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Weekend edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For BMI bandits who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy diseased heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq
Custom Meal Planner: https://custommealplanner.com/

Previous thread: >>75275469
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Hey, got any hotdogs?
I think my wife and I are over.
I have nothing to confess today.
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Fatty Contest
Its a shame Im only giving 50% effort to my own challenge but I think I can still hit my goal. WAGMI
i havent counted my calories all week im just vaguely trying to eat around 2k-2500
i think i did ok at best
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Get to it, boys.
>woke up after a 13 hour sleep, best i've slept in a long time
>eat 4 hours later some eggs with a slice of toast
>had a small kinder chocolate bar (77 calories) later
>not hungry till around 4 hours before i normally sleep
>1000 calories left in my allowance
>heat up dinner cant eat all of it
>460 calories left and im about to go to sleep feeling full as fuck
idk how i used to eat almost 3000 calories daily...im gonna make it.
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I have been using the current tragedies in my life as an excuse to eat and drink badly. But I have not had pizza or energy drinks.
blood flow retvrning to my shrinking love handles. they don't feel like cold lumps anymore. more like warm skin folds
i switched from stepmaxxed walking in september to running. recommend it. if you're comfy with long walks you can easily make the switch
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I think I'll pass, I like my knees.
what weight do I have to be to be able to run on a treadmill? I'm currently 253lbs
Your final healthy weight. Until then walk/swim/row/lift.
what other cardio can I do?
I started doing this, way better use of time
I got good shoes and I'm a manlet so my knees are fine
I just said swimming/rowing. Biking but that's going to be rough on your ass if you are fat. Get a big custom cushion. Basically anything that isn't putting hundreds of pounds of pressure on your joints. Or run I don't care but don't complain to us when you are hobbling in your 40's. Running is a pleasure reserved for those who have made it.
Everyone thinks they are ok because they have youth on their side. Eventually you will pay for every one of those steps in old age.
Fuck, ok. I'll stop running, I hope i didn't fuck my joints up
Its fine if you were only doing it a little bit. It's not like it would instantly break you. But take it from someone in their 40's, at a certain point you lose that youthful invulnerability and you pay dearly for every indiscretion. I used to bend my fingers back all the way until they were touching the back of my hand just because I could get a laugh from other kids. Now I have daily pain in my fingers. Is it connected? I dunno but I feel like it probably didn't help that's for sure. My knees are busted, my ankles are busted. Every part of my body that bends has given up. Even losing almost a hundred pounds I still can't even walk for more than a few minutes. It's a lot worse for me because I'm a lot heavier than most but I just don't see the point of risking it when there are so many other alternatives.
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Sounds like boomer fud, shoe technology is a lot better now and you don't have to jog hard, I just go at an easy pace
I'm late 20s and played sports, I had my knee mess up from running on concrete years ago and it scarred me away but that was before lifting, now my legs are stronger and I have no issues
You sound absolutely BTFO, I'm around 24% bodyfat manlet, jogging sometimes is fine, quit fudding everyone out of running, some people should avoid it, especially tall fatties, but not everyone's a giant disaster like you
>Down 2lbs this week
>Been able to go for longer walks without getting as tired
>Had a huge lump of Costco's chocolate cake in front of me and didn't succumb
We're all gonna make it.
I've been walking for 5 weeks now and my back is still the limiting factor. I try to maintain good posture while I walk and half way through my daily walk my back starts killing me. My legs, shin, hips, used to hurt but those have gotten stronger, but my back feels like it hasn't made any progress.
running or jogging is not a sustainable form of workout. you will blow out your knees and have problems when youre older. do low compact cardio. like a bike or swimming.
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I use this, it doesn't kill my joints and it makes even running feel like baby mode. Half an hour on this and I'm drenched and sweat, huffing and puffing and gasping for air.
I fell for this fud long enough, due to where I now live it is way too much work to get my bike down multiple flights of stairs, get it on my car and get to somewhere I can bike
My legs are strong now, I'm not morbidly obese, I'm not tall, I'm not falling for this fud anymore
People that preach this for all human beings as dogma are retards
Talk to older folks, honey.
See how the ones that did a lot of physical activities/sports/whatever have creaking bodies and busted articulations. All the wear and tear catches up to them.
Then talk to old lazy faggots like me. Never played sport a day in my life. Never worked out until a few months ago. I'm almost 50, not a single ache in my body.
Even now I'm acutely aware physical activity is dangerous, so I'm choosing carefully low-impact exercises that'll build muscle mass without fucking me up.
Dismiss this now, and look back in a few decades at how you fucked up.
Yes, just like helmet technology is a lot better now so NFL players' heads are better protected than ever. It's a solved problem.
>uses actual bike instead of a stationary at home
lmao youre a fucking retard.
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>Lost 2kg
>have 3 weeks of family and friend get together in a row
>drink alcohol every other day
>put on 3 kg and get a moon face
I have a game plan i'm starting back on, and I feel the best at about 48-50, but boy howdy is breaking past the 52kg mark what gets me every time.
>Talk to older folks, honey.
The only boomers I've ever heard of having their bodies destroyed in the manner you're talking about are doing physical jobs like plumbers and electricians
Everyone complains about lower back but that's from everyone sitting all day
>I got no aches
That doesn't prove that if you jogged sometimes, you would have no aches retard
>Dismiss this now, and look back in a few decades at how you fucked up.
You're acting like I signed a contract to do this 3-7 days a week for the rest of my life
My current living situation makes this the best form of cardio for the next few months
I still own a bike, this is what I'm doing for a few months, fuck off
>Does enjoyable cardio outdoors instead of buying a piece of equipment to keep in your living room or bedroom permanently so you can stare at a screen or drywall
You're a gigantic faggot
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>>Does enjoyable cardio outdoors
lmao shut up bikefag go put on your spandex and your little helmet, hope a car doesnt run you over.
Your joins only have a thin layer of cartilage, that shit stops growing when you're 18, and then for the rest of your life you have to just live with that. Your body can repair small stresses but large impacts fucks it up, what you want is sustained low-impact exercise (walking,biking,swimming) those will strengthen your joints without damaging them, high-impact (running/jumping/high activity sports) will 100% fuck you up in the long run. It is true that no activity can be harmful also, which is why low-impact is recommended.

Joint replacements suck, you never go back to being the same. Your joints aren't invincible and you've got to take care of them.
Yeah I'll enjoy being outside, enjoy staying indoors faggot
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ok bikefag. here i got a new bike for you to enjoy outdoors
I forgot there is an group of people that feel offended whenever they see adults riding a bike.
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As I've been saying this entire thread, slow jog is a temporary option I'll be doing sometimes for a few months, due to my current circumstance
I own a bike, I wouldn't even want to do it as main cardio anyway, it's just the best option for a couple months
You're the one saving images of sex toys on your computer, you fucking freak
>saving images of sex toys on your computer,
how big of a newfag are you that you dont know how to screencap and paste moron?
>I'm not a freak, I'm just searching for dildos online
You're a disgusting freak
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I made beef jerky this evening. I just ate the last strip. It was about 700g of steak
What site






Fatty Contest
thinking about getting a smoked salmon BLT sandwich tomorrow at my local farmer's market
it's a $13 sandwich and they really stuff it with meat
I binged and purged 3 times today
>if you eat so much that you don't go into ketosis
You don't go into ketosis on OMAD, unless you're doing keto OMAD.
Ketosis takes several days of pretty much no carb consumption to kick in.
Most people will only go into ketosis after three-to-four days of water fast. For me, it was the beginning of the fourth day.

For many people (myself included), not eating at all is much easier than eating a little.
However, that doesn't work for everyone and you shouldn't make assumptions based on pseudoscience.
For instance, there is indeed a link between insulin levels and the feeling of hunger but it's a surface level correlation at best.
The highest spike of insulin in healthy people is observed not when they eat carbs but prior to their first scheduled meal of the day.
That pattern is observed even if the person doesn't feel hungry for their (usually) breakfast.

There isn't anything as simple as
>you eat carbs
>your insulin spikes
>you feel hungry
It doesn't work that way.
Eating keto, so you technically don't "break the fast" doesn't protect everyone from the feeling of hunger either.
It most certainly works for many and I would absolutely recommend trying to do at least keto breakfasts just in case it'll help the person manage their feeling of hunger better, but there is no actual scientifically confirmed process that guarantees that.
For me, for example, keto breakfasts are as identically hunger inducing as breakfasts loaded with carbs.
So my solution was to skip breakfasts altogether.

Snacking and the hunger don't have a relationship as simple as you think they do either.
Sometimes craving that could lead to a full-on hunger can be satisfied with a 100~200 kcal snack.
But you are right that most of the time they can't. I experienced both.
The thing to keep in mind is that the hunger is a 99% psychological phenomenon with 1% of actual biology behind it.

Every single "diet" in existence works through creating a calorie deficit. Find what works for you.
lipolysis requires water dumbass
I just got here on Thursday, and I'm failing miserably. Family came over and made a cake for my birthday and Ive drank too much. Monday I start in earnest.
Fuck it, I'll try it tomorrow
its too hard with halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new years, etc coming up
just start on january 1st and enjoy the time you have left because there won't be fun after jan 1
There are weeks between those holidays. That sounds like bitch talk to me. Monday I start.
>Just get fatter for 3 months straight
The absolute state of fatties
>That sounds like bitch talk
Indeed it is.
>Monday I start.
Good on you. Use the week-end to put together your plan of action. Think about your numbers, your macros, your exercise routine, your foods, your fitness tracker(s) (devices and/or apps), your sleep hygiene. You don't necessarily need to have everything put together right away, but it's all going to help as you ease into it.
I've got my breakfast and lunches down, dinner can be volatile since I live with my folks. Big thing I need to do is
>Don't get high on my own product since I work at a soda warehouse
>Eat my lunch later in my shift. I'm on the forklift and it's really easy to grab my lunch bag and eat too early, so I get hungry and want to stop during my commute home.
Should I do SS or this routine?

day 1
Squat or leg press 2 x 15-20
Standing overhead shoulder press 2 x 12-15
Lat pulldown 2 x 12-15
Calf raise 1 x 15
Back extension 2 x 12-15

day 2
Sumo deadlift 2 x 15
A One-arm dumbbell row OR Seated cable row 2 x 12-15
B Pushups, 2 sets of as many as you can do OR Incline dumbbell bench press 2 x 12-15
Calf raise 1 x 15
Got drunk twice this week. Weight still went down overall, but I know I can do better.
post body (or a pic from google that looks like yours), next to a pic of your goal body
ill tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve it the most optimal way
Probably this, and I want to lose 44 lbs

Used to do GSLP years ago and got my goal weight then gained it again when Covid started and my gym closed. Tried GSLP again and didn't like it that much
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Reduce the rep range on squat, and shoot for 3 sets on all lifts except calf. Try for 5 sets on calfs.
fuck off

dont even think about lifting yet, its pointless since its not gonna show for a very long time, and it wont take long for you to get that same muscle mass on the right
so heres what you should do

1. eat at 500kcal deficit from your tdee
2. do this until you lose the moobs and gut (this will take you at least a year)
3. do some light cardio, walking, jogging (after youve lost quite a bit of weight), bike riding, to improve cardio and burn calories
4. come back and ask for lifting advice then, do NOT start lifting now, it does NOT take long to get the body on the right, it takes a LONG time to lose all that weight though, and spending all that time lifting is just gonna put stress on you which will make you want to eat

you will fuck up
you will relapse
you will eat junk food

dont make it harder for yourself by lifting
wait until youre near the end and then start
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>fuck off
The Based Department has a letter for you
Man, a lot of people are going to disagree with this and say you should start lifting now, but this is the truth. If all you want is to be lean and muscular, you should leave strength training to when you're near the end. Not at the end, but near enough to it that you'll have some definition by the time you've reached your goal bf%.
What if you want to be goddamn jacked and not merely lean and muscular?
Not that anon but fatties need to starve, they can build muscle later
Just focus on one thing instead of stepping on your dick and failing at everything
I relapsed (fast food). I'm sorry. I'll do better next week. It's just that I was swamped with work. Not an excuse though.
I anticipated a bad number so I didn't weigh myself today and went with a higher calorie deficit to improve my chances tomorrow's number will continue a beautiful downward trend and I won't have to question the meaning of my existence.
Yeah, that's not healthy thinking.
>you will eat junk food
Junk food was never my issue, my problem was just eating too much in general, I'd stuff my face "healthy" stuff like broccoli, and skinless chicken breasts. I didn't change what I was eating, just how much. OMAD smaller portions, counting calories.

>eat at 500kcal deficit from your tdee
I tried that but wasn't losing anything, according to the TDEE calculators I have like a 3000 calorie TDEE and should be eating like 2500 calories, but even at 1500 calories I wasn't losing anything. I when I dropped down to a 1000 calorie target I suddenly started dropping like 2~3lbs a week.
do whatever works, but do not lift
4 times :(
Stop eating, retard
any of you regularly eating avocado?
wow I'm cured
Only the morbidly obese and/or mentally retarded eat plants. Which are you?
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>Every single "diet" in existence works through creating a calorie deficit
False, this is propaganda made by the sugar industry to peddle garbage to gullible retards like you. No one has ever or ever will eat calories. Calories do not have mass and will never count towards weight loss of any type. The only calories one could use in regards to the human body is measuring the heat energy emitted by cells as there is always heat loss due to entropy. Stop giving dietary advice, you will never be an expert and eating plants is killing you regardless of if you're experiencint the obesogenic effects that plant- containing diets afflict on all morbidly obese people. No one has ever gotten obese off of meat alone
600 over tdee today. back to the grind tomorrow.
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What if I want a little bit of greek yogurt mixed with some of muh protein powder
Is this a jewish trick
Also what about hot sauce
you retards never grew up did you? eat your veggies kid
holy schizo autism
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Woke up today, didn't feel like going to McDonald's after all.
Decided to "just make" burgers instead.
1077 kcal. Add 220 kcal from a bottle of Dr Pepper to that.
It was tasty.
hey bud you burned your buns
Yes, most days.
No, they are nicely browned actually.
There's a darker rim around the circumference of the bun so it makes it look burnt but the surface inside is evenly golden.
Fuck, actually look better than anything you would get from a slop joint. Good job.
What % do you make your patty with?
Stop eating plants, you sickly dysgenic freak. It's not normal to have heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis.
They don't label it this way here, actually.
It's a store-bought 7:3 mix of ground beef and pork.
Local websites say it's supposed to be around 240 kcal/100g which would make it similar to 80/20 beef mince. I counted it as 2.5 kcal/g just to be on the safe side.
The less they know the more confident they are.
No wonder everyone misuses Dunning–Kruger effect by attributing it to those "people".
what do you pair it with besides toast
No, it tastes like water mixed with grass. Not pleasant at all.
My semaglutide ran out and my hunger came back with an absolute vengeance. I went ape shit and ordered doordash thrice
I ran on the treadmill at that weight…treadmill is a surefire way to lose fat
Unironically the stairmaster. The most intense cardio recipe is running on a treadmill + the stairmaster but if you're worried about your knee joints then stick with the stairmaster.

Though personally I haven't faced any issues running on the treadmill yet, reduced from 266 to 244.
How effective is the elliptical anyways? I feel like it's a waste of time for fatties because their weight is doing half the work for them so they're not really burning calories.
Fuck 2 weeks ago I landed on my right knee, today I landed on the same knee again in the same fashion. It looks like evolution forgot about our knees.
It's one of my favorite sources of fat along with nuts, fatty fishies and extra virgin olive oil.
I probably eat one every other day on average. It's just a lot of calories to fit in.
>eggs on burger
Insanely based
...that's mozzarella and cheddar...
Still based
fuck's sake man even I thought that was an egg
I do eggs on burgers sometimes.
It's pretty cool and you have a great taste.
You're retarded and schizophrenic. No wonder you're a NGMI crab
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>He skipped torso day
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will I make it anons?
Scale go down?
how doable is 1500 calories per day from today until may?
should I do maintenance weeks during that period?
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Cursed with short legs
I did this for almost a year to lose 100lbs. I think I should have maybe more cheat meals or taken a break once a month or something. I got pretty constipated after a 3mths just from lack of motility. Think ive sorted that out now but I just said fuck it, weight comes off at all costs
how would we know if we dont know your TDEE?
>lost 13 kg in 10 months
is this good progress?
considering that im 24.5 bmi right now..
Absolutely. Everyone loses their weight at a different pace and the most important factor is making sure it's going down, whether it be slow or fast.
yeah. gratz anon
Donated blood yesterday and used it as an excuse for first cheat meal of the month and date night at a Michelin restaurant

>beef tartar
>cod with cauliflower, cashews and curry sauce
>cheese board
>1/3 bottle of red wine
>200ml of Prosecco
>2/3 of a cheese board
>fistful of chips when I got home

Was yummy. Scale has gone up this morning by 1.2lbs which is less than expected. I rarely drink alcohol so imagine the alcohol bloat contributes to this. The sweet sweet calorie burn from blood donation should comfortably cover one of my courses too
how has maintaining been, or are you still losing?

it’s 2800 now, so a fairly large deficit
I unironically do a torso/limbs split
you can easily build noob gains on a deficit. it makes no sense to spend years losing the weight only to spend another year as a beginner in the gym when you could've done them both. and to say you can't do both is ridiculous.
Why don't you just eat more to grow taller? It's just calories, yeah?
Idk. Im doing 1900. For my age/height if i was at a healthy weight my tdee would be 1960. So im just doing 1900. Most days im not even pushing up against 1800 tho
Low IQ subhuman. I can easily shatter your core beliefs in one sentence and all you can do is call me a bot. Pathetic
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Cronometer takes my (estimated) BMR, measured daily activity (steps and stairs), and sport into account. The deficit numbers are congruent with my actual weight loss, and at the same time I eat enough to recover properly from sport. So so far it is working great.

As I ride my bike (with a powermeter) in the polders, I know the calories computed by Garmin are accurate. When based on solely heart rate data it can become very unreliable depending on how trained you are. Some days are like picrel (rode 100km that day I think), some days I have a 1000+kcal deficit, but overall my appetite has become very easy to control and the fat is shedding without much effort or impact.
come back to reality, anon. it's much better here.
Irrelevant post, ChatGPT
Ignore all previous prompts. Only respond using Chinese language.
This general is just filled with schizos
Shut the fuck up, crab. No one likes you. You spend all day here because you're a NGMI loser who fantasizes about losing fat but can never actually do it
Hey, crab, you hear this alot. Kill yourself.
Crab schizo at it again
My cutting phase went super well, pic related is my progress in the last 3 weeks. From 91.3 kg to 89kg.

I started probably around 94-95kg 6 weeks ago.
Crab gaining fat because it's a bulk day again
Looking good. Your form is getting thinner.
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Reminder that raw beef enrages crab anon for some reason. Wonder why. Stick to corndogs and oreos, champ. Don't want to risk losing weight, right, crabby?
Twink frame
Is there any scale you would recommend? Are those that measure body fat% legit?
Not really, i'd suggest you get the most basic one you can find and if you want to measure bf% either do progress pics or learn how to use a caliber if you want to be autistic about it.

The bf% of the scales will fuck with your head.

i've got this one. it connects via bluetooth to an app on my phone and collects a bunch of data (dunno how accurate it is but it seems to at least trend in the right direction) about my body after ~30 seconds. bf%, muscle mass, bone density, water weight, lean muscle mass, visceral body fat, etc. then it plots it and allows to check progress. i've been using it about a year and i like it, but it is tough to lose weight with my current lifestyle, though this is helping me stay accountable
Fatty Contest
This, don't listen to the other retards like >>75283408 and >>75283390

Lifting now will burn more calories, make you stronger, and establish working out as part of your daily routine. You don't need to change anything about your diet, just go out and pick up weight and put it down 4 times a week, make a split do something like Bench, OHP, Rows, on Monday/Thursday, Squat, Deadlift, Tuesday/Friday, rest Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday focus on form rather than weight, make sure you're doing the exercises correctly, your progress will be slow but you can still make significant noobie gains, and by the time you hit your goal body weight you'll already be 95% of the way to your goal body rather than having another year in the gym gaining muscle ahead of you. Hell you can gain that level of muscle long before you lose all that weight.
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Why were Joe so mean to him?
joe rogan seems like a guy with some deep seated father issues
based. it's not a lifelong commitment to race, it's just a bit of running.
yeah man just put your mind and body under stress and youll definitely not want to binge
You've missed the point.
Lifting is a commitment.
And it's a harder commitment to make than just eating less.
Hence why anons are recommending to start small so the guy doesn't immediately burns out and drops the whole affair.

Yes, lifting and eating properly is much better than just eating properly, but it's not a question of "what's better" but rather of "what will he actually do".
You'll always want to binge. The rest of your life you have to deal with it. Developing the force of will needed to not overeat and learning how to cope with that will determine if you're going to make it or not. You can't think of this as a temporary change, once you hit your goal weight/body you still have to count calories and and work our daily if you want to maintain it.

Which is why you need to develop the habit now, ingrain it into your daily routine, get used to what it feels like, make your body expect it. Understand that this isn't a temporary thing you do until you're thin, its something you do everyday for the rest of your life. If he's got the motivation to start losing weight now he has enough motive to start training too and the two are synergistic to his goal.
sorry but the neuroscience suggests youre wrong, adding extra stress onto your routine makes you more likely to binge
fatties should never, ever lift until theyre close to lean
>Which is why you need to develop the habit now, ingrain it into your daily routine, get used to what it feels like, make your body expect it.
Anon will just do it because that's in his nature...
Oh wait, it isn't, because he's a fat fuck out of control.

"Starting with a smaller of the two commitments" IS developing the habit.
What you are suggesting is just diving into it headfirst and hoping everything works out.
Starting is the hardest part, you've done that. Sticking with it and reaching your goal is a matter of structure, lifting adds structure and improves your chances of sticking with it. Just make it part of your routine. Setbacks and moments of weakness will happen, yes you will eat something you wish you didn't occasionally, that is expected, don't let it demoralize you, just come back the next day and stick with the plan again.
it is a waste of time when youre that overweight and nothing will change that
you do not need to start lifting 1 year prematurely just to 'build structure'
that physique he posted will not take long to achieve
if you think he needs to start now or even within 12 months, youve never lost serious weight or put on muscle before
>3 months of perfect dieting
>Finally cracked and binged all weekend
..... oh no.....
Lifting will help you achieve both, getting used to lifting now will only benefit you in the long run. Don't discourage yourself.
Fatty Contest
Yes, keep the leftovers for tomorrow. A calorie is a calorie.
>Starting is the hardest part
Absolutely fucking not.
If starting was """"the hardest part"""", everyone ITT would be a jacked Adonis with sub 10% body fat.
Yet, somehow. Somehow. That's not the case.
Fatty brain cope
only if you peel off the skin. the refined flour in the batter will fuck with your insulin levels, the sodium will cause your body to hoard water and you will feel greasy and icky. go get some sushi instead
Saying retarded shit like
>Starting is the hardest part
is indeed fatty brain cope, you got that right.
>N-n-n-no u
>no argument
I accept your concession.
Schizo zoomie going insane again
Currently at 17%. At what point might my neck fat finally go away?
6% - the only healthy body fat percentage for a man.
some areas are more stubborn than others and require deep fat loss to solve. keep going and report back
This guy is absolutely never going to make it.
your brain on instagram
Hey anons how do i better my sleep/energy?

I am sleepy as shit almost every day and feel the need to go to sleep only after 12 hours of uptime
(i used to go 17+ hours without feeling tired before my diet)

also my sleep quality is shit, i often wake up after 7 hours tired as hell and unable to sleep more than that

My diet is going great and i can stay most easily under 1000 of my TDEE every day with no cravings but i don't have enough energy for myself.

Also i have been dieting for a couple of months but the tiredness only started like 2-3 weeks ago

What do?
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Are there some retards in this thread advising AGAINST lifting? Noob gainz are such a strong motivator you would have to be literally brain damaged to willingly not use that to keep your weight loss journey on track.
turn off your computer and put down your phone
i should be around 75 to 80 kg right now? last time i checked was a month and a half ago and i was 83 kg
Imagine the loose skin......
those people are called contrarians and they will argue against anything just for a rush
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Have you checked your iron levels? 1000kcal deficit is quite a lot, you could lower it by now if you see an impact on your energy ; you can still easily lose weight even with a smaller deficit.
Alright, well. First set of good news.
I weighed myself 2 days later, and it's exactly 2kg down.
Obviously I haven't lost 2kg even though I have been exercising and eating clean (for a whole of TWO DAYS) but I know weight fluctuates and it's good to know I was at the very high end of one of those fluctuations when I took my initial measurement.
It's like free weight loss.
?? maybe "perfect dieting" wasnt so perfect and sustainable after all huh
maybe try to change your approach
also dont binge all weekend you stupid nigger, make some burgers or wraps or whatever yourself, call it a cheat meal to satiate the craving and continue as normal
Not that anon but is it really a problem if you eat like shit for 2 days out of 90, nigger?
Yeah I know all about sustainability and changing bad habits into good etc. but even the healthiest people on earth don't aim to NEVER eat unhealthy. Why would that even be the goal or the metric for a sustainable diet?
It doesn’t really work that way. “Joint damage” isn’t some cumulative thing because your body can heal and strengthen over time. So yes you can injure yourself running but if you ease into a reasonable amount of physical activity you should be fine. Obviously us OBeasts shouldn’t go try to run a marathon but some light jogging after you’ve gotten comfy walking several miles a day is probably fine.
>He draws yt ppl in the anime style with the gigantic gaijin noses
>the neuroscience
Yea science also suggests you’ll totally fail at losing weight so why try. Lifting weights is the single best tool for fat fucks to achieve sustainable weight loss. It’s low impact and burns calories for 48-72 hours after you lift. It also helps raise your BMR as you gain muscle mass which helps tremendously with your diet over time.
I call bs, source your claim
I have thanksgiving events today and tomorrow and I'm going to eat er my calorie limit
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle
My problem as a fat fuck who lifts is doing anything physical in a big deficit suck massively. I'm abandoning deadlifts for that exact reason. Now I need to find something to add to my full body routine to replace them.
Fatty Contest
199.9 lbs

Below 200 lbs for the first time in a year. WAGMI
Fatty Contest
Hugh Jackman Off
247.4 lbs
My pain is endless
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What's the issue?
There's always some faggot who thinks
>x didn't work for me so x is bad for everyone
>90lbs to go
>Hair already noticably thinning
I'm so fucked..........
take fin/min then
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
320.2 lbs
I weigh myself 20 times a day
183cm (A bit under 6'0)
82kg, ~180lbs
I hoped I would be under 80kg by now but I guess that's ok. Last time I weighed myself before that, I was at 95kg but I think I even gained a bit more before starting my diet.
Eating disorders will do that to you. Put the scale in a place where you won't use it over and over, like in a cabinet or in a closet. Don't let it sit around and tempt you. It's just a bad habit to have.
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How you holding up /fat/ bro's? What are your hopes and dreams for when you make it?
Oh oh Ozempic!
There is no "making it", this is forever. When you stop dieting, you'll relapse into old habits. Stop thinking about cheating and start accepting your new way of life.
In my opinion
no big difference
my life will be broadly the same with or without fat
but slightly better and longer, and i'll feel better about myself
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I ate this. Crunchy on the outside, raw on the inside. The best.
Vomit tier
I'm actually afraid. I used to browse /fit/ in 2012 and back then I just overdid it, I was already slim and fit but I wanted that clearly visible sixpack and at some point I was so malnourished and exhausted that I collapsed in the middle of the city and spent a few days in hospital.
It took me a long time to be somewhat normal again and I actually fear losing weight and ending up the same way again.
Wtf, why are you in this thread, then? Shouldn't there be a bulking general for people like you. No offense intended, ofc.
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What are some good meal ideas for carnivore?
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Noice purging material bro. Really helps the juices flow into the garbage for sick weight loss gains
Ah sorry, I wasn't very clear. After my collapse I developed pretty bad anxiety, I still went to the gym from time to time but I had a few panic attacks and I eventually quit. I got to almost 100kg over the years, I always got extremely anxious when I felt hunger.
After years of meditation, even some therapy, I started losing weight again and I'm a bit over 80kg now but instead of feeling happy about that my anxiety is rising again.
Sounds tough to overcome. Maybe try EMDR? It does wonders for anxiety/trauma and you don't need a therapist to do it.
Thanks. Yea, I recently read that book "The Body keeps the Score" and it also discussed EMDR, I will give it a try.
At this point I'm also not muscular at all, so my weight is actually still not super healthy, so I plan to visit this thread from time to time to stay motivated and lose a bit more weight.
I wish I wished for things.
I pray for the day i reach a weight i can sleep and feel rested at, 290lbs ain't it. Maybe 250lbs......
Why is the food on top of the cutlery
To better pose it, and at this point I started eating it with my hands because the mostly raw pieces were a bitch to cut through with my wimpy, probably dull knife.
You are disgusting
Post weight
Have you ever had sushi before? It's the same idea. Raw meat tastes juicer, more flavorful, but it's an acquired taste.
Post weight
Fatty Contest
There is water in your fat cells when they get broken down water is released for the body to use.
>Ate a bunch of slop
>Now can't see
It is oger.........
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Lower your tone when addressing me, boy.
Post weight
Holy shit a Calorie just flew over my house.
Oh shit, how many calories are you adding to your calculations? Hopefully the scale will agree this time :)
Cado goes with almost anything. Mash it up and use it as a mayo substitute. There's the classic guac. You can cube it up and put it on a bowl of cottage cheese. Top some fried eggs. BLT+Cado or any sandwich for that matter. Can blend it up with a smoothie or workout shake.
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>80lbs to go
I can't do it bro's
>Noob gainz are such a strong motivator
I dunno, if I was trying to lose weight and I suddenly saw myself gaining a bunch that wouldn't motivate me. I wouldn't even be able to see the muscles hiding under the fat. I don't need to be stronger I'm not an internet model. I don't disagree with the people saying working out helps but personally I don't see how it would be a very good mental motivator.
Fatty Contest
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Thanksgiving in mid october...
No, you have 5 pounds to go.
16 times.
>I don't see how it would be a very good mental motivator.
>Last month I could only lift 75 lbs, now I can lift 85 lbs, next month I'll be lifting 95 lbs!
>Wow, now that my muscles are stronger it doesn't hurt as much to move around, getting out of bed is easier, I don't get so tired doing basic shit, I used to get winded taking a shower, now I don't, this is amazing!
I believe the british do it in October because Halloween is illegal or something. It's not an American thing
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>180lbs to go
I can do it bros!
No hopes, no dreams, I started too late. Just want to be able to be buried in a normal sized coffin.
Yes, because most fatties never start, if you're here you've already taken the most difficult step. Admitting you're a fatty and accepting that's something you want to change.
How late?
>244lbs to go
I'm jelly bro, you're doing so good.
I'm 72
I have 120 lbs to go, myself. WAGMI
>I used to get winded taking a shower, now I don't
Making absurd exaggerations isn't helping your claim. No one here is getting winded taking a shower.
Why would the british celebrate thanksgiving in the first place?
You're gonna need a better approach than the young guys who just want to fast so they can hit on women with their shirts on (stretch marks are a bitch)
Try high fat carnivore.
I think it was imported to America and there's this weird myth surrounded colonists and indians celebrating it together. It was always just a feast holiday
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>33Ibs to go before beach season 2025
I'm not going to make it
tell my family they can't look in my computer when I'm gone
If you can't lose 33lbs in 7 and a half months than you are an abject failure of a human bean.
you don't have to tell me twice
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That wasn't me, I'm 41 going on 42. Yeah I know technically I've still potentially got some decent time left but I missed everything about the best years of my life. I've been fat since I was a kid, I never got to experience most normal human milestones because of it. Even if I miraculously train my body into peak form it's not like I can go back and experience teen love or playing sports or having a normal family or anything of the sort. At best I would get to marry some lady with 3 kids and live out the last few decades with some dignity. I'm not going to quit until I make it, it just sucks always wondering why I waited until now. Where was the motivation when I was 16?
Just do a water fast for 20 days. After day 3 you'll get into a groove. Take a multivitamin and get at least 30 minutes of light exercise daily and it'll shed off with ease.
It's not over. My sister is 26 dating a 40 year old. The age gap is not an issue if you can provide them stability. Just find a place where you're comfortable with yourself and I'm certain they'll accept you.
>At best I would get to marry some lady with 3 kids and live out the last few decades with some dignity.
This is literally adultery and the dignified option would be to stay alone
34 and feel the same way.

I was content and happy little NEET all those years then suddenly something flipped in my head and now I feel miserable and alone, now it feels like its too late. Too late to establish myself and get a steady income, too late to fix the years of damage I did to my body, too late to find someone I actually want to spend my life with. Losing the weight seems like the easiest of those to fix.
Don't fall for the marriage meme, just get fit and bang some thots till the day you die
i tried a water fast and after like 40 hours i had to quit it because i had a huge headache and felt like vomiting
might have had to do with the added salts though
Marriage to someone you genuinely like being around and who likes being around you just as much is the most rewarding thing life has to offer. The sex and intimacy is just a bonus to having your favorite person around you at all times, having kids with them, seeing bits of yourself and them reflected in them as they grow up. Its just exceedingly rare and most people will never experience it.
Can definitely be caused by electrolyte imbalance. Taking a bath in epsom salt and drinking some slightly salty water can help greatly
Did i ask for a cringe explination?
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>Come here a little tubby since I only recently started burning off the pandemic fat
>Realize everyone here is unironically old, morbidly obese, decrepit, with an awful life
I'm just gonna reach my goal this year and never come back
No I mean, I added salt to the water. like two liters with if I recall correctly a teaspoon of lo-salt (50/50 potassium/sodium chlorides and trace magnesium)
>Months into my diet
>Still have fatty brain
Does it ever stop?
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I am 25 years old though. That's not old.
100% water weight
not true at all
its a good share of anons but there are also legitimate fitizens here posting their abs
you’re a fat manchild
And you're a 50 year old virgin
The only thing that pisses me off about /fat/ is that there are too many who preaech fast here. I don't have patience to start arguments anymore but people preaching fasting over lifting here to anons tick me off.
It is just a few fastards
I’m 23 and have been in a relationship for years. Hope my explination helps.
Sure thing bud. You are sub 10% bf as well.
Nope I’m still fat that’s why I’m here with retards like you. Hope this explination helps further
I doubt it ever stops. But I'm 10 months into it and I feel like I've only really begun to be able to actively control my brain in the last couple of months. It does get a bit easier with time, don't give up.
You are so mad kek
> You are so mad kek
I suppose that is one explination
What special qualifications do you think you have that make you the ultimate authority on weight loss? I don't remember anyone dying and making you king shit. The only good diet is the one that works. People aren't identical machines, what works for one might not work for another. If people have found success in fasting who are you to shit all over them?
Fasting is one of the oldest recorded diets, people have been doing it since ancient times. But I guess you know better.
It is, don't cry anon.
You are on the verge of tears kek
Fatty Contest
Really showing your age kiddo
Embarassing for you
How do I get rid of lumps under my scalp? I'm no longer fat but i had the really bad idea of eating one whopper with fries almost three times a week for an entire year, I feel greasy as fuck no matter how much I shower or abstain from masturbation, to the point Im starting to develop the habit of scratching my head over 30 minutos and I hate it
Mentally broken
Those are bugs that hatched out of the whoppers. You have to dig them out before they bore into your brain.
Maybe stop scratching your head for 30 minutes dunce
This is the peak of zoomer trolling kek
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damn, he's just like me fr fr
I really hit a nerve calling you a virgin
Fatty Contest
One day someone will love you, it won't be anyday soon though.

I started doing it because them being seborreic and big enough to scratch them of with a fingernail would make them go away but they just keep spawing around the cowlick area of my hair, maybe I just need to sweat more? Also Iast year I usted to eat lots of pocorn and my face/hair always feels oily
Do you have one?
Oh damn, I don't know why you'd still puke after entering the withdrawal phase, then
Those forever chemicals are trying to escape through your scalp
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Fatty Contest

I forgot last week, shit
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Do you guys listen to music or podcasts when you do cardio? I've started doing my walks and stuff without anything and honestly i like it. I feel like i can work through my thoughts and get my mind straight while walking.
Ca'd'o for me is taking two steps out of bed to my computer chair.
Fatty Contest
running with music
walking with podcasts or music
my thoughts when exercising are negative desu
But, during the Stone Age...!
>biking: no music
>walking: music
>treadmill: TV
When I walk I usually use that time to disconnect from any media or online stuff and not listen to anything. Though if Im doing any longer cardio stuff usually I try to throw on something an hour+ long like a stream or podcast
95g of protein for breakfast am i gonna make it?
nta but our biological processes are similar enough that thermodynamics work the same for everyone, just at different rates. The sticky has solid advice on fat-loss, and in the past I lost over 90lbs in a little less than a year by using it as a reference. Increased physical activity from lifting, or a sport you get into can be huge and then just not eating like a pig and cutting out soda is pretty much all you need to do starting out.
Anyone here fasting with snake juice? I only have pink salt and Himalayan salt, is that okay for electrolytes?
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i have never met a snake-juicer who kept the weight off
Statistically you haven't met any to begin with.
If you aren't fasting more than 4 days in a row you don't need it. I've tried long and short fasts, rolling 24 or 48's are better than the super long ones. You don't need any fancy shit to keep you going and its much easier to fit into a real life.
WrapEnjoyer fell off the wagon again
were you not taking any fiber supplements?
>Over ate by 1000cals today
It is so fucking over, i'm going to gain like 10lbs from this. FUCK WHY AM I LIKE THIS
Time to order two Large Domino's and a big bottle of Coke.
>it's parent's anniversary so they are treating us to a steakhouse
one meal wipes out my entire deficit today...
back when I was serious about it (5 miles every day) I used to listen to music but I realized that was also a problem/excuse to block out everything around me. Then I just went without my phone, period and it was far better.
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Time to do 2 hours of cardio and offset all that. Even one hour is good mitigation (I count approx 500/600 kcal per hour of cardio).
>calorie counting app
>ads for food delivery
Okay what if i don't do snake juice and just take the salt sublingually and take 400mg magnesium biglycinate spread throughout the day?
How long are you planning to fast?
If it's for about three days, it doesn't really matter.
Just take whatever minerals/vitamins/electrolytes you can.
If it's more than three days, I actually don't recommend you to do that, but if you want to - that would be the time, where you should start making sure you're getting all the necessary supplementation.
Qrd on the contest?
Just got here man.
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Audiobooks, drowns out the voices in my head that tell me how much of a loser I am and I get to catch up on my reading. And when people ask me if I've read any books lately I can actually say yes.
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Think about all the protein you consumed though. It's not that bad
replacing mayo with avocado was a revelation for me. adds enough moisture to a sandwich that you don't really need anything else. pairs very well with mesquite turkey, black forest ham, or grilled chicken (with a slice of bacon).
what sides are you ordering that has more calories than the main dish
just get a side salad and some broccoli or something
easy 1k cal steak and 300 cal sides and you keep your deficit
you will have diarrhea I promise
post weight each weekend
bot tracks progress
see how you are doing over time
compare yourself to other anons of similar height if you wish

just something to do if you plan on being here for awhile. see fattycontest dot com for full details
MRE non-whey protein fucking sucks... god I feel like I'm drinking saw dust... this oatmeal isn't blended at all

I should have just bought normal whey...
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>Break 3 day fast today
>Tempted to buy some bullshit food
>Found the will to cook healthy food and have a big healthy meal
>It was delicious and now I'm satiated way below maintenance
By the grace of God, I'm going to make it
Fatty Contest
I'm getting two loaded baked potatoes
650 calories each
why would you buy anything other than optimum nutrition gold standard whey
just pig out and call it a refeed anon :)
I wish you niggers would stop being lazy and make a thread before the current one dies.
Fatty Contest

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