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It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open
We are all gonna make it
Love is War anon from last thread-
She had short workouts in baggy clothes and seemed a little grumpy. Nothing deescalated but I decided it probably wasn't the week to try to have lots of fun. Looking forward to tomorrow, though!
>spent whole weekend gardening and felling trees with my grandparents
>notice since losing 100lbs and becoming more active that I no longer feel the cold as badly as I used to
it's the little things, WAGMI bros
>thread lasts a week
>actually gets linked to the new thread
It's a sign, the unbreakable chain of the indomitable spirit. WAGMI
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>meet a lot of girls who are interested in me
>none of them want anything serious though
>all they want is flings/FWBs/ONS
I just don't get it. What the fuck is wrong with me that makes me repeated-fling material but not boyfriend material??

I'm fit, I got a decent job, my own place, a (company) car, hobbies I enjoy... Like, I'm not rich but I'm comfortable.

I'm seeing a girl right now and I REALLY like her, I really do but I don't think it goes equally both ways.
I think she's fun, cool, interesting, gorgeous, sexy.
I get the impression she just sees me as a convenient cock for when she's horny.
They have no reason to want to settle down or have a relationship. Would you want a relationship with tuna nigiri in one of those revolving sushi places? No.
Also, they do not ever want children (or are at least fully convinced so) which gives them even less social incentive to pursue that path in life.
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I’m still searching for a new role, lads. I’m discouraged that I haven’t found one but I need to press on. The other day I realized that 2024 is nearly over and I haven’t accomplished many of my goals. Therefore, I need to push hard to end the year on a positive note. Although we may falter, we will not fall. Best of luck in your endeavors frens! WAGMI!
Gonna hit the gym minimum 3-4x this week and run at least 2 of those days.
Gonna hit the gym hard as fuck today and burn some calories with an upper lower blast
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I quit smoking (both cigarettes and weed), quit fapping for NNN, I'm watching my diet and lost weight since the start of October, I revamped my training program and I started training basketball to improve my skills. Doing really good bros. I believe in every one of you, you can do it. Work hard and create your ultimate self!
I suffer from paralysis by analysis. Last year I went to gym for 3 months regularly first time in my life. It was fun. I started to go there whenever I was bored and had nothing to do in evenings. I even started to see some progress despite my terrible diet. Some business and family problems happened later though and I stopped sadly.

Now I want to start again. I've read bunch of books and articles about diet, fitness and supplements yadda yadda. I am done with my meal plan and supplements. But I am not sure about my exercise routine. I know I am going to do couch to 5k 3 days a week. I know Sundays will be rest days. I know I want to exercise other 3 days (not sure if I want to do calisthenics or gym stuff). And I don't know what to put in my exercise routine. I don't know about warm ups. And I have this autistic desire that I don't want variation on my exercises. I want to do same stuff 3 times a week. (Except adding weights or changing another variation for progressive overload.)

Each week I try to finish my plan start doing everything next week but I can't decide what to do for my exercise routine. Heeeelp
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Good luck cfa guy, i think that’s you. I still don’t know what a cfa is and i hope i never do
Wishy washy retail place is going hot and cold on whether or not they hire, but i think there’s a strong possibility I’ll get it in the end thanks to nepoing. I’m still learning the Russian language but stalling a bit, i think I’ll dedicate some weeks to the grammar and conjugations.

Also I’m doing the NNN thing because some guy in another thread was getting crazy digits so I’m obligated to see it through. And I’m drawing lots.

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I'm still sick bruhs but I managed to PR still with a 405x10 squat. My bench isn't so lucky I only hit 290x5 when I was expecting at least 6. I also lost all 5lbs that I put on, oh well.

I'm starting my last 8 week bulking cycle to hopefully hit my strength goals on the first week of January (It's probably not likely I'll hit a 405 bench but I'll try my best anyways) then I'll start cutting for the first time in 18 months.

NNN begins so I'm going to focus on music more than ever before and creating good habits.

Top o’ da morning, let’s get this shit.
You are correct, it is I CFAnon. Good luck on obtaining a job!
The place I want to go is behind me
Good work :)
I appreciate these threads a lot. Digging the positivity and optimism. WAGMI
Can I have a hug? I'm sorry but I'm feeling down today and need optimism
Congrats on your progress! I've noticed that ever since I slimmed down, I sweat less
its 11am here. the library just opened, gonna go work on my website, commissions, and general sketches till its time to pick my son up.
the best way to make sure you have a good week is to plan it out ahead of time. and make it specific and concrete. how many jobs are you going to apply to this week? how many times will you go to the gym? how many hours will you dedicate to reading/coding/etc etc? taking care of this will help keep your momentum throughout the week as you go through and check them off. best of luck this week anons.
I’ve been spending too much time thinking about a woman I see at my gym a lot. I’ve decided to just suck it up and talk to her next time I see her rather than live in this kind of fantasy land I’ve been stuck in for the past while. Digits and I get her number and we are all making it
>my company just lost 2 major clients
>might have been part of the reason why after I nearly quit and sent a massive rage email that got potentially leaked out
Don't drink and learn to fix your shit.
Stay strong, bro. You'll get your chance eventually
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Salvete cinaedi. If not for this thread I would have killed myself. Still regret not having done it þough.
Goal this week is to stop thinking about work when I'm home/on weekends to manage my stress better. Also do deep breathing to reduce my anxiety and get better sleep.
Just do it brah
It’s honestly most likely not you, anon. That’s just how women are these days, they’ve been completely corrupted.
Thanks brah I will, next time I see her for sure. I’ll update here
it's been kind of rough. holding in here tho but despite having achieved more or less what I expected from this year the difficulty and uncertainy are only increasing
kind of miss when all I had to do was work out, study and hang out with my gf. it seemed like there was always so much to do but as long as I did it it was fine. now I have no idea if I'm doing right or wrong, things aren't as structured anymore and sometimes I'm afraid time goes on and on and despite all the hard work I put in every day I'm not moving forward
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I’ll keep walking
>move cities & reconnect w/ girl I was in weightlifting club with in college
>start going on dates
>she’s never had a boyfriend at 23
>i was her first kiss (inb4 “no you weren’t” brother i could tell)
>she’s 145lb, squats 3pl8s
>no penis
>nationally competitive at olympic lifting
>was beginning to lose hope
>finally gain some again
>now have very tight /fit/ gf who isn’t putting me through the typical woman bs
it can happen to you too bros

however now i must fix my lustful ways as she wants to move slow. here for motivation
30 Weeks til my friends get married. I havn't posted for a few weeks, but have been consistent in the gym, gaining roughly 1lb per week, which I am happy with. I have a holiday this week, so am not likely to gain any muscle, and in fact may get skinnier from all the walking, but we all need a break every now and then. Food has been consistent, I just need to keep eating more of it

Starting Weight: 153 lbs
Current Weight: 156 lbs
Goal Weight: 175 lbs, 12%bf
Last week's thread, I posted that life was good. Then the alternator in my wife's car broke, money got temporarily tight, my dishwasher broke, and I was subjected to millions of political ads. But I didn't let that stop me and you can't let anything stop YOU. Politics are almost done, I fixed everything myself and that engine repair was an excellent forearm workout.
We're all gonna make it, brothers.
Never forget.
Good luck in both of your fitness goals
Just go and do what exercises interest you at first. The most important step for beginners is to simply go to the gym regularly
Idk if I’m voting. I wanna. But I feel like it’s pointless. I have tomorrow off. Which is nice. But I kinda wanna take advantage of it to just chill.

Speaking of which. I’m tempted to take an edible. I stopped using weed a while ago. But I’ve made some improvements and reached some goals since then. I’m mostly curious about if I can feel how I used to as a teen with no responsibilities while high again. Idk. I don’t even actually feel like getting high though. Like what’s the point? It became escapism for me for so long. I don’t like drinking it bores me. Weed just feels pointless while I’m high too but I can kinda feel some happiness.
Caffeine has lost its touch just anxiety and insta poop.
I’d like to just be high on life but I’m not in a position to go do cook shit I enjoy yet.

Fuck it, im gonna plan to take some PTO and go solo camping next year. Idk where to go do it though, kinda wanna avoid places with grizzlies and crazy people.
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Even if you're sick, those are insane numbers. How long did it take you to go from benching 2pl8 to 3pl8?
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Time only moves in one direction
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getting used to the CPAP, had a weird foot injury earlier in the week so didn't get anywhere near the cardio i should have. went on vacation with the gf, ate good but walked around a lot so it feels somewhat balanced. doing OMAD most of this week other than maybe meeting with her dad to officially ask for her hand

goals for this week are to get back to eight mile run, drop vacation weight by Saturday, and get some clarity on state of my job application. also get my destroyed rental home figured out (i should have about 200k coming in since it was declared a total loss and i dont want to rebuild)
Reporting back in. It's 815, worked out full body for two fuckin hours and partially ran a mile. Took forever but holy shit I'm sacked. Gonna sleep like a boot camp baby tonight
Trust me, anon -- it's not you. I've had so many girls say they liked me, let me hit, whatever, and still ghost me the next day. A childhood friend I used to have a crush on and who used to have a crush on me did that after a great first date recently. She asked me out a second time and then when I accepted, she told me she just didn't see a long-term connection. Made no sense whatsoever. Hold your head high and keep doing what you're doing. You'll find someone -- it's just take longer than it should.
Stay strong anons :) people believe in you!
> I can't decide what to do for my exercise routine
gotta start at some point bro you’ll figure it out as you go along
Sounds like you had a productive day. I really need to start journaling and articulating my thoughts and dreams
it still isn't engrained as a habit yet so i have to make sure i keep up with it. but it has helped me these past few weeks. especially in terms of feeling that mental victory each day knowing my checklist is done.
miss my foreskin bros
makes me sad that i'll never know what sex is really like
drawing to ease my suffering
I’m glad you’re alive. You’ve set a new personal record for days alive, don’t break the streak now
>>she’s 145lb, squats 3pl8s
On tonight’s episode of “Things that never Happened”, featuring Anon.
The past 2 weeks have been turbulent to say the least. Turns out I'm in debt again due to not being aware of such until recently. I ended getting a new job, just got it confirmed today which is great. My weight gone up by 10lbs and I've regained most of my strength back but my stamina is dogshit. Hobbies are alright, showing more progress as well but not as much as I'd like. Still feels rather tough to do most things nowadays but I have a better understanding of why afyer looking into it. Looking forward to next week, let's make it count.
>Goals for this week
Run/Gym 4x, sort out a plan for paying everything off, study 2x and change up my routine.
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Work stress is really destroying me.
I leave at ~6:30AM and reach home ~4:45PM.
My health is so fucked. I wish I was a NEET again...

I really need to figure out a way to retire early. I make good savings but don't know how to invest.
If I can get a reliable 6-7% ROI and live frugal I might be able to retire in the next 5 years.
Look into box breathing. I do it before bed in front of AC and it helps me out a lot
Another day i can give up, but again i decide not to. Can't let the people down who believe in me, can't let myself down even if i don't believe in me. Man, it's tough. Keep going anons, there's no other way.
Life gets harder but you'll get stronger. God speed fren!
Have the rare day off and hate to waste it. I’d like to go out and do something. Weather isn’t the best, nothing I can think of doing. Contemplating getting shawarma and going to a park to eat it but the weather is kinda gay atm. I know if I stay inside and rot all day I’ll feel like shit later tonight.

Realized some of my recent shitty feels is rooted in a desire for change. I obviously want change for me and myself directly (money fizeek mental) but I also feel like I need to get away from where I am. Get to a whole new area with different people. And I’m simply not there yet. I do believe a trip would serve me well.
Bros... I was happy for the past 3 years, time to pay it off I guess. Every week was better than the previous, until now.

Everything is happening at once. I'm fucked.
>my health is getting worse, doctors don't know how to fix it. It hurts.
>people belived in me to win an olympiad. I'll let them down. One week left and I haven't archieved anything. Losing means fucking up my chances in next step of education.
>I was meant to take part in a very important international project, I did everything right and yet somehow I wasn't accepted. I know people inside, they don't know what happend.

I won't fucking give up, but I've lost hope and hapiness that I've builded for a few years.
You're making great progress, so keep it up!
>been lifting for a few months now
>changes are happening slowly but surely though nothing is outwardly obvious yet
>yesterday went to the deli at this grocery store for lunch break
>2 ladies working, 1 young blonde and 1 older lady
>older lady makes my order, goes fine
>petite blonde qt makes my coworker's order
>she is very matter-of-fact the whole time, not rude, just doing her job
>she turns around to put it in the oven and then turns and looks straight at me with a look I don't get very often
>finishes his order and hands it off
>I stop her and ask if I can get a fork, the box of forks is empty out here
>she lights up like a Christmas tree, wide eyes, biggest grin, eagerly hands me a fork, tells me to have a wonderful day
it's the little things, friends. No idea if the lifting was a factor or not because I don't feel like I've changed that much, but it just feels nice to be acknowledged positively by women even if nothing ever comes of it. The whole thing put a lot of fuel in my tank. I will keep going.
Fellas remember: no matter who you vote for, no matter who wins, your life will not change. Neither candidate cares about you. You will still never get married, or own a house, or have any purpose or happiness in your life. It is meaningless.
Good for you man. I’m still barely lifting but my new job is pretty active and it’s the weirdest thing, my gains are coming back from this job. I at most lift a box weighing like 60lbs and move it 5 feet once a shift it’s mostly just a ton of walking kneeling and standing back up (essentially doing bodyweight squats all day). Obviously it’s mainly my quads but I can see my pecs biceps fuck even my core and lats are noticeable through the body fat again. It’s nothing major but it’s encouraging to say the least. Makes me wanna go all in with diet and a proper lifting routine. I just know if I do that that in about 4 months I’ll look where I left off again (230lbs 25% body fat end of a big bulk) and then in another 5-8 months after I’ll look the best I ever have. Shit by the time I hit 215 I would probably look like I worked out again to other people. Not even a full year to look great again wtf have I been doing dragging ass so long.
Life changes rapidly. Good for you for taking charge and not falling apart. I'll try to remember that - We're gonna make it
This is why I didn’t go do it today. I’d rather take the day off I got to do whatever I want. The problem is idk what to do. Hate to be cooped up inside all day. Still happier than if I went to wait in line for 2 hours and then cast a vote on someone who views me as tax cattle
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>Year closure for me right now...
Seeing a progress in many aspects of my life overall , really felt the sense of growth in past 12 or so month , still trying to make it happen , still trying to push forward, still getting frustrated , still getting no's, still sinning...still want MORE...
Relationship , career, lifestyle ,myself, whatever...
The good and bad days , making the best out of them...
One thing for sure I can't let my focus slip from the important things for me right now....
Hope everyone is having a great time....
Don't give up , glow up :)

>Jeremiah 1:5
>Jeremiah 29:11

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Don't give into temptation bro. You're way better than weed. Check out camping in Vermont or New Hampshire, they're both beautiful
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Not gonna lie last months were rough

>Mom got diagnosed with cancer and started with chemo
>Help with cleaning and cooking
>Give emotional support

>Live in shitty part of town
>Weekly multiple schitzo events from crackheads and partying students
>Getting good rest or good night sleep is rare
>Tell manager I want more hours to make more money to search for better house
>Manager goes full machiavellian
>Gives more expectations
>"Getting more hours is a reward"
> mfw

>Been eating more slop
>Been drinking more and during the week
>Isolate myself
>Almost no chatting with friends and relatives through social media

I just gotta stop yapping and focus on my stuff
It's not all negative
>Sleep sucks but steady routine
>Wake up at 6
>Hit 130 gram protein daily easy
>5 gym sessions each week
>started new project at work
>team leader tell me im killing it
>started praying again

Last week I allowed myself to feel proud for the first time in months
For being there for my mom, taking care of my work, hitting it hard at the gym and hitting my macros
I know friends and relatives are going to give me a talk for not hitting them up
Decided I will refuse to feel bad
I made it through without developing an addiction and took care of my business
Thats enough for me
Were all gonna make it
Good luck on getting your money back and getting her dad's approval!
Thanks fren
Thanks, it took 6 years but I took a year and a half off because of Covid, so maybe 4 and a half years of consistent lifting but I also spent one of those years specializing in OHP.
Same. I'm American and my dad is jewish so I had no choice. My future sons won't be mutilated though
Man, that's rough, but you're getting through it and taking care of those you cares about. Make sure to take care of yourself too and good luck, anon.
I didn’t give in. Considered even getting a few beers. But yeah it dawned on me I want to escape my current environment not get drunk or high.
I will look into those states. I would probably go in about 6-10 months. Idk what all camping even entails but I’d hope to
>hike, explore, photograph, fish, forage
Your manager is a faggot. I’ve been a manager. In most jobs in order to shine you need more hours. So this moronic sack of fly jizz is essentially saying “to get more hours you need more hours” heather he even realizes it.

I also once had a sales job where hours were given based on nepotism and they had this whole issue with me because they thought they hired me as temp and acted like I somehow pulled a fast one on them even though the posting was full time permanent. Gave me 8 hours a week. My numbers were shit. Somehow I managed to on 8 hours a week make equal or more revenue to all the full timers but they didn’t care. Managers who don’t actually give a shit about employees or the business will just give priority to whoever they want. For instance you’ll notice a dumb incompetent ditzy hoe getting hours.. a good manager would at least give you a chance even if it was just 6 extra hours a week at first
>the rest
Stop drinking, eat healthier even if mostly healthy with slop once a week, try to spend time outdoors both solo and with your mom
Boys im fucking scared
18 but I can't get it up. Last night it was like this
No morning wood. Nothing
Sorry that you're going through a tough period right now. However, remain optimistic that you will prevail
I got 10 years on you and it’s been like this since I was at least 20 when I lost my virginity. I chalked it up to nerves. But I had to be with the same chick like 10 times to get hard and even then didn’t really stay hard or even get mostly hard. I have missed out on so many opportunities man, because nerves knowing what would happen. I’ve sperged it up over this or I’ve flat out avoided taking the pussy that was being all but handed to me. I even missed out on a 3 some with a tall sticc blonde and her 5’3” Colombian GF literally had them kissing me and cuddling on either side.
I tried cialis with last GF after same shit happened when we first fucked. Got it through goodrx. The amount of confidence I gained seeing what I could do. I’ve never had a bitch reacting like that and I realized I have a big dick when it’s fully 100% hard.
I don’t suggest you rely on cialis but I do recommend trying it. You need to stop jacking off. Nofap for 3 months, noporn forever. After 3 months get yourself a fleshlight and use that once a week with imagination, imagining yourself fucking bitches you wanna fuck. But for now keep the cialis on hand so should you get laid you’ll be okay. It can cause a reliance if abused where you then need it even without EQ issues previously. 10mg about 30 minutes before is all you need. Can make it hard to cum but I found this to be beneficial because it meant I had tons of control over when I finished
>didn't sleep enough
>crash hard after work
>wake up near evening
>browser internet for a while
>didn't go to /v/, just browsed small hobby board
>no new content
>fuck it
>wear earbuds
>go continue cleaning up
>oh, it's nearing sleep time
>earbuds still in
>actually brushed, flossed and rinsed my teeth with mouthwash
>also cleaned my face with that fancy soap I bought
>with no hint of getting lethally bored or anything
Holy shit, this is greatest hack I ever had.
And here I tried to medicate myself with John's Wort for dopamine deficiency.
If I manage to use that to get my ass working on my hustles/hobbies and life in general then I might be able to actually turns my shit around.

Get the Bluetooth earbuds, this shit totally rocks.
Invest in S&P 500/Nasdaq index funds. They're very safe investments
I haven't fapped in a week
I was getting erections all throughout my streak up until yesterday.
I'll try and do more cardio and eat healthier and see in the next 2 months or so.
Not sure if I wanna hop on stuff now.
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I don't give a fuck, I'm going to keep pushing through the discomfort with everything I have, I'm already broken anyway so there's nothing to lose, if it doesn't work this time I'll just come at it even harder next time, my reality is eventually going to yield
then we can both die one day knowing that we broke this god-forsaken cycle
for now, thankfully, life still seems worth living
Hello, friends. I managed to get up today and go to the gym again for the second day in a row for the first time in about a week. My course load has been very high this quarter. But now that we're over the mid-term peak, I have more time to work out again. I had a good pull day.

I would also like to give a bit of a diatribe because of the anxieties many are feeling from the US election. Remember, worry does nothing. The remedy, or psychotherapy, that actually fights our misery is to do something about it. And I don't mean doing it out of that misery, but of a deep conviction found in joy. Joy is contagious. Change the world with a smile on your face. The place of joy in our world of fact is right at the center.
>>75416611 is correct. I would also recommend putting some money into high dividend stuff. Let it reinvest over and over.
I think I'm gonna have to resort to delivering for Door Dash to make some money.

Any anons here with experience in it? Is it all just niggers and spics or is it pricey enough to weed out the non-Whites?
Stay strong anons :)
Good news: I made a new friend at the gym
Bad news: I had to roll a bar off of my chest
snorted a line of cole this morning on my way to work and in my high realized that I wanted more young people at my office so I commanded HR to hire 4 college grads for no reason today.
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Thank you so much for your service. Its insanely hard to get a job these days as a young person. You're going to heaven
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Stomach pain is killing me slowly but surely.
I've got nothing else to do but stay alive best I can, so whatever
I've spent my entire life in roughly the same place and I've also reached the same conclusion. The only way I can truly move on is to change my scenery. I hope we both escape
Would Index Funds be a better investment than property rentals?
A lot of people seem keen of rental flats.
I don't know enough real estate to give you advice on it. Frankly unless you're on an expert on the subject, you shouldn't either. There are many risks in renting out property. In comparison, index funds give pretty stable growth although there are financial risks.
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your persistence and grit will eventually pay off CFA anon, keep trying and never give up on your job search.

career switch anon here. i had a question about long-term goal setting. do you write monthly and year-based goals? i've always had trouble with this, any tips or advice? the best i can do and envision is weekly and daily goals (these time spans are more tangible to me). i'll always have some long-term goal in the back of mind, but don't really plan it out and just grind away until it's done.

in a non-profession context, i was rejected recently by a lady friend i was falling for :( i have self-reflected on my experiences and processed my negative emotions (i suspect it may flare-up again from time to time). i learned a lot about myself. i was able to grow as a person also. now i take these learnings and move forward! i did my best. i was my genuine and authentic self. i have no regrets.

don't give up anons! you're gonna make it if you keep persisting.
I finally sat down and wrote out what my self criticizing voice is droning on about in the background, and my god there was a lot more shit that I wasn't aware of. I thought I was "only" insecure about my body and acheivements in academia, boy was I wrong.

I've been adviced to write it all down before through therapists and mental health content creators, and now it's time for me to pass that advice down - there's probably stuff you need to know that you aren't aware of, and writing it down can help in making those insecurities not feel as real and debilitating as they do right now

I made myself cry for the first time in my life writing down the hard truth of my deepest insecurity, that I'm not worthy. This happened a few days ago and I have been feeling better throughout the week. Now I'm aware that this is a big driver in my subconsciousness and that it doesn't have to get to control me. Try it anons.

Other than that, I've almost fixed my sleep schedule (priority #1), am working on eating again (#2) and my next biggest hurdle is to get lifting and roooning to be second nature in my weekly routine - I'll update on these in the future.

Open for questions about mental and physical health, final year medfag who wants to give back after receiving so much support along the way.

You have survived every difficulty so far and you will continue to do so for the rest of your life. Your feelings aren't harmful, you are capable of living by yourself, things will change for the better wether you like it or not, she doesn't matter as much as you think.

Wagmi boys
Did you ask her out yet? Sending you good luck
Thanks anon tried this on the way to work today and it put me in a good headspace. Haven't done it since I used to do yoga classes
>do you write monthly and year-based goals?
I write seasonal/quarterly goals and I find this helps me be more specific and also aligns with life events. I find my goals are more social or connection based in summer/spring. Also seems like you coped with the rejection well, her loss amirite?
I've also been into journalling recently. What questions did you ask yourself to prompt that reflection? I feel like the only way I could do it is just dump all my thoughts onto the page and get there in a continuious stream of consciousness
Holy shit it's almost the end of the year and I barely even finished any of my goals. I've been extremely depressed, bedrotting for the past two years and I really need to get my shit together but fuck I keep thinking about shooting myself. I need to keep going man but damn I'm drained out.
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Therapist and content creators have recommended it, I think the reason for doing it *now* is that my best friend has been doing the same whilst dealing with being on long term leave from his job, from being overworked for years now (fuck the ultrarich by the way). He's had multiple sessions where he's been taking a look on why he feels so bad for "not being able to endure", despite enduring this - and worse - for year.

I dumped all thoughts as you describe, and there was a lot more under the surface that I haven't faced before, at least not consciously. My self-criticizing voice is really well spoken it turns out, kudos to him. Used humor as well, ending it with "KYSses ;)" and shit lol.

>any of my goals
Brother, stop this. One of the best things I've learned in therapy is that if your capacity is reduced, the only thing you can do is lower your expectations to yourself. You've been sick, just as real as having a debilitating bodily illness - you wouldn't be this hard on yourself if that was the case, right?
I've been depressed throughout almost all of my twenties, with a cumulative time of bedrot of much more than you. You're right in that you need to get better, but you can't expect to be able to that shit by yourself. Seek professional help, and comfort in your social circle if you guys can talk openly about these kinds of things.
Well that makes it harder, but you can still reach out to others, join a community - volunteer at a soup kitchen for example.
Then start out with going to a therapist, start trying antidepressants (Lamictal 200mg worked for me)
>healthcare usa no work
As well as: lol america, invest in working a way around it - does your community college offer therapeutic services? Can you afford to travel abroad for it? If no to all of this, puck up the phone and talk to SOMEONE.

Try to understand that you have all the time in the world to get better, you've got your entire lifespan ahead of you.
I got up surpassingly easy today. Found out trump won (I know we’re still eating a shit sandwich but it’s better to have one with ranch and cheese than a shit sandwich with pubes that lends aid to illegals and makes weak people feel empowered for no reason….). Good start to the day. I realized just now, sitting on the toilet, that if I can get out of bed within 5 minutes and take my shit I could probably squeeze in a short workout before I get ready and leave for work. Get up at 3 leave for work at 4-420. It’s a tight window but that’s about 40 minutes to lift if I can squeeze a log off by 320. I prefer to lift early, get better workouts feel better most of the rest of the day and sleep better. Too bad I seem to literally take 30 minutes to finish pooping
It only just occurred to me. And I can’t help but wonder, will this always be a thing I feel? Like, let’s assume I make it into a best case scenario of either winning the lottery (enough to live off for life) or I find a way to make money online or whatever. I then move to a new state. In another 5-10 years am I gonna feel fed up again? Would I, in the position to move whenever I want feel this way much sooner? Because in all retrospect I’ve been feeling this for close to 10 years now
think about this though, WAGMI
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Thanks for the praise. I need to keep applying so that I can move on.

I tend write down yearly goals. Whether they’re fitness or career related, I find that it’s beneficial for me to articulate what I want to achieve. I find that if I set monthly goals, I get too discouraged if my plan goes off track. Remember that the process is a marathon, not a sprint!

I’m sorry it didn’t work out with your crush, career switch anon. Use this experience as motivation to improve yourself. You can and will grow stronger!

Keep pushing forward! WAGMI!
Stay strong bro. Heaven awaits
>demoralization posts deleted
Nice. :)
Nice job getting back into fitness! Your strength will return quicker than you expect
thanks brother
I hope the archive helped you on your way to whatever you want to achieve

I'll update it this year, even it is the last thing I do.
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Thank you for creating the drive, I love it <3
I'm glad a couple of my posts are archived in it

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I'm, glad to help
it's just some anon spending some hours giving back
you anons helped me making my life better (if you are able to filter out 95% of the shitposts) now I am giving it somehow back
I'm thinking of starting to approach girls in public. I went to the bank today, and I met eyes with at least three attractive girls worthy of asking out. One looked me up and down a few times and kept looking back, but we were both being helped at the same time, and she left before I could start something up. These dating apps are horrendous -- no way to really connect. I think I'd rather shift back to the old-fashioned method and risk being curtly turned down.
My girlfriend is the first person I've loved in my life and she left me due to circumstances outside if our control not because either of us did anything wrong. I dont know what to do with myself. I'm heartbroken bros
Sorry about your pain. Do you know what the root cause is?
>girl I liked unfollowed me because I posted a trump meme
>she had posted a pic saying “we can disagree and still be friends” to her story
>straw that broke the camels back, go lift first time in years
>Mfw struggle to rep 1pl8 for 3 reps
I used to have a 315lb bench. I stopped lifting years ago. I’ve been wanting to get back into it, I guess this is how it starts. Still not as weak as when I very first began. But I’ve lost so much strength. 3 years ago I tested it and I was still able to hit 225x3. Now I can’t even 1pl8 past 5 (I know I had more in the tank but home gym didn’t wanna risk because alone).
Oh well, I think this is all a good thing. I can’t accept being this weak. I know how far I can go. I’m so back bros. WAGMI.
Who cares about where you are now? Focus on becoming the man you want to be. Based on what you've shared, you used to be crazy strong. You'll reach your goal eventually. WAGMI
Thank you bro. When I started, I had went from 300lbs to 160lbs (6’2”). I did a suicide cut for over 12 months. So when I then started to lift I was frail and weak, I couldn’t bench the bar for 10 reps. I busted ass and got strong over 4 years. Then life happened and I stopped got fat yadda yadda.
I’m fixing it all. I’m losing all the fat, I’m getting my strength back and my muscle back. Home gym has collected dust the last 5-6 years. I’m going to make it, I want that bitch to see me again and see me with a new physique. She never knew me when I was fit only before (fat) and after (fat). I know she’ll follow me again maybe text me. It’s not all for her. But this was the spark I needed to get off my ass and start again. WAGMI.
If you have the confidence and body, you should. Just don't be an asshole or creep
Stay strong anons!
I'm the dude from the last thread who had the same thing happen. It's ridiculously tough when you've gotta part with someone that things actually work really well with. It's so much easier when they hate you or you hate them by the end of it. I'd say try to overcome the circumstances, but I'm sure you have. You could wait it out, if the conditions are right, and try again later in life. I'm still hoping for that sort of thing myself. But you also need to do right by yourself and others in the meantime. It gets easier.
Thanks for replying bro. she blocked my number. i have no other means of contacting her now and everything feels like shit. now im stuck overthinking everything if i could have done differently

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