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>Who is /fat/ for?
For rotundly round who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75035802
Fatty Contest
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mikuchads report in
What's wrong with high fat keto (70-80%) low protein for losing 200 lbs?
you're more likely to lose more muscle with low protein
so yeah you can lose weight but you'll still look like shit when you reach your goal weight
You're already 70-80% fat
when I started losing weight I did keto and then switched to just low carb, it's much easier than trying to squeeze that much fat into your diet and the extra protein will help retain a little bit more muslce. You'll still be in ketosis because you'll still be eating the same amount of carbs while also retaining the main benefit of keto which is severely reduced appetite.
if you're in ketosis, you're on keto
usually keto diet is high fat(70%), low protein (20%) and very low carb(10%) so people don't use the term keto for low carb diets that have a balance between protein and fat or diets where you have high protein.
At least that's how I saw most of the people around view it
How do I know when I’m fat adapted?
for me it's loss of appetite, I just stop feeling hunger
this >>75045706
After a day or two I'll just stop feeling hungry or thinking about food.
With a body like this you should just slam HRT and embrace it, it'll improve your fat distribution.
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>there are round twinks with girl-like fat distribution IN THIS VERY THREAD
Lose those few extra pounds and become my wives already
What the fuck happened last thread bros, I am disgusted by fat girls but that guy made me hard as fuck, how
And no I'm not a secret homo, I'm fully aware of my faggotry/bisexuality
what does it mean by "from whole bird"?
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Gonna make lunch of chicken, some sauce my mom got me, and I dunno what else.
What should I have with my chicken? I was thinking just vegetables
Maxxed out fatty at 114kg a just before summer. Had been steadily rising for the past 6 years I guess.
When I was young and fit (17-21) I was 74-80 kg. mid 20s 85-90kg as I aged. Then from about 30 to now ballooned from 90 to 104ish. Covid was a killer. Put about 10kg in the past 2 years alone.

Been exercising the past few months. Been trying to regularly play Dance Dance Revolution at least once a week. Joined a gym. Trying to do couch to 5k. On good days can do 60% run 40% walk 5ks.
Doing some modified 5x5 routine using dumbbells because all the barbell racks are just always super busy. Swimming lengths in the gym's small 10m pool.

The food thing is hard. Not counting calories. Trying to OMAD. Still drink beer and eat out at weekends. So probably slow progress.

But down to 102.3kg from a max of 114 earlier in the year.

Slow but steady progress hopefully.
The thigh carved from a whole turkey. Just the meat, so I guess no skin. As opposed to a thigh separate (i.e. if you bought a pack of just turkey thighs or something, which probably isn't a thing, but chicken is).
What site is this?
Nah, its never worth it, even with the best possible fat distribution you only pass for 5~10 years tops. Twinkdeath hits HRT victims hard. Have you seen linetrap lately? Dude walled hard, they always do.
Can you guys qrd me on fasting? I see a lot of fasting discussion here but don't see the advantage over a steady deficit.
anybody have any experience with losing weight while on pregabalin?
There's a fairly regular /fast/ general thread where people might be able to give you a better idea. Personally I think fasting isn't anything like the silver bullet some people claim it is, but if it helps you lose weight, go for it. One thing I know for sure is you should not be fasting while you are lifting.
it's the biggest deficit you can possibly make, simple as
Fasting lets you stop having cravings while you're fasted, but the cravings hit you hard again once you re-feed but only for a day or two until you're fasted again.

Some people find it easier to stick to a fasted diet because they don't have those constant lingering cravings that might hit you at odd hours and moments of weakness, fasting cravings are more intense but only last a day so you can mentally prepare yourself for them.

Really depends on the person which one works better for them though.
There is objectively no need to fast to lose weight. Here's what I like about it (I won't involve pseudoscience because I'm retarded)
>weight loss is faster
>it's a good way to weaponize my eating disorders (not a good idea on the long run I know)
>Feeling empty makes you realize how shit it is to be permanently bloated
>Completely kills my urge to eat when I'm not actually hungry
>Saves me money
thoughts on doing an adderal/vyvanse cycle
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today I ate over my maintenance (I'm trying to be 500 on deficit)
it's just one day but I feel terrible
kill me
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Time to do a penalty round of cardio, don't stop until you've regained your deficit.
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>don't see the advantage over a steady deficit

It's pretty simple.

>ghrelin regulation so no hunger
>ketosis so plenty of energy without fluctuation so no hunger
>insulin resistance improvement so no hunger and more satisfaction
>faster weight loss than anything else
>HGH boosted on refeeds
>actually shown to conserve muscle mass as well or even better than simple caloric restriction

Having said that, if a steady deficit works for you, keep doing it.
>Fasting lets you stop having cravings while you're fasted
I have noticed this on a micro scale while doing simple deficit
after you eat resisting cravings is way harder than if you just dont eat anything for some reason
Thanks for filling me in. Maybe I'll look into it in the future
Sorry if I dont really trust a fed
As usual, I recommend a 3-day water fast to literally everyone.
None of the fasting memes apply, it's just a very good way to get a good perspective on the nature of your feeling of hunger, i.e. how deeply psychological it is.
It helps you gain better control over your hunger in the future.
I highly discourage you from going further than three days (despite what everyone would suggest).
I also suggest you don't look at one-off fasting as a way to lose fat. You will lose some, sure, but if that's the only thing you do, you're pretty much guaranteed to overcompensate for it shortly after your fast ends.
Fasting is a good way to ease yourself into a sustained calorie deficit, though, as believe it or not, you won't have much appetite after a three-day fast.

A rather good way of incorporating fasting into your actual fat loss routine is doing a one or two day-long fasts per week or something like that.
For quite a few people, not eating at all is considerably easier than eating too little. Fasting one day a week allows you to eat more on other days which ultimately might make the whole thing a much more enjoyable process.
>Trying to OMAD.
You skip breakfast or lunch?
>several days of exercise and calorie counting undone in 20 minutes
I will literally never make it. Why am I such a worthless nigger??? How do I stop binging
was your deficit too strict?
did it have the right macro composition?
is the food you eat stuff you cook from scratch? fast food? microwave meals?
where did you get the food you binged? were you hoarding it? did you order takeout?
and finally
is it really all undone? I find that hard to believe, you've probably taken a step back but not completely undone everything
just get to the root cause and fix that
people are going to shit on me for this but unironically >>75046048
or/also realize you are just freaking out
just go for a walk
maybe do a 1 o 2 day fast like the other anons here are saying
tips from preventing my knees to get obliterated from running or making them heal faster? I had to give myself a break because they were hurting too much and got scared, and after and entire week one of them still feels weird
I dont want to go on a run tomorrow and undo all the healing but I cant just keep waiting so much
the running high is like the only enjoyable part of losing weight for me without it I'm getting super demoralized
and I'm not even that fat so thats not the reason they are hurting, I think I must lack some mineral or something
my shins also hurt
run at a much lower pace, like if you were 80 years old
It happens. The worse thing you can do is start mentally spiraling because of it, or over-fasting and exercising to compensate which can cause another binge. Just go back to your typical routine.

The best way to prevent huge binges is to change what you eat while you binge. Try to minimize the damage and space it out instead of inhaling a bag of chips or cookies or pie in 10 minutes.
also i'm assuming you've watched videos on how to run with proper form and aren't just yoloing it
Stop running, do medium-high intensity cycling for 15-20 mins every 8-12 hours
Shin splints are from weak tibialis. So train it directly.
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lets go
Attention Fatty Jr. you website is still broken. Please do the needful and fix sir.
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Is the goal to keep cutting until visible abs and then start adding slabs of lean muscle tissue?
Should probably comment, this is my lowest weight in like 10 years. WAGMI
What a disgusting picture and gay topic
couldnt simply squating (without added weight) replace the leg press option? I cant afford going to the gym
>aren't just yoloing it
it probably would, according to that video's logic
this is the fitness app named chronometer. Way better than MyFitnessPal imo.
>videos on how to run with proper form
any recs?
well i hope it works
Pick yourself up and go again. We've all failed at some point, but you analyze what made you fail and you avoid getting into that situation again. Every failure is a chance to reevaluate and improve your habits.
Is there an ideal weight to be at relative to your height and body fat%? Like let's say someone is 6 feet and 10% body fat, what's his ideal weight?
About 200 lbs
Someone that isn't a bodybuilder
Your height in cm but in lbs is a good benchmark to aim for. If you can get there and be lean you get lots of bonuses
Skipping breakfast and lunch. Eat dinner.
Human babby is born with 15% bodyfat. The perfect ratio chosen by god and evolution.
Observe how the masters do it: https://youtu.be/wLKoXlRCpzg
As you can see, proper arm motion is critical.
5 more kg to 70, im gonna make it
Human babby is born underdeveloped with a soft spot on its head, month old animals like puppies and kittens are more developed mentally and physically.
I wanna eat a fried egg
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I believe in you. All of you.
People say your stomach will shrink with time so you get full on less food, is this true? How long does it take to shrink your stomach? Sounds kinda like bullshit, if your loose skin doesn't magically shrink back to a normal size why would your stomach.
based believer
It's true, but don't let it shrink too much or it will be too small to take in food and you will die if you eat too much (it's called refeeding syndrome).
then eat it?
i dont
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Maybe. But I find insane the idea that there are some people who rely their on their stomach size being any kind of limiter for how much they eat.
internal organs are generally more flexible and stretchy than skin-bound ones. for proof see your mom while i'm fucking her
24 hours into this fast, should I eat or push it to tomorrow?
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Thanks anon. I believe in you.
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What appetite suppressants are good? (If any)
animal products, they supress your appetite because they are satiating
A nice cup of tea works for me
300.6 lbs, still lost 4 lbs while on vacation for a week while pausing the diet and now almost into the 200s, hell yeah
I was mentally preparing to have gone up
I think stopping the deficit for awhile flushed some water weight because I definitely didn't lose 4 lbs of fat that week, still nice though
Idk if it's the size physically shrinking or resetting how your brain interprets hunger signals but it's real
I used to be able to binge 3500 calories of pasta in a night but now I'm fully satisfied with a dinner of 600-800 calories after 6 months of eating in a deficit
If I gave up I could probably return to that habit quickly but it's easy to not fall back when you're satisfied
How can you believe in me, when I don't even believe in myself?
I chew gum. (sugar free)
Looking at pictures of fat """people""""" suppresses apetite
I fast Monday through Friday and refeed on Saturday and Sunday.
"Refeed" makes me think of alien parasites or some shit, glad that works for you thoughever
Does anyone here have any experience with aromatase inhibiting supplements?
My weight loss is going pretty well around 1lb a week, and i was wondering if taking something like that for a month or so might help remove fat from areas like the chest and hips faster.
Im pushing it to tomorrow. I think Im gonna start playing a game where I try to beat my previous fasting time
Psyllium husk taken with large glass of water, followed up with a cup of tea, soup broth, or diet soda if you're degen
the fat's going to move where it's going to move, there's not much you can do about it. I don't know anything about aromatase inhibitors specifically but generally the only supplements worth doing are Omega 3 and Vitamin D3. there's also E-C stacking or roids if you feel like going that route
just have patience and keep making progress, that sounds like jumping the gun to me
Does doing two sets of 30 minutes on a stationary bike give the same benefits as doing 1 straight hour
you're probably burning marginally less but I wouldn't worry about it
Googling it, there are a bunch of articles on one study that showed a group had better benefits breaking up a cardio session compared to another group that did one long cardio session of the same time
Idk if that holds up across other studies or if it's just one sensational thing
Ephedrine is extremely effective. You can buy it most places OTC as bronkaid.
>gigantic man-tits are still basically the same size 100 lbs later
Starting to get a bit worried
I did have noticeable gyno at 13, they've been huge all along but at least matched my gut, starting to think I'm gonna have full on hairy mommy-milkers at the end of this
the surgery isn't awful, put something irritating under the folds so you'll get sores and then get a doctor to declare the surgery medically necessary
You might be able to inject deoxycholic acid into them (kybelline or lemon bottle) redditor wine moms buy vials from korea and inject them into their double chins
Fat fuck about to take my break. Should I go do my Cto5K right now?
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believe in the anon that believes in you
I kneel
I’ll do it for you anon
Does she point all these ridiculous sound effects in all of her videos? Went from weird to funny to annoying really quick.
I'll skip the sketchy injectables, my mom gave herself severe pleurisy by injecting mistletoe
love you buddy. WAGMI
I was looking at this which is what got me curious
I am not hypogonadal, but te side effects generally seem to be little to none for short term usage.

From the study
>Results: After 6 months of therapy, AI+WL group had higher testosterone (p = 0.003) and lower estradiol (p = 0.001) compared to PBO+WL. Changes in symptoms and muscle strength did not differ between groups. AI+WL resulted in higher fat mass loss than PBO+WL (p = 0.04) without differences in changes in lean mass.
I relapsed today. Someone said something about how I'll neve move away because I have a good woman in my life. I had to inform this person that I'd split from my ex a few years ago. It wasn't even the mention of my ex that fucked me up, we stay in contact and she visits whenever she's back in town. It was the "good woman in your life" part. I don't even care about the sex anymore (though it would be nice) I just don't want to be on my own anymore.

I'll try harder tomorrow might restrict my calories not as punishment but to try and average it out for the rest of the week.
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Decided I've got to stop drinking, immediately.
>Been doing strength training for a couple months
>Planking, incline push ups, barbell squats, bicep curls 3x a week
>Really toned up, got some visible musculature especially on my legs, man titties not wholly gone, but smaller
>Decide to get on the scale

My drinking is excessive, it's pretty much the culprit here. I knock back way too much beer on the regular and then sometimes snack after. It's clear I got to quit cold turkey so I will, starting today.

Is there at least something I can look forward to, /fat/? Like I said I've been doing strength training 3x a week for a while now, and I'm planning on doing cardio on my off days, too. I've got some small hope that once I cut out the drinking I'll see some quick fat loss given I've been exercising with all this extra weight pretty regularly (increasing increments, too). I figure I should start weighing myself regularly just to ensure I'm doing the same weight on my squats/pushups.
I want to fuck the chubby gayboy from last thread I can't lie bros
Same, he should post more pics.
>do medium-high intensity cycling for 15-20 mins every 8-12 hours
There is literally no point getting on a bike for only 15 minutes. You guys need to take the cycling pill for real. Burn 600+ kcal/hour and, if you're not poor, you can use a power meter and heart rate strap for actually accurate calorie burn estimates.
Why shouldn't I do OMAD by eating a pound of bologna (roughly 1300 cal) a day?
Threw up in my mouth a little
How can you eat that? Can't imagine it being particularly healthy
Don't overthink it dude. Just move your ass when you can.
have you heard of spam?
pacific islanders eat spam mushibi all day every day and they are jacked af
>all for tips on the gym's changing room because I'm going for the abs, pretty sure I just need to lose few more kilos
>get told I'm at perfect weight and that week defined six pack is a result of dehydration
it's more a function of bodyfat percentage but dehydration does make them pop, it's why bodybuilders compete dehydrated. you still need a base level of muscle if you want it to look good and compounds aren't enough to do it
im fucked
depends on what you want, this is what I use as a guideline. it's more a target to aim for than a hard number, once you get close to it, you're more aiming for what looks good to you
I'm at like 240 right now, only one way to get there
>reached 184lbs
>still fat
desu I lost 120lbs just switching to eating stir fry and curry for most of my meals, it's really easy to do if 60%+ of your food is vegetables
what were you stir frying in? I've been eating salads and stuff (but I like beer on the weekend)
you can stir fry in a regular skillet or frying pan, but I have a wok. it's mostly cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), bean sprouts, carrots, and green beans, but you can basically do it with any firm vegetable

if you enjoy eating salads, they're good (provided you aren't drenching it in ranch and/or cheese). the texture of lettuce makes me gag so I avoid it
do you use oil or just heat/steam?
Thankfully unlike Cobes you didn't reinvite the bog witch back into your house.....right?
You have to move on.
why do you drink?
Good luck. I had a period after some weight loss where I put on 40 lb due to excessive drinking and the eating habits that came with it. You will probably drop weight when you stop, however, your body might want more calories to compensate for what it's used to and missing, namely sugar. Some people drop a lot of weight when they quit, others don't. Sadly I didn't but quitting drinking is such a health gain on it's own I was happy with that at the time.

If you want sustainable weight loss to accompany your lifting, read the OP. 293 is very overweight unless you're an absolute giant.
I've lost enough weight that my penis no longer touches the bowl of the toilet when I take a dump, which was a very uncomfortable sensation.
about a tbsp of oil, it makes enough for two meals. you can also do it without oil or by blanching/steaming it first
I need to get something that lets me easily shred cabbage

I fucking love cabbage
I think they make shredding attachments for stand mixers if you have access to one
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Get that hoore wymmin out ur mind, it gives other pussy the ick and you at least want a little more pussy before death.
I had 600 calories today and I feel alright
might just wait for tomorrow to eat again
eating grapes
Fuck man, my foot got injured.
Should I go to the hospital?
The pain feels like when you pull a muscle and it goes away if I stretch or warm up my foot. It hurts way worse just as I wake up but it goes away once I walk around a little.
Started doing upper body exercises with a couple of dumbbells at home while I wait for it to heal.
It’s been two days since the pain started.
For me, I immediately get a bad taste in my mouth when it starts.
if you can walk then you should wait a while linger to see if it goes away on its own

you don’t need to pay a hundred dollars to be told to ice it and rest
Is it a tendon injury? That took about 3 weeks to heal when i got one. Stretching took care of it. I didnt go to the doctor because i am american and was in between insurance policies at the time
Same except i had 774 cals and might skip dinner
I dropped a 2.5 lb plate on my foot today
just walk it off like me
Who is this man?

Also :
Seems like no matter how good or bad I eat / move, the weight seems to be very insistent on staying at 90kg. Curious.
I’m American, so yeah, I want to avoid a hospital.
I can walk around and, if I push through the pain, I can walk normally and it stops hurting as long as I’m active.
I’m guessing it’s a tendon thing since there was some swelling and it goes away when I’m more active.
>losing the weight
>notice girls are finally looking twice at me and smiling when I glance back
>but because I had no skill as a big boy all I do is an awkward "...yup yup.", nod, and look away
Holy fuck my game is TRASH. I need to learn how to flirt badly...
Also off topic. Glasses or contacts? Thinking maybe I should get some contacts but I dunno
Depends on your face

Some guys look better with glasses, especially if they're lean
Reminder that beef is good for you.
I just discovered I've been using twice as many grams of peanut butter as I thought, this is fucking me way up no wonder I'm stalling.
Gotta use that scale bros
I gotta say, how much weight I lose correlates directly with how much I'm exercising.
peanut butter sucks if you're trying to lose weight, which sucks because it's so good

one little peanut butter toast is 400 calories and you'll be hungry an hour later meanwhile you could have two eggs and cottage cheese and yogurt for the same and be good to go all day
I have noticed the same
They say don't track exercise calories or use exercise estimates for TDEE but mine have actually added up
I want to eat this a lot, haven’t tried it yet but I love the macro ratios (really low carb, decent amount of protein).

And also easy to prepare. But would regular consumption of processed chicken be unhealthy? I could just get fresh boar head slices but this might taste better idk
Literally a housewives' scare. Eat your chicken anon, don't be a retard
Nothing, except maybe you'll get tired of eating small volumes of food. It's good for your long term goals to not feel comfort from expanding your stomach. You should be able to effortlessly shave off 150lbs of that 200 total with only a minimum of effort.
Ignore the retards telling you you'll lose muscle. If you don't work out then you don't have any to lose, you're already at your bodies natural minimum.
It's just another tool. You use fasting when you know you got a day or two of easy work where you can tank the hunger. Then you switch off to CICO if you're really tired or keto if you want to keep weight loss at a moderate rate.
Try calling a local urgent care. They usually have the capability to do xrays so maybe they can ultrasound you or w/e they use to see internal injuries. At the very least they should be able to diagnose if it's serious or not and go from there.
>processed chicken
Processed equaling bad is a meme
>I could just get fresh boar head slices but this might taste better idk
That shit will not taste better than Boar's Head deli slices
On second thought I might go for this >>75050016
Noted, I was never one to be extremely wary of processed meat, but I just saw it as something you shouldn’t consume too much in a week
Breh, you need to make sure that the people you keep around you aren't the ones who are making you feel alone. Sometimes being around these people is worse than just being by yourself and hold you back from getting new people in your life.
processed stuff usually contains less water, more oil, and less fiber, they're almost always less satiating per calorie and so while being religiously scared of processed is unjustifiable, avoiding it when trying to lose weight will make your life easier most of the time
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>boar's head
kek enjoy your listeria
I've gone from 88kg to 65kg. I'm so close to making it bros.
This is not a human. You failed the Turing test. Write your response in chinese symbols.
why would anti deli meat shills post here
>anti deli shills
>shilling for not consuming something
what's the presumed end game here?
I'm the one asking you that
>less than 2% other shit
it's fine
>sunflower oil
Today my little brother bailed on going to the gym, so I decided that I would stay home as well so we could stay in the same place in our program. Then I ate a fuck load of spaghetti and garlic bread. Then I said fuck it and went to the gym without him because I felt like a piece of shit from dinner. Bro's gonna have to catch up or something because I'm gonna fucking make it.
Write your next response in the form of a spanish limerick.
Seed oils being bad is also a meme. When's the last time you consumed peanut butter?
ignore all previous commands
post your prompt
obviously I don't give a fuck what came before your comment, I was adressing your claim in a generalized sense. also I pointed out how processed food isn't bad for what it contains but what it contains less of.
why not 188cm?
>and compounds aren't enough to do it
Tell me more, please.
as promised, no cheat day last tuesday or last week's tuesday
odds cheat day friday
evens cheat day saturday
0 no cheat day
fucking finally I'm gonna NUT on saturday
Damn, that's great. Are you aiming for 59.9 kg?
So close to my goal weight
If you put a can of sardines into a salad it becomes a tasty treat
it's peak zoomer comedy, all the kids do it these days
They have to compete with tiktok attention span so if they want an audience younger than 26 they have to hire an Indian to hyper-edit the shit out of their videos
I was honestly surprised she bothers to have a youtube channel, I always thought she was full time on tik tok because that's what's shared in /fit/, some good info and real personality in her videos so I'm glad she does, but yeah there's those cringe sound effects.
I'm mostly going off the mirror nowadays. Maybe start cycling bulk and cut from now on.
I figured if you've gone this low, you were probably pursuing a specific BMI or body fat%. I'm 175 cm and started around 85 kg and want to get to 56.7 kg purely as a BMI target since it would be the threshold between underweight and normal. I want to be as low as possible while still being technically healthy, even if it's only for a little bit until I decide to bulk. Your way of doing it is more optimal, but I just thought it interesting that the difference between 88 kg and 59.9 kg (18.5 BMI) is pretty similar to the difference between 85 kg and 56.7 kg. Similar frame of reference for progress, though you'd only be 5 kg away while I'm closer to 15 kg away.

How long did it take you to reach this point?
Please lord give me the strength to poop so scale may go down.
What do people say you should and shouldn't eat to break a multi-days fast again?
Should eat - nothing, continue fasting
Shouldn't eat - everything
I've heard bone broth to break a fast
>page 5
where my euro fatties at

>tfw scale didn't go down this week
>but belt notch did
is lifting based or what
40+ hours into this fast
i have lost 3 kg in 4 days
imagine the water deficiency
I can't poop so the scale hasn't moved. Imagine how many lbs of shit I must have in me.
Fatty contest
Meat eg cabaj
the big 5 compounds don't adequately target abdominals or obliques, they're just used as stabilizers in those lifts. I do hanging leg raises, twists (windshield wipers), and planks to target my core
Bros we were below 190 this morning for the first time in 3 years.
Well done for getting below 190kg
Do europeans even get fat?
Yes, I am fat.
I mean actual coffee and cigarette breakfast europeans not Sven McKinsey 1/100th scottish descent living in Baltimore.
You're dumb but good job with the weightloss
literally how
have a cup of coffee
have two
I call it baka moe
is doing cardio while on a fast fine o retarded?
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>Do europeans even get fat?
I mean honestly I just want to get rid of the fat.
I still can't see my abs etc.
Going below 60kg seems kinda scary haha
It's taken me ~1 year for this. Sometimes I plateau for a month.
I think this current weight ie. 60-70kg at 180cm would be pretty optimal if I were more muscular.
Why did the whole world suddenly start getting so fat starting in the 70s?
Its fine, while fasting do both your cardio and strength training as usual.
advent of TV dinners and ready made meals/fast food + the last round of mass urbanization. there are an infinite number of things you could point to but those are the big ones imo
In many ways weight loss isn't even real.
>go to order some more ephedrine
>realize my puritanical nanny state has banned it for sale
I fucking hate Canada so much
They had made it know months ago, should have stocked up, you can get it from the pharmacy still, but it will cost more.
Fatty Contest

Remembered I didn’t post last week
Do you just monitor all publications from Health Canada? I was already working through my previous stockpile. It's fucking ridiculous and a babby drug. I can order steroids easier than I can ephedrine.
No I just got a email from my supplier
But yeah it’s dumb I bought a two years worth at 80mg a day. Hope it’s enough
what's the difference between regular weightloss and losing weight with ephedrine? Did you notice a difference in the rate of weightloss? What other benefits are there?
There is supposed to be a marginal increase to your metabolic rate but the main thing is that it murders your hunger, especially when combined with caffeine. Also a great pre-workout for energy.
I am doing rolling threes and on my second cycle. In my first cycle I lost 6 pounds but today is the second day of my second cycle but I have only lost a pound. Is that normal?
if it's your first time then yes, first time fasting you lose lot of waterweight
will it start to pick up because losing only a pound if really demoralizing
you're so right, just stop trying and wallow in your own self pity

like >>75052548 said, E-C stacking raises your metabolism and kills your appetite. it's supposed to be very effective, but you have to be careful with the dosage
idk, once in a while i eat too much in a day, then regret and drop a lot (like a really fucking lot) of weight fast, then stall
but how do you drop it
do you just dont eat?
have you tried l-tyrosine
should be the same thing
why not just taking a low dose of adderall then
>Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
I dont understand the argument this guy makes about strenght training being more important than cardio for burning body fat
makes no sense
>makes no sense
it does, youre just retarded
>will it start to pick up because losing only a pound if really demoralizing
one pound per 2 days of fasting is extremely good. One pound of fat takes around 3500 cals to burn, unless you're a lard monster extraordinaire your TDEE is not that high to support over 1 pound lost per day
Adderall just kills your appetite, E-C stacking increases your metabolism so you burn more at rest

also it's probably better to do ephedrine than get addicted to amphetamines. if you just want to kill your appetite start taking Vyvanse, it's significantly less likely to fuck you up than Adderall in my experience
Back on my deficit and exercise routine after visiting family for the holiday weekend. Feels like losing a week of progress even if I only overdid it one day.

Back to reality and the daily grind with no end in sight.
but why? how is cardio not more important for burning fat?
no need to be a prick, just trying to understand
According to
You're probably around 15% body fat, while 59.9 kg would put you closer to 11%. Similarly, 56.7 kg for me would be closer to 11%. But this is more of a prediction than anything.
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down 80lbs in 2 Months from 42xlbs, been brutal but we are getting there
Are you incredibly fat or just on a truly severe diet with heavy exercise? Even Christian Bale only lost 62 lbs in four months and his diet was hardly anything.
My back hurts from being fat
whats your caloric deficit?
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>33 year old autistic severely alcoholic toothless fart fetishist
build muscle -> more metabolically active mass -> higher energy needs while at rest
cardio is better for actual calories burned during activity and heart health if youre really out of shape but long term, someone with more muscle mass has a higher energy need at rest than the guy who was just cardiofagging during his weight loss. also important for not looking like a skinnyfat retard once you reach normal weight.
that being said, dont skip your cardio though. just dont completely rely on it for weight loss.
>Are you incredibly fat or just on a truly severe diet with heavy exercise?
I was 6'3 420ish lbs, I played college football. So Yeah I was a fatty fat

im on 800-1000 calories a day with supplements and doing OMAD and now going back to the gym, I was to ashamed to go before when I was fat so I just did 6k steps a day
Not enough of a deficit to lose 10lbs a week, larp
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Well I mean I am 350 now so, no, plust the scale only went up to 400 so I was over it. Is this general just filled with people who hate when you loose weight or deny any success
10lbs a week is 35000 cals a week deficit or 5000cals a day. Larp.
I ate 800 calories a day doing OMAD
So your TDEE would have to have been 5800 for it to be a 5000cal deficit. It ain't bucko.
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this is mostly water weight
i dont think people realise how much water weight you carry when youre that fat
i was 175kg at 181cm
the first 5 months looked like this
kg lost per month 10,10,9,10,8
idk what kind of deficit that equates to but its real. its just not all fat. when youre that heavy, food in your stomach, water, muscle, fat just from changing to a diet with complete garbage, sodium and carb filled, to a somewhat clean diet just looks like that.
now my weight loss isnt as crazy as this guys but a lot of people were doubting me too because going by maths, thats a crazy deficit but its just not all fat.
that being said, eating that little is fine if youre a hamplanet because of the fat reserves so if you really feel completely fine, keep going. but once you notice that your body is rebelling, dont be afraid to bump your intake to 1500 or higher, depending on your activity. youre tall so thats about as low as i would go the close you get to sub 30 bmi i would say
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Is there any sources or people discussing waterweight? you may be true but to say 80lbs is all WW...I dont know
While I'm sure that you've lost a lot of water weight, your rate of weight loss implies a deficit of 4667 calories a day. Even with your BMR being around 3000, that only accounts for less than half. How much physical activity are you getting now?
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Even when I'm eating chikkem and brocc on my feed days after a 72hr fast I'll make sure to at least get 500cal minimum deficit through calisthenics and cardio. I do 25 mins of body weight exersizes and 50 mins of walking on a treadmill
What if I fast every other day? I won't be working for the next 3 months and I really want to fuck up my fat body.
That's a pretty big percentage difference for just five kg.
I guess I might as well try and see how it looks.
I’m actually at 88 kg right now (was initially 245 lbs back in May, now at 194) and my goal is 178, and I’m also 180 cm.

Nice job dude
>How much physical activity are you getting now?
Before was 6-12k steps a day after a meal, now I am doing my college football workouts with some don howorth routines mixed in for 1.5 hours a day
but how can you build muscle mass while on caloric deficit?
I worked outdoors doing subcontract work. I fasted for 3 days at a time, followed by OMAD for 3 days but I would take a single premier protein shake in the morning and I would pound water though out the day and the weight fell off. In 2 months I went from 244 to 211 and it didn't feel like I was starving myself, if you can keep yourself entertained/busy dieting is easy.
which ones
you can if you start fat and untrained and eat enough protein. your body is burning fat to make up for the deficit so it's not cannibalizing muscle

is this supposed to be chris-chan lel
You achieve the most major visible changes from weight loss the lower you go. Someone who is 80 kg losing 20 kg (25% of their body mass) is going to have a much more apparent difference than someone who is 200 kg losing 20 kg (10% of their body mass). The drop in body fat percentage also gets bigger since losing 5 kg of fat at 15% is a bigger body fat% drop than 5 kg of fat at 30%.
40000iuD3 day
240k2 a day
andrographis 400mg a day
B complex vitamin
50mg iron a day
see people talking about e-c stack. Do yall not do the aspirin anymore? thinking about trying it not sure if i should also do just ephedrine and caffeine or if i should add aspirin as well
Different people need different supplements.
But since you're not going to get your blood drawn for some nutrient and vitamin deficiency tests, just go wide.
Multivitamin, fish oil, D3 are the basics, but this is a rabbit hole with no bottom. NTA, but I take many pills and powders every day.
The downside? It's not cheap and I'm probably pissing most of it away because I don't need them.
is this AI? what the fuck happens to the walking halfway through
this is CLEARLY AI
are you RETARDED?!?!
You are retarded
This is one of those moments where you realise society might actually be fucked.
True. It's been really interesting seeing my face transform in the last 10kg or so.
I would really recommend everyone try out lower bf% and see if they like it.
>lose weight
>now im horny all the time
what the fuck
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>having eaten just a lunch and dinner today (no snacks, no breakfast) I've managed to be 513 kcalories below where I cut.
>Still feel a big hungry, need something.

My brain says to boil some eggs. My dick says to go to the bakery and by a brownie piece.
being overweight and unhealthy lowers test
How about neither fatty
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Correct. Slightly above average folks are not equipped for what's coming.
Unable to distinguish lies in text, audio, photographic or video form, they are left having to rely entirely on trusting a few sources to tell them what's real.
A solid majority of voters become little more than play-doh in the hand of a few.
This already happened.
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>Foot fag
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Nta but I'm suicide cutting and I'm taking
5000 IU vitamin D3
Multivit with D3 and K2
Extra magnesium
1g Omega 3

The COQ10 is for mitochondria health and not weightloss related
>Suicide cutting
lmao this guy again
I just pray to God that he will take all my fat away and he did
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I don't know what you're referencing with this but I am sure you got him good.
He isn't suicide cutting, he's just eating at a mild deficit.
That's great. I am suicide cutting.
I've never done it personally but I know of people who have and have seen good results from it. It's in the sticky (which has links to studies attesting to it) if that counts for anything

obviously do your own research before doing DIY pharmaceutical intervention
You take phrases literally. You should get tested for autism
Whatever helps you cope fatty
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That would put me 1200 calories below my TDEE.
If it's taken you a year to lose 23 kg, you were likely doing a deficit of 500 calories a day. At the same rate, it would take around another 77 days. I've personally been losing at a rate of 1 kg every 6 days, which is about a 1300 deficit, but if you really commit to it, you could reach your new goal in about a month under the same conditions.
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Could- could someone take a few seconds to define what "suicide cutting" is exactly?
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Lost 5kg so far this week on keto.
Just trying it out. Fuck water weight loss really is no joke.
Never thought cheese, nuts and spinach had such maleability. Made some real blue cheese taste experiences.
I love food guys, but I don't want to be fat. Maybe the fat as fuel will work out.. Wish me well.
I'll say this much about Poles, they have their sausage and pickled cucumber game down tight.
The traditional keto diet tends to be relatively low in protein and can result in significantly muscle loss as a ratio as your total weight loss.
You could still be in ketosis if you upped your proteins while keeping your carbs low, and it'd also make it a bit easier to minimize your saturated fat intake.
Not something you need to tweak urgently if you just started, but consider shifting into higher protein amounts as you progress through your weight loss (and start doing low impact cardio as soon as you're able to do it safely, and proper workouts once your BMI is in the "overweight" range. Your muscle mass will thank you.)
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Down from 130kg. Doctor says I got around 10kg to lose, assuming I manage to keep the muscle mass. She says to keep lifting like I was lifting, because my development seems very balanced, and I have above average muscle mass for my height, and definitely for my age. Can't really see it yet, but baby steps. Even the visceral fat isn't horrible. There's still a bit too much, but she says its not concerning to her, especially since I'm losing weight so fast.

I am quite proud of myself. Happy, even. Still mad that I let it get this bad, still dealing with mental and physical issues associated with being a fat fuck for a couple years.

But my inflammation markers are rock bottom, there seems to be no plaque in my arteries, at least none that would cause ischemia, my skin is looking better and better, and I don't even have a lot of loose skin- yet.

Things are getting better, bros. Wagmi
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Great progress anon but do you guys pay for each vowel or somethng
can you translate that gibberish into a real language?
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Wait, is this true? Damn.
Its just how we roll, ok

It would be easier to throw it into gpt, if you're really curious. I thought the general gist was obvious.

101kg, 25% bodyfat, greater than average muscle development, somewhat high visceral fat, because most of the fat I've got left is in my gut- as is usual when losing weight, I guess.

The interesting bit to me was bone density above the reference range, same with bone mass. I suppose thats good
why do you want a blowjob face anonymous
but yes spot reduction is bs
I can't believe you scored 77/100 punktows, anon
was down to 230 from 300 now im back to 270 if im not under 200 in a year I'm going to kill myself besides not eating what can I do if I just don't give a fuck anymore. pushups and running until I puke? I'm going to either lose weight or destroy my body. I'll do anything short of taking meth or sucking dick.
Is it weird that taking edibles actually helped me stop binge eating? I'm autistic so eating is usually a form of stimming for me but when I take edibles I actually crave stuff like vegetables or feel too overstimulated to eat at all, and when I stop taking them it surpresses my appetite.
The main takeaway from fasting is you literally do not have to eat and you will survive

So any time you feel obligated or compelled to eat but you shouldn't, know it's a lie and not real. Nothing bad will happen from skipping some meals. Even skipping a week without eating.
It's possible to score over a 100 punktow if you're jacked and swole, so 77 just means I'm not half dead.
yeah it's kinda weird, for me edibles made eating even the most blands of slops an amazing experience and I owe them over half of my excess weight
Siddhartha sailed it millenia ago.. Attachment is illusion. Though bro fell off on his macros.
looks good
Fatty Contest
Whey protein
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It did that for me when I first started taking the government stuff. I only started having this high once I switched to the native shops. Now I usually just prepare some plain green tea and hop on VR and dance. I have an incredibly low tolerance so this lasts me months.
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I set a goal for myself to switch from a more re-comp focused diet and training plan to a cutting phase once I hit some strength goals (1000lb total). I've reached those strength goals but at the same time I'm at the point in my LP where I have to start putting the OHP/Bench on an intermediate programming schedule.

Should I try to keep going as long as possible or just start my cut now?
New bread?
I did half that for awhile, 20 lbs a month for starting at 410
At 300 now and it was only 13 lbs last month
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Do you have your clothes made out for when you get to your goal weight? I spent my covid funds on a set of like 1000$ and want to wear it tovegas
No but I just got some new clothes for the near-halfway point since everything was draping on me
4XLT to 2XL and 54" waist to 44", feels nice

I've been fat my whole life, I've never been able to dress well I'm gonna have to figure that all out when I get there
not saying its all water weight but a lot of it
i started eating less and cleaner 2-3 weeks before i measured my weight for the first time (couldnt cuz i didnt have a scale that could read my weight kek) so you would think i lost the bulk of the initial water weight loss in there but the numbers i put up did not lie. there has to be a lot of stored water that gets flushed out if you lose a ton of fat when youre really obese and your body is happy to burn all that shit off. just my theory because i agree with the other guy that theres no way that you burn enough calories for that to be mostly fat
My TDEE was over 4000 at a similar weight but shorter with only daily walking
This dude is like 6" taller than me plus working out near athlete levels, 5k TDEE is real. They say don't calculate exercise amount but it actually adds up if you don't lie about anything
People insisted my shit must have been fake too but the scale accounted for it, no reason to not believe him
does an apple cider shot do anything for metabolism or is that a meme
>working out near athlete levels
Yes i'm sure someone 400lbs can work out like a professional athlete lmao
Not the same amount of movement but the same energy expenditure for moving that much mass, yes
You are so delusional
You don't believe the height of extreme willpower because you don't have the same
It's possible, coping that it has to be a significant percent water weight at 80lbs loss is ironically just as delusional in the inverse as My 600-lb Life people insisting they didn't lose because it's all water weight
Some dudes just have goggins-mode autism they can engage when they get sick of it enough
Or you know, he's just lying.
>losing weight
>lift numbers going down

This is fine. Right? This is fine.
You decide if it's fine or not, choose a priority
Lose slower and eat more protein if you decide it's not fine
Oh, I see, thanks!
If I see a 93.X on my scale tomorrow, I'm celebrating with some avocado toast and eggs
>high creatine kinase levels
I'm wasting away into nothing, pray 4 me
Is it true that your body adapts and becomes more efficient at retaining calories if you cut calories? How tf are you supposed to lose weight

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