I keep hearing that a slow eccentric is key for muscle growth, but what anout the concentric? Can i just do the concentric really fast or even cheat it and as long as the eccentric is slow ill gain muscle? Whats the point of the concentric part then?
Nothing wrong with doing it fast, as long as you keep proper technique. Some people swear by it to build "explosive" strength (could be broscience, idk)The problem is that trying to do it fast usually just means you are abusing momentum. The slower you go the easier it is to do proper technique. But if you're experienced there's nothing wrong with lifting quick.
>>75449779>Can i just do the concentric really fast or even cheat it and as long as the eccentric is slow ill gain muscle?Yes, that's what cheat reps are. >>75449993>The problem is that trying to do it fast usually just means you are abusing momentumYes. That's the literal point. In a sports specific movement there's only so much proper form you can keep. On explosive drills you use your entire body and cheat all the movements. It doesn't really help with powerlifting or bodybuilding so it's largely not discussed in those circles.
>>75449779>can do doorway pull ups with straight legs
>>75449779imagine doing pull ups like that. I just set a crowbar up across a ladder and the shelf in my garage. >Can i just do the concentric really fast or even cheat it and as long as the eccentric is slow ill gain muscle?Doing the concentric fast is good because it's explosive. Also you can do more weight on the eccentric anyway so doing cheat reps on the concentric may even be a good thing. Just do whatever you want.
>>75449779slow eccentric doesn't build muscle, eccentric overload does, but that brings with it more muscle damage, then you won't recover, etc etc etcjust fucking train normal fuck sake
>>75449779as a landlord this upsets me. why ruin your hinges and frame for this stupidity
>>75450101>why ruin your hinges and framecame to post this
>>75449779why is he raping the door?
>>75450159>A key that unlocks many doors is a master key
>>75449779Google search told me that doors range from 78 to 80 inches. If you measure its height on the image, it's about 1040 px.This guy, if you sum the lengths from head to ass, then from ass to knees, then from knees to feet, is then 865 px tall. This means he's about 83% as tall as the door, or about 65 inches tall, or exactly 5'5''
>>75450101He's tiny it doesn't matter
>>75450101you will replace the hinges and you will give back the deposit
>>75449779It's a nothingburger by slow they mean around 2.5-4 seconds. Concentric matters a little more in that explosive reps usually don't get as close to failure and wear more on connective tissue. But quick reps short of explosive and slow reps are pretty much the same under the same load. Just one takes longer your concentric reps are going to slow down the closer you are to failure anyway. So the only meaningful thing you can really draw from it is if your last reps weren't significantly slower that wasn't as close to failure as you should be going. So really just sticking conventional rep tempo is still the best thing out there for hypertrophy at least. Strength or other things might favor something else but I'm going to assume you're not a snowflake and aren't particularly intrested in those.
>>75449779didn't realise he was this small kek
>>75449779this looks like an easy way to lose fingers if the door closes
>>75449779>I keep hearing that a slow eccentric is key for muscle growthit's not, if u however concentrate on slow negative u will have the weight controlled by muscle during that phaze, u get muscular tension for the duration of your "slow eccentric" one rep>but i did 8 repstime retests when u lose tension on muscle belly> Can i just do the concentric really fast or even cheat it and as long as the eccentric is slow yes u can get back into position with completely different jolty motion that's got nothing to do with your "slow eccentric" exactly like u'd load up negative pullups when u can't do one - jump up and resist falling down>ill gain muscle?so ur movement is shit that doesn't isolate shit, u hump the weight up and never really even hold it just fail at it and then u hump the weight back again with momentum and u're asking if it will build muscle? no u will just fuck yourself up with weight u can't even hold imbecile xD
>>75451608repping is retarded also - why would u want to CUT your time under tension on muscle belly with "reps" where u lose tension every rep and even within your rep (at the top and/or bottom of motion) it's way better to distill the motion to particular muscle head - isolation - and then weigh the weight on that isolated muscle belly for entire duration of "set" >>75451877
>>75451918Type English you drunk polish retard.
>>75451921no we're talking, bot doesn't like me shitting on his>just rep it bro >just rip it and try to hold it bro but does bot have anything to say or just flings shit at me like an monkey? >it just throws shit>>75451918>>75451877
>>75451948it was typed out nicely so imma copy it here so that it's saved when that thread disappears soon >>75434540u need 3 separate movements for each muscle/head from ur graphic:brachialis: arm as if it was on a sling across your torso, forearm fully pronated and bend elbow no further than 90 degs (do not go higher than 90 degs) - this will make sure your biceps does not hop in and "help" brachialis (brachioradialis too unless u do it limp wristed which is also an option), elbow travels back and forth shoulder looseshort head: u need supinations against resistance with suported forearm, tie belt on small plate, wrap belt around palm so that it tries to pronate your forearm by unwindin, sit down spread thighs and support your forearm on thigh and enjoy your short head of biceps>but i want big beautiful biceps peakthat's long head: to straighten muscle fibers of long head (which originates in completely different place than short - look it up) u need full external shoulder rotation (webm for illustration purposes) and u need 90 degs or so of adduction of humerus, yes exactly like if u were doing front double biceps, so u lean torso to the side so it is near horizontal (i like to stand on sth with opposite leg) fully externally rotate shoulder and there u weigh the weight of the dumbbell on isolated long head of biceps, shoulder loose and elbow travels back and forth>why can't i curl like and regular brou can, but it won't grow shit and all u will do is fuck up elbow biceps tendon
>>75451955>and there u weigh the weight of the dumbbell on isolated long head of biceps, shoulder loose and elbow travels back and forththis is how u load muscle with continuous tension on muscle belly for entire duration of set>but slow eccentricit's already built in u fucking cretin >>75451918>>75451877mind u - this works ONLY if u manage to isolate muscle in your exercise, regular curls won't do that even if u do it "slow and steady wins the race" form >why? because muscular tension veers between brachialis, long head, short head and deltoid and u still get ZERO time under tension on muscle belly, u lifted the weight and u can pat yourself on the back for that, but that's it