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Big gains edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Subway Slurpers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy diseased heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>75234311
fat loss freaking rocks am i right guys
Pre-Confess confession
I ate my four day pasta in one meal, I'm so unbelievably full. Took a huge shit too. That's 2400 calories in one meal on top of my 400 calorie bran buds for breakfast. Gonna do OMAD for the next couple days with those bran buds so I average it all out to 3600 calories across three days, that'll put me back on track.

having a really hard time mentally for non-weight related reasons and i've gained 10lb in the last week

its so much harder to care about my diet right now but today has been go so far
If your BMI is <26, how much weight do you lose in two weeks? Need other points of data to make sure I'm at a good pace...
Daylight savings starts today so I have 1hr less to lose weight this week. On the plus side I didnt wake up until midday so looks like I skip breakfast today by default. Making a coffee and then probably a toasted chicken/avo sandwich for lunch. Dinner tonight will be salmon potatoes and snowpeas. I have some yogurts I bought for snacks but to be honest theres never a time where I feel like having them. I might start just blending them into a protein shake or something. Ill figure it out.
>If your BMI is <26, how much weight do you lose in two weeks?
Depends on your deficit tismo
>Daylight savings starts today
What the fuck are you talking about?
>averaging 14,000 steps per day
>burning on average 1300 calories daily through exercise
>lifting weights and burning more calories 3/4x a week
>eating around 2000 calories a day

why am I stuck at my weight and unable to shift any pounds ?
my nutrition is so clean and my workout regime is the most consistent it's ever been. I've basically been around 215-220lb (6ft) for like 3/4 months now. I am stronger and my belly doesn't look as bad. I have more defined muscles. But I just cannot lose the excess bodyfat.

people will say I eat too much but I'm eating 2000 calories burning 1300 and my basic rate is 1900 daily so I should still be in a big deficit.
I survived early Thanksgiving dinner at my family's place with calories to spare. I'm not over cravings yet but I actually felt full for once. I have a very long way to go but I think I can actually improve my diet after a lifetime of living with my obese family.
Australians start it on the 6th of October.
What's the best way to build a meal plan to fit your macros besides eating the same shit every single day?
I just like to play around with MFP in advance to plan out my day. I get new ideas from youtube videos or fitness articles.
great job anon, keep it up. make today the start of a streak. sorry things aren't going well. i tend to eat my emotions as well. wishing you the best.

hey that's awesome that you've been so disciplined. i probably would have just said it's a cheat weekend and stopped tracking. this is why i'm fat. keep it up!
I don't get why you would post here. You've made it. Eat a healthy maintenance diet and get out.
What are you making?
You don't need to lose fat. You are underweight. I hope your parents get you the help you need. You deserve to be healthy. You matter.
going down or coming back up?
Just tried full Greek yogurt and now my ass hurts. I can't imagine eating yogurt like this long-term.
Greek yogurt did the same to me. Shame, its really good macros
I'm 2 steps ahead.
What is a good way to determine the calories in a potato? I mean after you have its weight. Google shits out like 10 drastically different results for the same weight.
I am always two steps ahead. This has been the greatest social experiment I’ve come to know. Certainly the greatest social experiment of my entire life. It’s alluring, it’s compelling, it’s gripping, to bear witness, to observe all these unwell, unbalanced disoriented beings roam the internet in search of stories. In search of ideas, of conflict, of rivalries. Where people develop a distinctive desire for direct engagement. Where people feel involved with the stories, and therefore become product of influence. Thirsty from distraction, from time unspent, from lackluster lifestyles. Spoiling their minds while stimulating them at the exact same time. It’s brilliant, but it’s also dangerous. It’s dangerous. I feel as if my life has been positioned to where I’m monitoring ants on an ant farm. One follows another, follows another, follows another. It’s mesmerizing, it’s enthralling, it’s spellbinding. Just look at all these consumers. All of these lost and bored people. Consuming anything that they’re told to consume. I am, the villain, if I make myself one. And people will consume these stories year, after year, after year. Stories that shock, that confuse. Stories that are deliberately made to blur the boundaries between fact and fiction. Stories that permeate, infect, and linger in the minds of the ants. Influence the ants. Brainwash the ants. You, are the ant. I woke up this morning to money deposited into my account for simply not doing something. For simply not going through with something. People are the most fucked up creatures on this planet. And you will continue to consume. And I’ll continue to be two steps ahead. Today I thought it would be a splendid idea to go out and get some food, and film it for you. Gee are you surprised? Have you forgotten the story? Are you not paying attention? After all, you’re here to consume, are you not?
What type of potato? I usually just scan whatever is on the bag and go with that.
Jumbo russet
If I get confused I usually will just go with whatever calorieking spits out. Its usually close enough.
Progress report (week 1):
Mon: 146.0kg
Tue: 142.8kg
Wed: 141.8kg
Thu: 141.2kg
Fri: 139.8kg
Sat: 137.9kg
Sun: 137.1kg

Mostly fasting, will see if I can fix my fucked up diet and actually make progress in the long term.
KareemSaid3000, where you at my nigga
Return and lock in
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Down 40lbs in a little over 2 months lads, almost 260 -> 218. Still a fat piece of shit but we're getting there, let's fucking go
Very nice, I was carrying that 20lbs a month rate in the 300s but now into the upper 200s it's slowed down to about 15 lbs a month
What's your calorie goal and how much exercise to maintain that?
It does. I'm a long way off but in the last 2 weeks basically everyone I run into has gone from not saying anything to all of a sudden everyone is complimenting me on slimming down.
The ego boost is great. It's getting to the point where I am actually in critical need of clothes shopping for some things like underwear and shirts because my old briefs don't stay up on their own anymore and my t-shirt necks are drooping so much it looks ridiculous.
Sometimes when I post WAGMI its a mantra to hopefully bring it into reality, but we all CAN actually make it. I'm making it. Its working. It's slow but its working.
>BMR is 1900
>He's eating 2000

Well there's your problem. You're at a 100 calorie excess.
Never count exercise as calories burned.
Simple as that.
I do OMAD so it's pretty easy, I eat until I'm full which is usually around 1100-1600 cals but sometimes as low as 900, making sure whatever I'm eating has lots of meat. I've defeated snacking impulses and the only thing I'll drink outside of that meal are zero sugar beverages and water. No less than 2 workouts a week that take about an hour, half of that is cardio (elliptical to spare my joints). I work a physical job so that also helps. Strength isn't fading. I also do boxing classes on occasion and hike, did Mt. Wachusset not too long ago. Good luck on your own journey.
My obese sister is staying in my house at the moment. She has consumed a month worth of snacks and food in less than a week.
Buy whole foods instead of snacks. Modern women don't know how to cook, so you'll keep your food safe this way.
nuts, naan bread, and yogurt...
how the fuck are you supposed to count calories from family dinners and shit (i know the answer i just wish i could have an exact calorie count every day)
You dont. Stop being miserable.
>tfw can get full hard to porn gain after 1 weak of lifting light weights
i, yet again, thank anons who told me to lift.
October 5
Consumed 1547kcal
143g of protein
Treadmill 30 minutes (2%grade/3.2mph)
Did not drink alcohol
Did not evening binge
I will exercise more tomorrow.
Fatty Contest

went out for dinner with friends on Thursday, woke up 2.0kg heavier than the day before, still haven't fully recovered.
Good job, anon. Keep up the good work
Wow....Can't you tell her to get a grip?
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Fatty Contest

Let's go
It's so hard to estimate that it's mostly useless. I would either not care or, if you really want to punish yourself, just raise your deficit by another 100-200kcal for the rest of the week so that you compensate for your cheat day. The point of the diet is not that it is optimal at all times but also psychologically sustainable. If you're too harsh on yourself chances are you'll ditch it quicker.
Go with 80 kcal per 100g of raw potato and call it a day, anon.
Good job, anon. Keep up getting hard to porn.
Fatty Contest
just try to eat like a normal human sized man, reduce portion size, try to be mindful of how full you are, eat slower (consciously)
its what i do and i just ballpark the calories depending on how fatty/oily it tasted
good luck to you if this is a more than once every one or two week occurance
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i want to try to learn meal prepping but i'm getting autistic about portions. apparently 1 whole chicken breast for dinner every night is excessive. i'm trying to simplify this as if it's meal plans for literal retards because otherwise i will starve then binge. i just want to eat the same 3 things every day unironically and all these fucking recipe sites complicate everything with lime 400 spices and seasonings and shit
Just premake a gallon of sauce that contains everything.
and do what, drink the sauce?
>spices and seasonings
who cares? you don't count those because they have almost no calories. i dont even count garlic

sauces, dips and dressings: count
spices and seasonings: don't bother
Fatty Contest
i'm not worried about the calories, i just don't like needing a bunch of random shit just to eat. i'm more worried about portions than what flavors i'm eating. i'm tempted to just eat only chicken and broccoli every day until my bf% is under 20%, i hate how everything seems to revolve around making meals and eating more interesting and "fun" when i just want to stop being fat.
Fatty Contest

Turns out not going for walks is killing my loss. Shit sucks.
If you stall for more than a month drop calories by 500 the next month. Eat 1500 starting next month and see how you do.
what the fuck is a Fatty Contest?
then just make the recipe while leaving out the stuff you don't care for
it's not mandatory ya know, it'll just be bland as fuck. most recipes on the internet you can cut out like 3/4ths of the ingredients and still end up with something edible

but i don't recommend this. eating is a pleasure and learning to cook is a way to explore that pleasure, and you CAN do it in a healthy way. presumably you got fat in the first place by enjoying it a little too much, so all you need to do is make your habit more human. going all extremist and saying I'LL ONLY EAT SUPER BLAND SHIT FROM NOW ON EATING IS ONLY FUEL is how people fail and rebound.
plus being able to cook impresses people socially
Fatty Contest
>Never count exercise as calories burned.

doesn't make sense
>came home last night to an extra large pizza on my front step that had been delivered to the wrong address (didn't have the correct address on it)
>gave it to my upstairs neighbors but still ate a couple pieces because free pizza
God fucking dammit. Fuck it, 72 hour fast.
It does in the mind of a CICO cultist
No my friend, that is not a good response for long term weight management. Simply carry on with the diet you planned for
Gains goblin strikes again
Why would you eat flowers lmao
Dude no. They're saying you just make a big batch of seasoning that you use every time. You can do that or buy a generic spice mix.
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>107.8kg starting just about 2 months ago
>95.7kg this morning
so close to 90 now bros, wagmi. we're all gonna fucking make it!
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5,6 Gnome here again, this time I listened to the advice of the anon from 2 days ago telling me to cut back on the rice if I add the potatoes, I did and I was able to fully clean the plate. Good meal and enjoyable. In 2 days or so I will weigh myself as then it will be the 1 week point.
wtf that is 1.5kgs a week, how did you do it broski? You are going to make it king
no one gives a flying fuck stop posting your shit slop you are not going to make it retarded fat nigger
I believe he'll make it
Thanks anon. WAGMI
Fatty Contest
244 lbs

Sorry for not posting for awhile my city is under water
Imagine seething over chicken and rice.
I think that Anon was saying to do potatoes instead of rice occasionally. What you should be replacing a portion of your rice with is other vegetables. You can get a big bag of frozen mixed vegetables and stir fry them.
also how tall are you bro?
Fatty contest
The rice has carrots and peas with it, I did cut my portion of rice in half though, should I add a couple more potatoes? I am not too fond of other veggies to be honest. Broccoli I don't mind. I don't want to replace the rice completely since I enjoy it. Could you give a list of possible veggies that would go well with that plate?
Just fill the spot that has potatoes with other vegetables (but a little more so that you still feel full). Broccoli would be good. You could also try cauliflower or brussel sprouts. Roast them or steam them/fry them in a pan if frozen. You don't need recipes for everything. A lot of cooking is just checking stuff until it's soft. For chicken you can bake it until the internal temperature reaches 155. The temperature will go up another 10 degrees if you let it rest covered. This ensures your chicken isn't dry. Pic related is how long poultry has to be held at a certain temperature to be safe.
Is this your only meal for they day, and are you weighing your food? That doesn't look like much. If you keep the carb rich portions down you can eat more chicken and veg. I like skin on bone in chicken breasts personally. I can bake a bunch of them in the oven at once. For skinless you have to pan fry them plus add butter or oil, which just feels redundant.
I don't get what you're telling me. I cook the chicken in 1tbsp of butter and then airfry for 10 minutes. I also do not like sprouts or cauliflower. I think I will just stick to this now as it works for me. It's 400 calories in those potatoes anyway right?
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I'm a short ass nigga 5'9 on a good day, so admittedly I was pretty damn fat for my height, maybe that helped with the initial loss.
>how did you do it broski?
keeping it simple; the simpler the better, and the more likely you are to stick with it long term. i've felt no major drawbacks since starting and these lifestyle changes are easy for me to maintain so I think I can stick with it long term, and I'll keep updating in these threads.

basic rules for me:
>if you eat, you move
on any eating day, I do 1hr cardio on my stationary bike at home, or go for a walk. there is no excuse here, i've not broken this rule, and it makes intuitive sense for me. if you eat and don't move, you get fat.
>cut the crap
i've cut processed shit out of my diet, diet sodas and all that other shit. i've been cooking more and find more enjoyment and sustenance from the things i make. i drink mainly water, with coffee and energy drinks. i know, i'm trying to kick the energy drinks in favour of coffee, and maybe kicking caffeine altogether further down the line. before, i could easily destroy 2 snickers duos, or a box of brownie bites. now i opt for a box of grapes or some canned peach slices if i want the sugar. add about a litre or a big glass of water to each meal and it's so much harder to overeat.
>understand your body
i used to eat out of boredom a lot, recognising and understanding this helped me move past it. also, as a consequence of habitual overeating, i think what i perceived as hunger before was just my stomach shrinking back down after a stupidly large meal. having experimented with various diets and fasting methods, i've a better understanding of what it means to be truly hungry, and when i know i'm truly hungry i opt to put good fuel into my body instead of processed shit.
>you will fail
and that's ok. you just need to get back on the wagon and keep at it. this either ends with you reaching your goal, or giving up. which one is it?
wagmi anons.
Take care bro
Read the OP it's a way of tracking weightloss with competition
Yeah it's my only meal for the day but it fills me up, only towards the end of the day do I get hungry but then I don't eat until the next day. So I semi fast too? 16:8 its called or something? No idea for sure but it suits me.
>do cardio a set speed and set incline for 1 hour
>average bpm 145
>2 days later, do cardio a set speed and set incline for 1 hour
>average bpm 163
what gives
What are you tracking your HR with? I have ocd and use multiple hr monitors and the ones on the machines are least reliable and will report bad measurments for entire sessions i have a home gym so it's all the same machines
it takes more than 2 days for your glycogen to restore completely, especially if you are on a caloric deficit, so your body is probably working harder.

Bros... its gnome anon here. I just weighed my self. Turns out I'm not actually 165lb. Im 147???. Yet I still have a gut and look fat and overweight at 5,6? Anyway I guess it wont take me that long to drop to 130lb now. I was a 165lb a few months ago
Kinda lost now, how do I have such a gut at 147? I honestly thought I was in my 160s still as I was months ago. If it's only 17lb im dropping then will I even be skinny?
That's pretty good, right?
common skinnyfat problem
you have so little muscle that what little fat you have looks worse
Well I don't know anon.

Well I don't intend to work out to get the muscle just yet, I want to be skinny first. I don't even go outside because I dont like how I look right now. I would rather be skinny and work out.
I've only been dieting officially since october 1st. So we will see november 6th (as I weighed myself october 6th) how much I've lost since today.
Work out at home for now. Don't put it off. Up your protein a little.
>Well I don't intend to work out to get the muscle just yet, I want to be skinny first. I
the weight you will need to get to to look truly skinny will be basically skeletal. it will 1. not be good for your health, 2. be very unpleasant to get to, and 3. make things take longer
just bite the bullet and go lift. you don't need to look good to lift, you lift to look good
I just want to lose the fat on my stomache, thats all. and I would rather the skinny look right now man.
I mean I have a big gut, I have a double chin, I dont look good. I would rather be skinny right now.
Fatty contest
Doesn't fucking matter. Work out. Your body weight is low enough that you won't damage yourself, so do it. It will help you lose the remaining weight. Like I said you don't have to go to the gym. Google exercises you can do at home with no equipment.
how do you track your weight loss? obvious daily weigh ins on their own are useless, do you plot them over months and create a graph then find the trend line?
Well what exercises will help me lose the double chin and stomache?
Weekly weigh ins and a tracking app. I like MyNetDiary.
Gaining muscle of any kind will increase your TDEE and any exercise will use calories. Don't overeat to compensate. Add a bit more chicken to your plate. Just do it. It will make going to the gym easier when you do feel confident enough.
But I won't go to the gym until I don't have a gut or double chin, only way to get rid of these two things is to lose the extra 17lb no?
If you don't exercise you'll look skinnyfat anyway. Stop making excuses.
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If you're too much of a pussy to show your body at the gym then buy yourself a barbell, a bench, and a cage. You can do a full workout with just those.
>make food for 2 days
>say fuck it
>eat it all
>exactly hit my calorie goal for the day
accidental OMAD time
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I just ate this again.
What is that, some sort of gay pride knife?
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Haha, good one.
should I even bother with ab routines if I have an Anglo gut? feels like a waste of time
Ive worked out with less.
I have a google sheet i dont bother plotting a graph i just do simple subtraction mentally to check the rate of loss is acceptable each month
Fatty Contest
Hugh Jackman Off
249.6 lbs
6' 3.5"
I quite frankly just want to lose the gut, the muscle everywhere else isnt important to me right now. Could I just do cardio? I have a standing bike I can go on for hours at a time as I can just switch my mind onto auto pilot while I watch a film
Weight lifting is more effective than cardio for weight loss.
Only ways to lose fat exactly where you want are deoxycholic shots or liposuction. Cardio and diet works but you lose weight all over body.
women on reddit buy deoxycholic shots from korea and self inject their double chins. You can find the subs where they discuss it. The safer and saner option is to go to a plastic surgeon
I am 147lb... I am not 165 like I thought I was, when I reach 130 and if I still have the gut then ill go and work out to lose it.

There are two main reasons we always tell people to not count exercise.
1) Without access to lab equipment to run double labeled water tests (for TDEE) and measure pulmonary gas exchange (for calories burned during exercise), it is effectively impossible to accurately measure how much energy you burn from exercise and its effects on your specific TDEE. Fitness trackers and things like that are notoriously and wildly inaccurate, and almost always to the high side. Typically, you burned far less than they say you did. People treat those numbers like its gospel though, because technology, and then they end up overeating.
2) There is a lot of evidence supporting the constrained energy model over the additive energy model now. Very simply, what it means is that there is not a 1:1 correlation between energy burned during exercise and overall increase in TDEE. For example, if you were totally sedentary and started walking 10k steps a day, and lets assume (just to make the math easy) that this level of exercise used up 100 calories. Most people's TDEE might only go up by a total of 70 calories, rather than the full 100. And as they add more exercise, the diminishing returns get worse.
At least a small part of it is that your body will adapt and get more efficient over time, meaning you can do the same amount of work but use less energy to do it. Another part is that your body will also typically adapt to exercise, or any physical labor, by being less active at rest. You may fidget less, or be less likely to get up and move around, etc. And some of those changes will not even be noticeable.
That doesn't mean don't exercise, of course. Everyone should, and it does help with weight loss and a lot of other shit: improving overall health markers, hunger signaling regulation, increased muscle mass (which increases base TDEE), etc.
It's just really difficult to accurately measure calories burned form exercise and eat more to make up for it without creating problems. Should you eat a little more if you are working out a lot? Yeah, probably, but it's a good idea to start with a small increase in food intake and see how it affects you.
At the end of the day, weight and tape measurements will tell the final story. If they aren't moving, you are eating at or very near maintenance. So like >>75241980 said, if you've been stuck for a long time, drop calories a bit—maybe 250 at a time—and see what happens.
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Just found a new recipe to mix things up
>potatoes cut up in small squares, seasoned baked.
>in a pan add minced garlic, roast it a bit, add fat free greek yogurt (room temperature so it doesnt curdle)
>season with pepper
>when its mixed together and heated add in potatoes and stir to come together
>serve, season with sweet paprika
delicious AND low on calories. goes so good with chicken.
My weight was slowly descending and was down a kg after two weeks and then went drinking and holy fuck the entire kg is back after 3 pints of beer????

I'm assuming i'm just bloated but what the actual fuck this is unfair
>drinks liquid bread
>why did i gain weight
you are retarded. imagine drinking calories.
Yes its just increased water retention from higher sodium intake, food mass in your system, etc. You didn't magically gain an entire kg of fat in one night. Go back to your normal diet and it'll all come off in 2-3 days.
stfu retard, I drank 600 calories and gained a kilogram, why can't you be like >>75242904
>why cant you help me cope
>drinks more liquid bread to cope and gains empty calories
you deserve what you get if you drink calories, mongoloid.
Looks like mushrooms with a side of mushrooms.
looks like shit
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Assuming greek yogurt behaves similarly to milk, you can pan fry your chicken, then when it's nice and brown, add your minced garlic, sweat it so it's fragrant, and cool it down with your yogurt.
Then continue as you did before.
Dairy (at least milk but I assume it's true for yogurt as well) is great at absorbing flavors, so you'll get a nice chicken sauce very quickly.
You can also start the whole thing with mushrooms as well, they work great for it.
i prefer to marinade my chicken with yogurt, it comes out so tender and moist.
Different, unrelated, and not mutually exclusive things.
Also, you can't "prefer" something over something you haven't tried yet.
Also-also, marinating chicken in yogurt does very little for its tenderness and moisture. That's primarily down to the cooking process.
Marinades in general have very little penetrating power and are mostly done for flavor rather than a change in texture.
And among already poorly-penetrating by default marinades, yogurt is one of the less-penetrating ones due to how viscous it is.
Now brining can penetrate meat rather deeply and can affect the texture in a very noticeable way.

Not saying you shouldn't just continue doing whatever you're currently doing, though.
Especially if you're content with the results.
>marinating chicken in yogurt does very little for its tenderness and moisture
not when its stuff like yogurt/buttermilk/lemon. the acidity breaks down the meat. also the moisture helps in the cooking process.
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>not when its stuff like yogurt/buttermilk/lemon. the acidity breaks down the meat. also the moisture helps in the cooking process.
Anon. Almost all marinades are acidic.
Marinades do not meaningfully penetrate the meat beyond its surface. All the tenderizing acid is capable of is also happening on on the surface.
It's common knowledge that brining is for texture and marinating is for flavor. You can literally just look it up.

Not to mention, yogurt and buttermilk do not belong in the same set as lemon.
Citric juices and vinegars are several times (sometimes literally and order of magnitude) more acidic than yogurt and buttermilk.
And yes, even citric juices and vinegar-based marinades are done for flavoring rather than texture, albeit they would penetrate a bit deeper than yogurt. Think 2~3mm over the 1-ish mm yogurt is capable of.
Brining can easily penetrate over a centimeter deep into the meat.
Fatty Contest
201.6 lbs
>Make muscle
>Muscle eat fat
>Scale go down
>Look better faster
Fatty Contest
Welp, I went to an overpriced french bakery this morning, and bought an almond pain au chocolat.
This is by far the most refined sugar I've ingested in many months, and I feel gross now.
That is all. Now I have to go guesstimate the caloric damage and compensate.
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Would 2 cups of rice (340 calories), 2 pouches of tuna (80 calories each) and 2 cups of broccoli (60 calories) be a good meal if that was the only meal I ate for a day? Once a week I plan on having a low-cal day where I eat only 500-600 calories
>Schizo fatty brain kicks in
Fatty Contest
If being born again saves you


you can only be born AGAIN once,

then this doctrine stated by Christ in John 3 (and Peter in 1 Peter 1:23) has nothing to do with Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy, which say you can lose your salvation...meaning they would need to be born again, again, if they lost it.
Nothing wrong with a treat from a local bakery. Thin people do it all the time and stay thin. Just figure it into your calorie budget and don't go over
>logged contest weight yesterday
>weigh today
>3 pounds lower
Fatty Contest
Scale is suppose to go down
yep, that's what it's supposed to do.
That's a lot of pee pee
>back at 180 after gaining 20lbs due to drinking
>still considered obese for 5'2"

But losing weight and cooking more at home has been pretty fun. My favorite dish so far is just pan chicken fajitas with low-carb tortillas.
/fit/ needs to wake up to insulin. I applaud everything you guys do, but counting calories is not the most effective way to losing body fat.
Stop being so stubborn and arrogant and accept the new research. It is about insulin.
I am not saying counting calories is wrong, I am saying that it is not the whole story.

Role of Insulin in Weight Loss | Jason Fung
>and accept the new research
I'll do when the science does.
So far it doesn't.
Give me the QRD, what does this faggot say I should be doing besides the typical eat less/exercise more?
>new research
>youtube video
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What would you like to know? I've been meal prepping almost the same foods for 15 months now and can help. One tip is to create a recipe in a calorie tracking app like MFP, adding the raw weights including oils used to cook, dividing the number of servings to fit your preferred calories, then weighing the cooked food and dividing that by the number of servings. I grill 9lbs chicken, 960g rice in rice cooker, 6+ lbs of frozen green beans in air fryer and use about 50g of oil to cook everything, divided into 17 servings gives me around 6oz of cooked chicken, 4oz rice, 4oz green beans, at about 520 calories. For breakfast I make 6 jars full of overnight oats at around 500 calories per. I can share the ingredients for that as well. All items purchased at Costco
Insulin tells your body to store calories as fat when you eat.
Most overweight people have too much insulin, or high insulin resistance, so most of what they eat gets stored as fat.
Carbs produce the highest insulin response, then followed by protein, and lastly fat.
When you lower your calories, you lower your metabolism, so the the "2nd law of thermodynamics" has both variables change, not just one.
Focus on eating a lower carb diet, and lowering your insulin resistance, and then weight loss becomes much more efficient and quicker.
You lower your insulin resistance by fasting, and by eating a very low-carb diet.

Yes it does. You are being willfully ignorant.

I guess it is impossible to present research results in a video format.
If you're doing OMAD (one meal a day) your intermittent fast is more like rolling 24 hour fasts I believe? Since 16:8 implies you are eating over an 8 hour period and fasting for 16.
Cite the paper, if its science it should published in a peer reviewed journal, link to that, don't post some youtube grifter.
>Yes it does.
>You are being willfully ignorant.
You are being willfully disingenuous.
define low carb.
but do it right.

Why you can't lose weight with intermittent fasting [alone]

I'm done with you.

I am shooting for below 50 grams per day. Keto want below 20. I'm not going keto, I am just going low carb.
why doctor look fat?
>keep losing weight
>stomach is not changing
>been running 3 miles 3x a week
>getting pretty fast
>eating 2000 cal a day
>still the fat guy on the treadmill over a year later
Ok so ive heard random youtubers claim that stubborn gut fat is a sign of poor metabolic health/metabolic syndrome has anyone seen a study talking about this phenomenon??
Im not diabetic, though I
beats me

Dr. Jason Fung - 'The Aetiology of Obesity'
Have you taken pictures? I thought my gut remained the same but it obviously shrunk looking at picture comparisons
Fatty Contest
Been adding carbs (mostly cane sugar and sweet potatoes) back in after my strict elimination diet. I gained some weight initially but it seems that im pretty rapidly losing that weight again. I have never felt better desu.
Maybe carbs weren't the boogie man after all.
So far the only foods that consistently give me issues are foods containing seed oils, corn starch or corn syrup.
>bought an almond pain au chocolat
> I feel gross now.
its cause you consumed french food, the french and their food are gross as shit.
If you don't have diabetes, your insulin response is not very distorted. Obviously avoid added sugars but eating carbs is not evil
Insulin does not tell your bodies to just "store calories as fat." Insulin opens GLUT5 channels in cell membranes to increase the rush of glucose into the cell - if you have excess glucose-6-phosphate in the cell and your cell respiration isn't fast enough then your cells convert that energy into glycogen THEN fatty acids.
Insulin doesn't magically convert everything into fat automatically.
>Most overweight people have too much insulin, or high insulin resistance
Source? Otherwise, yeah a lot of overweight people are type 2 diabetics because they gorge on sugar that disrupts their GLUT5 receptor density and insulin response - is this supposed to be new?
No pictures, maybe I should take some now though just so I have a reference point
That's blasphemy, and unless you repent, you will go to hell, where they only serve British food.
>tfw trannies co-opted our very real body dismorphia
I guess I am on a rolling fast, I eat once a day at midday.

Turns out I am skinny fat. I am not 165lb like I thought I was. I am 147lb, So I will drop to 130 in however long that will take (a lot less time than before) and see if I'm still skinny fat. I just want to be bones and then work from there.
why would you add fkn cane sugar out of all the carb sources available kek
As far as studies are concerned, fat distribution is genetical and hormonal.
However we know very little about the details and specifics.

There were a couple (I think) of relatively new studies about spot reducing showing some promise.
You can look them up yourself but the short of it is
>do a moderate core workout to "activate" the gut fat either immediately before or immediately after a heavy full-body cardio workout that will put you into energy deficit and cause your body to release the stored fat, prioritizing the "activated" one
Maybe you should try it out - it's not like you have anything to lose by doing it.
yes, that would be completely fine to do once a week. some people fast one day a week. your plan is a healthier long-term behavioral pattern in my opinion.
>tfw dutch
>cuisine so boring and utilitarian it goes completely un-noticed
NTA but unrefined cane sugar - think jaggery or molasses - is very good for you, lots of micronutrients
I fucking hate when people say "good for you" about the food.
ANY food.
There is NO food that is "good for you"
There is also no food the is "bad for you" either, unless it's literally toxic.

Shut the fuck up, you brainless clueless zombies.
nice job anon, keep it up.
i hate the french and their fat gloppy greasy food so much its unreal.
I was already eating a lot of fruit and pure cane sugar is a way to add more carbs to your diet without adding other bullshit.
I have 2 servings in the morning with coffee and use another 2 at night to either some milk or plain yogurt.
Maybe honey would be better but my honey guy moved away and I dont trust store bought
>food is just like... le heckin calories bro
Assmad over nothing and otw to an eating disorder anon, keep it up
In that case I wouldnt consider hfcs or sneed oils to be food.
I averaged 49.1g this week, to go >20 I'd have to drop my glass of milk, and even eat less broccoli, fuck that.
Unironically, if the main thing you need carbs for is direct energy, refined sugar is amazing at providing just that.
Sodas will also work as they are basically liquid sugar for the most part.
you are either replying to a massive retard or bait. either way, kek.
Do you guys take like 1-2 weeks after 6+ months of cutting on just maintenance calories?
Should you lift or just chill for a bit?
would you mind sharing your prep for overnight oats (i assume steel cut)?
I worked out with just my dick and my hand for years.
Are you aware of the carb distinction on the food label? I just learned about this.
Under carbs on the food label you can subtract the carbs from fiber to get your carb intake. I need my milk too.

I mean, if we are stretching the definitions, some foods are genuinely toxic. Many plants are, by design.

That being said, all the talk I head about seed oils was about evenly split between a conspiracy theory and the alleged mechanistic evidence.
I don't think (but you might correct me) there are any actual peer reviewed studies providing solid evidence for the claimed dangers of seed oils.
Mechanistic evidence, meanwhile, on its own is not enough to make a health claim.
For example, there is a strong mechanistic evidence for red meat being a carcinogen, however the overview of the numerous studies on red meat at most show a 6% (relative, not absolute) association with colorectal cancer and pretty much no confirmed correlation with everything else.

I'm unfamiliar with the HFCS drama as I'm not a 'murican.
I won't be surprised it's the worst thing ever because Americans are jealous about the greener grass on the other side.
But maybe it's literally the worst thing ever and is basically Hitler (but not the based Hitler - the cringe Hitler) - who knows.
>t. schizo who's too retarded to get the point
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There are tons of good overnight oats recipes on jewtube with different flavor profiles. I plan to try a bunch of other combinations when I am eating at maintenance but for now I've been happy to eat this everyday. Buy a bag of frozen berries so you don't have to worry about having fresh bananas all the time. I'm doing 110g of almond milk because it's creamier, you can do 100-130g depending how thick you want it. 150g yogurt is just 1 5.3oz cup. As far as the oats, I had to pick up this bag because they were out of my preferred oat which are sprouted and organic. Steel cut is generally not recommended for overnight oats because they don't absorb as much as rolled/instant.
Eat your broccoli and don't ask questions, goym.
They are good for you, goym.
>discovered i kind of enjoy the taste of unsweetened/unflavored greek yogurt
>great macros
>high satiety
>requires no cooking
>cool and refreshing
feel like i've unlocked the secret to losing weight and staying lean the rest of my life.
Gnome anon here reporting in. If you guys haven't seen it turns out I am 147lb and not 165lb like I thought I was. But I don't know what to make of this, I look the exact same as I did back then as I do now, same gut same double chin same everything. I will continue on as if I am 165lb and weight until I look "130lb"? is that a good idea? I want to be bones and then work my way from there.
I'm a vanilla greek yogurt enjoyer, but greek yogurt in general is pretty top tier. good for dinner, breakfast, lunch, a snack, divorce court. Especially with some blueberries.
thanks anon, seems simple enough.
I thought I should add I haven't tried quick/instant oats for overnight. Just old fashioned/rolled. Also, wouldn't recommend adding the bananas with the oats to sit in the fridge for a few days. I've done it for like 5 days and it was still fine to eat but very mushy. I usually just cut up a banana each morning into the jar with my spoon or weigh out a serving of frozen berries. With this volume I would recommend a 32oz jar. You can do 16 but it will be very full when adding the fruit. Last thing I wanted to add, no matter what recipe you use, I highly recommend adding Greek yogurt for the creaminess it adds
my god shut the fuck up youre so annoying
>it turns out I am 147lb and not 165lb like I thought I was
How do you even manage to do that?
Do you have an old analog scales and no idea how to read them?
I genuinely can't comprehend how can someone be so unaware of themselves.

That aside 147lb at 5'6 is not even considered overweight.
So at worst you are skinny fat.
The general recommendation to skinny fats is to go and lift.
Lifting as a skeleton will be harder than lifting as you are right now.

If you want to still get rid of some fat such as lose some of your gut and double chin, consider doing a recomp instead of a bulk.
I.e. rather small calorie deficit (200~300 kcal) while continuously lifting.
Works pretty well for untrained people.
You'll need to eat more than what you're currently eating, though.
You probably look a little different because at your height the changes are more noticeable. That's why it's recommended to take progress photos and/or measurements because your mind can play tricks on you
repeating what the other anon said: start doing some basic strength exercise at home, ideally but not necessarily with weights. it will speed up your weight loss. don't wait to be bones. you will look like shit and simply delay being happy what you see in the mirror.
But eat more? Also it's an imperial scale. It's really old though but I am going to continue on as if I am 165lb and not 147lb as that just seems wrong, someone that looks like me isn't of a "normal" bmi.

I took photos a couple days ago and will take another set of photos in 2 weeks. The old weight of 165lb was from around January of this year, and I only started the diet on October 1st.

Would pushups work for now? Just anything to get rid of the gut and double chin, then I will want to go outside again.
But why eat more**** (referring to the top line)
Because you need energy to lift.
Heavy calorie deficit is nice and dandy when all you're doing is sitting on your ass.
You can literally stop eating and feel just fine.
However if you start doing something that requires energy, such as lifting, you will quickly realize that you aren't fine at all. In fact, you're completely fucked and can't do shit without immediately becoming gassed out.

For now, just start exercising with a focus on strength training.
If you feel fine - increase the load.
If you don't feel fine - increase the food intake.
Push-ups are great, do them. Pull-ups are amazing if you can do them.
Overall, I'm doing pretty well in my cut. 15kg down, and all fat according to dexa scans.

I had a big dinner for my gfs birthday last friday. Now, I'm quite bloated and about 1.5kg heavier, although I should have still been in a deficit even with that dinner. It's likely just water weight.

Should I keep my calories still the same as usual and let the water weight disappear on its own?

Today, I had a surprise dinner with my gf, and my protein count is way off. I could eat nothing anymore and have my total calorie count be where it needs to be, or I can get a protein shake and get my protein count to where it needs to be, but then my calories will be slightly high?
Well my number 1 issue is literally just the gut and double chin, but how can that be at 147lb? I know for certain I look the same as I did at 165lb.... I just want to lose the double chin and gut. I will continue on until January with this OMAD and I will see how I look then, If I still have the gut and double chin then I will work out and lose the skinny fat. But I seriously doubt I actually am 147lb, who knows... Ill just go and get a proper weight check at some clinic or some shit.
>and by eating a very low-carb diet
low-carb and low-protein, by this logic
Oh yeah you're right I haven't seen him in a while
>check contest
>its been like 2 months
...rip, hopefully not actually rip just gave up rip
Chances are, the progress you can make by doing a recomp will look better than the progress you can make by simply dieting.
Getting some muscles will make your gut look less pronounced. It will also rather dramatically increase the BF% at which you will look "fit".
Looking "fit" as a skeleton often requires going to a very low body fat %. Uncomfortably low for anyone who aren't there by default.
I.e. for (You), and no amount of autism will keep you there if you weren't there in the first place.

Basically, there is no harm in adding exercise right now, just do it.
>But I seriously doubt I actually am 147lb, who knows...
A fucking scale does.
Step on a scale and look at the number, god damn it.
If you not sure about your scales - step on another.
Do a health checkup and have a doctor weigh you up if you are incapable of reading scales.
Well the scale says 147lb. I will go check on another scale when I can.
I don't participate in the fatty contest because I lost 17 kg over the last four months and I didn't record that and the 0.3~0.5 kg of current progress isn't cool enough.
Fatty Contest
>pan fry your chicken, then when it's nice and brown
People fry chicken until it's brown?
I wouldn't worry that much about 1 macro for 1 day. Just keep your calorie goal for the day and move on. You might be a little hungrier tonight and if you think 1 protein drink will fix that then go for it
>what is a pan sear
Why the fuck not? No one at the gym gives a fuck about your double chin or gut. I'm still hilariously obese at 240lbs 5'9" and I workout in a gym filled with guys in way better shape than me and no one has ever batted an eye. The only time someone even stopped what they were doing to look at me was when I set up lmao2plate DL and once he saw me lift it a couple of times he went back to doing his shit at the cable station near by. I think he only stopped to see if I went to snap city because I don't look like I lift at all.
The seed oil (PUFA) and HFCS thing is largely a scapegoat for ultra processed foods. There is no study I've seen that shows a positive change when introducing UPF and even stronger evidence that shows basically any diet intervention be it low carb, low fat, dash, Mediterranean and whole foods diets (even some without caloric restriction) that show health benefits (mostly fasting glucose levels, blood pressure or blood lipid).
All that being said, yes the current research material that is available would indicate that seed oils (PUFA) have a neutral to potentially positive health benefits. Some will claim the studies are using poor data, are conducted at the behest of seed oil manufacturers or are otherwise poorly conducted.
On a personal note I have cut seed oils and HFCS from my diet but still occasionally eat foods with some UPF ingredients (emulsifiers, starches, flavorings) like kind bars, bread, or canned whipped cream. The results have been pretty insane, 50lbs lost in 6 months, no cravings and minimal if any muscle strength loss.
TLDR: ur right but also it worked for me so ???
just hate way I look man, if I go outside I would rather be in the right mood and state of mind (looking thinner) than right now.
Do some pushups fatty. No excuses.
Pushups? yeah ill do those fine, just not anything that requires me to go outside. Ill also do bodyweight squats
Can I do girl push ups? I don't have the strength to do the real ones.
This is not me btw, some retard is pretending to be me
You are not unique, anonymous.
Anyway gnome anon heading off. Anyone else claiming to be me is pretending. I will be back tomorrow with a picture of my dinner.
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>dropped a bunch of weight (243 lb -> 177 lb) over a couple of years
>got a dexa scan
>still 20% body fat (mostly lower back based on the mirror)
>would need to get down to the low 160s to be 12%
>know I probably shouldn't be gaining weight from this point, but I'm already lighter than I ever wanted to be
I'm gonna take a week at maintenance before starting my next training cycle, which will hopefully help. My original goal weight was 175, so I'll probably hit that in this training cycle and then start slowly bumping the calories back up to hang out at maintenance for a little bit while deciding what to do. Maybe I'm just mentally burned out.
Weight 286. 69 inches. The scale says my bf% is increasing and my muscle mass is decreasing. My volume per workout broke 10K lbs a few weeks ago. I added in a cardio day that is just 30 main on the elliptical. My liver and kidneys are unhappy and recently my bp is 117/64 post workout and 140/84 normally. My doctor refuses to do anything.

Starting ashawganda today and hoping for anything to happen, hopefully sleep, but if test boost I will take it. I worry that getting fit is going to kill me. I feel like ass all the time and know being fat is going to kill me.

Any thoughts how not to stress on this stuff. If my weights are going up and I am on a cal deficit it should work out, but it has been months and the stress is getting to me.
What are you eating?
you should just put on muscle instead mate
This, at least take some time to build your metabolism back up.
When I dropped a lot of weight I was maintaining at 1500 cal and cutting from there sucked. I took a couple of months to increase my calories and exercise before heading back down for another round and wouldnt you know it, 1500 was making me lose weight again
>For example, there is a strong mechanistic evidence for red meat being a carcinogen
There isn't, you're mistaken. You're referring to epidemiological studies made without controlling any variables and without experimentation, as is required for the first step before forming a hypothesis, as epidemiology is only good for.
Food questionnaires will always be low-quality observational data.
>How many eggs did you eat each year from 2010 to 2020?
Just as well, making weight loss a competition tends to cause disordered eating. I'm sure this was the original intention behind Fatty Contest, viewed from the perspective that fat loss is only gained by not eating and that fat gain is subsequently only occuring due to eating of any kind, with minimal variables in-between, and results are only gained via willpower. Eating disorder.
Whats that crumbly powery white stuff on the plate?
Fatty Contest

During the week I actually dropped down to 92.2 kg! I'm glad that I seem to finally be getting past the plateau properly.
Im in the market for some low cal condiments and dipping sauces, any recommendations?
NTA but parmesan probably.
Tabasco sauce
I've been doing OMAD, should I throw in some extended fasts?
My heart rate is higher when I don't get a treadmill under the big fan
If by extended you mean maybe a 48 or 72 here or there, sure, if you've got plenty to lose and feel up for it. Might need to supplement some electrolytes on a 72. Truly extended fasts are for my 600lb life patients though.
237 lbs
This is retarded big dog, I was in the gym at 360 lbs I promise you no one cares in a way that effects you
You're not even big enough to have the pity-people come up and congratulate you for being there while really fat
Back on the wagon and trying to lose weight again. I'm consistently lifting again and going slow and proper this time because before I tried pushing too hard and giving up.
I lift in my living room watching youtube.

Any good fitness/lifting channels you guys can recommend? I discovered Alan Thrall and enjoy watching his stuff while I lift.
239.4 lbs
If you could bike for hours at a time you wouldnt be fat, be realistic
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Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in three weeks?
Height, sex, and age?
I wish
Normal stuff. Lots of chicken breasts, no red meat, veggies, no junk food, carbs most from potatoes and multigrain breads.
You know the answer is yes.
Do you have the drive and willpower to do it?
yes. amputation would be the safest approach though.
Assuming male
Height: 173 cm
Starting weight: 92.4 kg / 203.7 lbs (1825 calories BMR)
Goal weight: 78.8 kg / 173.7 lbs (1689 calories BMR)
Average BMR: 1727 calories
Desired weight loss: 13.6 kg / 30 lbs (104,720)
Goal time: 21 days
Required rate: 4987 calorie deficit a day
It's... possible, but even if you fasted all three weeks, that's still 3260 calories of physical activity (ie. cardio) you would need to do every single day. It would be like spending 6 hours on a stationary bike everyday for 3 weeks while not eating and only drinking water with electrolytes and supplements. If you're starting from nothing, you will quickly burn out your body because it won't be able to deal with the extended inflammation. You'll have cold-like symptoms for a week if you go beyond an hour. And without an energy source like food, you'll feel like death. Very real health risks.
anon said 3 weeks, not 3 months
The answer is still yes.
I'll bite and go tomorrow to the communal gym in my town, plan on do a 3 x week weightlifting schedule.
Mon - Upper front
Wed - Legs
Fri - Upper back
I have a problem (or strength difference) with my left arm, it gets tired easily and also have an issue with both hands where I can't grip things too long, which fucks some exercises (military press gives the best feelings to me but I barely can do it)
>only went to the gym once in the last 5 days
Alright, time to lock the fuck back in
I made this "mistake" last weekend with the leftovers. If I try to OMAD without saving the one meal for night time I just end up relapsing late at night and going over. Maybe it worked out for you though.
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>I ate 20 ritz crackers when my meal plan said 10 crackers
>feel guilty eating fruit now because it's 100 or so calories wasted on sugar-carbs and no protein
I should probably not feel that way
Ate three bags of ramen with a pound of spicy sausage. Probably got 4 days of sodium in me right now.
ive been drinking
think i might've been under my TDEE for the past few days, but i havent really been counting, and it's probably only 100-200 calories. today I will absolve my sins with light eating and an hour of cardio
Beat you >>75240195
I also calculated my protein from yesterday and it would have been around 160 g.
I think dieting is worsening my depression. I haven't felt this low in years. I really want food but I know I'll just feel bad about it after. My stomach hurts. My joints hurt. I feel like I'm dying.
If this is the start of a diet push through it, it should get better as you adjust. And potentially look at if you're doing too steep of a deficit
If you've been at it for months then a maintenance break would probably be good because depression and physical side effects from extended deficits are real, push too hard too long and you risk falling all the way back off instead of just taking a calculated break
go back to maintenance for 1 or 2 weeks, your hormones/micronutrients are probably fucked from cutting too much, and by maintenance I mean eating more healthy food don't be retarded
>There isn't, you're mistaken.
There is, you just don't understand what "mechanistic evidence" is.
It means there is a specific mechanism, i.e. a sequence of events that can lead to a given result.
Scientists have defined rather agreed-upon processes of how exactly CAN red meat increase risk of cancer.
However the fact it CAN doesn't mean it DOES, hence why the only somewhat confirmed link we have is a rather minor positive correlation for specifically colorectal cancer and nothing else, and meat remains as a 2A carcinogen (i.e. _probably_ carcinogen) despite the mechanistic evidence being well-defined and agreed-upon.
You don't realize that you'd have to prove the mechanism itself causes the effect. Something you don't have. Fuck off.
Again, I must stress that you're mistaken and don't understand the actual evidence present. There isn't mechanistic evidence whatsoever. You're speculating on potential outcomes that are not proven using mechanisms that aren't proven to have that outcome. You cannot inform on it being a carcinogen until you prove it causes cancer. Probable carcinogen can apply to literally anything if you use such a loose criteria
I did go from eating probably 3000+ to 1200 in the span of two months. This is the first time I've maintained a diet for this long. I'm afraid that if I give myself any leeway then I'll go back to how I was before. Visiting my parents didn't help. My father did nothing but shame me for my weight despite losing weight since I last saw him.
Height and weight?
1200 is extremely low, that's like the lowest range recommended for kind-of-overweight women
Falling off because of too high of a restriction making you feel like shit is very common
First of all, congrats on having the discipline to maintain a cut that hard, good work bro. Don't listen to your family, progress is progress.
Just up your calorie intake to around 2000kcal and see how your body responds, are you working out?
The 150-300 kcal a day adds up huh. I'm gonna go for a walk now.
Yeah, that's a fair approach.
I'm very skeptical about the whole seed oil thing but I also rarely use them compared to olive oil and butter, and I feel pretty good about that.
And my personal anecdotal experience with ultra-processed food is basically
>yeah, it's fine, but it's not as filling as food proper and if I'm eating only ultra-processed food I'll be at risk of developing nutrient deficiencies so I better cut it down
Plus, you are right that studies do rather consistently show ultra-processed food consumption as a net negative.
I would just assume that for most of those studies they just don't correct for obesity and nutrient deficiencies and if they did most of it would be a nothing-burger, but it's still a point on the graph to keep in mind.

I'm just annoyed with the "good for you", "bad for you" approach because it's reductive and is generally based on misunderstanding nutrition in general.
A Japanese beef bowl company (Yoshinoya) once sponsored a (rather good, as I was led to believe at least) study that found that eating beef bowls daily for three months straight didn't have any negative consequences for long-term health.
The overwhelming reaction of the public can be summed up as
>well, sure, it's not bad for you . . . BUT IT'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU EITHER THO
which is genuinely how 90% of "good for you" people think when it's literally not how any of it works.
They eat their broccoli and expect the betterment enzymes to better their betterment pathways of the ultimate goodforyouness.
Again, you are ignorant and have no idea what you're talking about.
You can literally look it up in five minutes but choose not to.
>i have not touched my barbells all week
i'd like to think i'll start tomorrow, but unfortunately i've picked up a cold so probably just focusing on diet til i'm better.
No such evidence exists, anon. There is nothing to look up, no matter how many Harvard papers are published. Walking back from your own position down to a "probable" is proof that you're not even aware of such mechanisms. These proposed mechanisms are theorized to exist based on observational data and speculation alone, not because they have been discovered or tested.
5'5" 238lbs. Not sure how much I weighed at the start since I didn't own a scale but my clothes feel noticably looser. I try to exercise for at least an hour each day but I have a lot of trouble leaving my house most days. I used to drink milk daily so I think the decrease in vitamin D isn't helping either. I need to remember to supplement daily.
meant dumbbellsss

anyway >>75241612
October 6
Consumed 1361kcal (~1k deficit)
119g of protein
Walked dog for 40 minutes
Did not drink alcohol
Did not evening binge
Very very good week for eating, decent week for exercise, failed week for strength.
>These proposed mechanisms are theorized to exist based on observational data and speculation alone
That's NOT how mechanistic evidence works.
You DO NOT get mechanistic evidence from observational studies.

Anon, you have gone full retard.
You saw the words "red meat" and "carcinogen" in the same sentence, blood has flushed to your eyes and now you are seeing red and can't think straight as it goes against your agenda.
What you are failing to comprehend is that, if anything, I'm on the same "side" as you. What I said is effectively
>there is very little, if any, evidence that red meat actually causes cancer and the best link we have is colorectal cancer with a very minor correlation
The strong mechanistic evidence was mentioned specifically because having JUST mechanistic evidence is NOT ENOUGH to make conclusions.
>Walking back from your own position down to a "probable" is proof
that you went full retard.
The line
>meat remains as a 2A carcinogen (i.e. _probably_ carcinogen)
means EXACTLY that it's a nothinburger in the end.
There is no """walking back""" there
>that you're not even aware of such mechanisms
But I am. I'm not spoonfeeding you with something you can google in two seconds but refuse to because it goes against your beliefs.
Grow a thicker skin and learn to face the world.

There IS mechanistic evidence for red meat being a potential carcinogen.
All you need to do is get your head out of your ass and google that combination of words to see what the fuck does "mechanistic evidence" means and how it's in no way, shape, or form related to observational studies and theories you mention.
It just means there is a potential pathway. It doesn't even mean that pathway is actually involved in any of the real processes - it just means it's technically there.
There is not mechanistic data. Your cope by repeatedly failing to provide it is hilarious. You're just parroting the conclusions of observational data and pretending there's mechanistic data to coincide with it.
went to an all you can eat today
I ate all I could eat
I accept your concession, my angry friend.
>I can't imagine eating yogurt like this long-term.

I like greek yogurt so much I can't eat regular yogurt anymore, too watery.
I have thoroughly debunked your claims. To everyone reading, they can no longer persuaded by your one-sided assertions and will have to look into the topic themselves to find the truth, and we both know they'll realize that I was right.
Walked for an hour and a half and my heart rate was around 120 the entire time. It was a brisk walk but that still seems kinda high. My resting bpm is like 55 and I'm only 10 lbs or so overweight. It's making it hard to estimate the calories burned cause the heart rate based calculators are telling me it's 1000+ for the 90 minutes lol. How am I meant to estimate? I've just been assuming it's like 500 cals.
>I have thoroughly debunked your claims
Don't use TDEE, use BMR and base your diet around that. You can calculate your accurate TDEE after having enough weight loss data over a period of time. My deficit is about 1300 calories a day, and I was able to predict that rate from the start, but I only felt confident in saying it after a couple months. Even then, the only real use in knowing is to figure out when you'll reach your goal weight if you're consistent.
>Sources cited: dude trust me
You're right, there was nothing to argue against, you have no basis for the argument to begin with.
Ate like 4k calories today. Feel like a failure :(
I was already in a plateau and now I probably reversed 2 weeks of weight loss.
If my TDEE is 2230kcal, and lose 1lb/week is 1730kcal, is it ok if I only eat 1630kcal, despite lifting at gym for 1hr 20min, and fast walking on treadmill for 30 min?
do not eat tomorrow
Heavy deficit doesn't matter until it does.

Eat more if:
-Your lifts are suffering
-You have been in deficit for too long (3 months)
-You feel like trash, enough that it is effecting your other activities like sleep or concentration
Calm your shit and get back on your program. Do not overreact and do something stupid to cause you to bounce from complete fasting to over eating.

Shit is hard, keep at it.
i'm considering low carb again to see if it's related to the inflammation i'm feeling. and this plateau. i know my lifts might suffer a little but i'm gonna make sure to keep my protein up to avoid that as much as i can, i just need to lower my body fat % and it isn't fucking budging.
That's normal. Everything goes to shit when you're dieting right. Dig in your heels and grow a spine for once in your godforsaken fatty life. You got here through gluttonous disgusting behavior and nothing short of hard work and dedication will get you out.
Chins up, butterchup.
ignore >>75246661
this is an unhealthy pattern to fall into. you failed today, but today is now the past. try to identify the decision that led to you over-eating today and learn from this.
just do your best to eat your target calorie deficit tomorrow. don't think about where you were two weeks ago, don't think about where you'll be 2 weeks from now. just concentrate on one day at a time.
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How do I learn to get up faster?
Woke up at 6AM today but didn't leave the bed until like 7:15
Willpower. Or set an annoying alarm out of arm's reach
Were you just laying there or were you playing on your phone?
Literally just get up
Im hitting my deficit goal but i feel like i should be trying to go lower than it for when i eventually have to lower it
damn its not hard to see how 2000cals can add up quickly when eating junk. Im not perfect but I think im improving things little by little each day
What weighs more, 2000cals of pizza or 2000 cals of vegetables?
is a peloton worth it for autists that can't step foot in the gym
probably veggies by a long shot due to water
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I don't want to work anymore. Just go gym and get lean bros. Work is taking up too much of my god damn time
Its a stationary bike with a screen. Do you want to ride with the egg carton that badly? Its a big financial investment.
Good morning. Well I can go on it, a light pedal isn't intensive but I guess thats kinda counter acting huh? I am just skinny fat. I am 147lb and need muscle. I will be doing bodyweight squats later
>reversed 2 weeks of weight loss.
>4k calories
you on a 200 cal deficit or something?
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>Bike Trainer: ~$500
>Bicycle I can take out and ride any time: ~$180
>Laptop I already had: Free
I can play games AND ride on Zwift/IndieVelo for less than half the price a Peloton costs
Is this a dentist office? Why is it so bright white?
>680 bucks when you could just buy a stationary exercise bike for like 300
Stationary bikes and Bike trainers are totally different things
ERG mode has changed my life
>Bicycle I can take out and ride any time: ~$180
a rideable bicycle is NOT 180 dollars
I don't know if you're saying that's too high or too low.
Define pizza
I've continued to drink a glass of milk with my meals even though I have a pretty good idea it is probably responsible for my slowed losses.
I used to sleep in until I got married.

A wife, a job, and kids. Your wife will prod you, your kids will run in and start bouncing on the bed, and you'll know if you don't get up you'll lose your livelihood all of which have pushed me to get out of bed on time for years.
meatball and onion, stuffed crust
>slop and slop with stuffed slop
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I'm feeling a new pound lost when I wake up tomorrow
sounds hellish, why do breeders do it?
I hate my brain, he won’t let me change
Nothing feels as good as the first time you hold your child in your arms. It changes you.
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got my libido back but I'm also suddenly hungry all the time
something is telling me to binge eat and I keep having to tell it no
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Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest

Scale didn't go down but didn't go up either.
How many calories would raw chicken wings with bone and skin have per 100g?
I'm trying to look it up and it's anywhere from 50 to 250, it's retarded.
I'll be counting 210 kcal per 100g of meat with the assumption that 60% of the weight is meat.
after a quick googling it seems to be between 170-191 calories per 100gram
I've been wondering the same and ended up just doing whats on the package. For 100 grams
198 kcal, 14g fat, 18g protein
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made it almost 8 weeks of very clean cut and didn't even feel hard to maintain, but then one business dinner ruined everything. It was like the dinner engaged my appetite and left even more hungry instead of full.
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Extremely similar spikes in my plot. It might take a few days but it'll go to normal very quickly.
Nice plot bro. Aim for some maintainable diet cleanliness-wise and whence done just go back to TDEE. How long are you planning to be deficient? I read somewhere 3 months at a time would be best. Btw I lived 3 years in Germany.
I've almost reached 3 months of diet but I don't feel all that fatigued.
Going to go another month before a maintenance break
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'twas very nice.
1640 kcal total.
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Hi, thanks. I hope you liked Germany and stayed here sometimes before Covid where it was actually enjoyable. This plot is only a portion of the main graphic because it was getting too big. Picrel is the entire thing. You can see I have over 300 entries though I've taken multiple breaks over the course of the year for a total of 3-4 months. I'm however planning to stay deficient until I reach my goal weight. I don't think there is any reason to believe that maintaining a calorie deficit for however long is harmful per se. At worst, aggressive deficits are unsustainable for nutrient reasons or due to psychological exhaustion. Since neither apply to me I haven't considered taking breaks for health reasons. If you're worried you should have your blood values examined. I first reached 100kg around Easter this year which was my main goal and was satisfied for a while. Than personal stuff happened this summer and I wasn't satisfied again and started hitting the gym hard. Current goal is 87kg.
Anybody know what week of the leg the fatty contest is on? A leg last 8 weeks, right? I wanna join
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daily reminder that even if i lost all of this weight, ill still be the same loser as back then
most of peoples memories will only be filled with me being a fat loser and my personality will still be a loser so its hard to meet new people that doesnt have that image of me being fat in their heads.
i wish i was born attractive instead
The people worth keeping around will be proud of your progress. You'll find it easier to make jew friends. The halo effect is real.
you're right, i think being fat saved me from fake normies that are only leeches and never give anything back at least
ive lost 17 kgs this year thanks to a friend who used to be fat too that saved me
and i should be thankful for my mom that she noticed that ive gotten thinner
I'm mainly worried about muscle loss, I do workout and make sure I get enough protein. I have been making gains on pull-ups and dips which are body-weight dependent. Still my worry is if elongated deficiency might be too harsh for the muscles and I should go in cycles instead.

I was there in 2006-2009, was nice, very mild winters
I managed to avoid muscle loss for the most part, at least according to the navy method. But that's only a secondary concern. My chief goal is to change my fat to lean body mass ratio and for now, it's easier to lose fat than to build muscle. That's why I can get a better physique more quickly by cutting aggressively and consistently than doing it in cycles. However that doesn't mean that the other way doesn't work too. It all leads to the same result it's just a matter of what path suits your personality and schedule best.

Germany before 2010 seems like a distant dream to me now. Everything always worked and no one worried about anything ever.
Fatty Contest
341.4 lbs

I dunno.
If I'm fat is it better to lose the weight first then build muscle or to build the muscle first and then cut? Cuz I've heard of "cultivating mass", but I'm not very well versed on fitness stuff yet
generally people lose the weight first since being obese is really bad for you and lowers your quality of life
but it depends on how fat you are and how uncomfortable you are with it, it's not an absolute
If you're skinny fat (i.e. "normal weight" but look bad) then lifting > losing weight.
If you're overweight or above - prioritize losing weight over gaining muscle. However, exercising is great, you should exercise regardless.
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Making a soup today, I think the first time ever? In my tradwife era I guess.

Butternut squash, yellow potato, sweet potato, apple, cauliflower, chicken stock

Join at any time
Its not really a contest

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