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152kg clean and jerk edition

>programming advice?
Try harder. Autoregulate.

>diet advice?
Put the fork down. If you can't see abs, you're fat.

>Previous thread

Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>2x bw bench (no archmaging)
>2.5x bw squat (high bar atg)
>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)
>140kg clean and jerk
>100kg snatch
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Kneel. 639lb/290kg @183/83 18 years old
Felt a pull in my ass. I'll do 7pl8s on Halloween :3
>Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)

Your lift is over 3x bodyweight, but was not conventional, and you are clearly using straps.

You did not lift the weight.

*Slams gavel*
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wtf is that hair

Any higher rep upper body/bench programs? Need to gain more mass and I want a break from doing sets in the 1-5 rep range
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just pretend mexico is peru
he's a paddy/chinaman living in peru, I don't get the hair
Dude just wanted some fake blonde hair, nothing else to it
Now do a deadlift, naruto.
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ez s singles:230/280/335
got in late
lowbar 2x a week may be too much. maybe 1 low one high? may not be an issue if squatting more helps with mobility
hey /plg/ I keep failing at the sticking point, how to fix?

>lowbar 2x a week may be too much.
blue book says 3x
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cultural appropriation
this is why I'm going to move to asia
Wtf happened with your squat
what's in russia?
close, hiroshimoot
my point was since all asian women want blonde hair and I'm white then I'm going to move to asia because they think their kids will be blonde, kind of a round about point but
Include the pastebin fatass
how much can you ohp
Its pretty much everyone's sticking point there. these look really good
>blue book
only for people squatting hundreds of pounds less than me
took too much time off and taking it slow right now. 365 moved easy enough ob sat after acascenascending triples that 385-390 would have been top. there are a few things feeling off. brace after walk out, locking bar onto the back, and shifting from the arthiarthritis leg to strong leg way worse than it should be.
i usually ssb, marrs, and deadlift more in this post meet period. this time i wanted to focus squat the hardest sinmissm going to miss my squat goal for this year.
what workplace is that image safe for?
no, i won't be posting shitty prograns

yes, you are welcome to seethe
game freak
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>game faithful design
capcom studios.
like 300-310

is joke. but really I had absolutely no drive at 320, hoping bands will help
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>yes, you are welcome to seethe
yet, you responded

you are here for my entertainment.
finally improved my squat somewhat. On Max Monday I hit 265lbs below parallel. Almost had 270, but it was slightly above parallel
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>Makes us watch a minute of dynamic effort instead of giving a frame with the sticking point represented.
>Sticking point is middle of the tension curve
It's your shoulders. For OHP the sticking points map as follow:

Bottom = Chest
Mid = Shoulders
Top = Triceps

Seriously, just think about what's driving the movement at that point.

Top kek, not even close. No idea who that guy was that was yapping. Sounds like a dyel who can't even squat 2pl8

>tfw you did 285 5/4/; 275 2/; 245 5/5/; today

How's your cycle currently, good miss? Cruising rn? Thought about hopping back on tren or are you done with that ride?
No pastebins in the jungle.
Damn brotha. Hope you can get back on track
Having an M.Sc. opens doors. The point of my physics B.S. (w/EE minor) was because I wanted to understand how things worked.

>lel math majors are smarter
Yeah no. You're definitely weirder on average, but it's only the top-tier chads at it that are employable.

>t. math undergrad no 300k starting
Case in point.

Yeah, pretty much. I was a degenerate stoner towards the end of undergrad, and came into grad school weak so I didn't have the skills I needed to contribute until it was too late.

It's called insecurity, anon. These people are like this because they get physics-mogged all the time.

Hey now, I make a good iced latte.
Post video
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all these masters and no ass to eat
Maybe you guys can help me out. Still dealing with knee pain with anything 4pl8 and up. I did a few singles with different foot placement, narrow/wide stance, toes angled out/straight, high/mid/low bar, shins more vertical, etc... and I haven't found anything that feels comfortable. I know I need to take it easy and let it heal, but i'm also 6 weeks out from state champs.

I'm weighing the following options:

1. Do a few high rep sets with around 3pl8s twice a week until it gets better and accept the fact I'll underperform with squat at comp.
2. Focus on a squat variation that puts less stress on my knee. Gym just got a belt squat machine I could try or maybe feet forward smith machine squats.
3. Attempt sudoku (but not for real just for attention)
4. Something you guys suggest that I haven't thought of.
5. Actually kermit sudoku.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is there anything more GDE than what just happened?

>supposed to max dl today
>had a dream that i twisted my lower back and it hurt so much i had to lie down
>wake up
>lower back is cramped and sore

>Bottom = Chest
thats the dumbest thing ive ever read considering i bench press 150kgs with pause and ohp 70kgs.
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I hit a 135kg/298lb bench pr too. Japanese grip is actually working. However, I'm not counting it because I'm not sure if the spotter touched the bar. Also, fuck Jenn Thompson, Daiki Kodama's bench videos seem to teach more about how to optimize the bench than hers, Jenn is just a genetic freak and his bench would be crazy regardless of tech it seems…
Slow leg extensions + leg curls holding the squeeze + quad stretches healed my busted knee. I messed up my knee early this year from doing bad technique sumo and having excessive knee valgus. Don't forget your ibuprofen
How the hell do you bench 150kg and ohp 70kg? You must do a very wide grip archmage bench, because otherwise, you'd have very strong triceps and triceps are VERY involved in the OHP. You may have a very strong chest, but weak tris. I can cg bench 120kg and my ohp is 80-85kg.
>Step 1: Wake up.
>Step 2: Immediately dunk down a litre of water and eat. I do not trust people who skip breakfast, something is wrong with your instincts.
>Step 3: Double espresso.
Step 4: War crimes on the porcelain throne.
Let me guess, you need more?
no idea
>wide grip arch
I cant even arch and its close grip, i can also larsen 140kg and have warmed up with 120kg larsen for 5
Yeah, one more line of greentext
>t. moron
Don't even fucking try to gaslight your way through this anon. You said it, you own it.

Now enlighten us: Exactly HOW does the chest not govern the bottom of the OHP?

That's a trick question, because it DOES. This is the maximally stretched position so as we move through the tension curve in this locality, we know that because nature wants to evolve to the lowest energy state, that this stored energy is going to discharge in order to drive the weight until the point where the shoulder flexors and elbow extensors take over.

Now shut the fuck up, and do something productive like read about the history of 5x5:

You HAVE been doing your fives, RIGHT anon?
you're the one who said bottom = weak chest, so you enlighten me how is my chest weak with bench 2x my ohp.
I hate to appear in support of Charmin, but it's possible your bench is level 100 arch mage wide grip along with shit technique for OHP, they wouldn't be related
its not, like i said 140 close grip larsen. Sure chest is involved in ohp in some way (especially when you do riptard ohp aka standing bench and i think chairman is riptard disciple) but to claim its a weak point is like claiming your legs are the weak point on bench press because of a leg drive.
Dude. Have you tried doing an ohp high-ish pins? If you're much stronger like that maybe that means your triceps are way stronger than your chest and you struggle to drive it off your chest. Honestly, trying to OHP from different pin heights may help you identify your exact weakness.
Just realized Saying "Dude." like that sounds so cringe, I've been living in a vacuum. Did it without thinking.
Duuude weed lmao.

anyway my ohp is weak because its weak identifying weak points is good for advanced lifters wanting to squeeze out those few more kgs for the world records, caring about that shit with beginner lifts will not make you stronger. Just get stronger and lifts will go up. im sure when im benching 200 i will also ohp at least 100.
At what position am I supposed to put the uprights at for OHP? Just below upper chest/bottom position or leave it at squat height?
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r8 my deload coming off TM with increased freq into new program frol my coach (voices in my head)
>pull an all nighter and stay awake for 24h
>eat too little
>don't lift for 3 days
Surely I will have peak strength tomorrow?
Dont forget beer
Routine so I can avoid looking like this?
I thought you were done with sumo and straps.
Yet here we are, again.
Any recommendations for a triceps compound that also hits chest/delts a bit? I'm burned out on dips. Floor press? Idk.
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When to Cannibal Corpse concert last night shit was fire
JM press
Close grip ohp
that's normal OHP, I grip a couple of cm outside the smooth
Good idea, never considered it works pecs

I already do it + no chest + >>75303192
>>t. math undergrad no 300k starting
>Case in point.
ir's a /sci/ meme.
I graduated in 2019 (CS and applied math) and my first job out of undergrad was 110k
>CS and math
Fries go in the bag.
>>t. math undergrad no 300k starting
>Case in point.
They fell for memes kek.
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wuts the the drip on this
>I know I need to take it easy and let it heal, but i'm also 6 weeks out from state champs.
So in other words you want to work through an injury. Despite stating nothing works to feel better while lifting. You're a fucking idiot lmao
I used it, way back in the stone age. Would recommend. It was the last program I used before autoregulation
I’m excreting some Norman khan that was itching to get out
The OG I’m guessing and not 2.0? Anyways seems legit and only 9 weeks
Yes the OG. For me above 400 DOTS. We used wilks back then, but same argument applies.
ohp doesnt hit triceps in any significant way
Wheres the pain located? If its outer side of the knee its possibly the IT band. Take a lacrosse ball to your tfl and roll over it for a minute or so before lifting/every day. Will resolve itself relatively quickly
Did he shoot blood out of his, well, his peanits?
You didnt read my post, i said roll tfl
what argument? Bryce Lewis looks strong af
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Wake up plg. It's feeding time
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Wake up Raj. It's ration time
6. use the benefits of sick call and go find out whats wrong first (do sudoku while waiting in lobby)
Could plg surviving food rations?
What if it's the inner knee
good morning sir
Good morning
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What's a good program that I could bastardize for an off-season DIY program with an emphasis on gaining upper body mass (especially tris, delts, and upper back)? I want to strict press 2pl8

t. 6'1'" 180 205/335/405x3/495x5
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I keep hearing Greg Fatty CuckHoles for this scenario.
3x Int High then 3x Adv
t. hasn't done either
Do 3x50ft sled push and drags and stretch calves, hamstrings, and quads jn between each set. Hack squat and leg press for a few weeks instead of squat. Static leg extension holds. This all helped me.
>3x Int High then 3x Adv
I did a bastardized 3x ADV to go from 275 to 315 bench. That said, it didn't do shit for my tris or delts. Made my bench go up because doing bench 3x per week for like 20 sets/week caused me to get 'skilled' at the movement and it blew my pecs up.
You didn't do ADV. You don't even lift.
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Trip on, lardass
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theres my little bitch right on fucking cue
If you want to drive your squat, you need to squat 4x a week
TM: Chad
HLM: Brad
Conjugate: That weird guy who is always asking you and your friends for pics of your feet with socks on and to sit on his face.
They didn’t do I Cum Blood
Almost locked out 725 on meme lift. I think if I had a better padding so these didn't fucking hurt as much I'd be able to turn off my brain more and just caveman through em. Still don't understand how the record is 1000ish.
Next up gonna try and hold a bridge with 405 while pressing 405, which somehow sounds easier than bridging anything above 500.
Pyramid Method: the guy from some shithole country in Eastern Europe that outsquats everyone you know, but doesn’t have an internet connection
How do I do these without feeling like my dick and balls are getting crushed
Rookie numbers I'm 5'9" 320
Could be quad tendon maybe, but frankly could be a lot of things
Wasnt that slayer?
Mad skelebro
Post body
That's the fun part
>You can't
I dont get it, what could be the muscles thats affected during dips and push ups but not during bench or ohp. I can bench and ohp no problem but whenever i try do do dips or push ups even after 1 rep my shoulder just hurts.
>inb4 fat
im 80kg and bench close to double that
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You are a Sean character.
Do you have any proof to the contrary?
Wrist mobility, forearm tightness/imbalance can cause pushup issues even if your barbell lifts are good. Dips require good shoulder mobility which most people don't have unless they work for it, so start there if they hurt. Muscles worked in a push up are the same as the bench press. Muscles worked in dips are the same as the bench press BUT by getting your body forward and your scapula elevated (let your traps shrug up) you can get more recruitment in the triceps head that does the majority of the work when it comes to strength. Long head I think, cba to look it up but the big chunky one everyone wants to build for aesthetics is actually not the head you want to train for powerful pressing. It certainly helps, but the part close to the lat is what matters more.
Sub them out for
>push-ups with those handles, or holding dumbbells in neutral grip
>bench dips
Until you can properly do normal ones. Or don't, I don't care.
Not arguing with a fool. It's just the facts. Clavicular head is engaged to move the weight off your chest, then shoulders and triceps take over. You fail at the bottom = your chest.

To understand what your sticking point is, we'd need a video. With those numbers, I'd expect you to fail in the middle.

But hey, you could just have a dumpster fire clavicular head to go with your dumpster fire brain.
Your form is almost certainly retarded.
I squat once a week and now I squat 3x my bw high bar atg.
Lifts speak louder than words. Share your OHP with us shartman
>forced all my employees to provide proof of vaccination
Kinda need to cut costs
Why aren’t you training Zerchers?
Hope you die unironically and not in minecraft.
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>getting this bootyblasted over an obvious b8 post
Usually when I see someone start talking about zercher squats, that's usually when I walk away
So with the lawn care season winding down, I’ve decided to put a new rule in place for my workers. I’m giving them until January 1st to show proof of vaccination. The government actually backs me on this, so it's a good way to ensure everyone’s compliant. Plus, it helps with thinning out Father's mexicans during the off-season since we don’t need as many mexicans working. It’ll give me a reason to let some of them go for the winter, and then they can come back in the spring if they’ve met the requirement. It’s a win-win, really—fewer people to manage during the slow season, and the ones who stick around will be good to go. Good way to weed (pardon the pun haha) some of them out.
lmao what is that like 40 kgs
2pl8… we don’t have wide plates made of less dense metal like amerisharts
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>Jim Wendler
who the fuck are you trying to fool with that 5kg looking ass bar and the 10kg looking ass plates
>natural ghr
I did what he said and only ended up fat
Even a short barbell is 35 lb. You’re delusional. The plates include 10s and 15s, as well as smaller plates. Nothing you Amerifarts would understand. Tsk….
>I did what he said and only ended up fat
probably fell for the whole fat GOMAD instead of the real skim milk GOMAD
>wendler seething

Another sign that this is gym shartman(hank(sean(mike)))
Bench day today.

Pause Bench- Worked up to an overwarm single at 90% (75kg). Moved pretty easily and i'm wondering if it is a true 90% anymore...

Touch and Go Bench- 4x10 @ 65% (60kg)

Wide Grip Military Press- 27.5kg 3x10 (pretty easy, can add weight)

Incline DB Press- 20kg 3x9-12

Cable Flyes- 7.5 2x15 (supposed to be 3 but i left the machine for a moment and someone took over lol)

Ez Bar Curls- 30kg 3x9-12

Hammer Curls- 10kg 3x15

V-Bar Pressdown- 30kg 3x9-12

Threw in a couple sets of high rep light lateral raises as well :)

My muscles burn, but the pump was sweet. Don't think i'll be adding weight to bench next week, the extra set will be more than enough. Squats tomorrow...
I met fatties who want to do GOMAD but all they need to do is hit macros and lift more than 3 times a week
Oink for me piggy.
>Estimated IQ: 85 (average)
Lmao based. I started making my guys come back into the office.
That was just an ego pull I had to do before my birthday for the lolz. I will rarely do deads from now on until squat and bench catch up.

Getting stronger on 4500 calories dieet, can afford more food now that ive quit weed
today I've decided belt is a meme done 225kg beltless, fail 230 with a belt. If it doesnt even add 5kg whats the point?
in your fucking dreams this barbell is 35lbs lmao

it looks like 5kg/10kg/5kg/ plates and at best 10kg barbell
what's your best conventional on a straight bar with no straps?
250kg/551lb on a gym bar and a hitch like a few month ago.
Did you take video of the 135 bench?
She found the DudeWipes...didn't she?
She found the baby oils
>and a hitch like
ok I will reiterate, what is your max conventional on a STIFF bar that would have been a good lift in comp?
asking because your DL might not really be that far ahead without sumofraud, straps and spaghetti bars
They are pumpkin spice, no worries
I did 235kg on comp in March. Kilo pl8s, stiff bar, fatigued from squats, and 3 white lights, same bodyweight as now I think. If I stuck with it I'd probably be doing way more in conventional by now, but I think my sumo potential is higher so not interested anyways.
Wait... Now that I think about it, my stiff bar kilo pl8s conventional is VERY close to my low bar squat lmao. And my high bar squat is very close to my low bar. So my high bar is like 30kg behind my conv stiff bar deadlift wtf; and the more I sumo, the difference closes.
the strength standards are racist against rotundly fat fucks like myself

at 5'9" 320lbs when I ohp 185 I'm going to consider myself an intermediate

same as squat, right under your shoulder
>stiff bar kilo pl8s conventional is VERY close to my low bar squat
>And my high bar squat is very close to my low bar.
>So my high bar is like 30kg behind my conv stiff bar deadlift
DL ≈ LB ≈ HB = DL - 30
So DL ≈ DL - 30
I thought asians were supposed to be good at math
you need to work on your racism
youre right he isn't racist enough
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leg day
Anyone here do sled push/sled pull for max effort? I have access to two sled options, one is just the little Westside chunk of metal that you scrape the floor up with and the other is a Rogue one with bars to hold onto and a chain hookup spot on the base. I feel like I could max load the Rogue one and push it while I have the small WS one chained to me being dragged.
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>I feel like I could max load the Rogue one and push it while I have the small WS one chained to me being dragged.
Well now I'm definitely gonna do it since (You) posted this doubt face meme chick
Least favourite sheiko day.

Deadlifts to knees, then from boxes, worked up to 3 x 2 @ 180kg
Incline bench 8 x 3 @ 70
Rows 5 x 8 @ 70

The box setup just takes so long
Tax return came in the mail? It's a small number isn't it?
short day?
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Haven't squatted anything over 200kg in a loooong time I think. Did 210kg. For some reason this was easier than the 190kg warm up. I'm not doing GM squats anymore, so that's good; however, knee cave creeps from time to time.
Yeah, too lazy to post it desu
>Stronger pull sumo
>Squats narrow
Just take a bit of time after you unrack to find your relative sumo stance foot position and squat wide. It's annoying without a monolift but learnable and you would be squatting closer to your pull weight then.
yeah I just did some high bar and figured leg press after isn't very interesting to watch. Mainly I just wanted all the squat sets recorded.

hb 495, 545, 495 3x3
lp 6pl8x8, 7pl8 3x5, each for narrow and wide foot width
saving back, glutes, hams for Friday
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>hat to cover up that atrocity
>low bar
You did NOT lift the weight
Finished 465x5x5 highbar squats, beltless, sleeveless, copeless. I rested 4 minutes between sets. I am now drinking Coors.
Texas method?
I write my own stuff. 5x5 4 times per week
Did 185kg x 3 and 180kg x 5 afterwards. May do belt squats probably after.
I feel stronger like this. Also, sumo = stronger quads(?). My high bar is close to my low bar so that probably has to do with it too. I've already tried wide squatting, I don't think it's for me at all, this feels better. The only downside is that hitting depth is kinda a bitch but I definitively feel more powerful like this. I feel I'm 'pressing" the floor and not GMing my shit.
You forgot the chalk on my traps/shoulder blades Buddy.
Clarence pilled
You haven’t read the Green Book, have you, new friend?
I did this for a short period, it just got boring. It works though. 65, 70, 75, 80, 70, 75, 80, 85 (percents) add 10lbs and reset. Works, steady, never get overworked, just super boring.
Yeah, it’s boring. Just do a 3x3 90% then a 2x2 95% before testing if you’re fried on it.
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>I feel like I could max load the Rogue one and push it while I have the small WS one chained to me being dragged.
>465x5x5 highbar squats, beltless, sleeveless, copeless
you can just say squats
Wanted to avoid confusion, since some “squats” being posted here are not commiserate with the standard.
Not me
If I post lifts you would immediately walk back your argument against the squat advice but I enjoy posting anon to see the difference in reactions to what I say here. Truly interesting; The same advice given with a face/name to it gets unanimously accepted, but without these it seems like people immediately push back. Makes no sense. Off to r/powerlifting with you.
>Verification not required
Sorry if I came out the wrong way. You're advised may work for most, I've already squatted in all widths, from ultra wide westside, to normal, to even more narrow. Feet under shoulders seem to work best for me. And it's not as simple as "you pull sumo, you must squat wide".
This. Dont be a little gay faggot brown zoomerito.
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Haven't done this movement in ages. So just a Copeless 125kg/275lb easy atg single.
I really liked how this movement felt.
Embarrassing post.
Impressive post.
forgot he is terminally online
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Bench 5x185, 4x205, 3x245, 2x2x285, 2x3pl8
Dead stop bench 5x2pl8, 4x255, 3x275, 2x295lbs
Lat pulldowns 5x10s
vidrel is my best archmage impression. shoulder is feeling much better. Starting to feel strong(ish) again. This is the first time I've repped 3pl8 since may.
Thanks, bros. I will give sharts a break and follow this advice until my knee is better.
Close grip bench, Larsen press or diamond pushups if you're looking for high reps.
I've never heard of this boy band.
Thanks for the meeting minutes, intern. Please make sure there's a fresh pot of coffee for the afternoon status update.
It's patellofemoral pain syndrome so under/around the patella.
Already got a referral for physical therapy, some naproxen and some arthritis gel.
>sudoku while waiting in lobby
I may do this before my next appointment.
>Getting stronger on 4500 calories dieet
You've discovered the secret to strength. Getting fat.
Good work, rubio.
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he's lurking, isn't he?
Lil celly. I hereby ask you to post wrists. We both know you're not going to post body (because you look like shit) so I will give you the opportunity to at least post wrists. Even fatasses can have vascular wrists/forearms and use them to LARP as someone who lifts. What this means is that if you cannot post wrists, your body is so garbage... so grotesque... so absolutely pitiful and pathetic that even something as arbitrary as WRISTS are indicative of that.

So I tell you again: post wrists. You wont. We both know it. Because you are an abomination. A grotesque, pathetic sack of shit and a testament to laziness and a sedentary lifestyle. You are what people use as an example when they say they'd kill themselves if they ever ended up looking like that. You are used as motivation to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and be active. You are everything that nobody wants to be. But feel free to prove me wrong

Oink oink
The only people that mention r*ddit are the three fags that got banned from there and the starting strength forums
shitty human beings the lot KEK
you seem to know a lot about it, why not go back?
the posted everything here thinking it would help them fit in.
it dod not.

feel a bit sorry for them who cannot be accepted anyone
nice fanfiction
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bicep curl squat 5x5
flat back deficit rack pull 405 3x0
youve been plateaued for a while now. maybe its time for a change?
not bad kid. not bad at all...
>immediate replies
Sad. Not SAD! Plain old sad.

Even Bobby has people that like him.

You are beneath him.
You're here for my entertainment.

Only respond if you're mad.
Kimcel, are you ban evading?
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>bicep curl squat
I hate seventeen year olds so much it's unreal.
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You're here for my entertainment, fatty.
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>malding in TM
I want to fuck her...
>Not rammstein
doubting fire
Just do a front squat? Wtf is the point of this?
>barbell hip thrusts with a 2 second pause at the top
holy shit that burns
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i wabt more bicep activation when i squat to conplement my hypertrophy specialization phase. also i want more out of less weight. dr mike israetel says sfr(stimulus to fatigue ratio) better ehen you dont do backswuat. i don't have the mobility to front rack and the weight falls off when I front rack.
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>evading a ban
>tiny wrists
That's wack dude
>prs on bench
>too lazy to post it
Based...? I would post on all my socials plus here
majority of his social media posts are squat and diddlies (and ponies) 2bh
Yeah i know. Maybe he posts so much he's just tired of it, it's a pain in the ass to convert and all that
all my idols roid and I'm out here being a natty faggot I don't even have a chance to compete with em if I don't start
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Somebody posted this in a bugenhagen thread. I have no idea who wrote it or where they got it. What do you guys think, will it work?
Doing hatfields using a band placed around safeties is one way of doing hatfields. Idk if it's any good. Seemed to tire out my upper back way more than my legs.
Bigger than yours boyo
It will work yeah.
Ok I'm not sure if banded hatfields are good for my goals. I don't feel them in quads at all. Just upper back. I guess I'll just throw in 2 sets of highbar x 15 at the end here.
Ok felt them in quads on set 4. But because the band is so shitty and wobbly there's none of that feeling of stability that you usually get with hatfields. I'll maybe try to do it with a mirror next time to make it easier to balance.
I hope you noticed the lifted heels tho
I accept your concessions
reporting in
I am fatter, weaker and my conditioning has gone to shit

owari da
Eat more.
I think about Bobby
I will post about Bobby
very poor squat technique you go straight on your toes with lowbar and fully equipped stop squatting and learn the pattern.you have no idea what you are doing even now with a coach and you are built like a teenage girl.it amazes me how naive people are here please stop you are a 180lb goblin taking some form of enhancement i hope you blow your knees to bits you third world rodent you deserve it
go on
I must post about Bobby. It is essential for Bobby gains.
Regressed 5 lbs on OHP.
>the program only works if you're le BULKING
I am done with Rippetoe programming.
Turns out reddit was right all along.
They always say lil brown zoomerito... But they never say lil browned zoomerito (reverse buck breaking). What are the primary factors contributing to this development?
I don't think that fat fuck needs any help to gain weight
>>the program only works if you're le BULKING
>I am done with Rippetoe programming.
The litmus test of good programming is whether they work while in maintenance. Programs that only work if you dirty bulk aren't good.
Upper body needs more volume after noob gains, at 1.5x with no accessories no shit OHP is going to stall.
Do grinders at 90%+ two times a week plus DB press and tri. extensions (all to failure) and it will start to move. But you will ofc need to be in a surplus, after technique isn't dogshit the gains are from muscle. Rippetoe teaches the strict press entirely wrong btw, if you are doing the double layback shit you unironically need to deload to bar
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Are you just doing meme lifts now?
>you've been plateaued for a while now
I'm doing physical therapy to fix the issues with my shoulder.
It will not work, no.
Trip on, bobby.
It could work.
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>got friend lifting with me two weeks ago, wants to powerlift with me eventually
>squat day
>his 2nd time squatting, hits 225 lb x 3 for 5 sets with barbell with complete atg mobility
>move onto belt squats later
>he does 22 reps on a final amrap set of belt squats with 250 lbs, said he could have done more but was out of breath
>hes 5'8'' 164 lbs
Is this manlet power or what
He hasn't been corrupted by powerlifting cheat codes yet. He still has Simon level farmer strength.
stuffing my face right now
but I think it's the fucked sleep more than anything
max strength was at like 95%, I practically never have days where I just cannot hit what i am planning but my work capacity/recovery in between sets was beyond terrible
No, it's shitty programming. If you're doing >15 reps on anything you're doing it wrong.
Just leg days, and I guarantee you my quads are bigger and I squat more than you, so don't sweat my programming.
You willing to bet on that?
[spoiler] because I'm freakishly large, and I'm not speaking in terms of just muscle and I'm pushing 300lbs body weight right now on a good day [/spoiler]
That's considered slim in this general
Kek alright bobby
I think about Bobby. I will always post about Bobby.
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>freakishly large,
>pushing 300lbs body weight
>on a good day
Why don't fish your penis out of that blubber and show it to us?
I know, I know, that qualifies as cardio, can't you just eat a little more to make up for it?

Is there a BAD day to weigh 300 pounds?
>Is there a BAD day
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every day
Yeah, actually you WILL be doing the power cleans.
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ka ka ka ka ka ka ka
Trip on bob
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>Is there a BAD day to weigh 300 pounds?
>Are you just doing meme lifts now?
conjugate/concurrent. the alpha destiny way!
>physical therapy
good luck bro

how much do u guys think i should be able to overhead press at gym?
i can do one arm barbell press 30 kg for 10 right hand and 4 reps left hand
is 85 kg possible OHP you think? i might try at gym 2morow
bulking is working really well for me eating like 4500-5500 cals now pizza and lots of nut mix n protein drinkz
Only one way to know, and that’s to try.
yea true
This doesn't count because your legs and hips aren't locked. Use both hands and you won't have this problem.
>This doesn't count because your syruphole isnt locked. Use both hands and you won't have this problem.
See where this went and how quickly we got here?
Open your mouth, I'm going to take a piss in it
Fucking based kek
i know this probably gets asked here everyday, but what lifting shoes should i be taking a look at? using chucks for deadlifts still feels good, but ever since i hit 3pl8 on hb squats im having a hard time hitting depth without losing balance through my ankles. ive heard that the nike romaleos are pretty good, but apart from that im fackin clueless
Tommy Hilfeger brand sandles
Alternatively, nurse shoes will do the trick in a pinch
>im having a hard time hitting depth without losing balance through my ankles.
and you think shoes will solve this?

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Actually, you WILL wear the clown shoes
>”I’m 5’7”, 210lbs. I’ve gained 50lbs over the last few months on the program, but I’m now out of breath when I’m playing with my kids.”

>”You need to be 235, get your deadlift to 450 and you won’t be out of breath. Also, you’re probably just imaging being out of breath because you want abs.”

SS Radio is gold
and what therapy as you undergoing to fix whatever is growing under your nose?
You just made that up. It's all fiction.
Most recent episode, about 50 minutes in
the only thing I'm cycling on is my period

and it's ouch rn so I'M IN NO MOOD
you are a pencil neck faggot
I want to cum to a pic of you what your socials are?
dm me
Hi, rip
On what platform???
the snatch platform
is z pressing any good? is it even worth doing? the z guy said he doesnt even do em so like wtf
Throwing another 30kg on this in 5 weeks is gonna be interesting...
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The filename says she's excited, she's into small penises bro you're good
Alphadestiny used to do a lot of them, but I think it's unnecessary when you could just do Seated/AD presses. Honestly, if if you want something for your concurrent rotation for the OHP, please do dead OHP (like dead bench, but OHP duh)!
>Taking some sort of enhancement
Uhhh, thanks?
>Shitty squat technique
It's what's working the best so far. The knee cave is gone and I'm rarely GMing my squats. Probably I could optimize it, off it's not the best, but seems to work. Why are you so mad my guy? :c
Damn 9 you wildin
I don't see what's wrong with your squat. You're breaking parallel and you can observe the reasons why your form is working for you and what happens if you change your form.
dead ohp?
what do you mean? like off of pins?

probably not
ice this one, janobby
one more post

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