Who is /fat/ for?For diligent dieters who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/>What do I do first?1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).>Now what?Count calories, all of them.Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.Buy scales, be accurate.Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.Drink more water.Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html>DON'TEat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.Eat processed foods.Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks."Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.>Other resources:Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faqPrevious thread: >>75582669
0.1 lbs away from going from obesity to overweight!WAGMI
>got sick>couldnt go to the gym>did bench press, OHP and pulls at home because its what I can>have to take 10 min breaks after each exercise because I'm running warmtell my loved ones... WAGMI...
>>75588864This was my goal for the year but I didn't make it (still stuck at >30% BF). Congrats anon. The silver lining is I can see how people stopped regarding me as a big fat guy and I'm more like guy who's a little on the hefty side but could lose some pounds. Perks of being tall I guess
>>75588729 #You have a very strange typing style. Anyway, a big question for all incoming fatties is this>healthy foodWhat is healthy food to you? And just because it's healthy, does that mean you eat it in any amount? Dairy is healthy BUT not generally good for weightloss. Meat is healthy but ground beef is full of fat and calories. Leafy greens are healthy but not drenched in dressing.Fruit is healthy but it's all sugar.
I hit plateau, no matter how much eat I can't gain or lose weight sigh
>>75588990Huh? What, are you magic or something?
>>75588996I have no fucking idea, I keep mentioning this to doctors and asking chatgpt but no answers. Yes I count my calories.
>>75589015Myself, I'd get angry and fast until I broke through* *after mentioning it to a doc to make sure there is nothing wrong but you seem to have done so.
If i lose weight too fast is it guaranteed to cause loose skin, or does it even matter the speed?
>>75589060Doesn't make a difference, you either have good genetics or not.
Down 160 lbs, my right foot went from a size 10.5 to 9.5 and my left foot went to a 10They're smaller and different sizes now wtf
>>75589060It will tighten up a little with time, not enough to come close to vanishing but enough for a noticeable difference. The only difference is if it tightens as you lose slow or if you lose fast and then tighten to the same extent while the fat is all gone. Imo opinion it's very dumb and vain to intentionally stay fat longer just for that when it's the same end stage in time anyway
>>75589069Better keep losing weight and hope it all balances out at some point..
>>75589015Why you lyin
>>75589060Why are you worried about that? I guarantee you aren't losing weight fast kek
So apparently shivering can burn up to 400 calories per hour. What can I do with this information to enhance my weight loss?
>>75589129Workout in the cold?
>>75589069it's pretty normal to have two different shoe sizes. human beings are more asymmetrical than you think.
>weight the same>but feel my bicep muscles getting harder and biggerFuck diet, I will just LIFT.
>emergency winter cut
Are YOU going to be beach body ready for Summer 2025?
>>75589277I haven't been to the beach in 5 years.Everyone stares at my giant stomach..
Fatty contest ImposterNatalie 281.8lbsVgh another week of failure. Only 3 days that I wouldn't call complete crap. At least the weight is still going down but man that second derivative is very high and positive and I know why. I'll do better next week. I'll also actually fast beyond just a few days.
>>75589277It's 11pm and my "home" gym is closed but I just bought a one time pass to check out one that is open 24/7. Let's hope I meet cute german mech pilot.
>>75589292A mecha pilot girl is all I ever wanted.
>>75589307Reminds me of my garage gym when I lived at my parent's house
Posted some recipes that I always fall back to when I am unsure what to make and want to eat something healthy and filling. >>75589249
>>75589060There are some claims that weight loss through water fasting reduces the amount of loose skin. One example is a guy who water fasted for a year and still had no loose skin. Something to do with the increased autophagyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast
>>75589060I had some lose skin when I dropped below 200ibs. Its not so bad.
I should reach my goal weight by march. I just don't care any more I hate life. I just want to do something before I die i'm already 32. Just a failure.
>>75589448that's the spirit!
>>75589448I'm 32 as well bro and I know how you feel. Losing weight has made me realise how much I've wasted my life, what are your plans?
>>75589448boo hoo
I need to lose 40 lb by Jan 1 2025 is it possible without amputation
>>75589516Obviously not, idiot.
>>75589516Yes, very possible
>>75589129My grandma used to tell my body burn more energy eating ice cream than what it provided. Not sure if myth or not
>>755895163500x40 = 140,000/17 days = you need to lose 8235 calories a daySo if you didn't eat anything at all for the next 17 days you'd only lose 12 lbs, so you'd need to run 43 miles a day on top of that to reach your goal, or if 43 miles a day of running is too much for you you could do 66 miles of walking instead.Good luck!
>>75589516Might not even be possible with amputationLet's say you are 600lbs. Your maintenance according to Sailrabbit is 3724. So under sedentary conditions of literal starvation intake you can lose 1 kilo per two days. You need to lose 18 kg. And there just isnt 36 days left in the year. However, you can take your first few weight loss steps, and carry the momentum into the new year. Run a normal deficit and stick to it.
>>75589474>what are your plans?Sounds gay I know but I want to do a big trek cross country. Hiking, biking, the lot. I just want some adventure before my body rots, I just wasted my youth being a slob and blaming others.
>>75589587What's gay about that? Sounds fun anon, good luck
>>75589277I'm down 33.5 pounds and I think I have around 35 left to go. Already jacked, just hidden under shitty fat (mostly in my belly area). I'm hoping to get lean by April. I'll be 29 then, fucking hell I wish I took my health more seriously earlier.
Fatty ContestItsStuckInMyFUPA233.4
>>75589354>>75589316Hmm. But what zerocal sweetner actually tastes good? Does it really taste like cheesecake? What size pan? Bake at what temperature for what time? Is it more like a pudding since there's no crust?
>>75589060This is like a threadly discussion at this point. But no speed doesn't actually seem to matter.>>75586525>>75586624
>>75589129>>75589134Ive been keeping up my runs in the cold but I still have to wrap up or I'm too tense to run
>>75589544Women love this one. Eating ice yes, eating frozen milk and eggs and sugar? No. No you don't burn 300cal just eating cold stuff. Maybe like 20cal drinking ice water
>>75589129Say it's 2 degrees Celsius outside (so you don't need to worry about frostbite). Could you just chill outside without a jacket and boost your calorie burn?
>>75589587I think that sounds lovely also. I'd love to do similar but I'm married with small kids so I'll have to just get even fitter and stay fit until they're big enough
OMAD baby! eat what you want, fatty!
>>75589587>I just wasted my youth being a slob and blaming others.literally me as well. wagmi brother.
Fatty ContestFatDumpster91.6kg
>>75589725My OMAD
Fatty contestOotypooty 100.9kgBoys I haven't been under 100kgs since precovid. Huge milestone coming up.
Fatty ContestCaptainPlanet133.5kg
all i think about is food, right now it's soft serve ice creamim too lazy to go out and get it but the craving is going to occupy my brain for the next hour or so
>>75589834Dwell on how much of a loser you are, how miserable and alone you feel, and reminisce about the past and how you'd do things differently if you could go back in change it. Make sure you spend every night thinking about this as you try to fall asleep. That's what I do, and I never think about food.
>>75589834Just watch a long video or something do a hobby
>>75589836i do that during the evening, at night when i lay in bed i fantasize about how im going to turn it all around tomorrow only to fall right back into my doomscrolling routine the second i wake upbut im always thinking about going and getting good food like pizza & ice cream & burgers....>>75589845good call, will do
>>75589856I like watching very nonfood related videos like maritime and aviation, history, and if I can handle it food videos on actual high end food that are long and stimulating in the educational aspect like Ethan chlebowski videos on butter or onions
>>75589834just go play something like League of Legends, CS:GO or WarThunderyou'll be too angry to think of food
>>75589129put an ice cube under each arm and up your ass every 5 minutes
>>75589277i might have a dad beach bod by then... if i could get myself to lift more than once a week. pretty locked in on the weight loss though at least.
>>75589856Don't sweat about it. I think you're expecting to turn around just like that. We're all human, anon. As long as you aren't indulging on the foods you daydream about, you're fine. When you get used to your diet, the thoughts, the hunger pangs, the cravings for fast food will disappear. It sounds crazy, but it's the truth, and only it takes a few weeks.As for the doomscrolling, well shit you can't be active ALL of the time. Reward yourself with some doom scrolling, then drop the phone or get off the computer and do something like cleaning around the house/your room.Always remember that every slip that you do, doesn't matter in the long run. This is a lifestyle change, this is changing your entire life to something new. You're giving up decades of bad habits, decades of eating slop, decades of being fat, for something entirely new. Do NOT beat yourself up if you have a cheat meal and slop the fuck out. Do NOT beat yourself up if you go an entire month of eating slop and walk <15k steps in 30 days. Because what matters the most is that you continue to put in the work and keep yourself on track on working towards a better life. A better (You).Good luck fellow, fatass.
Day 2 of nofoodThe first 48 are the hardest.
>44 hours into a fast>head feels like it's gonna explode>down a cup of coffee and 500mg of paracetamol>feel fine within 15 minutesDamn caffeine withdrawal is no joke
>>75590079did you start drinking the snake juice yet?
>>75589800looking forward to it, ooty.
>>75590079Actually there’s a wall at 60h. Smooth sailing after.
>>75590084is that the salt water with cayenne?
>>75590093pink himalayan salt, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, magnesium and boron or some shit.but yeah, just electrolyte powder that doesn't break a fast and is good for 48hr+ fasts.
>>75589303>>75589307It was so peaceful working out at night wtf. Normally I stress about finishing up before closing time. But this time I just did things at the pace I wanted.
>>75590144I miss having a gym buddy, my local gym was 24-hour and by friend would go there at like 10PM and hang out until like 5am when the normies started filtering in. We basically had the whole gym to ourselves. Shit was nice.
>>75589769Nice. Im doing 2mad at the moment. Just got home from gym and had an avocado sandwich and a protein thickshake. 800cals>48p>81c>34f
>>75590226I've thought about that but I actually don't like going to the gym with someone. Maybe a group of friends could work for me, because then I'd like have the freedom to do my own thing sometimes without feeling guilty about it.
>>75590112>potassium chlorideCan you buy this outside of that no-salt stuff?
>>75590080You can buy paracetamol with caffeine in it which might help withdrawals. Think its 65mg caffeine per serve.
>>75590079My first wall was lunchtime on day 1, after that I felt god like I never made it longer than 24hrs though.
>>75590267Just lost. Had chicken thighs and mustard mayo.
>>75590263Cheers big ears
>FastingImagine being that retarded
>>75590271How's the cunt just get up like nothing happened?
>>75590263Lite salt here is 50/50 sodium/potassium. Put it in my water all the time. Will have to watch video to see if ratio is correct to sustain life.
>>75590281Just guessing here but the ratio probably becomes increasingly important as the length of the fast increases, going from "you don't even need electrolytes" for a very short fast to "you should really make sure it's right" for like a month long one.
>>75590271Why does this remind me of a middle-eastern wedding.
Bean sprout stir fry has to be the most filling thing Ive ever eaten.
>>75588849>lose weight>nearly at goal >lots of very light white stretch marks but still noticeable any anons had success in getting rid or at the very least reducing this shit
>>75590473Never had to deal with it, but there are various treatments out there that inflicts some light trauma on your skin to whip it into getting its shit together.The cheapest one of the bunch is probably microneedling since you can do it yourself at home for almost nothing, and not get horrible infections as long as you sanitize things correctly.
How do I count these suckers, weigh before and then weigh again everything thats left over?
>>75590617I open myfitnesspal, type "chicken drumstick", fast scroll through the infinite variations shown, all of which range between 150 and 200 calories, and pick one at 170. Done.Is every drumstick going to give you 170 calories in practice? No.But it is easy to work around that. Just eat a lot of drumsticks, it will average out.
>>75590617Do this>>75590628and pick the highest calorie drumstick. Always select the highest calorie item on the app if you use it because most of the item the nutrition will be more than what the app actually has added. It won't intake the roasting method or whatever cooking method you do, or the weight of each drumstick. You shouldn't really give a shit about weighing your food either, you're not min-maxing macros, that shit is reserved for bodybuilders.
>>75590628Cheers. Found about 167cals per 100g entry. Having three dumsticks that weigh a total of 500g, I guess ill get eat like 80% of that so actual weight is 400grams so 668cals for 3 oven baked chicken drumsticks would seem about fair?
last kg to go until sub 10% is all but certain and looking on target for christmas now the diet is full on low carb and fat. slowly dropping carbs is the fucking way to retain muscle and strength, still putting up a 120kg bench press in a 1000 cal deficit.
I want to stuff my face with pizza so much, holy crap.$11 for a family half and half.
>>75590617You eat chicken breast like a normal person, chicken drum sticks or thighs are just fatty cope to excuse eating more calories >how was I suppose to count the calories correctly :) I couldn't help overeating
>>75590780I eat drum sticks and wings everyday in my air fryer. You can just weigh the bones after if youre anal. I just assume 20% of the weight is bones.
>>75590617Just weigh them before you cook them, its as simple as that. If they included the bone in calculation for the calories, you didn't overeat, if they didn't oh well you got extra deficit.
>>75590799Alot of them say "edible portion" next to the weight on the nutrition label above the calories.
I just want to be healthy so I can live life pain free. Being fat is a curse.
>>75590899It's not a curse; it's a decision
>>75590798Is air fryer a memeI kinda want to get that but i feel like i won't use it much
>>75591002They're absolutely fantastic. I use mine daily. My oven also has an airfry basket which I use when I'm cooking for more than myself.
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." - St. JamesHence why "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - St. PaulBecause you're flawed, call upon Him (the flawless one), not upon them (fellow flawed lawbreakers). He can and has promised to rescue you, so trust Him alone to do it.
>>75591061based but not weight loss
>>75590473It doesn't even matter but try vaseline or apple cider vinegar. All you need to do is moisturize.
>>75591061Religion is cringe
>>75590119Yeah if your drink is flammable there's probably a lot of energy in it. Gotta be careful at parties if you're counting.
although I'm staying below my calorie limit (minimum deficit of 500 kcal per day), weight loss has stalled a little these past few days since I started eating a lot less protein and a lot more carbs, junk food like McDonald's and cake. I know that the weight will go down regardless, but I'm going to make sure I eat a lot more protein this week just to see what the change will be (if any). Again, I'm not worried, just curious if eating junk food is what caused this.
>>75591373>morning/evening weightShould I be tracking both? I only weigh myself early in the morning when I wake up.
>>75589663>But what zerocal sweetner actually tastes goodI am not so sensitive to sweetener taste but Im currently using a sweetener "combination" based primarily on erythritol that looks like sugar. But you can honestly use anything including flavour drops or ( god forbid ) real sugar.> Does it really taste like cheesecake?It does not have cheese to restrict calories so the taste is more like a custard, especially if you add vanila flavouring. As a former fat ass who loves sweet things, I find it delicious though.>Is it more like a pudding since there's no crustIt comes out with similar consistency as a cheesecake due to the eggs and cornstarch. It definitely more cake like than pudding.>What size pan? Bake at what temperature for what time?Sorry I did not include more details, here are some videos that cover different ways to bake it including oven and air-fryer.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rt4rOXlEnchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDh-6aX5AS4A nice way to serve it is to put 200 grams of rasberries in a pan and slowly reduce it down to thicker sauce adding sweetener as needed
>>75591444Im actually going to make it tonight. Gonna add some lemon juice and zest to the batter in addition to vanilla extract.Add some blueberries to a pot and reduce on low heat, mix in tiny bit of cornstarch and sweetener until it's thick and then drizzle it on each slice.For 700kcal I have not found a single dessert that is as tasty while being this big while having a lot of protein. If anyone knows a similar recipe please let me know
Fatty Contestmestionora135.4kg
Do you guys ever reflect on why you became a fatty? Like why you can't eat like a normal person, infact you eat so much you gain 100+ lbs?
>>75591526The average American woman weighs over 170lbs at 5'4 and the average man 210lbs at 5'9. Being fat IS normal now
>>75591526Parents are pretty weighty so growing up exercise and diet weren't really on the agenda. Carried over into adulthood for a long time, combined with rampant alcoholism. Then I kept going in and out of psych wards for psychosis so the antipsychotics plus a bunch of misery from all of that just made things worse the last few years.It's gonna be different this time, I swear.
>>75591526In 2022 Quebec the stats indicate that 34,4% of men age 35-49 were obese and 40,9% were overweight. This means 75,3% were either. Also, when you look at the BMI scale you notice the "normal" range is broader than the other ones going from 18,5 to 25. What's normal varies from person to person and it certainly isn't a range. Some people could be normal at 18 BMI meaning 6-10% BF, so most people in that "normal" range are fat as well.All in all I estimate 90-95% of men from 35-49 are fat in Quebec.I'm not so different from the rest of the fatties around here.
I did my normal routine this morning, but something new happened. I did my run, I did have abdominal cramping but it wore off, I hoped in the nice hot shower and... an old experience that i haven't had since I was FAT fat happened. >feel like I'm both made of lead and helium, I want to crumple and float >feel an intense urge to get down on the floor before it's not my decision anymore>vision goes either white or black, this morning was black>usually happened after l was standing too long or too hot>chalked it up to low BP, doc could never trigger it and told me it was in my headAnd no matter how many times I sat and composed myself, everything i stood up it was on a timer before it was too intense to stand again. I collapsed in my room and took an involuntary nap for an hour, and i still have that lingering "ache" in my body. I'm trying to chug water, I'm actually eating breakfast, I don't know what caused it. I ALWAYS run on an empty stomach and I never drink water right before. I felt unusually hungry though lying in my bedroom. Idk. I didn't drink water immediately upon getting in the house. Does this mean my fat wasn't causing it? Or latent fatty consequences? >4 keto bread slices, toasted, 35x4: 140cal>1TBSP kerrygold butter: 100cal>1TBSP whipped cream cheese garlic and herb: 25cal>12oz black coffee with 1 carton vanilla premier protein: 160cal>breakfast: 425cal
>>75591526>>75591632>>75591706Its literally just normal. They dont even SHARE the overweight rate anymore because it's so demoralizing. Right now I'm absolutely still a bit overweight even though I'm under 25BMI, crazy how i actually count as a minority despite being chubby. For God's sake, 20% of CHILDREN AGE TWO (2) AND UP ARE OBESE. Not overweight, OBESE.
>>75591864>Pennsylvania and Kentucky choose not to participate
The navy body fat calculator finally thinks my body is acceptable!
>>75591991I haven't checked in a little bit but last time it called me fit
>>75591871We got fat fucks here but also crackhead thin.Pa reporting
>>75591871Mfw I went from a red state to a yellow one.
>>75591991>>75592026come enjoy your fellow man
Reporting in results from last 3 months.>weight lost: 9.30kg>bmi: down 2.8 points>body fat: down 1.5%>skeletal muscle: up 1%did i do good so far bros? 33% of my journey complete so far according to my target weight.
>>75592030Last time I went up north (northern VA and southern PA) that's what i observed. Regardless of class I didn't really see normal people, just really skinny or fat. Skinny wealthy women and fat blobs, crack skinny poorfags and obese in uggs and expensive slop fags.
>>75592055Yeah no i was already there i think contractor life is better
I have been sick for 3 days now and have barely eaten anything. Besides a headache and insta diarrhea when I eat anything, I honestly feel fine. I don't feel hungry depsite in these 3 days I have only eaten 2 bananas and 1 piece of rye bread with some mackarel on it.Now my question is, how do I achieve this feeling of being satisfied hungerwise like I do now? When I am not sick I am hungry all the time and it causes me to overeat some days. I have already lost 4 kilos, I have no bloat anymore and look fine. Tell me the secrets.
Dropped seven pounds from 214 to 207. Still have my gut, but I think once I can get the money to afford going to a gym and lifting that it might vanish? Hopefully.
>>75592175You are fucking 200lbs plus. How tall are you? Unless you are blasting gear or 6'3 there's no reason to weigh that much. Of course you have a gut. Jesus
>>75592026No need to one-up on an anonymous forum. We all know that some people are behind and some are further along.
>>75588849Too easy once you get to 275 bench once there you just wanna get built and strong
>>75592179Weighing too much is h9w to get big fast gaylord
>>75592179I was 315. I'm working on dropping weight.
>>75591526A lot of it has to do with antipsychotics and mood stabilizers I use to manage my bipolar disorder; I can't just stop taking them, although I was able to switch to more appetite-neutral psychotropics which spurred my weight loss. I also had a difficult upbringing and turned to food early as a coping mechanism. Habits persist.
>end of the year house parties>christmas dinners>new year partyI fucking hate December. I'm gonna eat 800 kcal on weekdays to balance this shit out. Pray for me.
>>75592188For me cutting is a matter of regulating test because my bf% is too high, I still eat like a bulk but you aren't to where you can even go months on the bulk without being too high bf, I'd still eat a lot and lift a lot so yaoou can be lazy and have a good physique instead of extend your stay in gym elo hell.
I completely assassinated this pasta!1136 kcal for the whole thing.Coincidentally, that's also the total calories for the day this time around.I seem to be consistently at 98 kg or below now, which is amazing, given my bold goal was simply hitting sub-100 before the New Year's.
>>75592188Post body
>>75592225Damn that looks fantastic. Always wanted to try assassina but never got around to it. I can't really eat pasta with sauce without "stretching" it with some veggies. Got into eggplant recently. Really good.
Fatty ContestBetterNateThanLever307 lbsBack to number going down.
>>75591002I need a 2nd. Be nice to be able to cook potatoes in one while my meats are cooking in another. Going to start trying to make stews with everything thrown in the slow cooker to simplify things even further. Though im not sure if potatoes would be best in the stew, or seperate as mash.
>>75592270>eggplant in pastaHmm...I should try that out.I'm not a big fan of most ways to cook an eggplant, but there are a few I liked, so maybe I could figure something out with it.
>>75592362was my biggest regret toogave my old one to my mom and bought a ninja AF400, so much better
>>75592175>Still have my gut, but I think once I can get the money to afford going to a gym and lifting that it might vanish?get a jump rope and/or kettlebell and get started today
>>75591526This irrational feeling of uncontrol Like I felt like things just happened to me and I couldn't control anything. A decade+ of anxiety and depression leaving me in resignated inactionRock bottom super obesity got me to finally try and prove to myself that I am in control and start turning it around This also reflects on my life in general as a 31yo KV NEETNot trying is brutal
>>75591526I had undiagnosed ADHD for most of my life. 0 impulse control.
>>75591002I dont know if its actually any healthier, but I like how crispy and evenly cooked everything comes out
>>75589663My favorite is erythritol
My knee makes a really horrible grinding noise when going up stairs.
>back above 200lbsholiday setback..
WrapEnjoyer failed us all
>>75592595JustMeatFishSaltButterAndEggs is a far bigger failure, he never even lost any weight. Just gained it.
>>75592595kek>a full year of extreme discipline>reaches healthy weight >immediately stuffs facethis plague holds onto you
Fatty ContestIgnatiusJReilly213.2lbsWas busy this week and didn't fast. Still counted calories, not sure if I was off or if I'm retaining water.
>>75592706>just dip into healthy range>immediately binge so much you jump back up 2 categoriesCrazy stuff
>>75592663the ketoschizo in all his glory
>>75592720>Haha I’m finally cured!
Fatty contest Ootypooty 100.4kg
>>75592706Statistically this will be most of us and that terrifies me
>>75592725he gained 50lbs in a month
>>75592749I know what you’re saying but statistically most of us will never even reach our goal weight kek
The moobs aren't shrinking but everything else is.
>>75592706Where can I make a graph like this for myself? Is this apart of the fatty contest, or is there a way I can have a private personal one?
>>75592769SameMy body really wants me to stay a big titty bitch
>>75592769moobs hang on hard you gotta really suck down don’t even think about addressing gyno until visible abs
>>75592775Just join the fatty contest don’t be a pussy. It is the only reason these threads have any value.
>>75592706This is pretty typical desu. Almost everyone has a rebound, the question is will you get back on track after it. Dont expect linear progress. Expect waves of progress. As long as its trending in the right direction and you get back on track, then the good habits you picked up along the way will get you there in the long run.
>>75592706i-is this our future. are we all terminally fucked.
>>75592769I know what you mean. My gut getting smaller just makes the tits look even bigger. Just keep going bro. We'll make it
>>75592847I'm just going to keep ozempic in the fridge. If I go up 5lbs I take a shot. Not going back
>>75592847Use it as fuel to never relaxNever stop weighing yourself, never return to saying "fuck it", the diet never ends it just very slightly increases when you get to maintenance
>>75592860That sounds like a wonderful way to live your life..
>>75592898yes it does>>75592860based
>>75592898We have all proven to ourselves that we can't eat intuitively so find calculated habits that you can sustain, and also practice what going over in a controlled way like on holiday meals or a restaurant once a month looks like now compared to old binge habits. It's very possible most people just don't do it and think "finally I can return to not being vigilant" and that's where you fail
>>75592785>It is the only reason these threads have any valueI learned all the basic mechanics of metabolism and weight loss from this gen, it's pretty useful for a crash course coming from an ignorant fat turning it around for the first time
>>75592923That mentally means you will get fat again. You can't be constantly vigilant, unless you have literally nothing else to focus on in your life. Sorry bruz it just doesn't work.>>75592931I've been taking diet breaks all this year to re-learn how to eat at maintenance. The last one was a month long where I just tracked protein and mostly ate whole foods. If you work on your relationship to food, you can change. If you don't you'll be a fat guy in a skinny guys body and every decision needs to be a conscious effort. I have work and family to think about.
What do you use t marinade meat? Also how many calories,carb,sodium,fat etc do you actually count from it. I have some of this aardvark secret sauce I want to use with chicken
>>75592970I dont marinade meat. Takes too much time. A brine at best>Also how many calories,carb,sodium,fat etc do you actually count from itas much as you use
>>75592970>marinade meatSome random spices and some amounts of Asian sauces.It's all about imparting flavors, so you don't really need to spend your calories on doing that.
>>75592970i usually do it dry rub DIY: smoked paprika, garlic powder, salt, etc... no calories to count and i don't give a shit about sodium
>been lifting while fat for years>literally look better now after 3 months of dieting than years of fatty lifting
>>75593028>no calories to countPaprika, garlic powder, chili powder, etc. are all pretty high-calorie by weight actually.You can usually disregard them when you're just adding spices to your food as the amounts will be minuscule, but if you're using a sizeable amount for rubbing, you should probably weigh and count them.
>>75593038Its true, but dont discount how much all the lifting will contribute to your final look. The only thing I hate is how much my bench press takes a shit as I get leaner.
>>75592595>>75592706That's disappointing but at least WrapEnjoyer appears to have caught themselves and is losing weight again before things got out of hand.>>75592663>>75592725This guy likes to point at the month long periods where he lost weight as proof that his diet works because apparently he'd only do it for a month or so then stop. If that's the case then he needs to find a new diet or get used to only eating meat, fish, salt, butter, and eggs day in and day out.
>>75592225Does not look like a lot of food for 1130~kcal. Do you have a recipe?
>>75593042there are 6 calories in a teaspoon of paprika. the margin of error on all the other things a person eats means that 6 calories is not even realistically measurable
>>75593042>Paprika, garlic powder, chili powder, etc. are all pretty high-calorie by weight actually.Lmao imagine saying this seriously. You're talking about potentially 25 calories across 2 meals worth of protein. Mismeasure your oil by a drop and you've outdone all that. Don't be silly. Yes if you're using some honey garlic store bought mixed rub it matters, if youre literally adding spices to food it would be ridiculous to weigh out black pepper
>Abs coming back inBros we are so back
>>75593143>Does not look like a lot of food for 1130~kcal.It's 200 grams of dry past. I count those as 4 kcal/g, realistically they are a bit under 3.7 kcal instead, so it's a bit under 1100 kcal if I'm to be precise, but 200g of pasta is 200g of pasta.Most people would consider that to be enough food for two.>Do you have a recipe?I just loosely followed this https://youtu.be/pzEUa2rexYw
>>75593247If you're not having hunger issues go for it. Prioritize taste over volume. Last night I ate a full pound of mungbean stiry fry and that was less than 150 calories. And that was my second dinner. Its rough having a big appetite.
>>75593146>there are 6 calories in a teaspoon of paprikaI very much deliberately have stated that I am NOT talking about just seasoning the food.On a "rub" you can easily go above 20-30g of dry spices.Many of those can be over 3 kcal/g. So you're talking about 50~100 kcal you could be disregarding.>>75593214Mismeasure your oil by a dropOne drop of oil is not 50-100 kcal.
Been stuck at 181-185 range for a few months now. GW for EoY was 175. Down from 245. GW overall is ~165-70What do?
>>75593247Damn Pasta is so good but so caloric
>>75593275A tsp of each of the listed spices totals about 25 total calories and it's enough for at least 2 full chicken breast. The same amount of olive oil would be no less than 40 calories. And you're using more than that to cook your meat. Some things are not worth measuring
>>75593302eat less, move more
>>75593426I get 10-25k steps daily. Lift 1-1.5 hours 5x weekly. Run 1x weekly. Lost 65lbs this way. Progress has stalled.
>>75593457Your body adjusts to the repeated physical strain. We're very efficient like that. If you want to go further then you might need to switch up your exercises. If that doesn't work, give your caloric budget another cut. No way around it.
if you're bored. I listened to a Huberman episode this weekend, and I thought this nutrition part was kind of neat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N7mdkrXgbc&t=11015s>800 grams of fruit and vegetables every day>To get fiber and micro nutritents>Napkin math>Starbucks cookie 300 calories>Pound of cherries 230 calories>Eat a pound of cherries and tell me you still want something sweet>A pound of melon 220 calories
>>75593457Imo take a month long diet break. Eat around maintenence, so depending on the harshness of your diet add 500-750 calories a day. Expect to gain like 5 pounds of mostly water and a little fat. Then get back to it. 65 is a ton of weight lost and im guessing it took over 12 weeks. Each diet phase is best kept to 12 weeks max. Let the diet fatigue and frustration go away and get back in the shit.
>>75591444Hmmmmmm so what if I use vanilla Greek yogurt? Would that be sweet enough to not need any added sugar?
>>75591463Add vanilla too
>>75592206I've got a birthday this week Xmas next week and new years right after. We'll get through this
>>75593498> 800 grams of fruit and vegetables every dayThis seems so high, is that really required?
>>75593611Dont know if anything is "required". But I do generally think people are under fibered. But again the example is great right, would you rather have one cookie or a a like a pound of cherries
>>75593634I don't like cherries, so I'll go with the melon
>>75593482Yeah I've been trying to eat even less and work out even more but it's starting to get untenable.
Opinions on yogurt?I made like a liter of the thing with help of store-bought yogurt.
>>75591439nah, there's no point to it, I just do it out of curiosity. Also>be in a really bad mood yesterday>worst mood I've been in all year>normally I would use this as an excuse to start binging, and probably eat 3000+kcal worth of junk food to make me feel better>think of the spreadsheet>cant bring myself to binge no matter whatWell I've solved dieting. I won't be binging for the rest of the year it seems. Even if I want to I can't.
>>75593503yep I've been plateaued at 181-185 since September. I've been (evidently) eating at maintenance during that period. I am going to give it a go at losing another 5-15 pounds in Q1 2025.
>>75593662absolutely essential to my diet
>>75593662Greek yogurt is absolute peak weight loss food. Indispensable.
>>75593498You really gotta ignore that guy. His advice is all bogus. You don't want to be one of those weirdos who's obsessed with 'going outside and getting sunlight ASAP', it's retarded. Nobody lives like that.
>>75593457You're eating too much and you know it. Be more meticulous when counting calories. You're failing somewhere.
>>75593668One thought just occured to me. Maybe you heard how usda just changed the nutrition info for avocados, substantially increasing its calories from 160kcal per 100g its now 230kcal per 100g?Maybe, similarly one of the things you eat is mislabelled. Then you would be miscounting through no fault of your own.
>>75593679You even watch the clip? It's Kelly talking
>>75593690>>75593682It's not the calorie counting where I'm falling short. At least not by more than 1-200 calories in terms of counting. I do weigh my food. It's most likely from eating out. I've been dating and eating out more since not being fat. Unfortunately, this seems to have caused my progress to stall despite my fairly intense workout regiment.
>>75592706>>75592749>>75592761Makes me feel so special :^) or I guess just that I'm actually serious about this. >never reach goal I actually moved my goalpost several times, I realized that I'd set my goal way too close to 25BMI, that I'd still be fat, and as I got lower that yeah no 120lbs is still fat, 110lbs is probably the best spot before the lean bulk. And I'm inching closer. I passed all my other goals and I'll hit this one too.
>>75593270Drop the recipe
>>75593718Sounds like you should just enjoy yourself until february. Make sure not to get above 187 by then. Maybe add a little more cardio if you feel the need to, then go for a 3 month diet.
>>75593690T-they what
>>75593743Yeah fair. Only solutions I can think of are restricting calories even more (which my body rebels against strongly, leading to night binges), or upping the cardio, which is difficult time wise since I'm already lifting every day, but probably doable.
>>75593741No real recipe. Just put somewhere between a half pound and a pound of bean sprouts in a pan on around medium high heat. Drizzle with basedsauce and some other low cal sauce. I like melindas peri peri sauce. Cook for around 3 to 5 minutes while stirring. Maybe add konjac noodles as well. Should be around 100-150 calories depending on how much you make. Got it from here.https://youtu.be/WOlPdfhUJ7M
>>75593752>>75593743Or going back to ignoring women. Lol.
>>75593752Just wash away the diet fatigue for a while and look into volume eating to further restrict calories while satiating yourself. I posted something I like to eat here. >>75593753 I also really like air fried crispy hot wings.
>>75593756I literally don't know what more I can do. I even started ozempic to see if I could mindfuck myself into accepting less calories.
>>75593729Last 5 years of data I should add. I wasn't serious enough before, I had a very nasty set back this summer, but every day I'm a bew lowest weight since childhood
>>75593770I just told you. Rest for a while, then get back to it. Cut out the eating out when you get back into it in february.
>lost my rear bike light>but did get my hour of eliptical cardio inWA status: GMI>>75593662its natures protein powder, from a cow yet absolutely GOATed
>>75593775Can I still lift?
>>75592706Fake. This is a lazy impersonator who psoted as him, didn't even bother posting pics of wraps.
>>75593670>>75593673>>75593776Does average yogurt actually have more protein and is better for weight loss?
>>75593771Well done. Youre short or a girl right?
>Managed to do 2 chin-ups today>Still can't do a single pull-up, in fact, I probably moved a couple of inches being generous and felt an awful lot of strain on my triceps Why?
>>75593785Dont change your workout regimen much. Maybe take the opportunity to lift a bit harder since your recovery is going to improve. Do a deload week over christmas as well. Half weight, half sets, same reps per set, same routine. Then get right back to lifting like before with a focus on progression.
>>75593634the cookie. THE COOKIE
>>75592471Good to know, thank you!
>>75593811Its hard as fuck. If you want to do pullups, try doing negative pullup reps. Thats how I did my first pullup after a month of negatives. Now I add weight to my pullups.
>>75593805Yes I am not critically underweight
>>75593797I consume one liter of yoghurt as a meal (usually no-fat). That is 500kcal, and 42 grams of protein. Absolutely worth. It's also filling due to the volume of liquid. Plus, I buy it at the local small grocery store when it's about to expire for an ez 50% off.
>>75593853that better be no flavor, or that's like 90 grams of sugar
>>75593634I would love to pound those cherries if you know what I mean(and I would also have sex with them)>>7559386141 grams of non-additive sugar. Thank you carbs for always being there for me.
>>75593828Thats awesome. You're right where you should be. Next challenge is going to be handling the rebound and then transitioning to eating healthy (not heavily restricted) for the long term.
>>75593694Don't know who that is, don't care eitherNever trust Jews.
>>75592898This is why you don't want a crash diet that requires uncountable amounts of willpower. If instead you pick up some new habits, build up a set of safe meals and snacks that push your macros toward the right levels, establish up food routines that make it easy to reach your goals consistently, and track what you do, but in the least intrusive way you can get away with, then if won't feel like a constant burden you have to carry to the top of a hill everyday only to find it right at the bottom again the next morning.If it's just some lifestyle tweaks you've gotten used to, then yeah, bumping your calorie goals a bit at maintenance isn't really changing anything. Except it's hard to eat that much at first, but you get used to it again after a while.For me, having to keep my activity level up is harder than handling my food intake.At least I've got a pass on this since I just donated blood again today. earliest next workout is Wednesday, but really probably Thursday.
>>75593967Whats up ketoschizo where you been
Anti fat blog rant.Everyone liked dinner, I was really proud of my sister for making something ACTUALLY good. It was agood shepherds pie, ground beef mashed potatoes onion garlic peas carrots corn tomato paste etc on the seasoning. Everyone really liked it. I feel fat for eating 600cal of it but it was good. Then my mom gets home and wrinkles her nose "eww... you put like three times the amount of vegetables in you're supposed to! And you put in peas! I'm not eating that, oh my God is that tomato paste? Who ate this tonight its ALL WRONG. Its just ground beef or lamb, gravy, onion, a tiny bit of carrots and MAYBE corn, and mashed potatoes!" She used our brothers recipe (which also happens to be online by The Wholesome Dish, 5 stars and 2.4k reviews). She's the only fat one in the house and the only one who is berating my sister on how bad dinner was. Because God forbid it wasn't just fat and potato. How awful. My pride burns for my sister.
>>75593980>and track what you do, but in the least intrusive way you can get away withThis is key. My first time losing weight I counted calories. It worked, and I also gave myself an eating disorder. Which is what the medical profession generally diagnoses as 'a certified bruh moment'. So I inverted my thinking and now that I'm losing weight the second time I count the calories before once with MFP, then make the recipes as instructed, only varying the vegetables. I just eat from a decently-sized list of options I enjoy. It just works.
>>75594011Mom sounds like a cunt, hope you encouraged your sister to keep cooking and ignore her whining. Also what's your usual dinner budget if you're feeling guilty over 600 kcal?
>>75594011sad to hear. peasant food doesn't have any rules besides relatively cheap ingredients
>>75594011Sounds like a great meal to me. Your mom sounds like an ingrate, no offense. Side note - shepherds pie made from beef is cottage pie. Shepherds is lamb.
>>75594142I like to have it with a little honey and some raspberries.
>>75593662I sometimes eat some skyr as a snack, but yoghurt in general is not filling enough for me.
>>75594148plain or with blueberries for me.
>weigh self yesterday>133.5>have pizza but have enough control to not eat the family one myself>136.7I expect number to come back down dramatically, but I didn't expect it to go quite so high.
>>75593498>>Eat a pound of cherries and tell me you still want something sweetWhy? I don't want cherries when I want cookies. I hate this retarded advice. Why not just drink water until you are too full to eat? It is the same stupid principle. The actual answer is to have a cookie and incorporate it into the rest of your day's calorie and macro goals.>>75594011I almost never follow recipes exactly which is the fun of cooking. I would call your mom's bad attitude out and tell her that she should support her daughter learning to experiment with cooking and that you enjoyed it.
Time for a second pound of protein ice cream today. Fruity pebbles. 280 calories 40g protein
>>75592714Based confederacy of dunces enjoyer.
Fatty ContestMeyerboy118.2
Fatty Contestgw9099.3kgGoing to be a rough time of year to make any real progress but trying to get back to weighing in habbit so I can hit the ground running in the new year.
>>75594318FuckFatty ContestMeyerboy218.2
>>75593662I started eating greek yogurt again, with a bit of granola. I thought it was constipating me so avoided it, but turns out it was just a fiber issue all along. So we back on the yogurt train. Toot toot.
>>75590267It's really hard to just jump into a fast, usually I need to cut back hard on calories the day before and really get into the mindset that this is my life now.
>>75594086My day is around 1500 so I try to stay around 500 per meal
>>75594096I mean a given recipe has a standard rule, substitute everything in a recipe and you'll get something totally different, exclude half the ingredients and you have a different recipe>>75594113No offense taken. I'm one of those fats that got fat off way too much home cooking and butter etc, so I appreciate good food when i get it. She'd asked me to grab her ingredients and I looked for lamb but none in store, such is the American issue. I told her it was good, it's a good traditional recipe, just because one person is unhappy that doesn't mean you failed. You just found someone picky or someone that values their way over every other way. Mom sat her down and ran her through a "correct" shepherds pie (cottage pie) and it just burned me up.
>>75594358according to another anon it was a cottage pie and not a shepard's pie, so it's a bit academic isn't it?
>>75594258Fellow low calorie 1/4 batch cookie enjoyer. If it works it works, i think with sone recipes there are a few guidelines like French toast is egg half n half/fatty dairy and vanilla, optionally cinnamon. Exclude the egg and you have milk toast. Exclude the milk and you have eggs in a basket that's weirdly aromatic. There's a varying degree of "ok but the instructions are there for a reason"
>>75594371Very tangenty but chocolate chip cookies with milk vs semi sweet chips are still chocolate chip cookies, add raisins and oatmeal instead is a new type of cookie. Fruit and nuts is a different cookie. Spaghetti with marina vs marina and ground beef is a big enough difference
>eat 6 slices of pizza at party yesterday>immediately gain 3 lbs on the scale the following dayI know this is water weight, but just fuck my shit up lol. I'm only 6 lbs away from my goal too
Been daily drinking this past year. DEXA scan showed 38% bf. I thinking recovery is gonna hurt bros.
>>75594472>daily drinkingDear god man, drop the sauce if not for your obesity than for the sake of your internal organs. Quitting booze alone will have you dropping lbs.
Alright. I'm making cheesecake and cherry raspberry pie for Christmas. I already added the recipes in and factored them with stuffing myself with turkey and hsm before anything else. I think I'll be OK. Right?... Last year I gained 5lbs of fat during Christmas and I'm 10lbs away from my goal weight. I can't live in fear like this but I KNOW it's going to be a big feast with many hurt feelings if I don't try food and I need to try a miniscule bit of my own cooking just to know i did it right and because that's my favorite pie I haven't had in over a year... and I'm afraid to gain weight. Unless u just lift like fucking Mike Mentzer the next week and call it a micro bulk? I plan to fully avoid the caloried beverages btw.
>>75594472holy shit. imagine what a legend you'd be if you could pull off that kind of a comeback though
had a great week. nailed a massive deficit and wooshed a 3 pound drop (that was another half pound lower two days later). so i ate maintenance today to prepare for a perfect push to christmas eve dinner. wagmi
>>75592483I'm working on getting diagnosed for ADHD, but im procrastinating on completing the surveys that the clinic gave me.
been lurking here on and off for over a year now and have plateaued on my weight loss by just eating less and making assumptionsI want to get more serious with calorie counting, any apps that don't demand accounts and/or as much personal data as possible to use?
I think Ive found a sustainable way to eat thats really nutritious and filling guys. I may just be able to keep this up past this diet. Ive been running this since the beginning of november and outside of thanksgiving havent cheated once. Never feel massively hungry or crave junk food. Pounds and pounds of food everyday and I keep it to 2100 calories max. Weight loss is slow at about 1.5lb a week, but its felt so smooth and easy.
Fatty ContestFatChode228.5lbs5'7"
I am eating apples every day 24/7 . Ngmi
>>75595059Wanna tell us what this magic food is?
>>75595172My own cum.
30k steps today.
>>75595185Making it.
>>75595185I'll match you tomorrow.
>>75595185Gonna try for 40k before calling it a night.
>>75595185I will defeat you
How many miles have you walked so far this month?
>>75595172Vegetable stir friesChicken wings and fries in an air fryerA stable of different low calorie saucesOpen face sandwiches heavy on the meat and cheeseProtein ice cream
>>75595241>Protein ice creamThis post was sponsored by the Ninja® CREAMi®.
>>75594258>Why not just drink water until you are too full to eat? It is the same stupid principle.its stupid but it fucking works you fat nigger
>>75595255I dunno I've found I can always squeeze in room for sweets no matter how full I am. Drink a gallon of water and eat meat until I feel like I'm going to burst then offer me an oreo and for some reason I can eat the oreo, but if you offered me another bite of steak I'd never be able to get it down. It's like sweets are a category to themselves and my body is fine consuming them even when I'm full. On the inverse I feel the same way if I binge on sweets, eat a whole bag of oreos until I'm sick of them, and I'll be able to eat a full meal of real food. I've never binged on cherries to see if my body categories them as sweets or real food though.
>on day 2 of 72hr fast>parents buy takeout chinese food>don't finish it all so they put it in the fridge>sweet succulent chinese food is waiting in the fridge for meOh my god I think I'm going insane, it's like it's fucking speaking to me.Pray for me anons, I have to be strong.
>>755953441. Open Google Sheets2. Create a new spreadsheet tracking your fast3. Track each day or each hour you haven't eaten4. Make the cell (square) green if you didn't eat5. ???6. ProfitTrust me, do this and you won't want to eat. It's working for me, it'll work for you too. Before I did this, I would go over my limit quite a lot. But as you can see, I've stayed at or over a 500kcal deficit each day this month.
>>75595344>tempting you with a succulent Chinese mealYour mom knows her judo well.
>>75595377Idc, it's fun. I just got the idea to add a new column showing actual weight loss (compared to projected weight loss)
>>75595344if you're really serious go, grab it and throw it in the thrash.
>>75595372>go 1cal over on 30/11 >don't log it as -1 cal>log it as 0Entire thing is invalid
>>75589516Take meth and thyroid hormones, eat absolutely nothing and sleep naked with your windows open and no heating or blankets
>>75590780>He doesn't buy drumsticks so he can crack open the bones and eat the marrowNGMI
Do you really need potassium supplements if you're doing a longer fast? (>72 hours)
>>75595391The TDEE I had calculated at the time was 1901 kcal. On days where it says there's 0 calories left, I ate some cake which I weighed to make sure I wasn't going over my limit. It's pedantic, and using an app is quicker and easier, but I don't mind doing it, and like I said, it helps keep me accountable. I used an app for most of the year and I'm currently at a weight loss rate of just over .5kg per week, which is good.
>>75595255whiter and leaner than you rajesh I am annoyed. I put my new standing desk together and tested it out, only the right side rises
36.3k steps.I think my pb is 36.5k, so I'm taking it to 40k.
Remember to not overcompensate in between the Christmas days. You'll come to regret it and throw yourself off balance.
>120.8 kg at 183 cm at 35% BF 1st January 2023>103 kg at 30% BF at 1st January 2024>Currently at 98 kg hovering around 26% BFHad hoped I would reach 90 kg by now but atleast it is progress and also gained some kg of muscle.
I feel happy when I wake up because I know I get to eat again. Even if it's at a deficit, I really, really don't take food for granted now.
NEXT THREAD>>75595509>>75595509>>75595509>>75595509
>>75595498Same here. I can already look forward towards meals i have planned days in advance.
>>75595388He isn't serious, he hasn't been "fasting">Oh this little thing? It doesn't countAnd he's going to binge eat right back into a surplusNo one with an intact frontal cortex does "fasting"