Who is /fat/ for?For diligent dieters who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/>What do I do first?1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).>Now what?Count calories, all of them.Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.Buy scales, be accurate.Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.Drink more water.Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html>DON'TEat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.Eat processed foods.Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks."Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.>Other resources:Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faqPrevious thread: >>75739609
>>75745807I drank 3 (3) sugar free energy drinks today
It is with great pleasure I say, WAGMI and I did 25k steps today.
>>75745807I ate two of these for breakfast todaybut I discarded the bun of one of them, so my carbs are still below 40 grams for today
>>75745807Father, I can't decide if I am losing muscle or fat. I am eating 1500 calories a day with ~100g protein and have lost 3 lbs a week for two weeks in a row. I am 5'11 and 225 can't tell if that is too little.
>>757458463 lbs is about the max of what you can lose without cannibalizing your muscles.Measure your abdomen, if it shrinks you know that you're losing fat.
>>75745855I am having trouble consistently measuring my stomach because it is up to me to pull the measuring tape the same level of tightness every time. But I think ive lost 1.5 inches off my belly and 1 inch from my man boobs
On December 5th I went down to 1500 calories and started 10k steps. 2 weeks later 15k steps, 2 weeks after that 20k steps, and currently between 20k and 30k steps based on how I feel everday. Missed 2 days walking because being sick.Went from 266.4 to 233.4 in this time, 30 pounds exactly. Feeling good.
As promised last Monday, here is my progress this week as a representative of fasting. Doing 3 day fasts. Starting weight was 230lb/104kgs but I wasn't really keeping track of time, didn't take long to reach 214. Height is 5'10"/177.8cm for anyone wondering.
>>75745867I can tell how much fat I lose by which pieces of clothing fit me, especially pants. I have everything from M to XXXL. Over the last two weeks I went from from XL to L territory.
Fatty ContestBetterNateThanLever288.3 lbsAlmost down 100lbs from when I bought a scale and started weighing myself. Gotta keep going.
>>75745871Meant to 236.4, but yeah 30 pounds in 6ish weeks. 5'10 male btw
>>75745889anti-fast sisters.... i dont feel so good
>>75745889>I put pictures of bathroom facilities in my bathroom so I can look at a picture of a faucet while I use the faucet
I need a grocery plan for cheap to eat at least 120g of protein a day
>>75745906a dark day for antifa
>>75745920ALL THE EGGS
>>75745920magerquark or skyreggs
>>75745935ok how many eggs per day, breakfast/dinner?
>>75745908>framed picture of a fucking fan.jpg
>>757459421 large egg is ~6g of protein, so to hit 120g you'd need to eat 20 a day, 10 for breakfast, 10 for dinner.You could also go for pork or turkey, or chicken thighs if you cant afford chicken breasts.
I'm 5'10" and currently around 32% bodyfat. Was 297, down to 260 as of this morning. Next stop, 255.That's how I've lost weight. I get in that mindset of "Come the fuck on, you can't lose five pounds"? And so I started to focus. Been saving money, too. Used to blow $15-$20 a day on bad food (lot of disposable income), now that's down to $3-$8 a day. So it's nice to know I won't literally eat my future away, either.As far as what I've noticed from losing 13% of myself, it's much easier to drop down and squat to do something and then pop right back up. I'm having less issues with my ankle or knee getting irritated when I walk, walking three miles at a time feels effortless again instead of a chore. Because I eat lighter dinners and earlier in the day before going to bed, I have an easier time sleeping, and I haven't woken up with a bad headache from what was likely the start of sleep apnea in over a month.It's not just about looking good, it's about feeling good. To anyone struggling to lose weight, write down how you feel from day to day, what physical activity gives you trouble, or what it's like to wake up. When you start to lose weight it'll really drive the point home about how important those positive changes are that lessen those problems you're having.
first dose of wegovy ever wish me luck soon I'll be out of here cya
>>75745981yeah I can afford meat, I'm not poor. but I have to save money for some stuff and I share the fridge so I can't buy many things at the same timeSo doing groceries for the week is my plan
What about those cartons of egg whites? Are those worth eating or should I stick with unprocessed eggs? Seems a lot easier than separating a dozen yolks a day.
>>75745982Good shit bro. Keep it up
>>75745807I don't like these anime OP pictures It makes me think some autistic faggot is using these threads as their personal hangout
>>75745989Lmao fuck off cheater. This thread is for people with guts and willpower, not faggots with a syringe.
>>75746109I wish we would go back to having fat wojaks in the OP.
>>75745831going on a walk about anon, good job. I also have been doing a lot of walking lately. That 3 weeks or so I've been averaging about 12 miles a day, and the weight has really just fallen off.
>>75745989I hope it works for you anon. Try to not to just choose differently but make it all part of a habit that feels like a new day-to-day for you. The GLP-1s help a lot of people but to make the changes stick it has to be a new lifestyle.
>>75745807I had 3 drinks last night. first in 2 weeks tho
>>75745893congrats on the effort and outcome so far, you're right, keep going
my friends intrigued me with the carnivore diet. today is day 1. am I fucked?currently 25%bf goal 18-19%
>>75745893Wow, almost a hundred pounds in about half a year, you have been doing WORK. That's fantastic anon.
>>75746170pic is from 2 weeks ago, that's why there's onion
>>75746178He doesn't eat them, he just uses them for their flavor and then discards them. That is the most predator-brained carnivore oriented way to possibly use vegetables anon, since those vegetables could have been something, that something he actually eats would have wanted to eat.
>>75745982You are like 40% bodyfat
>>75746145yeah I already do all the things and know everything about the lifestyle Im taking it to offset the hunger I get from antipsychotics and it seems to working already I don't go looking for food in the kitchen at random times which is good. Basically all I needed was a little push to make me put the fork down.>>75746115well you sure have a big fat gut you got that in the bag
Just barely managed to fit into 1500 calories for today. How the hell was my two egg cheese omelette with a piece of ham 700 calories?
>>75746244Did you log the ingredients or some restaurant abomination?
>>75746251Yeah looking into it 15g of butter was 112cal, and I forgot about two no-sugar candies that were 50cal each, shit
>>75746132I've been aiming for just 10k steps a day this year. And I've been successful. 12mi is like 27000 steps and I find if I do that many for a few days in a row, I'll usually end up taking a cheat day or two and not doing any because it averages out to the 10k. I've been pretty consistent with the 10k though, so might be worth upping the effort a bit.It's the middle of summer, though, so I hate walking during the day.
>>75745842>I can eat 3000 calories of fat a day as long as I don't eat le evil carbohydrateWhy are fat ass retards so dumb? It's painful
>>75745855>3 lbs is about the max of what you can lose without cannibalizing your musclesLet me guess the source is your asshole
>>75745889>Biggest visual change is in arm diameterKek
Is there a way to predict waist circumference from height and weight?I know muscle mass means that it's impossible to be accurate but just looking for some kind of ballpark figure.
>>75745889Stomach and especially manboobs are definitely shrinking nice work
>>75746273I already lost more than 100 lbs, so obviously I'm smarter than you
>>75745999Woollies sells these. The packaging is pretty kino. Cheaper than buying eggs just for the whites at $10.50 a pack. Half the complaints are that you have to use it within a week so they want a smaller package. Could probably down one of these packs and 3 whole eggs a day for the extra nutrients.
>>75746272yeah I agree, consistency is paramount. A tremendous effort once in a while is not as useful as moderate effort every day.
Are you telling me that if I roon, I'll stop being a fatass?
>>75746355If you roon white fat your knees will explode and you'll die
>>75746278your mum cannibalizes my asshole
>Start year at 212 lbs.>Drop to 202.6 lbs last Monday.>Get inspired to exercise more at a higher intensity all week.>Get on scale today.>202.4 lbs.I am pretty goddamn angry right now, not going to lie. Took a leak, however I was unable to take a dump, so unless I managed to build muscle I did nothing it feels like. A very defeated feeling to start the day, but I'll just have to starve myself all week to see the number drop.
>>75746412Typical fastard mentality kek
>>75745889>going from eating like a fatty to starving yourself for daysYeah I'm sure this will work. You will definitely not crash and go back to your fat fuck ways.
Fatty ContestChainbanger202.4lbs
>>75745871Well done sir
>>75746412This is why you should weigh in daily imo. That 202.6 reading was probably a "lucky" one, and the 202.4 an "unlucky" one (in terms of factors like water, stomach contents bowel contents etc).
>>75745982Yeah there's no way you're 32% bf bro, like the other anon said you're at least 40%. I'm about 30% and I'm 5'10" 205lbs.
>>757464121 gallon of water weighs about 8 pounds. There is a very high amount of weight variance attributable to water weight. If you know you have been accurately tracking your calories and you have been being even more active do not worry, you are losing fat and weight.
How can I minimize loose skin? I have about 55 lbs left to lose. I know the best thing to do is gain muscle, but is there anything else I can do? Would wearing compression clothing help at all?I've tried to look up studies and science backed things but basically the only thing I've seen is laser treatment and surgery. I would like to hear people's own stories if possible.
for breakfast, would it be ok to eat pic related with some unsweetened almond milk and protein powder? it doesn't taste like much, but I;ve been eating it without any protein because I find it's ok at keeping me full. the almond milk is because lactose intolerant
>>75746412I lost 23kg last year by eating about 1600 cals and doing light cardio when I felt like it.I've started lifting 3x and running 3x a week since december 15 and the scale has not moved since then. Actually some days I'm a kilo heavier until I weigh myself again 2 days later and I'm back to where I was.I've been aiming for 2000 cals now that I'm exercising a ton and this stall is so demoralizing. I'm really hoping this can be explained by the creatine loading and newbie muscle gains.
>>75746242What does it feel like to be objectively inferior to me in every possible way? You are WEAK. You're going to fail the instant you don't have your little drug there to prop you up, weakling. You're weak and you're a cheater. You aren't gonna make it because you're still a fattie in your heart and you always will be. That syringe can't change you.>you're fatWhoa good one, truly an epic insult, I wonder what brilliance could have led a genius like you to come up with an insult like that in the fat loss general thread. I'll have to hire a thinktank to figure that one out.
>>75746465But I'm hopeful it's mostly muscle because I can tell my forearms/biceps/quads are bigger.
>>75746449>with some unsweetened almond milkfag
>>75746449Why wouldn't it be ok? Personally I don't like drinking calories when cutting but you do you.
>>75746481you probably put on muscle but keep in mind muscles gains are much much slower than fat loss. With good training and nutrition people put on maybe 1 pound of muscle in about 6 weeks. Whereas, with proper diet people are losing 2 pounds of fat every week. There is more than an order of magnitude difference in rates. This is why many strongly advise against hard fasting. Your body does lose fat while under a heavy fast, but it also loses muscle too. Even if you body loses more fat than muscle it would have been at more than ten times the rate of muscle loss in order to make it worth it time wise.
candy addict hereI haven't eaten any candy since I started my cut 2 weeks ago, except for a little bit of honey that came with the tea in a Greek restaurant. Cravings for sweets are gone now.
>>75745842i used to fall for the breakfast sammy meme.>buy 2 and they're cheaper!!if i eat one i know hitting my deficit goal is all but out the window. if i eat two, i'm lucky to break even for the day. having a high cal breakfast is absolute self-sabotage.
>eat mixed veggies and chicken for the past 3 days>carrots and corn are in my stoolswhy am i eating veggies that the human body doesn't even properly digestshould i take the broccoli pill?
>go approximately 5 seconds without eating like a pig after fucking everything up over the holidays>soul crushing despair out of nowhere for no reasonbrain chemistry is such a fucking meme.
>be depressed due to not being happy with my progress>eat junk to feel better >be more depressed and lose progressThis is a cycle that is beyond retarded yet I struggled with it for so long. The answer to getting fit is PEATING, you need to start metabolism maxxing fatties
>>75746574OMAD is a very effective calorie restriction tool. If you find you really need breakfast to have energy to do your stuff during the day, then look into zero fat greek yogurt and fruit. That yogurt is great on two fronts because it is low calorie but also very high in protein.
anyone else been weary to do lots of cardio while losing weight for fear of metabolic adaptation? this is why i just do some walking and a little lifting and am sticking to my "slow" 1-1.5lb/week deficit.https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4989512/
>>75746599>eat junk food within reason>still lose weightwhen will you clowns learn the concept of moderation
>>75746478Feels pretty good not to be a hater honestly I feel kinda sad for you because you need to talk bad about other people to prop yourself up and beef up your ego
>>75746617i'm on that coffee, collagen peptides, greek yogurt, and berries breakfast wave man. a couple hundred calories is all i need. if i want more, i have 140kcal of steel cut oats.
>>75746585>feel full>less to digestWhy are you complaining again?
>>75745526 >>75745532 >>75745677 TY nonas!
Does anyone have experience taking Naltrexone and losing weight?
>>75745889Somehow at same height and weight you look way fatter than me, genetics are some shit
>>75746801It's not genetics it's just difference in muscle mass
>>75746805I mean that's genetics too because I haven't worked out in months
>>75746554She probably was given that candy
>>75746810nah genetics makes a difference at the very tail-ends of the bell curve, so the people that are spending 30 plus hours a week working out, and the people that literally move almost not at all during the day. Someone who is very minorly active and lifts a moderately heavy household things and walks about their house or work to on average 200-300 calories a day is much better off than the person who does that at 50 calories a day.
>>75746599aw poor little baby eats when they feel sad :(
>>75746787Try eating less
>>75746642Why would this even matter? If you’re counting calories and checking your weight, then you have probably already adjusted down for a slower metabolic rate if the numbers aren’t adding up.If you’re gaining weight when you’re eating what should be maintenance, that’s a pretty good sign that something needs to change.
>>75746642>>75746959Also this study was a small sample size and a six year follow up. Literally not applicable to a fatty losing weight in the short term
>>75746642>Fatty thinks he can't do cardio because of metabolic adaptationlmao
Why do I get shit for vocalizing my disgust for fat women when asked about my preferences even though I’m a fit man? Wouldn’t such an opinion be a given?
Fatty Contest Big Frigate 239.8
>>75747010>Why do I get shit for vocalizing my disgust for fat womenBecause a lot of fit men fuck fat women thus normalizing female fatness, and women are normative creatures, so there.
>>75747010>Why do I get shit for vocalizing my disgust for fat womenanon, do you have a touch of the tism? Frequently it isn't what you say but how you say it?
>>75746419First time even considering fasting, honestly. >>75746426Makes sense, I suppose. I have been dropping multiple pounds per week so I thought I would have better changes today. >>75746434I drink a ton of water, which might have messed things up. Hurting my arms last week probably did not help either because I missed out on my full regimen.>>75746465Congratulations on your loss, Anon. Hopefully your gain/lack of loss is from building muscle. It would make sense going off what you said.
>plan to do 2 or 3 keto meals a day>it usually turns into low-calorie OMAD or a complete fast because I'm too lazy to cook and not very hungry anyway
>>75747010Anyone giving you shit for that is a retard. I'm legitimately struggling to understand why you'd care what they think.
>>75747080OMAD is fine anon, honestly really helpful because you get like 14-18 hours of no caloric intake which starts some autophagy, but you should really try to eat everyday and especially make sure you are getting at least 60-70 grams of protein a day. It isn't long-term helpful to lose an extra pound of weight if half of it, or even just 20% of it is from muscle and not fat.
Sleeping pills are underrated for weight loss. Cravings? Just knock yourself out with benadryl or xanax Not to mention adderall during the day when caffeine doesn't cut it.Weight loss isn't hard, weight loss without drugs is
>>75747010you sexist pig
>>75745807Father forgive me for I have sinned. I cannot help but redeem the fast food slop coupons saars.
>>75745807I ate after 6 pm.
>>75747104Sleeping pills don't do shit for me, took 100mg of ben and I still got no sleep
4 days fasted and tomorrow i will have ham, potatoes in cream sauce, kimchi, olives, gherkins, sweet pickled chili peppers, chocolate and marmaladeooh wee 1400 calories if i manage to eat all of it
Doing an experiment this week. I've been doing intermittent fasting (skipping breakfast) and eating an 800 calorie lunch and 1000 calorie dinner that satisfies all of my cravings. If I lose weight by Saturday I will rejoice.If I can lose weight eating meals such as a fish finger sandwich and a big bowl of spaghetti like I did today then cico works.I'll also be doing my regular hour of extremely light indoor cycling while I play handheld video games. Wish my luck brothers, I will report back.
>>75747275My fasting brother, good job. Skip the chocolate and marmalade. No fun allowed.
>>75747316Good luck. Also ever time I see a screenshot of EEE I'm reminded of how everything in that show had a slimy, unclean look about it. I bet the artist was a real freak.
>>75746585Chew your food, idiot.
I don't want to summon him by stating his name but did the ketotard die? I haven't seem him for a while.I really do hope he died.
A message to ketoschizohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daiKsCdtEno
>>75747316>like I did today then cico works.CICO working is a fact. not an opinion.
>>75747416Part of my plan is getting evidence to defeat ketoschizo once and for all
Today marks a new golden age of /fat/.Starting today. I will declare a national emergency at our northern border (the mouth). All illegal entry will immidately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of alien calories from where they came. I will end the practice and binging. And I will send troops to combat cravings. Under the executive orders I sign today, lifting will be mandatory for every fattie on the board. As the commander in chief I have no higher responsibility than defending /fat/ against shizos and diet wars. And that is what I'm going to do./fat/ will be a skinny general once again. We will bring old clothes from the closet back. The liquid gold on our bellies, the liquid gold, we'll use this liquid gold to fuel ourselves for now and in the future. Diet baby, diet. One general under /fit/, I thank you all. God bless /fat/.
>>75747462It was a decent speech unironically. I felt a little more optimistic afterwards which is a big gain.
>>75745807Father, I started calorie counting, was good, but fell off the wagon and haven't tried to get back on yet. The only good is that at the same time, I got into an exercise routine and have kept it up. Give me the strength to count again. I will get back on that wagon and limit to 2500 calories once again!
>>75747518>limit to 2500 kcallol
>>75747316>not eating in the morning >intermittent fasting lmao even
>>75747316>intermittent fasting>to prove CICOYou're doing it wrong.If the CICOboomers are right and hormones, metabolic pathways, autophagy, base metabolic rate variation, insulin resistance etc. are not real, then your plan should work equally well by consuming your calories in the form of snickers bars throughout the day.
>>75746574they got me through the day. Now I ate some salmon because I find it hard to sleep on an empty stomach.Total cals today: 1232
>>75747563What's wrong with that? I skip breakfast, making my lunch my first meal and I don't eat after dinner.
>>75745807I eat below maintenance eveey day but eat ice cream and drink 2 cokes at midnight..
Do not eat that thing
>>75747556not that anon, but depending on a person's height and muscle mass 2500 calories a day could get them to and keep them at just overweight. Anyone who is significantly obese, so 100+ lbs overweight, will still lose weight at 2,500 calories a day.
I just want to be lean now
185 lbs.52 lbs to go.
>>75747907Cute kitty
>>75747894For most fatties that would put them way up into obesity what the fuck are you saying
>>75747907YeahI'm starting to get 'slim' but I kinda hate my body still, I don't have a lot of muscle and look shitty, just in a different way. Can't wait to lose all the fat so I can start bulking
>>75746787Naltrexone did nothing for me.Phentermine works pretty well but I disliked the way it made me feel while I was on it. I was always vaguely sweaty and my heartrate was always a bit higher than it normally is. I also felt like I acclimated to it pretty fast so I never took it longer than 1 month.It also kinda acted like a diuretic so once I went off of it I gained like 5-8 pounds back in 2 days.Basically just a short term crutch at best.
>>75747639Post body
>>75748076>Can't wait to lose all the fat so I can start bulkingWhy? Why haven't you been lifting with proper intensity this whole time recomping? So you are going to get skinny fat, then eat a surplus to get fat fat again. Brilliant
>>75748114and he's gonna look bad the whole timeaw yeah
>>75748117I just don't understand the mentality. Lifting while in a deficit and getting your noob gains is literally a cheat code. You already pre bulked. Why not use that to build a base physique so when you are at goal weight you look good and have something to work with? I lost 80lbs and when I hit my goal of 180lbs people don't believe I've never bulked. Being 260lbs was my bulk lol
Weight reached 75.x kg today. Now I just need to crack one more kilo-barrier to be in the lower half of the seventies!
>>75748114I've been lifting while fat for a few years now, but I couldn't take it very seriously because I was a beer guzzling retard. I'm quite disappointed with the physique I had underneath the fat but I could do 8 pull ups while fat which is pretty good
>>75748056Sedentary TDEE for a 250lb 5'10 guy is around 2500 caloriesIf you're 350 lbs it goes up another 500 and eating at 2500 would lose you a pound of fat per week Yeah you could definitely go faster at that weight but if you're trying to recover from constant bingeing then that might be a good starting tactic to increase as you go
>>75745807>3 pl8 at Chinese buffet + b-day cake to celebrate FiL b-day Saturday > double cheeseburger, fries & Bangs root beer for lunch on the road Sunday>steak sliders, fried pickle chips & cheesecake for dinner
>>75743561Today we weigh 234.2, a lose of 0.2lbs from yesterday and a total of 13.2 lbs.
fatty contestmoonlune181lbsthe 15 minute wait can suck my balls
>>75748158based, wagmi
>>75746437The loose skin just keeps getting thinner, I cant say I've seen a ton of benefits from My methods but at the end of the day I always deeply lotion after a shower, I exfoliate at least twice a week with an actual scrubber, and I've started doing face nasks in my abdomen. I could probably start putting on old lady face cream but that gets expensive so I won't. I'll do my best to keep it off, see how i look after a year. Then probably surgery.>>75743921All he needs us a haircut, new glasses, a shirt that fits better, lose some bit more fat and add muscle. What are you shitting on a random guy for?
>had a few glasses of wine at a dinner last night>really struggling with satiety and hunger todayEnough to make me swear off alcohol until I hit my goal desu senpai
>>75745801this is an extremely erotic picture for what are suppose to be children.what the fuck was the artist thinking.
>>75748174Unless you get the lifting up to snuff, bulking is just going to make you fat again and you will just yoyo between skinny fat and fat. You have to lift fucking hard
Are bananas actually good for you? I'm questioning more and more just what is worth eating. I find it hard to believe they have any reasonable amount of metabolically viable vitamin content.
>>75748347Fruit is a carb and fiber sourceIf you're trying to absolutely maximize your deficit diet then there are more optimized ways to get carbs and fiber + just take vitamins, but if you like fruit then have some fruit
>>75748347Worry about that shit when you need to take the last 10lbs off. If you're a true big blubbery fatposter then just eat the banana.
>>75745807nice try buddy, i'm locked in more than any human has been locked in in human history
>>75748347listen to>>75748371If you're above 16% body fat, the banana is a superior choice to any junk food as it has most micro nutrients, a stable carb source, and will help with dehydration.Under 16% is when you have to start actually caring about every little thing if you're going to cut further.>>75748362fuck off fatty
>>75745807I am physically incapable of not cheating if I leave my home. The only way I can lose weight is if there is a blizzard and I am stuck inside for a year. I'm sorry God but there are just too many temptations everywhere I go.
I ate two bananas today, I may have a problem.
>>75745807I'm taking a week off lifting. Hadn't done that in a few months.I thought I was doing okay, but I'm realizing I've been accumulating weird pains in a bunch of places. So I'm chilling and healing.Of course, that means I'm losing a bunch of padding for my calorie intake, so I can't be too cavalier with it this week.
>>75748452Time to purge
This girl I'm dating baked me cookies bros, is she trying to sabotage my goals?
>>75748452Careful, two more bananas, and you'd be irradiating yourself as badly as if you'd taken a full body DEXA scan.Or a mammogram. No judgement.
>>75748475>mammogram IT'S MAAM
>>75747907Some days I see it and others a blobs looking at me in the mirror
>>75748474No she's just showing affection by acts of service. Mention that you love low calorie baking and whatnot so she'll aim to please you with that and you csn mu h more easily fit it into your goals
>>75748475>Or a mammogramare mammograms really that low in radiation?
>>75748505No this can't be it.She is against me.
>>75748475>>75748518Nevermind. The internet tells me the banana equivalent dose of radiation from 1 mammogram is 20,000 bananas. That sounds more realistic.
>>75748528He was joking you autistic idiot
>>75748531No no, I actually fucked up. I mixed up microSievert and milliSievert.
>>75748538I'll mix rat poison in your chocolate milk if you keep mouthing off
>>75745807Two slices of pizza, two carnitas and a waffle house bowl.It was my birthday.
>>75748541I don't drink chocolate milk. Could you settle for poisoning my coffee? It's already rather bitter, if that helps.