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Inception edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Titanic Tubbies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy diseased heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>75240171
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>Scale hasn't gone down in 5 weeks
Go on without me bros... the domino's is calling me.
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For me, it's 30 hardboiled eggs mashed up with a 14 oz can of salmon and 2 sticks of butter.
What week is the leg in?
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>15 sept: 203.8lbs 18.8% bf
>7 oct: 198.4lbs 18% bf
can i please just get to 10%bf without muscle loss, mr scale?
>have to go to business meeting
>put on formal pants I haven't worn in a couple of months
>they go on easily, clothing doesn't feel tight and constricting anymore
yep, it's only positives. there is no reason to stop. wagmi anons, keep pushing.
If you are getting your body fat percentage from the scale, don't. They are wildly inaccurate. At best, you can use the numbers it gives to be reasonably sure if your body fat is going up or down, but even that isn't always true.
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fuck me - was on a roll then summer hit and I just dicked it. back at it. CW 212.6lbs, GW of 185lbs. SW 227, with my lowest being 201. I almost saw 200 lbs, almost.
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Self made belt hole gang rise up!
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Gnome anon here again. Apparently in these potatoes there is only a whopping 76 calories.... I weighed them and they come up to 106g. On the packaging it says 76 calories per 100g... Soo I've been having a severe deficit no? I am like 600-800 calories MAX. Kinda worried / lost here now.
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Here is the calories today total. 1077 in. Ignore the "gum" it's just what I use to input calories for my drink since the website doesnt list it.
which app is that?
i had a dexa scan over a year ago, 215lbs and 21.6% body fat. the scale might not be way off
Fatty Contest
It's the mynetdiary com website.
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That's what a long-lasting successful weight loss looks like! ups and downs, but long term you go down.
Dont fret! you got this bro.
I bet it was great, anon!
Big bowl of soup with some pasta inside was 500cal, it was good but I feel like 500cal of ground beef would've been more filling
What websites do you guys like for finding recipes? I mostly just need to spice up what I've been eating for dinner. I like budgetbytes.com
Anyone know what to add to this to add more calories? If it's really below 1000 I'm kinda fucked. Should I add a flatbread? Would add a couple hundred right?
Add eggs.
Add fruit.
>replying to your own post multiple times attention whoring
thanks, you are right. just thinking that if I'd stayed on track I'd be closer to my GW by now. oh well, I haven't weight myself in 2 months until today, so back at it
Why do we like nuns so much here
they're cute
that's awesome anon. keep it up!
>wake up
>step on scale
>drink 8oz cup of coffee
>step on scale
>step off scale
>step back on scale
I hate digital scales so much it's unreal
Gnome here, just did 100 bodysquats, think I had terrible form though. But man my thighs are burning
picked up a cold from a family member this weekend. didn't even feel like drinking coffee this morning. i should be ravenous right now considering i ate a thousand calorie deficit yesterday, but i have zero appetite. is this a fast day, or do i force myself to eat something...
For the love of god please stop with the multiple posts asking the most basic shit then blaming it on your autism. I'm autistic too but I don't pull shit shit.
>"How do I add more calories guyz??"
Put some more fucking food on your plate. I've also told you to eat more vegetables multiple fucking times but your plate is still a sea of brown with like 25 grams of carrots and peas max.
But you don't understand anon, he needs to shitpost the same thing everyday because of his 'autism'
Erm, yeah well I will just add more potatoes.

I like to ask anons for their input, otherwise I wouldnt be posting here.
Sorry. I will when I go shopping.
that reminds me, I should take my multivitamin
You dont need to post every single thought you have
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I've been dieting for over a month and I'm still afraid to weigh
If you feel lighter and better overall than it isn't required persay. I didn't weigh myself 6 months when I went down from 270 to 185.(Though I did calorie count so I knew I was on the right path)
That's not too bad man, back on the wagon with you!
out of curiosity i bought some canned venison the other day
verdict: canned meat is REALLY not appetizing.

didn't actually taste bad though. good macros too
stretching is kino and very good after losing lots of weight
have you tried eating less
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>not a spam enjoyer
does spam come with distinct chunks of congealed gelatin and fat? i didn't like that
i guess at least i could separate it out before eating
>Weight loss stalled for the past 3 weeks despite decreasing intake
>Period missing despite still being obese and eating healthy food
If I'm pregnant I'm just going to end it. That would be the cherry on the shit sundae. I hate tokophobia.
This general has a disturbingly high number of female posters
how many days until your diet is over, anon?
Obesity is very common in females. They get told their whole life they're "not that fat" and then suffer health consequences for it.
Online female erasure is so common it does feel weird when it occasionally lessens.
> Welcome to the internet, where the men are men, etc.
>Online female erasure
lmao, yeah women have it so bad. My fucking sides.
>If I'm pregnant I'm just going to end it. That would be the cherry on the shit sundae. I hate tokophobia.
Chuds win again. I haven't shit since friday so I gained 6lbs
The truth is anon, the diet never ends.
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bros... is boars head deli meat bad for u?

you're tellin me these big blobs wrapped in plastic are "processed" and loaded with salt/nitrates or whatever? ... I thought they just like deboned the thang and shoved it in a plastic wrap... c'mon I'm tired of buying rotisserie chickens... it's a fucking hassle... so is cooking chicken breasts. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
if you're "tired" of your diet you are going to fail
eat whatever the fuck you want, at a deficit
also, are you implying rotisserie chickens are not loaded with salt/nitrates?
Most of them seem post partum
I eat it all the time. It's only an issue if you have hypertension and need to be eating less sodium. If your diet isn't complete dogshit, some high sodium meat at lunch every day isn't an issue.

>are you implying rotisserie chickens are not loaded with salt/nitrates?
idk, are they? fuck dude I thought they just roasted whole baby/small chickens... all that stuff is probably just in the skin though? not like it seeps into the meat.. r-right? are raw chicken breasts really the only way to eat healthy pure chicken?
At my current rate I'll be at my target weight in July 2026
116 days give or take
Pure FUD, the rotisserie chickens you get at the Super Market are made fresh everyday. They don't load them up with preservatives.
Guys the main reason I’m overweight is because I’ve been attacked by men since a very young age. And despite therapy I haven’t been able to break that mental block. I and just 80lbs overweight but once I drop 50lbs I start noticing all the men looking at me. I want to focus on my health now because I don’t want to age like shit but I also want to be invisible. I don’t know how I can achieve that. Maybe some avante garde fashion. There I’m done with my pity rant.
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Have lost and regained weight constantly throughout my life. First few times highly motivated by the scale. Doesn't stay off unless I sustain the deficit and exercise which for me is brutal. Like goodbye libido and immune system low.

This time I've decided to just be active as fuck and eat clean. At first I dropped 8kg in the first two weeks. Then a total of 12kg by the end of the first month. Started eating like a horse, but clean. Sick of food. Don't want to eat anymore. No pleasure in it. Eating constantly. Always full up. Always shitting. 3,500kcal minimum a day.

Regained the weight over about 4 months. Have stayed the same weight for the last 4 months now. Lift big, eat big, try to get sleep. Don't know where I'm headed but I still enjoy the exercise. About 15 hours a week of exercise. Maybe I'll reassess in the new year. Have some strength goals still going on. 6'2" 280lb.
>I’ve been attacked by men since a very young age
Are you actually retarded? why would you think the fat asses here would give a shit about your story
>are raw chicken breasts really the only way to eat healthy pure chicken?
my point is none of that meme shit matters fucking fatass just eat less, stop making excuses, i can hear the gears grinding in your fat head "uuuuuhhhh it's impossible I'll just give in to the slop what does it matter anyway"

eat WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT just eat LESS until you stop being a disgusting walking pig
Sure you’ve regressed a bit, all you can do from here is get back to the process and just do the work. Time will move forward regardless, will you move along with it or get stuck? WAGMI
I'm having moments where I want to ''take a break'' and eat whatever i feel like for a day or two. I. MUST. STAY. STRONG. HNNNNNNG
I don’t but I wanted to post into the void. I’m approaching a different type of plateau. It’s all based on fear that I cannot break through. I just use fat as a shield instead of shit and piss or drugs or more bloodier versions of self harm like the otherness in the support groups I’ve joined and left.
Keep crying bitch
ok ignorant nigger
uh I'm only like 40lbs overweight, I'm not just trying to lose weight but eat healthier by eating less processed food
Self compassion. Properly acknowledge the frustrations and then coldly reply back to them with logic. Reinforce with your goals. You can do it.
ty brother.
Is this build unheathy? Shes skinny but also extremely muscular. Mainly works on her abs. Would like a build like this
>only 40 lbs
And here I am freaking out over 10

Do you think any real human being is bult like this? Look at her eyes and tell me nothing is edited.
>extremely muscular
Please note the use of a wig on her. When you are too skinny you go bald at the drop of any stress. I don’t believe she’s in a good spot mentally here and it’s shows despite this well staged photo. Look at images from chicks in cool sports outside of the Olympic view. Better role models there for health points.
She posts daily updates on her stomach. And she has livestreamed before and looks the same. Yes she wears a lot of make up but shes real
wtf is wrong with asians and these gross makeup/filter/eyeshit combos

they have seriously lost the ball
I got a particularly small chicken breast and a particular small broccoli head today so I'm 300 kcals under my calorie target, but I'm already at my limit for carbs, any ideas for something to add, or should I just accept the additional 300 cal deficit?
Buy bigger chicken breasts or add a bit of butter to your vegetables.
>add a bit of butter to your vegetables.
that's a good idea, thanks bro.
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elite macros coming through
Whats your full plate?

Here is mine, it's only 600-800 calories (somehow)
>edits pictures constantly
>b-but the tummy is definitely never edited
this is entertainment not inspo
237g broccoli
206g chicken breast
125g rao's marinara sauce
31g optimum nutrition Whey powder
694kcal +28g kerrygold butter = 894kcal
any anons interested in sharing what i'd call 'changes in perspective' that helped with their weight loss?
i'll start
>used to load up my plate with retardedly large portions
>would eat till i felt fucking bloated, but if there was anything left i'd push to finish it as to not 'waste' the food by dumping it in the trash (not a fan of left overs)
>i realised instead of dumping it in the trash, i was dumping it in my body, effectively treating my body like a trash can
>now i eat significantly smaller portions that i can finish without feeling bloated
>on the off chance there's anything left, i'll either save it in the fridge for tomorrow or dump it in the trash if i dont feel like having it again the next day
>she's real
Yeah she exists but she's got those filters cranked up to 150% dude, c'mon now.
OMAD? I am on OMAD. I need to add more to my meal though as I feel that my range is WAY too LOW.
Yeah OMAD I try to shoot for about 1000kcal
This is somewhat like cognitive behavior therapy. And it’s really effective in helping out with bad habits. You’re doing great!
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has anyone tried this? i think it has potential
Nice, alright thanks for elaborating anon
Junkorexics do it
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Heres my food for today, ive pretty much drank more of my calories than ate. but still quite low at 1300
I have to do funny measurements to match the ones on the back of the bottle
>800 calories just in drinks
such a fucking waste, you could've eaten and felt fuller. drinking calories is the most retarded thing anyone can do.
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> are you implying rotisserie chickens are not loaded with salt/nitrates?
It depends greatly on the chicken.
Picrel is H-E-B's "natural rotisserie chicken", and it's arguably not terrible.
Still a bit more salt than I'd like, but considerably less than your typical rotisserie chicken.
I know, just for today though since I didnt realise how low it was. gonna add more to my plate tmrw
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>that sunken emaciated face
What's considered light/moderate/heavy exercise for tdee calculation purposes? I lift weights 6x a week and walk 10-15k+ steps a day (physical job). I've been using moderate exercise since it feels like heavy exercise would be like, miles of cardio every day.
if you're looking for a reason to keep losing, my gf just told me that since my cut I can now penetrate her deep enough to hurt from multiple positions. so there's that.
Wisdom. I lost like 80 lbs and hit my target weight doing calorie counting and then got lazy for half a year, thought it would be fine. regained nearly 40 lbs of it.
The sad truth is, you can't ever go back to the old ways
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>also, are you implying rotisserie chickens are not loaded with salt/nitrates?
I rarely do rotisserie chickens but the Whole Foods one isn't crazy expensive and the ingredient list is simple, seems like the best rotisserie chicken option (Sprouts might be good too but they cost more so I haven't bothered to try it)
You ever been skinny fat bro?
At least another 6 months, can't wait to be able to eat at maintenance for a few months before I start losing more weight based on how I look.
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The only way I will eat Spam.
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When did you guys stop gooning?
Even if I reach my target weight I'll only be able to eat 1400 calories or I'll gain it back. This shit's miserable.
Start lfiting then, you can add at least 500 calories from that from bulking
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tomorrow I get to eat some 'za. It's been forever since I last had some
this is AI slop
~1-1.5 months until maintenance
we know raj
thoughts on egg mayo? good/bad? sloppa?
Why the fuck would you put nitrates on a rotisserie chicken?
Ah, this anon sure isn't lacking dietary fat in his diet. It's not obvious that he's low test.
what do you mean
mayo is made from eggs, it is a main ingredient
Ceci n'est pas une AI slop.
I would like to try it, myself, however, I don't have blending implements. I'm sure it's interesting. We're talking about using hardboiled eggs as the main ingredient, yeah? I've seen it done with butter and hardboiled eggs as well
For minorities obesity is higher in women
For whites it's higher in males
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when i tried a high carb low fat regimen
switched back to high fat low carb and started gooning again
If it hasn't gone you are literally not eating less calories.
You are probably cheating sporadically thinking it wont have an affect.
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Bros I am finally working out consistently again!
My biggest problem was I didnt have any program and had too high of expectations but now I got a program and I'm being consistent.
Wish me luck bros!
Scale went down for the first time since September 21st, another big drop.
>September 21st: 149.9 lbs
>Every day since: 150.2 lbs to 154 lbs
>Today: 148 lbs
Maybe that 2400 pot of pasta the other night was just the kick I needed to end the plateau
why did you post this image
>do 30mins on my stationary bike at home
>350 calories burned
>even if its off by 30%, if i do around 1 hour a day
>thats like...1 KG extra burned every week
holy shit. I can just do it while watching 1-2 episodes of a show every day.
You should gain 500 pounds instantly for making me see that.
Explain the image, pronto!
yes i know, but it's mega calories too because it's also oil 780 calories in 100ml according to the mayo i have here.
yeah hardboiled eggs, i just chop them and throw in some mayo and pepper, or some hot sauce
i mean yeah, mayonnaise is extremely calorie dense, you can use it as a fat source if you arent eating a lot of fats otherwise, but you shuoldnt be slathering it on everything
ie, mayo instead of oil/butter for toasting your bread or whatever
This is exactly what I've been saying. It's like cheat mode. I do 2 hours everyday and watch Netflix. I've watched so much stuff since July, movies I had always wanted to watch but could never just sit myself down for. Anyone who has ever wanted to watch One Piece could do 5 episodes a day and finish it in 8 months at my rate.
amputation fetishists
immersing a limb in dry ice is a known method
hope that helps
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Getting enough protein is so hard anons
its just a huge pain after the 30min mark cause im a complete noob with cardio, i start to get tired. but i figure i could do 30mins take 1 hour break then do 30 more.
If you’re not feeling hungry, don’t eat the calories back just take that win and move on. Otherwise, plain Greek yogurt (0 or 2% mf max) with some frozen fruit is good, or egg whites with a little shredded cheese
also i started watching mr inbetween while doing it this week, great show would recommend, almost done with the last season.
Not a metaphor for trannies? (Rent free)
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>Set weight goal for 180lb for the year.
>Eat twice a day, with fiber cereal at lunch and vegetables, chicken and cauliflower rice for dinner.
> Go to gym five times a week and also go to kick boxing class
>Hit goal in late August
> Have better income and decided to switch up diet to replace cereal with soup.
>Went up 7 pounds in a few weeks

So I ate chicken soup (replaced noddles with potatoes) and spinach mushroom soup with chicken added to it.

Since I'm basically boiling food in a stock pot instead of pan frying I assumed it be a little healthier but I went up in weight. I did use chick stock but it overall has less calories then a tablespoon of oil.

Should I be avoiding soups or are the one's I've been cooking bad for weight lost? I like the extra protein and they're pretty filling so I wanted to see if I should cook another soup possibly.


>Ate 1,500 calories of greasy Walmart fried chicken today
>Eating 900 calories of ground beef and miracle whip tomorrow
I WILL eat shit and I WILL lose weight!
>Buy bigger chicken breasts
I buy mine in bulk, some are big 350g+ some are small <200g
Consider a palette cleanse from all the gay porn posted to this board.
Nothing intrinsically wrong with soup, just watch for salt.
Preferably, don't puree the soup. There's value in chewing and swallowing non-liquid food.
Beyond that, just count your calories. You probably ate beyond your target and so you gained weight.
I wish I was rich. I would start a company making low calorie foods, where some of the sugar is replaced by erythritol/stevia/aspartame.

Maybe the selection of such stuff is better in America, but in my country that selection is basically non-existent. They exist, but they ridiculously expensive since they are imported novelty items in small quantities.

Imagine cheese cake where you swap out most of the sugar for 0 calorie alternatives. You could make it taste like normal cheese cake, but it would have a relatively high protein to calorie ratio.
Or imagine 'potato chips' but the potatoes are replaced by like cured ham. And some of the sodium is replaced by potassium.
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This is why I keep some protein drinks around, so I can always just grab a bottle of chocolate-flavored protein from the fridge and gulp 160 calories with 30g proteins and 0 net carbs.
If you drink it all in one go and don't think about it, it almost doesn't taste gross.
First time I ever did it was an hour and I felt like I was dying. Could barely walk, crawled to get up stairs. Took about a week to fully develop the physical endurance. Started throwing in an extra 10 minutes occasionally. One day I did 1:30:00 and it was bad; turns out overexertion can lead to inflammation in your body, making it believe you have a cold and giving you cold-like symptoms for a week. Stay hydrated. But I started doing an extra 10 minutes more consistently, then 15, then 20, and finally 30 without issue. Then I started to do 2 hours, but split into an hour after I woke up and an hour not long before going to bed. Sometimes I just do the straight 2 hours if I procrastinate after waking up and that's easy enough to do.

I wish I had a full list of everything I've watched.
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I don't even worry about it anymore. My fat brain can only handle counting calories.
How does your stationary bike know the calories? Does it do some kind of time based estimation or does it measure your actual wattage on the pedals?
If it's the latter then it'll be accurate (real calories spent will be even higher), because that measures your actual power output for riding. This is pretty common for pro and amateur cyclists (they even measure peak performance by wattage and/or how long they can output that wattage).
It's one of the few sports where an accurate measurement is possible because all you've got to do is measure how hard someone is pedalling.
tilapia! around 90-100 calories for one filet and 23g of protein. i also usually have cheese/greek yogurt for a snack. i have some unflavored protein powder i toss into mug cakes when i want a treat.
I need to lose 100 pounds before Christmas any ideas? I'm 455 pounds.
Stop eating and start running.
im guessing it registers the resistance i put and then it counts moves on the peddals. im sure its got a margin of error of about 30% due to not knowing my weight height age etc, but i think its sorta accurate.
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What fucking scenario are you in where it would be socially acceptable to be 355lbs but not 455lbs?
re-read your post, and ye i checked the calories only go up according to how fast or slow i pedal. so it seems legit. must be wattage.
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>I'm 455 pounds.
>turns out overexertion can lead to inflammation in your body, making it believe you have a cold and giving you cold-like symptoms for a week.
I didnt have cold symptoms but the morning after i did 50 mins one day when i wasnt used to it it felt like my legs wouldnt work, it hurt to just walk on the front of my legs, had to take it easy for 3 days before it didnt hurt to move them. lesson learned to take it slow and gradually work up to it.
You can easily lose 20 lbs a month at that weight by eating under 2k calories and walking daily
More if you really push it but you'd already be in a > 2k calorie deficit
Yeah make a time machine and stop yourself from shoveling food in your mouth 24/7 or go on a fast that you will definitely break on within days
I can't run right now because I'm recovering from hernia surgery

I broke a chair last Christmas and I'm hoping 100 pounds will be enough loss for the chairs to support me.

I unfortunately have Hank Hill ass
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I should walk
Bruh just lose 10-20 pounds a month. You can use it to brag when you see your family on christmas. You cant just snap away 100 pounds like that.
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Tranny psychopathy, basically.
To make it more accurate, he would actually be surrounded with people except they'd all have their legs cut off too.
>check out some diet recipe on youtube
>suddenly youtube wants to recommend me every mukbang, fast food review and cooking video
>recommended page full of burgers, pizzas, pasta etc
Ya that's probably the most practical. maybe I'll just sit on the floor this year.
>downloaded doordash
>gained 90lbs in 2 years

Fuck me, man. I'm going to start making my own meals again. I removed the app from my phone.
How do you have so much money holy fuck
It costs $20-30 for ONE MEAL
Door dash signed me up for their paid bonus program thing after me constantly saying no when prompted and charged $10 a month to my card for half a year without me realizing after I stopped using the app
All I'm saying is I wouldn't be sad if some Art the Clown type shit happened to their CEOs
Why is falling/staying asleep sometimes so damn near impossible when on a deficit?
>did keto
>got gallstones
>experienced major pain for a week before shitting them out

anyway I'm eating pineapple and papaya as my daily 2 serves of fruit for the next month or so to improve my cholesterol and purge any stones still in my gallbladder
turns out a high salt and cholesterol diet isn't all sunshine and rainbows, even if you lose a lot of weight
I'm making a baked potato for the first time and im really nervous, like my hands wont stop shaking
i'm eating a god damn snicker's bar. i have a cold and a sore throat and i feel like fucking shit and i'm treating people like shit and i just had dinner and i'm in a bad mood. and before you say "nooooooooo fatttty noooooooooo", consuming this veiny chocolate shaft will take my grand total for the day to a whopping 1500 calories. i'm not even hungry right now. i just need to eat a snickers.
I've been constipated for days...
thanks for reminding me to have some benefiber today anon. will pray for ur butt
I believe in you anon. It's not quite as good as oven or air fryer but you can microwave a potato for like 3 minutes and it's good to go. I cut mine into bite size pieces and add good culture cottage cheese + pepper after cooking. Very filling
I don't know. I think there's a case to be made for this.
For example, 355lbs people have a (slim) chance of fitting within an (american) airplane seat. 455lbs people do not.
Realistically, society has slowly been adapting for heavier bodies, with public seating now commonly designed to accommodate proper fatties, within limits.
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>for a couple months just used a random TDEE calculator from the first google search result and have been eating 500 calories below that
>wonder why the fuck the scale is barely budging
>see this thread
>do TDEE calculation in OP
>it has my TDEE at 200 less than the previous one I used
So if I'm being a stupid fatty just tell me.
Been doing omad for 2 months and getting steady progress, but I've been getting a little bored with my food, I tried these on a whim and they were actually pretty good and filling. Think I could do these 2-3 times a week and still keep my progress or will I wind up just stalling myself?
One serving is 300 cals, no spice packet or nothing, just boil and mix em up with whatever meat and veggies I'm cooking up that night. I've been doing 1000 calories a day so basically just cut my meat portion in half and I should be good.
hey at least it's on the timescale of days
last time I stalled out from constipation it lasted 4 weeks, then I shit 3kg
106.1 kg this morning after yesterday's chicken wings dinner.
Feels pretty nice.
I finally made it, slightly disappointed I didn't reach my goal in 350 days, but it's still good progress, WAGMI. Also, I ate a purple whopper today.
good job anon, hope my motivation lasts as long as yours has
Also for got to mention I lost 60 lbs.

Anon, this is a good way to get even more bored with your food.

Thank you, At one point I did lose motivation, but I didn't stop tracking. I just increase my calorie intake to make it less miserable. My “eternal vigilance” for losing weight is a lot better, knowing I won't get out of breath quickly when playing with my cat.
How is this not illegal? Also, does something like this in Europe with similar calories?
they're fairly devoid of micronutrients, similar to eating pasta or rice noodles. That said, I eat rice noodles all the time. Carbs are important. I like to stir fry them.

Hydrate noodles. Saute garlic, onion, add red pepper flakes at the end. Toss in noodles and some Maggi or a small pinch of msg. Pretty dank.
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>yesterday I forgot to go grocery shopping
>resisted the urge to order fast food delivery and ate some sausages from my freezer
>today I biked uphill to the grocery store
>made some burgers and fries as a reward
>still 500kcal under and feeling stuffed
life is good. wagmi
Because people intuitively know to cut this small desert into 2.5 equal portions, which matches Crumbl's definition of a "serving" of this dessert, and which keeps their worst nutrients on the happy side of the line separating "not great" and "plain evil".
Also, Americans are famously self-interested and purely rational individuals, and it is therefore entirely a matter of personal responsibility should they choose to poison themselves with this item.
I bet you would be in favor of bringing back the Prohibition too.
>How is this not illegal
it probably will be soon
no company has tried to pull this shit before. it seems like a publicity stunt
I literally just eat a cut of meat and raw veggies and I've been bored since I started anon, this was the first time enjoyed a meal in a month.
That's basically what I did, minus the msg. Added an egg just for the hell of it.
Just ate the baked potato I made. Why do some people remove potato skin? Buttered and salted, crunchy and delicious, is better tasting than the potato meat.

Not to mention the skin is where most of the nutrients are.
Damn, she really made it happen, good on her.
Oof, that's tough, good on her and whoever decided to put a ring on her, I can't imagine she has many options for dealing with loose skin.
>resisted the urge to order fast food delivery and ate some sausages from my freezer
the real win right here, anon. well done.
going from 170 to 160 is my personal mount everest.
>small desert
>over 300g
>small desert
Just put down the fork, fatso.
No. I must get my just dessert.
I think that in 2021, my highest weight might have been around 260 lbs like her, and I'm only 18 lbs from being her current weight now. I haven't had to deal with loose skin, though I wouldn't say my body is toned.
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>How is this not illegal?
Have you tried not being retarded? You may as well make cliffs illegal because people accidentally walk off of them. Not being a fat fuck only requires the same self-awareness required to not walk off a cliff every day for your entire life. Fat. Fuck.
Why must we suffer from fatty brain /fat/ bros?
You should know that excessive pineapple and papaya consumption are used to dissolved eye floaters and that you're also liquefying the vitreous of your eyes permanently which will likely lead to complications later down the line.
I would know because it worked for me and greatly diminished my eye floaters, but you should be aware of what you're doing. I strongly suggest you find another way.
Trying OMAD today. Interesting to see results tomorrow. Im pretty full right now, I didnt count calories as I assume thats one of the benefits of OMAD>
Doing McDonald's OMAD, not counting calories. Today's meal was 3 large big mac meals and a flake mcflurry.
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Anyone here using a GLP-1 agonist like Ozempic or Mounjaro and discontinue it after it didn't work for them?

I am on Mounjaro 7.5 mg, about to go up to 10 mg, and I haven't experienced the significant drop in appetite or reduction/elimination of food noise. I am thinking about dropping it. I only got it thinking it might help with dropping weight fast but it doesn't work for me.
Sounds like a you issue, I've had almost complete appetite suppression on both 2.5mg and 5mg. I've lost 20kg in 2 months. You must just have schizo brain.

Someone I know is on Ozempic and still craving all the Bad Things.
It's still useful for its ability to bring blood sugar level back down quickly after a meal, and in spite of those cravings, she's generally able to stick to a reasonably low carb diet, which means she hasn't needed any insulin in a few months now.
I would suggest you stay on it, but don't expect it'll do all the work for you. You're going to have to count your carbs, work out, etc., just like the rest of us. Keeping the weekly shot should help you accomplish this work, and could be the difference between being able to do it or not.
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I replied to him last thread in all caps about basic shit too. He's retarded and refuses to put in any work. There's autism, then there's laziness and outright stupidity. Often I find people already know exactly what they need to do, they just neuroticise it until they lose interest or burn out or use it as an excuse for lack of results. If you can't even weigh ingredients in a meal that you're going to eat for the next 6 months to minimise the resulting enormous potential margin for error, how serious really are you?
Fuck off, gnometard.
this is plainly false. you can tell because millions of people become fat fucks but millions of people don't walk cliffs
Hard for me to say because I'm sure I'll hit a wall by January and eking out the next 3kg or so to get really shredded will be functionally impossible at such low intake. I'll have to reassess then.
Bro... your arms are bigger than your legs. Did you squat with your arms?
MJ or Ozempic/Wegovy?

> You must just have schizo brain.
Yeah I am still in the fat fuck habit of thinking about what I want to eat, getting fast food etc

Yeah it helps my blood sugar. I am prediabetic. But it's costing me $370 usd a month. I might as well just diet and walk. Not that I thought it would lose the weight for me but that it'd reduce my appetite to the point where I wouldn't think about food and could get by on < 2000 calories without any diet fatigue.
Speaking of frauding, anyone has any clue as to how to get rid of or minimize mounjaro side effects? I was completely fine on 5mg for like 8 weeks and now suddenly my stomach completely shuts down, I get so much gas to the point it wakes me up at night with pain, and I can only shit once a week if that, and it's spray out the ass until it's nothing buy liquid. I don't know what the fuck happened
Increase fiber intake
These should be all the notable BMI numbers. What was your highest and what do you want to reach? Are you pursuing a larger muscular build or abiding by a magic number?

Underweight (below 18.5)
>16 - Threshold of severe and moderate thinness
>17 - Threshold of moderate and mild thinness, "Model BMI"
>18 - "Cinderella BMI"

Normal (between 18.5 and 25)
>18.5 - Threshold of Underweight and Normal BMI
>20 - "Beauty BMI"
>22 - "Healthiest BMI"
>25 - Threshold of Normal BMI and Overweight

Overweight (above 25)
>30 - Threshold of Overweight and Obesity class I
>35 - Threshold of Obesity class I and Obesity class II
>40 - Threshold of Obesity class II and Obesity class III
>50 - Threshold of Obesity class III and Obesity class IV
>60 - Threshold of Obesity class IV and Obesity class V
Mounjaro for me personally.
Currently at around 24bmi. Going to lose around 5-6kg more which would put me at 22bmi. I will most likely have to lose more to be satisfied but I might take a couple of months of maintenance as a break and to build some muscle as well.
At my highest I was at 41bmi. Was a bit of a wake up call when I stepped on a scale after years of not using one.
you shoud run, not walk, to crumbl and get yourself one of these delicious brownies!
Everything is just calories, after all.
highest 35.change
current 26.6, nearly normal weight for the first time in my adult life
i plan to go down to the lower side of the 'normal' range and then bulk back up while lifting (already lifting tho)

don't know where i wanna stay ultimately. gonna do the bulk and cut thing a few times and see what i like. but right now i like the idea of being builtfat, it's an attractive shape
the fat priest is not here yet but I want to confess that yesterday I went to a concert and I drank like 5 beers and ate a kebab. i'm kinda ashamed but at the same time I had a lot of fun.
Nothing wrong with taking a day off and enjoy life once in a while.
Just do a 48 hour fast over the weekend as penitence .
Fatty Contest
>can't stop pooping
Oh yeah, scale gonna go down big tomorrow.
Sunday I had gone to my parents and had a good meal of meatloaf, roast potatoes. And even a couple of slices of cake.

Monday rolls around and I'm not hungry. So I forgo breakfast, just drinking tea (I have a decent amount of milk) so I think that sustained me. Then swam 1500m in the evening before dinner (sadly high carb pasta, bloody gf cooking).

Happily I've lost more weight, so it's definitely working what I'm doing :D

Now under 75kg! (165 lbs)
just ran for 18 minutes straight. thanks for reading
how long were you doing it for?
Whats mor important for me. Hit my macros or just eating when I'm hungry? Often conflicted because I want to get my protein/fiber etc in to keep things on track but sometimes this means eating when not hungry which feels like a missed opportunity to get ahead losing weight.
Macros. Learning to ignore hunger and deal with it for hours is a good skill
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do you guys think i can lose this belly by the end of the year? i started lifting in august and running at the start of october, also eating 500 cal deficit
You could probably get it off after a couple 72h fasts.
true, but id like to put on as much muscle as i can before then as well, which wont be much, so ive gotta try and balance weight loss with muscle growth as best i can
thats why i didnt do any training for the first half of the year, i wanted to lose weight as quickly as i could (i had many relapses and binged quite a few times along the way though)
I've had back problems in the past I've kept my squat at 270lb for the last three months only recently took it to 310lb. I kept my deadlift at 350lb too, only recently took it to 400lb. My true 1rm are a lot higher. Until recently I benched what I was squatting. I train legs once a week because it often leaves me with a tiny bit of lower back pain and I want to be fully recovered but I do shoulders and biceps three times a week.
great I look forward to reading you ran 19 minutes in a few days
Haven't eaten anything for 24 hours and I'm not sure if, when I want to work out later for about 90 minutes, it would be better to keep fasting or eat dinner before.

What is better if I just look at losing weight?
Good job anon
Scale go down?
My back's fucked too, so I just stick to split squats, kettlebell windmills and hyper extensions, but I'm not going heavy at all.
Funny enough I didn't snap my shit from lifting but having an office job.
>living with back pain
Literally just stretch
>living with cancer
Literally just stop generating the cancer cells
Cringe strawman
less typing more exercising fatty
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Going to go shopping in a few days, then I can add more to the plate.

Chicken was 220g
Rice 107g
Potatoes were 100g
>AND potatoes
Why? Make a nice salad instead of either one next time.
add some veggies breh

salads are disgusting
No salads, lettuce is pointless to eat.

Should I add cucumbers? I know i've been told to go get broccoli. Wondering what other veggies would be a good pick, maybe cress? Idk
Are you actually incapable of making decisions for yourself?
Not but too be fair for people who to minmax their diets, some veggies are better than others when trying to get the most nutrients for the least calories while also balancing taste and general fulfillment. It took me a long time to figure out what veg and fruits work best for me to help stay on my diet.
why minmax? Caloric deficit, get enough protein, eat your veggies. It's that simple man
I ate a pizza with Dr Pepper, a banana milkshake and four Reese's peanut butter cups.
1995 kcal total
Not all salads have lettuce.
Small slow cooker recipes? I hate cooking proper and lack time to do it in the morning bedides
I'm an alcoholic. What can I drink that won't fuck up my diet too terribly?
High proof liquor
Why am I able to comfortably wear 32 waist pants with a belt, despite being 200 lbs?
Nothing, stop.
I've been losing 1 pound per week. My TDEE is 1900 and daily exercise consumes an additional 200-300, how much should my caloric deficit be in this case? I must be overestimating it because intake should also be about 1900.
if you could only pick one vegetable to eat, you could do a lot worse than broccoli. I stir fry veggies a lot, so I eat a lot of broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, asparagus, carrots, and bamboo shoots. bean sprouts are also great if you can find them. basically anything you can eat a lot of and feel happy about, the specific vegetable doesn't matter all that much

if you're tracking your food intake on cronometer, you should be able to work out which micros you're missing. that said, if you're consistently eating veggies you're unlikely to be seriously deficient in anything
literally any variety of bean soup. soak dried beans overnight or dump some cans of it in a slow cooker before you go to work. use plenty of water so it doesn't all boil off. you can freeze the remainder in food prep bowls or even ziploc bags

I like tortillla soup so I use fajita seasoning, all purpose seasoning (salt, pepper, garlic), and cajun seasoning, and other seasonings to taste. use either chicken and chicken bouillon/stock or shrimp and seafood bouillon/stock for protein and flavor
Celery and carrots are superior for soup
Just trying to find whats best, I am a fussy eater.

I am trying to find what adds the most calories healthly, I want to get 1000 min. not the 600-800 I have now.

Idk to be honest.
I don't like the texture of celery so I have to blend it for mirepoix and the like

>idk to be honest
so figure it out
you're not going to learn what you like if you don't experiment
>lettuce is pointless to eat
Hey retard, if you fill your stomach with food like lettuce that is basically just water and fiber then you'll lose weight.
I bet the guy you are talking to does not celery max as well
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>want to get more muscular
>start lifting weights doing full body twice a week
>still losing weight so only eating 1520cal a day
>mfw my "noob gains" phase has been wasted eating the same as a teenage girl
I just snacked on carrots and hummus and I'm still hungry

How tall are you?

The waist size number on a pair of pants bears only a tenuous relationship to the actual waist measurement.
Just checked my weight for the first time in months, I lost almost 20 pounds but still look fat as shit, how is that possible? (173cm 70kg)
Compare shirtless images of yourself from now to back then. You look different
Eat celery
I seriously think the scale is miscalibrated or maybe it's because I just ate but I still have a big fucking gut, especially when I lay on my side it looks nikocado-tier
>Used to live in Greece where the veggies all were fresh and grown in the lovely sun
>Moved to England for work
>Try cucumbers all imported
>They taste like water and the texture is shit
Fuck me.
anyone have experience with compression shirts or girdles?
How uncomfortable/comfortable and hot are they?
I'm at goal weight and now I look remarkably good in fitting clothes UNLESS I'm sitting where the bodyfat and loose skin start just looking like rolls through the shirt.
I'm currently working on lowering body fat and thought it would at least make me look a little bit better while sitting down until I get to a nice %.
I'm fine with it. I've actually put my back out, like limping around the house moving like a snail for 10 days about three times now, but never through weightlifting. I still lift. I still go heavy. I just work lighter than I could on some lifts. I still go heavy on machines afterwards. I have squatted 462lb before. There is no need. I do sets of 10 adding half a plate a time until I feel like I'm pushing into danger then go hit the leg press 3x15.
Practically on starve mode here.

Breakfast of 25g porridge with milk then nothing until dinner. Which can be soup, or tuna and eggs.

I think the milk in my coffee is keeping me sustained through the day. But I'm surprising myself at how much I'm not starving and craving food.

Γεια σας!
If the scale is miscalibrated, unless it was recently recalibrated, the margin of error would drift slowly
>Weighing yourself after just eating

Come on anon. You're meant to weigh yourself first thing in the morning, after peeing. Before breakfast/drinks etc
Better understanding of my hunger signals. Started strength training again. After I return home from visiting my family, I think the weight will slough off.
well done, anon. keep going. you can do it!
>Want to weigh myself in the morning to check progress
>Can't take a shit till many hours after I wake up
>Eat nothing
>Have to drink something my mouth is dry I can't go hours waiting to take a shit to weigh myself without drinking
>Drink and untaken shit can fuck with results
>Start out at 390lbs
>Been fat pretty much all my life
>Clearly remember an old school doctor chastising me for being overweight in middle school since I was over 330lbs
>Start trying to lose weight in June
>Currently 328lbs
It's crazy to think about that as I am now (I'm 6'1), I weigh less than I did in Middle School. This is the least I weighed as an adult, and that number is only going to keep going down.
Don't be so hard on yourself, shit is not THAT big of a factor. Just give yourself a one or two pound margin of error.
Hell yeah anon, nice job

Sad to hear the doctor was chastising you instead of your parents, its almost never a child's fault for being overweight. Glad you're making progress!
My parents were pretty hands off, and I actually liked the doctor. Guy was old, brutally honest, and he would give you a shot in less than a second which is what made me stop being afraid of shots as a kid.
None of that shit matters. Weigh yourself under similar conditions every time, take a moving average, and watch line go down.
Just think of it as tomorrow's loss.
Fatty Contest
203.4 lbs
Weigh yourself every morning, under any and all conditions. A weekly trend is more informative than daily fluctuations.
If line go down despite being full of piss or shit, you're on the right track.
I've been under my calories for the last week and have managed to go down 3 pounds then back up 2. I'm on a deficit of 600 so it's not like I've been miscounting or anything. Most major thing going on is lack of sleep due to alll sorts of shit going on at once. Does lack of sleep with no other noticeable changes fuck over weight loss this badly?
A deficit of 600cals is only 1lb a week brainlet
>stop ingesting sneed oils
>blackheads on face starting to disappear
i guess i won
If I eat nothing twice a week but ultimately still lose not more than two pounds a week there's no risk of gallbladder issues right?
I’m 6’2”
The US navy formula says my body fat is 20%
>84kg, 188cm, 88cm waist, 37cm neck
but looking in the mirror and comparing with pictures and videos online, some guys have just the slighest abs at 20% whereas I look like shit? wtf is going on?
Height, starting weight, and current weight?
Are you sucking in your gut?
example of what I mean:
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no, I measured around the navel with the measure horizontal
could go up to 90 if i angled the tape measure down about on my back
Different people have different fat distribution. Some people get gyno, some people don't. Some fat people still look thin from the side because their fat is more towards their hips, some fat people extend from their front and have a big hanging gut, and some fat people just balloon all over.

My chest has always been relatively lean in comparison to my lower body. I've never had fat wrists or hands either. But some people bloat up in those areas. The people you see have low fat distribution on their bellies, and likely some abdominal training. I'm in the ~19% body fat range at 175 cm 67 kg. I've done little core or strength training. I still have a belly, but last night I "discovered" that if I pull back my bellybutton, the skin around it pops out... kind of like a butthole. But I also realized I can only do this because I feel the solid wall beneath the belly fat more than ever now. If I had been doing situps all this time, maybe I could be close to the guys you're talking about. I don't know. But the example pics I see on Google Images are insane and not accurate, they all use people who have had tons of lifting already. Just keep working off fat and doing situps and your abs will show up.
>1500 caloric limit
>manage to go all morning and noon without eating
>can afford to eat a treat and still be in my deficit
i did not eat the snickers. still feel like shit, however
>highest ~35
>want ~25
don't care about the number per se, just want to look better and feel better. aiming to recomp to something a little bit better than DYEL but nothing crazy.
I've been taking low dosage aromatase inhibitor for 4 weeks now while lifting and eating at a deficit to try and get rid of fat on my tits.
They haven't gone down appreciably since its only 1 month but my areola look so much smaller and more masculine now. Extremely happy with the progress. Looks like next summer I'll be going topless
I work underground so I already have to take vitamin D, as well as zinc to try and keep the test levels normal during a cut. Can anyone recommend anything else I should be supplementing during a cut to save my T levels/muscle?
I would recommend k2 mk7 with your vitamin d for health, not test levels.
Some people seem to have good results with boron supplementation. I don't think stuff like tongkat ali is that good, but there are blood tests out there showing modest gains of free test as well
Kind of hungry ngl
Food is weakness
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height: 174 cm
starting weight: 89.1 (when i started tracking on loseit, on january 1st i weighed more than 93kg)
current weight: 65.2
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240lb fatty here. I just did 21 proper form pushups with full range of motion. Is that pretty good for my weight? (Ive been in a deficit all month)
No, you are very weak.
More than 2lbs a week for a few months is what can increase risk of gallstones
Day 2 of eating shit, but staying under 2,000 calories
im not sure if that was/is the reason but i lost ~190 lbs in 1.5 years and had gall stones too, doctor randomly found them while doing a routine checkup, i had no issues but they said its better to get them out b4 a colic ever happens
they mightve been there since i was fucking 380 lbs anyway and some people in my family had gall stones too but i heard too much fat oxidation can cause that too. crazy
I feel like we get a handful of those "how do i lose 60 pounds in one month" posts every day now
we're nearing the end of the year, which for many means thanksgiving and christmas holidays with family, and for australians, summer time, so a lot of people will be desperate to try and get in shape before then
i started losing weight at 350 and i'm 220 now. 6'1". when am i not fat? just wondering
190 is limit of normal BMI
140-160 is ideal weight
I used to just keep a pasta that tl;dr'd the OP because they're never going to bother to read it or the sticky
don't waste time on them
With a caloric deficit, lifting and running, you'll make it before then anon.
How do i not eat when bored
>140lbs at 6'1"

Thanks Mr skeltal.
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Trying to lose these last 20 or so pounds before Thanksgiving. Can I just OMAD 400-500 cals in the morning? Not a matter of will, I've already done this for the past 2 or 3 days. Just wondering if it's doable and if it'll even achieve a 20 pound loss. Drinking almost a gallon of water a day btw
Save your cals, just have 2 big meals a day, have some low cal drinks around like coffee or zero sugar drinks. That was one of the first habits i kicked though, personally it was easy to just replace that stuff with 0cal drinks like i just mentioned
>ive done omad for 2 days, trust me guys i can go on starvation fasts
i've also done water fasts before and they were no problem i just miss brekkie
A drink would be nice. Grape juice, kool aid or lite lemonade probably isnt good to drink.
Hm. Trying to think of something that would satisfying
i rate this webm real and straight
go ahead and eat, just keep very low calorie stuff around and eat slowly
carrots, cucumbers, cherry tomatos, pickles are all good for this purpose
140 is the edge of skelly mode, but aim for 150-160
Find something else to occupy you other than food. Anything but food.
Fatty Contest
I'm marking my progress as I go
Gonna be under 40 soon finally, out of morbid obesity into regular obesity
at 5'9 240lbs is it better to fast to quickly drop weight to aroung 210 before switching to a sustainable deficit to lose 1-2lb/week?

Ive been losing ~1lb/week since I weighed 270.
You already have something working for you at a healthy rate, people trying to go too extreme is what leads to falling off and yoyo-ing
You can try it but it might risk your progress, fasting works well for some
How tall are you? Why are you skinny fat at just 65kg?!
Alright, I'm pretty sure I have the discipline at this point to fast then switch back, but might no be worth sacrificing the strength gains I've made.
I mean your estimate is pretty close, your BMR or exercise burn is probably just a little higher than you calculated, a pound a week is 500 calorie deficit a day
im >>75253489 and 175 cm
i have the body type (ectomorph i think?) where i dont get fat like the other body types do, all my fat goes to my gut and a little bit in other places, so i can be light but ill still have a big gut because thats where most of my excess fat is concentrated
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Does it matter what brand of apple cider vinegar I buy?
I know that feel. I'm 154lbs at 5'9" with a significant gut still.
>shat self with yellow water while asleep
>soiled last remaining pair of somewhat fitting underwear
>now have to use a baggy 3XL pair that's held up around my torso by a belt until laundry day
I hate my body. It is my enemy and something to be conquered and tightly gripped so that I can never let it go again. I will jam up my colon with OTC medication to both punish it and correct the failure.Thank you for reading my bedroom splatter report for Tuesday, October 8 2024
Something's gotta be fucky if you have diarhea severe enough to shit the bed while sleeping. Do you eat stuff that revives your gut flora?
Anon you need to see a fucking doctor
when i look down in the shower, i still see a massive belly, i keep telling myself to just keep going and itll go away, but sometimes im not so sure
They are super uncomfortable once you start to sweat a little. People can feel it when you hug them and they can see it with a thin shirt. Not worth it
That's unfortunate I was hoping those would make me look normal in clothes once I get to goal weight instead of having to shell out tens of thousands for a horrible surgery
gonna go throw up lol


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