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>90% of /fit/ can't (and never will) squat as much as a natty ginger PAWG in her 20s

lol, lmao even
don't care, we hate women, men are simply better, fuck all these worthless whores, they cannot truly love, they cannot truly be loyal, they are superficial and can't give anything good to your life except spreading legs and cooking and cleaning, they are worhtless, only a cuck would be with a modern whore, they are all worthless, we are better off single
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and that's a GOOD THING. she needs to strangle me with those legs asap
mirin hard, but...
>olympic gold medalist (in weightlifting of all sports)
speak for yourself chuddy. Instill believe there are good woman out there, I don’t know where but they have to be I’ll keep looking
100% of professional sports players are on some perf products
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>ginger PAWG
Was this characterization really necessary coomer
low T fag detected

Feminists and evangelicals have psyopped you into hating anything sexual. It's men's fault why we aren't having kids anymore, not women's. Reevaluate your life.
when will oxygenating blood come to the consumer market
There is not point to squatting heavier than your bodyweight
Outside of powerlifting, no one gives a shit.
1) not natty
2) that wasn't 218kg. In the corner you can see her say it wasn't 218kg. Looks more 203kg, which is 447lbs.

Easy, I was squatting that at 15.
Ginger+PAWG=Built for BBC
this. I've got 31" thigh circumference without doing weighted squats, I leg mog enough of the population to not bother with risking back problems to get a bit bigger.
I'm starting to think /fit/ is just full of incels who hate women
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...and before you people tell me I have DYEL drumsticks and need to be eating oatz before starting chiropractor visits...
You are incredibly fat.
Your fat. Loser
There is literally no reason to interact with women unless you want kids. I wish I was gay like the average /fit/izen and OP.
31" thigh Chad here, lol no. not even a half-inch fat pinch, I have thigh gap. u just mad cuz u don't do enough cardio.
>you're so psyopped by porn use that you can't think of women in terms other than porn tags
Is what I wrote before I even noticed the filename, you're just having a laugh.
did you post the wrong webm? neither of those are true
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good for her? what do you want me to say?
Really proud of her for the great lift. Love to see people pushing themselves. She's very gifted and dedicated to her sport (olympic gold medalist).

Nice one
She posted a clip of herself front-squatting 175 kg the other day; I didn't save the clip. That seems pretty good!
Why does she crane her neck up like that
Is she stupid
>she weighs 160
def could lose some weight
I love when girls squat me
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>look mom I posted it again
>and I gave the webm a cuck caption
To hold position and keep tspine arched. helps prevent this kinda squat
Wheres the PAWG at goofball?
I thought you were going to end the post by saying you're with one, but instead you proved the other anon right


its been more than 1 thousand years the catholic church has demonized sex and somehow its evangelicals fault.
B-bros... I think im in love
not atg, doesn't count.
Well I won't bother doing squats then since they obviously aren't muscle builders
yes, gingers aren't technically white but you know what he meant
why are her knees never straight during squats? what causes that?
>well actually she never straightens knees, when she racks she's all curled up also and the only time she straightens knee is when she stands one one leg and other is bent
is it genetic defect or roids causing ths, what the fuck, that's odd
girls have weird knees, they can't lock they just keep bending backwards so she has learned to keep them away from the dangerous tip over point
True. I'll let the girls have this one, they don't have a whole lot despite their constant bragging and attitudes.
is that olivia reeves?
she's the most gifted weightlifter that the US has seen in years.

It's really common to do like 10+ sessions a week because of the technique requirements for the sport, I hear she only trains 4. Truly built diff
You beautiful fool.
Eemagee dee smeel
so it's not an squat - it's weighted crouch
>Truly built diff
has anyone ever sow her legs? i bet it's gnarly with all the roids from early age and that's why she never shows them

i mean she dangles her fugly tits all the time, if she had nice legs she would show em for certain
I bet she has a massive roid clit too
I remember seeing this video around a couple months ago. I've been roiding for three months, and my squat has gone up from what was likely 325 in late August to what is now likely somewhere between 500 and 530. I could squat 480 easily. Thank you, steroids.
don't care, i wanna see these fugly rectangular bumps that her tree trunk legs have, i mean isn't it peculiar? she's like in uniform at all times - shape hiding leggings and small loose t-shirt with looose tits flopping out, ALWAYS the same attire, ALWAYS, u are not going to see her legs EVER
I knew she was hiding her power level. Found a random picture of a reference chart in an article about her during the Olympics. Look at the back and front squat numbers under 100% and Present.
Also lawl at that sub-1pl8 bench. Have to bring that shoulder The Press™ up, too!
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Oh yeah, the chart.
I guess technically, 20kg*2 + 15kg is 55 kg and 1 blue plate a side, so it looks like a pl8 if you don't check the bar.
i know, she has horrible burn scars on her legs that's why she never shows em, right?
>don't care, i wanna see these fugly rectangular bumps that her tree trunk legs have, i mean isn't it peculiar? she's like in uniform at all times - shape hiding leggings and small loose t-shirt with looose tits flopping out, ALWAYS the same attire, ALWAYS, u are not going to see her legs EVER
Why do they look up and not down
Olympic squatting requires as vertical back angle as possible. Powershitting low bar squat forces you lean much more forward.
>150kg clean & jerk
>39kg press
15 + 25 + 10 + 20 + 25 = 95
95*2 = 190
190 + 20 bar = 210kg
Plus the funky stuff on the end which I've never seen before is apparently an extra 8kg.
It's a pretty easy add-up.
Reds, 50 kg. More reds, 50. Yellows + greens, 50. Blues + whites, 50. That's four 50s, 200 kg.
Women's bar, 15 kg. Small yellow, ⅒ of big yellows, 3 kg. That's 218.
This Huehue researcher found that pressing explained almost half of clean and jerk performance. In men.
Surely a strong The Press™ would help women athletes as well!
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Proposal for weight classes, so all 8 could be included in the 2028 Olympics, maybe. Would Olivia cut down 2 kg or bulk up 6 kg!
I'm not sure what the vertical jump number is. Is that her bodyweight + vest weight equals the number of total kilograms on the intensity chart and she just does her jump drills weighted down like that? Not something I've run across before.
who's fucking her?
Oh, I think I got it. It's inches.
Her reach is 84", her max vert jump is 27 inches, so her reach + jump is 111". 10% is 2.7 whatevers, inches makes more sense.
World Championships start Friday, but Olivia doesn't compete until the 11th. Should be good, I think she has to face a North Korean.
too many weight classes, men should be under 85 and over 85kg and women should be under and over 70
the last tiny bit at the top is by far the easiest so it doesn't matter if they don't lock out
Used to squat 180kg for reps
The 100% is in kg, 224kg is a 494lbs squat
Now now, Mr. Man from the IOC, you already only took 5 of the 10 weight classes for each sex for Paris 2024, now you only want 2 for men and 2 for women? That's BRVTAL with a capital V!
I could probably do that and she's on steroids. Definitely with some gay ass form to get nowhere and prove nothing what are you even working with for real.
You ugly retard.
*pulls out gun*
Heh, looks like all that "natty" training was a waste of time, Red
yeah ok bot, but i'm actually really fucking curious what her legs look like

>don't care, i wanna see these fugly rectangular bumps that her tree trunk legs have, i mean isn't it peculiar? she's like in uniform at all times - shape hiding leggings and small loose t-shirt with looose tits flopping out, ALWAYS the same attire, ALWAYS, u are not going to see her legs EVER

the fuck is she so shy about her 50 year old busted bodybuilder's legs? show em off gurl xD
>the fuck is she so shy about her 50 year old busted bodybuilder's legs? show em off gurl xD
i want better quality and angles though, the quads are so overgrown she might be hiding robotic implants in them lol :D
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>i want better quality and angles though, the quads are so overgrown she might be hiding robotic implants in them lol :D
they are jerking off on the slightest elbow bobble and call it pres-out and no lift, but did she really stand up with that weight? NO, i don't think she can stand up straight at all with bar overhead, there is easily 30 degrees between torso and thighs and similar value in knees lol
meds now
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here are her legs
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Uhh, yeah ok. I'm happy for her.
me nigga
>calling that a ginger
What a horrible accent holy shit
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Is there an objective measure of phatness, or is a PAWG in the eye of the beholder.
I clicked on the video because I thought you said what a horrible accident
>fake bar
>fake weights
>staged video

>here are her legs
full damage control mode bot, i said:
>better quality and angles though
she looks rather unsightly, it's hard to tell where are bones like femur and pelvis, and they are not where one is led to believe they are - the quads are gargantuan, she looks like medium level creature u slaughter in morrowind traveling between locations on foot lol, anyways, they are also here bot:
> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cxwPo4AKDfM

bot , what happened here:
i told u i like it when thread is disappeared, keira knightly thread, would u please tell me why u nuked it? i was having quite fucking innocent convo with u and suddenly u hang up :D lol :D that's ridiculous :D i've got it all recorded and i will post it on porn sites :D
well unless u tell me what upset u so much - i will try to avoid it in the future
I, for one, appreciate the recent picture (she's wearing her gold medal). Gal on the far left has some legs on her, too!

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