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Who is /fat/ for?
For diligent dieters who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>75602317
>had to cancel my workout because I apparently really tired out my arm opening/closing the door of the UPS truck
Fuck, I've never cancelled a workout in my 15 months of exercising. But I knew I had to, because my right bicep is pounding like a drum and I couldn't even do a bicep curl.
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest

got sick as hell earlier this week, so kind of a cheat. 7 pounds lost over 4 days is pretty cool though
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nunbros stay winning
Got lots of tasty presents from my brother's christmas package. Howeverthoughbeit SHANT be consuming any today. WAGMI
you could always work out some other muscle, if only the brain. But good call
Just want to tell my story, I read something similar on here about 3 years ago that helped me out

>be 27
>obese bmi
>kissless virgin
>decide to change
>2-3 years of IM fasting/calorie deficit/cardio and around 1 years of weights
>become very fit
>decide to start dating 6 months ago
>go on around 15 dates since then, 3 active fwbs
>start talking to athletic cutie recently, 10 years younger than me
>on third date she takes me to a hill in the city, we climb some rocks and and I kiss her there
>fast forward 2 weeks she is my gf
>i am by no means pretty, 5'7

No idea where things will take me with current girl but bros, the last 6 months of my life have been by far the most interesting and best thing I've ever done. I went on Tinder/Hinge/IG timelines just to remember the dates and the girls I went with and its been crazy.

For about 4 weeks I was seeing this goth girl that let me fuck her ass on first date, while also seeing a Moldavian girl and taking her to dates everywhere - we fucked on a bench at 2am in some random town, got squirted on etc.

Keep grinding, when you are ready flip the switch and it will hit you very hard and fast. You will be fucking nervous, I still am nervous on first dates lmao. Go out of your comfort zones.
Yeah we totally believe you, faggot.
fattofit and spreadsheet anon are NGMI
Also that Gnome faggot, couldn't stand him.
fatty contest
crazy how most of us wouldn’t have to be here if we were just given a normal childhood and raised by competent parents
Been maintaining during the holiday season, so happy I'm not gaining weight. Except, I ate too much too late at night and it's fucked my sleep. I couldn't sleep last night (despite already being sleep deprived) until 3am and after eating a whole carrot, onion, and zucchini.
restarted my spreadsheet again. I think 9 years of cooming each day has obliterated my brain’s reward system in every way.
Do you have autism?
I have been diagnosed with autism, yes.
>eat around 4-5k calories yesterday (hard to say exactly, tons of christmas cookies, roasted almonds (not coated in sugar), some other minor sweets, prob higher end
>20k steps and 90 floors climbed at work, 26k in total that day
>wanted to go workout after but no time
>go on techno rave the same evening/night until 3 am
>total of 24k steps by the time i got home (4:30 am)
>no alcohol/drugs consumed, just water
>woke up at 11am this morning
>scale only went up .2kg this morning, expected +2-3kg
>picrel arm
i guess all that salt and sugar is hitting hard even 12+ hours after if im this "veiny" after
still gonna basically do PSMF today and maybe tomorrow, depends on how i feel and continue maintenance calories a day or two after

fucking unplanned stress at work and my fat retard brain nigger coping with deleting all christmas cookies that landed in my sight
god damn my coworkers for baking these good ass christmas pastries
also thinking that my cut was maybe a bit too long (6 months-ish) and that i started with way too low calories than i should have
oh well whats done is done gonna try and be normal on the 3 holiday days
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forgot pic
>most of us
i'd still be here because i got fat as i got older.
enjoy yourselves this holiday, fellas. scale might not go down as much but hang in there wagmi
>normal childhood and raised by competent parents
desu, i know a couple with 2 kids ~3 years apart.
the older is fat and likes to eat so much while the younger one is as thin as a stick and doesn't give a fuck about eating.
they try to limit what the older one eats to no avail. and he's always been fat.
the older is like 11 and the younger is around 8.
so idk about blaming parents.
>they try to limit what the older one eats
lol. sounds like a case of "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"
they literally pull him from food and still do.
but you're missing the point.
one is a fatfuck and loves food while the other is a stick and doesn't give a fuck and they're brothers 3 years apart.
genetics has to do something with it.
Eat less, unironically.
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How do i cope with being fat?
By eating at a deficit until you aren't any longer.
sometimes when people say that genetics is a factor, they don't mean that genetically they store more fat or can't burn calories as much. rather, they mean that genetically, their brain's reward system is not as good and the brain wants them to eat more food for the sake of happy chemicals and stimulation, or perhaps it has something to do with hunger hormones
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A month away from my Ozempic prescription
It's over........
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I echo your ideas. My dad's side of the family are drug addicts and my mom's side is all obese (and some are alcoholics). It's hard breaking from how we were raised, whether it is genetic or learned or whatever.
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may go for a walk or jog soon
So their 11yo son was an addict from birth and when they hide food he eats the trash? He tells neighbors he's being starved? Food is kept under lock and key?
Yeah but the alarming thing is i take a protein shake in the morning. How is my family surviving on around 40g of protein a day, considering i eat more meat?
I'm going to try and stop drinking Pepsi Max.
I drink a ridiculous amount, where my doctor is concerned. It makes the hunger worse.
okay ended friendship with my best friend cant get any more rock bottom then this. she called me fat too so yeah i think i have all the motivation to lose my weight
A fat person getting offended for being called fat makes about as much sense as Elon Musk getting offended for being called cisgendered.
If it's such a bothersome label, just become trans Elon.
Err I mean, just lose weight bro.
On the other hand, try not to isolate yourself. It's okay to cut assholes out of your life, but then you have to make new bonds somewhere else.
Get dieting
you are dehydrated retard drink some water
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>lost almsot 100lbs
>Life is better in every possible way
>Feel more lonely and sad than i ever have before
Anyone feel this way?
What is the best app for counting calories ?
MyFitnessPal, MyNetDiary, or Lose It?

I’ve been using Lose It, but I feel like I half the time I look up how many calories something is there is just 20 things that are like “X amount per some nebulous serving” and less and less “X per gram/ounce”.

Would one of the other two be better about this?
I downloaded them but I have to make an account, so I’d rather get an opinion before bothering.
Same, I thought I would have gained a little based on how I’ve been eating, but it hasn’t budged.
Whatever works - the advantage of MFP is while some of the user submitted stuff is clearly blatantly wrong, at least theres a lot of it, so with an 85% accuracy rate you'll get a usable macro spreads in 2-3 clicks.
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Finally in the under 200 pound club. I started working out at the beginning, but stopped doing that about half way through, and just focused on diet. I also only counted calories just at the beginning, just to get a sense of how much everything was, and the impact it had on the weekly weigh in. I would say my diet is basically the animal based diet, but with less fruit overall.
Thank you to all who post meal ideas here, you've helped a lot. I still have a long way to getting to my goal of 150s.
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My parents got me this for the holidays. They know I'm trying to lose weight. Mfw!!!
Count the calories and deal with the perishables first.
It's that easy, stop being a hysterical patsy.
fatty contest
I use cronometer
... You don't have to eat it all at once. I see some perfectly fine snacks in there.
watch out on pistachios I didn't realize just how calorically dense nuts are. Like a handful was 400kcals.
I don't eat snacks, though. I have a small breakfast (300-350 calories) and then a larger dinner. I have trouble moderating my food intake and they know this. Sticking to my routine is important to my success.
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
252.2 lbs
eat the good stuff and give away the other stuff
Pistachios with shells at least force you to pace yourself.
Fatty Contest
214.2 lbs
Any fellow slop enjoyers?
Fatty Contest
198.2285714 lbs
Gonna make chilli con carne for the new years party.
I have a very precise scale, why waste the precision?
im on day 1 of couch to 5k and i could only make it to the 8th 60 second run. my muscle control is gone and i could barely walk out of the gym without tripping over myself. is it over? am I literally too fat for a c25k plan?
Fatty Contest

haha christmas
good job. now take a day of rest, and then do day 1 again.
it's only over when you give up.
You are my main fatty Contest opponent and you let me down like this? FUCK!
Yeah the only person I really let down was myself but its ok. I really didn't go off the rails, just had two Christmas parties in a row and ate maybe 1k over my TDEE both days.
I'm locked in until Christmas Eve, that'll be another bump to get over.
You let me down anon, I expect better.
What no cal drink are you sippin?
Fatty Contest
Is fatty contest how much weight you are or how much weight you’ve lost?
It's your current weight
This made me realize when I hit 204 lbs I will have lost more than I weigh
Should happen some time next year
It is your current weight divided by your goal weight minus the weight you have lost and then squared by the root of pi.
Fatty Contest
i didnt cut the friendship over the fat comment, but its fuel for me to change how i am, atleast thats how im choosing to see it
im exhausted of meeting people, they always pull some 'give me this thing' or 'come do this chore for me' shit within a week of meeting them and completely chimp out when you say no. everyone complains how alone they are but cant keep their composure to play a fucking game of pool or a video game or just eat lunch together, its always some game of trying to gain something from someone else, you cant even buy good pot anymore for fucks sake
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Fatty Contest
my cunt mother would buy me a Christmas hamper of biscuit and whatnot even when I explicitly said to her that I don’t want it because I’m trying to lose weight
Don't eat it then
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>new years party.
Where can I find one

I'm slim now with a fade and biceps yet still no friends

Still manlet though
All of my friends are from either college, or work. I'm an autist who sits at home a lot, so going out of my way to make and maintain those relationships is a constant struggle. Worth it tho.
Got drunk and ate like an asshole last night
Too hung over to go to the gym so I’m just gonna fast today and get in my 10k steps
i have consumed around two pounds of carrots this week
*points finger at you*
carrot boy haha
where's the fucking priest
I drank a full bottle of wine, tempted to go to the shop for more
want to sleep like a baby tonight
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Confess my son
buy some melatonin instead of poisoning yourself. you won't get solid rest with alcohol in your system anyway.
kill yourself fat fucking faggot piece of garbage, why dont you confess all the shit you've done you fat sack of shit, all the children you've fucked and shit, bet you've had some virgin bussy you fucking fag
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uh oh, someone is hangry
not me bro just had half a loaf of bread and half a pack of crisps alongside the wine, i'll get back on track after the holidays just need some fucking break, fuck me and fuck my life
but god bless this thread you guys are the best I will stop disappointing you just need a couple of weeks
>coke zero
Absolutely nothing wrong with it except for maybe the sodium, and fatty psychology making them think they can eat more slop since their drink is zero calories
>small portions of soft cheese
>pickled vegetables
Most of this is perfectly fine, just give away the chips and don't overdo it on the bread and crackers. The only truly "bad" thing is the eggnog, but just sip small glasses of it as a treat. This is a good lesson in self-control and reasonable portioning.
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Sipping these on a comfy fast rn
hi sorry if it's bad to ask here but is there a weight loss discord or does anyone wanna add eachother on discord to be weight loss buddies :) I have about 50 lbs to lose
fatties get the rope
No discord. Just post here.
how do these taste, being 15 calories each can't be too much sugar and cream in there.
I miss the super morbid obesity loss rate
Losing 5 lbs a week felt so nice, gotta get used to 2 lbs a week not feeling like failure
Eat less
I just would like to try to make friends to consistently talk to.
Surprisingly good, almost chocolatey. No added sugar.
we're on an anonymous forum for a reason
>2 lbs a week
Still insane. 1 lb a week is good progress
unironically go to reddit (and don't come back)
Again, just post here.
I feel like having an identity/community would maybe give you more motivation though?
You sound like a massive faggot
The reddit discord is way too big I just would like a friend or small group of ppl to keep eachother motivated :(
just kill yourself, then you won't have to worry about anything
Anon that's mean, my mom killed herself and I have to be here to take care of my family
was she fat too? or are you fatter
I've never used reddit but googling questions about weight loss has led me to forums there on it over and over
It's weird how they're all 90% women
I have 28 BMI I think she was a bit overweight too
if it did we wouldn't be here and if that's what you're looking for, you shouldn't either
I thought so too. But the other places I have visited seem to focus on feelings rather than success. I have an eating disorder because I have sworn off Pizza and chips according to them.

Yeah man I lost 100lbs and had all kinds of pussy thrown at me. I was never more angry, lonely, or suicidal than I was when I was skinny and good looking.
I just steamed 500g of broccoli(and added a bit of mayo for taste, sue me) and cooked some lentils with deli meat and some premade spice mix.
Bland, but the spice of self-sufficiency helps a lot. I wonder if I will manage to inhale all the broccoli.
If I overate last night should I fast today or just go back to my normal deficit
Bought a measuring tape for the first time and measured my bf%, bot the navy calculator and my smartwatch estimated around 23-26%, that's quite a bit less than I thought. My goal weight could be higher than anticipated, which is a little bizarre as I would still be overweight by bmi standards at 12% bf.
I'm size 36 in jeans again without being actively caring about losing weight (considering we're near holidays where I'll eat like crazy)
I lost 75 lbs and have kept it off for over a year now. I think the novelty of being lean wears off, and you realize you put in all that work just to be normal, which can be a little depressing, but just remember where you started and be proud of yourself and the discipline it took to make it this far. More importantly, set new body goals and focus on putting on muscle and actually looking good now that you've finished the foundational work of looking human again.
I objectively look 10x better now and had a few dates with beautiful angels I wouldn't dare even speak to as a lipobeast, but so far I still get zero pussy and have zero friends. Some people have other shit going on.
>He tells neighbors he's being starved?
when we visit he he tells us that his mother keeps taking food from him before he finishes and refuses to feed him further.
i saw that rats got thyroid cancer and got cold feet.
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>Lose weight
>Still an autistic fuck
Well i didn't plan on this happening.......
spotted the Canadian, Anon I too have difficulty not just inhaling the whole bag, but I have found measuring out a 1/2 to full serving as a snack not to be too hard, just got to put the bag back somewhere where it is a pain to get it.
i consumed 2 pounds today
i love carrots, great snack to munch on
Oh my parents were competent, they just didn't give a fuck
>spotted the Canadian
I just gave the food back--told them I wasn't trying to be rude about it but that it's not conducive to my weight loss to have all those snacks around.
>Girl tries to speak to me
>Spill spaghetti everytime
Fatty Contest
It is what it is. At least I look hot now, I'm the FLGS's most eligible bachelor
Sounds like the kid has Prader-Willi
Truth nuke.
Unfortunately most people who go out of the way to befriend you just want to use you like they have to everyone else they cross paths with. I have to know someone consistently for two years or so before befriending them
True the joke is just like " I'll take a diet soda and regular cake"
I must be doing it wrong, the navy bf says I'm like 26 percent but I have 6 pack abs
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I got a chocolate bar because dinner is grilled chicken quarters and I just really feel like shit. I haven't eaten it yet, I'm saving it for later when I'm all alone and I may savor every square in total peace.
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This >>75614486 if you're here long enough you'll recognize different individuals by how they type, life updates, and progress updates.
I have an ED because I'm under 25BMI and still losing g weight and tracking calories and I'm happy being under calories at the end of the day
Mine has me at 18 but I just don't believe it
And have they taken him to a doctor? Explained that something is very very clearly wrong with him? He may have a serious hormone imbalance causing g him to be constantly hungry.
Nah they're very aggressive and very visibly retarded
Fatty Contest
>It is what it is. At least I look hot now, I'm the FLGS's most eligible bachelor
What game(s) do you play, fa/tg/uy?
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is es over für mich
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Nigs moved in my vacinity

it's over
Any of you still do cheat meals/days?
I had nothing but fruit, coconut water and protein power and shit great and lose weight. Cooked a roast a few days ago and have been eating it with some potato and greens over the last few days and. Constipated and the weight has stalled. Likely to the 1.4kgs of meat stuck in my lower intestine.
Why would you do that? Cheat meals and refeeds are for lean lifters who are attempting to get even leaner and counter act the effects of dieting. You already had the cheat days, they are waiting to be used (your gut and tits)
Protein shakes only and some basic supplements is literally the greatest weight loss diet of all time. No muscle loss and a huge deficit. Maybe like 30g of carbs pre workout
i had a baconator combo yesterday, but it's the only thing i ate. around 1200 calories. does that count?
i don't know.
i didn't want to embarrass them by asking questions.
his father works in the medical field so he should be aware that some diseases make people fat.
he doesn't have the ears.
idk about the rest of the symptoms.
Lol no. They're doing fuck all. My parents were the same. They used to always tell my relatives and their friends that they're trying so hard to get me to stop eating junk food, when in reality my mother would always buy me chocolates and chips and would NEVER make any attempt to make me eat the healthy meals she cooked for the family. She'd actually cook something else I liked. I really hate my parents man.
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>60g of protein

Oh lawd are you in for a rude awakening if you do hit your goal weight
>omg you're going to lose muscle if you eat boorgor
the amount of retardation in these threads is astonishing sometimes
I'm trying to stop and so far I'm doing alright, I went from cheat days to just a cheat meal.

>1200 cals
Pot meet kettle. 60g of protein in a day will for sure cause muscle loss. Not the burger that is the problem. Not 1200 calories. The low protein intake for the day is the problem. You are in fact the retard here
Nigga just eat only lean protein, and take fish oil. You'll be semi full and in a huge calorie deficit
but not the usual cheat
just maintenance calories with some slop that I order on sundays
overall week calories are still in deficit
I don't plan them beyond not counting and eating reasonably when out of town or going to a restaurant with someone, doesn't happen often and I haven't gone much off the loss rate because of it

I don't see scheduling days specifically to go over as the right move for me and I don't really look forward to those special occasions as a treat, I'm more apprehensive when they come
Maybe that's not good either but it's working
>>1200 cals
1000 calories for the burger and 172 calories for the medium fries, so it's even less.
you can't lose muscle of any measurable quantity in a single day. that's an incomprehensibly stupid idea
>junk food
the kid was saying his mother wouldn't let him finish dinner so i assume it's real food.
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Fatty Contest

Fell off my routine but we're back
and i'm fucking REEEEing at all the anons ignoring that the younger brother is a fucking stick so it's not that one kid eats something the other does not.
Here's one with freaky ears hidden. You should probably mention it at Christmas that something must be really wrong if he's breaking locks and begging everyone possible for food.
except its a made up story and thats not how it works
if you could measure their weekly intake you will see that the stick rarely goes over his calories and the fat fuck eats like a fat fuck
thats how body works and genetics dont do shit
Yeah a normal child that's probably really turned off by watching an actual demonically possessed sibling inhale food and cry and beg and steal for scraps, while being disgustingly fat. I wouldn't want to eat either.
Not anymore. I can't afford to now. I'm on the final lap, I'm fighting the clock now. I need every calorie to count. I need to hit my protein target. It's now as much about muscle gain as it is about weight loss for me. I can't get sloppy. My own desire to eat junk food comes second to my goal.
Probably true but I doubt this is a one off for that anon
Lol this is so true. This girl at my job says "I never eat and I can't lose weight" I walked into her office once and she had six Hershey's bar wrappers on her desk
No, I budget out my meals and know when I can or cannot afford to "cheat"
Just like money or time. You are the master of your life.
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Long time (year and half) /fat/ poster whos managed to keep the weight off. I spent 6 hours getting a yakuza style back tattoo of kali. Fucking hurt like a bitch, but atleast the linework is done. Will eventually add a background to it and wrap around to a front pec and maybe a half sleeve. Hoping to get it finished by the next time I visit japan in march.
>been sick with a cold for the past 2 weeks
I hate winter so much bros
I ate the whole chocolate bar because I decided I didn't want to stop halfway or 1/3 like the package said. "180cal for 1/3" who eats 1/3 a chocolate bar? Whatever. Maintenance day. I'll live.
The worst thing about people like this is when you try to explain how weight loss works, they treat you like you're the most evil person. "Um no I just told you I never eat so I'm not doing anything wrong it's got nothing to do with calories"
looks retarded, but youre brown so it doesnt matter
nigga who takes their shirt off in japan
When you have sex?
better question is why would some weeb get a wannabe yakuza tattoo.
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I don't drink caffeine so tea and coffee are off the table so I've just been warmed up water and sipping at that. In the morning I just want something warm to put in my belly to keep the chill away. It sucks but I couldn't think of anything else.

I've been craving the shin black ramen broth, the bag says its 520 calories for the whole thing, but I have no idea how many calories just the broth has if I just throw out the noodles. Then I was looking up how to make this style of broth for real, so I wouldn't feel bad throwing out the noodles and holy fuck that's a huge pain in the ass. I can see why most people don't make it at home.
It's opt-in. There's literally nothing stopping you from announcing yourself as "ThatDiscordGuy" in your posts. You can also put something in the Name field or even *shudder* a tripcode.
There's also the Fatty Contest, which requires participants to post some name and their weight once a week.
But be aware that the people that congregate here have, at best, remedial social skills, and are liable to fixate on whatever they project on the crumbs of identity you provide to them.
Do not fall into the trap of anthropomorphising the anons. Do not assume that the rampant antisemitism and homophobia are just forms of vacuous edginess. We are here for a reason.
Been sipping on tiny bottles of coke zero (which are 0.9 kcal each). Really helping me get through my fast.
Right that would be my question. Irezumi on a gaijin is some pretty solid trolling.

Public baths, swimming pools, ..., all of which would probably refuse him entry and tell him to kick sand. Very politely.
I already had my fun at the onsen last time
I’ve only consumed 1,000 calories today and shan’t consume any more
>realize you put in all that work just to be normal
Damn, that hit a little too hard
Yeah, can relate. I just need to start putting myself in situations where I can start socialising. Its been hard. I look better, feel better and am able to dress better, but after years of being fat and in hermit mode i distanced myself from any friends I ever had. Now I just need to work out how to start over with a new friends circle. Id actually pay to hang out with some cool dudes, go out and learn how to be human again.
Based. Hopefully I can join you in that club in the new year. Thanks for the inspiration.
Part of it is realizing the real work starts now. As a shut in, the dieting and exercise are hard, but it doesnt go against your nature. Actually talking to people and facing rejection can be scary when you've been alone so long. Eventually it gets much easier.

Wait until you actually fill one of those out. Its so satisfying. I filled out my first a few months ago.
Jelly. I am making chilli after christmas but it wont be for a based NYE party, it will just be comfort food for me to eat from my couch.
Pepsi Max right now. I have a bunch of 0cal energy drinks in the fridge, but always prefer a coffee as my morning caffiene hit.
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I was going to gym today and Tuesday, but now going Monday/Wednesday. Going to be interesting to see whos about on Christmas morning. Actually looking forward to it being quiet.
I find I cheat with new foods im trying to add into my diet. If they become too addictive I have to cut them back out again. My latest was buying a box of granola to have with some yogurt as a way to break my fast while doing IF. Well, that box lasted a day and half. Far too addictive, we go back to apples.
How fat were you, how much you lose?
I need to find chocolate bars that are only 100g. these 200-250g blocks are too easy to over eat. Been looking for those square Ritter sport bars, but dont seem to have them here.
You need to find discipline.
Are there mixed baths? Or are they just full of old men?
Started around 250, got down to 155, spent the year lifting and bulking up to 185 and now im back down to 173. Not really sure how low I want to get anymore. Feel pretty good at this body fat, but I like to be a little skinnier when I go on vacation. Maybe thinking of stopping at 165-168. After about a year of being under 200 the loose skin on my belly has shrunk alot.
I think there may be mixed bath, but I went to a really big one in tokyo dome city with my friend and it was single gender. There was a big mixed gender spa area that was clothed though. It was people of all ages too.
Trying to get through the Christmas period with as little damage as possible. Going to do IF as a way to mitigate damage. I hope to go to beach and take off top for the first time in many many years this summer, I have been trying to get some sun in my back yard each day so I don't look like a white sheet, so far, its all coming together, Christmas lunch/dinner is the hurdle.
One of the worst looking tattoos I've seen in a while. Congratulations
I would like to go to Japan. I dont earn too much but should really start a savings account to put a little money in each pay otherwise I will never go anywhere.
>Going to do IF as a way to mitigate damage

The only thing that can "mitigate damage" is not consuming calories. You're welcome
kek, Its just lines at the moment. Still, I would have went with a /fit/ chick over a fat chick.
>9g of fat

Damn that's dogshit
Its a really nice time. I end up making tons of friends every time I go. I hope youre able to save up.

What can I say, I wanted Kali
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Thank-you based wizard
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Hopefully ill lose the manboobs at some point over the last 20lbs I plan to lose. Everything is looking not bad, just some overhang on my shorts, lower belly and moobs. Face is looking good, jawline has come in, arms looking veiny, just a few things left to go. I am still in the positive phase that these will all go too, we'll see.
You should start building your chest up now. I avoided a lot of chest exercises until I lost the weight and regret it. Once I built it up a bit it looked way better.
Didn't manage to, at least got leftovers for breakfast.
btw. I also made some yogurt. Pretty good, but maybe I should get a proper probiotic starter.
I eat one square at a time, you're just a fucking fatass,
I don't know why people do this to themselves, same goes for boiling or microwaving. Turns your broccoli into flavorless mush.

Just bake, or pan fry your broccoli, it comes out so much tastier.
>I don't know why people do this to themselves
muh vitamins and muh less fat
That was a quite bit too much volume to fry it in multicooker, I think. Could try it next, tho.
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I've been eating one meal a day for 3 months. I run 30 mins every day I never skip, I never snack, I never take rest or cheat days. I'm so fucking sick of having this fat on my belly, it never seems to go down, my waist is still massive. (40" at 5'11").

An obese girl just turned me down because I didn't look good enough after being really into me for months online. It doesn't feel good bros...
>for months online
Women on the internet are mentally ill, you dodged a bullet
I boil all my veg. Easier for me to digest.
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You have my sympathies, try roasting or sautéeing. Or if you're super lazy consider an air fryer.

I can't imagine how demoralizing it'd be to eat boiled vegetable mush every day instead of crispy tasty roasted vegetables. Broccoli especially benefits greatly from being roasted.
How hard do I need to saute it? I suppose eating it raw-ish isn't the best idea.
Fatty Contest
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If its about nutrients, its best to just eat it raw. But I find raw broccoli to be unappetizing.

When I saute my broccoli I use a teaspoon of olive oil, heat it up in a pan over medium-high heat, don't want to too high or the oil will smoke, once the oil is heated up then I add the broccoli, stirring it constantly for about 5 minutes. I'm really just looking for the color and to get a few crispy spots.

Oh and don't neglect the broccoli stock, I know lots of people throw those out, but you can cut those into medallions on a bias, like pic related and they come out as delicious crunchy little broccoli chips, so good.
>broccoli stock
You mean stems/stumps? I was wondering whether they're good to eat. Thanks!
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Yes, chop them on a bias into medallions and roast/saute them. They're just as nutrient dense as the florets. Some people peel them with a vegetable peeler but I don't find it necessary, cutting them into medallions is enough.
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Fatty Contest
I have officially suspended my diet yesterday for what I call my 12 days of Christmas. Twelve days of eating whatever I want, whenever I want. Yesterday was lovely, I had a chip butty for lunch! Today, I'm thinking spaghetti bolognese smothered with cheese.
Nice quads, I can't wait to see how many weeks of progress you undue in these 12 days.
checked, and I can't wait to see your posts saying how much you regret your little binge. It'll take you months to lose what you're about to put back on.
I will undoubtedly gain weight, about 2 or 3kg if I do similar to last year, but considering I actually hit my target weight early this year and I am starting this cheat holiday with a slightly lower weight than my target ( I went on an extra diet for the past few weeks), I don't think I will come off this holiday much worse off.

I think the extra weight loss is the main reason why I'm extra happy and unconcerned about this cheat holiday. I just need to make sure that it doesn't go to my head and eat far more calories than I did last year's Christmas (So far so good, yesterday was just the extra chip butty). If all goes to plan, any extra weight I gain I should shed by the end of Lent at the latest.
fatty contest
i'm already getting fatter bros...
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Not binging for Christmas, Satan get ye gone
Finally losing weight again bros. Next year will be my year. The year I get fit and un-NEET. I want my life back.

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