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I'd really appreciate 5cm, 2.5, about an inch on each side
No steroids tho
Is this really natty? Why the fuck would anyone pin if you can look like this without. Great work bro
>I'd really appreciate 5cm, 2.5, about an inch on each side
>No steroids though
there u go:

>lol no u ccan't grow "capped" delts natty, u need to roid and hope for the best
true, u are not gonna build delts with anything conventional, but if u think outside of one and only plane of motion box u'll get them effortlessly
You can have 2 guys in the normal range of genetic potential for natty muscle building and have a 200-300% disparity in obtained muscle mass between the two in the same time, accounted for diet and training.
>You can have 2 guys in the normal range of genetic potential for natty muscle building and have a 200-300% disparity in obtained muscle mass between the two in the same time, accounted for diet and training.
these 2 hypothetical guys of the same race height and weight will simply move differently, it has an zero to do with genetics
and since:
>u are not gonna build delts with anything conventional
it will depend on how the traditional movements are performed and even then 3 times difference? naaah not true

op is of course roods in jpg, doode could do swimming without an pool lol - laden with water, biceps looks enormous relaxed but when he tries to flex it there is nothing there - it's almost flat lol
>if you can look like this without
You and the majority of people can't. He can. Even if you undergo the same training and diet, some things are just based on luck and set in stone.
Hell even if you take steroids you might not look like that.
peak male physical form
You're not building shoulders for width, you build lats and work on your posture
A little bit, but temper your expectations. The delts respond more than anything to androgen and a juicer who doesn't even train delts will have bigger shoulders than a natty who can overhead press 315. That's just the way it goes. I can do laterals with the 90 lb dumbbells but I still get mogged in the delt department by the roiders in my gym.
Okay, I will take your word over that of dozens of qualified scientists that have conducted many studies and metaanalysis on this topic.
cope. width is all side delts and triceps. (apart from bone structure ofc)
these roidfucks are so fucking delusional man who takes pictures like this and posts em on the internet get a fucking life
probably half inch on each side, and inch total
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That's just not true. Delts are a part of it but having a very wide back with big lats and traps is 90% of your girth. This is why swimmers are so fucking wide despite having tiny delts (for their size)
Why are you typing like an ESL?
English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
>I can do laterals with the 90 lb dumbbell
The absolute LARP on this Hungarian goat-fucking forum!
lol, lmao even
u r boring bot, and weak, delt is here bot:
>of your girth
why are you talking about girth now, it was about width. width is delts and triceps
Do you have any actual response or just that?
you just make no sense, what should i response to that? first speaking about width, then about girth. two totally different things.
fucking low iq monkey
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That's just not true. Delts are a part of it but having a very wide back with big lats and traps is 90% of your width. This is why swimmers are so fucking wide despite having tiny delts (for their size).

There you go, you spastic autist.
Nobody's gonna read that ESL mumbojumbo
back literally doesnt make you wider you retarded cretin. it maybe creates an illusion of width from the back, but not measurable you width, faggot
This you OP?
It's not a huge feat of strength. Most people just never push the weight on laterals and don't progress. Plenty of guys can do the same.
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Just use fake steroids lmao
didn't this guy kill himself
and that's why u keep trying to berate me bot :D
side deltoids not only increase your width but also raise shoulder up both by muscle volume and pulling shoulder back
>but do u have better delt than this rooder?
of course and i am not even finished growing it
Gotta go with lateral deltoid with guy on this one, it's just total width vs. torso width and lats are only torso width.

Unless I'm missing something and they "push" the shoulders out, which I don't think.
Nobody is doing proper lateral raises with 90lb dumbbells. Sure, you can throw your whole body into it and swing them up, but it's basically a traps exercise at that point, with basically zero benefits for the muscles they're actually supposed to work.
>Nobody is doing proper lateral raises with 90lb dumbbells. Sure, you can throw your whole body into it and swing them up, but it's basically a traps exercise at that point, with basically zero benefits for the muscles they're actually supposed to work.
but lateral raises do not grow side delts lol, muscle can't be properly worked while poked by bones of shoulder joint - it doesn't fucking matter what weight u use the movement is pure garbage
and i have working alternative:

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