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Martial arts fags are reaching peak retardation levels.
MMA is literally just a getting CTE as a hobby
True we can not, and UFC fans are all gymbros also. So, yeah, this makes no sense to anybody and is a shitty Twitter caption that nobody cares about that is probably fake.
>that is probably fake
>Contest: 232 lb (105 kg) Off-season: 264 lb (120 kg)
why do weight classes even exist then?
everyone says MMA fighters can kick the ass of a bodybuilder but in MMA, even a 10lb weight difference is considered huge

so how could a 150lb welterweight defeat a bodybuilder who's 100lbs heavier than him?
This is an exaggeration, but if she was a man instead he would actually win by KO
Fuck is the gymcel going to do? Retards here seem to think he's gonna have superhuman strength and manhandle his opponent like the hulk kek
derivative tweet of a derivative tweet of a derivative tweet

op aka closingUSD i am going to follow your cold take account right now i cant wait to see more epic stolen bait tweets
See >>75327395
Weight classes exist for TRAINED fighters
Actually if someone attacked me I would just shoot them.
have you considered that the bodybuilder isn't trained to fight?
50lbs difference would be insurmountable if the bodybuilder went through a week of basic combat drills.
Gorillas arent trained to fight or lift weights, you still aren't going to be a them faggot
everyone knows the more you bench the more impervious you become to punches and takedowns and the more you post online about shooting people in self defense the more badass you are
>a week
You just KNOW this retard has never fought
what the fuck why didn't he just bench press him off?
I assume your shitskin brain thought that webm proves differently
I would rather fight a bodybuilder than a powerlifter. The powerlifter has nothing to lose.
the small guy won because he had a bigger squat and was more lean, he had a better bodybuilding record thats why he won with a 50lbs+ weight disadvantage
if the gorilla actually wanted to fight the baldlet would have been killed
you can clearly tell he was way too casual for the confrontation
Ahh that happened right after the weight difference was revealed? Then the small woman beat up a guy twice her size? Retard
My favourite thing in the world is when a woman realizes how weak she is compared to a man when you go in to defile her body and she can't push you off no matter how hard she tries
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>bro i got 60 pounds on you and i'm on the football team, you don't want none of-ACK!
looks like they're dry humping kek
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MMA bro mind cannot fathom that this little nigga in my pocket competely negates their years of training
Jesus christ you faggots really can't help yourselves with this shit can you?
Thread should have ended with spbp, you guys are worse than pol.
>no ya couldn't
same fucking thing every thread fuck off all of you!!
I've seen it with my own eyes. In my BJJ gym I've seen teenage girls choke out MMA fags who have trained their whole life.
This feels more like a short guy is coping than the actual weight divisions argument, even his posts just seem like he's seething
Yup some 120lb bitch with zero upper body strength is going to submit a guy who is 260lbs 10% BF in the off-season and reps out 500lb squats.
A left hook you wont even see coming will send you to the shadow realm
Even an 80yo former boxer koed a knife attacker with a single punch kek, it was on the news
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If the bodybuilder is a pussy who can't take a punch or kick then maybe. Or if the fighter manages to get the bodybuilder into a submission, which would be quite difficult since the bodybuilder can use brute strength to get out of most positions. It's unlikely since the bodybuilder can just tackle the fighter and get on top of him or her and the fighter will not be able to weasel out. In the case of the OP Chris Bumstead could literally pick this bitch up off the ground with one hand and toss her across the ring like a ragdoll. No amount of skill is going to overcome that.
Based manlets.
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These comparisons only work when you're talking man to man
Women are so significantly weaker, and also WMMA is decades behind in terms of skill
Pic related a skinny manlet that would choke CBum out (but he's literally the GOAT flyweight so it's a silly comparison to make anyways)
This from the guy selling SARMs and supplements KEK
He's just ragebaiting for sales
It's a ragebait meant to generate interactions, so the pajeet owner of the account can make ~40 bucks and feed his family
No. He would to train for months and learn to spar. Then he can defeat a lighter but more trained fighter.
>t. town rapist
You can fathom that he can just carry a knife to which means he wins
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I'm the biggest guy in my mma gym and I can't brute force my way out of a 100lbs lighter old Chinese man's submissions. Even pinning someone down with zero knowledge about grappling is quite difficult.
I suggest dropping in on a class in your local gym to try it out. It's an eye opening experience to know you're helpless against the weakest looking fella
Yeah no I'm still beating a strawweight guy even with no formal MMA training at 200 pounds.
>Near 2 straight minutes of beating on the guy no padding yet the guy isn't passed out
That kinda proves the point.
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>A left hook you wont even see coming will send you to the shadow realm
fightniggers unironically believe they have a chance against the Knifegods, adorable. Consider the depth of fightfag delusion when every self-defense instructor on Earth says that fighting a knife-wielding opponent is suicide even if you're fucking Mike Tyson
Hasan vs Destiny
There are no martial artists in that image just a roidtard and a concussion collector

As a rule, martial arts makes you live LONGER. Both of those things kill you early
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can't tell if this is bait or not but if you're so clueless then realize you can't plant your punches or strikes while you're grappling, why would that knock someone out? he could have broken his limbs easily there but just ripped his face up with elbows to prove a point, the big guy was trying to grab his nuts and yelled at his friend to shoot him.
If it was a featherweight male he would have a point, due to the naturally high grip strength and higher than average reflexes, a 30 year old 150 lb Conor McGregor would for sure beat the shit out of CBum
However women, even professional athletes, are so insanely weak, CBum would win with no effort by simply outmuscle them, plus their hits are easier to avoid and nowhere near the same applied force than an untrained male in the same weight class than them
>*blocks you’re path*
the move is yours, foul knave
take your meds grandpa
welterweight is 170lbs you newfag
Chris has enough work ethic that if he took the bait and accepted the match on some freakshow ruleset like Eddie vs the twins, he would easily come out on top with the time he'd be given.
Anyone else study martial arts so you can decimate niggers in a fight? I fucking hate nigs so much im learning boxing just so I can know how to knock a nigs head into concrete. Im white so I would get away with it. My intense hatred for fecal matter gives me more energy than 200mg of caffeine and dbol does.
Grappling skill makes such a huge difference in a fight like this. I've see random guys knock out trained strikers, but I've never seen a random guy prevail against a trained grappler if a fight goes to the ground. If you don't know what you're doing on the ground you're completely fucked.
Big guy was totally passive the entire time. His friends should have shot the manlet on sight.
Mma fags are the most insecure ppl on earth, more so than professional bodybuilders even. They measure everything based on their ability to beat it up. Eg that guy over there minding his business thinks hes hot shit? I can put him in an armbar. Listen closely to anyone thats slightly interested in the sport. Insecurity will come out. Especially bjj frauds that act like zen masters.
Short guy is a Turkish MMA (or UFC?) fighter and the big guy a Turkish bodybuilder.
Big guy made fun of short guy and said he would crush him
I thought the same as a 6'3 230pbs guy with regular weight lifting experience until I was put in place by a 4th dan black belt 140lbs 5'7 something chick on my first day in a BJJ class.
The fact that it was on the news proves that it was an exception to the rule though, doesn't it
How many headlines read "man defies death with boxing knowledge" vs "man stabbed"
>roiding for this
The taller guy would publish videos of himself training boxing skills and trash talking the shorter guy for a month before the fight. He would also brag about his experiences street fighting. Pretty sure he wanted to fight.
I'll give you the hilarious egos of bjj dudes who pride themselves on egolessness, but you're missing something in your assessment of MMA dudes.

Fighting is simply fun and does not require insecurity to apply to any situation. I spend most of my day trying to piss people off just enough to fight me, but not enough to stab me. It's a delicate line but I want to fight and I find non fighters boring.
If it's a life or death situation she would stand no chance
>Fighting is simply fun and does not require insecurity
>I spend most of my day trying to piss people off just enough to fight me
MMA is a mental illness (and physical too, all that brain damage cant be good)

It was actually in the news because the guy who got his ass kicked played for Oklahoma at the time.

The whole story was the OK player and his friend jumped the guy in the bathroom and bloodied his nose. The guy's brother intervened right as filming started. That's when the two brothers beat up the OK player and his friend.

The brothers were just two local tough guys with some mma training.
One day i will be a professional ufc fighter and answer with wrong to twitter posts saying women and twinks can beat bodybuilders.
>even a 10lb weight difference is considered huge
Amongst people that can fight.
The zenith of man's potential is his own destruction. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. Fightunf is the ultimate game because it is the purest forcing of one will against another within the scope of the larger will which because it binds them is forced to select. War is a forcing of the unity of existence. War is God.

In less grandiose words that don't come right out of judge Holden's mouth, men will always have dopamine reward systems in place which make him want to conquer and compete. Much of his modern malaise comes from having no outlet for these drives. The only mental illness here is your dipshit worldview of privilledge in which "Mental health" means being socially unproblematic and appealing to the virtues of women and children.

didnt read, please take meds and stop assaulting people, mr nigger
Nobody even said anything about assaulting anyone. I use words to welcome niggers to be my problem rather than someone else.

Meanwhile you hold your dick in your hand and keep telling yourself that being a harmless nonobstacle to the violence in the world makes you virtuous.

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>Oh no a tiny knife, not the tiny knife.
Yeah probably two camps: those who offend and those who are easily offended. I dont know which group is more common, but it seems like an insecure sport generally, always lashing out at any perceived slight.
I think instead of weight classes they should do shifting weight distributions. Like, each fighter can't have a difference of weight that's greater than 10% or something. I think a 181 pound guy vs a 200 pound guy is a pretty fair fight.
>"the judge is literally me"
Is a 7 ft tall, hairless, albino pedophile
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Uuuuh knife sisters?
Weight cutting is insane nowadays. A 150lb guy would be a flyweight.
I wouldn’t mind some sparring but bjj is gay af.
Jesus christ this thread is still up?
You ever wonder why normies don't like you it's because this thread exists!
Just be nice to people. That's all you have to do fuck you kadee!
I'm truly the Chad thread killer vs the virgin thread starter.
I've done this a thousand times and it's great.
Look at it from the woman's perspective:
>you're a trained fighter, a champion, an athlete
>but a woman and a lightweight soaking wet
>the opponent is a man, an heavyweight if he doesn't care to cut, maybe superheavy
the question is:
>how untrained in martial arts should he be for you to accept the fight?
because if he's totally untrained, never ever thrown a punch... ok, you might accept it for the lols. If he's an amateur at kick or bjj... what belt and you'd say 'fuck it, I'm just getting manhandled and it's not even a sex thing'?
I'd say anything but white, and it's a no-go.
>Never encountered a group of niggers.
Sometimes people want to hurt you because it's fun for them, and your dipshit virtues only inform them that their behavior will continue to be successful.

Enjoy childhood while it lasts, though.
>what's important is being liked. The approval of the herd decides which behavior is good.

Woman, child, or faggot.
Obvious bait, but Bob Sapp's career refutes this. Zero martial arts background at all when he got into fighting.


He is best remembered nowadays for losing against smaller but still big guys like Nogueira, but little trained guys got stomped in his early career.
Umm at no point was that the issue.
You assume I don't know that?
Sign of a person who hasn't dealt with them more than they have. If you have, you'd agree with me
Every fighter is a gym bro as well what the fuck.
Yes, don't do MMA without head gear and gloves, Dana White is a nigger who stopped fighting himself for this exact reason. How about sticking with an actual martial art and getting gud at it?
Women are children. Learn to live with that fact or be disappointed
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Thanks here's your (You)
Why are you arguing with me when we agreed?
They stopped my posting.
I have tried 3 different vpns just to post.
I give up you're in charge. Sorry I ever doubted you
Jesus Christ how embarrassing. How can you lose against a grappler even if all you do is bench pressing? Of course you die against someone doing anything related to striking, but losing against a meme-jitsu practitioner has to be staged. Just throw a fucking punch, no training needed.
I believe I would be in trouble if I'm on the ground against a grappler, sure. But how would they come close to me when I deliver either 3 low kicks or just a straight up head kick as a Muay Thai fighter or any kickboxer? Keeping distance is what we do.
Maybe I actually should do BJJ classes to see for myself, but right now I can't really fathom that.
You all think "fighters" are all same as UFC elites.
99.999999% of your street fighters are just gymbros and go down just as easily.

It is quite dumb to imagine that anyone who does amateur shit is anywhere near anyone at olympic of championship level. Stop overexaggerating.
>source: i just do gym. Had vague interest in mma. Joined mma. Literally immediately got to intermediate level. All i work on now is more stamina and just basic wrestling.
Dont be naive and think that people doing bodybuilding have never made a fist and hit something.
Also lets be real - if you want real defense just buy a gun. It stops both Klitschko and McGregor
Early mma was grapplers manhandling strikers over and over
Striking is the only thing that matters. Ground and just rip the person's ear off or whatever, or another person plays hero and stomps you into the ground to which you die. Grappling outside of knowing how to disarm someone is a waste of time. It's just not practical.
It's not even all martial arts fags. It is just MMAfags who thinks that everyone will fight fair on the street.
>manlets kick lanklet ass
>it's c-coping g-guys!!
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Me when a grapplefag says they can beat me IRL.
It always baffles me that MA fags are always bragging about being able to beat bodybuilders. I mean, bodybuilders don't train to fight, it's a whole different sport. You never see MA fags bragging about being able to beat soccer players or snooker champions.
I guess most MA fags are just insecure little bitches and need to vindicate themselves when they see a bigger dude.
>t. MA fag, actually
nigga telegraphed harder than Dark Souls bosses
If someone has wings, they can have a dangerous punch in literally 30 minutes of practice. The returns on hand to hand training diminish very, very rapidly.
True if she has knockout power which I doubt. Most women aren't strong enough to develop it. A short skinny Mexican could knock him out though and it's not contest. Amateur fighters can fuck up a bodybuilder, two different sports and bodybuilding makes the body very inefficient. That guy would just pass out.
Lol no. Women can’t even KO other women. I do martial arts and women suck at them. Dudes on the other hand, even smaller ones are a serious threat if they know what they’re doing, even if you’re bigger.
>an actual martial art
The problem is other styles don't spar or spar in a ridiculously unrealistic way like ju jitsu where you can't strike. This is because the enthusiasts are pussies who don't want the nose breaks, ear trauma, brain damage, lost teeth. I'm sorry but the only way to be a great fighter is to fight or train in such a way that mimics fighting well enough. Ju jitsufags don't even train strikes let alone use them in sparring. That my friend is a waste of fucking time.

There needs to be a style with safe sparring and I'm talking your opponent is in a full redman suit with cage mask. Himself or the ref guages the damage you're doing to him and he reacts accordingly, while throwing light blows to you to ensure you can take hits. This is how professionals actually train fighting in police academies and military training, I now realize the reason. It's actually the most safe method to train realistic shit.

By this chart shitskins are at level 1 making them worse even than domesticated pets, and perhaps at the level or worse than wild animals.
The guy is absolutely seething in the replies lol.
Well duh. I don't disagree with the sentiment here, but most gyms already do that. I never spar without head protection, heavy gloves, mouth piece and shin guards (Muay Thai). Look like a medieval knight sometimes but why would anyone risk their health for free.
I called out Dana White specifically because he knows this and quit doing combat sports himself because he's scared of CTE, yet sacrifices his "employees" to Moloch for his bank account without hesitation.
headgear does nothing for cte, gloves also not that sure
Trust me this isn't a martial arts fan, we hate WMMA
that or maybe meme-jitsu isn't as much of a joke as you think. you'd probably get man handled even worse than the big lunk LOL
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Martial arts fags got nothing on VIOLENCE.
Movies and games where women knock guys out have completely warped the perception of reality of some people.
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hope this guy got a full pardon. being assaulted by an armed robber must be extremely stressful so it's understandable he lost his cool and went overboard.
> schizo babble by a retard who never fought a minute of his life
>Dont be naive and think that people doing bodybuilding have never made a fist and hit something.
That's literally true though
> I'm a retard who knows nothing about martial arts
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> All martial arts
the tweet is obviously bait but vid related suggests that she might have a chance https://youtu.be/F3i5TMPK6dI?feature=shared
Sounds about right, have you been on the subway?
It amazes me that the guy literally didn't even try to stop the initial takedown.

>big guy, arrogant, thinks by being big he automatically pulverizes anyone
always lose to someone with skills, speed, strategy
>big guy, knows what to do, actually has half decent reaction times and some self defense know-how
almost unbeatable
Neither can the woman or any woman for that matter
Why do you need to assume? Was the point not clear to you already idiot?
we answered this already 20 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGwcUJTDkqE
no woman can be a normal sized man let alone a bodybuilder. basix biology
>you cant hit me ima pull on ur leg till u fall over
great fight strategy straight out of 1st grade
I disown the picture's author as a member of the martial arts community
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>any excuse to avoid lifting
i saw a skinny midget who does muay thai beat the shit out of a bodybuilder outside my gym so dunno. Maybe OP is right if he use a male example. The bodybuilder tried to catch him and he just kept his distance and kicked him kek. I dont think people realize how your whole body reacts to a punch or a kick if you are not used to it.
Niggers with a gun are more dangerous and common than “mma trained faggots” and presenting myself as a mean mugged roided jacked white dude during my delivery driver days in chicago infested shitholes got me out of more altercations than my fellow skinny drivers. I was also carrying, but nothing ever happened.
> The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
Surely this moment will trigger a response in her to improve her lifestyle
I literally squat 2 plates ATG for 12 reps please tell me why I wouldn't be able to crush an assailant's skull with my quads alone.
Kendo is fun, thank you for your time
Not him but he's right you're a faggot.
>99.999999% of your street fighters are just gymbros and go down just as easily.
In the US, yeah, you guys can't fight.

Rewatch them, noob.
>This is because the enthusiasts are pussies who don't want the nose breaks, ear trauma, brain damage, lost teeth. I'm sorry but the only way to be a great fighter is to fight or train in such a way that mimics fighting well enough. Ju jitsufags don't even train strikes let alone use them in sparring. That my friend is a waste of fucking time.
Your only problem is that no successful fighter is doing what you say. You are obviously already brain damaged.
Who won the first UFC again? Hey, what was Mark Coleman famous for? How well did Dan Severn do?
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knifaggots really think they could take this in a surprise 1v1 fight
why is always people making made up scenarios on this threads. go fight a midget mma fighter then.
I would destroy both shooting my gun at them
People really don't understand how weak and uncoordinated women are compared to men.
Even an untrained, simply slightly athletic 220 lbs man with aggression and desire to hurt, would beat the shit out of any MMA woman in a fight.
why did you frame it as if a man would need a huge weight advantage to beat up a female MMA fighter? the man could weigh 180 or even less and still wreck the female MMA fighter because women can't fucking punch and also aren't strong enough to keep a man on the ground. they also aren't used to BEING punched because like I said, women can't punch. when female "martial artists" actually go up against a man the result is the same every time, they fold because they feel the power of a male punch for the first time.
>move 5 feet to the right
>need to move car to see
wouldn't the top hole need to be wider to let the shooter adjust?
>move 5 feet to the right
>you're still in his view because he is hundreds of yards away
what do you think the purpose of a scope is?
I'm a big fat ogre no where close to that guy and I can easily grapple that woman and kill her
>improve her lifestyle
did you mean "protest against fatphobic society" when you wrote that?
average day in london
Chris would break that bitch in half lmao. I don't care how many gay humps you do at the MMA gym if you weigh 160lbs you are a prey animal.
>muh <insert genetic anomaly manlet fighter>
You are not him. You are an autistic man that frequents an anime website. You are a real life Dwight Schrute.
Thanks, that was interesting.
I don't think so, anon. I buy it when it's man v man, to a point. An extremely trained male MMA fighter from a far lower weight class will beat the shit out of a far larger bodybuilder/powerlifter. Or an elite woman Vs average man. But some 55 kg girl doesn't have enough strength or power to beat a man who is far stronger than the average man. She might give him a bloody nose, but you just can't beat a size/strength difference that large, the same way the strongest human alive wouldn't even be able to last 10 seconds if an elephant decides to tear him limb from limb.
Also, what is with MMA types and this small man syndrome? I swear they are the least likeable cunts out of any sport. A sport that seems to attract people with negative grace or charisma
Is anyone arguing this for the hw champ because bodybuilders would usually be 260+ maybe without abs.

Imagine if a bunch of bodybuilders were clowning on mike tyson back in the day.
I feel like light heavyweight alistair beats most heavyweights honestly he'd be the person to ask.
Body builder bros induce throbbing hate boners effortlessly.
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True the powerlifter is most likely a khhv neet
It's all about spirits bro
Who do you think makes all these fighting threads?
Nah bro a 130 lb mexican beanlet could wreck him
Kek, manlet rage is real. Why the hell did no one stop this literally chimpout from a faggot who is 5'2" and can be thrown 50 feet by any one of those guys.
Big guy was just letting him punch himself out until he realized "why the fuck isn't anyone pulling this faggot off me?" It was a joke like a girl hitting him at first. Big guy has to have been the biggest asshole in town and had it coming. No other explanation.
>Your only problem is that no successful fighter is doing what you say. You are obviously already brain damaged.
Not him but you seem to be the one brain damaged. The objective of military and police training is to be good at fighting (whether it be submission or elimination) but not risk yourself. The objective of a prize fighter is to risk it all to get money. That is why the military and police do not train that way; they are there to do an essential job for 20 years and still be healthy afterwards. Fighters are there just to peak for a few glorious years then retire to a wheelchair. Feel free to train like a champ without actually having a chance at getting any money or even winning a street fight though.
Katie Taylor

Chris Bumstead
>232lbs (competing, 260+ off-season)
>Played football and hockey and a myriad of other sports in High School
I think even Katie would admit cbum would kick her ass in a ring. It's always weird MMA-obsessed orbiters saying retarded shit like this.
NGL - this gave me a chubby
This is what people are ignoring. Sure in a controlled environment where people are playing by preset rules a small person can use tricks to win. But if it's two people fighting to the death and one has 100+ pounds on the other barring some freak accident the bigger person is going to win most of the time.
this board is weird, it's always us vs them
>if you ride a bike it's either muh cagie or lycra faggot
>you can't do cardio and weightlifting because either dyel or fatty
>hurr durr mma fags vs bodybuilders
fucking retards
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>I spend most of my day trying to piss people off just enough to fight me, but not enough to stab me
If I look up the definition of third world in the dictionary I feel like I would find this quote.
Gripstrengthfags are the real deal, no one knows they are walking weapons of mass destruction.
not even close lmao
You don't threaten with a knife, you conceal, close distance and begin fatal maneuvers
Oh wow, you really changed my mind with this video of two men fighting, now i surely believe a 5'2 135 pound woman would beat up a 6'1 240 pound roided up bodybuilder
I love how that guy keeps kicking that subhuman piece of shit in the head, exactly what scum like that deserve.
If that fucker didn't die i hope he got some serious permanent brain damage.

Chris would overhead press that cunt, and throw her out of the cage.
kek. It was a pretty cool emote he did though
Yeah Katie is cool. Actually humble and driven and not trashy like MMA slags.
Lol, not wanting to fuck up your dental health or the look of your face makes you a pussy in the tards book
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lmao even
The fact they even need to explain that the man who is less than a week away from a death by starvation would lose a fight
cbum doesnt even need to punch her. he can bitchslap her unconscious.
the manlet looks ridiculous with his tiny flailing arms lol, having trouble taking out the (not that much) larger guy who offered zero resistance and had very low energy.
Nobody stopped him because they knew he’s like 4’3” and can’t do any actual damage. If a toddler tackled you and was “hitting” you would you expect someone to come save you? An actual adult sized human would be a threat and worthy of intervention but not here.
head gear won't do shit when it comes to protecting your brain, the only thing it protects is your face from getting cuts or a broken nose
Powershitters seething
How do i attain this power?
>which would be quite difficult since the bodybuilder can use brute strength to get out of most positions.
You're retarded. I weight 165lbs and train with guys who are as heavy as 260lbs and have no problem keeping them on the ground. Keep in mind they have the knowledge to defends themselves in the ground. Imagine how bad I'd fuck up the average clueless bodybuilder
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There was a 140lb weight difference here.
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Fighting isn't running into some one to bounce of them.

This is what happens when you actually fight.
I’ll fight you, where do you live?
May as well wait for niggers to develop Africa past the Stone Age.
>Fight fag retard "beats up" some regular "untrained" person
Yep that's why you should carry weapons around these unhinged psychos who think they are Connor McGregor like nope you just pick fights with regular guys to prove something. You're a gay little faggot who will someday get stabbed, shot and killed and that's a good thing. Fuck fight fags. Ill piss on your grave you fucking little niggers
He didn't go overboard, it was proactive self defense on behalf of everyone else that nigger would have encountered for the rest of its life
Frame weight is not muscle weight obviously the skinny dude is probably stronger. Also most strikers are not good enough to compete against grappling this is a kb/mt match.
this is like saying she could kill a baby, how is that impressive. it's actually pretty psychotic when fighters threaten normal people who never said anything about them.
Katie Taylor can't even ko women in her weight class
nigga watched too much anime
Can we admit that martial arts is incredibly gay?
Katie Taylor is 5'5 and 135lbs. She is a great female boxer but female athletes simply lack the force for real KO power.
You can look at her own record to see this. Against small women her own size her record is
24 fights, 23 wins, 1 loss, 6 KO, 17 by decision, and those KO's are all TKO's aka Referee Stoppage.
This is her record against her own weight class. Against a large man it's just not a fair or realistic competition.
Gotta love it. Someone posts the truth it instantly causes massive butthurt.
Women are an absolute meme in fighting. I'm not some mgtow incel either, I love women, but we let them pretend they're scary.
When I boxed, I smoked weed and ciggies, drank, ate like shit and skipped training here and there. Naturally I was shit at it and never got nowhere but we had a girl that was competing at 69 kilos, which meant she was walking around 72-73 and she was training for the olympics qualifiers. I was competing at 64 kilos because I was a skinny teen.
I ran through her. It wasn't even a fight. I'm sure I could've beaten two of her at the same time. She was a great sport about it too and ended up qualifying, joining the army and now has a sweet house while I'm a struggling bum, but there you go.
CBUM would win with literally one day's worth of training.
> Surely this moment will trigger a response in her to improve her lifestyle

She will blame the guy for not being galant and helping her out and beeing mad at him. Women and self reflection…
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Everyone ITT is absolutely delusional.
Even trained men get beaten by trained women.
Now go watch Gabi Garcia vs Craig Jones
i think the lesson here is that even an old boxer can beat you if you can't box.
We should have height class tbqh
i don't understand what these people's thought processes are. Why would you kick him in the head risking jail for murder. Knock him out and beging stomping his cock and balls, castrate the motherfucker with blunt trauma. If i were in a situation where someone attacked me, i've defeated him, i'd cripple the fag in case he comes for vengeance after he gets out of jail. Break his hands, stomp on one of his tybia until it breaks. I'm probably fucked in the head, but i'd mutilate someone for trying to kill me and i wouldn't feel remorse.
Lmao former football player, baseball player, hockey player, overall super strong athlete. Yes if he gets close it would feel like near superhuman strength. This is as ridiculous as the 2v1 where Eddie Hall just threw the guys. Believing weight and height doesn’t matter is pure delusion. Doesn’t take much for that “skill” to stop mattering when the other guy is a massive, strong athlete.
>if the gorilla actually wanted to fight the baldlet would have been killed
So he voluntarily accepted being punched to the face on the ground even after his nose started bleeding profusely? Why are you coping so hard. Are you that guy being punched?
she's clearly heavier and he does not look trained whatsoever.
pic rel got murked with scissors to the throat lol
why do fightfags always throw tantrum whenever someone posts a knife? is it because your little power fantasies don't work against knives and guns? lmfao
forgot to attach pic
Are you really such a dumbass that you don’t know how weight classes work? look at the height difference
Everyone is underestimating how weak women are in upper body strength compared to men. Their bones, skin, and muscles are like paper. As an experienced woman beater I don't believe there's a woman on the planet who I couldn't man handle with pure brute strength and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Bradley Martin can fight, he's a 260 behemoth and will fuck you up
It's pretty possible because lifters lift due to an abnormally low skill in fighting. Lifters are worse at fighting and more unathletic than untrained people, they're mostly nerds and dorks, so they looked for a way to gain male dignity without embarrassing themselves in sports. Cue lifting, which needs no skills and talents except for an autistic desire to minmax your diet and workout.
>so how could a 150lb welterweight defeat a bodybuilder who's 100lbs heavier than him?
Sucker punching.
He's brown, of course he can't defend himself.
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She would absolutely fuck him up if she wanted to
Cbum can't kick anyone's ass, that's why he's a bodybuilder.
>xhir's cuck dressing renders him retarded in a real fight situation, which will result in him being sodomized as his throat gushes blood all over the place

>Switches from present tense (woman on the left KOs the guy on the right) to hypotetic future (And probably within 2 rounds)
lol, what a fag
the man's handicapped because he can't touch her tits or ass
This. One of these fight fags got me in a choak hold once and I just took out my knife and sunk it into his thigh. He bled A LOT and wailed like a little bitch "i can't believe you stabbed me omg my leg". He eneded up going to the hospital but the damage was bad enough they had to amputate his leg LOL. It was ruled self defense because the guy had me on the ground trying to choke me, unprovoked. That's attempted murder where I am. Self defense is self defense. Now he only has one faggy leg
That's two women, bigot
karate guy's taller btw
That's assuming you actually get to hold onto the knife and the MMA person doesn't get ahold of it.
You dumbfucks win all the scenarios in your head but have no real world frame of reference. All they have to do is get hold of your arm and wrist and they can take that knife from you.
That takedown was CLEAN. Perfectly timed
I don't understand this mentality. Just do both. A built bodybuilder with intermediate boxing experience would BTFO 99% of humans in physical combat.
MMAfags are just insecure because bodybuilding is so much more rewarding physically, mentally, socially and confidence-wise than marital arts. Nothing wrong with either, but martial art fags have something to prove and a chip on their shoulder
> 135 lb 5'5 woman vs 6'1 230-260 lb 6'1 man
I'm a fan of Katie but let's not kid ourselves. That webm is nowhere near the same physical disparity that OP is pointing out.
> le supreme art of wah is to fuck up your health and shorten your lifespan to look more intimidating while carrying a gun anyway
Retards there's literally a video JUST ABOVE YOU of a female mma fighter raping a 260 bodybuilder man
Didn't thow a single punch, at no point in the video he tried to hurt him and at know point she got even close to submit him.
Damn, I wrote that like a drunk retard.
*he tried to hurt her
*no point

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