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what martial art does he use?
Gaycartoon fu
Whatd you say?
Looks like wing chun cartoon edition
What's the manga about
You realise parries and hand traps exist in literally every style with striking, right?
Flashy Anime Fantasy Fu
assassins. it is pretty fkn good. worth the read.
Yes, I used to kickbox a lot
Online and in fiction, wing chun is the meme martial art which is always shown to feature lots of parries, what with their sticky hands drills and stuff
Hence I said it
>Looks like
The ancient art of cuntboxing
like >>75585525 says. its really funny but also serious and sexy. the story, characters, and setting all feel alive and real.
does wing chun work in real life?
>You realise parries and hand traps exist in literally every style with striking, right?
It's pretty sad, actually. Everything good about wing chun can be found in other martial arts, while wing chun isn't good enough to stand on its own.

I wonder whether it's just down to wing chun guys not sparring, or a structural problem with the style.
>Wing Chun
>Front weighted
>Centerline open
If I saw something like that irl I'd probably think unarmed stuff from FMA, Panantukan etc.
Called "The Fable". In short, it's about some retired assassin who just pulled off a series of jobs and is forced to lay low and live as a normal being for a while to decrease the heat.
Meant to say legendary, not retired.
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>slappity slappity like a fag catfight but somehow untouchable
tai chi
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God I could not stand the author's self-insert and shameless bitching and moaning to his le strong woman waifu that he invented to come and save him from inceldom. Go get another jab, tako-papachan you loser drunk faggot

Yeah but he is married to a former swimsuit idol (who did NOT do porn, canonical information, it was important to clarify that her pussy is virginial), so he is not affected by this event
Boxing parries?
I googled it.
I've never seen a boxing match before.
Read Shamo instead of whatever the hell this goofy shit is
Please tell me this bitch show her tits in thr manga
multiple times.
imo the thing with wing chun is all the trapping techniques, the -sao thing can be useful but you'll never see someone does like a full counter after counter shit like ip man unless the opponent agrees to constantly stay in place for some reason
Shamo goofy ahh bro. Read Holyland.
This is so lazy and bad holy shit.
They're just standing there and the "movement" are lines to simulate blurs. It doesnt help that the caracters are smack in the middle with neutral POV, making things even more static.
Look at my pic, even Pereira, who fights in a weird stiff way, has much more movement and dynamism than what the mangaka drew, and there are no lines or written voice effects.
If the mangaka wants to draw hand to hand fights he probably should study how people look when they fight first.
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Another example of movement done right vs all static. Compare pic rel and >>75591642
Since the POV of the bottom frames are from the victim's eyes, it looks wonky and wrong. Just do pic rel instead and write the "Its a feint!" Text as her shin slams on the guy's head.
With mma being so famous we have so many example of all aspects of fighting that artists can reference instead of whatever stiff shit we have here.
Read Boys On The Run too.
i cant imagine being a big enough faggot to read chinese comics
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Which chapters
good recommendation, thanks
Read the whole manga and she never gets nude, I thought it was an anime thing that they censored her bath scenes
Fucking liar
Second Contact
bro it's a chinktoon
you can draw some circles on paper and have boobies right now
I read both already
Wing chun does not work because most people who teach it aren't qualified to teach it. The idea behind it was to take what was useful and discard what wasn't which has now been taken by mma.
>does wing chun work in real life?
There are dozens of vids of wing chun fighters fighting vs real martial artists like muay thai, boxing and even karate. Wing chun guys loose almost every single one. The one video I can think of, where the wing chun guy wins is against someone way older, smaller and lighter who does karate. And even there he wins only, when he does a wrestling or boxing move.

So short answer no
Just started it a few days ago. I already know that I like it, because the protagonist is as pathetic as me, except that I lift
So the martial art used in the manga cant be wing chun then
Manga is not real life anon. You might as well call karate and the WWE kind of wrestling effective martial arts, because they are powerful in baki and kengan ashura
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yes but if there was a legendary assassin in real life who could fight off 2 or 3 guys at the same time, what martial art would he use primarily?
It was explicitly stated in that same arc that she'd been with like 4 or 5 guys, the fuck are you on about?
And if a girl says shes been with 4 or 5 guys, you know what that means
Oh my goodness I was wrong about the minutiae of takopapachan's fantasy hotwife bodycount!
Oh you should have made your question a lot clearer
probably gun-fu. There is a story about kuklinski when he was young. His juvenile gang was ordered to execute a hit and at first they thought the guy who did box should execute it, because he seemed tough, but he froze up, so instead kuklinski did it. Now the guy was full of shit, but the story makes sense and very few mafia killers practiced martial arts
> fight off 2 or 3 guys at the same time,
There are some videos of boxers doing that, so probably this. I hate to shill reddit, but their board streetmartialarts is good for that kind of content.
Well if your reading comprehension is shit enough to fabricate a whole weird virgin worship thing that doesn't exist, I have to wonder why anyone should take your opinion seriously, salty bitch.
Oh eyah damn, it would be so weird and strange, and like, icky, to value virginity. Good thing takopapachan sets us straight and makes sure to run the hotwife through a couple times. Maybe it's a 1 for 1 thing with the amount of covid jabs he gets. He's like jesus christ dying for our sins.
Whats the story with the author and covid?
Oh I'm sorry I thought someone had better reading comprehension than me but to be frank his shoehorning of his politics and inceldom into the characters towards the end was so irritating I'm just going to ignore the second season
Its a different poster.
>second season
ive only read the manga. The first part was great but the 2nd contact was rather preachy i agree. His notes at the beginning of chapters got annoying so i stopped reading them so i have no idea if he was pro or against jabs.
Hopefully its just the isolation doing that to him and we wont get any more of that with the 3rd part.
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I was speaking about the manga. Called it a second season for some reason. He can't really continue his series unless he completely transforms it since at the end they take out a sci-fi element to make hitmen redundant.

But yeah his relationship with the getaway driver and his self-insert killed me. Then his grandstanding. Then I saw the photos of him and his mention of his severe alcoholism like it's a fond memory and it felt like the Japanese Jimmy Norton was lecturing me on how to be a good person.

The first part was unironically great and I would buy it though.
is it really sci fi though?
also which getaway driver and what relationship? You have to remind me since ive only read the 2nd contact once and i dont remember so much.
In the second one he has the getaway driver, the main supporting character, fall in love with his self-insert, and there's this whole dramatic reveal of her naked body and how he retreats up into the attic in response as if it has anything to do with the main story
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oh you mean yoko and the boss of octopus. i didnt realize that was supposed to be the authors self insert. i thought it was a good development actually. i think her affection for him already started in the 1st part. i didnt realize it was going to be romantic but it kinda makes sense that someone with her background would fall for him.
Yeah this scene in the first part was fine but in the 2nd part the cringe was giving my soul whiplash
Anime site
Dont give them a reason to kill the thread idiot
Dude is reaching with his "Takoda is author self-insert" claim.
It's his own personal style developed from fighting bears in the wilderness since childhood.
I dunno. read the comic and they'll probably tell you explicitly and at length. With several chapters dedicated to how he got cucked by Chad, had a training arc, and wants revenge or something
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>does wing chun work in real life?
>does wing chun work in real life?
>does wing chun work in real life?
Short answer: no. Kung fu, wing chun, chink-fu, sifu. All faggotry and cope.

Longer answer: if you really dedicate yourself and train with a very serious master, like one of those monks in bumfuck nowhere China (yeah those exist and they are basically a form of mafia that's why they take this shit so seriously) you may develop a great body and control over said body to become a great fighter. But also these real life shaolin monks use a lot of techniques from other martial arts because they are not dumb, so:

Judo, BBJ, Boxing and Muay Thay. Learn one or two of these (one for striking another to floor/grappling) and you'll be fine. Everything else is cope.
i think ive read 164 chapters of this in 2 days because of this thread

pretty kino manga
hehe glad youre enjoying it
i think i finished both parts in 3 days or so
btw the buffalo bar is based on a real bar called balihan bar in osaka
and the bartender is based on the real bartender there too
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also these guys are all based on real people
and this one
fable movies > manga > anime
>very few mafia killers practiced martial arts
Because only few arts are made for assassinations. Some are though.
t. no clue about fighting, parrots 20 year old memes from bullshido

In reality almost all arts work to some degree, you just have to train according to what you want to do. Street self defense is not a ring fight is not a battlefield is not a hit.
You must be joking. Thr movies are terrible.
Depends if it's "same stance" (IE orthodox vs orthodox) or a mismatch (orthodox vs southpaw). If the latter, catching/burying/knocking down the other guy's jab with your rear hand (his left hand with your right, if you're both orthodox) is about all of the "parrying" you do. Orthodox vs Southpaw is CONSTANT parrying bullshit as your lead hands are on the "same side" and you spend the entire match trying to get an angle around each other's lead hand without getting jabbed in the face.

All of that works better when the other guy has a big old glove on his hand to make it softer, much larger, and easier to knock down/away. Boxing is still the absolute undisputed GOAT of unarmed self defense, because nothing makes you better at landing a punch to the other guy's face and running away to grab a gun. Only without the gloves you're gonna be better slipping/stepping off the attacker's punch, and punching back right off that. 99% of shitheads in the street don't know how to throw a "distance efficient" punch (IE a punch that doesn't travel any farther than it needs to), so avoiding a serious blow then popping them before they can do anything else is pretty easy for anyone who has any half decent boxing coaching and sparred.
>Because only few arts are made for assassinations. Some are though.
That's just a hollywood or marketing meme. Why would anyone learn martial arts for an assassination instead of poison or a weapon. Even a fucking knife gives you a better advantage than learning martial arts for years
You must be joking. The movies are great.
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i think if the authors gonna self insert himself as someone, its gonna be one of the bosses. he seems to be into nature and cars and guns and stuff. the boss of octopus seems to be just a drunk nerd.
is there an anime?
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the manga is a slice of life story with yakuza and a bit of action and suspense thrown in.
the movies are all out action. what were simple action set pieces and a walk in the park for akira in the manga, turn into akira fighting hundreds of guys with machine guns and sniper rifles in the movies. the 2 actors who play the siblings are way too old with 0 athletic ability. the acting, comedy, cinematography are all crap. and the writing gives 0 sense of rhythm and pacing. it just tries to buy time so it can get to the next big set piece.
i still sort of enjoyed them since i love fable so much but the movies are objectively shit.
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dont watch the anime. i heard its terrible. and it still hasnt covered all the manga yet.
>the movies are all out action.
no, they are mostly action and that's why they are good
they are also funny
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how does it make sense that a small yakuza pimp has hundreds of guys armed with machine guns fighting for him? this is japan not mexico.
same in the 2nd movie. the villain is just some scammer then boom suddenly at the end he has hundreds of guys fighting for him.
you might say its just a movie but it kills the realism thats in the manga. its no longer slice of life with action. its john wick.
>they are also funny
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is it possible to fight against a knife?
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it makes sense because it's cool for the movie
>you might say its just a movie but it kills the realism thats in the manga.
>realism cant be fun
>missed the point entirely award
the type where you let out a retarded noise like HUUUURRRHHH!!! and suddenly wake up restrained in a straightjacket
what point are you trying to make? you say its cool for the movie but that's just your opinion. i didnt think it was cool. the movies have 6.6 and 6.8 score on imdb. meanwhile the manga has 8.5 score on myanimelist and 9.4 on mangadex. and from a lot more votes too. so clearly people prefer the manga much more than they do the movies.
adding a bunch of action and guns dont (necessarily) make a movie fun either.
>what point are you trying to make?
that the movies are fun and good
> the movies have 6.6 and 6.8 score on imdb. meanwhile the manga has 8.5 score on myanimelist and 9.4 on mangadex. and from a lot more votes too. so clearly people prefer the manga much more than they do the movies.
irrelevant appeal to majority
>adding a bunch of action and guns dont (necessarily) make a movie fun either.
and yet it made these movies very fun

you are very autistic
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Nice quads
I just wanted to say this art style is fucking ugly.
Enjoy them if you wish. I just thought you were gonna give me more of a debate than
>that the movies are fun and good
repeated over and over.
>you are very autistic
Thanks. Did you not realize thats why i like this manga about an autistic assassin?
I dont get why you said i missed your point entirely in your previous post. I didnt miss it at all. To you a lot of boom boom pew pew makes a movie fun and good. To me they dont. How did i miss any point? Just because i dont agree with a point doesnt mean i missed anything.
>irrelevant appeal to majority
Yes it is appeal to majority, but it isnt irrelevant. It being irrelevant is just your opinion. People rate the manga a lot higher than they do the movies. Thats a fact. And i have the numbers to back it up. What do you have other than "the movies are fun and good" repeated 1000x?
Based retard.

Fuck off with your weeb ansatsu-ken, faggot. You want to assassinate someone? You poison their food or hire a hooker to poison them or stab them in their sleep.
come again?
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it's always nice quads, never
>nice hammies
this nigga read the WHOLE MANGA because someone lied to him about a cartoon girl showing her cartoon titties
>File: the-fable-ch-229-pg-7.jpg (2.21 MB, 2836x2036)
Nah, The Fable is /fit/ approved for the main charaters autistic stoicism.
On a side note that might be the scariest knockout I've ever seen, dude was out for a solid 6 min.
Unarmed? I think teep and run is about your best bet
I wish I could find that page where yoko makes fun of the bar pretty boy for having gym muscles instead of learning martial arts.
Of course it does.
And yes, not all practitioners are the same.
My training was with a rogue instructor who left his school for reasons.
We worked five years or so. With a group of 12, which went down to 4 and then one, me, over two years.
Lots of stance and first form. Conditioning.
Some boxing. Mitt work. Shadow boxing. Straight bar rolling on arms, up to 50lbs, roll bar from shoulder to elbow across forearms to top of fingers then back to shoulders. S-l-o-w-l-y. In stance, controlled breathing.
Then later, chi sau. Arm locks, rolling. Foot work.
Punching. My favorite.
In some training, we exercises the sheet of paper suspended about one inch from wall and full punch but not strike wall. Also the candle punch, straight punch to put out flame. No cheating by using breath. Then increasing distance.
Last thing was kicks and foot traps.
My arms we like iron bars and I could strike with any part. My blocks hurt others unintentionally.
My steps in every day life were like a ghost. Nothing could ever touch me.
A few guys wanted to fight me but they couldn't even hit me. They looked like slow motion movies. I had so many devastating hit points on them but I just stepped out of the way or a slight move of head or turn of my foot. One arm block and they felt like I hit their arm with a heavy bat.
You compete much during your time training? Or any other kind of pressure testing?
What was conditioning like?
>Straight bar rolling on arms, up to 50lbs, roll bar from shoulder to elbow across forearms to top of fingers then back to shoulders.
What does this mean? I dont understand.

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