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>/g/ made a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more

>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?

Previous: >>101016791
>/dmp/ - dumpy general
What makes Sylenth so good over those other VSTS with 100 knobs, sliders, and controls?
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What are your go to synth and effects vsts bought or pirated that you can't do without? And what genres of music do you produce with them?

and I produce riddim
Might change in the future but for now (pretty much a temporary setup) it's
>fabfilter bundle
>sonogram sg1
>flux stereo tool
>ableton stock plugins
In no particular order
>sonogram sg1
you don't actually use this
give me some tips for riddim processing using only stock bitwig plugins
I use it literally every time I use Ableton for anything other than piano roll stuff.
It's incredibly painful to use because it's 32bit only and loading it in jbridge makes the entire session crash a lot of the time.
It's the only actually high-res spectrogram that lets me zoom in and maintain the same level of detail at the new zoom levels (instead of just making the same data bigger, which is almost useless), which makes up for it not having a log mode (for that I sometimes print to wav just so I can look at it in foobar2k lol).
The presets, they are all pretty good.
Why in the fuck isn't there a $399 op-1 knockoff yet. they can't cost that much to make.
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What midi controllers are you guys using? What midi controllers do you regret buying? Which one has been your primary life saver? What midi controllers are you looking to get next?
I have a Novation launchkey mini MK3 but barely use it due to my setup, I mainly use my computers keyboard out of pure laziness.
Would you rather use drum pads or a midi controller like this?
I use a laptop so that desu
thats a sequencer
I'm gonna pull the trigger for two EN16 from intech. My bcr 2000 is too big, too old and too ugly.
good fucking lord
literally lost without:
>native instruments komplete
>valhalla vintage verb and delay

extremely helpful but not strictly must for me:
>fabfilter bundle
>kilohearts bundle

situational but when needed can't do without:
>izotope iris 2
>ugritone drums
>image-line harmor

everything but mostly electronic autism industrial breakcore idm hip hop edem stuffs thank you
Is it even possible to get good midi timing on windows?
Akai MPK249
Maschine Mikro MK3
I used the Keystep a lot before the USB jack bit it
I'm waiting for someone to make a synth action FATAR controller
the key to make great outstanding music is confidence
yeah i noticed my music changed once i grew my hair back and started dressing better t b h
if you can't make it happen with the tools in your DAW, you should be learning more, not buying more.
>if you can't make it happen with the tools in your DAW
going by this incredibly low iq reply we can tell that you've never used any fucking daw before.
>ugritone drums
I'm sorry for your loss
I would buy this if they made it customizable key by key into tiny little blocks like that one other midi controller that's coming out that you connect them like blocks.

Imagine if you could just recreate the layout of your favorite vsts to edit on the fly.
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Is this thing any good?
Default daw vsts suck 9/10 times. The only exception would probably be fl studio since they actually spend money to give their users value through their free in-house vsts. Ableton, logic, every other daw's default vsts and their workflow are trash.
Yeah on the latest album you can tell instantly which tracks used the stock VSTs for anything it's an embarrassment
Maybe they’ll all do something else?
That company (or the original product) was formerly sold under the name “make it loud productions” and I don’t know the story there or when the change happened.

Totally plan on copping the rest of the discounted kits now though.
Can’t really foresee any problems seeing as there’s no dumb installation client or bloat attached to it
I promise I can run circles around you with stock ableton kid
Ableton Suite or Ableton Lite?
Lite has like nothing, so not that

I’m missing half the suite library anyway so I’m like standard and a half
>Lite has like nothing,
I thought it had the basic sampler and even drift... Should be enough.
I’m still on... 11(?) so no drift

I was being mock antagonistic in response to a dumb post but I do recall doing a project with only simpler and a couple drum one shots doing dumb tonal reverb automation stuff that I personally think was.... well it was technical anyway.

Like really if you give any competent breakcore producer a single break and a modern DAW they’ll wipe the floor with an average poster pretty much anywhere. Very silly discussion man
>simple, sampler, operator, analog, watvetable
skill issue if you can't use the default instruments and effects
>breakcore producer
>chop the break
>write videogame melody
>put a pad underneath
>glitch fx
>all the nerds praise you
We get it you hate everything everybody sucks and all the genres suck and the thread sucks
Nobody cares
>>write videogame melody
>>put a pad underneath
>>glitch fx
Current breakcore is awful. At least you now can tell from the cover alone (hint: female anime character) that the artist has issues with their gender identity and that the music is shitty.
You guys really can’t go a single thread without seething about trannies
It's a matter of taste: I like S.Murk better than, say, Sewerslvt. Fortunately for me, one can tell the likes apart from the cover alone.
>you've never used any fucking DAW before
lmao friend I have been doing music for a long time
> posts screenshot of some garbage daw
>I have been doing music for a long time
you haven't been doing a fucking thing for even the shortest of times otherwise you wouldn't write such insufferable fucking shit. you're just a typical /mu/-level dunning kruger-tiered fucking retard that's not only too poor for vst plugins but doesn't even know how to use them.
Well there's your problem. You're not really making music, you're just clipping and remixing music someone else has already made. You're a funny guy.
Ableton? What are you, a dj? kek. Next thing a Serato user claims to run circles against third party vsts. And then next, an audition user will claim to run circles against third party vsts.
>posts screenshot of some garbage daw
noisia uses bitwig, retard
Bait has to be believable to get a rise out of people anon
Fuck off back to /mu/
cubase stock is better than you
So what's a good workflow then?
Are there free DAWs that let you use plugins with no restrictions same as Reaper in evaluation mode?
there are so many that are invaluable to me but are often only used situationally...
physical audio dual spring reverb

tonex is incredible if you take the time to go through the community impulse responses and filter out the best ones

i use the arturia synths often enough but always end up going back to u-he diva
>Ableton support have posted on X that Live won't be compatible with Windows on ARM PCs

>I had a brief interaction from an MS team member on social media that confirmed my suspicions. They state that ARM64 audio interface driver compatibility and DAW compatibility is a "corner case". So, MS obviously isn't quite there yet.

FL Studio:

>It runs FL Studio and other DAWS. Not Ableton. Don't know why.
so when is this shitposter getting banned
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Sample browsers that let you add/remove marker metadata on the fly for importation into pad/sampler vsts? I have a big collection of sample drums, but when I import into my pads vst, I have to adjust the end point of the sample so it doesn't play the entire length of the file. Are there any vsts that let you browse your own library of sounds and select and adjust the markers on like a waveform display of it?
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Besides Kontakt, if you could copy the samples of any vst that makes use of 1:1 samples of actual sounds to add to your own personal collection of .wav files, what vst would you like to have as independent wav files?
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Underrated vsts synths or effects that have slipped under the radar and are very good at something in particular? Go.
Pic unrelated
pic unrelated? every rapper and their mom was using nexus 2 at one point. most overrated synth maybe ever and helped contribute the sounds to tons of really bad songs
rap producers need 12 vsts just to sound like a 90s rack rompler
aesthetic issue

also takes 10x as long to get half decent sound from them

dunno why people defend stock ableton plugs. the audio industry is a massive racket, anyone making their stock plugs on par with 3rd party alternatives will get shunned and canned by the audio industry "media" (it's all just advertisement)
also, how many artists that you respect and admire do you see using them?
was fine in early 2010s, absolutely obsolete now. Doesn't sound good.
What about the latest version?
doesn't sound any better than it did 10 years ago
What software rompler do you recommend?
Is Omnisphere good?
omnisphere is pretty good, but I'd rather use cracked kontakt with a bunch of libraries over it.
Okay but what are some underrated vsts or effect vsts that don't normally get recognition, but are really good at something.
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Has anyone here given these chinese midi controllers from aliexpress a try? They seem pretty nifty for the price from the youtube reviews of them.
rolling sampler is still underrated for some reason.. I thought virtual riot was going to make a video using it once and it would blow up after being uploaded to audioz but still almost no one knows about it
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pic related is very underrated as a reverb/delay effect imo, became free after the company went bust
google spacer by spectrul plugins
Not sharing
I have it downloaded already anyway
Oh shit
How do I achieve sound design like this?
Have you seen the shit on Temu? Flashy as fuck and tons of buttons, it's like a kid in a sweet shop until you realise that the quality is probably on par with homebrew and breadboard
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whoa my niggas it's world music day, we definitely making music today. what are you guys working on? I recently finished a dnb song that I'm not too upset at (usually hate all the shit I make) so that's nice. I need to mix it a little better then slap on some AI mastering from ozone.

currently I'm working on something "divine" to finally make a contribution to the next /g/ album. hoping it works out as I haven't really written a song at a slower tempo yet
fast lfos, looping envelopes (in massive)

also whoa <.<

idk what to make lately it's been a rut
i'm revisiting flylo's LA today before the sesh and have some rough ideas to try for drum design..... eh...........
Least hassleproof daws and vsts for windows? What are some of the best ones that don't have an overcomplicated licensing system that requires so many patches, host file patching, start up stuff?
Precracked fl studio on ruttacker
how to? :(
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Best drum pad vst to drag and drop your drumsamples to? Bonus if there's anything simple and not too crazy that is trying to turn a vst drum pad into a daw of its own.
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kong all day. simple but also allows any edits or added fx that you would want

you do need the reason rack plugin but you should get that anyways to use as a VST since it's godlike. by get I mean pirate
anyone remember the chompi hype and fomo from a while back? whatever happened to that?
Dae bothered with academic research on sound for sound design application?

I recall running across posts and papers regarding like... earthquakes and additive and specific stuff when I was briefly looking into vidya sound design and maybe like real world sound recreation methods for stuff that’s not well documented already (quite scarcely I found actually (idr what it was but it was a drought man))

I was spurred to start using libraries again for no reason in particular (actually I was wishing I became a librarian lol) and it just occurred to me I should take advantages of the databases so....

Idk, I was just wondering if anybody has found it helpful in practice
Ok guys real talk: is Vital anywhere near as good as Serum? When I was using Windows, I could get a cracked version of Serum that was great for my purposes but there was an issue I couldn't solve of getting the cracked plugin not to send pings to Xfer's servers. I tried editing the hosts file, configuring my firewall, and even using Wireshark to figure out how it was connecting but it was beyond my depth, and no other torrent was using the version I wanted. When I switched to Linux I knew I'd probably have to give up both FL Studio and Serum unless there was some Wine configuration I could do to make those work on my system but I don't know anything about that. So I'm going with Ardour4 and Vital as a replacement but I have never used either. Are they a pain in the ass?
Yeah FL Studio is clean and very convenient I've found. That plus Serum is a powerful combo.
>serum vs vital debate #666
There’s like >90% overlap and the majority of users won’t notice a difference. I personally prefer vital but they’re both top tier.

Main thing is the effects/filters.
If you swap you should keep the serum wavetables to use in vital though.
My favorite part of electronic muisc production is listening to my 2 measure loop and pretending it's the best thing I've heard in my life.
delay with a low pass filter?
Arca (whoa, shocker)


idk i hear like a droning accordion or harmonica or something in there idk how those work so i just threw a printed chord in and tuned what sounded right and had to assume because... you know...
Be honest how many issues would I have running Win 10 Enterprise IoT LSTC 2021 for a production and live laptop?
>if you could copy the samples of any vst that makes use of 1:1 samples
people do this every day, anon.

are you fucking stupid? all the 90s romplers are VSTs in current year (some have been VSTs for well over a decade).
> 12 vsts
the absolute state of this board's posers.

native instrument's battery

>for a production and live laptop?
it's not the operating system you should mention, it's how much ram you got and the cpu it has.
>Vital anywhere near as good as Serum?
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if you think that it matters what DAW you use, then you are a garbage producer. (trvthnvke)
Technically yes, but practically no.
It doesn't really make sense to make electronic music in Pro Tools, or film scoring in Ableton, or good music in Reaper. You're much better off with a DAW that's more suited for the kind of production you want to do.
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>good music in Reaper
ableton operator is god tier
i keep coming up with riffs i can't play I want to be cool and TOUGH like discordance axis :(((
also i got guitar rig 5 to finally sound good i think maybe but why do the controls make the timing go freaky??

stacking *different* amps in parallel makes the phase go weird for obvious reasons, especially with EQ because duh, but identical amps with like, just the bias changed adds a very noticeable lag on one side? what the flip
parallel amps really shouldn't do that
Nose rings are disgusting
only thing I don't like about kong is how annoying it is to properly route it to multiple outs
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>Minilab bricked day one without even touching the firmware
>Support website down
What the fuck is wrong with Arturia?
Yes but no one uses it
Kinda confused by this because effects + filters are like 90% of the value of a wavetable oscillator and you're saying those are different between Serum and Vital, but you're also saying that the two have >90% overlap. Could you explain what you mean?
>want a piece of gear
>there's a different piece of gear that's a tenth of the price that does some of the same things but is missing some features I might want in 10 years
>continue wanting the overpriced piece of gear instead
I COULD buy the cheap one, but then I would have 10% less money to offer for the thing I want.
what are the things? imo buy quality/for life but never buy for a future you thinking "i might need that feature" when it's not something you have any immediate use for
disregard >>101100586
buy my midi packs and presets
I do most things with Stock Cubase Plugs. I bought NI Komplete and only used a reverb from it. Padshop is nice though.
When I buy VSTs they're usually some sort of granular sampler, weird little midi sequencers or stuff from Cableguys
That was literally his argument.
What the hell are midi packs? Just like drum loops but in midi?
I can already tell you don't have a grammy if you're asking that question
>u-he diva
This anon. my nigga.
Mixcraft is ok. If you don't have a powerful machine might be a good choice, if i gels with your work flow. But if you're most likely on windows there are better options. Also what the other anon said, "no one uses it."
In my MIDI app, I am working to uncouple the looping from the four beat metronome at the top. Currently, you can only loop over 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc... beats. I thought this would make sense since that's how most electronic music (that I listen to) is structured, but I guess it can be kind of limiting. It's also a problem that you need to know how many beats you want to loop over before you even start recording. Not sure how I'll approach this yet, but I'm thinking of a mode where you can start recording, play some notes, and then stop recording after how ever many beats you want, and then it will loop over that many beats. Also, maybe the option to restart a recording outside of its normal loop cycle... For example, if you record something over 8 beats, then it will start replaying every 8 beats. If you stop and restart it, it will still be looping over that same 8 beat cycle. But maybe you want to restart it after skipping two beats... the app needs a way to do that. No idea how I'm going to implement all this.
>and then stop recording after how ever many beats you want, and then it will loop over that many beats.
This is good, but I hope you also keep the option to select a set number of beats as well.
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Why isn't Reason more popular despite the fact that it's as easy to crack as FL?
Up until just a couple of years ago it was completely uncracked, with the latest piratable version being v5 or so.
It also didn't support VSTs up until pretty recently as well, making it far less desirable to most people who want to use plugins.
was baby's first daw back in the day for me for that reason but it didn't support audio so a bunch of people ended up learning ableton instead since that was the next logical step instead of fruity loops
pretty sure it wasn't getting cracked as often (which makes people think it's not available and some will never know about your software unless it's getting cracked often), and when you can get the piracy snowball rolling then you can just enjoy becoming the industry standard while doing almost nothing. people will never leave your software because they don't want to risk pirating other stuff and will recommend newcomers to pirate your software as the "safe" option
>it didn't support audio
What do you mean?
Like you couldn't place samples on the timeline? Only midi?
Yes, I will. I'm probably going to make it a per-instrument option to choose a mode, which would be backwards compatible too.
yeah you couldn't record or manipulate audio in it until 5
>becoming the industry standard while doing almost nothing
That only happens if people want to use your software more than the other easily pirated software.
Tons of programs get cracked very often and don't become industry standard.
Also, most people aren't keeping up with daily scene releases or whatever. They get whichever version they can find when they decide to get the program, usually from Google, and never see any warez page for it again until they reinstall windows and google it again.
It was originally just for virtual instruments, not as a full daw with audio recording/editing capabilities. I wanted to record my band or at least my guitar and eventually picked Ableton instead
>when you can get the piracy snowball rolling
what you're saying agrees with what I said
I love the reason synths and creative fx, but I hate tracking and mixing in it. The sequencer sucks too. Yes, I'm aware that the new update was meant to have improved the sequencer, but it's nowhere near enough of an improvement.
the midi sequencer is quite literally YEARS behind other daws. if the sequencer was given QOL features that really every daw should have. I probably share similar sentiment with others that I would probably use Reason solely since the racks are so fun to use and sound great. luckily, the reason rack VST is basically all I need so that + cubase is godlike
A lot of programs get that piracy snowball going without ever becoming industry standard because something else is even more popular.
Pirated a lot =/= pirated the most.
Also the second half of my post negates what you said about the "often" thing you said.
>Also the second half of my post negates what you said about the "often" thing you said.
This doesn't make grammatical sense but you get what I mean kek
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Renoise changed how their loop works, now if I run the second slice on a loop, it repeats that slice, instead of the whole sample.
You guys know how to fix it, it ruins my whole rhythm
I use FL Studio under Crossover in Linux with zero issues, and I never needed to tweak anything.
What couldn't you do in the sequencer that you could do on other daw's sequencers?
>no MIDI comping (this one baffles me most as Reason does have audio comping)
>no scale locking
>no chord mode or audio-to-chord conversion
>no retrospective MIDI recording
>no MIDI track export (only MIDI export for entire project with zero options when you do so)
>no support for MIDI channels whatsoever, Reason throws out that information
>no MPE support
>no articulation maps
>drum maps partially exist but are very poor
you get the idea. It just kinda sucks, I think every other DAW outclasses Reason's sequencer besides maybe ProTools' dogshit MIDI sequencing.
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Anyone using PreSonus StudioOne on their Linux box? Apparently it can run on Linux natively and their audio hardware also has native linux support. Why isn't StudioOne more popular with Linux users despite the fact that it's 10x better than Reaper?
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>try to legitimately buy vst for first time in life
>payment refused
back to audionews I go
I used to have a hand-me-down Focusrite Saffire audio card, which used firewire. It provided its own drivers such that it let me run both my DAW in low latency mode, while also allowing me to hear other sounds from other programs.
I now have a Focusrite Solo. Notably it does not let me do this.

What kind of audio interface would I need to get to be able to do this?
"Frequency snap"

Free/randomly modulating parameters but they snap to the rhythm or a note frequency (selectable key).
Bonus: plot a point in time where no matter where the modulation is in a cycle, it will "land" at that frequency by that time by accelerating (exponential, linear, or snap (no acceleration (de-click available)) modes)
-that last one's not 100% original ;)
>using fabfilter bundle to mix in ableton
>feels like shit, mix sounds shit
>decide to redo the mix with stock plugins only
>it's way better
it's just so much nicer being able to see everything down at the rack at once without having to click a wrench on a little box and then open a gui and find which eq did what.
the ableton rack is truly the modern evolution of analog channel strips when using stock plugins
The only vst I bought was Xenoverb, just because it was only 10 bucks. Honestly if more vsts were priced like that I'd probably buy most of them
Fellas, I need fresh ears on this
spent way too much time on it - tunnel vision/turd polishing ect....

Is it simply just cheesy? Or total cringe? (if there's even a difference)
Any and all feedback highly appreciated, especially analysis anon who replies with just a laundry list of constructive feedback

the main 2 reflections I have despite the tunnel vision(hearing?) are that it's maybe overall too busy and that I didn't emulate a specific genre/existing good music enough....(started off as late 90's techno-pop w/ fat saw lead/+ some trance pads......)

I don't feel so bad anymore, because I t*rrented the VST (Addictive Keys), and even though I'm a huge fan of the plugin and it sounds fantastic (otherwise I wouldn't have tried to buy it)

I've discovered that the majority of the instruments/samples, have 60 Hz hum
60 Hz hum
for fuck's sake that's rank amateur bullshit how the fuck do you not filter against 60 Hz hum in situ, let alone let it get into your *raw recordings*, let alone let it slip past your post processing, such that it (the 60 Hz hum) ends up in a *paid professional product*

I don't regret t*rrenting it (again) now
that's shameful, that's fucking embarrassing
I have second, third hand embarrassment over them letting 60 HERTZ HUM into their PAID PROFESSIONAL PRODUCT
because it's RAW it's CHARACTER

"professional" doesn't mean shit like half of the fucking samples and presets and shit out here come with phase issues built in come on
business idea: every song submitted to the album must now have 60 hz hum or else it won't be admitted
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You're out of your goddamn mind, and for that reason, I'm out.
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Haha tell'em
Thanks for the idea, Super Hitler, but the next album is already about gods, and the last time I checked...
He can submit it for the next
I really like it, but something feels off whenever the drums come in -- like its getting side chained super hard, creating these vacuum-like pockets of frequency voids that exist for fractions of a second.
Listened a couple times.
Drums themselves might be too much as well when they first come in. Perhaps gradually bring in different parts.
It is super dense with all the different parts in general: synth melody and sound variations all jam packed into a ~2min clip. Reminds me of those album medley sample promotional tracks that are popular among Japanese artists, except yours is clearly still a single track with how tightly everything is related.
Thanks, yeah there is a lot of sidechaining, probably overapplying what I've been learning recently, I'll ease up on it in the future!
Only tangentially /prod/ but any reccs for a service to make a basic website for my music? It doesn't need anything fancy, no store, no login, no comments, etc. But it needs to be able to link to a custom domain name that I already own, and also not be plastered with the company name like on Wix sites
there's a free way to link your domain to your github account that has an html index file uploaded to it, that's what I use for my static website
no company name anywhere other than the 404 message
addictive keys sounds like plastic trash. there's a reason it's only a couple gigs whereas a typical single piano kontakt library is around 10
Extremely overrated imo, but I remember like 8 years ago pitch shifting it and being freaked out that it sounded exactly like... I think it was a BONES track
(Because it came free with the Scarletts that were THE budget option at the time lmao)
do you have any kontakt piano libraries in mind that you'd recommend?
honestly scarletts are still the budget option. theyre like the mcdonalds of audio interfaces. i got air hybrid 3 for mine, seems they regressed in what they give out. not that i dont just torrent everything anyway
three from native instruments:
the gentleman
alicias keys

noire is a softer, more cinematic and emotional felt. also the biggest of the bunch, like 30 gb or so. alicias keys is around 7. it's definitely lesser quality than most on its own, but that's because it's designed for more pop usage/in a song. it holds its own position very well. it's essentially pre-mixed for you. the gentleman is just a good, go-to grand piano
with these three, you have your fundamental pianos. from there you can go and get uprights, electric pianos, whatever
>scarletts are still the budget option
When they first came out there were really no other options, and it took a while for the other companies putting out budget stuff to catch up.
Now a days there’s really only like a 5-10% variance in qualify (like, literally. I can’t remember the exact numbers but it’s dead close.)

Ditto on the gentleman, that’s what I use 9/10 times lol
Because it costs money and Linux users don't spend money (they don't have any).
Also I'm will assume all cracked software is on Windows for some inane reason.
There's bitwig too. I think if a linux user were looking to pay for a DAW they would go bitwig, because it comes with absolutely everything you need and then some -- you need no vsts when you have bitwig. Studio one is extremely, extremely barebones for production and as we know, vsts working on linux is an extreme hassle, even when technically possible.
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What synth and effects VSTS have you gotten your hands on recently that you thoroughly enjoy or feel like you'd enjoy it more and will add it to your primary collection soon once you master it? For me it's been Dune 3 synth vst which reminds me a lot of Sylenth and dlue glitch for effects which I've been experimenting with lately. What about you guys?
Is bitwig really that good? I remember trying it out when it was first announced as a better alternative to Ableton. Has it really surpassed Ableton in productivity/options and stock vsts and effects?
Bitwig is incredibly good. Lot of producers known for their sound design have been switching to it, like fox stevenson and noisia. Just comparing stock, I would say Bitwig is superior. The modulation is insane. Just as an example, you can have per voice modulation, meaning each note in a chord could have a different amount of vibrato or chorus or whatever you want. The options really are endless.
I personally use Ableton just because it feels like home, but can't deny the power of Bitwig. Oh yeah, and that's not even touching the grid. Any instrument, effect, or even midi device you can dream of -- you can make it. You just have to check out some examples on youtube for that bit
dang you just made me realize i haven't downloaded anything new besides airwindows drops and shaperbox in the last like two years and i haven't used it at all since that first week....
seems invaluable for like, techno kicks and accurate sidechaining but i can't justify buying it right now :skull:

I'll raise you a freebie though: i've found a niche/non-obvious use for most to the Melda effects since I started using them more frequently.
They're very specific sounds but like, if you get one to click it can carry a song with a single sound or two; i'd 100% go for their paid stuff if the prices weren't so unreasonable as a bundle like wtf is that shit.
They're a pain to use for general purpose stuff though imo, and the difference isn't worth it until you get in depth anyway so... eh...

>per voice modulation
every time i've thought about it nothing is MPE compatible wtf :^(
>every time i've thought about it nothing is MPE compatible wtf :^(
That's the thing though, when you're in Bitwig you gotta just stick with the stock plugins, it'll give you so much more power
Well if they kept up to or surpassed abletons stock plugins I definitely believe you; everything i've heard about it for sound design sounds nuts.
One day...
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>Reaper has automation clips and grouping clips
It's the killer feature for me, I can just make one thing, modify it elsewhere and my changes save. Especially for techno/ambient tracks, since 99% of the track is "the filter goes UP, and then down"
>alicias keys
wish this was part of komplete
fl studio also has these but i wouldnt recommend using it
Is there like a FOSS thing for digital music production? Like Blender for Animation and Godot for games?
Nothing worth using
short answer is no
I download and try new vsts every week from there. I have a separate computer turned off from the internet just in case just to experiment and play with. If I like the vst I buy it. I have a pretty good archive going back to like 2019 from that site. Have probably spent about 2 grand on licenses because of it when I find a vst I like.
Alternatives to kontakt for realistic instruments? Doesn't even have to be sample based, just an all around general collection of many instruments.
It'll be more like GIMP than Blender or Godot
Just Ardour but it's hideious. Wasn't Reaper open source before?
Are there any serious artists/studios/producers using Reaper by Cockos? Are there even any Youtubers dedicated to reaper tutorials and videos the same way there are for Fl and just about every daw?
yes, it's very popular with composers and film. reaper youtube creators are lightyears better than all the slop in fl tutorials. reaper mania and reaper blog are enough to start with
Which ones? Any particular tube channels? Most that come up on my search are from like 3 years ago.
idk what the term is for this. Back in ye olde tracker days, when the instruments were all monophonic, there was a technique where they would "arpeggiate" the instruments really fucking fast to almost simulate a polyphonic chord, but it's not really arpeggiating (at least I can't make my arpeggiator achieve the same effect)

1. what is this actually called
2. can I do it natively in Live
damn I've been out of the game a while, and I'm only now learning they canned ReWire which completely breaks every single song I've made if I want to update any of my software
it was called an arpeggio effect. there's no easy way to do it like a tracker but there is the arpeggio midi effect and the new shit in 12

you can record midi in ableton from one track to another if you want to manipulate the midi (ie pre-12)
I don't have 12 yet, the midi device getting rate in ms looks really nice for that effect
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Why isn't Cakewalk Sonar more popular? It looks like the closest thing to ProTools and and Logic Pro, been a daw for 37 years, etc.
What does rewire do and why can't you do it on other daws?
It was a protocol that let you link multiple daws together, so that they all used one midi bus, stayed synchronized, and (critically) could send/receive audio from between the daws, using just one transparent protocol that you didn't have to fuck around with

I used ableton live as the host, and renoise as the client, so that I could do drum breaks and stuff that can't be done in live, in renoise
renoise does have redux, which I've just now gotten, but it doesn't change that all of my old songs were done using rewire and now I have to maintain two separate ableton live installs if I ever want to be able to work on those older songs
Based on my own experience using CbB, probably because it's buggy. I had many crashes while using it, even when only using its stock tools. Also, its hardware integration is the worst I've ever used, could barely get my controllers to work properly with it.
Maybe the full paid version will be better when it eventually comes out.
I never used the older versions of Sonar, only CbB, so I don't know why the older Sonar DAWs didn't catch on. I guess being passed between many different companies didn't help?
my problem: no money but also want 100% secure pc
so atm i'm trying to minmax, should i spend my time keep trying to crack ableton with assembly debugging or should i write my own daw?
both might take the same time...
Beg R2R to start making cracks that work on the official binaries again, so you can run the keygen on a different computer and only let the secure pc touch the activation file.
Or you can sell feet pics on onlyfans to buy a legit license.
horrible answer, just some generic sarcastic comment. please don't post if you can't deliver any value.
You can't expect anything else with a post like that.
learn how stock plugins work in whatever daw you choose. there are plenty of free synths and samples to make anything if you put time into it
plugins aren't my problem, a daw is. greedy as ableton wants 80€ for a 16 track daw and 16 tracks is far from enough for me.
bitwig wants 100€ for the basic version.
imagine channeling my poorfag frustration into hate against big companies, making a foss daw that outcompetes all of them. just to ruin their business. i will be paid in schadenfreude when they have to close their companies.
>100% secure pc
what an absolute bitch. do you at least have any example of warez teams hacking computers with releases?
just do the monthly payments option for Ableton, what's the big deal....
i got a lot of sensitive data on my pc and i'm not taking chances with this.
Dual boot with individually-encrypted partitions (or separate drives if possible).
Otherwise an all-freeware setup is your only option.
it has to be data that is worth any money for hackers to be interested in it. if you have nude pics of your ex gf when you were teen then it's actually of no interest
It's the other kind of nude pics that is of high interest to law enforcement.
I submit this video as the theme for the next album
Reaper is basically free. Also, 16 tracks was enough back in the day and even then that was a lot for a bedroom producer
it's here
That's crazy, it's one of the most beautiful daws I've seen right up there with pro tools and logic pro.
I like the layout of Sonar, love the prochannel inserts, but my experience with CbB was awful.
>What midi controllers are you guys using?
When my laptop died I went DAWless so now none.

>What midi controllers do you regret buying?
m-audio axiom pro 49 cuz i now i don't need it.

>Which one has been your primary life saver? What midi controllers are you looking to get next?
None I guess I just use different devices for sequencing and recording. My main synth since 1992 has been Korg Wavestation EX and I recently I got a MPC One, MC-707, and SP-404 Mk2. Right now testing sequencing on both the MPC and 707 both using a Mackie Onyx-8 for mixing/recording and the SP-404 for effects.

Think I'm gonna sell the axiom pro 49 for ~$250
I am the Skrillex of hating Dubstep
It's not 2013 anymore blud, you're not hip n' indie for hating brostep
dubstep/brostep slaps, and is now virtually older than late 90's trance/eurodance was when brostep peaked, so just get over it and direct your hate more productively at mumble rap or something
I, Dubstep
I am the Tiësto of hating late 90's trance/eurodance
I'm a venetian snareaboo
I am the Napoleon Bonaparte of Russian Hardbass
No you’re just the worst of shitposting
I am the Aleister Crowley of Amen breaks
eh, I thought ardour was fine. no less clunky than reaper. definitely better than lmms, as far as doing the basics that a daw should.
I'm actually planning on trying to make a dubstep song soon. I want to make a song in a variety of genres just for practice
i wish i could /dubstep/ i'm so bad dude

it's like when i finally git gud at being EDM that'll be the sign that i can make it as a normie! :(
i have the b-best DAW and all the expensive plugs w-why doesn't my music sound good?!?
Reminder: everyone here sucks. At least I share good music anons can aspire to emulate and beyond.
This was made in year 2000. Let that sink in.
go spend more time learning to actually use your modular rig instead of being a faggot online anon
You’re not wrong, and I really should do that. In the meantime, buy some of the modules I made: https://reverb.com/item/83084270-nlc-nonlinearcircuits-is-carp-lust-wrong-2024 I’m down to $5,000 in my checking account.
>In the meantime, buy some of the modules I mad
i write songs not tragedies sorry
It will help you write songs by giving you the right sounds.
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Imagine meeting the people you talk to online in real life. Just picture everyone sitting in a circle. Everyone is gay.
The only way to make good, forward thinking music is by working with a group of talented musicians, or ideally a single partner who shares the same vision as you.
It is literally impossible to accomplish alone.

I need an EPROM or G Jones (but weirder (but also cooler (no fronts) but somehow geekier )), life is so unfair.

>It's not 2013 anymore blud
holy cringe
it's not being hip, it's perfectly reasonable to still be hating on dubstep and ""bass music"" because the only contact most people have with it are the autists with abysmal music tastes on music production websites concerned with muh sound design of their rippling fart synths
I am the EPROM or G Jones of loving Dubstep
there's something that sounds like a song there trying to get out but it's being panned retardedly. so forward thinking, totally not less interesting than any of the 90s/early 00s japanese noise and glitch artists that do more with sine waves and white noise than that vocaroo
surely doubling down on more production gimmicks will result in a good song some day and the complete lack of anything resembling a song will be recognized as genius. people will be lining up to work with you
>damn they like their synth fart sounds so much!!!
kek that's the cringiest reason to hate on dubstep or bass music

even though I'm a dubstep enjoyer I really dislike the current mainstream, and it's not "slapping". dubstep now is just festivalbro shit, so it's full of musical cringe like fake drops that don't work and tracks that all sound the same but "hits hard live broooo, this shit slaps broo, now we gonna headbang and mosh bro". fags worship the artists so much that it formed celebrity culture, so now if an artist does anything le bad then everyone has to cancel the artist and talk about it for at least a few weeks. I don't take any of EDM seriously so I think that this shit is hilarious, but I can't not admit that the scene is absolute cringe when thinking about it all. just by the way you talk and your cringe complaint of "muh sound design obsession" I can already tell you're worshipping and fart sniffing something else
brb i'm gonna send them this post ._.
I am the Joe Rogan of bongo loops
If you think workflows for different styles of music don't matter in terms of productivity, you are a garbage producer. The reason why people reccomend installing trials is exactly for this reason, so yes, the DAW you use DOES matter.
MIDI packs allow you access to Pro Level Chords!
I use a 61 key Novation Impulse for keyboard and piano centred music, and an Arturia Keystep (older model) for arpeggios and simple sequences. I regret buying the latter rather than getting the newer version which has more features. The Impulse is great because it has plenty of faders, rotary knobs, and some drum pads too, which make it versitile.
it's entirely possible
Have you found the perfect gf to make it at life yet?
Are we talking about the same dubstep?
Only contact with it is through autists?

Um, Skrillex made music for Wreck-it-ralph and had music Call of Dooty

It definitely had some mainstream reach in the early 2010's, but there were whiners who were mad 'brostep' wasn't 'real' WUB-WUB' lofi dubstep, and plenty of hipsters and anyone not young who just didn't get it - i.e 'real music' is only obscure indie bands or they only understand music through pop or rock, not understanding any electronic music at all thinking it's all farts.....
I don’t believe in that (music will never leave you) but yeah actually.
She indulges my weirder side and is pushing me to do the thing and is super funny and autistic and stuff and the silliness just clicks.
...However, she’s not into death grips and recently she’s been trauma dumping excessively about grooming or whatever and it’s starting to get kind of annoying so I think I might just see what I can make her do for the lulz and dip because it’s been pretty hard to focus on music lately and it’s important to prioritize and take seriously what kind of person you want to be you feel me
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Has anyone tried Luna by Universal Audio? Supposed to be free on Windows. Looks a lot like Cakewalk/ProTools/Logic, but more like Cakewalk than anything.

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main view
Congrats I guess
New crutch just dropped
>fags in the comments defend it by saying that it helps disabled people and that you're a gatekeeper if you tell people to just buy a normal fucking keyboard
total kek
Let me guess, starting price, $500, waitlist time, 3 years.
They're using the supercar model where you're only allowed into the waiting list if you've already purchased an Akuto or Unison product.
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Do you guys think gaming laptops would be good for a daw like ProTools or Cubase? Would it be worth it to get a 32gb ram minimum i7 gaming laptop to run daws efficiently? Even the older i7 gaming laptops from 2020, 2021, 2022 with 1-2tb ssd are going for like $800 and below. Is it worth it? Anyone else running heavy vst tracks on their daw on laptops? What are you guys running?
if i had $800 i'd buy instruments instead
horse power is not gonna buy you talent
does it include pro level expression velocity? or is that extra?
Gaming laptops allocate a lot of their budget to the GPU, which isn't that useful for music production.
If you find a gaming laptop with great specs and dedicated graphics, try to find a non-gaming model with the same specs but without the GPU. It might be cheaper or have allocated that budget to other things like a better screen, better build quality, etc. or it might just be a worse deal, it always depends on the specific model and brand.
If you want the GPU for gaming or whatever, then yes, a gaming laptop would be a good idea.
every laptop fucking blows. they're all loaded with shitware from the manufacturers. only laptop i'd probably get would be some form of mac
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you want a laptop that disables alt tab and copy and paste?
you need to go back
every major recording studio in the world runs on mac, so do most TV and screen production studios. but I'm sure they care about your brand war autism
are these good options for recording singing?

Yeah I'd only use apple if I was getting sponsored to do so. It makes no sense for me to pay out of my own pocket for overpriced shit and then do free marketing for them
hurrr muh brand war autism

cmd tab to cycle programs, cmd ` to cycle through windows. cmd c and cmd v for copy paste. i haven't even used a mac in 5 years. wow so hard i can't believe TECHNOLOGY man
False, they run on Windows and pro tools.
reaper mania
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>16 tracks was enough back in the day and even then that was a lot for a bedroom producer
c'mon now
Just get a Digitakt or something
Another DAW? Of course, because that's what has been missing in music production, NOT ENOUGH DAWS!
I can play any instrument better than any instrument player with a daw and a computer and I don't have to lug a bunch of heavy stuff around.

Computer daws > talented than limited finger/wind instrument players. They can't do what a computer can do.

There's more cracked software/vsts on Windows than Mac so Mac is out of the question.

Not a drum sampler/mpc guy. I get by just fine with a piano. Although those cheap chinese midi drum pads seem nice for the price for something I wont' use much.
If only there was a daw with the session view of Ableton for ideas and the cool looking arrangement view of Logic Pro.
>cool looking arrangement view of Logic Pro.
what does logic do in arrangement view that's special? I will never buy an applel product, but curious what it does.
NTA but it has flashy colors like a children's toy
what for?
To see the spectral content of what I'm doing.
use your ears
I can't I'm deaf.
In 1998, a lot of production was on Mac becuase there were hardware and some software reasons to do so. Apple lost most of that advantage when they switched to Intel, and dropped their professional/enterprise stuff. These days the Mac stuff used in production is more on the "prosumer" side of things.
Spectral is good for ripping samples. If you clip your samples at the end of a standard waveform, you clip off ambience and ruin your sample with an abrupt stop. If you switch to spectral view, you can see that your sample actually goes on for a little bit longer and can trim it at the correct spot.
apple never had the advantage, it was always windows because of pro tools
objectively false, why are you lying
its objectively impossible to make music if you don't have money. i always thought i don't need all this software i pirated and i'm just hoarding, but when i only use software i can afford i get nothing done at all. got no string libraries, got no orchestral libraries, dont even have a daw.
>Phrase not found
after not using plugins for the first 5 years I spent about $500 dollars on various synths I've been looking at for a while


I love bitwig with all my heart, using it exclusively with stock plugins taught me the basics of synthesis and sound design. its so fun and ez to do but the lack of a sample slicer pushed me back to ableton to use simpler. I still keep a bitwig license ready for whenever they do add that (and midi capture)
most samples won't go to literal silence, you would just have to be able zoom in far enough to see where the waveform goes below your threshold or fade out the sample. listen with your ears to know if it's an abrupt stop or not.
also most people don't know how to get true high end audio without spending a fortune, some artists can force their way into the industry with relatively lo-fi stuff but you need every advantage that you can get as an outsider, that's how avicii and deadmau5 made it, by having high production quality for their time
You're a retard for falling for the meme in the first place
>but the lack of a sample slicer pushed me back to ableton to use simpler
wow, didnt realize they dont have that. seems people have grid solutions that work well at least. but yeah, ableton just works and you never feel like you have to worry about not having any kind of feature. except ARA and bounce in place/bounce selection, two things id love to have
it's basically only designed for mixing, dont use it to produce
someone should just start putting DAW capabilities into blender lmao
it's already taken over video production on linux too
Stevie Wonder
1. Kick
2. Ovhead hi-hat
3. Ovhead ride
4. Vox
5. Vox
6. Clav1
7. Clav2
8. Clav3
9. Clav4
10. Clav5
11. Clav6
12. Clav7 mic
13. Clav8
14. Horn1
15. Horn2
16. Synth_Bass
actual bedroom producers would be bouncing on a 4 or 8 track or just recording live takes straight to stereo by the way
note this post is just for info and to have some casual banter, I'm not looking to get into an angry shitposting match like every other poster here seems to
>Congrats I guess
i mean it's okay...

her dick is bigger than mine and it's causing some issues though
>keyboard first
>then drums
(without a click track that is)
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my tinnitus is finally winning and it's killed all motivation to make music. I can't do this any longer. I've decided to sell up. Going to start taking photos and boxing things up for ebay.
Here's the prices I'm thinking, basically the lowest recent ebay sale price on the parts I can find.
Do any prices look out of place?
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it just good
hi alex
Sorry for your loss
Everyone: protect your ears
dang that sucks tinnitus is pretty annoying

unironically why not switch to something purely rhythm based?
i feel *noisey* dark ambient music is pretty comforting when my hearing is exhausted as well...
How do you get tinnitus from producing at home? What volume do you listen to?
It's from DJing at raves in the early 90s and medical treatment I had a couple of years ago.
>unironically why not switch to something purely rhythm based?
It doesn't matter. it's a feeling of blocked ears/needing to pop ears, with a loud whistle along with white noise. I have hyper-sensitivity to certain frequencies around 4k-8k, which is like nails on a chalkboard.
I should have sold it a few years ago but clung to it thinking it was going to improve.
you can genuinely make tinnitus go away, you just have to try various audio tones/noises and some ear routines/stretches. im not saying you havent thought to try these, i guarantee you have. but im saying you should keep trying. the thing that fixes tinnitus is different for everyone.
and regardless, having tinnitus can inspire you to make music even more, i feel. i have a very mild case compared to you im guessing, but even so, you just wanna hear something to drown it out sometimes, and that can get you to wanna make something
>it's a feeling of blocked ears/needing to pop ears, with a loud whistle along with white noise. I have hyper-sensitivity to certain frequencies around 4k-8k, which is like nails on a chalkboard
shit, that's similar to me but my tinnitus is easy to mask still, any song at a low volume or just ambient noise (where I live is pretty noisy though which is actually bad because it makes me want to crank the volume up). it's usually only loud right when I wake up, and to sleep I just ignore it and think about other things
your tinnitus is "winning" because you're tired of it or did it get worse? if it got worse then how so, was it just with time or you kept listening to loud stuff for long periods of time?

it's stupid how there's nothing near a treatment or cure for tinnitus and ear damage because it will only get worse just like what happened with vision. a lot of people are living in loud cities, going to loud parties, and everyone has some tiny device that can blow their ears off if they want to. it's only going to get worse and will affect more people
IMHO if hearing damage prevention was enforced as it should be, entire industries would collapse. I play in a loud percussion ensemble and every couple of years there are a couple of persons that have to stop because they develop tinnitus, despite protection. It's not normal to have your ears ring as a child, or ever at all.
Inside your ears are lots of little hair type things which vibrate and send information to your brain which converts those vibrations to what you perceive as sound. Each group of little hairs have a dedicated frequency, so when those hairs die you become deaf at that frequency. Your brain then tries to compensate over being deaf at that frequency by turning the gain up - that's what tinnitus is. The frequency if your tinnitus is the frequency you're deaf at.
I've had my head nuked with a lot of radiation. Radiation makes hair fall out so I'm deaf at lots of frequencies all at once. At its worst the white noise I could hear was a hallucination which sounded like I was listening to a Phill Collins album in a different room, I could hear his vocal tones but couldn't make out the words.
>your tinnitus is "winning" because you're tired of it or did it get worse?
It settles to the point of me not noticing it much when I don't do music. After 30 mins of doing music it starts to hurt then stays with me for days.
All you need is a midi piano, a decent $1k computer with 32gb of ram, and cracked daw and cracked vsts. Most EDM producers made their first biggest hits like this, like deadmau5.
you can freeze tracks in ableton or use resampling
who is that
the creator of dubstep and CEO of 4chan
>the creator of dubstep
Stop talking out of your fucking ass you retard. Not Skream, not Burial, not Mary Anne Hobbs, but Deadmau5 of all people created dubstep?
Deadmau5 only created brostep, zoom zoom. Now go back.
In some cases all you need is a single 2006 software synth!

Everything here (including all the drums which are synthesized) was made with Sytrus
0 samples, just per channel 3 band eq in the mixer

I remember being a broken teenager and thinking my music sucked because I didn't have the latest izotope ozone mastering plugin or the latest vsts, turns out....nope! Just wasn't trying hard enough

learn to make something good in the confine of your limitations, then worry about upgrades
but he's obviously the CEO of 4chan so fuck you
also to add, I feel like that would be a cool /g/ album idea, if we were somehow all able to agree on a free vst to solely use in creating a future album - one that has white noise for drum presets ect

I really think it's these kinda of limitations that drive creativity
what a pile of garbage gear i don't even want to hear the shit you made

as for the prices, 60%-50% off new if you have the box and manual

no one is buying used euro

gl hf
both of you are wrong, those people didn't create dubstep and the CEO of 4chan is elon musk
why does 4chan suck now

b hasn't made a meme in years
moot stopped making fun of pol and left
t is just porn
v is zoomers and discord raids
New thread:
didn't hit imagine limit and only on pshd 7 wtf are you doing
What's your native language?
bump limit is what's important and now on pg.9 you silly cuck

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