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/fit/ - Fitness

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>programming advice?
Try harder. Autoregulate.

>diet advice?
Put the fork down. If you can't see abs, you're fat.

>Previous thread

Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>2x bw bench (no archmaging)
>2.5x bw squat (high bar atg)
>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)
>140kg clean and jerk
>100kg snatch
too old and trans to lift hevy anymore
>Tumblr image filename
OP confirmed dyel and trans
I’m excreting a ton of Norman khan at this very moment
Those WL standards are so easy compared to the PL standards lol
whooooboy 16 seconds is the time to beat today boyos.
this one is SEETHING in brownlandia
funny part is that he was just doing rack holds
do it then
You can't do a single one, fatty
Lol I c&j'd 140 on Friday and I'm out of shape
I've done 120/153 at my best but am nowhere near the PL standards there
3xbw dl is objectively the easiest and I say that as a bench chud
idk 100kg snatch and 140kg C&J aren't very big numbers
100kg snatch is so much easier than a 3x bw DL like come on
If you can squat 160-180kg you can snatch 100 if you're not an inflexible uncoordinated retard
>If you can squat 160-180kg you can snatch 100
I definitely can't snatch that much.
Ok it was funny the first time but this is not powerlifting
>the first time
how new?
you obviously need to train technique for a while
so im sure you have video?
I love how the olympic lifters have annexed powerlifting general
they/them dont lift
Simon has posted many videos of him lifting, including a 580 highbar squat. you are coping
big dog of all >people uses a timestamp
>simon is so strong i dont believe it's him
yeah smiggy has won a couple strongman comps and it shows
Does Simon exist?
I'm genuinely asking. Been lurking for ~2 years. Maybe he was a regular before that, but I have no way of knowing in this sea of fictitious characters. If I see a time stamped, 2.5x+ BW high bar from this "Simon" I will concede.
Redpill me on smelling salts
The last guy who asked that question got a hand on his shoulder irl
stfu faggot
just as i suspected. now get back in your hole
Nerve: Struck
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What does Blorby eat
there's 2 articles of real food in there depending on how the meat was processed
why would I post videos of myself on 4chan
I don't need your validation I already have knee pain
>hit squat PR worthy of sharing video of
>realize after watching video how bad my balding is
The people egging you on to lift don’t lift
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>how bad my balding is
is it over or can it be salvaged
whos the glasses guy? (google lens doesnt give me anything either)
It's never been more over
“If you can’t see abs you’re fat”.

8% of people in the US have a 6 pack
8.8% of people in the US are millionaires.
I have both
having a million does not make you a millionaire
so im sure you have video?
“A millionaire is someone with a net worth of one million dollars, as measured by assets minus liabilities.”
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>as measured by assets minus liabilities.”
uh oh
I'm getting sore hip during the day if I bend over for too long. Should I pause deadlifts for a while?
I own my house outright. Gifted to me from the old folks. Sorry you’re poor and can’t understand that
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>580 squat
But at what cost
What am I supposed to be seeing here?
>anon discovers cowlicks
it wasn't just the bar that was high
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How do I know which foot stance during bench is right for me
Real question to you fat fucks

Did you ever cold approach a chick at gym and got a date out of it?
plg approaches anime body pillows not 3D
saw an insanely cute girl at the gym today but no idea how to approach her without seeming weird + im cutting [aka fat]
Attention, everyone! It’s time for some REAL talk about the throne room!

Ever notice how the bathroom is basically a sacred temple of relief? I mean, where else can you sit in peace, scroll through your phone, and unleash the beast all at the same time? It's multitasking at its finest!

And let’s be honest, nothing bonds friends like a good ol' fart joke! You know you're in a true friendship when you can laugh about that time someone accidentally mistook the “silent but deadly” for just “silent.” Oops!

But seriously, is there anything more satisfying than that moment when you finally conquer a stubborn number two? It’s like winning a gold medal in the Olympic Games of bowel movements!

So, let’s raise a toilet seat to the unsung heroes of the bathroom—the plunger, the air freshener, and the glorious toilet paper! May they forever serve us well in our quest for comfort and cleanliness!

Drop your best bathroom stories below! Let’s keep it classy… or not!

#ToiletTalk #BathroomBanter #FlushItLikeItsHot
Im also a fat fuck and i approached a pawg blonde and got a date out of it but it never went anywhere

Since then i had no luck

T. Ogre
if im not competing, should i really do my final 12th week of my program, its a taper into a SBD 1rm day on the last day, I could always just go onto my next program, it would seem silly and intimidating to go into my commercial gym, work up to a 1RM on sbd then leave, im not even sure how long it would take if i gave myself proper rest
How do I increase my bench from 160lbs to 225 (1.3pl8 to 2pl8) without having to follow a strict strength/powerlifting program?
Post the deed.
You won’t. Because you live in an apartment. There are no refunds.
eat more
Deed? Nigga, they gave it to me in a trust. It’s mine
Start eating food and do 6x6
youd spend at least an hour trying to hit your 1rms (it did for me at least).
>2+ hour response
>few min instant reply
Lil Celly lives in an apartment.
> it would seem silly and intimidating to go into my commercial gym, work up to a 1RM on sbd
lol try rock collecting
Lmaoing at the renters itt who can’t conceive of a parent giving their beloved son a house. You wage slave and rent so that you can seethe and entertain me, all the while I do highbar squats and post from my MacBook Air.
you got to him.
time to transform this thread into /wlg/

>Follow ANY program
>You don't have to be strict, just consistent
>Eat a little more if you're tiny
Hey, just a reminder, your autopay bounced last month. It’s a 5% fee, just so you remember.
You fellas are UNDERtrained. No worries, I’ll get you into shape. On the line, GASSERS! Skill players, 48 seconds, GO!
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>three consecutive tripfag/namefag posts
this general is fucking unsalvageable
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Fucking schizo
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I am, in the parlance of this thread, absolutely blasting some Norman Khan into the toilet bowl right now.
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Insane rentoid cope. They really are deranged aren't they?
>/plg/: logistics of home ownership general
It's funny, because a renter thinks that being a homeowner is some lifelong accomplishment, when in reality it's an expectation that comes from benig in a good family and not being poor. It's sad to see how the other half lives. Maybe I'll buy a third home gym just so I have it. Don't forget to pay your membership dues and rerack your weights!
i can promise you with 100% certainty this is more important to him than it will ever be to you
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>it would seem silly and intimidating to go into my commercial gym, work up to a 1RM on sbd then leave
what the fuck i dont understand this mindset. youre intimidated to go lift heavy in the gym? lmao why im not getting this
>Bobby stopped posting for this
India really is a super power
its because you lift bitch weight unlike me, if i did a true rpe 10 on my sbd on one day id be fucking dying, powerlifting meets take hours to complete and people eat snacks in the back which i dont plan to do
he's taking time off, un-lolcowing himself, and will return when he is over 400 dots and no longer a morbidly obese blob
he will be back within 2 months and nothing will have changed
Starting to think it's a janoid - not naming names - samefagging this thread to death. There's no other explanation for it going unpunished.
>return when he is over 400 dots and no longer a morbidly obese blob
So he's finally gone for good. Thank fucking God.
keep reading
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>unlolcowing himself
is the samefag in the thread with us right now?
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Laugh at my comically high deadlift lockout position
I am laughing at your obesity bro. Lose the weight it'll be good for you
Gomad nigga girls are temporary mass is eternal
You know better bro
>fuck it we ball, gomad bro
no I really feel great, my mass will blot out the sun
Well then godspeed my nigga, fly high blowfish
On the line uglies, 52 seconds, GO!
>Fatter than frank
>Weaker than bobby
Bros, is this what frankbobbu arc bred
you have to understand the logistics of my situation at 5'9" you will never be good enough for women in the united states, there is nothing to stop me from bloatmaxxing, I'll probably move to asia to get a wife eventually anyways

it is literally irrelevant
I'm back in the gym 2 month for starting strength, yes I'm weak but I bet I weigh more than you, and that has to count for something
You are terminally online if you believe that and that's your mentality. Go outside and actually try, you'll be surprised, losing the weight would help
nah I don't drink alghoul, saps gains and intellect

asian women are my destiny after I bloatmaxx to insane strongman levels
What are your best lifts currently?

my best lift was always ohp

meh 125 3x5
bench 160 3x5
squat 220 3x5
dead 240 1x5
clean 155 3x5
You're 2 months in, that's fine. Decent ohp especially for you time in the gym. Godspeed rotund fattie, do keep us updated on how thick, solid and tight you can get
Zack, that you budd

back in high school before I hurt my back I was like 145 3x5 at 180lbs
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Another fool falls for sharting shit
Mad? Upset? Feeling left out? Tax return not enough for that down payment?
Stopped posting for what? I don't get it
Just have a solid bench press workout and repeat it 2 to 3 times a week. Here's the layout bitch:

bench 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps (err on 3)
accessory bench 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps (err on 5)
bodybuilding compound press exercise 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 15 reps
triceps 3-5x8-15 reps
shoudler 3-5x8-15 reps
chest 3-5x8-15 reps

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You are mad
Pacific Championship
Australian Jillaroos v PNG Orchids
6:05pm AEDT / 5:05pm AEST on Nine, Fox and Kayo
Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
>The Jillaroos kick off their Pacific Championships campaign against the PNG Orchids.

Australian Kangaroos v Tonga XIII
8:10pm AEDT / 7:10pm AEST on Nine, Fox and Kayo
Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
>The Men's Pacific Championships kicks off with a blockbuster matchup between the Kangaroos and Tonga XIII.
Notice how Simon is the only one that posts lifts from a homegym. He has that oldmoney aura.
I'm sure you already realize this already but your B/S/D ratio is shit. Wtf are you doing in the gym? Is your form ok?
he posts from the alpha dog gym almost everytime
what are you on about?
you're saying my dead isn't high enough, meh, I could probably do more but I'm going slow with it

I got hurt in high school lifting on deadlifts which was over a decade ago, but it still has a mental effect

I'd rather do light than heavy and do something stupid

could I do more weight currently, probably but my 160 3x5 was decently challenging today, as was my 220 3x5 high bar
Backcountry Connecticut
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Keep working at it, tyrannoarms.
thanks I also have top 1 percentile headsize at 5'9" so I'm really living up to trex mode, I'm made for biting niggaz
>but he doesn't eat ass
I did, realized it isn't that fun honestly
more for me
how obese was she?
most of them look the same from behind
next time try it on a blonde a quarter of your size and get back to me
An ass is an ass, you can't even look at it when you're inches away from it
live in denial, not my problem
Some fat girls have normal sized asses, some have gigantic
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Philly cheesesteaks
Fuck, a month off wrecked me. Doesn't help that I'm still banged up from yesterday, but that will shake off in a day or two. I'll also need to look ahead in the program and figure out the best way to incorporate plyos and agility drills.
pls be kilos?
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Anyone else notice local peaks and troughs correspond to when bobby returns and leaves?
You mean people are more likely to post at the same time of day as other people? Woooooow who would've thought?

>inb4 t. bobby
Those are number of posts per day, not a breakdown by hour. When I say local, I mean a clear blip in the overall trends with a stark, discrete jump by eyeball via an increase or decrease of posts on a specific day (coinciding with his return or exit).
Missed 170 the other day. Basically there for a triple if my technique wasn't so shit otherwise comp prep is going well. 4 weeks out.
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Did 3 reps of 1pl8 OHP at 306lbs bodyweight
Feeling pumped as fuck.
Victim weight twinks coping about "muh bodyweight to strength ratio" and niggas with t-rex arms not welcome to reply
Don’t instant reply me Lil Celly.
You don’t need to take hours to max out if you’re not doing it in a meet (there will be no weight classes, waiting on everyone). You just go in, max out and that’s it.

>eating snacks in between lifts at the gym
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Goated build. Based
Strong man. I bet you weren't even cheating with arching so you're stronger than the copers who claim they OHP 3pl8s. What's your bench?
I'm the trex who posted earlier and this is my reply to your post
2 months of ss
Why do I lift best with four hours of sleep
I don't do flat because incline bench is better to reduce the appearance of my manboobs, but I incline bench 185lbs for 1RM :)

>>insert post here
Lots of fat faggot pedophiles coping at failing to meet any of the OPs guidelines. Hopefully this thread will be better
>100kg snatch is so much easier than a 3x bw DL like come on
Maybe if you're morbidly obese. Lose weight
excuse me im not a fat faggot.
Huge load of Norman khan being deposited
That's why you weren't coping
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bodybuilders/etc. say that dumbbells give a higher stimulus to fatigue ratio than barbells
I might start putting this to the test: replacing ~3 sets of barbell bench volume with 5 sets of dumbbell bench today

odds: 25s for Tbar row and focus on the squeeze
evens: stick to 45s and just do it for lots of reps
Pls be kgs
There's no point in replacing your barbell bench with a dumbbell bench; you'll just end up pressing less weight. That may be the reason why they say it has "higher stimulus to fatigue ratio." Dumbbell bench presses are fine _in addition_ to your conventional bench press to correct imbalances or if you want something less specific, but they are not a replacement.
Let's have a good thread today, fellas.
just had my pre lunch sandwich
Based. I had 35 small tootsie rolls for my pre-lunch snack. My lunch will be four slices of meat lovers pizza
>lunch will be four slices
fuck you hiroshimoot
Trying to cut 20kg by new years. I'm not eating over the weekends and eating less on weekdays. Ordinarily I'd have six slices but I decided to cut back and have the other four tomorrow for lunch
>cut 20kg in 2 months
lmao good fucking luck i hope you're 200kg right now.
Shut the fuck up I'm doing my best
Thats like 2500kcal deficit per day, possible but good luck.

Clarence Smolov video dropped!
100 @ 80 is dramatically easier than 240 @ 80. The dl is only easier for lightweights.
r8 my OHP/Squat emphasis program

>Monday, Press ID/Squat VD
Press, 8-12 reps total @ 85%+
Squat, 1x1 85%+, 3x5 @ 75-82.5%
Machine decline bench 5x6-10 (yes I am the negative bench gains anon)
Barbell LTE 5x6-10

>Wednesday, easy/recovery day
Squat 3x3 @ same weight as VD
Press 5x3 @ same weight as VD
Weighted back ext. 5x6-10
Close grip pull down 5x6-10
(would do weighted chins but it defeats the purpose of a lighter day because I invariably go full retard 6RM)

>Friday, Squat ID/OHP VD
Squat, 4-6 reps total 85%+
Press, 1x1 @ 85%+, 4x5 @ 75-82.5%
Machine decline bench 5x6-10
Barbell LTE 5x6-10

>Saturday, DL or variation VD
Deadlift or variation 4x5 @ 70-80%
Barbell row 5x5
Close grip pulldown 5x6-10
DB Curl 5x6-10

Maybe move the 5x5 to wednesday and just grind 85%+ on OHP both monday and friday? Do you realistically even need a light day for this lift at my strength level?

75/125/170/220 @ 88kg bench's a shit and I don't want to do it and I NEED to strict press my own body weight
Your timing is a little off and it looks like you are dipping forward in some of them. You need to be accelerating more at the top of the drive because the bar is already coming back down on you when you're trying to lock out. Push jerks (power jerk with no foot movement) is very good for reinforcing this.
I can do 240@80 i definitely cant do 100 snatch, last time i tried i ended up around 75
JM press (6-8 reps) vs CGBP triples for tris?
You're overthinking this. Do 5x5
You should be doing cgbp anyway
This is the same janny samefag that insists on keeping this thread bumped for some unknown, possibly Lovecraftian, reason
>2xbw bench
>2.5xbw squat
>3xbw dead
what OP forgot to mention is he is a 5ft manlet who weights like 50kg.

Are the girls impressed when you put the 40kg dumbells back on the rack?
>>75327725 (You)
>>75333650 (You)
Stop bumping this thread with your own gay inner monologue
>fitness talk on my /fit/ this cannot be i have to spam more demoralization blackpill threads
>nz tour of india
India 46 & 462
New Zealand 402 & 0/0

>eng tour of pakistan
3 test series drawn at 1 - 1
third and final test Thu, 24 Oct @ Rawalpindi

Australian Summer of cricket kicking off in the beginning of November
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>too bitchmade to reply
>doesnt even deny that hes samefagging

we got him boys
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19 seconds is the time to beat, folks!
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I don't wanna bulk again I wanna stay cut forever
>t. Samefag
>came back to the gym after a mild cold
>joints feel dry and hurt even with warmup weights
does cold medicine dry up your joints or something? I've been hydrating a lot
random joint pain is common from viral infections
Autism makes it hard to cope with small changes to your routine.
you don't have autism
Abaidjaiev for the next thread or Vardanyan? Maybe Pisarenko?
>each post >1 minute apart
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i do diff kind of rows and pulldowns every time I do it cus Im a chad
You are all here for my entertainment, posting in my thread.
OK janny
>post >1 minute apart
why did you do it
How often do you snatch vs how often do you deadlift? Snatch is way more of a technical lift but the actual strength required to snatch 100 is much less than pulling 240. You would expect a 240 puller to be at least squatting 200 and a 200 squat is enough leg strength to snatch 110-120 and c&j 140-150.
So post your snatch and CJ
This is the same person. You're not even trying to hide it
That’s not me
Yes it fucking is and so is this:

Do better, janny whom I will not name
Who the FUCK is Simon?
Asking questions like that will get a hand on your shoulder irl
that's you
I demand you go touch grass, immediately. This is reddit mod tier abuse of power
who am I supposed to be?
an obese pedophile giving piggyback rides to little boys at the gym
i blame the parent (mom) more than him though, she should know better
Meds now
Where the f is /oly/
You’re in it, pal
two of them are 2+ minutes
I feel bad for the fatcels. The meta is athletes Olympic lifting and they can’t do a 100kg snatch
You’re mad.
Uh uh
The Olympic lifts will continue until weight loss occurs
Rule breaking like you complaining about 4channel?
There is no jannies here, schizo
No janitors in the Jungle
How new are you? Big Rick (Sean) is a mod or at least a janny
This general became a loony bin when eating disorders were encouraged
>make a post
>delete the post
>reply to self
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Training in commercial gyms can be fun sometimes
>do 5 plate dl as part of my warm up
>some dude comes up and says wow that's really impressive
>his face when I do my 270 top set

I'm just a gde too kek
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He's real. I got a warning once after talking shit to him and the schizos
It was for "off-topic" kek
>longer than a minute
>less than a minute
Touch grass!

See what happened?
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the only way to win is to not play
>we both lost
32 seconds is the time to beat boys
Kek he actually nuked and banned both of the post outing the tranny janny spamcel.
Enjoy your safe space you incredible loser
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>Thread denizens are seeing a shaman behind every shitpost
>The schizos have come out in even greater force than the prophecies foretold
>Less than half a dozen lifts posted every day
>Thread is a minefield of shitposts
>A river of Norman Khan is flowing
>Janny is nowhere to be found
>see thread is moving which can only mean one thing
indians and non lifting chodes at it again!
>Janny is nowhere to be found
Nah he is here. He just deleted two posts. Reddit tier mod abuse
Looking like #8B0000 here
Blobby isn't Indian. Don't talk that way about our spherical overlord.
Posting big lift Friday
>didn't mention Bobby
damn nigga this guy is living rent free
What y'all think of ashwaganda
I only know ash ketchum
Sprayed his ass
Snatches 85%x1x5; 90%x1x1
Snatch Pull 120%x5x3
Squat 75%x5x5
Broad Jumps 10'5"
Broad jumps and snatches aren't specific enough.
Rules don't revolve around general "rules"
You don't lift.
t. 400lbs
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da new mark vlog
i talk about moon etc
hashish smoke
happy feelin
i wasnt advertising
i do grip trainign and pullups and i talk about in this video which is powerlifting
are you convinced
tomates (mark) is my favorite schizo who actually lifts no matter how autistic he is
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Silence, powerlifters, a Weightlifter is talking.
>Broad Jumps 10'5"
that's a big girl
You're not a weightlifter though. You've never been on an actual team. You would be laughed out of the building if you tried to get on the Olympic team.
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thx i appriecate it
You're not a powerlifter though. You've never been on an actual team. You would be laughed out of the building at IPF Worlds.
sprayed him
>doesn't know the deep lore
how new?
I keep eating greasy unhealthy shit and feeling bad afterwards but I continue to do it
does anyone have FIGGY THE 9 SPORT ATHLETE WITH THE 2K ALL AMERICAN SUPERTOTAL's supertotal programming? i tried to find it in the archive but couldn't
i want to go back to doing cleans and snatch pulls as alternative floor pulls because they are FUN and I remember having a good time running it like 4 years ago

i lost 5.5 kg in 2 days
>only post removed in this thread of samefag spam is the post of a guy pointing out the poor moderation
It's poetry at this point.
This thread will not be dying today.
What fast food do you order online when bulking
Go in person you lazy fuck
My diet doesn't change much between losing weight and gaining weight.

Usually just add or remove carbs, extra scoop of rice if bulking etc.
>fast food
Do American retards really drive to a drive by for food and then go back to eat it at home instead of having it delivered to their door
We do both. Delivery seems to have become more common since covid and the advent of Uber Eats and the like.
>paying for a taxi for your food
i miss being living in a place where i could order food from an app and some dyel brown zoomerito muzzie scooter boy would have to risk his life weaving in and out of traffic to make sure my food was delivered to me still warm or he wouldn't get paid
did bobby leave?
Yo yo yo wazzup niggas
How ya doing Dino?
Good, given up on life completely, who tf are you
Fatcels will say I'm you, but you know who I am.
Oh hi Sean, how are you not dead yet?
It's been 11 fucking years
he likes to blame all his shitposting on you btw
That is quite funny desu. I can't believe I'm now almost the age Esmeralda was when she showed me her butthole.
>showed me her butthole
O trappy my trap
Dino? I hardly know her!
Can't wait for a new weightlifting thread
pisarenko fine for you?
Lifting weights?
Which weights are being lifted here?
no one tell him
Bitch I shit in you mouf
lmao this thread is being kept alive by schizos
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let me guess? dozens?
you know it
This general has truly become unusable
You guys should have just run Simon's program.
Redpill me on it
5x5 4 days a week back squats
Don't worry, "Rick" is still having "fun", so it's all good.
Rick isn't real you moron
>make a post
>delete the post
>reply to deleted post
You (and this is singular, not plural) have clearly never tried making a post like that. He's real.
you're retarded, there is no rick
Look at me. I'm Big Rick now.
Then who deleted my post within a minute and warned me as some epic troll mid conversation a few weeks ago?
There he is!
what rule did you break?
>break the rules
truly, rick must have done this
can't we be friends?
The rule that forbids you from pointing out the funny "coincidence" that ""creative"" writing personalities just like his somehow always are left alone despite breaking a dozen rules a thread.
Okay, next thread, everyone post lifts
what rules do the "characters" break that aren't also broken by every tripfag in the thread? You people yap about anime outside /a/ and complain about weightlifting in /fit/
they're just mad
For one global #3 is an obvious one with the constant baiting and samefagging. Replying to the same post with gibberish multiple times is also clearly spam.
I suggest reporting posts you suspect of a rules violation. However, as you will likely find, the "samefagging" is dozens of lifters.
A few weeks ago "Charmin" was seething and replying over ten times - literally - to every single reply with actual nonsense, but reports never do anything. I wonder why.
I am not Charmin, I am not Rick, I am some of the "characters" including my real name, which is Simon.
>Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>2x bw bench (no archmaging)
>2.5x bw squat (high bar atg)
>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)
>140kg clean and jerk
>100kg snatch
I cannot
but they were deleted
>Kakhi OP
>322 kg total
I'm calling bullshit

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