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Questions that don't deserve their own thread. Protip edition: You can tape hand warmers to something that's sore to help healing.
What's the best resting time between two sets? I try to stick with 30 seconds to 1 minute, but I'm already tired when the new set begins.
I might be retarded.
Can I work out 5 days a week, before noon and then go on a 5k run in the evening three times a week?
generally speaking 3-5 mins for compounds, 2-3 mins for accessories.
sure you can
has anyone got hsv1 from gettin down with someone who didn't have a cold sore at the time? like, whats the statistical likelihood of asymptomatic infection?
Are shoulder presses a waste of time? Everyone says that front delts already do a lot of work with benching and they don't hit side delts all that well.
Whole thread dedicate to shoulders.
>bot thread
That one got hijacked by the shoulder schizo.
>shoulder presses
I don't think is waste of time, I feel my shoulders working when performing them.
What are some pre workout without caffeeine, but the stuff that makes me want to lift, makes my skin tingle? Are those non-stim preworkouts?
I am going to the gym as much as possible, doing weights (shoulders, back, pecs, arms) and then running to lose weight while maintaining muscles.
I was already losing weight but I was also losing muscles (roughly 40-45% of the weight lost) and I hoped this new routine would have helped but it doesn't. This has been going on for months (new routine one month). What can I do to stop this much loss?
I am using a Renpho Health scale to get a rough estimate, I weight myself daily in the morning same hour.
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question, since I'm not that far into lifting: should I go a bit lower in weight if my bench lifts are at times uneven?

I put 20kg on each side, so it's 40kg + the bar (do you even include that? then 60).
right now I can do 8 reps, but the last 3 always seem a bit shaky. they're a lot harder and sometimes I seem to favor my left side over the right side, meaning I lift a bit harder on the left than on the right.

that in itself strikes me as weird because I'm right handed, but so be it.
I usually do 3 sets à 8 reps in the beginning of my workout and an hour later I do 3 sets à 8 reps on a chest fly machine with 66kg (maybe it's called a butterfly machine, i really don't know). on the machine I haven't really noticed anything off, i seem to handle the weight the same on both sides.

my question remains: should I go with lower weight on the bench or could I do something else like doing 4x5 reps?
or will my "weaker" side eventually catch up and make my lifts perfectly even?
Sundays are usually mandatory rest days.
I feel like doing something today, guess some light cardio and shadowboxing/ab workout can't hurt, right?
Are your front delts too big already? But you can do dumbbell presses for more side.

I think Gorilla Mode has a non-stim. Beta Alanine is probably the tingly ingredient (They sell it separately for that reason).

Hard to say except walking or zone 1 is rarely bad.
>But you can do dumbbell presses for more side.
The thing is that I never really feel side delt limited on presses. The only thing that hits them are side raises, but those make my shoulders feel really cranky.
I feel them with single dumbbell. It could be an angular issue, if your elbows are forward or you're leaned back.
I never did single dumbell ones, I have to try that. Do you do those standing or seated?
Day to day training, you wait for your heart rate to bottom out, return to normal and then raise above it, then do your next set

Depends on the person and what you're doing but 2.5-4.5 minutes is usually where that ends up at
So it's impossible to do without losing so much muscle?
I expected something like 15-20% of the weight lost top, not almost half. Also how the hell people are able to do recomposition then?
impossible? no but really hard if you do intense cardio + lower calories
I need help because I'm suffering from a horrible brain fog right now. Mostly because of stress and because my schedule/life blows

I don't have experience lifting/working out
I'm skinnyfat at 21 BMI
I can't do a pushup

I wish could get simple instructions on how to get my physical strength up, something I could do at home without equipment to get into basic level. I'm hoping it would fix everything with my brain and go on from there

I'd be so grateful if it works. Just one solid routine from a sea of fitness advice I don't know what's good, I don't have the capacity to do research right now but I hope I'll get there if I get something from here. Again, I'm so weak I can't do a pushup
if you can go to a gym
to stronglifts start with the bar
if you can't
buy some dumbbells for at home
google dumbbell workout for beginners
if you can't do that
google calisthenics beginner workout
What should I do?
More proteins? More reps less weight? Or the opposite?
less cardio focus on going to the gym focus on your diet
Push pull legs + upper/lower or just upper lower upper lower?
With the starting strenght workouts, how do I train abs, biceps, triceps? should I just add sets that train these? I intend to do the program it while I lose some weight. Ive been doing it for months actually.

Anything is possible mate. You might even have gotten it from a cup or something or a barbell or something.
I will try that. Looks like fucking up your form will be a concern once you get to heavy weight though.
Q1: Is injury an excuse for the gym? What if I know jack shit about why it hurts or when it comes back or what will happen if I'm lifting heavy (one day) and suddenly the same sharp pain comes back?

Q2: What's a week in lifting? I'm pretty sure I could lift upper body twice in a week. But sometimes I'll hit legs and they'll be sore until the next week. Is a week in lifting strictly one Sunday to another (or whatever) or is it seven days from the day you hit that bodypart/muscle?

Thanks. T. Always say I'm going to get fit but never do.
Can someone please reccomend me a strength focused intermediate 4 day a week program that isn't just "bench squat ohp deadlift figure the accessories out yourself"?
I specifically want to include something for my bitch grip like wrist curls and also rear delt and lat work for my archery, maybe tricep and bicep work cause I've lost a bit of fat and now I have saggy granny skin arms.
Cardio held me for years on same weight, regardless of how much I did eat and what I did eat. Never did I build muscles, even when working out calisthenics many days per week. Sometimes every day.
Over training can have reverse effect, your body need to rest, to grow muscles, after muscles are stimulated for growth. Take some rest days.
Looks like you already figured out which accesories to include, so what's the problem?
I don't know how to structure it properly and I don't trust myself to tweak a program that much.
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Is this routine legit or retarded?
Sharp, inmediate pain is usually a sign that smething got fucked. If the pain doesn't sbdues in 48hours, go see a doctor. Try to work around the pain. Do shit that doesn't irritate what's fucked and avoid stuff that does.

A "week" being exactly seven days going mon-sun is arbitrary and used because it fits on most people's schedules. There's nothing preventing you from scheduling your lifting "week" over ten days or so. Plenty of programs and advanced lifters do. Sometimrs you can workout two days back to back, like upper/lower, and sometimes you need 2-3 rest days bettween sessions. If you need up to three days between leg sessions, just schedule around it. Adapt the program to you, not the other way around.
Texas method 4-day with the lifts switched:
Day 1: bench intensity ohp volume
Day 2: squat intensity deadlift volume
Day 3: ohp intensity bench volume
Day 4: deadlift intensity squat volume

Intensity: 1x5 at about 85% of your 1RM, increase weight and eventually switch to 2x3, 3x2 and 3-5 heavy singles.

Volume: 5x5 start at about 90% of your intensity day or a bit lower. Increase weight as needed.

On bench and ohp day do stuff for arms and shoulders, maybe another light press exercise with dumbbells or bodyweight (dips, weighted push ups)

On squat and deadlift day add vertical pull like chin ups or lat pulldown on one day and a row, barbell, dumbbell, cable, machine, etc. Plus forearm and wrist curls. And ab work.

Schedule rest daus as needed. Example:
Workout 1:
-Bench press 1x5
-OHP 5x5
-Dips or barbell push ups 3-4x8-12
-Medial delt and rear delt superset 3x12-15

Workout 2:
-Squat 1x5
-RDL or SLDL 3-4x5
-Barbell rows 4x6-10
-Wrist curls 3x15-20
-Abs 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps

Workout 3:
-OHP 1x5
-Bench press 5x5
-Seated dumbbell shoulder press 3x10-12
-Bicep curls plus triceps superset 3x12-15

Workout 4:
-Deadlift 1x5
-Squat 5x5
-Chin ups 4x8-12
-Barbell holds 3xmax time
-Abs and hyperextensions superset 3x15-20

Do not workout more than two days in a row.

Hop on teststoerone or anavar,.
Thanks man sounds good but a few questions.
Can I switch barbell pushups for skullcrushers or some other tricep isolation or is that too much and I should stick to pushups? Also why barbell pushups over regular pushups?
Why both OHP and db shoulder press the same day?
Why RDL not regular diddly?
Texas Method
Day 1(intense bench volume ohp)
>1x5 bench 95% of your 1rm max
>5x5 ohp (working weight)
>lat pulldown 3x12
>skullcrushers 3x12

Day 2(intense squat volume deadlift)
>1x5 squat
>5x5 deadlift
>wrist curl 2x20-25
>reverse wrist curl 2x20-25
>sit ups

Day 3(intense OHP volume bench)
>1x5 OHP
>5x5 Bench
>lateral cable raise 2x20-25
>face pulls or rear delt flies 2x20-25

Day 4(intense deadlift volume squat)
>1x5 deadlift
>5x5 squat
>barbell rows 3x12
>wrist curl 2x20-25
>reverse wrist curl 2x20-25

There, off the dome piece nigga. Your welcum.
Pretty retarded.
>I was also losing muscles (roughly 40-45% of the weight lost)
how exactly are you calculating this? if it's anything other than a specialised test done by a doctor I wouldn't take it too seriously. just keep lifting, get your protein in and don't go beyond a 500 cal deficit.
for me, it's upper lower!
>3 day dumbbell only ppl
Do exercises by Lilly Sabri work for men too? Despite being overweight, I've been doing her exercises for a slimmer waist, and I do intend to continue exercising, but is following her instructions a good idea in the first place? Am I overthinking this?
>Can I switch barbell pushups for skullcrushers or some other tricep isolation or is that too much and I should stick to pushups?
Yes, you can. I prefer compounds over isos but you can do that.
>Also why barbell pushups over regular pushups?
Great bench assistance. You can do any tri focused press or tricep isolation if you want.
>Why both OHP and db shoulder press the same day?
A bit of extra volume on intensity day and extra work on medial delts. Do lateral raises if you prefer them.
>Why RDL not regular diddly?
Depending on how much you deadlift, conventonal 2xweek might be too taxing. A lighter hip hinge/pull from the floor is as good to drive progress in most cases.
Do you use non stick pan when cooking meals?
Alright thanks man, my 1rm deadlift is 185kg so I don't know if that's too taxing or not but I'll do stiff legged then.
occasionally, depending on the dish I'm cooking. I try to stick to cast iron and stainless steel most of the time though.
you're overthinking it, if you can lift it you can lift it.
It really doesnt matter if it tilts a little from one side, its meaningless.
Are there any recommended dumbbell workouts?
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How to unfuck my sleep health?
I can't seem to get up in the morning with high energy.
I'm always groggy and need an hour or so to wake up.
Some times I just stay in bed while a wake to get full awake if this make since.
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Is wanking gonna kill me gains?
Will I still lose muscle mass on a calorie deficit if I'm consuming enough protein?
If you aren't fat yes.
I'm new to working out, my primary goal is to gain enough stamina to play with my kids for longer than a minute (there is nothing more humilatingly awful than leaving stopping after like three throws in air because you're winded). From my understanding I need to work on explosive movements (since kids games are so abrupt), but does that alter what my workout needs to be? Do I need to focus on specific muscle groups to best achieve what I want?
sounds like you need to do some cardio
I know one way, and that is when you wake up, you can activate energy. You do this by placing your hands above your knees and sliding down on your knees and back up, to the area above your knees.
Do it each time, it will work.

Next is to make alarm clock so you wake up in more regular time.. over span of some days you should wake up before the alarm clock. Try to go to sleep at same time. Drink some water to be hydrated, so things inside can move easily. Drinking before sleep might help you get out of bed if you need to urgently to pee.
No but lack of regular exercise will.
Depends on training level novice, intermediate, advanced etc. Also Depends on the lift
Might be not enough sleep/ missing out on vitamins
Only looked at the first image result of her program but they look like they are pandering to a more casual audience going to the gym. they could be ok for dipping your toes in to fitness/not caring about the best results possible but if you want the best results from the gym get on a proper novice program like ones from Alex leonidas, natrual hypertrophy, basment bodybuilding there all good free novice programs (they do require gym memberships tho)
It depends how severe the imbalance is either way lowering the weight won't help. Your probably overreacting but if it's extremely bad search up "correcting muscular imbalance with uni lateral work"
>With the starting strenght workouts, how do I train abs, biceps, triceps?
Compounds take care of most of that when you're starting out. However, there's no harm in doing 2-3 sets of isolations after the main lifts every other day.
Everything is cardio if you're really out of shape. Walking quickly, lifting weights...
Really? Strength training wouldn't help?
I suppose it was a matter of time before I had to consider a gym membership
But I don't care about muscles at all, I just wanna facilitate weight loss, get rid of my belly fat, and get as fem a figure as possible (I'm 23 so my bone structure has been decided, lol)
can I do heavy biceps even if my inner elbow crease feels weirdly tense when I extend it, on both arms? I'm not sure if it's triceps soreness or if I'd be in danger of tearing a tendon. I don't feel the soreness in my actual biceps. I want to do chins tomorrow, and I feel like they'd pose a risk in this case
I’m sick of having small triceps and considering making all my gym trips 90% push, 5% pull and 5% legs. Thoughts?
Or just do more triceps, nigga.
How do I deal with protein farts?
Pseudoephedrine was the best preworkout ever, but for reasons they won't tell me, I've been banned from buying it. What's the closest otc thing I can buy to it?
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Can I build my side delts with just reverse flys? All variations of lateral raises suck for my shoulders and I don't have the proper environment for OHP at my home gym. I know that side delts are only a secondary muscle for reverse flys, but it's much more comfortable for my shoulders and easier to overload.
Any recommendations to this routine? I’ve been running it for the past 4 months and enjoying it. I started at 65% of my 1rm and have linearly progressed ever since. Nearly back to my 1rm and fuck it’s getting tough.

Squat 4x8
Bench 4x8
Ohp 4x8
Incline db press 4x8
Lu raises 4x10

Deadlift 3x5
Bent over row 4x8
Chin ups #x5 (as many sets as possible)
Bent over db row 4x8
Lu raises 4x10
Incline reverse flies maybe.
I have been lifting weights for 4 years now and have not done any regular cardio.

This month I’ve begun doing 45 minutes of zone 2 cardio 3 times a week, and now my libido is out of control. I’m extremely horny all the time.

Is this normal?
I know there's a monthly limit on ephedrine thanks to the nanny state, maybe that applies to pseudo as well, so try later? Or try ephedrine because that's better anyway. Please post results.

If that doesn't work you can make tea with ma huang which is natural ephedrine, I don't know the dosage though.

And there's caffeine.
Yeah, I forgot to add its bent reverse flys that I've been doing. I do feel my side delts burning during the exercise, but maybe inclined on a bench will hit it harder.
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retarded diagram but started doing seated dumbbell ohp recently- at first my arms were more 'facing' inwards on an angle (picrel left), but when i tried with my arms more fully out like on the right it felt like i was working my shoulders more. which is the 'right' way to do it?
elbows outwards
What are some decent protein kinda things I can have with eggs? Been having tuna but getting bored of it, might try chicken sausages?
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Is there any reason to do daily hip flexor stretches if you don’t have APT? Saw this posted in another thread a few days ago, so I did all the stretches mentioned and woke up with some serious DOMS
Just started lifting, wearing a light pair of shorts to gym has been fine but it's getting too cold now.
Do I wear thermal pants under the shorts or do y'all have recommendations for baggy pants that wont tear if I squat in them?
I've blown out the gooch on my work pants just moving around before
I've done all these anon.
Today I tried waking up at 8 am, went to bed at 12 am, intrusive thoughts a side, I woke up at 8 am with the alarm but couldn't get out of bed until 10 am.
>Might be not enough sleep/ missing out on vitamins
What do I need to add?
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It takes some time, to fix sleep it takes some days. Maybe set alarm for 10am then? So you have some spare time to recover during sleep. Could be you are sleep deprived, to tired and need some more rests or longer sleep. Listen to your body, if you feel tired you need some rest. To have more energy working out and diet will fix that.

Here is the picture referring to where and in what direction you massage above knees to wake up that energy.
I like beef mince
Do you have your phone next to your bed? Don't do that. If you have a habit of scrolling through your phone in your bed in the evening or in the morning, stop that. Condition your body to see your bed as a place to sleep, nothing more. When you lie down in bed in the evening, it should be to fall asleep asap. When you wake up in the morning, your first impulse should be to get up. Don't allow yourself any distractions that interfere with this.
>I know there's a monthly limit on ephedrine thanks to the nanny state, maybe that applies to pseudo as well, so try later?
Tried that. Shit, I even left my phone number for them to call me later after they "figured out what's wrong" and they never called me back.
>Or try ephedrine because that's better anyway.
I'm a Burger, ephedrine is only available for that opioid overdose shit and it's ungodly expensive without a prescription.
>If that doesn't work you can make tea with ma huang which is natural ephedrine
I will, thanks.
>ephedrine is only available for that opioid overdose shit
I think that's epinephrine.
Had horrible irregular sleep schedules for 3 years. Took 7 months to fix it completely, and even now I still feel like I could relapse and fuck up my sleep schedule if I'm not vigilant about it
Any thoughts on methylene blue?
>Do you have your phone next to your bed
I leave it in another room, I also started using bluelight filters, on all electronic devices as well.
>doom scrolling
I didn't fall for it.
>Took 7 months to fix it completely
damn man.
At least you fixed yours. I won't fix mine until I go fully deaf from tinnitus.
Because if it's not snoring next to me, it's the cat breaking things in the kitchen or the dog whining.
Then try putting your alarm clock away from your bed, so that you have to physically stand up to turn it off. If getting up is a barrier to you, you have to forcefully break through that barrier until it becomes a non factor. It should become more natural after that.
I'm doing inverted rows using rings. Should you use rotation? Like start off with palms facing away from you at the bottom, and rotate until you're using neutral grip at the top?
>palms facing away from you at the bottom
Good way to fuck up the shoulder. Pronated grip- sure, if you like it. Going further just twisting my hand that way now made my shoulder shoot with pain.
Is there a risk of tendonitis with skull crushers? I am doing them with dumbbells and a neutral grip and the region right above my elbow hurts a lot when doing them.
Yes. Try with an ez bar.
List of exercises

What could I do about my elbow, is clicking and like skipping position when I do Dumbbell Seated Triceps Extension. It make me to perform worst because of it, elbow give up before muscles do.
They both act like adrenaline
Epi is adrenaline, but specifically outside the body
Ephedrine stimulates the CNS and increases blood pressure similarly to adrenaline but isn't technically adrenaline
You should have been doing it all along.
It's basically Cialis but free
If it's just one elbow, jerk off with the other hand
Is it the hard truth if someone has been morbidly obese their entire life(21 years) that their body will always look fat/flabby even if they lose weight? I was at 310 pounds and am currently 150 pounds, 10 away from what a healthy weight for me would be and my body still looks pretty fat.
Tighter sweatpants that you can pull up your calves to help squat or looser sweatpants that you can take off after warmup

Not enough information
You could have just run SS for a month or 2 and already been back
Less sugar, less protein, more water, more electrolytes
You can only synthesize 0.8g of protein per pound of lean mass
Everything beyond that hurts you
You shouldn't have protein farts when eating properly
Stretch your arm out and then warm up to it
Cardio most important
Then lifting
How much really depends

Get a Barbell
You need more frequency if you're a beginner or intermediate

Run SS to intermediate and then make sure your next program hits all the compounds heavy at volume twice a week
Hip thrusts

Pull/chin ups
Tricep ext/skull crushers
Leaning forward shoulder flies

Train in the 4-6 range for squat dead bench row
6-8 range for the rest

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Can someone recommend me some shoulder exercises I can work on?
Press©®™ and leaning forward shoulder flies are all you need
If you have shoulder pain from benching, do some face pulls after, pulling to your forehead
The biggest fitness problem for fatties is that the initial crash course diet destroys their lean mass
That's why I recommend running a linear progression program before cutting

I started at 260(6'4)
Bottomed out at 185 (looked average/skinny)
Peaked at 274lbs @ 8% bf 8ish years later natty

On one hand, you'll gain lean mass easier, on the other, you'll have that post-fat eating disorder where you don't understand that gaining weight is good under the right circumstances
Ive been adding chin ups to SS and shaving off 5lbs every successful 3x5. I was supposed to do 20lbs assisted today, but the 20lbs was too light for the machine to actually work.
So basically I did my first bodyweight chin up, and was able to do 5 reps at least the first set. Lol
Ameriburger here. If I workout to the point in which I crash my testosterone five days a week, couldn't I bounce it back by supplementing DHEA and/or pregnenolone? If so, would it crash my HPTA axis?
>just pin test
I'm paranoid about my work piss testing me and there's zero chance they'll piss test me for DHEA or pregnenolone because it's legal here.
While I'm squatting, my reps get really slow and grindy on the way up as I pass 45 degrees or so. When this happens I feel like I'm using my hamstrings and glutes a ton.
Does this mean that I'm using too much weight and can't control my form or are my hamstrings just the limiting factor in my squat right now?
Something similar happened to me, actually. I think the assist on those machines is labeled higher than the force it really provides.
What's the best angle for the decline crunch?
Should I even do it, or do something else for abs?
It feels pretty good to do because it's stable and reasonably challenging for my noob ass.
That's the usual sticking point on squats for most people. Also most (untrained) people have weak as fuck hamstrings and glutes compared to squats.
Bottom line is, it's pretty normal. Just keep training and focus on engaging your quads, explode out of the hole.
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I have this problem where I finish work, and then I get home and I just feel exhausted, like I really wanna sleep kinda exhausted, this doesn't affect my gym because I go in the early morning, but it's a bit concerning how early into the afternoon I get like that, I usually get between 7 to 7 and a half hours of sleep per night
How do I build more mental fortitude for squats and deadlifts? They are the only lifts where I feel limited by my own willpower instead of muscle failure.
Only slept for 3 hours should I still go to the gym
So I need to pass a test including 1km race, sprints, vertical jump, swimming, push ups and an agility circuit.
What routine would you recommend to get really good at the activities mentioned?
Possibly. Though, doing 25lbs assistance it was hardly even staying under my knees.
I dont think you being exhausted after putting in a full day is an issue. IMO that's just life. It's a good thing to get tired at the end of the day.
I have weights and a rack and bench in my garage
it's about to get really cold out
2 fridays ago I tried to do jumping jacks and immediately threw my back out for 6 days
What's a good at home exercise routine to stay fit in the winter? I don't do heavy squat or deadlift. Any abs exercise kills my back as well.
I'm not fat I'm 26 I just want to get stronger and have a healthier back come spring
try hanging the bar/dbs behind your head and pushing out at a 45deg angle. it'll put less pressure on the elbows and more on the tris.
I used to have back pain from just doing situps, stretching similar to >>75469176 helped immensely. I've never trained yoga, but a few stretches I was taught are very similar to classic or common poses and they helped with core strength and balance
teach me your ways, I'm stuck on the assisted chinup as I can't complete the third set
maybe I should do amraps on the first two instead of doing 3*5
I have this pain on the outer side of my left elbow. Shit fucking sucks cause I can't do dips or single arm tricep extension. Any idea what the problem is / how I can rehab?
funny I tried that.
I slept through it.
Who knew alarm clock shut down after a minute.
>day 21
>lost nnn
My gf started masturbation marathon just to get me to fuck her, it worked.
But just to get back she tuned me on and blueballed me.
>Epi is adrenaline, but specifically outside the body
Epi is adrenaline, but when some fag pharma co released a drug called Adrenalin, they changed the name.
For the last two years I’ve been doing one leg day a week because it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck for 4 days straight, the DOMS are fuck up bad, rest of my body is fine though. I take magnesium and creative. Is this purely genetic? Am I sleeping retardedly? Low estrogen/test or bad ratios?
Do cardio, control your cortisol and eat more
Stop looking for some retarded bandaid

Push your knees and hips forward more to use more quad

Max decline

Caffeine 2 hours after lunch

Get fucking pissed and be hard on yourself about them
I think about all the bullshit I deal with and take it out on leg day

Pop a rhodiola with your pre and rip it
Get plenty of antioxidants to help counter the bodily stress
Just do 40 minutes of LISS cardio after
Poor recovery is entirely cardio and diet related


1.5km runs
A fuckload of sprints, uphill if possible
Swimming test x 1.25, weighted pushups and agility training

If you want to be better at something, do that thing more, it's not fucking rocket science
Stop fapping with that arm and ice it
Golfer & tennis elbow are opposites of eachother. Look into that.
I kept fucking up my tricep extensions and noticed I wasn't moving symmetrically. Get you shoulders moving together and what did it for me was learning to stack my ribcage over my hips.
I.e. stop jutting my ribs out so much and keep them over the pointy bits of my pelvis.
Once I did that, the shoulders started going into place and my elbow stopped trying to cheat out of it position.

Ive got kettlebells, a dip bar, pull up bar, a couple of dumbbells. Please help me get in shape bros. Gym is no go as i dont have car and closest gym is an hour walk from my house and i work a 10 hour shift i dont have much free time.
The caffeine is unironically the most effective part of pwo for making you want to "get it." You would be better off just buying beta alanine (tingly chemical) and an N.O. supplement (arginine, citrulline, etc.), Creatine In bulk powder and just making your own
To add to my last reply, you can literally by pounds of these "ingredients" for the same price as one little container of meme pwo. Guarentee these companies are sourcing from these companies since you can by 25kg sizes
The shakiness with lessen as you become more trained at your lifts
>wrist curls for grip strength
Lol. Literally just train grip however you want on top of your training
I'm assuming you're asking for a routine?
You could try something like this 3 days per week with at least one day in between.
Goblet squat 5x whatever is rep range is challenging with your heaviest kettlebell
Dips 5x10 (wear a backpack for more weight to progress)
Pull ups 5x5 add weight or reps as you improve
Kettlebell cleans 5x challenging rep range
Your favorite ab exercise
This whole thing shouldn't take more than an hour, probably much less.
Just mix all three before workout?
That's what I do, I eat a couple spoons of honey for sugar and drink a mixture of creatine, arginine, citrulline. I usually caffienate at my own rate some time in the day beforehand. I can't fuck with that retarded 300mg caffiene shit all at once
The caffiene and beta alanine do a lot of the heavy lifting in PWO's to make you think you're getting "jacked up," I personally think they're a huge scam for the money they charge once you realize the stuff in them that's more important isn't even expensive and is also underdosed in the blend anyways
Thanks for the routine. Ive been doing something similar for about a month now. Should i cut down to around 15% bf or lower? Ive read somewhere here that it makes you gain lean mass faster
Anyone fucked around with taurine. Might be good to add to a PWO brew?
I've heard the same but I couldn't say for sure because I'm still cutting too.
If you're newer to lifting I would say take your own body fat percentage measurements with a large grain of salt, because it's easy to round down pretty heavily by mistake.
The general advice is to cut until your stomach is flat or you have visible abs. It will save you more cutting in the future if you do it right the first time, speaking from experience.
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bros, I just slipped and faceplanted in the shower. Was quite painful.
Would you recommend seeking medical attention for this cut? If this cut were pretty much anywhere else I would just go on about my night, but I don't know how lips work.
I haven't been drinking, surprisingly, I am able to drive.
l-citrulline costs half what a good pre does anyway and everyone wants caffeine to FEEL better.
Not a medical professional, but head injuries are silent killers. Plenty of traumatic head injuries can seem fine until it is too late and you shoot a blood clot or worse. Not to scare you Anon, but head stuff is a hazard. Best of luck.
What type of tests do I request from my doc to review vitamin deficiencies?
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would fucking a hooker end my NNN streak?
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I always struggled with peeling boiled eggs.
Today I learned you're supposed to steam them.
How much liquid do you use in your protein shakes for a: scoop? I was using a 600ml or 20oz and thought shakes always tastes shit. Should only be using 200ml, or 8oz to make it bit creamier. Could always use milk too I guess
330 ml
I mix some coffee with it as well.
Question is, Hot or cold water?
Are you missing out as a beginner if you leave out deadlifts? They feel great but I am not sure what they actually do.
Yeah I just put a small pool of water that covers the bottom 25% of the eggs into the pan, and let that cook for the regular amount of minutes. Saves water, heats faster so it saves energy and the eggs taste exactly the same
I( just saw a thread of 1v1 fights, in it a webm of a guy getting his throat slashed after getting overconfident. Where is this thread?? I can't find it, was it even on /fit/?
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Yeah this is what I do now.
I'm eyeing this, maybe I'll get it.
It's not magical or anything
The pre workouts with it in them hit maybe a touch different but not quantifiably

Just basic blood work hits all the big ones
Just ask
Most of the time real deficiencies have symptoms

It's basically paid fapping plus™

You shouldn't be relying on powder slop for any of your daily nutrition
Just eat a full meal
You clearly should be running a tried and true linear progression program
As a beginner, you're missing out entirely if you aren't running a real program
Id run starting strength to intermediate and then run a real program that hits all the compounds heavy at volume at frequency (twice a week)
Deadlfts are the biggest effort/endocrine trainer yielding the most overall gains of any single lift
Run starting strength, get to reap stats and then you can fuck around
Otherwise you'll fuck around for years and go no where
While cutting is it better to eat at consistent intervals or is it okay to have larger gaps of not eating?
I would say it depends on the person
OMAD is a thing for people who can't play
I prefer regular eating times

Long term, it's best to cut hard and fast for shorter periods with breaks in between than doing long term deficits if you actually want to be big someday

Beyond that it's actually best to cut at your regular calorie intake which requires you to skyrocket your calorie burn through cardio and extra lifting
Oh so I've been on a deficit for like 4 months. Only down 6lbs so I was wondering if maybe my eating pace was the issue.

I can assure I'm not "not counting" I only eat 2000 Cals a day and my tdee is 2500 before exercise due to having a physical job.

Should I try cutting at a more aggressive deficit until the end of the year and then swap back to maint? I'm not by any means lean, around 21%bf
>endocrine trainer
What does that mean?
Back in August I fucked myself up doing squats, I was in pain to where I had to alternate sitting and lying down for like 2 days because my sciatic hurt but I went away after a couple of weeks only to flare up barely like a month later. Now in the past month it's not the same pain but whenever I do squats it's like my lower back is perpetually painful and sore. I can feel the exact spot in my lower back where it comes from and it feels like doms that doesn't go away but sometimes I get a twinge in my hip or leg. Pain is like a 3/10 and it's been like this for a month. Should I go to the doctor? I do stretches and rolling with a tennis ball everyday and haven't done squats (or the gym) for like 2 weeks now.
You could do some calisthenics. I was doing it at home taken me 1h or so. But this was when I was stronger.
What I did was this routines.

Push-ups (inclined) = How many I could do, sometimes done 2-3sets
Sit-ups = One set to max I could do
Hips trusts on floor = about 3 sets to my max (maybe 3 sets to extreme, one should be enough)
Dip-s = 3 sets with a rest in a row
Lifting 5kg weight in curl up, lift in some other ways, standing, leaning, laying down
Calf rises = I hit 40 reps, then is to painful but they recover fast so I do 2-3 sets of them
L-sit = I done this when siting on a chair (have strong chair), grabbed by the side and did 2-3sets by lifting my self

Not every days:
Pull ups = I started with one, did some negatives by jumping up and slowly lowering
Chin ups = I did fast progression here, from 1 to 20 in a month time, but it takes a lot of time to rests, from 1-5 sets max. I did how many reps I could on any given day, I done them every day.
Squats = Normally I done one set
Standing on one leg interchangeable for balance.

I got stronger over time on all of them in 2weeks I noticed progress.
Get medical help? If you wish them to stitch you up. I had some cuts on the lower side on upper lift, they fixed it up and it looks good now.
>doing nnn when you have a gf
Are you retarded?
Nnn people have never been paragons of logic or reasoning
Do you stretch hamstrings a lot? If not do multiple ones and hold them a while. Insidious back wrenchers.
I did when I first hurt myself but now when I do them I don't feel it so I'm not doing them as often
if i cut for a prolonged amount of time
do my maintenance calories change?
Yes. But if you lose like 50+ pounds you may only be looking at a difference of 200 calories or so. Check a tdee calc
lost about 10lbs slowly in the past 7 months
i'll check again with my current weight on a calculator then
I finally managed to get a mind muscle connection to my lats after some good pulldowns. Maybe cable lat prayers also helped.
Queues for standard barbell DLs?
This is what I've been doing. The actual cues start at 3 minutes.
How to stop muscle loss while on a cut?
Especially my abs.
When I'm at higher BF% my abs are visible but when I start to cut, while my body get more defined, I lose my abs.
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I can't get my biceps or delts to grow as much as I want to, especially the biceps. I hit them good the other day and got muscle strain in my left bicep. Additionally, I have horizontal lines/striation in my skin on my left bicep when I train them. Any advice, recommendations for routines and training days to hit these muscles better?
That's just something that happens in the first few weeks of cutting, they will come back a lot more visible if you keep going.
How do I get rid of stretch marks on my delts?
Whats the "take 1-2 weeks maintenance calories" ratio on a cut? every 4-6 weeks?
Unironically moisturizer, everytime after showering
Is about how you do it not just lifting. I do them slowly relatively, and on last rep, I hold on the contracted position and, when I can't hold I slowly lower it down, then I do rest pause where I wait 10-15s and do few more reps, and hold on the last rep always to about 20s then slowly lowering down. Rather stop, if you feel pain, you can train in isometric holds too. From talk I had with other lifters, eating protein in food is what helped them to grow. One guy didn't eat and didn't made progress, until he started to eat proteins. You can eat eggs, chickens. I use other method's as progressive over load, and de-load when I work on making volume, this mean I lift 40kg, then I lower to 35kg, 30kg.. and so on, to add more reps aka volume. I lift heavier weight first, because later fatigue hits me. Rest is part of the process, and recovery is when you grow. Don't over train, this can be counter productive.

>On my last visit:
Cable curls with straight bar. This given me a bit of pain, so I don't over do it.
2 sets x 10 reps x 30kg

Dumbbell Alternative Biceps Curl
1 x 20 x 5kg
1 x 15 x 5kg

>This too bellow I think help them to grow too
Cable Bar Lateral Pulldown, I know is back exercise but I can feel my biceps working too and it helps to stretch
Lever Seated Shoulder Press
My diet sucks but my protein intake is good, I've been making huge gains in a lot of areas (I can bench 275lbs for reps). I'm looking to make a lot of changes to my routine as a whole but haven't decided on what approach I'm going to take to training other than incorporating more cardio.
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I usually precook my dinners and just microwave them from the fridge plus some vegetables from the freezer, is this bad? Would it be better to just steam or boil the vegetables and reheat the food on the hob?
None of the precooked food has meat anything, just rice, beans, etc. I'm assuming it's fine but I do it every day and would like to know what the best practices are.
This >>75475651
And it works everywhere.
Why do you think it's bad?
It's quite late for this but thanks. I'm screenshotting this just in case. I'll try to get my legs and back un-fucked before the New Year's gym subscription deals come out.

Also maybe Q3 to anyone reading this: In terms of maybe reducing weight first (183cm@120kg), maybe I should go do something I'm excited about first, yeah? Like, a guy I knew and whose advice I see as both knowledgable and wise (despite him being the lackadaisical and messy type) told me: there's no point going to the gym some days when you feel like it if there's a sport that you're excited for that you will go to everytime, everyday. Then will you lose weight.

The sport(s) I like are either boxing, sambo/judo – or in diminishing respect – other martial arts. Should I just get over my feeling that the gym is 100% necessary to get fit and prove to myself I can maintain a regular schedule to something? I originally felt I should go to the gym because I can control when I get there and three out of my five school days have classes coinciding with the same three days' boxing classes. Also the boxing classes that are on open days are in a different, farther away gym. I'm a bit tight on money so I want to choose the option that is effective and worth my money. What do?

Goddammit. It became long again. Sorry.
I'm not really sure lol, I'm just getting a bit paranoid. I haven't heard anything outside of conspiracies that say microwaving food is bad as long as it's not with plastics, but I remember something about it not being an ideal way to keep the most nutrients in food vs steaming or reheating.
I'm currently on a 3 day full body split. I'm looking to get into a 4 day lower/upper split. Question is, do i have to do four times every week, or can i just do every other day, effectively eliminating "weeks" from my program?
Hitting everything every 3 days is optimal
You can run it constantly like
And so on

If you aren't intermediate yet, I would sort that out first tho
Ask symmetric strength

Unless you over hear it it doesn't matter
Microwaves literally just vibrate the water to heat it up
Boiling removes the most nutrients of anything tho

I would cut harder and do 2 cutting one not

More heavier sets for biceps
Do sets of 8+ for shoulder flies but ain to increase the weight

Hormone response
Your hormones make or break your physique

I would just add fiber and make sure I'm getting enough fat
Don't ever eat more than 0.8g of protein for every pound of LEAN mass you have or you'll lose unnecessary mass while cutting
You can do UxLxUxxLxUxLxx. Maybe not as optimal, but you still can make gains if you hit everything hard enough.
>I've been on a deficit for like 4 months. Only down 6lbs
dude I lose that much in the first couple weeks of a cut
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Will getting into belly dancing help with better abs?
Boxing, combat sports and most martial arts will get you fit since they require different attributes, like explosiveness, endurance, speed, coordinatiin, balance and a long list of etc.
I love the gym, I love lifting weights so it's no problem for me to maintain an schedule. However, that might not be your case. If you think you'll enjoy, say, boxing more, there's a good chance you'll have less trouble sticking to it.
6-10 depending on how you feel and how hard you're cutting
>I remember something about it not being an ideal way to keep the most nutrients in food vs steaming or reheating.
Funny, I've haerd literally the opposite, that microwaving keeps the most nutrients in food. Kinda makes sense because maybe something gets lost when you fry, boil or steam food, but a microwave basically makes the water molecules vibrate, nothing gets boiled away. Does that make sense? I don't know.
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>based nora poster
No much, but will will get you better hip and pelvic mobility.
I don't have fix routine yet. I go to gym and do what I feel like doing. Legs don't hurt me, I do legs. My shoulders not so strong, and no pain, I do them too. And so on with other parts of the body. Yes some days, I do more one part of body then the other, but I go over machines that are there. I been fallowing principle from Mike Mentzer and I'm making gains so far each visit, but I'm beginner. He was talking to stimulate muscle growth and not do more then that, since is easy to overtrain. Then having enough time to rest, when we rest it muscle grows.


I would not recommend to eat microwaved food, you are burning the nutrition's by doing this. Is not heating.. is vibrations changing the structure of food. Atoms hit each other and heat is by product, and the change of the structure of atoms.
can i spread out my sets throughout the day instead of doing them all at once?
holy schizo
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Is the ratio of tissue to fat in the breasts something genetic?
What can I do to make the tatas less deflated when I lose weight?
Thanks! At least I can argument.
What positive contributions, did you make, today, this week, this month, in this year? Do you think about that?
Are you proud about what you are doing?
Don't worry about this, take care about your health.
All I know boobs get smaller, if fat is lost. Maybe it have something to do with muscles who hold up the boob and fight gravity. Some don't use bra to make them perky by working ageist gravity. I don't have them to test this, just saying some things I did read online.
Take MDMA.
If you've already had kids, you can take estroven or whatever to help

Technically yes but you should be lifting in the 4-6 rep range which would require warming up every time

>Give yourself nerve damage
Okay bro, good advice
how horrifying. they traced and drew an anime face.
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Is this just manufacturing differences. My last tub of whey left the tub clean as a whistle, the next tub I bought is powdery and chalky. Still tastes fine, just messy and gets everywhere.
Is pre workout just this with useless south american herbs and a shitty flavoring?
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recommend me a retinol cream or oil to use for skincare
for the most part
Unironically woman.
2 questions. I have been machine lifting for the last 3 months can do 80lbs so far as a newb. When I use dumbells I feel so pathetic and can’t keep form at 50lbs. What gives?

Also I can’t get my form right with a barbell doing a deadlift. However using a hex bar I can lift safely. Am I missing out on gains not using a barbell.

I’m trying here ok!
You have to stabilize dumbbells so it's harder until you get used to it.

If the hex bar has raised handles it's not as much range of motion, otherwise muscle training is fine. With really heavy deadlift there's a leaning back technique you can't do with hex bar but that's probably not a concern for you.

Is it something specific with barbell dl that doesn't work?
I keep trying to not lift with my lower back but I can’t seem to get it right. I tried both grips still can’t do it. I hav fairly short legs compared to my torso though with very high arches and wondering the combination of the two makes it more difficult.

But the hex bar very easy to do and there are 2 sets of grips on it at the gym. I will use the lower set from now on.
>It's basically paid fapping plus
aight, dubs wills it, no sex till Dec 1st then
How to stop bored mouth and ruin my cut because of it?
Also how do you eat the canned tuna?
long torso sucks for deadlift.

lower back is always going to be heavily stressed, but it should be static.
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>sleep on side
thighs goes numb
>sleep on back
ass goes numb
>sleep on arm
arms goes numb
>sleep on stomach
neck hurts
The fick is this shit? how to fix it?
On protein shakes, how do you stop shakes becoming too foamy, hate drinking pure froff
You've got a shit bed.
>sleep on back ass goes numb
you put a small pillow under legs to help alleviate the stress across the entire leg region and change the pelvic force on the ass.
Do people use a blender all the time?
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How to stop being a coomer?
Willpower mostly. It’s not actually good that you stop, physiologically. You should be dumping your load daily, at minimum weekly. Psychologically, if this is an addiction, you should work on that. I’ve found that when I’m busy, physically and mentally, with meaningful activity, then I don’t dwell on it. Happiness and contentment in your own life seems to be a factor.
no. i have absolutely massive shoulders from OHP, side and lateral raises exclusively. i do nothing else specific for my shoulders.
Anyone have back day suggestions? I've maxed a lot of the machines and I'm not sure what to do anymore.
Maxed: Lat pulldowns, close grip pulldowns, low row, iso lateral row
Well, I don't have an available cum dumpster.
So I masturbate when I really get pent up, like maybe once or twice a month.
If I don't I start having wet dreams, with no collection of what I saw, which suck.
>Do people use a blender all the time?
Are deadlifts on a smith machine better than no deadlifts at all?
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>What's the best resting time between two sets?
How long is a length of string? It depends on how long you've been lifting and whether you're training for strength or size.
If you're a n00b and doing 3x5 squat/bench/etc. then 3-5 minutes is appropriate if that's the rest time you need to keep on progressing.
Personally I'm a 2 minute rest on 'heavy' compounds, 90 second rest on light compounds, 30-60 second rest on isolations kinda guy. But that's because I've been lifting for years and no longer strength train after having hit 2/3/4/5
I'm mainly replying because I see that the first answer to your question told you to rest 3 minutes between sets of bicep curls.
Question: When bw squatting with sets in the 30-50 range (throughout the day and with lots of rest – it's a federal holiday here), if I focus on hinging back slightly at the hips, allow knees to travel over toes, but also focus on semicontrolling the descent and ascent using the muscles in and around the knees, is it normal to have back muscle tension/light cramping? It's from keeping the core tight, isn't it? Normally, I have lower back pain from laying in bed alot and I've heard buttwink/loose core/rounding hips at the bottom is bad technique. But if I hinge backwards and try to keep my chest up, I should be fine, right?
Or am I in for a really bad surprise tomorrow morning and even more fucked up legs/knees?

Also, what's the deal with Smith Machine squats? Feet farther forward (legs more at a 90º angle, vertical shins) menas more glutes and feet closer to being underneath you means more quads, right?
BTW, Should've noted two important symptoms:
1. It's more muscle tension/soreness rather than cramping in the lower back muscles
2. It's hard to lower myself unassisted to sit down into a chair

These mean I'm using the right muscles, yay or nay?
Question for dude weed fags;
Is delta 9 any good for relaxing? It’s legal here and I want something that’s not alcohol. Is it worth a try once or not worth it?
No. Bench press does hit your front delts a bit, but you'd have to do a ton of bench press to give your front delts adequate volume, and at that point it might be too much volume for your chest and triceps.
Even if it's not too much for your chest, your chest would still always be more developed than your front delts if you never did any shoulder presses.
It is true that shoulder presses don't hit the side delts that much though, which is why you also need to do lots of lateral raises.
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When people say that can do 1/2/3/4 do they mean that in like 1RM or in WW sets ?
If I deadlift twice a week, should I be able to add 5 lbs both times, for a total of 10 lbs to my DL per week? Or should I only add weight every other session for 5 lbs per week? Or could I just add a 2.5 lb plate to one side of the bar so I can progress each time I DL?
They're referring to 1RM, and the 1/2/3/4 refers to the number of 45 lb plates on one side of the barbell.
So for instance, a "1 plate OHP" is 135 lbs total (2 x 45 lb plates, plus 45 lb barbell).
No. Smith machines groove improper form.
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How to get thinner fingers?
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>Just started working out
>Getting all my macro and micros
>Eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables
>Drinking a shitton of water
>Usually sleep at 2, wake up at 10
>Try sleeping earlier, want 9 hours of sleep
>Immediately ruins my entire sleeping schedule, wake up multiple times at night and can't get back to sleep, no energy during the day

This has been the case for the past few days. Do I just have to keep trying? Ist es over fur mich?
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Is this genetics?
Or actual diet and workout?
Would doing Romanian Deadlifts make more sense than doing Straight Leg Deadlifts because SLDL and Back Extensions are very similar motions? I want my leg day to be complete and well rounded. This is my current leg day
Farner Carries
Front Squats
Back Extensions
Quad Focused Bulgarian Split Squats (Heel raised and front leg close to bench)
Stiff Leg Deadlifts/Romanian Deadlifts
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How do I stop being a massive bitch about squatting? Or more accurately, can you help me find a replacement for squats that I'll actually enjoy?

I have 2 leg days, usually Wednesday and Saturday:
>Front Squat
>Leg Curl
>Leg Extension
>Calf Raise
>Machine Crunch
>Leg Raise

>Leg Press
>assistance the same

Everything's "fine" volume's good, recovery and progress are good, but I just fucking hate squats. Low bar, high bar, front, I just never enjoy them. Hate the hack squat, hate the leg press. Literally every single other exercise in my entire program I enjoy but I just can't learn to love squats. By comparison Deadlifts are chill

Please no meme answers like Bulgarian Split Squats or Rippletits "just squat pussay" I am looking for a real solution
One arm pulldowns for straight sets, or just do drop sets. If you can do 20 reps of the stack, 20 reps of 3/4 the stack, and 20 reps of 1/2 the stack, post a video.
If you recover and function well on 8 hours of sleep then why would you need 9? If you want to shift your sleep schedule earlier so you're getting up at 6am or something, that's a different story

This can only be a question from a beginner, yeah 10lbs per week is feasible (for a while)

Assume 1RM, if they can rep it they'll usually specify

How the fuck do you ask this and not just try it lol

I use a mason jar and an old oster blender, the threads match. The top half inch or so does form a frothy crema but that's the best part

Face pulls or rear delt flys would be good to add for.. rear delts
Both, plus a corset for several hours a day. Regardless, I want to lick her asshole.
How should I sauna? Just joined a spa with a sauna that has a decent gym. Best to sauna before or after training? Both? How should I start out?
Hi Frens, I have been /fit/ before, but have fallen off my training for the last year or two because I had a very busy job.

I work from home 2-3 days per week at the moment.I have a 14kg dumbell by my desk (just one) and I do sets through the day. Can anyone suggest more exercises that will help me rebuild some arm/shoulder/core/back strength and muscle? currently doing 4-5 sets of 15 throughout the WFH days of:
>bicep curl
>Seated shoulder press
>Overhead tricep extension
>front raise

then do
>60 seconds front plank
>60 seconds each side plank
>plus a corset for several hours a day
What? how could you tell?
Nearly every IG whore wears a corset for hours a day (now sold as “waist trainers”) thinking it actually makes them lose fat on their waist when in reality all it does is compress their organs which leads to severe medical conditions or death in extreme cases
I wore a weightlifting belt overnight and it left a semi-permanent fat indentation (lasts days). That's not organs.
>If you recover and function well on 8 hours of sleep then why would you need 9?
I'll be honest, I just read somewhere that you should be getting 9 hours of sleep for optimal recovery, but looking it up it seems it varies. I guess I'll stick to 8 hours of sleep if there's no pressing issue lol.
snack on lettuce
chew gum
eat smaller satiating meals more often rather than bigger meals less often
drink water
do something productive with your time to distract yourself from the food
lose weight
just squat pussy
goblet squat
db row
lat raise
db floor press
weighted situp/crunch
Has anyone had problems with headaches after a workout? I took some ghost pump and some ghost legend and did a light session, but a little bit later I'm getting hit with a bad headache, I'm worried the supplements might be causing it so I'll put them aside tomorrow, also wondering if it's just stress from driving in the dark while the roads were busy
How much fiber should i be eating daily? I have quite runny stool, sometimes almost diarrhea. are the psyllium capsules a meme?
Daily i eat 1l milk (half of which for shake consisting of 2x scoops whey isolate, 2 tbsp peanut butter and cocoa powder for taste) 6 eggs, 10x rice cakes, 60g oats w yogurt, for lunch and dinner usually rice,pasta or some chicken or pork with potatoes. Im on a slight caloric surplus for bulk, about 2800 calories, 150-160g protein, 80g fats and about 250g carbs, sometimes less or more. Im lactose intolerant so the milk and yogurts i buy are with minimal lactose in ingredients.

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