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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
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IRC: #sqt on Libera.Chat

Previous thread: >>100172055
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First for daily reminder this guy uses fedora and so should you
What's the best Linux distro for Apple silicon?
so why would anyone bother with manually installing a distro? Why not just use an installer?
Further controls over things that might be important to you but not the creator of the distro
because the installer doesnt give me the setup i want and id have to correct it later regardless
I use Ubuntu because it just works
I don't know who that is, but he looks like an idiot who doesn't even know how to install Arch. Also I'm trans, in case you were wondering.
nah, his tech tips sucks
linux really is Ubuntu, huh?
Control what packages get intalled. Most normal installer have one option. The FULL version complete with all the bloat and dogshit you will ever need. Why, yes, I would like a color blindness app translated in 100000 languages that takes up 10gb of my drive.
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It's friday, even arch female maintainers are going to the club to get drunk now
Why are you here?
MacOS for apple silicon, otherwise something lightweight.
>install app
>see female maintainer
Based. Also,
>arch female
This, but Kubuntu. I can't stand Gnome.
I have almost nothing installed on my laptop that is running Arch yet Firefox takes like 30 seconds to launch. Is this a me problem or is firefox just not well optimized for linux?
if you're on an SSD then there is something seriously wrong. I'ts not linux's fault that's for sure.
Honestly I'm done with tinkering and would happily switch to 6 month release cycle but pacman is just too powerful
How does one put a wildcard in a bash alias?

I have a command that's basically:

alias program='program*lol.AppImage >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown $!'

But I want it to work because the * is like 5.1.2/4.0/133.7 or something, I don't know how to get it to work as a simple alias
Make it a function instead.
Is it possible somehow to just make it an alias? Function looks yucky in my bashrc just because of one tiny thing
What would the function be in this case anyway?

>Function looks yucky
Kill yourself.

Something like
program() { command program*lol.AppImage >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown $!; }

Haven't tested.
why is fedora so damn based?
Tried this already but it doesn't work :/
I do not like how my history file ends up being fractured between multiple tmux, screen, and terminal sessions.
Is there a utility which keeps track of histories in all console instances and automatically appends them in real time to a shared history file which lets me recall commands between these screens immediately?

MacOS does this automatically even if I have 5 different terminals and a screen open.
Yes, it does, but there's an adjustment to be made if you're using it the way I think you are:
program() { command ./program*lol.AppImage >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown $!; }

The path to an executable must be specified if it's not in $PATH. The current directory is not in $PATH by default.
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>its an "os-prober doesnt find any other operating system" episode
i hate this shit
Initially I gave it an absolute path, it still didn't work, command is exactly the same besides the file name
Nvm I am retarded... forgot to delete the alias and kept typing the alias name instead of the function ROFL
zsh is also on Linux
x=$(find /path/to/AppImage/directory -name 'program*lol.AppImage')
if [ -f "$x" ]; then
alias program="$x >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown $!"
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do you actually need to do this overwriting with random data stuff when you encrypt?
it takes fucking eons
I wrote random data to a 320 GB HDD recently and I think it took 70 minutes
also, you can remove the if statement, since it wont really make that diference, and move de variable declared to the top of the file to make it more clean
That's not inherent to zsh, is it?
I thought Bash had a utility or setting to do the same thing, does it not?
Both support history but Bash won't read the history file again after initialisation so it's never aware of the history from other sessions.

You might be able to hook it somehow with a function to get it to read it again.

Zsh just does this by default. Honestly you should just use Zsh, it's a better interactive shell in my honest opinion, even if I still use Bash for scripts.
Well shit anon I never realized it was a zsh feature in general. Thanks
i know the paste links to the installgentoo wiki but it's pages on installing linux are woefully out of date. are there any alternative resources?
Out of date in what way? I can't imagine much has changed the process is still roughly the same:
>Put iso on USB
>Boot iso
>Install Linux

Maybe one extra step to chuck in there is disabling secure boot
I just meant moreso like the tools used (Ventoy exists now), there are some spelling mistakes and there's nothing about Proton.

OpenSUSE is listed as using rpm, CentOS is still listed. Basically, it's not that the install process itself is old, it's just everything around it like the distro recommendations and stuff that are quite old. I've taken the liberty to push a change to the wiki to update some of that info already.
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yeah it's been about that
so im having an issue with hyprland on openrc gentoo, where when attepting to launch hyprland i get and error: EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED "DRI2: failed to create screen", im using nouveau nvidia drivers, anyone know how to fix this shit?
on hdd it’s recommended. avoid on ssds.
I do not hate snaps.
Did it work?
oh i guess i just wasted an hour then lol
have you tried nvidia-drm.modeset=1 yet?
i thought it was for nvidia proprietary drivers no? on arch it worked without that kernel parameter on nouveau but with proprietary it didnt work, here that didnt fix the issue and i get the same error
btw im fresh new to gentoo so idk how to install the quivalent of nvidia-drm for arch and for some reason binpkgs dont work
Do you have both the proprietary driver and the free driver installed right now? If so you might need some extra configuration to override the proprietary driver which won't work with Nouveau.
emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources
eselect kernel list
eselect kernel set XXX (set it to the kernel you are using)
emerge @module-rebuild

We don't do DKMS in Gentoo.
You may also have to:
cd /usr/src/linux
make prepare
@module-rebuild will rebuild all kernel modules by the way.

If you don't have the Nvidia driver installed yet then be sure to
emerge x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
i get some bullshit about the package being masked
i only have nouveau cos i cant install the proprietary one
Post it.

You probably have to either add it to /etc/portage/package.unmask or /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords, especially if you're on a stable system but trying to use a driver that's in testing.
Same, I think they're underrated, they're not perfect but they can be useful

Also if someone wants Firefox in a non-snap form then you can just install the deb that comes straight from Mozilla.
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Okay, it's the non-free license that's masking it because Gentoo by default only allows free software.

Add this to /etc/portage/package.license:
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers *
that file does not exist? after i created it and added "x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers" to it it didnt make a difference
nevermind i mispelt that shit
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shit works not but i cant see my mouse, saw it at the start idk where its gone, shouldnt be too big an issue
I woudlnt recommend anyone to use Void
The devs are mentally ill troons and they refuse to take pull requests for new packages
Ive seen pull requests left open for over years at a time and eventually the guy just gives up and lets the stale bot do its cuck job
One of the developers threw a tantrum over someone using so ystemd on reddit and another got into an argument(tantrum) with that hyprland guy on reddit as well
>pull requests for new packages
That alone was enough for me back in the day. I also accepted Lennart as a savior since then.
Its annoying that theres no distro with as good package availability and up to date as Arch, and Artix also has packaging issues sometimes and doesnt even completely package everything available for Arch
how can i copy a .webm file with xclip (or similar) to the clipboard so that i can paste it manually into the 4chan quick reply? i tried a lot of variations of
>xclip -sel c -t video/webm test.webm
but it doesnt work at all. instead it basically bricks the file explorer until reboot
i do this with images in another script and it works perfectly fine
Spoonfeed me a good color for my status bar.
I have zero creativity for ricing.
Something pastel maybe.
Thanks a lot.
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u want the css for this?
Not anon but that looks nice
Your whole colorscheme for the terminal as well looks good
I have an nfs server on my home network that I want to access from that network only over both ipv4 and ipv6. Ipv4 is no problem, I just put
. For ipv6 I did
, but today I found out my ISP had assigned me a new prefix and I couldn't mount my shares until I updated the file. This also means that if my isp had assigned my old prefix to someone else in the meantime, they would have been able to access my server.
Is there a way to prevent this from happenning?
emerge xsetroot
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
>Is there a way to prevent this from happenning?
Yes, use a ULA, it's what it's for.
>This also means that if my isp had assigned my old prefix to someone else in the meantime, they would have been able to access my server.
That's not true because if they assigned your old prefix to somebody else it would have stopped routing traffic to you.
Dude, IPv4 is not going anywhere, you don't need both v6 and v4 for a local service.
In your own local network you actually could get rid of IPv4 if you wanted to. I've done this experiment before now.
It'll break a lot of "smart" shit that ought to support IPv6 but still doesn't though.
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(Pic) uses Arch and you should too
I prefer Germans over burgers, so it's Tumbleweed for me.
Thanks. Had to dig through my router's settings for a bit, but now it works perfectly.
Old PC enjoyer here

Whats a good OS for an AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile TL-58 ? Its a pretty weak CPU but i just want to try out "Home Assistant" and i think its enough for that

Also the OS should fit in a CD (<700MB), as the USB ports don't seem to work
Puppy Linux
not a big fan of the UI there, plus are those even up to date enough for home station?

Home Station requirements for PC
>64 bit
>UEFI (fuck)

well i guess its moot anyway
You don't need a 64-bit operating system with only 1 GB of RAM, although 32-bit operating systems are on their way out anyway.
its a turion 64 bit with 2GB of RAM or so
i was just hoping i could savage it as a server while i get into domotics but its too old to have UEFI apparently
if i want 32bit i already have some shitty Atom netbook i could use for basic projects like NAS or something
It's been a while since I triey running Puppy, but are you sure the requirements are that steep? IIRC the minimum ram is like 128 MB. Maybe that's changed or maybe you are looking at the most bloated modern pup iso. Look around there has to be a version with lower requirements.

The UIs are not the best, but there's a number of them to choose from as well.
Maybe put Alpine on it. It should work as a server with minimal resources (no Systemd too which you don't want on a system with crap specs)
recently threw fedora 39 on my laptop and it was a buggy piece of shit. why does linus tolerate such mediocrity as his daily driver?
>but its too old to have UEFI apparently
Who cares, any decent distro still supports booting from MBR.
Because Linus uses boring hardware that just works. No Nvidia (fuck them), etc.

The only exotic piece of hardware he is an M1 MacBook and he's smart enough to port Fedora to that himself.
*Slight correction. It's an M2 Macbook
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i mean, Home Assistant, which is what i want to run, says it requires UEFI. No matter what i install on this, the BIOS isnt UEFI
i know linux distros dont require UEFI.

Home Assistant requires UEFI, tho.
Me want to install home assistant.
Home Assistant needs UEFI.
Me need UEFI.
In that case try Clover:
nice, ill give it a shot
You might want to try installing it on a BIOS system anyway though. Home Assistant is Python, I'm not sure what it needs UEFI for.

I run it in my OpenWRT router inside of a Docker container. No UEFI there. It just works.
Honestly I would prefer *BSD to Linux, but the hardware vendors are once more at fault.
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Debian lxqt is super comfy bros
Thanks for the suggestions
There's as much fault on the side of the BSD distros as there is on hardware vendors.

They have plenty of example GPL code in Linux to look at and adapt.
True as well. I mean I really do like FreeBSD but their licensing is retarded and akin to bending over and saying "exploit my bhyve daddy apple~".
Still, CUDA etc won't be happening I fear :(
what you got against gnome, fren
Honestly, I think the fact that the BSD distros are more fractured is probably what puts hardware vendors off.

On Linux there is just Linux. But in the BSD land there is FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Dragonfly, etc. All of these have different kernels that bare little resemblance to eachother. On the user space side it's easy to adapt your code but hardware vendors aren't going to do that for their drivers most of the time.
Also true, but it would be enough just to support FreeBSD. All others are niche use cases - no sane OpenBSD user would install hardware drivers they cannot verify.
I hate the way it looks and the way devs intend me to work with it and it's not for lack of trying and the way it spills over everything else
Trying again
Does setxkbmap not work?
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so, for some reason dropbear is running twice in my raspberry pi.

i was wondering why i couldnt change its port and i guess its just starting up twice or something
how do i fix this?
Check the services running. You probably have multiple Dropbear services enabled.
Thanks, it worked! This is my first post in carpalx, you dont even imagine how long it took me to write these sentences haha, but it's a start! Thanks anon!
Lookup how to set it in your Xorg.conf if you want to make it permanent
Would making the titlebar font size match the taskbar font size remove the soul?
Thanks man I will. Oh the sweet agony of learning curves! What's a reasonable amount of time for anon to get out of this newfag hole?
My keyboard is still qwerty and I'm basically playing guess-the key.
If it resets on logout, then you can make an executable file to autorun on login. To do this, open a text editor and make a file with the following text:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Switch To Custom Keyboard
Exec=setxkbmap us carpalx

Then save it as a .desktop file (i.e. filename could be "switchkeyboard.desktop")
Then place it in your autostart folder (which for me is in ~/.config/autostart idk if its the same place for you)

After doing this, it should always default to this layout instead of reverting after you logout or restart your computer

>inb4 b-but thats not the PROPER way of doing it
I don't give a fuck. It works.
>I don't give a fuck. It works.
Hahaaha thanks man, it's helpful!
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
what's the quickest way to learn this shit btw
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idk lxqt is kind of bipolar anyway because qt needs to play nice with xfwm
Gnome is pure fucking shit
Is it worth it moving my raspberry pi stuff to a banana pi? I cant even remember why, but i had this banana pi M2 Zero laying around unused for years while i kept using my raspberry pi B+ for basic pi-hole adblocking.

Would the banana pi be more powerful?

Both are 512 MB RAM but the banana pi only has wifi while the raspberry only has ethernet which makes it objectively worse for my pi-hole application
yea i guess the dietpi-software thing messed up. i figured it woudl be easier to just use the same tool to switch to openssh, which also uninstalls dropbear
Yesterday I was getting so impatient I was this close to implement a hardcoded C big remapping switch statement to simulate the goddamn layout lmao, true story.
Might as well do it for shits and giggles.
Might as well smoke some weed to take the difficulty up a notch.
Just a shitpost for the sake of practice.
Muchos gracios, amigos!
for important data, is one backup enough? on an external hdd
can't help but be the paranoid type
If it doesn't exist in two or more places it doesn't exist.
Why the fuck are you asking anyone but yourself how valuable your data is?
why tf do ape files default to opening by vlc (fuck why do i even have vlc what happened to make plasma or whatever install it)? I know i can manually set the file preference but it should already no?
wrong screenshot
>why do i even have vlc what happened to make plasma or whatever install it
Your distro installs it as a dependency to Phonon. It doesn't actually need it though, it just needs a backend to play sound and your distro happened to pick VLC.

You can install the Mpv phonon backend instead and remove VLC.
>Is it worth it moving my raspberry pi stuff to a banana pi?
Define stuff. You mean stuff you modified under /etc?
>pi-hole adblocking
You can have similar functionality with any DNS server software combined with blocklists.
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>install new distro
>grub only detects it and not my other OS installations
>os-prober does nothing
>booting from different devices boots into an OS that isnt on that device
>my windows drive boots into nothing
>my linux drive boots into windows
what the fuck did endeavour do to my computer
Stop using installers and GRUB. Learn to build the whole boot process manually, that part of the Linux world is so ugly and messy I can't believe it. No wonder people have broken bootloaders and stuff.
ive never had a problem with this before so im just generally confused at how booting into an OS gets so tangled
Many reasons.
-distribution kernels are built with the thought that they will be used along with an initramfs -> now you got to use one regardless
You know like they have EXT4 and btrfs as *modules* so the kernel itself is unable to boot such a root filesystem.
-even if the kernel had all necessities built in, the installers are super dumb and don't know whether you need tools to access your rootfs -> they'll give you an initramfs regardless
-the kernel image and the initramfs image are separate files -> you need GRUB
GRUB+initramfs = two extra links in the chain of events.
So, if you don't have full disk encryption or stuff like that you can make it super simple.
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he said that a decade ago back when debian was shit and redhat was doing a good job. nowadays he prolly uses Debian SID with the staging packages like most linux devs do
>You can have similar functionality with any DNS server software combined with blocklists.
Im not sure what you mean, but the plus of having pi-hole is that even locked down smart TVs or phones go through it even if they cant run adblock software
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>Im not sure what you mean
Means you run a (caching) DNS server that has a list of bad domains. Basically the same thing as Pi-Hole but without all the bells and whistles.
Remove Plasma & install Gnome
Alright, how do I rice as a total beginner to Linux?
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I changed the default wine prefix location at one point and I can not for the life of me seem to change it back. I want it to go back to the default location, but winetricks keeps creating a prefix on my secondary drive (which in turn, causes it to hang).
I've gone through every configuration & bashrc file I could find, uninstalled/reinstalled wine & winetricks, my WINEPREFIX environment variable points to the default location, and still haven't seen a change in behavior.
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Don't rice, learn something useful like compiling a hardware-specific kernel.
>tfw when no redhead nerdy party gf
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been daily driving cinnamon for a few days now, (i'm a windowsfag) besides some issues with pulse audio i haven't gotten the opportunity to tinker with much. i can play games, listen to music, watch anime, etc just fine, i know there's more to learn but i just don't do much else with my time. what can i do to expand my knowledge? things i can learn just for the fuck of it. what about building a server? maybe learning other distros? i'm kind of at a loss. any advice welcomed
alright yeah, well teh thing is i like having it as a local network thing so that all my devices go through there even if i cant really mess with their software
>go through there
swetty it's just a DNS server
yes and i tell my router to force everyone to use my Pi as a DNS its handy
A pi-hole is doing exactly that. It's just dnsmasq pre-configured.
Nevermind, etc/environment was the culprit
That's a man
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I'm guessing you need more?
distro for noobs? nah
>distro for noobs? nah
Something a newfag would say.
bros, could you imagine the leaps and bounds that linux would make if everyone just switched to Debian? If all the communities resources were poured into 1 distro instead of having a fractured community?
I want to go balls deep into a sysV / initrc based distro
Which one should I get to avoid systemd
None of them. Pick something OpenRC like Gentoo or Artix.

Avoid anything using sysV it's downright broken.
sounds really awful
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My laptop's keyboard has 4 backlight settings: off, auto, 50% and 100%.
It gets reset to off on every reboot and wake from suspend, is there any way to force it to use auto brightness by default?
I'm on Fedora 40 with KDE.
>centralize everything
>poison it with beauracracy and faggotry
You are a retard or a shill or both.
Centralisation doesn't really help when everything is coming from different upstreams. You'd need a project like OpenBSD or FreeBSD but using Linux instead.

All of our software comes from different upstreams. We don't have one central codebase like the BSDs.

The one thing that is centralised is the Linux kernel which is the one thing that matters.
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I'm trying to learn iptables rules because I'd like to forward a port from my host OS to my NAT'd guest OS, which will be running a Jellyfin instance. I'm running the guest on my server, using KVM/QEMU, and I'd like to access Jellyfin's web interface via this host to guest port forwarding.

I've found some instructions here:
However, I'm not entirely sure what the PREROUTING lines do. For reference, the two lines in question are here:
    /sbin/iptables -D FORWARD -o virbr0 -p tcp -d $GUEST_IP --dport $GUEST_PORT -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport $HOST_PORT -j DNAT --to $GUEST_IP:$GUEST_PORT

Is it at all dangerous to have this prerouting rule in place when the VM is running? Would this affect my ufw rules? With these two rules, would I still need to enable ipv4 forwarding using net.ipv4.ip_forward?

I have so many questions...
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>debian trixie(testing)
>still old neovim(can't move my config)
>still old plasma
what is going on?
don't mix firewall setups, just add the port forwarding to what you're already using.
And yes, forwaring needs to be enabled if the system is supposed to do forwarding.
Normal. Packages have to hit Sid first and sometimes maintainers are slow as fuck.
Plasma is garbage. They drop it for good.
NFTS and Linux?
How good does it work? What problem could happen if I read/write from/to a NFTS drive under Linux? Will writing to a NFTS drive under Linux differ from writing the same data under Windows?
It's not garbage. Debian is just slow as fuck to package things. Plasma 6 and Qt 6 will hit Sid first and only then will it eventually trickle down into testing.
Want to update Qemu packages from Debian backports branch. How painful is it going to be editing pinning.pref? Should I even bother?
Can someone please help a virtual machine noob? So I want to create a gaming VM using qemu/kvm and was wondering about the optimal storage setup for performance and ease-of-us i.e. stupid(me) proofing.

I have 1 TB of physical space on a nvme SSD. I want to play all the big games, and a single game can use up to 150 GB on average. So it can be the case that I end up needing 500GB+ of space for games fairly quickly, Not to mention the operating system space requirements and if I download modpacks which can also end up being hundreds of GB, too.

What do you think would be the best storage solution? I plan to use "virtio" block devices
1. Create one big image and fill it up? (Thin provisioned .qcow2 of like 700 GB.)
2. Create an average virtual disk image and just increase it's size with "qemu-img resize disk.qcow2 +100G" command as needed?
3. Separate the window's guest virtual boot drive to its own image(50-60gb), and add more thinP virtual drives as I need more space?

p.s. I know I'm asking a lot but could someone clear up how discard works with VM's on linux? How do I get back space after deleting files on the VM? Does the host handle the trim for the VM or does the windows guest? Do I need to enable some special option in the hypervisor? Thanks in advanced.
If this is a separate NVMe drive you can just passthrough the hole thing instead of making an image.
which hole? the top one or the bottom one?
Whoops, dropped the 'w'.
If you aren't using the drive for your host OS then that's what you should do for the best performance though. Passthrough the physical device and let Windows deal with it.
What kind of USB drive memory size is suitable for dual booting linux?
Not that guy, but thanks for advice. It's not a separate drive though -- I run my Linux host the same drive the vm's storage will be on..
Then I think you'll have to use a virtual disk image.
what kind of OS prevents me from getting spyware and is overall mostly secure and private
Yea that's my plan all along as states in the post above. My only question now is how I can best handle the creation of said disk images. I have three theories listed above, but I don't know which would be best for performance as I'm kind of ignorant about how think provisioned block devices work in general. All I know is "over time disk size go up" not actually what's happening under the hood to my host or vm's performance or even if I'm degrading my ssd's life by creating virtual disks.
Just use qemu-img to create a normal image (I think that's thinly provisioned by default?).

I don't think you'll be able to "gain back space" after it's used though. You need LVM for that.
>I don't think you'll be able to "gain back space"
I see. So If I download Call of Duty(150gb) and then decide this game is dogshit and DELETE on windows guest, my linux host will still show that I've used up 150gb. I was under the imperssion that TRIM would automatically shrink my .qcow2 image... So maybe option 3 of creating a bunch of smaller virtual disks over time would be the best way so I can just delete them easier and get back space on the host?
I decided to try gnome again, but I can't see what image I'm uploading from the file chooser in chrome. I thought this problem had been solved?
in the pat this was true, but these days libvirt/qemu can shrink the physical allocated size of a qcow2 image via the
Does that work once you fill it with data though? For example you add 100 GB to an NTFS partition inside of it and then delete it, the data is still there no?
>I thought this problem had been solved?
What gave you this idea?
"unmap" allows for discard requests to be passed to the host filesystem. In other words if you delete a file on the guest then run defrag on windows then do
du -hs example.qcow2
on the host it will show a smaller size than before.
I vaguely and incorrectly remember someone patching it (downstream). Are there any workarounds other than using kde portals?
it's just wasted writes/life on an ssd, because on ssds writing and erasing are two completely different things
on a hdd, you just write over existing data, ignoring what was there, you do you have to write over the whole drive to erase everything
but on an ssd, writing new data requires the cell be erased first, you can't write directly to a cell that has something on it. this is what trim/discard does, so to erase an ssd you need only run "blkdiscard" on it, which takes very little time and wastes no writes, since it doesn't do any writes, only erases
also, since you can't write before erasing, writing random data is doubly pointless, since not only did you have to erase the cells to then write random data to them, you need to erase them again to write your new data (if you don't, the ssd will do it on the fly, reducing performance)
xubuntu chad here
wasn't wondering, it was clear by the first sentence
can you share dotfiles pls
pacman and AUR were the reasons I was staying with arch until I found nixpkgs. now just ubuntu with nix as the package manager, best of both worlds
anyone has experience setting up xmonad+xmobar on a laptop with power management?
I'm xfce and want to use the xfce power management with xmonad. Ideally if there's a guide rather start there and customize if not guess will be doing it all myself but would appreciate any pointers
acceptable to talk about OpenBSD here?
checks out
8GB and up.

Security and privacy are mostly a function of your behavior, the OS isn't that important. Using Tor Browser to access Facebook is no different than using Chrome to do it, Facebook still gets all it wants from you.
Another aspect is not standing out – if you're one of ten Linux users in your village, that's one thing. If you're the only one using Gentoo with PaleMoon then you're uniquely identifiable no matter what.
>Another aspect is not standing out – if you're one of ten Linux users in your village, that's one thing. If you're the only one using Gentoo with PaleMoon then you're uniquely identifiable no matter what.
i get that, but i am asking about what kind of OS doesn't have any security issues, i am a beginner btw, so i'd have to go with something simpler but i don't want to pick ubuntu
>what kind of OS doesn't have any security issues
None. You always have to make a trade between security and usability.
Only condescendingly.
If you really want a good resource for getting educated about security, privacy, anonymity, pseudonymity, threat modeling, and general concepts on how to live a hygenic cyber life I think this site is really handy.



But for a TLDR, an up to date clean installation of Fedora/openSUSE/Arch/Debian/Ubuntu/Mint that is taken care of properly should never bring you any security issues out of the ordinary.
>Fatal error reading PNG image file: Not a PNG file
my brother in christ you opened this image just fine yesterday
I see...

why would anyone even want to use OpenBSD?! I can only begin to imagine how pathetic and unwashed someone would have to be to even consider using that clunky garbage...
>ooooh muh homogenous working environment
>muh secooreteh
Ubuntu, it just werks

like that?
as a total newb who has only just acclimatized to debian and barely knows their way around man pages let alone actually reads them, how much of a dumb idea would it be to do a fresh install of alpine linux and try and make a super minimal 'suckless' system?
There's nothing wrong with discussing other OS, just doing so in the one Linux general is not the best way to go about it.
Not that dumb at all, just go have fun.

But also make sure to have a backup OS in an USB stick you can boot to in case you accidentally everything up
wait there is no general "undo" operation for ranger? i cant find anything
I just open images with the browser nowdays, far more reliable
alrighty then, either will be posting back here smug that I got it to work or humbly snubbed by my own hubris
>have a backup OS in an USB stick
I have 16gb of isos >:)
is that really the state of image viewers on linux
feh is a little unwieldy for super casual use, but its the best I've used so far
NTA but I just use the pre-installed image viewers on GNOME and Plasma and they work fine. Browser image viewing is way too limited, can't even zoom in properly.
>the pre-installed image viewers on GNOME and Plasma and they work fine
which ones be those I've only ever used xfce (slackware and mint, been using linux for around seven months)
i use qimgv
i am satisfied after configuration
however it doesnt come close to honeyview
>way too limited, can't even zoom in properly
it's doable in browsers like firefox that have per tab zooming
somehow fucking chrome doesn't have that in 2024 with even basic extensions being unable to add that feature without additional outside installations and it boggles my mind
>don't mix firewall setups, just add the port forwarding to what you're already using.
Do you mean using ufw to do the forwarding instead of the combination of qemu iptables script and ufw rules? I guess I'm not really sure what could hapen if they get mixed up
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I have heard for a while that KDE is the de facto desktop environment for gaming. I am still hesitant to switch to KDE because of its stability. How bad is your experience with KDE? Is gif related true? Does KDE improve game fps? How good is KDE compared to GNOME?
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suckless philosophy sucks
alphine is great as a base os for containers because its small, but for a desktop, minimalism is counter productive, because you actually want a lot of stuff available
We should have /fult/ - Friendly Unix-Like Thread

I could make it but people will probably just stay here because people hate change
I don't game on linux since it's never a positive experience for me, I genuinely think it's better to just dual boot windows or play on consoles. But if you have to game on linux then make sure you are only buying games on steam and running a distro that's relatively up to date and has relatively up to date kernel, and runs KDE Plasma since other WMs and DEs are just shit when it comes to vidya and still don't have properly functional basic functions. I would suggest either Kubuntu or Fedora KDE Spin.
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you got that second part right
KDE has HDR support in Plasma 6 if you care about that.
GNOME until relatively recent was pretty crap for gaming. They only got VRR support in their most recent release.

Plasma is pretty stable for me. I think the Krashing meme is overblown.
if i switch from windows to arch am i gonna get cooked
or is it a good start - a new learning experience? i hardly even remember opening the terminal rofl
GNOME's VRR is not functional, you can't use the desktop if you enable it since it applies to everything, not just games, and fucks everything up including animations and playing media.
why not /fglt/ + /fult/ so we don't break the tradition, while we can make this general has broader topics?
if youre willing to learn about
a) how your computer works (the simple stuff like partitioning schemes etc)
b) general unix and linux environment (forgot the right word)
then youll have a good time and you should go for it by all means
if you're okay with not knowing what you're doing and reading loads and troubleshooting everything that doesn't work then it might be quite fun
if you just want something to work with minimal effort then don't use arch
Arch is a DIY distribution, which means do it yourself, there is nothing configured, nothing tweaked, and nothing setup, it just throws constantly updated packages at you and expects you to setup everything yourself. It's not a good setup for not just new users, but for majority of power users that value their time and sanity. But trying to be rational is boring, so go for it and knock yourself out, you'll probably learn more about linux that way since you'll have to research everything and make a bunch of choices before you even have a functioning os.
>"hello, I wish to install a so called minimal Linux system"
Just try to remember EVERYTHING is EXTRA. No, your networking isn't "broken", it's just that using Wi-Fi or requesting a DHCP lease requires EXTRA TOOLS on top of that 1970s crude basics.
It was a bad idea to install Manjaro on my old MacBook. I'm fucking tired of looking up wifi drivers. And now all networks around here are doubling, lol.
Are there good distros for macbook 2017?
>mimimi troubleshooting
>if you just want something to work with minimal effort then dont use arch
oh please, dont disencourage him. this is the kind of shit that stops people from learning anything
for as long as you have the capacity to read (ie. learn), you will install arch (or any diy distro for that matter) just fine

>It's not a good setup for [...] majority of power users that value their time and sanity
this is just false
for actual so called "power users", a DIY distro is much more viable than the insane defaults that majority of distros come with
arch is not a sensible option for many users
people can get frustrated when things don't work and they don't know how to fix it and that can turn people away from linux completely before they've even tried it
it's not an accident that linux became wildly more popular among desktop users when ubuntu wwas released
No programmer, scientist or academia personnel uses Arch, it's a kiddy distro to post on reddit and youtube for updoots. The actual use cases for it seriously are not home/general use oriented.
You keep shitting on Arch even though it's the next most popular distro behind Ubuntu-likes. What the fuck did it do to you, kill your dog?
>people can get frustrated when things don't work and they don't know how to fix it and that can turn people away from linux completely before they've even tried it
hence why i specifically mention that the soon-to-be user must have the will to learn about how his computer works

bait or sour grapes copium
>You keep shitting on Arch
Meds, asap. Recommending arch to someone just coming from windows is comedic. If you have to ask whether it's worth it, you are not the arch target audience.
Linux sucks. I cannot use my Excel macro. So much for mac and windows alternatives.
>implying you cant run excel on linux
bad bait
dunno what the fug an excel macro is but I'm sure there's a way, and I don't care enough to look it up for you- and you're probably too dumb to find it on your own. So the best option is for you to go back.
>>implying you cant run excel on linux
vba doesn't really work on linux
>If you have to ask whether it's worth it, you are not the arch target audience.
>i say so, therefore this broad claim must be true
>t. literally who?
is macos worth it? i guess its not for me since i have to ask :(
Very funny thing that just happened
As root, I was just cleaning my efi partition, as you do, and I accidentally went and rm -rf /boot/efi, which I wouldn't have a problem with if it didn't get rid of my wangblows bootloader as well.
Any way to restore those files or am I fucked?
You are genuinely low IQ or baiting, not wasting my time on you anymore monkey.
restore from backup
you do have a backup don't you anon?
>as you do
>touching the boot parttion for any reason
who does this and for what reason? news to me
I uh
Well, I...
Anyways all files on Windows are still there, and also Fedora (which I'm using right now). It's just the bootloaders that just fucked off into the sunset. I guess I'll have to run some windows usb installer tool to restore that shit.
Normally since previous files don't get deleted, if I wanted to just get rid of an installation of linux on a dual boot system I would go into the EFI partition, remove some files pertaining to that distro, and using efibootmgr to remove boot entries. Problem is today I was doing this shit quickly and I didn't even think what I was doing, obviously. Of course "as you do" ironically, I'm aware nobody does this.
Linus has gone on record saying that:
>he's not interested in distributions
>he hates installing them
>he's lazy about upgrading them
Linus strikes me as the kind of guy who would *ideally* go for the most boring LTS distro imaginable and only upgrade once a decade. The problem is that since he is the main man behind the kernel, being at least somewhat close to upstream is probably in his own interest, so Fedora is a good compromise, because it's a fixed release that's easy to install and upgrade, uses relatively fresh kernels and is somewhat stable. He'd never use shit like Arch.
Could do. Like how there's /cyb/sec/pri/ for security stuff (there used to be /psg/, Privacy and Security General, but they changed it for some reason)
There's nothing buggy about fedora specifically, any bugs you encounter in it were most likely related to GNOME if anything or other apps inside that you were using. People for some reason think distros do some magic shit, they don't, you'll experience the same bugs on all distros, it's just small differences between when packages are updated or if some small personalization in settings is done to them. Linus said he uses Fedora because he installed it on all the computers in his house and doesn't want to bother relearning a new distro for no fucking reason, since he is sane and realizes that distros don't change any underlying issues you might have with software.

>who does this[?]
people who want to place or remove files on their boot partiton
>for what reason?
placing or removing files on the boot partition
kernel/bootloaders/initramfs/etc arent always installed automatically (depending on your environment)
and sometimes if they are, the shitty installers never clean the partition, so you run out of space on your boot partition and have to clean it manually anyway (i believe this was the case with some ubuntu based distro, or ubuntu itself)

so you used the same efi partition for both windows and linux? no matter
i think a ghetto way would be to just mount a windows iso (from linux) and extract the efi boot loader from there
im not aware how youd do it from a live windows install for example, though i think if you boot from the usb you should be able to reinstall windows while keeping all your files
>they don't, you'll experience the same bugs on all distros
tell that to debian and redhat which apply their own code patches to packages for no discernable reason other than to fuck your day up
well, if no one has any objections, can you please change the next thread op and pasta?
>I guess I'm not really sure what could hapen if they get mixed up
It's extremely confusing.
>There's nothing buggy about fedora specifically, any bugs you encounter in it were most likely related to GNOME if anything or other apps inside that you were using.
So it's not that Fedora itself has bugs, it's the components that make up Fedora? Do you even understand the point of a distribution?
>you'll experience the same bugs on all distros
Yeah, okay, you are clueless, good to know.
Hey QQ any dekstop environments that are native in musl? Or is a chroot needed?
Cheers and thanks my Kings.
>niggerbabble pseud talk
I accept your concession. Next time say what bug you encountered and post a log, otherwise I'll just assume you are a low IQ indian like the rest of /g/ and just encountered some shitty GNOME bug and nothing Fedora related.
kde 6 + x11 works like a charm for me
with wayland its kind of buggy
Could just do it all manually. Virtual hosts are kind of like routers so one way is to monkey actual real life routers and do the configuration as such:
>create a "LAN bridge interface"
A home router would call it that but a VM host would call it "VM bridge interface" or something. But the use case is the same.
>add a local network IP/mask to it
>make your computer masquerade the IP(v4) traffic from the local/VM net towards outside net
>enslave physical/virtual interfaces to the bridge
installed arch like 2 weeks ago
lots of fun, dont think i will go back to windows
sure you sometimes mess up and cant boot but its usually easily fixable. after you've done all your configurations it werks
In the end I just booted from the windows usb installer and ran a few commands, everything's fine now
The problem is the perception that arch is more difficult to use generally
It's the same shit, the "difficult" part is the install process.
Or it could just be /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread (plus Unix-like OSs)

I could change it if I'm around when the next thread is due
so i installed linux mint. what's next?
what would you do?
also what mint version is the best?
>so i installed linux mint. what's next?
wipe your partition table
>what would you do?
install arch without using archinstall
>also what mint version is the best?
this but then use arch to download windows and play some vidyer
>what would you do?
install my favourite web browser and spend all my time "computing" on the same 10 websites i also use on windows
>also what mint version is the best?
cinnamon is really nice imho
nice default apps and a decent amount of customisation to keep you busy
Anon it's an OS. You'd probably just turn on Firefox and continue what you were doing on Windows.
One day, one fucking day I will get firefox to like fractional scaling on Wayland
I will not be forced to switch to chromium based web browsers I will not
What about /fgl+bt/ (the b would stand for BSD) or /fb+glt/ ?
Turning into unix is just going to invite shit like appletards and other dumb proprietary shit.
I think we can agree that most people here just want to talk about FOSS operating systems like BSD and Linux since 90% of stuff between them is almost the same
Do plus BSD instead of plus Unix
if it's on distrowatch then it's /fglt/-friendly
should we start calling linux "SYSTEMD+LINUX" now? every big distro uses it and it makes up most of the distribution, i feel like it makes sense
femboy gay lesbian bisexual transgender?
May as well call it /lgbt/ at that point
it can be a fun learning experience, since even things like a base debian install does a bunch of things for you which alpine does not
average linux userbase, it honestly fits well
I was trying to find a way to avoid that
One guy complains that he can't talk about BSD in here so now we're just re-inventing the whole thread for him? I see.
>as you do
Haven't touched it for ages
t. GRUB user
This is what everyone has been doing on FOSS world for decades. unix* -> bsds/linux, sysvinit -> systemd/openrc/s6/dinit, alsa->jack/pulseaudio/pipewire, etc.
which distro is the least susceptible to a supply chain attack?
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Found the screenshot i had of one of the devs getting upset over the word
>he thinks linux is more secure when the biggest attack vector is your browser
he has a point, systemd is great. /g/tard opinions cannot be trusted when it comes to core components
you don't need to couple your distro with package availability. I ubuntu and nix for package management almost exclusively.

add a channel (e.g. nixpkgs stable or the unstable if you want the latest)
nix-env -iA channelName.packageName
At that point just use nixos instead of ubuntu
why? now I have full access to ubuntu and its repositories AND nix repository
also don't like nixos for desktop use, its too restrictive
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>had the xfce status notifier plugin broken for ages now with tray icons not showing up
>sometimes it works normally but mostly not at all
>finally decide to find a solution
>just needed to remove ayatana-indicator-application and it works again
if only i had done 5 minutes of searching instead of 2 i could have solved this months ago
Theres nothing available in the ubuntu and debian repositories, and whatever there is will be massively out of date and full of bugs that will never get fixed.
You also better hope they dont remove a package just because it doesnt build instead of trying to fix the build error
I use Arch.
When I run the command:
sudo pacman -S python-matplotlib

pacman gives error:
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
python-numpy: /usr/bin/f2py exists in filesystem
python-fonttools: /usr/bin/fonttools exists in filesystem
python-fonttools: /usr/bin/pyftmerge exists in filesystem
python-fonttools: /usr/bin/pyftsubset exists in filesystem
python-fonttools: /usr/bin/ttx exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

I was using pip for libraries I use, but I wanted to install them with pacman ( I removed everything with pip).

I never ever installed python-fonttools, and when I search:
pkgfile /usr/bin/fonttools
the result is : extra/python-fonttools
But sudo pacman -R python-fonttools also gives "no package found"

How do fix this so I can succesfully install my libraries via pacman? Am I retarded?
do pacman -Qo on each of those files e.g
pacman -Qo /usr/bin/f2py
>pacman -Qo /usr/bin/f2py

(sudo) pacman -Qo /usr/bin/f2py
error: No package owns /usr/bin/f2py

I manually checked the directories to check if they actually exists, they do. pkgfile gives:
But I never installed it and I CANT even remove it??
It should be safe to just manually rm the file if its not installed by your package manager, it seems like pip did not properly remove itself
Next time you should use pipx or venv if you need to install pip stuff
Daily reminder: most of us are not kernel programmers who need latest packages.
.t happy debian stable user
After a decade without the need to do distro-hopping this year I was forced to do it.
So far this is my experience:
> OpenSUSE still have that same "sluggish" feeling it had before years ago (installed with Xfce4)
> Debian installation improved a bunch BUT still have that same "sluggish" feeling it had before years ago (installed with Xfce4)
> Ubuntu still a Joke
> Gentoo was able to make me spent three literal hours trying to finish the setup but I once again gave up
> NixOS was looks promising but I still don't understand WHY they had to create a whole new Language for that instead of using a .toml or .yaml file format to handle configuration and script steps. Also they're in drama mode which flags it as a BASED DISTRO. I will miss the easy rollbacks though.
> Guix well... why the fuck would I want learn guile just to configure a OS? LMAO
> Fedora Silverblue runs smoothly BUT picking podman over docker is just a tasteless Joke from Redhat ...
> Bonus: I also tried FreeBSD and OpenBSD both still suck at the installation, lack of drivers AND still can't that to what a fucking movie on the browser. That's why all their Devs use MacOS instead. Jesus...

So does /g/ have any other distros to recommend? I really liked the transaction based stuff from NixOS and Silverblue. Is there any others options using that package management logic?
>/g/tard opinions cannot be trusted ever
Maybe its time to build your own system with Arch?
podman is rhel tech that they sell to businesses so obviously they'll always use it over docker
Is this supposed to be bait?
>picking podman over docker is just a tasteless Joke from Redhat
Whats wrong with podman?
>That's why all their Devs use MacOS instead
Thats only FreeBSD
What do you mean by sluggish feeling?
The only thing you would have left is Arch, Alpine(if you can deal with musl over glibc) or Void
The only good parts about systemd are the user slices/user services, systemd-boot and udev
The rest is terrible
10 year old meme
It was like that in the days when KDE 4 was new but that was from 2008 to 2014
5 and 6 are much, much more stable. KDE 4 was too much bling centric.
I am a bit confused about how one is meant to work with pipewire, assuming there is a need to touch it. I know there's a config file and a handful of applications for patchbays (I think it comes bundled with wireplumber). There's a command to output its state but it just vomits a ton of seemingly not useful info (looks to be every running process having registered itself as possibly needing to output audio). How do I inspect the way it is working with my usb interface?
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>Actually fixes your distro hopping

Don't know if it's just because of my PC parts but it runs beautifully and has no problems.

>Debian is old as fuck drivers/packages, literally ancient for the desktop even with the new 6.0 kernel also devs are canonical bootlickers
>Arch is a meme, unstable and breaks your system and overall things just are buggy(plasma 6 isn't ready)
>Fedora is corpo globohomo slop with unmaintained spins and insists on using shitty GTK gnome extension hell DE which sucks on their main workstation release

The only one left is opensuse unironically and leap has never broken since it's tested well. It literally just werks. They might be fedora european clone but at least it just werks.

Codecs work OTB, Drivers work OTB, No bugs OTB, It just werks.
Podman doesn't need exposing root to your user like Docker.
europeans win again?
Does it has Distrobox on the repos? It would fix the softwarr availability issue.
>Arch is a DIY distribution, which means do it yourself, there is nothing configured, nothing tweaked, and nothing setup,
This is objectively wrong, I've rarely had to configure shit myself. I have not had to configure one damn thing about audio, video, fonts, printing, etc, to have it working. For the most part Arch works out of the box as soon as you install the right packages, like any other distro.

And it's definitely tweaked, for example:

You're full of shit.
Is distrobox a meme or is it usable for doing things like running a whole desktop through it?
I used openSUSE leap for a while, I remember running into some bugs, now I'm on Fedora 40 with KDE, if it doesn't work out I'll give SUSE another try.
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>want to move audio around for reasons
>play video in browser
>set up pipewire
>rewind video
>browser trashes audio stream and creates a new one and my connections are gone

im so tired of this fucking retarded bullshit crap

>change audio volume slider in browser
>direrctly changes gain in audio server

who thought this was a good idea at all fucking hell

whats wrong with:
>when a tab plays a sound
>set up a stream for the tab
>mix everything in the tab using their own volume controls before sending to stream
>trash stream when tab closed

is there a way to set that up?
no i dont want to use fucking chrome because it shits all over dpms and stops monitors going to sleep
make a null sink and make that the default, then you route from its' monitor through whatever other programs you want, that's what i do anyway
i love that arch is diy.
i was on fedora and they changed the default font to something ugly and offensive (and i'm not even a fontfag) and fucking getting it back to original way it was was fucking impossible because of how tight nit and inscruitable everything was.
i use openbox wm and see trying to add something to a menu was impossible, every file has auto config warnings do not edit this blah blah.

on arch its not configured at all, comes with a load of default menu items for shit that isn't even installed. but the docs? set you up with manual or auto configged menus in about 30 seconds.
no other distro has docs like that.
so yeah very rarely i had to configure stuff with arch but i really really really appreciate the minimum setup approach and getting the user involved so you understand how it works.
Pavucontrol through pipewire-pulse
ok great workaround i honestly thank you and am grateful
and if i want audio from different tabs or windows to go to different places (literally the reason to use this gui at all) i'm just fucked i guess
this is supposed to be the future not fucking diy workaround hacking bullshit
i can't say i've run into a need to have two tabs playing audio at the same time so i haven't looked into that
if the tabs identify themselves to the audio server in such a way that you can identify what tab it's from, then maybe you can do something with that. i wouldn't know how to set something up like that though, since i haven't had such a need yet
I am using XFCE. I have a DP output for video, and HDMI output for purely audio. DP output is set to 5120x1440, audio output is set to 640x480(lowest I could do), and they're set to mirror. When I turn my monitor off & on, all the windows get moved over to the tiny output and "locked" there, so I can't move them to the rest of the screen.
How do I prevent all my windows from losing their position? Or is there any way to designate a display as audio only?
Would that be specific to pulse-audio emulation and leave out the JACK side of pipewire? I will eventually have need of both.
Also it works fine if I add a 5120x1440 mode to the HDMI output, but the HDMI is only capable of 60Hz and I'm worried that will limit the DP output's refresh rate
I dont know to be honest, i think pipewire-pulse just provides pulseaudio-compatible api so that pulseaudio apps can work properly with pipewire.
But ive used pavucontrol and pulsemixer with pipewire and it works the same way as it would using wpctl or any of the wireplumber stuff
linux !
New thread:
When you turn off a DP display it gets removed from the system as if it's physically unplugged. The window manager can't know if the display will come back, and has no choice but to dump your windows on whatever display is left, especially if it was the primary screen that suddenly disappeared, as otherwise the DE might be impossible to use.

DP sucks ass with multi-monitor setups. It always takes priority over HDMI, so even running a primary HDMI and secondary DP can be a pain in the ass. Using all-HDMI everything works perfectly with no surprises.

Don't use HDMI for just audio would be my advice.
>Don't use HDMI for just audio would be my advice.
How else can I get 5.1 sound without using a PCIe slot? :/
(my mobo only has AUX out)
It's a godsend for compiling stuff, no need to pollute your system with various dev environments
If you mobo is one of those with only 2 or 3 audio jacks, you'll need to use jack retasking and the front panel jacks to use a 5.1 setup. Check with the motherboard manual to know for sure, then you'll need to configure ALSA and/or the audio server.
Why is audio such a pain in the fucking ass? God damn
It really isn't. You chose an utterly retarded way to circumvent the normal and expected hardware between system and more-than-stereo speaker setup.
>no need to pollute your system with various dev environments
That's what the docker images do though
NixOS seems like the ultimate tinkertranny distro
Yes because I'm the one who decided that Dolby Atmos should ONLY work over HDMI
"Normal and expected hardware" includes a receiver that takes hdmi as input and outputs normal ass signals to each speaker, you indignant nigger.
My sound system ONLY accepts HDMI or SPDIF. My PC only has 2x 3.5 outputs, USB, and HDMI. You're telling my HDMI->HDMI is "an utterly retarded way to circumvent the normal and expected hardware"? Why the fuck would I buy a receiver for this setup?

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