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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Emergency OP edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For the pompously plump who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75018979
We are so back
Fatty contest
Bloat Prince
287.3 lbs
Fatty Contest

Joining the contest
>eat 1600-1800 calories strict for the past week while lifting and doing cardio
>gain weight
fucks sake!
Try a daily glass of prune juice. It helped me and I was in a similar spot as you.
If you are eating at a deficit it'd be water weight.
probably. ive been stressed out lately so i may be retaining water from the cortisol. still annoying though
what started your guys' weight loss?
Being fat
curiosity as to if I could do it and how will I look once I get to my goal
Hi, /fat/
I'm back
couldnt get myself to mentally go to my aldi near me anymore to load up on 5€ worth of sweets and baked goods
havent looked back since, 175kg to 90kg
couldnt put my finger on what exactly kickstarted it, i just didnt want to anymore
a little late but better late than never...
Wanting to look presentable so I could date again as im getting close to 30.
dick stopped working
>tfw 31
Maybe I'll have a gf one day.....
I went through a breakup that caused some sort of rage-induced anorexia for months. I had to put my energy somewhere or else i was going to hurt myself or her. Establishing a sense of self-esteem helped me move on and grow.
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Completed my first week on my diet, it feels shit and I'm always hungry but I'm glad I've started pushing myself.
Stepped on a scale christmas 2022 and I was 100kg and kinda freaked out
70kg now
I should've started way sooner, being over 400 lbs and constantly out of breath any time I had to walk more than 50 feet
Oh well
I had a venti iced mocha wit da cream
Vacation, right?
asking friends what was wrong with me and most of them just being like 'just bee urself :)' except my best buddy who just came out and was like 'you're fat as fuck and disgusting' and atleast I could try to do something like that.

now im about 50kg down from then, still autistic as fuck which was probably the bigger issue but atleast im under 13 stone now
fatty contest
How much fat does a skinnyfat person need to lose to become skinny? I’ve lost about 8 pounds and while I can tell I’ve lost a good bit of fat theres still a good chunk left
Once youre in shape you should unironically just bee yourself
Im so fucking hungry. I dreamed of eating pastries all night and woke up several times from hunger.
"Skinnyfat" is someone who is a medically acceptable weight but has no muscle tone so still looks floppy and soft everywhere, trying to fix that with more weight loss just makes you a skelly. You have to put on muscle
Thoughts of being a virgin at 23 kept destroying my mind. It did not help, I became a gymcel.
chick fil a rereleased the pimento chicken sandwhich and I'm already planning on going tuesday and wednesday this week
They gave me this instead of the maple pepper bacon grilled sandwich and it was fucking disgusting.
Fatty Contest

For the past week I've eaten a very carb heavy diet. The weight has just ballooned on even more than I thought. There's no way that the 2 kg are real, but that's what I weighed.
Water weight assuming your CI was less than CO
Vacation has made me eat out more than I should. I gotta get back to the 500 low calorie goodness, 2-5 lbs lost a week on that
hour 53 of my dry fast
just had the urge to pee and peed normally
but I haven't had any water in 53 hours
should I be worried? I have a splitting headache now
If I feel like I can work my traps and calves every day should I do so? I only do them twice a week with a break inbetween atm but unlike, say, my biceps or adductors they feel fine and ready to train the day after a workout.
Fatty Contest
My plan is to become a skelly, I am a lanklet and young so I don’t care
Need a bit of help.
I live with my parents and they buy a lot of junk food like chips and cookies. I try really hard to resist eating them but there's always one day in the week where I start gorging on them like I hold a grudge. What are some ways I can resist eating it for longer. I've asked my parents to not bring it for a few months but they said no already.
Stop eating the chips + cookies and OMAD when they get junk food
Great parents you got, you think they'd be supportive. I log everything in MFP before I eat it, and that means I make a decision about everything I eat. You could try to remove yourself from the location or distract yourself by gaming or watching slop I guess.
Fat oxidation results in carbon dioxide and water. Not sure about the headache.
I think a MFP diary is a really good idea, I'll try that.
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I thought today was gonna be bad when I ate 1k calories of chips, but it gave me the energy to do 2 hours of hard lifting and cardio so I think I'm safe.
This advice actually works for me. Being fat killed my personality because I wanted to draw attention away from me, but now gradually it's the opposite.
I ate too many snacks today, but I'm still within my calories so it's not the worst thing ever.
Any good meal prep channels or websites that aren't behind a paywall?
I've been gathering tiktoks but that's not ideal. Just got an air fryer too so that should help
Liver cancer
This is my go-to for protein recipes
I saw a post last thread or so that suggested russet potatoes have an extremely high satiety index and a basic internet search supported this so I went out and bought a whole bunch o' potatoes and that's all i'm going to eat for the next week. They're either going to be baked with no seasoning or raw to discourage me from eating. Gonna try for 1000 calories or less a day.
Lord, give me strength.
You have a good friend.
Don't think too bad about those other people, they're just party buddies, people who are only there for a good time, and as long as you know the difference between them and a real friend it's fine. It's hard for people who are only slightly close to you to give you real advice because they have their own drama to handle.
I also just bought some potatoes. Cut them up into thin slices, sprayed with a little oil, and salted them up before air frying. Only 300 extra calories with my meal and no hunger pangs for the rest of the day.
How do I know if I'm in ketosis
Is caloric debt real?

if i eat a lot of calories do i need to fast to make up for it? :(
If regular dieting caused you to binge, imagine what fasting will do to you.
Broke my fast at 51h after making some delicious spicy onion and tomato sauce to eat with some boneless lamb leg and whole grain pasta
Around 2000 calories between lunch and dinner today and another 1500 for lunch and dinner tomorrow before I jump back into another 2 day fast
Don't torture yourself anon, I did the same thing a few months ago and most potatoes ended up just sitting there in my cupboard till they sprouted because it was so terrible - I ended up gaining weight. Just make 1 good baked potato a day with some balanced protein and veggies.
You need to work it off. Go run, fatty.
Eat less for a few days, you'll just end up binging if you do this yo yo stuff without the right headspace
no, just move on with your life like nothing happened
I think so too. Even if it wasn't, eating 2 kg worth of extra calories in less than a week is a bit much. I'd need to eat like 4500 kcal a day.
starting now im Gonna go for a three day fast. Ideally Dry Fast LETS FUCKING GOOOOO

SW 97kg
CW 92.2kg
Not a fatty: Less than 80kg
GOAL: Less than 75kg
PEAK: Less than 70kg
I'm fasting the entire day today and it's that time of night when I'm constantly thinking about food and going on ig scrolling through food influencer posts
>Ideally Dry Fast
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How do I become genuinely disgusted and uncomfortable with being fat?
>121 pounds down
>90 to go
>my dick gained one inch in size
bros....my dick might actually be scary.....

also, might start going to the gym during late hours(4am) so i can avoid normies shitting up the equipment but will need to work my schedule
Dick gains are my favorite part of losing weight. Good job anon.
live around fat people and look at horror stories, really. my mother INSISTS my brother eats once every 3 hours because she thinks he'll starve otherwise. didn't take me long to understand why all of my family is fat
/fph/ some of the grosser more obscene stuff, they dont really post the real horror stories or uggos anymore though. taco time still sends shivers down my spine
watch my 600lb life too
Start figuring out all the missed opportunities you had throughout life because of your fatness. There are quite a lot of them that you'll never know and will only ever hear about.
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>wash ass in shower
>VERY hard uncomfortable lump
>it's my tailbone

progress is scary
i miss the way my ex used to look at me when i could fit into and fill out [with mooscles] xl shirts
this is real and it feels as good as he makes it sound. im only dieting right now to get leaned out for vacation. sucks ass but almost worth it. eating nothing but soup, chicken, turkey sandwiches, rice cakes and pickles.
I’m on day 13. Down about 7 lbs. today I had my first loss of control. I must fast tomorrow in honor of two weeks.
It was either lose weight or buy the next size up shirts. I chose to lose weight.
If you feel unmotivated and lost on your journey I strongly recommend watching some "My 600-lb life".WAGMI.
i ate 5k calories of pizza yesterday
kill me
The liquid jew is so fucking awful it's incredible
I'm weening myself off it and have almost broken myself of this life long curse, but I'm still drinking half a 390 calorie bottle per day

I'm eating a half a chicken breast, broccoli and a bit of brown rice once per day
Coke is literally more than half my calories still despite cutting down so significantly. so fucking dumb.
For me it was starting to make progress
And then it's like "holy shit how was I ever okay with that"
good work. Stick with it and it'll get easier.
watch Asmongold and then realize that that disgusting looking dysgenic, bald, toothless, lanky guy who lives in a garbage pile amongst cockroaches looks down upon you, thinks you're pathetic, mocks you for being a fat piece of shit, talks about how no one listens to you or takes you seriously because you're fat and that proves you have no self control or ability to think and apply that thought, meaning you are worthless and no one should take anything you say seriously
and realize that he's correct and nothing you can say will change that

and then become not fat so you can go back to being a better person than him, as it should be

worked for me

switch to coke zero. Once you've acclimated to the aftertaste it tastes identical to the real thing

chemicals might kill you but not as fast as being an enormous fatso
How do I stop overeating? I can't tell when I'm eating. I literally have to wait an hour until I know. But I always worry that if I don't eat enough during meal time that I will be hungry later. Logically I should just stop eating and risk being hungry but my brain can never seem to do this. How to I train myself? I know this is maybe a dumb question but I can't seem to do it myself. I am overfull right now and feel like absolute garbage.
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I thought I had the beetus
So there needed to be a change
For me, it was:
>switch to coke zero/pepsi max (pepsi max tastes better come at me bro)
>from there, switch to sparkling water
>from there, switch to regular water
get a tap water filter too

Switching off of sparkling water to regular water is nowhere near as important as getting off of soda (even zero sugar/calories is bad for you) but it's still an important step since even sparkling water will slowly cause erosion in your teeth. Nowhere near as bad as soda, but it's still a thing. You can still have sparkling water whenever you're out at a restaurant or whatever - but even after you've long quit the soda, keep avoiding it. It will fucking suck you back in.
I'm mostly drinking water now (couple black coffees as well) but it's sooo hard for me to break the habbit of having a coke with my dinner or while I watch a movie/show, just always done that, especially at night time

But yes, the coke zero think is the plan. I actually hate coke zero (naturally) but it's good enough that if I have it in my fridge I can't justify buying regular coke
Which creates a good situation where I just don't want to drink it. But by brain knows that which is why it hasn't done this yet
When I finish my last bottle I'm trying this.
>When I finish my last bottle
Nah, just start it now. You really going to sacrifice your movement to better health over a few bucks?
Hello fatsos, I am getting close to not being overweight in awhile, feels pretty good.
33, 6’3”, 207.6

Stopped buying pizzas and chowing down on them solo. Bagels, lots of steamed veggies, and baking potato wedges out of russets in my cast iron.
yes because I did the thing where I poured out all my cokes before. That didn't change anything, but my mentality now is changed and good.
I have the last bottle and I shan't be wasteful. next time I buy some it will be coke zero
>I actually hate coke zero (naturally) but it's good enough that if I have it in my fridge I can't justify buying regular coke

I was in the same situation. You just need to force yourself to drink nothing but coke zero and within a week or two you'll stop being able to taste the difference between the two. I've had nothing but zero soda for the past ~two years and I accidentally drank half of a regular coke at work last month and had no idea until I noticed that it was drying my mouth out.
lifting doesnt burn calories
Tonight’s feast. The sausage is a venison jalapeño cheddar brat, deer season is two months away and I still have over 60 of them in my freezer. No more pizza till I blast through them or I’m gonna be screwed for space
There is no benefit to doing a fast dry outside of a handful of medical conditions, you dumb fuck.
And if you have any of those conditions, you have bigger problems than being overweight.
That's crazy bro just don't do that
I had my Dairy Queen today and some pizza from Pizza Hut. I also cut my exercise in half. I calculated and it sounds like I took in 4600 calories and burned around 2100. Eating all that food felt physically awful, but I was also in shock at how relatively easy it was to do compared to when I try to overeat with healthier whole foods. A large Royal Blizzard is as filling as two baked potatoes, but 4.7x as many calories. Shit was legendary after, but I think that was due to earlier constipation. By the time I've digested everything I ate today and wake up tomorrow, I'll hopefully deal with round 2.

I wonder how people are able to clean bulk when whole foods are so much more filling for less calories. Anyway, back to clean eating for the next few months. I read that overwhelming your system with calories can shock your body into ending plateaus, based on a WWII study. I tried doing it a couple times this week, but at the most I approached maintenance since I was mostly eating whole foods.
I wanted to better reflect my religious convictions.
I hate my current self.
I also have incredibly bad pronated ankles from flat feet and sitting on my ass for years, and as a result I can't stand for more than 30 minutes without pain. So it's either I get my shit together or enjoy being a fat cripple for the rest of my life.
File for disability and enjoy those sweet gubbament gibs
I can think all the way back to being 11 years old during summer vacation and fantasizing about working out for my ideal body. I had a bit of a belly, I wasn't particularly wide, but I used to make a donut by squeezing it with my hands. My mom's chatty gossip friend who always seemed like she was looking down on me made a comment about me being fat (I remember my mom quietly chewing her out for saying that to my face).

Anyway, I was never outright fat, but I was inactive my whole life. I was on antidepressants in my early to mid 20s, gained a lot of weight, then I was fat. Probably was around 260 lbs at my highest. My whole life was filled with feelings of resignation, of telling myself that everything I ever wanted was impossible. I finally got sick of talking down to myself, of thinking that this was all life was ever going to be and I made a lot of changes. I had a lot of reasons to lose weight. I wanted to impress girls, I wanted to become someone my younger self would look up to, I wanted to be healthy, I wanted to look good, and I wanted to prove to myself that I can do whatever I put my mind to. I didn't want to think that anything was impossible. I didn't want to stagnate anymore. I can't ever rid myself of the feeling that people are looking down on me, but if I achieve my goals, the people who don't know me won't even have the chance. I want to look so good I make other people nervous.
I wasn't gaining strength so I though I might as well cut until my bf% is perfect down 20kg already
How is the start of Skinny September going so far, anon?
I'm already planning my next binge
my stomach hurts, im cranky, all i can think about is eating and how much i hate certain women, i wake up at night from hunger, and dream about profiteroles and candy every night
Steam a bag of carrots, corn, and green beans. Toss in a tablespoon of butter and salt and pepper it. Tastes great, 270 total calories and will keep me full half the day. I can’t finish it in one sitting
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Any of you guys do your workouts first thing in the morning?

I've started doing yoga routines after getting up and feel a bit better after them, but have been considering fitting my workout there instead.
Thing is, I usually wake up feeling tired and super weak... So idk if that's advisable.
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Fatty Contest
>muscle gain
simple as that
Fixed my sleep schedule
Means I'm gonna have to go back to the 1-3pm slight lull in the gym rather than the post-midnight actually empty hours
Not comfy
Buddy there are people here with a BMI of 60
God I wish I had a 60 bmi gf
Attention please, the LIMIT HAS BEEN SHATTERED.
We are now below 80 kgs as the scale keeps going down.
Scale. Go. Down.
liver inflammation. i already had my gallbladder removed a few years back. no one told me i had fatty liver already so i lived life ignorant and my surgeon told me i didnt need to make dietary changes either. i want toi blame them and the medical system for not warning me, and to an extent it is their fault. but i also couldve done my own research to better understand how my life would change without my gallbladder. i dont want to die early (via being a fatass) or not be able to enjoy food so im doing what i can now and hoping to gain better habits that stick for my lifetime..
side note: i only found out about the fatty liver late last year and was exhibiting the liver inflammation at the same time. found the fatty liver diagnosis on an old medical document from right before my surgery.
im already eating vegetables and soup to get in voluminous foods.
I await the day normal pooping returns
gotta clear the way for gains
You should weigh 300 lbs

Fatty Contest
I've started doing 8 mile walks in the early morning (5.30-6.30 start)
No point working out if you're tired and will need caffeine stimulants just to stay up
You must be one large lad
Lost 15lbs over 2 months, and then gained it all back in 2 months. I dont even know how because I haven't been pigging out really. After this cope bulk ends Ill be forced to count calories for eternity. The fat boy love for food doesnt go away
>Is caloric debt real?
yeah its called fat, retard lmao
173 eating 1600 a day. i have an insane ravenous appetite.
i got close to 400 pounds when the scale hit 378 i saw all kinds of shit going wrong if i didnt make changes.
quit smoking stopped drinking everything but water and plain coffee.
stopped eating anything that wasn't protein or a fruit or vegetable that hasn't been processed
started walking daily maintained 5 miles a day 5 days a week.
massively increased my cannabis usage
dropped 140 pounds in 2.5 years so far
>massively increased dude weed lmao
Fatty Contest
Wait I'm missing something, I've just checked my progress on fattycontest.com and it recorded both this entry and the previous one with the date of the previous week (19/8 and 26/8). What's going on?
going to the gym very early in the morning is the shit
>almost deserted, noone to look at my fatass making me feel bad
>makes me more active in the mornings
>GUARANTEED massive sharting after the workout to keep the bowels moving
I am natty max and can't gain any more muscle therefore i need to lose weight to lower my body fat
that's how it's always worked, it starts recording on friday (aug 30) and sets the date to monday of that week (aug 26).
it used to be the case that the contest would only be open friday to sunday and fatty jr. would manually log stuff, but for a long time it just remains open all week until it resets
Not strictly related to fat loss but I found that melatonin works very well for me. I'd initially discounted it and not tried it properly because of a history of shitty sleep aids. This is great, I've had shitty sleep schedule problems my whole life, maybe i can finally say goodbye to this annoying shit. Just have to take more than just a single 2mg dose.
>fat distribution is overwhelming on the ass, thighs and lovehandles
idk if this is good or bad
on one hand, my stomach is close to flat at 92kg (comparatively)
on the other, i look kinda weird and mishapen
Clap that booty girl
> Any of you guys do your workouts first thing in the morning?
No, because I'm a chronic procrastinator. So I wait until late evening to actually do what I told myself I would do that day.
I suspect I'd get better workouts if I did them in the morning, especially after slurping my daily 16oz of black coffee spiked with 25g of broteins.
I am similar to you and honestly I think that's the luckiest fat distribution for both women and men. Getting rid of love handles or a big bunda is very difficult but at least they don't look as bad as manboobs or a fat face
10kg down. Still a lot to go.
Lifting and running really help me stick to eating better, as weird as that sounds.
>first kick
>take a trip to wales with my friends
>out of breath and wheezing and sweating the whole time due to being 320lbs and not growing up in a hilled environment
>drop 10-15lbs and visit a few months later
>not as bad, feel better, less existential thoughts
>cut to summer, looking for jobs, get scammed into going to two interviews by a fake company
>flirt with one girl in the building I was waiting in
>flirt with a cute museum tea room cashier
>two girls in one day? man imagine if I wasn't 280lbs and had visible muscle
>this has been my main driving factor ever since
I'm jelly. My fat likes to go into my stomach, chest, chin, and feet.
How do you fix low energy?
im level 3 super obese
i get sleepy and tired throughout the whole day
im thinking im insuling resistant

whats the fix, beyond diet? i have work to do and im super slow and unproductive
also it makes it harder to exercise
same, i don't have enough energy to simply clean my room or to do a basic task like writing an email. i just lay on my bed and watch yt
it was way worse when i gad my room always closed with still air, now having window open 24/7 i kinda feel better
Going out for dinner tonight and I know I will over eat, pray for me lads.
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This me
i'm gonna start on chicken and broccoli for 50 days after i finish my current batch of meal prep.

is there anything i should take in combination to account for the nutritional gaps?
Fats. Get butter or ranch dressing.
that sounds anti productive but i assumed as much
Decent food.
Get something decent.
For the love of God please vary your diet. Only a legendary level of autism could get you through 50 days eating the same exact meals. You will feel like shit for missing some random vitamin that's somehow not in broccoli and you will hate life.
Fatty Contest
I spent a year of eating bacon sandwiches for lunch and didn't get tired of it.
You don't seem to understand the difference between
>eating the same thing for lunch
>eating a single thing for 50 days

Anyway, take multivitamin and multimineral supplements.
Won't help your autism, though.
I hate my body more than you can imagine but both times I started a weight loss journey (I failed once) the first thing to disappear was the double chin
161 lbs as of today. Only 11 more pounds bros and I'll be human again.
btw is losing 10 pounds in 1 month feasible?
it gets exponentially harder the lower you go
don't hurt me brother
Your calorie distribution is pretty bad, its why you are hungry. What foods are you eating?
Got diagnosed with sleep apnea after absolutely ballooning from 2018 to 2022 due to a depressed period following college and then covid lockdown stress. Also fell for someone pretty hard earlier this year and realised if I didn't work on my appearance hard I'd never attract anyone, nevermind them, which motivated me to start working out so I could try avoid skinnyfat status when I hit my target weight.

Down almost 1/3 my bodyweight since I began and no longer have sleep apnea now, but still have at least another 10kg to go before I start considering stopping.
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>BMI of 60
uhh regardless
i still(you LITERALLY cant convince me otherwise) believe that building strength first and then losing fat is a better fitness plan for people that are simply incapable of not gorging themselves on slop all day every day.
like if you can get someone to agree to come to the gym and lift for 1 hour a day and then after you will pay for whatever they want to eat will result in a fitter person and a person who is more mentally willing to keep going on their own or to try and eat less/better food.

now yes if a person is able to regulate their diet then yes they should do that and they should be encouraged to go for a full fat loss regime because it will be faster and easier.
but you cant try and fit both of these people into the same shaped hole, it just doesnt work like that.
and for those people who are just a mass of flubber and cant even stand up like those people on "my 600 pound life" i feel like you should treat them like a junkie
lock them in a cell and just give them enough water and food so they have a caloric deficit until its all gone
like a balloon slowly but surely deflating over the course of months after a birthday party.
If I'm obese do u use lean body weight when calculating protein requirements ?
if you dont exclusively eat chicken breast you will get plenty of fat from chicken. thighs and general skin have loads of it.
no need for added fats desu.
Just eat 140g t0 160g
Chicken breast do be the GOAT though
Id argue the benefit of lifting if you dont have your diet in check is that at least you put on some muscle mass if you are in a calorie surplus (if you eat some protein).
And if you do lose weight you retain more of your muscles.
Its basically win/win and my theory for the recomp meme is that its a gorillion microbulks and cuts.
But you should aim for a deficit regardless.
Reminder that beef is good for you.
Looking forward to your next fatty contest entry
i don't take health advice from the obese
Post a weight update you fat shit
I usually don't eat breakfast but when I do it's porridge or a sandwich. Lunch is a sandwich and a yogurt. Dinner is meat, fries, mixed vegetables and mixed fruit. Snacks are chocolate, coffee and tea.
Fell off the wagon a bit this week
Didn't go over my TDEE and doing plenty of exercise but my diet composition slipped and I feel bad about it.
Back on the wagon starting now, writing it down so I have a commitment.
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realized I weighed as an average ogre in 3.0 D&D after having to check up their weight for an encounter I was planning to do in one of the campaigns I was running.
Went from 144 kg to 78kg and technically made it but couldn't do shit for a couple of years due to tendon injuries that healed extremely slow, now I'm trying to lower bf% and start lifting (although I still can't do somethings like shoulder presses etc.) so I also started visiting /fat/ again, really helps with motivation when you know you're doing this alongside other anons and the nostalgia because I used to be the OP of like 80% of the threads in 2019. and until May 2020. when I hit 78kg
i like to call people fatsos online and did not want to be a hypocrite
i reached my carb limit of 30 for the first time this weekend, i usually stay between 15-20. at least i didnt go past my hard limit.
watch morbidly obese people do morbidly obese people shit until realize the disgust u see them with is how normal people see u
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I couldn't fit into my only suit last year at my grandfather's funeral, and I was the only man there who didn't wear one. I wore something like pic related but with a white tie instead and fat as fuck. Felt really shameful. Half a year later my grandmother died and I was able to wear a proper suit again. Now I wear medium size clothes.
Have 2 months to lose around 10 kilos
Should be doable with fasting
Threadly reminder that WAGMI
>11 lb a month
>2.75 lbs of fat a week
Anon, you have to do 4-5 day rolling fasts to keep that up. Calm yourself anon-chan.
naw. according to my log i lost 9kg in 2 months square without even fasting, so it should be plenty doable if you're fat enough.
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I have to stick to a strict regime. But it's doable I think
You lost so much without fasting. That's crayzy
Probably includes water weight loss and starting measurement happening during the day. Ie you lost like 2 kg in the first week.
Anon if you're fat right now, then you will continue having a fat mindset into the future. Start with 24 or 48 hours fasting cycles, eat for 2 days, fast again, eat again.
I'm making pies today and I can't eat any
I’m on 1800 calories for my body recomposition. Here’s my breakfast and pre workout meal:
>4 eggs
>4 egg whites
>Oatmeal with a serving of cottage cheese mixed into it
>8oz of milk
After so many months of sticking to 1500, it’s weird to actually feel full for a change.
Do you think you can fit more eggs in there?
I realized my mistake when I saw the pile on my plate. Definitely toning that shit down tomorrow.
>9foot tall
>strongman build
>only 300 lbs
I think that's a case more of the writers having no idea what they're doing
yeah, they changed it up in 3.5.(Adult ogres stand 9 to 10 feet tall and weigh 600 to 650 pounds) but first time seeing it shocked me into finally being serious about weightloss for the first time in my life
They’re nerds.
Fasted the whole day yesterday on a whim. Today I ate eggs, some toast and chicken breast and I'm going to head out to the gym later. Tomorrow I fast again. The day after tomorrow I eat and gym. Repeat until BF% looks good.
You got this, bro
Honey, new weight loss hack just dropped!

replace bread with broccoli and ur gonna notice fasting comes easier
all the eggss
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does gum make you hungrier or does it suppress appetite
ive heard both
It can distract you short-term but longer-term you're triggering the same bodily responses as chewing food would, so you'll be provoking your hunger.
The Machinist is my goal body
>lost 6.8 pounds in 9 days
we are so back bros
Can you do
>1 cup of black coffee
>1 bottle of water
>1 apple
>1 can of tuna
Everyday for four months?
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Kys water cuck
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Am I actually 17%?
Why don't I have any definition
don't fall for the body hair removal jew fellas, you'll look like this unless you keep shaving forever
I am Lebanese
If I don't shave I will look like I fuck twinks for 50 dollars an hour
>breathe in breathe out pic taken seconds apart
>as an argument for dry fasting
Prime proof of the missing link between man and ape posted this.
That's normal. Keep working out and keep cutting down. You're finally on the starting line for abs. Progress might be slower, but every few pounds will make you look exponentially better.
Should I still be cutting and doing cardio while sick?
I lost a bet and I'm supposed to buy a maid dress. I'm ostensibly a crossdresser now.
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Gonna dry fast just to prove to you that you are a COMPLETE FAGGOT
235.4 lbs
Im gonna /fast/ most of it and eat non-starchy vegs because they are low in calories.
Fatty Contest
251.0 lbs

We're so back
Depends on what you have but I think light cardio is supposed to help with some cold/flu illnesses. But you'll lose weight without trying while sick so try to eat enough to power your body
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I started going to the gym late january with a monday through friday schedule and the explosive motivation in my heart hasn't softened one bit. Sometimes I feel bad for being a neet, but my parents seem to be really happy with the life changing progress I've been making these past couple of months, especially since I've been obese for the majority of my life. People say a bad break up isn't the end of the world, but it was for me in the sense that I consider the old me dead and replaced with someone that actually gives a fuck about wanting a good looking body. This shit got me feeling dysmorphic man, I look in the mirror, see the fat rolls and just wanna tear those fuckers off.

I will reach my end goal soon enough, it's only a matter of time.

Less of a confession and more of vent sesh I suppose, I'm just passing time before I head to the gym (my gym wifi blocks /fit/ for some reason)
I fell off the wagon months ago.
>for some reason
based gym ITchad
ozempic suddenly doesn't seem so bad
I get bad breath when in ketosis. You can also by peepee strips.
Fatty Contest

First week back on track.
Fatty Contest
318.2 lbs
I quit as I've realised the reason people don't like me isn't because I'm fat but rather that I'm just a horrible piece of shit.

I can already tell the highlight of this week will be someone saying thank you because I said bless you when they sneezed.
How so
Just stop being a piece of shit
>15lbs in 2 weeks
Atleast try and keep it realistic
The 333 weight was an estimation - I was on vacation and eating poorly. In reality I probably never went back over 330 because when I weighed myself after getting back I was 228.

Its more like I lost 10 pounds between 8/5 and 8/30 with a lot of fluctuation from abnormal diet.
>I-i-i-i was only pretending
I tried that.
>I'm bored so I'm just going to stir up shit in some random thread
>>>>eat more fatty
>>>>>you will never make it
Stay pathetic, I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else here except myself.
scale didn't move this week... I shouldn't have had that six pack on saturday but I was chilling with my little brother who I'm probably not gonna see in the next 4 years since he got a contract overseas.

Still I hit 60kg bench for 5x5 on friday and my squat is 100kg again just 3 weeks back into the gym after 8 months travelling around europe
You're the one larping and lying faggot
Try harder then
same here lol
yeah when my schedule allows for it. Nothing feels better than waking up, weighing myself and heading out to exercise.
Thanks for the (You) retard
Keep chimping out
Just stop lying faggot, how pathetic must your life be kek
I don't really care about gaining muscle and am perfectly content with becoming a skinnyfat or skeleton
holy seething lmao
>perfectly content with becoming a skinnyfat or skeleton
Ganbare Anon! Become male Eugenia!
Okay maybe I don't want to go that far
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>lost ~20kg
>still ~40kg left to go
i'm sleepy, i just want this to be over
I love everything about this post. From the implication that all Lebanese are hair beasts to the notion that being this hairy opens up job opportunities as a sex worker, it's all great. No notes.
What have I done...
>need new clothes because all my stuff doesn't fit anymore
>discover that my size is now large
incredible feel bros. I can't remember the last time I owned something without an X on the label.
Fatty Contest
>lose 89.6 kg in 420 days, that's 1.5 kg per week
>went from normal bmi to obese bmi in 2 months
hmm it's almost like rushing to the goal with an unsustainable lifestyle and not learning sustainable habits leads to rebounding
tale as old as time

except this guy >>75033738
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You arnt gonna make it sadly anon
have you tried lifting?
Any good meal prep sites, I wanna make food for 3-4-5 days so I don't have to think about cooking shit because that's my biggest fight with being fat.
Fucking finally the scale went down today. After three days of the scale going up eating 1600-1800 calories, it finally dropped 1.6lb. FUCK! 10 more days of 1600 a day to go. Upping the stim pre-workout to crush my appetite and mask the fatigue. Time to bench.
I dont want to fucking squat though.
I'm 396 lb originally for approx. 5 years at 22 now. 6'1.

Started a ~600kcal/day diet just eating nutritionally unavailable frozen Michelina's frozen meals.

Down to 386 in under 2 weeks. Am I winning, /fat/? I'm drinking more water than before, so it shouldn't just be 100% water weight.
retard add at least 700 800 more calories and make sure there's plenty of protein
eat maintenance for a few weeks
read the sticky and follow it exactly
Hey bros, I just started weight loss again. I failed last year.

Starting 265
Current 249
Goal ~175

anyways good luck bros we’re all gonna make it some day
>~600kcal/day diet
Nice. Setting yourself up for failure just like every other impatient fatty before you.
You didn't get that fat overnight, you won't lose it in a week either.
low restriction is based
Wtf is going on? I've gained another kg today.
In a week I've gone from 93.8 kg to 96.7 kg.
It was just one bad week my guy, it happens. You're chasing the trend, not the data point
How tall are you? Whats your weekly goal?
how doable is losing 10kg in 4 months?
I’m 6’0 my weekly goal is maybe 3 lb a week. As long as I lose some consistently I will probably be satisfied.
depends how fat you are but generally that is doable
fine. even normies find half a kg per week to be a nice doable pace and that's not far off
very. Depends on starting weight and height though, if it's the last 10 kg you need to lose that can be a bitch while if you're just starting weightloss it ill come right off
Wasn't due to feasting like a pig, but alcohol. I drank a lot of cream liqueur.
fatty cope
you went back to your old ways, you go back to your old weight
doesn't matter if it's food or alcohol
calories are calories
simple as
Wrong. The quicker the better results.
If you are that fat you can fast for 2-3 weeks to maximize fat loss.
Because that's totally how it works.
Post body.
>lost 30kg
>still 30-40kg to go (undecided on my goal yet)
I'm right there with you brother, we are gonna fucking make it

make some pizza with decent macros then
its funny I’ve been fasting for two days and I’m not even feeling any hunger like I usually do at this stage

I feel completely normal
Fatty Contest
248.8 lbs
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fuck im rundown. been doing 1600 a day for the past few days and woke up lightheaded. went into the gym and could only bench 210 for one rep. doing a deload week in the gym while I diet, gonna up calories to 2200 on the weekend and get back to dieting at 1600 until I leave for japan again on thursday.

my go to diet pizza
hope you don't eat that too often anon, frozen pizza is some mega slop. its on the level of frozen dinners
Everyone thinks this until they actually get to their goal weight while sedentary and see what they look like.
>olympic athletes all drink it and swear on its bacteria killing effects
>hope you don't eat that too often anon, frozen pizza is some mega slop. its on the level of frozen dinners
Honestly I used to eat them a lot when I had to lose a TON of weight. It helped me a lot in keeping my sanity during the process. Nowadays my diets are a lot shorter, so I can bear with eating actual whole foods. Tons of eggs, ham turkey swiss clubs with daves killer bread, and chicken. Fact is, you wont be on a diet forever, so if some frozen pizzas and diet sodas get you through the diet successfully, use them and switch to cleaner foods once you're able to eat at a more relaxed pace.
are you an olympic athlete?
people who have lost more than 50 lbs — what does it feel like and what are some things you noticed?
Somehow I feel more content with what I ate for the day when I see that I've used up 1400 kcal of my calorie budget for the day compared to if I don't track it. The food somehow feels more filling. Does anyone else get the same?
My goal is to lose weight so I can fit back into my clothes that were simple “large” because I kept them all. Now I’m in a fucking XXL
i have good news and bad news lads

good news: i went to see one of my favourite bands, and had lost enough weight to fit in the L tshirt I bought from them the last time they came to town last year

bad news: i had a pint of lager, breaking 5 weeks sobriety. i enjoyed it. going to sleep now and back to work tomorrow.
don’t let the pint turn into something more — THAT is the tricky part
>bad news: i had a pint of lager, breaking 5 weeks sobriety. i enjoyed it. going to sleep now and back to work tomorrow.
you did nothing wrong. being an alcoholic is having to abstain 100% from alcohol. being a healthy person is being able to have just enough only during the right times, like when you go see your favorite bands.
yeah that's what i'm most terrified of
I was doing good all day then I had 2 ounces of peanut m&ms
+280 calories I didn't need to eat
based me too
Why is fasting for 1-2 days so much easier than doing a mild deficit for multiple days?
Both in terms of hunger pangs and brain fog/energy, I've definitely felt water fasting to be easier on my body
Not related to the thread but the thread mentions the heart so hopefully there's someone knowledgable here. Is it normal to feel tingles in your legs for a few seconds after you finish an intense cardio workout? I'm one month sober from a stimulant addiction which fucked me up.
sounds normal to me
Might’ve pinched a nerve. You will be fine.
Thanks for the reply, I also get overcome with sudden heat but I'm assuming thats just the blood flowing after the workout
Thanks for the affirmation, I have really bad health anxiety after I quit which hit me like a train 2 weeks after I quit so I've been questioning everything. Thankfully I've not been doing bad at the gym though so I can restore my health.
>back on track after 3 days of indulgement
Goal is to be under 100kg by dec, currently at 113.
why do changing room mirrors absolutely mog me? i've been lifting consistently and lost a few lbs after started counting calories but when i went to pick up some clothes and saw myself in the fitting room mirror i felt like an absolute disgusting fat piece of shit
stupid question time!
i understand weight loss = calories out > calories in.
now, i have heard from ketotards that ketosis influences the body to burn fat. does this just mean that, within ketosis, one's body puts a greater emphasis on using fat stores as fuel as opposed to muscle? i.e. keto is a way to protect muscle over fat when losing mass? or is it something else entirely?
appreciate any responses.
nice that is a shitload of weight loss
you can still gain weight on keto if CI>CO, it's a meme to an extent
There is no conclusive evidence that ketogenic diet will maintain muscle mass better than a regular diet

if you want to lose fat and maintain muscle you should focus on protein macros, lifting, and a calorie deficit

quit worrying about fad diets fat fuck
I was walking next to a building and my reflection in the window fucked me up
any of my reflections other than my bathroom mirror looks absolutely alien but when I look in my bathroom mirror specifically I can lie to myself that I'm not that far gone
I am that far gone though
I lost roughly 67 and it feels real good (no shit), feels nice to see and feel my muscles, also my calves are fucking ripped anon, it's great
also lifting without eating some type of carbs is absolute hell, 50-100g of carbs 2-3 hrs before lifting is almost essential to avoid low energy
Finished off that onion and tomato lamb sauce with 3 cups of homemade fried rice between lunch and dinner today.

Back to another 48h fast we go.
Eat good healthy balanced foods in moderation anons. Learn to cook creative and fun dishes. Go outside and explore your town/city. These are the habits that build long term health.

Keto is, at best, an appetite suppressant. It is merely a tool to be used to hit your CICO goals, that is it.
I got shit faced with colleagues and ate more than I should, /fit/s opinion on this?
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Need for Asian wife eclipsed need for excessive food at all times
get back to counting calories and eating healthy, slip ups are inevitable, most important thing is to never give and stay consistent over time
I think I'll do none of these and just do multiple day fasts
I am becoming strong and powerful out of SPITE
I'm doing all of em and doing 2 day on 2 day off fasts. Balance in all things with a definite goal in mind, anon.
You got it mate in with you
I realized that I was being a hypocrite having higher standards for the women than I had for myself.
When can I expect to start seeing results? I've been working out an average of 3 days per week since the beginning of August. I've only lost about a pound and I don't see any difference in my physique. My biceps feel firmer but you can't see that
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Had 8 busch beers, last night. On my way to a solid 6 of them, tonight.
Hold me, bros. I need strength to stop this demon.
Read the first post in the thread
If you're actually pushing yourself in workouts, eating protein and so on, then it may be a few months for a recomp to show. It also may be never if you don't lose the fat hiding your muscles from view (because you're bulking while fat).
What's your BMI?
New thread: >>75035802
A couple years ago, people kept coming up to me and asking how I did it (240 > 175 in about half a year). Some said they didn't want to ask because it sounded rude while others wanted to praise me. It apparently inspired some people to start going to the gym. Everyone started talking to me about their gym routines.

Lived in Japan for 2023, so nobody there even knew how much I used to weigh. When my friends saw an older picture of me on my phone they were in shock. Even though I gained back over 20 lbs since coming home, everyone thought I looked the same. I've since worked it all off (but I've hardly seen anyone in that time), and and now I'm trying to go significantly lower.
Fatty Contest
I havent seen any results for couple of months, granted, I was doing lot of things wrong, but that's just how it is, give it some time my nigga

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