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Previous thread: >>75057397
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goblinx general
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A day in the life of a middle class woman who is 5'5" a d 529lbs
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I need that dudes shirt
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BMI 74.98
fuck off
The heavy lifting that "+" is doing is almost enough to support her
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I'm enjoying all the hate watcher tears.
Would you take loose skin for millions of dollars?
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Thank your for your servicr
i'm absolutely shocked that you can't fit three people in a car seat
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Damn that chicken salad is huge
Biggest meal of the day despite being "two things", the dressing is high calorie plus croutons plus cheese
She sounds like every /fast/ poster
The fattest ones try to lose the weight the fastest, while ironically they are the least qualified
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> I roughly weigh 630-650
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BMI 42.5
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>At some point...men want to have sex
>Ugh this is ridiculous
>straight size
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>straight size
They demand sex from men but the second a male has sexual desires he's this evil creature because sex is an awful and women can't say enough how much they hate it... While talking about being sex positive and how men should want to have sex with them.
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>10 tbsp of syrup
>4 pumps of creamer
>2 croissants AND a fucking muffin
What the fuck?
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Checked af
I'm telling you that's how most white women like their coffee. The pastry... "hmmm one wasn't that filling, I'll have two! Oh and a blueberry muffin for fruit!" They see 3 items and a beverage. Two handsized pastries abd just a wittle muffin!
Coping lardtubs probably legit think it's a multi-year transformation
I love checking in on people who are new to actually practicing medicine and seeing how adorably naive they are
>WAAHHH they were mean to an obese patient
and you will be too once you have to deal with enough of their shit. They're demanding, petty, and refuse to accept that it takes 4+ people to help them do the most basic shit.
>she said she hated obese patients, even with one in the room
holy based
>nikocado loses weight before goblinx
will boogie be next?
>do anything
Yeah fucking right
Dubs and boogie dies tonight
>nikocado posts asshole before goblinx
will your mother be next?
skipping breakfast is literally all this woman needs for the first 50kg or more even
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Absolutely undeniably would
Fatties truly are retarded. Knew plenty of girls that self harmed in the early 00s and it's all inside arm and thigh not your fucking forearm
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hello goblinx. why are you mad?
hey if he's good on the keys, then he gets a pass.
naw I don't think I would actually.
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>Would you take loose skin for millions of dollars?
for millions, yes. i'd get surgery to get it removed by the best possible doctor. i know i'd still be fucked aesthetically, but i think some scars are more than worth getting whatever you want for the rest of your life. i mean just strictly the loose skin here, not doing what 'cado did to himself for years
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>middle class
that's heavyweight class bro
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>rest of her body is skinny except for her gut
What the fuck
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>left has an eating disorder
Well she beat it soundly
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how did you get this photo of ketoschizo?
squidward after eating all of those krabby patties
Why does he look like that human evolved to survive car crashes?
>wahhh people want to fuck me
I hate women so much
Behold, the ultimate consoomer
Seeing her always makes me so sad. Utterly the worst genetics she could have possibly been born with.
>Easily 7/10 face if she lost the weight
Nothing makes me sicker than fat tramps in denial of how repulsive they are flaunt around with an underserved sense of confidence. Well, maybe mudsharks and generally anything with brown skin
> She is very apple shaped
> I am very much pear
Literally everything is about food to these >people, kek
not a food thing, genuine shapes women can visually see in their physique commonly. there's banana or rectangle (little to no curves), hourglass (self explanatory), apple (round bitch), and pear (bottom heavy women). not defending them for being fat, just explaining this goes beyond what you're assuming.
The obesity subculture has its own lingo. It's basically just repackaged commie bullshit youve heard from college professors.
you need a Jhe shirt?
Even with all the shit I've seen on this site this is somehow the worst.
shouldn't he be covering his nipples if he truly believes he's a woman?
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it's a porn sub
its the same picture in every thread lol
i dont get it
is the joke that he doesn't make any progress at all?
> Klym Bratkivskiy:
>> You may call this bodyshaming, fatshaming and lookism but I think that museum of Holodomor and Genocide should be managed by person who was POW and really knows what is hunger because he can get the true meaning of this museum, but not Lesya Gasijak (pictured on photo)
Good beard
What if you need more materials and more work to make plus size clothing?
>Why are trannies born men so good at mimicking female behavior and movement
What? Most of them act like autistic coomers or drag queens.
I really want to understand fat golems but I can't.
Today I ate a 450kcal breakfast and I'm not really hungry 5 hours later and I'm guessing I could go almost 10 hours without feeling any real hunger at all
>coffee + 350ml milk
It's like you have to gorge in purpose even without feeling any hunger at all
Marie sexo
Simple as
It may be adaptivity phenomenon - your metabolism adapts to smaller amount of food, "The less you eat, the less you need". To some extent of course.
Precious rat is precious
Nice numbers.
I think he would look good somewhere in the middle
She would be so pretty if she wasnt morbidly obese ....
For most really fat people (not just overweight) eating is cope for shitty life. Instead of gambling or dudeweed, they eat. Its got nothing to do with hunger, but with mental health and eat food = feel good
Allebrelle has the weirdest neck fat to body fat ratio.
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Nah this bitch is rancid and this clip feels like I'm being pinned down and raped every time
She could have been*
Don't feel too bad for her, Lindsay is literally a jean model
How? I did that shit then plateaued afterwards and now that I've seen myself gaining as little as 5 lbs im starting back up again but with a bit less retarded of a deficit
I dunno man, every so often I gotta fast for a day or two to reset or else I can put down thousands of calories in a single sitting then still grab more six hours later. And decently high protein stuff too, not just carbs
Cunt glasses. Only woke/obese retards care about the self-created label "inclusive" when it obviously takes more time and material to produce superfat clothing.
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I really liked your comment
Most of these creatures seem to live in abject clutter, posting themselves in the mess of their homes that matches their minds. No shame. When they also have facial piercings, warning color hair, or problem glasses, that only makes me judge them more harshly. Kafkaesque.
You know you've been >checked
>heh I defeated my hecking ED by becoming obese which totally isn't another ED
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I hate the algorithm. This is disgusting.
>Start with 12 hamburger buns and cut them into chunks.
>Add 3 pints of strawberry cream to a large bowl, mix in 6 eggs then a 4th pint of strawberry ice cream. Finish mixing in.
>Pour your ice cream eggs over those hamburger buns. Combine.
>Add in desired number of strawberry cream cream spread scoops using a small ice cream scoop.
>Add one pound of fresh or frozen strawberries, spread evenly on top.
>Cover and freeze overnight.
>Bake at 350° for 50-60 minutes
>Scoop desired portion, top with strawberry ice cream (creator uses strawberry shortcake ice cream) and whipped cream.
Should I try and plug the recipe into MFP? She didn't say how much cream cheese.
Assuming she had 10 equal servings and DOESN'T top it with more ice cream and whipped cream
Have been away for a couple of months, can I get a QRD?
visceral fat
alcohol is a bitch
It cant be just alcohol, she has to be genetic cursed plus all the hormonal imbalance from all the goyslop

True, would be cute
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Uhhh not quite. She doesn't have that smooth mega bloat, she's a rotten pumpkin imploding
How low are your standards? Her face is ugly the longer you look at her. Sunken eyes and a very long face
New 'jak in the 'ead
His face does look kind of better on the left to be fair. Maybe its because of the stupid fucking haircut on the right though that's throwing it off. Body obviously miles better on right.
Imagine how much worse the skin is under the folds if it looks that bad on the parts that actually see air and light.
Fucking disgusting
it's the exact opposite retard
face looks better on the right
body looks way better on the left
no one likes deformed roidtranny physique. if he only lost a little body fat on the left he'd be golden
best thing to watch to make yourself too sick to eat
What a fucking retard. Not only to fake self-harm scars (for what??? to look stupider??) but then to put them all on top of your arm. This actually makes me so angry
That is not a roidtranny lol. Anytime a dude is under 10% body fat you retards automatically cry gear.
Is there such a thing as NEET people hate? Maybe it'd help me move on, fuel ambition and motivation to keep motivated.
get a fucking job you lazy cunt
Based BMImaxxer
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Drugs? Demon possession?
Nobody wants to hire me. None of the few interviews I got worked out.
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you are neet rn but do you have any skills or past education?
she doesn't look like she can take a full breath, the only funeral she needs to worry about is hers.

There's no kind way to say it: if I looked like these people I would never post myself on the internet, and I would put a lot of effort into skills and other areas of my life that draw no attention to my appearance. All I feel seeing them is despair at the fact that nature can be so cruel to make something that looks like this. But in that case just be an ugly accomplished writer/researcher, be an ugly chef, an ugly architect. You can still be something good and make something people enjoy looking at. You just cannot ever be the something people enjoy looking at.
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she could barely hold her breath for 4 seconds
What even is this supposed to be
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I would love to know how she sees herself.
Good. Think of her on top of you every time you're benching
>Wanted a muffin
>Opened thread
>Don't want one anymore
I love you /fph/, never change.
>garbage not taken out
>floor not swept
>empty TV mount on the wall
>only 1 chair (2 max) for 3 >people at the table
2/10 wouldn't visit
>class of 2020
This dude is 22 years old. It's jarring to see someone my age look so old whereas I look so young compared to him.
The one of the left could be turned into a wojak.
We are witnessing such horrors of the longhouse that humanity has not seen since our chalcolithic ancestors destroyed the evil 5000 years ago
This is the worst body type I’ve seen in my life. If theres something worse than these genetics, I need to see it.
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>white women
ok racist
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You freeze it and then you bake it?
What the fuck?
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No amount of degrees and diploma (I have a PhD) will make up for anxiety and lack of social skills. Couldn't recognize the few worthy opportunities I was presented or thought I'd do better on my own. Now there's a 10+ year gap on my resume.
>bellies tucked in
WHY? Its not like I can't see it.
>We need a new head of Genocide-by-Famine museum
>How about a chic who looks like she caused it
He looks like a post-op tranny now lol. And btw lose skin removal only looks ok immediately after the surgery, if you gain muscle mass or your skin has to stretch for whatever reason you end up looking like Frankenstein with patchy stitched up skin slowly being displaced.

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