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>be me
>started keto 6 months ago because carbs are literal poison
>only meat and fat can save me now
>first meal: black coffee with butter
>stomach makes demon noises but i press on
>check ketosis strips in the bathroom like a mad scientist
>piss on strip, it’s purple
>success. i’m in deep ketosis, body running on pure fat
>go online, browse keto forums for new conspiracy theories
>tfw bread is part of a globalist plot to keep people fat and weak
>decide second meal is bacon wrapped in cheese, avocado on the side
>brain firing on all cylinders
>everyone else is running on glucose like cavemen

>go to grocery store, need more eggs and heavy cream
>pass by the bread aisle, hear whispers
>“one slice won’t hurt”
>it’s the carb demons again
>whisper “not today, satan,” and clutch my avocado harder
>cashier looks at me like i’m insane
>normies will never understand

>back home, time for third meal: steak cooked in butter with blue cheese
>reading up on how vegetables have “anti-nutrients”
>tfw plants have been trying to kill me all along
>watch 3-hour youtube rant about how the food pyramid is a lie
>brain melts from the truth

>go for a walk around the neighborhood
>smell someone grilling burgers
>realize they’re using buns
>gag a little, poor souls don’t know what they’re doing
>too risky to redpill them, gotta keep my distance

>come home, eat fourth meal: chicken thighs and pork fat
>try to explain to my roommate why carbs make you slow
>he laughs and eats pasta like a brainwashed npc
>check myfitnesspal to make sure i didn’t go over 20g carbs
>perfect, only 12g today
>tfw deep ketosis achieved

>finish the day watching more sugar conspiracy videos
>sip on bone broth, feeling superior
>piss on keto strip one last time before bed, still purple
>fall asleep dreaming of a carb-free utopia
Youre losing it, moxyte old buddy. It doesn't have to be this way, reach out to friends and family, get help, volunteer at the soup kitchen
I laughed
Best post on this board in a while desu
just a reminder that none of you are left, that's me, and only me, I'm the only person who lifts here. Have fun being a dyel though
Epic win post xdddd
Why would I lift
>be me
>started keto 6 months ago because carbs are literal poison
>only meat and fat can save me now
>first meal: black coffee with butter
>stomach makes demon noises but i press on
>check ketosis strips in the bathroom like a mad scientist
>piss on strip, it’s purple
>success. i’m in deep ketosis, body running on pure fat
>go online, browse keto forums for new conspiracy theories
>tfw bread is part of a globalist plot to keep people fat and weak
>decide second meal is bacon wrapped in cheese, avocado on the side
>brain firing on all cylinders
>everyone else is running on glucose like cavemen
This already betrayed you know nothing about keto. Guess how I could tell?
He lost it completely since getting doxxed
He's gone absolutely deranged recently, yeah.

It's fun to see what he's up to from time to time tho
>It's fun to see what he's up to from time to time tho
no, his mental illness is garbage.
>go to grocery store, need more eggs and heavy cream
>pass by the bread aisle, hear whispers
>“one slice won’t hurt”
>it’s the carb demons again
>whisper “not today, satan,” and clutch my avocado harder
>cashier looks at me like i’m insane
>normies will never understand
This is me except the slampig cashier comes on to me awkwardly
The image is kinda correct though. You can get as jacked as the guy on the left just by not buying fag oils for your home. You don't need to never eat at a restaurant. You also can't get that big without carbs.
>>whisper “not today, satan,” and clutch my avocado harder
>tfw bread is part of a globalist plot to keep people fat and weak

Only traditional bread is halfway decent(that is to say it has much less overt negatives, but still an empty calorie food). Ultra processed bread will have the same effect on your blood glucose as purr sugar. Also among even the "organic" or whole bread there is still too many ingredients added which should not bec consumed. You will also have negative effects if bromide posing if you overconsume bread.

If you insist, then bake it yourself instead with ingredients that aren't aids.
Keto is cool when I want to feel numb and stop existing to cleanse my body from everything (Muscles included).
yeah keto lore is retarded. carbs are healthy but you have tons of anecdotes of obese and some seriously obese people losing weight on keto and low carb. Iike 150 lbs in 9 months. it seems to be the way for seriously fat people to unfuck themselves without eating at a 500 calorie deficit for 4 years
KYS Moxyte
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Moxyte being a faggot as per usual.
Also, you suck at memeing, dude. Give it up already.
There are absolutely no skinnyfat bloatlords who care enough about nutrition to know what seed oils are and actively avoid them. If you care that much, you probably aren't eating out much anyway. Most restaurants are cooking their shit in seed oils.
get some help you fucking PSYCHO
It's not Moxyte. The libe gerbil he shoved up his ass while masturbating ate through his colon and killed him last wednesday. Rest in piss
Is this true? I'm not sure I'm prepared to live in a post-Moxyte world. Who else is gonna spam anti-keto threads and call me a ketonigger for saying meat is healthy?
Epin ftw kek!!!
I can do it. KYS, KN.
OP here, here's the original where i suck premium cocks >>75124019
Because you’re fat and autistic?
You posted a Wojak and typed out War and Peace 2: Electric Boogaloo. I didn't read a single thing but you are a faggot.
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Fucking kek
Ketoschizo is seething
>Implying seed oils aren't bad
Rent free
this but unironically

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