face when they see all my loose skin and its hard to warn them ahead of time, you tell them you used to be fat and that you've got loose skin but they think its like stretchmarks, not hanging flaps. I've kept the weight off for over a year now and the loose skin hasn't improved at all.
Post weight
Well done bro
Sucks that you have loose skin tho. Maybe see the excess skin as some battle scar
Post weight you pussy, show us how much that meme diet has made you gain
they recommend 1-2 lbs a week because rapid weight loss can cause things like gallbladder issues and they're doctors whose job is to prevent you from getting sick
I kneel to your digits
Does anyone else like squishing the fat once it goes super loose and soft as you lose weight? It's like I'm a water balloon.
Yep, I'm addicted to touching myself
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>microwaved oats in water
>served cold
>with 92/8 ground beef
>and a bunch of sauce
that's fucking ghastly what the fuck?
How do people even maintain those bodybuilding diets when they cook THAT bad?
Fat bros.. Beer is slowing me down by a LOT but I'm struggling to quit. I drink about 2100kcal of beer per week, which is on average 2 daily beers (Some days I drink none, but sometimes 2, and sometimes maybe 4). I would like to reduce this intake to maybe no more than 2 beers per week.

Yesterday I drank a single beer, and today I'm aiming for drinking none. But holy shit the cravings I'm having. Basically I built a habit of drinking 1 beer before lunch, and 1 in the evening before dinner (occasionally could be more than that). And I'm struggling a lot not to drink. It's crazy how addictive it is, even if I wasn't abusing it heavily and wouldn't be considered an alcoholic by most. Even a two daily beers habit is proving crazy hard for me to break. Is there anyone else on the same boat?
Just drink 0, it's literally that easy.
My gunt has done that and it's both amusing to mess with and absolutely hideous to look at. Got like a drooping front butt and I can't wait to lose the last 70lbs so I can try and get lean as shit for just 1 summer of my life.
Based holy trips of luck.
I wish it was that simple anon. My mouth is watering right now, imagining a relaxing, refreshing, fizzy, tasty beer. My brain is obviously suggesting it as something very positive for me, almost as if I need to drink it to survive.
Fighting against this impulse isn't easy at all. The dopamine release I get from beer is just too good.
there'll be cravings for at least a couple of weeks because in that amount it's mostly psychological. Best advice would be to just don't have beer around the house so even if the craving is too much you can't just give into it, that's what helped me to stop eating those extremely low cal no sugar diet candies every time I had a craving for something sweet, they didn't impact my weightloss progress but I started feeling like an addict.
post body
I drank 45 beers a week for 10 years and quit cold turkey 2 months ago. Havnt had a drink since. Stop being a baby and making excuses, if you want to make progress, stop.
bro get a grip on reality, you are almost guaranteed to revert back lmao
I havnt drank in 2 months, you can't stop drinking. One of us needs to get a grip, faggot.
i'm not that anon, nigger

i can't even come up with a good analogy for how retarded your mindset is, it's like you were unemployed for an entire fucking decade, then got a mcdonalds job two months ago and go around telling people "stop being a baby and making excuses, just get a job"

literally lmaoing @ u rn
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>Dude starts making positive improvements and has a mindset shift
>Noooo you need to be down in the crab bucket with us
You post and sound like a child.
>walking planet stops being a full time drunk for two months
>some other anon asks for advice for quitting drinking
>instead of giving a more detailed empathic answer, talk about his recent experience of overcoming an addiction, or give an insight on his current mindset and what led to him making such a drastic change in his life for the better, just lazily posts "tough love"
i'm not a crab, i'm asking you to be a better person
I don't actually believe you were a drunk for 10 years then suddenly stopped, i think you're just larping, otherwise you'd probably have something more useful to say
Not that guy but I was unemployed for all 34 years of my life until the point I got a job as a electrician and I've held this job for 2 years now. Stop making excuses. You can get a job, you can stop drinking, you can go back to school, you can lose weight, its not over. Its not too late to make a change. When the urge to relapse into your old habits arises you fight it. You might not always win but aim to win more than you lose and never admit defeat.
You're like 16 arnt you kek. Your posts stink of a pseudo intellectual child.
I'm not that anon, but I had another vice where I just stopped.

If you actually want to quit, you can, I used to be addicted to pharmaceutical stimulants, one day I decided to stop, slept for a week, and never took them again.
if you can't give more insight, if your solution is "depressed? just don't be depressed" then you're just unintelligent, just admit to yourself that you don't have the brain capacity to give a more detailed answer and don't post anything
the physical steps to overcoming an addiction is to just not do it, yeah wow great advice
>want to become a surgeon? just go to medical school
To be fair I also had depression at one point and one day my brain just decided "that's enough of that" and it went away overnight.
>want to become a surgeon? just go to medical school
Yeah, how else are you suppose to do it? Fucking kek this kid.
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How do you guys spend your day? Eating is just so fun and it tickles my brain so well, I cannot spend a few hours without craving something. Even right now I want to stuff my face full of something.

I don't know how to get rid of this eating disorder anymore, I binge, feel like shit, purge in weird ways. Chips and chocolate is just so good, I am 187lbs and I really want to lose 10-20 more pounds but I just, cannot stop the craving. I stopped drinking beer last year and it really helped, I've turned to Vodka and it's great, makes me feel less bloated but fucks up my insides more, toilet in the morning is hell.

I have a very skinnyfat body, when I started working out and losing weight in the beginning of this year I went down 15lbs but it made my boobs so apparent, people started mistaking me for a girl at work. My waist gets thin but it shows off my hips and boobs even more. I just don't know what to do anymore. I hate wearing tshirts, and summer has been hell. At least I could hide my body under coats and hoodies in other seasons.

I am 20 years old, and I don't really care about having a girlfriend but it's just so hard to go out and see skinny people enjoy their life, I feel like I have to hide my appearance so people won't have their days ruined by the way I look.

Eating is my only escape, I get paid peanuts at work (I live in a 3rd world country) and my major at school is basically a dead end. I really don't know what to do anymore. My metabolism is fucking my social and family life beyond belief, at the minimum I spend 20 minutes in the toilet and that's with coffee and cigarettes.When I use laxatives and it kills my sleep since it's strong and wakes me up at 5 am, and I have to take atleast one more really bad toilet break in the day.

I am very envious of you who lost the weight or trying to, like, that is amazing that you cut your unhealthy habits and did that. But I just can't do it, I wake up and the only time I'm truly happy is when I eat.
Mind = broken
>I went down 15lbs but it made my boobs so apparent, people started mistaking me for a girl at work. My waist gets thin but it shows off my hips and boobs even more.
You could lose weight and be my GF
>people started mistaking me for a girl at work
we're gonna need to see some pics
I don't see anywhere in your long post any mention of eating healthy. Like, what's your diet like when you're NOT binging?

It's probably unhealthy non-filling processed slop. Start eating healthier, eating more, aim for at least 100g of protein every single day, get them from meat (which you cook yourself from scratch) and diary (lean heavily on diary if you don't have a lot of money). Just eat protein with every single meal.

If you're always full of good stuff, you will reduce the cravings for garbage. Being full of protein will give you energy, and it will all be better from there.

Also eat veggies, to help with your toilet issues. Green leafy vegetables with every meal. Tomato, carrots, onions, cucumber, etc. Stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol. Reduce coffee. Don't use laxatives.

Also, post your titties, I'm also curious.
Post bussy
should be dairy, not diary
and in my head this includes eggs, which are goated for protein in a budget.
>want to become a surgeon? just go to medical school
Yes, that is exactly how it works, If you want to do something just do it, you don't need an elaborate 15 step plan to start, you can figure it out as you go, if you don't meet the requirements go study until you meet them.

So many people forget you can just do things.
>only didn't order a 1am footlong last night because the app bugged out and didn't apply my credit and made me mad

the universe gave me an assist there.
Down from 132kg to 115kg


Been lifting the whole time and had a decent basis of muscle (sport my entire life). Genuinely get surprised how good I look with a pump, can't wait to drop another 30kg-40kg and see how much better I look. Praying I don't lose the muscles I currently have.

We all gonna make it
regained 90 lbs and it legit makes me want to kill myself
didnt even make it from obese to overweight last time
What happened?
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>t. high school dropout
applying to universities is one thing, getting accepted is another, finishing the degree another one
the requirements are more than 15 steps so you're just dumb
The mind of a child
fr all it takes is hard work and time
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I lost 141lbs until now. I have a Jawline, I can see forearm veins, if I flex REAAAAL hard I can see the beginning of a bicep vein. I also can just walk into any clothing store nowadays and just buy something that fancies me. Bought a DBZ hoodie when I was on vacation, and the only size they had was M, my fat mind immediately went "Ah well, too bad I don't fit that" but I tried in the fitting room anyway and it FIT. I can actually buy clothes in M/L sizes now without thinking about it too much.

Keep going anons, time will pass anyway. Stay on the grind.
It won't last - but you can get there more slowly.
This is what losing 50lb (25kg) looks like.
Yes, it is for (You).
I bought a case of dr pepper thinking I could handle drinking just one every few days
a few weeks later I was scarfing little debbie's

undid a year and a half's work in about 8 months
I'm just saying it's not linear. Mad weight loss at first, but then it tapers off.
Literally just drink diet soda. Why would you ever get the full fat stuff.
So get your premed degree, what's stopping you?
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Thanks anon, I do gay stuff from time to time but it's not something I want to build a relationship around.
Thank you for the veggies advice, I know I should be smart enough to know that but still.

And, photo of bod
what are some good food scales? i think the one i've got is shit and doesn't measure anything accurately
My entire life I have drank my calories via apple juice and milk; its really hard to kick the liquid jew and turn to only water, but I guess I've got to try seems like the only way.
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
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Be thankful you aren't on the sodajew.
You've posted this same image with this same text and few times now. Cringe as fuck.
diet soda is a gateway to regular soda
Hey other anons, what would happen if for a whole year, a person were restrained in a straight jacket? Ankles bound to thighs, holes (including throat) stuffed with 8 inch dildos where the throat dildo was partially hollowed for feeding (oats mixed with spit, cum, vitamins, protein and occasionally laced with psylocibiin to disorient, ecstasy to arouse, and OxyContin to create physical dependency and conflate the taste of cum with feeling good). Other details: this setup would include a blindfold and a hood with ear padding to completely cut off his senses. He would be on his knees in a crawl space for 16 hours a day and his legs would be untied for 2 hours of treadmill, after which he would be sedated, stripped, allowed to evacuate his bowels, bathed, restrained and returned to the crawl space. Once every 2-3 weeks he would join me in bed -fully restrained- and enjoy the comforts of a mattress and blanket instead of the cold damp crawl space. After the year was done, would this hypothetical femboy have a bad enough case of Stockholm that, combined with the gratitude of the occasional trivial kindness (like sleeping in a bed) I could take her out in public like a real gf? Interested in reading this board’s opinion. What would this hypothetical femboy be like if he was conscious and unrestrained and unplugged for the first time after a whole year of imprisonment and deprivation.
sounds hawt, I would pay you to let me use your fatty femboy
I decided to get my PhD in my 30s, you can just do things
You'd unironically make a decent femboy if you lost weight, you have devious lips, nice bob hair, your skin looks relatively smooth, and you look short, what's your height?
I'm 5'6, thank you for your compliments but like I said this eating disorder is just really ruining my life and that's why I can't lose the weight, I guess I'll try to do more veggies when I get cravings now
see >>75044988
you skipped over the part where you were told to eat more protein
veggies will help a bit but they will not make you full and most importantly will not make you happy, you'll crave more food and your brain will make you go for chocolates and shit like that
Sorry, when you mean protein you mean like hard boiled eggs and stuff? I'm not very good with cooking that's why I'm asking
man, you guys have no idea
Extra lean ground beef
Extra lean ground chicken
(My favorite) Extra lean ground horse
meat mainly
chicken, beef, pork, (lean) ground beef, fish. one portion for lunch and one for dinner. chicken breast is the best but can get boring if you cook it the same way always.

eggs and milk are good if you're on a budget, or as a supplement, but if you can afford to eat meat 3 meals a day do that

you sound like you haven't even read the /fit/ sticky, start there
>niggers here afraid of animal fat
what does that to a person?
realizing that if you aim for a deficit and have a target of calories, eating more fat means eating less protein
Fuck, you talk so cute. I am so fucking hard for you. I want to bite your cute boyboobs and fuck you so hard you'll become my wife. I am going to jerk off to your photo now <3
yeah come on boy, we've been nice to you, give us some more pics i'm also unironically hard
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Um, thank you anons, I really do appreciate the advice so.. here, from my crossdressing phase, I'll delete the post in a few mins.
bump limit
next thread

If you need money for protein rich food just start an onlyfans dude

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