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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the morbidly malarkeyd who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75045492
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overate this week but all of it was at or slightly below/above maintenance

no lost progress other than a lost week i guess
I ate wheat thins with cheese on them when I was already over budget for the day.
What cheese, not all cheeses are created equal. You should just cut cheddar out of your life, replace with swiss or mozzarella
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Gee momentum is key for me. It only takes one slip up for my to spiral into depression and debauchery of the culinary kind. Once you've lost momentum sure you keep saying you'll start tomorrow, but theres something even harder to get motivated for when youve just put back on 10-20% of what you have spent the last 12mths working on losing. Im sure everyones been there, I just need to reel this in before it becomes 110% regained.
eating healthy and less. cutting. lifting weights 4x a week. cardio everyday, but heavy cardio 3x a week.

getting strong. muscles getting bigger. recovery is quicker. stamina and endurance getting better. bodyweight dropping. but still have a pregnant swollen belly. any tips ? 6ft, roughly 210lb tee total, not eating much fatty foods, not having much take out food.
Was a 1oz slice of Muenster.
Its not a disaster or anything, just shameful.
I smelled some fired junk food, got a massive craving and almost broke 5-day fast on it. I was able to control myself and not actually break my fast, but I still felt bad about faltering and almost doing it. I thought I was over this, it made me realize just how hard it will be to keep the weight off if even several days into a fast when normally I have zero craving or appetite that all it took was a whiff of fried food to make me that weak and almost ruined my streak. Like I was able to do it this time, but will I next week, or next month, in 6 months, a year? Will I be able to control it when I feel like I've already achieved my weight goals and I want to "reward" myself, I mean what harm could a fried chicken do, what harm could a double cheese burger do, what harm is there in a ice cream smoothie, only some junk food now and then isn't so bad, it'll be fine, next thing I know I'm just as fat if not fatter than I was before. The thought sickens me.

Please absolve me of my sinful thoughts, please absolve me of this weakness, Amen.
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Fucking oreos again. I accumulated a good decifit and fucked it up. I can reliably quit any garbage food except cookies
I don't like keto
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Stop thinking of ultra-processed slop as food.
Stop bringing poison into your home.
I'm 6'4" and 85kg. I think i'll just not eat a couple days this week so i get visible abs in time for summer.
What's wrong with Skippy though?
Dang so that 5 months of failing to treat a fungal rash might actually be psoriasis
Cheese curds are the work of the devil
Don't engage with the diet meme war schizoids. They're mentally deranged DYELs.
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I stalled on my linear progression, what should I do now? Cut?

5'11", 270lbs
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any of you guys make bone broth? I have some chicken feet and wanna try to make it, do you have some tips.
I'm done with most of my work, so I can take a small break.
Thinking, what should I eat today.
I've been in a mood for some spicy ramen but I'm not sure if the place that pops up on Google Maps is any good.
Maybe it's the day I should finally try out that Indian place across the road, but it probably isn't.
Making some sweet oats on milk and eating some sausages with eggs later is an option too.
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Blanch your bones.
Roast your bones.
Give it time.
Don't add salt.

The final product should turn into jelly when it cools down in the fridge.
Freeze whatever you won't be using immediately - that's your culinary gold.
I don't know? I thought we were talking about the addictive qualities of heavily processed foods like Oreo cookies.
from 300 to 220, 5'8. I go back and forth from looking forward to being at a healthy weight, and then i'm so worried about what my loose skin will look like when I lose another 40 pounds. It fucks me up
Threadly reminder that WAGMI
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>at the point where bodyfat is becoming a more important metric than bodyweight
I'm thinking a couple months max before I graduate from being /fat/
i had cookout for dinner after the gym today. I got shit to do ECA stack starting tomorrow though so hoping that appetite suppressant effect y'all talk about is real
ate 6 mcdonalds burgers, went to bed, slept 15 hours, lightest I've ever been. take that wokies
Yep. Though it doesn't have to look like this pic. Mine usually looks like old cum I left in a tissue. Delicious.
I had an stress-filled & emotional day. I’m 5 drinks in and unsure of how far I’ve gone past my TDEE. Only good thing I can say is other than the alcohol I’m not eating göyslop.
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>acne incel
>cooking own food, lifting weights, getting more sun, less fapping, intermittent fasting, 72 hour fasting, washing pillowcases more, reducing heat of shower
>continued being covered in acne
>decide to stop buying milk for 3 weeks
>perfectly smooth skin
It's over. I can't drink milk. I'm basically brown or jewish, possibly both. I have no vril.
Who is in the worst situation?

A. A depressed jazz musician alone in a room with a bag of heroin
B. An up and coming politician alone in a room with a 15 year old
C. A hungry fat man alone in a room with an open jar of peanut butter at 3 in the morning.
>A. A depressed jazz musician alone in a room with a bag of heroin
worst situation, heroin generates a real addiction, not some made up bullshit like porn or sugar
>B. An up and coming politician alone in a room with a 15 year old
could be in a better situation, 15 is too old, otherwise a great situation to be in
>C. A hungry fat man alone in a room with an open jar of peanut butter at 3 in the morning.
average situation, just say no. even if you don't, losing weight is doable. if you're trying to lose one of the first steps is to never put yourself in a situation like this. don't buy peanut butter. if you have peanut butter throw it away. don't be hungry at 3am. be sleeping two hours after dinner.
broke my fast early today (made it to 93 out of 120 hours) because I was literally obsessing about food. I couldn't concentrate on anything else and it wasn't that I felt hungry physically. I am just emotionally food addicted I guess. and I thought fasting helped because it gives me a lot more willpower around my occasional urges to binge but it hasn't made the addiction to uber-appetizing or just overindulgent foods any better. I spend the last day of my fasts imagining some specific dish in perfect detail.
Sole days it's hard to accept the ham beast I allowed myself to become........
it's normal to be hungry after 93 hours retard, fastards who go around telling people "you barely feel anything after the first 48 hours" or whatever are coping like motherfuckers
You get hungry while fasting when you are thinking about food.
Fasting is a meme
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just found out theres a place nearby that sells these dubai chocolate crepes and I'm already planning on buying two
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This man lacks the necessary bacteria needed to breakdown lactose yet blames it on himself.

When nomads make alcohol from mare's milk, they don't add the yeast into it right away because yeasts process glucose into ethanol, not lactose.
They add bacteria (like lactobassilus and other families) from old batches of fermented milk into it with the yeast.
The bacteria break apart the lactose into glucose which is then processed by the yeast.

In much the same way, the cure is to cultivate a microbiome in your gut that supports these beneficial bacteria
If he doesn't want to drink milk he doesn't have to.
b-b-b-b-b-but muh white man culture!!11!
>white supremacy
>look inside
>fetish slob
why are indians and mexicans that think they're aryans like this?
Look up what aryan means and get humiliated Saar.
there is nothing more blissful than eating eggs for breakfast on an empty stomach after programming the whole night
>not sleeping
im not retarded enough to exercise or lift, sorry
>massive stomach ache tuesday but couldn't shit
>no shit wednesday
>no shit thursday
>my weight hasn't changed despite only eating 1300 cals tuesday and wednesday and fasting the whole day thursday
should... I be worried
I'm having paranoid feelings of my shit being stuck somewhere in the pipeline
depends on what you ate
drink some senna tea before bed if it continues

if that doesnt work, see a doctor
Take some pooping meds
i eat normally, 1500-2000 kals, walk 3 times a week go 20000 steps per day.
I dropped 3 kg since sunday. Water loss aside, i ate a lot prior, like i felt bloated daily, that's whybi started dropping weight so maybe i was literally full of shit this sunday.
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Convince me not to fast 40 days starting tomorrow. I'm tired of being fat.
ate two ice creams yesterday, still within calorie goal
do it, fail, binge, get fatter than ever, then come back and post it as a reply to the fat confession priest
that's what everybody seems to be doing
i've never fasted past 72, and i am not into fasting really. That said i feel apathy to food after 24h, and i feel encouragement after 48h. Then both gradually wear off.
Why don't you people just take ADHD medication or do meth?
Because if I wanted to pay money for fast solutions without changing any of my habits that made me like this to begin with, I'd get liposuction and get it done in an afternoon.

We're like monks here overcoming earthly pleasures until we reach our personal nirvana. Can't just fake being a monk, defeats the whole purpose.
Because glp-1 medications are better, cheaper and won't ruin your life.
im not a burger and actually value my mental health, so i dont
and im like 5kg away from my 70kg goal anyway
I'm gonna eat a brownie today. Because it's Friday.
I guess, but you're really just trying to achieve baseline self restraint that's present in most normal people. I don't think you're reaching especially grand spiritual heights here. Its kinda sad that you guys are going to slowly smother your enjoyment of food when you could just fast every now and then. I'm not even fat but i lost 4kg in a couple weeks through severe action.
hello r/fat im starting a carnivore diet
Wrong site faggot
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my friend told me he lost 15kg in 2 weeks. google tells me 7,700 calories to a kilo of fat. So he was in a little more than a 7,700 deficit per day. Obviously I'm suspicious. Is that even possible with drugs + eating literally nothing?
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Good session at gym, came home planning to have salmon and veg but just craved carbs. Made some bolognaise. I feel grouse, but also dissapointed I just didnt eat my planned meal. We'll do better tomorrow.
My skin has been cooked since ive been eating at parents this week due to a small issue with my current place. Been drinking normal milk again and I feel like that is indeed the culprit. Normally will have a little bit of A2 milk daily as it less inflammatory but probably Id be better off cutting out all dairy.
>15 is too old
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Got acid reflux and stomach pains from fasting so I made a 3 am burger.
>Is that even possible with drugs + eating literally nothing?
Depending on the starting weight of your friend, 5~10 of those 15 kg is likely water. Plus the margin of error for daily weight fluctuation, taking and not taking a shit before stepping on the scales, having or not having the clothes on, etc.
8000 kcal daily expenditure while on a water fast for 15 days will probably put you in a coma.
This general obsession with water weight is not healthy
>cultivate a microbiome
Ive been very interested in this, but I got as far as fiber fueled and vegen is not the path I want to go down. I want a health biome though, I want good digestion, I very much believe a healthy gut is the solution to a lot of the bodys problems. Any other good reading you could reccomend?
Why did you have bolognaise ingredients in the house? Just go to the shops daily if you don't have self restraint. You people are all far too easy on yourselves.
this general obsession with calorie counting is not healthy
if you're sick/have a serious fever (and are therefore invisibly burning a ton of calories], or if you're doing a ridiculous amount of exercise it's possible
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if you want to cultivate a microbiome then you need to eat food that the microbes can actually digest so they can multiply, meaning you would need to cut fiber from your diet
Retard. The microbiome is not human.
It's more human than you or me
the microbes eat what you put inside your stomach and they cant eat the fiber
humans dont have the length or microbes in their digestive tracts to even start to digest the fiber like for example cows and gorillas
this means that we (probably you not included) are carnivores
You don't even know what the fuck you're underscoring, brainlet. Much of the fiber that can't be digested by human enzymes can be digested by the bacteria in our microbiome, such as pectin or inulin. The microbiome breaks it down into things humans can digest like short-chain fatty acids. That's why there's a symbiotic relationship between the bacteria in our gut and ourselves, since we feed it and it feeds us.
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It's a symptom of an underlying issue, one of many even.

Look up lacto fermentations.
You will need DAIRY-BASED fermented food products MADE AT HOME.
Trust me on this, stuff like Sauerkraut and Kombuchas did nothing compared to dairy based ferments and their efficacy over non dairy ferments is proven...

Start making Kefir, which is easy and foolproof, which grows at room temperature.
Move onto Yoghurts which need a higher temperature to propagate, for that I use a Sous Vide machine as a control temperature bath.
Then you can try making cultured yoghurts for other strains. L Reuteri is a common bacteria that grows best in 37.7C (Human body temperature!), these can be backslopped endlessly and you can even freeze them to retain "1st strain"s.
Then theres mixed probiotic yoghurts, but those tend to drift from the composition we want within a few cycles so take a bit more care.

The general idea is to BOMBARD the gut with beneficial microbes that will outcompete harmful bacteria and fungi in your gut by propagating the bacteria in a controlled environment and consuming it every day.
you do realize that fiber literally goes through you, right? of course you can digest the non fiber parts of plants like the carbs in potatoes for example, but you will never digest the actual fiber
stop being retarded
and no, we have no bacteria in our digestive systems that can digest fiber
You are a mongoloid. I just named two dietary fibers we can't digest but gut microbiome can, and you're just spouting bullshit like a broken record again. Go kill yourself you nigger.
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Inulin and Raw potato starch is often sold as a "prebiotic" due to the fact that while it's not adding any actual bacteria to your gut, it feeds the bacteria that finds it.
That's why it's often added to Yoghurts or prebiotic drinks (more often in a home setting than a commercial/industrial) for higher probiotic yields and better "setting" of the liquid
Reminder that beef is good for you
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Yes? I can play this game as well, retard. Or what, do you think something has to be either a fiber or a carb? Binary brain of a mentally defective person in action here.
Dietary fiber can't be digested, however, it is also a carbohydrate. It is broken down in our guts into short-chain fatty acids. So dietary fiber's sole nutrition for our bodies is sourced from the fat that is rendered via the small amount of fermentation the vestigial parts of our intestines are capable of. As there doesn't seem to be any experimental evidence for the requirement of feeding specific dietary fiber-eating microbes, it's safe to simply ignore such assertions without proof.
no, you mental midget, carbs are macros, fiber is what's left over from the plant that you cant digest
>Dietary fiber can't be digested, however, it is also a carbohydrate
Now the nigger is making up his own definitions after getting beaten the fuck out. What a riot.
yet you still cant digest fiber
Not an oxymoron. The human body is not a combustion engine and cannot digest fiber. Cows cannot digest fiber, either. It's silly when Wikipedia-users attempt to argue, lol!
Good thing my microbiome can!
its an oxymoron by the fact that fiber cant be digested (quoted from you) and that its a carbohydrate, which can be digested
and i used wikipedia because normalfags will take that as proof sooner than logically thinking about it
those are carbs, menal midget
What are "those"?
the 2 "fibers" you mentioned
Is this the fiber schizo that has GI tract issues and gets bloated because he never ate anything beside slop so his gut fauna is shit so he decides to preach that fiber is evil?
Yes, those are fibers and carbs, you got it!
I've decided I'm going to eat Chinese food only and only authentic Chinese meals
Hopefully this will help me lose weight
Going to eat one rice bowl of rice per meal only
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Such a wonderful way your stupidity is showing. Guess by your definition, cellulose which is a carb is good to eat for people, too. What a mind you have.
>Going to eat one rice bowl of rice per meal only
or you could eat more animal products instead and be satiated longer and therefore eat less
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Oh my god, every fiber is a carb!
>non seq
you should jump off a building, we are talking about the 2 carbs you mentioned
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I'm done playing with the special needs kid, you guys have fun. Don't show this to him, it might freak him out.
We cannot digest dietary fiber, a carbohydrate. We cannot digest all carbohydrates, therefore, it's not an oxymoron.
It's notably a carbohydrate in its natural state, as all carbohydrates elicit an insulin response, which can cause more complications than their worth in the metabolically diseased, primarily causing blood sugar to dip unnaturally low and blocking satiety, which can encourage binging after the effects of any volume-eating limitations are quickly passed into your intestines. Why salads make the morbidly obese (and therefore metabolically diseased) hungrier in the long-term than just skipping the salad. It's important to note this effect is present in all carbohydrates, including dietary fiber.
I feel pretty satiated after eating a bowl of rice porridge with meat or just plain oat porridge with whole milk
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feeling physically full is not the same as being satiated
Satiated for me is not feeling like snacking for hours afterwards even when you're bored
Fatty Contest
450g of taters and the same weight of turkey, toal is less than a 1000 cals.
god bless my simple taste in food.
i know that i can buy a kefir , add a bit of it to milk (i don't remember if pasterased works) and it will turn milk to kefir. is this a good method? are store bought kefir bacteria different from homemade?
also, as an europoor, what's the difference between kefir and buttermilk?
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>go to work bbq last night
>skip lunch, just have large-ish breakfast
>eat two burgers with no toppings and two hot dogs and a couple handful of chips + sugar free pop instead of beer
>hopefully still under my calories
>woke up this morning -1lb
Was it really this easy?
Going on a trip with friends in two weeks and starting keto + a severe cut today to try shift as much water weight as possible. When I did this in April I lost almost 6kg in the same time frame but I'm less heavy now than then, still hoping to do at least 4kg again. Also upping my cardio to try encourage my body to really use up my stores.
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Fatty Contest
106.5 kg
178 cm

Goal is to lose 20 kgs. Lets do this brothers!
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>tfw 140kg
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>tfw just got down to 140kg
That's known as "backslopping" and works in liquid SCOBY but not with Kefir which is a solid SCOBY.
In essence, Kefir reproduces in the grains and lives in the liquid. The grains are a habitat for the different bacteria of the Kefir to reproduce in. By maintaining grains you are maintaining the ratio of different benefitial bacteria that produce a kefir. Losing that ratio could lead to the introduction of other non-beneficial bacteria or off-flavors in a few cycles.
In essence a backslopped Kefir is just a "fermented dairy", and not really a Kefir.

Also, a lot of Kefir sold in stores is pasteurized. So you get the flavor, but lose the probiotic benefits.

Get the grains, imo. It's a 1-time purchase and then the cost of maintenance is ~400ml of whole milk per day.
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Fatty Contest
106.5 kg
178 cm

Ugh meant to start fresh.
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Well done anon, whats your goal weight? For me its 60kg
First goal is 90kg or 200lbs. Then i will decide how i feel. You're gonna make it man, we both are. Plans for your diet?
I just take a tums
> Plans for your diet?
Im doing low carb because it works or me but I eat carbs every now and then Im not religious about it. Whats your plan?
Same basically, high protein and low carb is honestly easy mode.
>meant tostart fresh
i guess he wan't to start with clear history (mega retarded)
Yeah and dont have to worry about hunger. I only eat when Im hungry and not when I ""have"" to. I dont aim to eat any specific amount of calories or protein or whatever. I just eat whenever I need to
After having should surgery I fell off the wagon. I had a wombo-combo of developing ulcerative colitis so now I cannot eat dairy anything, ie whey protein and now because of my shoulder I can’t lift weights.

I went from 5’11 175 to 5’11 195.

Just kill me.
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So just one of each twice a day or what
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I starve myself all day so I can eat pizza on Fridays
>because of my shoulder I can’t lift weights.
feel ya brudda, I got both rotator cuffs injured 2 months after losing 70kg and hitting my goal weight, didn't get better for 3 years so I have just put on 10kg and been in a weird high bf% maintenance mode up until now that the shoulders are 95% better. Still can't do some shit like shoulder presses but now I'm working on lowering the bodyfat which is still around 29%
I’m feeling jittery as fuck rn lol
Bro that's like 2 cups of coffee chill
i dont even binge unhealthy shit, just dried cranberries
never realized how many calories even 100mg of those have
cutting them off my diet is going to suck because yogurt + dried cranberries is the only thing i enjoy for breakfast but since i dont have the will power to not eat them at night they are going to have to go
any alternatives?
how old are you? acne started to chill the fuck out a lot for me after 22 or 23, but milk never triggered it for me, only stuff high in sugar
at least you already found out what the main trigger was for you
yogurt+whey protein of the flavor of your choice, or cottage cheese+whey protein, both taste great when mixed..
I use those protein puddings you can find everywhere to buy, low cal but very delicious and you get some protein out of it
So I'm 10lbs away from my goal
What thread do I go to after /fat/ to get started with obsessive lifting?
i think this would only work if you are slightly fat but some guys here are seriously fat and would have to take those meds for an entire year if they are going to rely on them for being on caloric deficit, they are also addicted to super trash food and their colesterol must be super high, adding those drugs could be dangerous
overall long term use like that its not worth it if you dont have adhd or narcolepsy
I have been taking vyvanse for like 2 years on and off and I ended up gaining weight anyways because of another med and because of being sedentary
>if you're sick/have a serious fever (and are therefore invisibly burning a ton of calories]
>tfw i never get sick anymore for some reason
im not gonna make it
based venn diagram employer
western logic hasnt made any significant progress after their invention
>1.5 hours after ECA
What the fuck
Ephedrine caffeine aspirin stack
Trips say ECA is a meme
for how long have you been doing it
you guys having more luck with ladies after losing weight?
No but femboys are all over me now
2.5 hours
The truth is women care very little about your weight, unless you're just morbidly obese they care about your confidence and how authentic you come off. If you pretend to be confident and they detect you're unhappy or just talking the talk without walking the walk they won't want you, and women are really good at picking up on subtle tells and sniffing out how you actually feel. Losing the weight is more about making you feel better about yourself, and that's what will make you more attractive to women, not losing the weight itself. If your weight isn't your only issue keeping you from being happy with yourself they'll sniff that out too.
Probably but it made them more repulsive to me in a way. Deep down I haven't changed but the fact that I can be treated so differently sort of stings, it feels hypocrite in a way.
I've learned to sort them out and only genuinely love the kind and true ones, they shine differently. It's not so much about pure physical attraction alone but coming from fatland with my own experience it's a lot about how their "real" self look. In the end it just made more aware of red flags.
Perma virgin post lmao
nah he's right
Its a hard truth to accept, but you'll see chicks with fat guys all the time, this is why.
Eat some food. You'll get quicker fullness on ECA and greater satiety between meals but still eat. Lean protein, vegetables, wholegrain carbs, fruit, low fat dairy.
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!FATJRxI8R your website is still broken saar please fix
Wish I was young enough to get that.
On the contrary, I enjoy lots of more healthier foods more than before. I never realized how good a simple baked potato with some chicken was. I'm no longer overweight but I do understand things about myself more. I really enjoy flavors, it's not a hunger thing. Now that I've lost so much weight, it's hard to eat as much as I did, my stomach has shrunk. Kind of an odd feeling to be full but want more because you want to enjoy the pleasure of testing more, guess I just have to learn to savor my meal.
i really think 30mg of vyvanse in the morning would be more effective and less risky than playing around with this
>ADHD medication
It's not a silver bullet, you're just pushing back the hunger for later.
I agree but getting a prescription is hard
kfc has so much better macros than any other fastfood chain in my country (shithole). they have nutritional values online. It's basicaly chicken and very small amounts of oil + minimal carbs for the batter. I wonder if they're faking it somehow. It's definitely much less than kfc in the US.

gonna have 6 filet bites (358 kcal) + cole slaw (170 kcal) and a coke zero later...
they dont kill hunger for me, but for some reason it kills the impulse to eat sugary or really greasy stuff or binge, non-hungry, eating in general
im not really into that kind of food myself but someone who has an extreme sweet tooth could really benefit from them
if you cut down sugar after a while you will stop liking it even without the meds
Finally below 300 this morning
Been at least 6 years, probably more
>traveling with a bunch of old new agey hipsters with a shitton of food restrictions
>my low calorie high protein diet + carrying whey around turns out to actually be the easiest to cater to
>nobody looks at me weird for it
silver lining i guess
Fatty Contest
What are some quick high protein breakfasts that don't take long to prep? I'm trying to replace my habit of eating a yucky protein bar on the go (166cals/25g protein). Anything that can beat it on a protein to calories efficiency scale would be a bonus. But also nothing too dense because eating a lot early makes me feel sick
Protein drink
two eggs + 100 grams of egg whites
oats and whey
optional pb/banana whatevver
couple eggs with some cheese
Boiled eggs cuts the fat from frying them. You can also boil a bunch on Sunday and have them throughout the week
Ate an apple tart
It's over for me gotta skip lunch
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>Lost nearly 30 pounds the last couple of months
>Never been more on point in terms of maintaining calories
>Even able to bounce back after a bad day or two

I feel like it has been too easy this time around. I fear a storm is approaching.
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I have this type of calipers and my actual fat calipers is still 630,000 leagues away, so how do I measure my fat folds?
>164 lbs(Down from 180 in Feb.)
When to stop cutting and start going hard on resistance training?
Going for blockier look to match my stocky frame.
What bf% should I be aiming for, for the perfect blend of bulk and definition?
I don't know what the term is, but I don't want a wider midsection, not a skinny V look.
If I'm asking in the wrong thread, lmk
anyone here have any experience with thermogenic fat loss supplements? do they actually work?
At 20%+bf, losing is just a question of managing cravings and boredom.
Fatty Contest
>When to stop cutting and start going hard on resistance training?
whenever you think you look good enough
>Going for blockier look
>don't want a wider midsection

You forgot your anti-retard pills
that was obviously a typo I also said "not skinny"
A lot of obliques, 15%bf
thanks, will do
Wise words. I found that drinking alcohol helped with this, i admit with regret.
every time i eat pickled herring/matjes filet/canned tuna/cured meat in general i can predict that i will carry at least 0.5-1kg extra water weight the next day.
if i eat anything heavily salted by myself i dont have that effect. how come?
i know the weight will drop in the following days again, just curious to whats behind this
Fatty Contest
This sounds like the best suggestion for me. Cheers.
Protein powder mixed into greek yogurt
Chocolate protein into vanilla yogurt tastes pretty similar to chocolate pudding, it's nice
240 calories for 45g of protein for the mix I do
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Well it was a fun few months of being a lazy bastard but I'm officially back on the wagon lads. Didn't manage to gain anything back but definitely didn't lose. I want to lose 80 pounds, preferably by next Spring. Wish me luck
how to make sure running is making me burn fat and not eating muscles?
Don't do too big of a deficit + get enough protein + lift + sleep enough
You will never burn muscle while running. You might burn muscle recovering from running though. Make sure you consume enough carbs. And don’t really worry about where your body is sourcing its energy during the actual activity. Fat adaptation in endurance happens over time, is limited, and really only matters for race performance.
what happens if im not eating carbs
If you’re not consuming carbs, your body does gluconeogenesis while you’re recovering to restore glycogen. This is the process of converting fat and protein to glycogen.

While you’re exercising if you run out of glycogen you will bonk and be unable to continue. You burn a mixture of fat and glycogen while doing endurance sport. Fat adaptation is when the percentage of energy coming from fat is higher than it would otherwise be, but you’re never burning fat exclusively. Fat adaptation just extends the time you can exercise before you run out of glycogen. Consuming carbs during exercise also extends the time you can exercise before you run out of glycogen.
Fatty Contest
316.2 lbs
Tl;dr the fat burning zone is a meme. Just keep running
Work hard anon. 7 months means you have like 30 weeks? 2.5lbs a week isn't impossible.
Thanks and yeah whatever maybe losing too fast puts me at risk of loose skin but I, like many other people, are motivated by massive leaps in progress.
I have going to the gym daily but still eat like a pig. My waist got reduced by 4cm although I weight the same, so probably lost water weight or gain some muscle
i weighed in at my doctor's office at 230 pounds this morning, down from 249 on august 7th. i told myself i would be happy with 235 before the appointment and so i was pleasantly surprised. (the scale at home is bugged and not replaced yet, have to use the one at the clinic.) i put a lot of work in this past month in terms of exercise and have stuck to my diet quite religiously, so it's nice to see results.
I wish I could get the excitement back that came with the start of weight loss
I feel nothing when I hit goals now
I suppose it's a good thing that I'm sticking to habits while not being driven by feelings but I miss the joy
I wanna drink about a cup in the morning, how much calories are in it
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I was the anon that was drinking too much in the last thread, decided to start counting calories and get on a supplement regimen (protein, multivitamin, supergreens, thermovex + acetyl L-carnitine)

Like I said before, I've been doing strength training for the past couple months but I'd totally neglected cardio because it was absurdly hot out. Well today I'm back to cardio; just a short jog, but it helps.

I've got a few questions though, right now my planned workout routine is:
>3 days of strength training (weighted squats, bicep curls, planking, pushups) done every other day
>3 days of cardio (jogging) done on days without strength training

Does this look good or would I be overdoing it?

Also should I worry about losing too much weight too fast? Since I cut out the drinking drinking I started counting my calories, my goal was 2,780 (to lose 2 pounds a week on myfitnesspal) but I only consumed 1,673 cals of food and my job has me on my feet for 8 hours a day. I noticed my stomach seems to be gurgling a bit, but I'm guessing that's all the supplements. Any macros I should target specifically? I was consuming a lot of protein.
I have lost ten pounds fasting in the past 5 fuckin days. All i'm doing is three days fasts, refeed, and then start the cycle again.

I went from 169 - 163 in the first batch, and yesterday I had to eat at the second day instead of the third because I went running and felt tired but I went from 163 - 159. Ill hit my target weight in no time
Most of that is water weight loss that will quickly taper off. Remember a pound of body fat has 3500 calories - you have not expended 35000 calories in the last five days (seven thousand a day) unless you are running marathons or crossing the antarctic.

It is good that you are getting into a habit, but just be prepared for the weight loss to slow down massively and don't lose hope when it does, anon.
Lost 0.6kg this week, to another week of painful dieting.
I have not done any exercise except for the small bit of running I did but yes that makes sense. still though a lot of old clothes that barely fit before are comfortable on me now so progress is happening
looks disgusting
That post is either written by a woman or a retard

Got zero (0) action while I was fat and now I have no issues dating. Have a girl blowing up my phone right now as I type this despite still being a sperg living in his moms basement.

Looks are everything.
Good job. Slow march onward
Was I too hard on my daughter? We had the talk about boys. I told her she is allowed to go on dates, but no sex before marriage.

My wife was a virgin and I expect her to respect herself too, god knows how bad hookup culture is.

I told her I can’t stop her, but she’ll be disowned. She has a 529 plan for college and I will get her through college but there will be no inheritance.

Wife and I are slated to retire with millions based on projections, but my sisters says i’m being crazy. I don’t think I am, society will come in and chew you out.

I told her if she thinks she found the one, she can introduce me to him.
Ok, but tell me more about your weight loss
im afraid that im going to look ugly even when im skinny. i see skinny people who are ugly and wonder if they were fat before and thought getting skinny would make their prettier but they were wrong
do it for the health and physique benefits, if at least that.
Wild for the fat loss thread but she's just going to (and has been) sneak around and resent you
>be me
>500-700 calorie a day with water fasts in between
>lose 70 lbs
>bitch here about not being able to break through 235 set point despite eating nothing but 2 energy bars for weeks
>"ThErE iS nO sEtPoInT fAg ItS a MyTh"
>finally break through
>be 225 at 6'5"
>take a 2 week break
>turns into 3 months break
>eat like absolute shit prbly 5-10x as many calories daily, pizza, burgers, taco bell
>get on scale today
>gained 3 lbs
KEK. What about all that crashing and burning that was supposed to happen after extreme dieting clueless retards?
Set point is real. Get over it.
Wtf my stomach started bloating after a meal and I even got a stomach ache. It felt like I ate too much, but all I ate was 120g of oven baked potatoes, 70g of pork sweet & sour sauce, and a glass of milk.
I don't want my stomach skin to expand. Ahhhhh.
offtopic bitch weeaboo
Hey guys I just ate some strawberries they were very nice :)
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>trying to avoid eating dinner
Fatty Contest
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If Nikacado Avacado can do it, I can too.
He lost weight?
Honestly this gives me hope, if this shitfuck can lose it all then so can I
1300 is probably above a 1000 deficit for you, otherwise you should be closing the gap with cardio rather than straight calorie restriction
Ah yes, the experts have it wrong. All these losers who study for years to get their doctorate leading blinded studies fall flat in the face of your neckbearded anecdote. This is a concept you clearly understand at an expert level and are not applying incorrectly. I applaud your use of the scientific method.
anyone have any good fasting discords
Fatty Contest

Yesterday i was 132.2kg, but drnk 3L of water. i am severly dehydrated.
He can't and that's an old video from right after he got off his vegan diet before be became a binge-eater of low-fat pauedo-foods that you subsist exclusively off of.
He posted this this week. It's not an old video.
Post picture of your toilet saar
Been doing meal replacement shakes for the past 6mths but now dont know how to do normal diet. I need a few quick easy /fat/ meals that I can use to keep losing weight. Or should I just make my own protein shakes, just not sure they will be as filling as meal replacments.
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Hardstuck again, now at 98 kg/215 lbs. I know I’ve been eating less. Guess it wasn’t enough.
meal replacement are different from protein shakes, they contain micronutrients and different macros. are you exclusively doing meal replacement shakes? or combining them with food, it's not clear from your post. If you don't know shit about cooking I would just keep using meal replacement shakes on one or two meals and starting cooking at least one of your meals.

my /fat/ meals are just some meat and some veggies.
pick one meat: chicken breast, chicken thighs, beef, pork, mince, turkey, fish.
pick one green leafy veg: spinach, lettuce, etc.
pick more veggies, as many as you can: tomato, cucumber, onions, carrot, avocado, etc.

this low carb is easier for me, you just have to make sure you always have some meat and some veggies in your fridge, and that's it, you just fire up whatever meat you have and put whatever veggies you have in another plate

my secret weapons are lime and balsamic for the salads, and cottage cheese when I feel like i need more protein or the plate doesn't look filling enough.
I must poop or I will never leave this toilet
retard, forcing yourself to shit is the single worst thing you can possibly do to your asshole
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
>sw 102kg
>1800 kcal daily (tdee ~2300, so ~500 deficit)
>weigh in aug 2: 94.2
>weigh in aug 16: 94.5
>weigh in sept 6: 94.3
>no weight lost in over a month

Genuinely don't get it guys, how is this possible I haven't lost any weight? I have been strict, no snacking, no liquid calories. Thought I was plateauing so I ate at maintenance a couple days. No difference. My mom said I looked slimmer when I visited her yesterday (i go see her every other weekend) but the scale is the same.
Just count calories, bro

It's a new video. It's that his videos from seven months ago is actually from over two years ago.
He didn't lose 250lb in seven months but in ~2 years.
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How do you get out of a plateau? Just restrict further?
If 2 weeks or longer then yes
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle

Weight continues to go down, lifts continue to go up. Yesterday I DLed my bodyweight 5x5 and benched 120x10 for the first time ever. Compared to when I started my shoulders and forearms look so much better, just got to keep losing fat so I can see the fruits of my labours.
Fatty Contest
Fatty contest
On holiday Monday-Friday and waiting to see the damage after for science (this is a cope)
I'm in the same boat. It all started when I started exercising.
Just skip breakfast? Eating less than an hour or so after I get up always makes me feel queasy so I started eating something 2 and half to 3 hours after I wake up as an early lunch. Then I'll have the bulk of my calories after 4pm for dinner.
Did he AI himself?
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'Cado lost weight before i did

Are you taking measurements?
330->290lb retard here
progress has slowed but continued, I am down another 20lb over the summer
still into fat bitches so I think that's incurable

also glad to see the captcha here still sucks dick
Ive been able to consistently skip dinner lately but it requires me to SOLELY play video games. Like I literally can NOT hang out with the gf or even watch tv
Are peas good for my weight loss journey or just empty cals?
/Nikokado/ general
so who's nikokado in the fatty contest?
I lost my way /fat/ I did what needed to be done to lose weight but then started to try fix my health using food and started putting weight back on. I guess getting lean is not supposed to be healthy, but ill take that over being fat any day. The 'food cannot enter your body without your consent' dude is 100% right. Putting less in my mouth is how I get back to being lean, simple as.
perhaps it's weird water retention like I'm currently having, although while I was going from 150kg to where I am now I had a couple of 3-4 weeks long plateaus that were 100% water retention because of my autistic weighing and calorie counting of everything I eat. I've been stuck at 88kg during most of August but since the start of the month to the end I had to add a notch to my belt, a t-shirt I ordered from China that came at the start of the month and was tight because I forgot their sizes are always smaller now fits comfortably(and I've noticed my gut/moobs are much smaller in other shirts) and I have gotten multiple compliments through the week from friends, family and coworkers that about how good I look and how much I've slimmed down.
Try a week with a lower limit like 1500 a day or try to throw in a 48 hour fast, perhaps it will help you kickstart your progress again
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Anyone else weigh themselves before and after they take a shit?
Fatty Contest
Why not just weigh the shit?
theyre a great micronutrient dense replacement for sth like rice in your meals
taste isnt great though and having them as a veggie side on top of other stuff like rice might push your calories a bit too high
peas are great for you but theyre not the best to get the most amount of volume / calories compared to other veggies
My Lidl scale doesn't register anything under 5kg. I'll have to up my shitting game for that.
Exercise has completely detailed my weight loss. Stuck at the same weight for almost 2 months and I've barely exercised. I might even have gained weight, despite eating at a 500 kcal deficit.
Are you working out? It can be a body recomp or you underestimate your calories.
My goal was to be 170lbs by mid August. 77lbs in a year from 247lbs. I'm 185lbs. But the fat faggot who made public humiliation porn lost 250lbs in 2 years. I dont think I'm gonna make it
I'd rather die than spend money to just eat less
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I promised myself that if I buy Call of Duty 6 I will do 10 of some exercise in between every single match. So far I alternate between:
>10 situps
>10 pushups
>10 squats
>10 lunges
>Plank hold
Should I substitute any of those? Should I substitute one activity to use the 5kg dumbbells I have but don't use much?
rich fat faggot that had a backlog of videos to upload so he could spend all his free time losing weight while also being paid at the same time. He probably also had a fitness coach, a professional nutrition plan etc.
Don't compare yourself to him, you actually have to put in the effort yourself and balance losing weight with your actual job and daily life, he's been doing this on easy mode
>Call of Duty 6
I know, I know, but at least it is something. I've also committed to having two serves of fruit a day.
I'm already slim build, I just don't want to get a belly or get overweight. I'm 170cm 61kgs.
im 280ish at 6’1

is it over for me fatbros?
Anon, efforts are nice, habits are better.
It hasn't even begun, time to lose that weight
>eat like absolute shit prbly 5-10x as many calories daily, pizza, burgers, taco bell
so you didnt track anything
gj on not becoming obese again but jojo-ing between extreme shit will unevitably fuck you in the long run
As you read, I'm trying to improve my habits.
More fruit, more exercise.
I just need some tips on if those exercises are worthwhile
The reason I'm telling you this is that you need to take it step by step. Habits are long-term but they take time to form. Try first with fruits and simple
diet changes and once it's ingrained enough in your brain you can move on to exercise. It's a slow process because anything too radical is gonna be hard to maintain.
Read the Bible when you do it. It will help you focus and endure.
Fatty Contest
Thanks, sounds good. Eating more fruit and doing 10 situps etc. every 15 minutes between CoD matches definitely isn't radical or fast.
I'm going out to drink with the mates tonight, I'm budgeting around 500 Cals, I just hope I'm not gonna come home a devour everything I have in the fridge.
Feeling inspired by Nicocado Avocado today. If he could do it I can do it
Peas have minerals fiber vitamins so yes but dont over eat
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hey guys what's up just hit a new low record
Poorfag cope
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I started just walking recently when I realized just walking to the fucking bakery across the street made me exhausted.
Yesterday I walked 13km.
i just ate half a package of prosciutto
i'm not over my calorie range but it was unplanned so that's bad
based walkbro which mobile game are you playing? for me it's monster hunter now
isnt prosciutto just lean cured meat
thats barely any calories
i would stop eating cured meats personally
I don't play any mobile games anon.
It's a bit fattier than lean cured meat, about 200-250 kcal / 100g I think.
Accept it's an addiction and then through willpower stop indulging it until the habitual addiction synapses in your brain erode enough to a point where you no longer need willpower, it will be automatic

If you were a childhood fatty like me it's a very hard and arduous process and it took me what must be 10+ years of effort and struggling before I /made it/
Anyone ITT experience side effects from losing weight? I'm 25lbs down and it seems to be causing all kinds of problems with my neck. Since I was a kid I always slept propped up with pillows and I guess the decreased fat insulation has caused it to become painful or exposed some damage I was doing. Suddenly I can't get comfortable at night even if I lie flat and get random headaches at my neck on the right hand side that go into the center of my skull. Also happens depending on how I incline my head sometimes or sometimes how heavy I'm lifting
Yeah I got a lot of side effects
>stopped choking during sleep
>need less sleep to be well rested (went from ~8 hours to ~5-6 hours
>bowel movements have gone from erratic schizo shits to consistent easy to clean ones
>headaches that forced me to always have anti-inflammatories have completely disappeared
>went from 0 to 8 pullups
>no longer need food to cull my bouts of boredom
change your diet to a lot of satiating foods.
potatoes, chicken breast, veggies like green beans, broccoli etc
boiled eggs
snack on tomatoes, cucumber
i know its clichee but it just works
t. did 8 week mini cut with a 1000 kcal deficit without really feeling any hunger as normal weighted human
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Fatty Contest
205.20 lbs
Lol, i feel like a complete retard. Like somebody was isekaid into a normal-ass person and they somehow missed the last 30 years of knowledge on how much and which foods to eat.

Can of soup, cup of yogurt, couple of mandarins, 2 bacon 3 egg sammich, glass of almond milk.

Does that sound like a sufficient cross section of nutrients to you?
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Lost 2.5lbs this week, total lost is 47.5lbs
275 to 227.5lbs

Feeling good

My sister and mother started shortly after I did (few months ago), both of them using that ozempic stuff, while I'm not. They keep plateauing and talking about going to higher doses

Happy they're seeing progress but still have mixed feelings on those things.
I'm down 25lbs also according to cronometer since mar 14 2024. I sleep with a thin pillow on top of a normal pillow and haven't felt anything different. My only significant noticeable difference from then to now is stroking my penis has a different sensation probably due to fatloss? and feels better than before but I feel like I'm getting use to that sensation now so it feels less different over time.
sounds fine to me. you'll want more veggies longer term tho
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>built up a habit of putting my fingers between my leg and belly fat (clothed) when relaxing at home because it's just kinda warm in there
>was never a conscious thing, it's just like putting my hand in my pocket to keep it warm
>hand keeps trying to do it and not being able to find a big enough amount of fat to do it
>dad had a gigantic beer belly and constantly drummed on it for no particular reason
>eventually started copying him unconsciously
>can no longer really do it properly
it makes me sad desu
I'm getting McDonalds today. Though I did also go on a run and am now swimming.
My tummy hurts
How did you type that message while swimming?
Ok but you're only allowed to get a Dasani
Hehehe good one. I was at that point taking a break on the beach like I am now. Going back to the water now.
You doing something high protein low carb? I remember doing keto, not being able to poop for days, and just buying a laxative to get everything out.
It worked, but I never felt relieved.
Yeah, i took some constipation meds and nothing is happening. Its over, i'll never poop again.
Damn, I hated it too. Made me quit the diet and just count calories instead. Am still losing wait, just not as fast, but it's fine. I heard it's healthier to lose 2 - 3 pounds a week.
interesting, I'm doing high protein and low carb and never had this problem, every morning regular shit between 8-9 AM after my usual cuppa joe
You're either lucky, or just better at balancing your diet.
To be honest, all I did was grill chicken, pork, or beef and eat it. I've always hated vegetables, so I didn't eat any. I probably didn't have any much fiber during the diet.
there's the catch most likely, I ate vegetables every day because I was scared of not getting all the nutrients I needed and really tried to keep it varied with types of meat and protein sources
nicotine pouches + caffeine are such a hack for weight loss and quitting alcohol. never hungry, no desire for alcohol, have quit it for a month. already down 5kgs, feels good man
this just convinced me that i wasted all those years when i could've just hopped on ozempic and done it the ez way. what a fucking tragedy. best years of my life wasted because i fell for ozempic causes cancer meme
Cabbage, Kale and Lettuce
cinnamon and carrots
I'm coming off a foot injury. Suspect it was the extensor tendonitis since there was inflammation and it hurt the worst in the morning or after resting it.
It's been getting a lot better in the last couple of days and right now it doesn't hurt, but I can feel it in one spot when I walk.
Should I give it another day or two? I hate not being able to go walk, I used to do 3 miles daily, so I don't want to make the injury worse just as its about to heal.
Subbed just yesterday to his channel so I get to hear if he ever gets better. I expected it might happen because of his earlier bye video. Glad to see he did it.
just stop eating why would you take a fucking drug over something that is entirely controllable just to relapse and become fat again
Fatty Contest
249 lbs
Fatty Contest

Well, I lost just about a kilo and a half in august, thats almost margin of error territory. Last 2 weeks total plateau.
Been eating at a deficit on most days but some days simply trying ballpark 2k cals. Had a few beers on weekends. Pretty much stopped doing the stat bike, tried it yesterday and my stamina is gone.
Bought cheetos yesterday. Still kept around 2k so no overeating.
I'm conscious this is happening. It wont be enough to end me. But man, when your life sucks staying on the correct path is quite a challenge.
>why would you take a fucking drug to treat a medical condition?
>It wont be enough to end me.
I've been there bro, this could easily end you. A couple of bad weeks could set you off. Correct it immediately.
Start counting calories and macros for real. Forget about the bike and go walk outside, right now. Do 7k steps every day or something.
>why would you take a fucking drug to treat a medical condition?
Stuffing your face like a pig is not a medical condition
>73.2kg to 72.1kg this week
Feeling good about the loss, also I found my second week much easier than my first, looking forward to breaching 70kg.
Fatty Contest
106.5 kg
178 cm
>hit 198lbs today
>450lbs was my starting point
man i wish i had pictures when i was this fat but i felt so ashamed of my weight back then. the only thing i have is my ID card with a picture of my face when i was at ~400lbs
>bored on a saturday afternoon

This is dangerous. What can I do to distract myself from eating and drinking?
Go out for a walk, play video games, take up a hobby.
Does apple cider vinegar shots help with anything or is that just a meme
Yeah Ill do it this afternoon, been months since I took a nice long walk.
friends one question. i like to drink coffee a lot during the day. im doing omad but i used to drink my coffee with some Saccharin artificial sweetner. it has like 0,02 kcal per drop. if i use this shit am i fucking up my fast?
You never fasted, you consumed calories
Probably helps your microbiome a bit but not enough to justify doing it unless you enjoy apple cider vinegar. If you want something that’s at least somewhat palatable and does the same thing try kombucha.
Artificial sweeteners break fast
Fatty Contest
241.8 lbs
I want metabolism boosters
oh ok but why's that?
Nta but from what I read it can still trigger an insulin response
Do meth
>pavlov your body so much with real sugar that even fake sugar triggers insulin
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Is half a cup of cottage cheese, half a cup of chickpeas, a quarter cup of walnuts, lettuce, and a splash of home made vinaigrette a smart lunch?
sounds pretty tasty, could use some more protein. it's hard to say without knowing your daily budget and activity. Definitely would be too little for me
shit is autosaging someone make a new thread
My knees pop everytime I walk and it’s kind of painful. Do I fast and do absolutely no exercise until I’m down like 20lb? Or should I push through the knee popping
Fatty Contest
240 lbs
Other than meat what would you suggest I use to supplement it?
Edamame isn't bad, 17g in a cup
how heavy are you, dont run/jog for certain
why do you americans not put your food on a scale to know how much youre eating exactly? these measurements are so god damn stupid and there is so much room for error
>literal onions
do other forms of cardio.
swimming is best for knees.
rows machine probably good too and so is stationary bike.
5'9 310
weight of a gorilla or newborn elephant
Fatty Contest
if you have vegetarian restrictions you might want to look up what other vegetarians recommend for protein intake, I'll be honest it's not my expertise.

i bet you're afraid of seed oils too

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