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Does /fit/ remember Jon Skywalker? Apparently he's on the hospital due to heart failure, with his heart working at only 15% and hes 31yo.
I was thinking of doing Roids and I've followed him for a while, scary shit, bros. I guess it's better to stay natty.
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His feet edema
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Its roids, gh insulin plus hardcore party drugs and alcohol and probably prescription drugs and shitty diet
How do these modern roiders get so fucked up but old schoolers like Arnold and his era are still going or at least lived a long life

is it the drugs now are more dangerous?
jon is kinda oldschool hes from zyzz era, but hes famous for abusing tren
by old school i meant 70s, i would put zyzz in the modern roider camp
I thought Arnold had multiple heart surgeries? Arnie had the money to not die so early, other bodybuilders from his era died very early.
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>oh no, it's the consequences of my actions
>why did this happen to me bros? I was supposed to be da chosen uno
zane, nubet and columbu didnt
Incidentally, he got a pacemaker this year. Dude is beyond fucked. Afair his heart problems are also hereditary, making his roid use a play against his type
mike mentzer died at 49 tho, but i get ur point
kids nowadays are abusing way more shit and i dont think tren was that famous back in the day
Jon is a straight up drug addict who lives a party lifestyle. I ran into him at a music festival in 2021 and he was completely blasted out of his mind. Tren molly and cocaine is a speedrun for heart failure
>I ran into him at a music festival in 2021 and he was completely blasted out of his mind
Kek. Tell us more about that, anon.
Was he pullin mad bitches?
1. higher dosages
2. more toxic compounds
3. effectively perma blasting and never giving the body a chance to recover
4. combining anabolic steroids with party drugs
Somebody like Zyzz (or Jon) is a case study in what NOT to do.
The average gymbro meathead at your local gym is probably taking more anabolics than a 70s Mr Olympia competitor.
Frank Zane (3x Mr Olympia who beat Arnold so bad he went into temporary retirement) was "only" on 105mg of dianabol and 100mg of primobolan while the noob first cycle that gymbros take is 500mg of testosterone.
Arnold has a genetic heart defect that kills people in their 50s/60s without treatment. His mom and grandma both died from it before they hit 65.
His 'multiple' heart surgeries are because implants have a limited lifespan and they need to be replaced.
just got the news that Jon has past away
RIP sweet prince rest in peace baby boy you were too pure for this world xd
what is that shit on his arm? also holy fuck he lost all his gains
to be fair this is some icarus shit, this dude has lived a crazy life. Imagine being him at 18-20 after making his noob gains, dude looked insane, did whatever drugs he wanted, partied and fucked top tier pussy. Maybe he won't live as long as the average normie but who cares about how long your lifespan is when 90% of that time is spent waging at some shitty 9-5 and having a boring ass existence
>Arnold has a genetic heart defect
oh cmon anon lets not be naive here, everytime a roider gets some kind of heart defect its blamed on his genetics and not on the drugs
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>admitted 1 day after birthday
Wonder what the drug stack for his bday party was... probably a lot of stimulants/weed
>what is selection bias
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and Frank is still alive at 82
absolute legend
I don't think he's even allowed to lift anything amymore, maybe strictly babby weights if anything.
That's because he's an old fart, anon. If anything, he got lucky he gets to be a fragile grandpa
Arnold's heart problems are legitimately genetic. This isn't a Zyzz scenario.
It's called a bicuspid aortic valve
>roidtranny gets what he was warned about hundreds of times by hundreds of people
Am I supposed to give a shit?
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rip jon
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YWN cruise the street in your sportscar in the early morning hours, smoking a blunt with a 9/10 model tier Stacy, on the way to 24 Hr Fitness to get a massive chest pump.
arnold has had like 4 heart surgeries and 3 hair transplants
>i will never experience this
>im turning 27 this year
sure jon might die at 31 years old but is it really worth it to live longer than him but a sad and miserable life?
Life is what you make of it. Ask yourself what brings you happiness and work hard for it.
You'd be shitting your pants the say way he's begging for thoughts and prayers, pussy.
There is no reason to go beyond TRT dosage. Just keep your testosterone levels around 1000 ng 2 you will already look much better than others without any sides.
whenever I see a body like this I just assume they already had a heart attack
fitness amirite
Now he cares about what he puts in his body lol. What a joke
Looks like shingles.
Vax status?
>just do le trt dose or lower and you will have an insane physique with 0 sides
or you could just live a healthy lifestyle and attain those T levels naturally, and have a peak natty body for the rest of your life
Most dads on TRT still look like little soibois because they don't do what is necessary, only what is expedient- begging a kike doctor to inject your manhood for you
Perfectly atomized little unit of production and consumption, modern bugman faggot
dependent entirely on the state for not only food, water and shelter but also his own innately produced hormones. Your body is frail and unfit
>attain those T levels naturally,
No lol, he was unironically ranting about trump and jews and mind control aliens. Also had some crazy gyno rocket nips I couldnt stop staring at. I cant imagine how fucking cooked he is now
Normal people have the same experiences when they are young, without dying from roid abuse a few years later.
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>wake and bake with hot girl and go to the gym
Damn Im a 24 year old bum who makes 50k a year and Ive done that plenty of times. Life begins at 12% bodyfat and you start to get female attention at 10% btw
i'm an eternal fatty and i've been plateauing around 15% (in the last 2 weeks i got it moving again), gonna finish the cut brah ty
he's roiding for that btw
Post body
Small dreams for small minds
>roiding for this
What's ur stack
You dont need roids to have abs a bicep vein and a nice taper which is literally all girls care about
Start swimming if youre such a noble natty
Ill never run anything other than test low dose HGH and anavar for mini peaks for vacations and stuff. This is what every rich celebrity and athlete takes they just pay 10x more to get it from a doctor vs black market
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He used to be magnificent. I am sad to hear about his health trouble and hope he pulls through.
>blablabla irrelevant shit
he roided for that
looking good bro
yeah i also hope it dies painful death, but his pain must be long and magnificent, otherwise it doesn't count
post hairline
and swimming will get ur shoulders fucked if u try to bodybuild with it u fucking retard
Why is your head so big
post bot stats bot :D
not a bot you bald roidnigger
Balding is genetic lol. I've been between nw2-3 since my early 20s (before ever touching gear) and I'm 30 now. Got the wrong side of the family's hair genetics.
Yeah doesn't make sense when you can get similar results without roids
you actually BELIEVE those lying oldfags from the Golden age, hahahaha. Jesus, I have a bridge to sell you anon..
you mean 7/10.
yeah, essentially he's a preening faggot not much unlike a woman. At least Zyzz had charisma and a soul.
Posts like this are so fucking pathetic. Do you really think you need to take massive amount of both anabolic and recreational drugs Jon did to do such landmark achievements as
>go to the gym and hit chest
>drive with a real live human woman in your car
I mean sure maybe YOU do, and apparently he did, but normal people don't.
>yeah Zane was totally on at least a gram of tren. No other way he could be 5’9” 190 lbs lean
No you don't need to roid to do so. That video just reminds me of my youth and makes me wish I had started lifting earlier.
>normal people don't
Normal people are pathetic for the most part. If you're a 40yr old smoking a blunt and driving to the gym at 3am with your girl then that's kinda weird.
If you're 18yo and doing the same while being aesthetic as fuark, then you're the king of the world.
You guys are fucked if you think this is enviable or worth it in anyway or have the incel mindset that if you haven’t hit certain milestones already you shouldn’t bother; as if normal people don’t experience any form of social difficulty and it’s just you that needs to work on your social skills.
this. I got over my party phase from age 15-19
you cant roid away your genetics
The problem is that some of us are genetics dead ends and roids are the only thing that would push us over that mark where we become normies
imagine roiding for this shit
>If you're a 40yr old smoking a blunt and driving to the gym at 3am with your girl then that's kinda weird.
>If you're 18yo and doing the same while being aesthetic as fuark, then you're the king of the world.
You have that 100% backwards lol. If you're doing that at 40 you made it, if you're doing that at 18 you're fucking up.
thats the post roid and reckless sex having consequences
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Does he also have chronic kidney disease?

I literally guessed he had congestive heart failure and chronic kidney disease just based on seeing the legs in >>75309884 when it was first posted. I guess I've been confirmed at least half right.

>inb4 he sees Dr. Nick and it's R.I.P. in piece
Jesus. 60 year old beetus legs
prays and thoughts for maximum pain and death
Nigga got herpes on his arm
I don't think you shouldn't bother, I do think you should always try.
But it is kind of naive and pathetic to act like we all aren't somewhat envious of the youthful jacked gigachad
I certainly wasn't like that at 17 and I recognize how incredible it would have been to experience life like that. That doesn't mean that life is pointless, I'm not some hedonistic loser. But I am also not a spite filled faggot that has to insult the Icaruses of the world that flew too close to the sun. I respect them for pushing the limits, and in some ways I pity that their wings have melted. Most of the people celebrating this dudes demise are the biggest crab bucket trannies ever that just enjoy when somebody who used to have it better than them has fallen.
Not that Jon is a great role model or anything, but he definitely has inspired some men to improve their physiques. What have you influenced in the world?
I think it's probably cellulitis and/or hidradenitis.
I mog him now and im natty. checkmate
nah, it isnt an icarus story. it's a "when will they learn?" story and "they" means geneticslets in this context.
lol shit maybe you are right. I was doing the drugs and gym part at 18 but I looked like trash, still enjoyed life a lot. Now I look way more aesthetic but it feels so meaningless when life is just 9-5 waging everyday.
I wish I had the aesthetic looks when I was young and free of responsibility. Of course life at every stage is better when you look good, so you shouldn't sacrifice years of life or good health for aesthetics when young.. but cmon dude, imagine if you looked like prime Jon walking into a highschool or college party. You'd feel like a king
No shit, there's really no guesswork needed here. Bilateral edema of that magnitude, of course his heart is fucked, kidneys with 80% certainty.
If you're 30 and missed out on all things that normally happen when you are a teen, you can't make up for it.
At 30 you're not gonna have a gf and just hang out all night until dawn, doing stupid shit, having sex at random places just for fun, drinking, smoking, parking the car somewhere cool and just listen to music together.
You're not going to go to random college parties at houses, get drunk and have sex.
As you age people perceive you differently, your mentality changes as well, at 30 you can't act as an 18 year old.
Unless you want to be one of those guys that still hits the clubs at 40 trying to make up for his missed youth, and you really don't want to be that guy.
I still do all that at 31 lmao tf you talking about?
You mean the guy who openly boasts about abusing tren? Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize
Live fast
Die young
Leave a good looking corpse
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Arnold roided for a few months leading up to a competition and went off the rest of the year. He also got his drugs prescribed by a doctor, and his stick consisted of some stuff like deca, dbol, and anavar that would be considered mild by today's standards. His bodybuilding career also only lasted around 10 years.

Your average roider today does about as much damage to his body from the drugs in one year as one of these classic bodybuilders did in their entire lives.
He's just another fag who thinks that by reaching a certain age you should be mentally and physically already predisposed to whatever meta society creates for you. While he is a faggot there is certain truth to it. Reaching 30 shouldn't be defined by being slow or "settling in" and at the same time, you shouldn't have a childish mentality or a "dude" mentality, but that of a man. In my 30s I started lifting and I'm stronger than ever, fuck whores much better due to the experience, with he financial means to back it up due to the grind.
BC his body is so small
Mike Mentzer was a mentally ill drug addict who hadn't taken steroids or lifted a weight for 20 years when he died. Steroids probably had nothing to do with his death.
leanmaxing is the truth. but idc, i want mass and strength
Fair, I dont have a lot of money, I get early pension and am a NEET.
But I moved to Pattaya because roids, gym and food is super cheap and its always hot and I like the beach.
So maybe Thailand is a different lifestyle being in your 30s. Feels like I am super young still here.
I did roids for 3 years straight about 10 years ago, then quit cold turkey because I lost interest in it. Luckily nothing ever happened to me and I'm completely healthy, I guess a combination of low doses, no tren, very good diet (organs/eggs/fish etc) and unvaccinated. A lot of guys like Skywalker use tren year round, eat what they want (because they can get away with it) and take other drugs on the side because once you're taking 2 or 3 drugs and a couple of pills daily what's a couple more?
It's a stupid, degenerate lifestyle that attracts insecure and narcissistic people. Stay away and learn to love your natural physique.
I'm 34 now and i was done with that way of life by 24-25. A few of my friends still do it, they go to pubs and clubs 2-3 times a week and drink all night, bang random sluts or even go to whores.
They are the only ones in my circle that don't have families, for me it feels weird going to some bar or whatever and realizing you're the oldest guy there and you're surrounded by people aged 20-25.
I don't do that because i don't enjoy it anymore, not because i can't.
See >>75311788
Most guys where I live are old as fuck (50+). And if you are in your 20s/30s in Thailand and fit, you get all the young girls 18+ anyways.
Its a different world here if you like fitness and a relaxing lifestyle.
I cbf about having a family, I roid until I die here.
I was the same way when I was roiding for years on end. I was convinced I would cruise on gear until I die since I didn't care about family and stuff anyway. Glad I grew out of it by the time I hit 30 (in my 40s now) because guys who don't grow out of it don't end up well.
Btw you don't need roids to pick up girls in Thailand, you just need to be White and everything else is a bonus.
Yeah its just a coping mechanism on my end, but well at least I like my life now the way it turned out on roids.
If I pay with my life, so be it.
And yeah being white and tall helps, but having a good physique is a bonus which makes you stand out even more and being fit helps fuck harder and enjoy thailand more. I dont wanna be a beer belly having fatso growing old here, fuck that.
By 15 or 16 Arnold was known in his Austrian gym for taking more dbol than anyone else in the gym. Golds Venice used to have candy dishes of dbol for anyone to help themselves. He wasn't going to a Dr. None of those drugs were even controlled back then. He did stop lifting and roiding a few times in between olympias though and got very skinny and dyel. No one is 240 shredded on little baby amounts of drugs. He is a compulsive lying egomaniac who took shitloads of drugs
Arnold was popping dbol as a teenager and his last Olympia title was when he was 33.
Also idk where people are getting deca and anavar from, when Arnold has slipped up about his steroid use it has always been dbol, primo, and test
Deca and dbol is definitely not considered mild by today's standards, deca is a 19nor just like tren and dbol can be as dangerous as tren depending on the dosage, it's also an oral so it will be harsher on the kidneys
i wish him the best
Shingles vaccine isn't given until age 50, genius. It would be too late if those were his symptoms anyway.
>dbol can be as dangerous as tren depending on the dosage,
Shingles isnt too bad either, I had it with age 29.
Nothing crazy, you take some antibiotics and pain medication and it goes away after a week.
Ya bro go ahead and pop 100mg of dbol for 4-6 months and ull see how safe it is
>With the blessing and promotion of Joe Weider, the trio manufactured and distributed their own line of cut-and-sew sportswear. Mentzer died on June 10, 2001, in Rolling Hills, California. He was found dead in his apartment, due to heart complications, by his younger brother and fellow bodybuilder Ray Mentzer.
I'm sure those cigs is what gave him a heart attack at 49 and not years of roid abuse, anon.
No, nigga. The covid vax can cause shingles. I had two people I worked with get shingles post
covid vax.
nigga he was smoking meth for 20 years
did you get similar results without roids?
wasn't he saying every man needs to be on test? imagine how many zoomer lives he ruined
I can GUARANTEE you look like shit.
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I'll never understand these tren niggers.
I tried it once and felt like shit.
There's nothing 300mg of tren can do that 500mg of deca cant and with far less sides (except for cosmetic effects).
The only r/steriods faggots ever got right is that tren should only be used for pre-contest prep
yeah but most nattys get heart problems too. My dad had several heart surgies and doesnt even lift.
I roid but have no delusion this is dangerous.
Just having highet bmi from more muscle mass increases cardiovascular risk independent of the roids
trt does almost nothing unless you're hypogondal to begin with.
The problem is most roiders say they''re just on trt when their blasting tons of shit and natty dyels believe it.
That's why its called /frauding/
Me, I just tell everyone I'm natty lol
Ive never heard anything so stupid in my entire life
The "hardcore" natties are not the healthiest. It's really the lower-level biohackers not doing Bryan Johnson shit but stacking some decently non-snek oil supplements.
Lol youre a bum. I do everything you listed except college parties and those sucked when I was in college too
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getting up at 3am for any reason is not "making it".
Unless you work the early shift at a women's prison where you're allowed to rape the inmates.
Roids wont fix your mental problems or make up for decades of lost social skills.
You'll be the same incel loser but with bigger muscles.
I don't like to kick people when they're down so I won't make fun of him, but my problem with him is that he encouraged so many young people to follow his lifestyle and turned tren into something cool and worth doing , making you a "aesthetic god" to all his followers. He activity sold "tren" meme shirts and clothing, did consulting for people who started roids, literally called himself trensetter. Dude literally encouraged a bunch of young impressionable men and teenagers to do steroids. I personally know a dude who took tren because of him, and even faced timed him and had a semi close relationship with him (probably was just a client but thought Jon was really his friend )

And now it's caught up to Jon. Dude would blast all year round and now he's dying. He led a toxic lifestyle and sold his soul for money and fame, and just like everyone said he would eventually get complications from using fking tren like it's smoking weed or something. I hope he lives but he should make this the ultimate wake up call. Stop touting the tren lifestyle like it's some awesome thing and that it makes you cool or benefits you.
he is a flat earther
this but still seems a decent and interesting guy
>tfw you will never hang out with prime Frank and Jon
>you just need to be White
no, that's starting to come to an end
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Jon skywalker is a half asian man who fucks hot white women.
looks like an extreme version of keratosis pilaris
I get a similar (but much less severe version) when I lose muscle mass or weight if I stop working out
betting he's got the same thing going now that the test isnt working. he's got a really extreme creepy version of it though

dude was literally found sleeping in the fucking gutter on the streets on multiple occasions and chain smoked packs a day of cigs between meth binges and not sleeping for days

cigs are unironically worse for you than steroids and that's if you don't even address the rest of his lifestyle

I never hit 3 plate bench or had bicep veins for 10+ years of working out on and off and I hit 3 plate bench and was curling 75 pound dumbells with bicep veins and shoulder striations less than 3 months into my first cycle of only test.
lol no you didnt
unless you were already benching 285 and curling 65s

I went from 275 to 315 in less than 3 months and 60 to 75x6 on the curls. It instantly broke through every single plateau I had and I went back to just moving up on my lifts every single week after being stuck for fucking years.

I honestly wish I blasted a few times when I was younger and then just claimed fake natty or whatever.
Concurrent administration or just one after the other? Some of those would clear a lot sooner than 24 hours. They're probably just attempting to maximize therapeutic benefit based on what he is telling them or trying to prevent a major cardio or neuro event. Switching from lorazepam to phenobarbital indicates that he is probably a lot more fucked than he thinks he is.
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>an extreme version of keratosis pilaris

which is basically hidradenitis suppurativa.

>t. had a case of it, they lie about it being incurable, it goes away if you topically cryotherapy that shit out. don't fall for the antibiotics, surgeries or biologics.
That's why I cant respect anyone who does roids. Cheating/integrity aspect aside, you'd have to be a complete idiot to ignore the health defects that go along with it. All for what? looking like a retarded balloon animal that people make fun of? (And trust me they do) It's a no-brainer. I don't feel bad for the no-name in OPs pic, and I don't feel bad for OP for entertaining the idiotic idea. People who knowingly risk their health for a shortcut deserve what they get. Now watch for the "natty cope" comments as Chang tries to hook unsuspecting zoomies on roids because they are too retarded to know any better.
Oh no the natty dyel sitting in his messy room with anime posters on the wall doesnt respect me!
Too bad you're opinion means less to me than the opinion of the dead racoon I saw on the side of the road earlier.
Also does pic in the post you replied look a "retarded balloon animal that people make fun of"?
He looks like one those anime characters you losers make "how to achieve" threads about even tho you will never ever lift
Roids, drugs for a decade sure will take a toll on the heart.
But do any of you know if Jon also took the clotshot? Could be another factor why his heart is fucked now too
Dude needs to move out of a Kaiser facility, they’re fine for preventative but because in reality the insurance and hospital work hand in hand the doctors prioritize costs over care (literally had a Kaiser doctor tell me something was “too expensive” for my mom)

>caring what some DYEL faggot says about you behind your back (because you could heem him and he knows it)

see? lmao what's up Chang!
damn they're coming out of the woodworks already lol
that's funny because all these "roidtranny" memers are all chinks and poojeets
He makes a good point though.
Why dont you go up a "roidtranny" in the gym and give him a piece of your mind if it bothers you so much?

hi to a girl
Yo I work at this hospital, nuts
Kek ikr. Most men are average.
Dude looks good. Hope he pulls through.
>take roids
many such cases
you can do all of these things or age appropriate variants of them (arguably better) in your 30s and 40s
The problem with social media is that you always need to look good. Bodybuilders have talked about this, in the past you could be a fat piece of shit half the year and next to no one would know or care. But if you’re trying to make a living as an ‘influencer’ then you need to have a Instagram worthy physique year round, which simply isn’t sustainable. One of the main issues is tren. Nothing will give you ‘the look’ more easily than tren. Pro bodybuilders who have been on for a long time and know what they’re doing can diet hard and use mast or whatever, but for even genetically gifted influencer types basically nothing will make their physiques pop for photos better than tren. But tren is just absolutely terrible for you and not something you want to take consistently for long periods of time
what are the odds he lives to 2026? i'm thinking 20% but he definitely isn't going to be roiding or lifting anymore

i don't think this has to do with thailand so much as tinder. their parent company stock is down massively so they're doing everything to boost revenue. it turns out that their main customer, which is 80% guys, spend more money on the app when they aren't getting matches than when they do. if you meet a nice girlfriend on tinder then you delete the app and stop spending. if you never get a good match but always feel like you're about to you spend more money on the platform. it's the same in all countries i think.

yes nicotine is really the worst possible drug for the heart. jon skywalker famously likes to smoke.
>without any sides.
except u r castrated for life
>that's a feature not side effect
i know bot :D >>75304112
the cybernetic world-spanning xenosystem claims another victim
Tren for sure. Also crazier cycles. Old school guys were mostly using deca dbol primo and low doses of test. Tren is the worst offender now by far but there’s other stuff that’s terrible for you like anadrol superdrol halo etc that wasn’t used back then.
>t is possible that the androgenic effect from steroids activates a variety of lipid-like active compounds which are called prostaglandins.[10] Many of these prostaglandins are inflammatory and vasoconstrictive. Prostaglandins are signalled through two varying pathways cyclooxygenase (COX) (Also known as: prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase) and lipoxygenases (LOX) (also known as: EC, EC, etc.).[11] The bradykinin peptide is well known to promote a cough reaction associated with ACE inhibitor medications prescribed for hypertension.[12]
eat clen, tren ha-ACK!!!
I'm guessing you're from Australia? How'd you get an early pension?

I don't think its the tren in particular but moreso the perma blasting shit retards do now. Dudes like Dorian Yates used tren and he is in his 60s and super healthy. Difference was people use to blast before shows and then go clean and recover and nowadays everyone just perma blasts until they die or start having horrific side effects
the steroids created those gains, not the training. the training was a means of displaying the steroid induced gains that you got just sitting around doing nothing. the purpose of training was to maintain the natty gains and perform strength feats provided solely by the steroids while you were siting on the couch before training.
the only difference between you natural and you on steroids are the steroids, as training was a constant variable whereas steroids were the new variable in the equation which was the sole reason for the changes. The training is not part of the equation in so far as it is simply there to showcase the gains that the steroids were 100% responsible for, which was manifested by suddenly, as if by magic, being able to lift more weights than before when there were no steroids in the picture. Steroids are causing all the gains independent of the training stimulus.
no, he was one of those paranoid conspiracy theorist types.
So it's confirmed?! Is he dead?
>Bodybuilders have talked about this
Ronnie Coleman said that never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be famous today. Back in the nineties he though that once his bodybuilding career was over he would just disappear into relative obscurity, only hardcore bodybuilding fans caring about his existence. He said that after Dorian Yates retired in 1997, Dorian just disappeared and Ronnie said he had no idea where he was or what he was doing, because there was no social media back then. Then during the 2000s the internet and social media blew up, and he started to become famous and relevant again to a much wider audience.
>You dont need roids to have abs a bicep vein and a nice taper which is literally all girls care about
no, you don't. especially when you don't lift for girls.
but you did. it's not the size that gives it away, and probably not your lifts, it's the skin and muscle color/texture plus dryness.
>yeah he's fucked up and might die young but think about the pussy!!!
I guarantee you all these roiders who died young would have given up all the (supposed) pussy they got for the chance to live a full life.
>i don't think this has to do with thailand so much as tinder.
nah, the society is starting to change as more and more girls grow up middle class rather than poor, and therefore have all their needs met. The mindset of "must find rich white man to save me and my poor family" is becoming less and less. Also, they have internet now so the mystique of the foreign white man is busted. Soon, the idea of dating an old boomer is going to be considered a major ick and a shameful embarrassment like it is in first world countries today.
Some place in Europe.
And I just got welfare over the years until they finally realized I am never going to work, so they approved me for early pension.
Well not in my lifetime, so might enjoy them 18 year old thais as long as I live.
it will be in your lifetime, and Pattaya prostitutes don't count
Rip brother. Just saw the news on youtube. You and Big Lenny work hard to there. Sending love.
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Just announced he's deceased. 31 years old.
Rip zyzz 2.0. You will be missed brah.
Sic semper roidicus.

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