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>/g/ made a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more

>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?

Previous: >>101072074
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shitty "free" daw, use a deadmau5 picture next time, please
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What VST instruments and effects are your must haves in your toolkit that you can't do without? Have have you downloaded and tried any new VSTs lately? And have you tried any new vsts that came out specifically in 2024?
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What are your primary goto midi hardware instruments that you own that can't do without? Are there any that peak your interest that you want to try, or that haven't come out yet?
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Post a screenshot of your preferred daw and something you're working on or something you worked on recently.
it's "plugins" not "vsts"
Reply to these to let us know what you're working with and share news of new stuff other people might not know about.
holy shit how can house producers do it boots and cats for 4 minutes and like 3 fucking notes looped every single song every album what the fuck are these people it sounds like music made for some kind of schizo like it actually makes me mad just hearing fucking boots and cats for 4 minutes what the fuck is wrong with these people
post an example
I'm working on a signal-rate tracker in pure data. I've also started to model parts of the volca modular. I'll probably buy one 16 encoder controller or two from lntech. I don't really prodoooce anything but I don't care, I play in bands and have gigs often enough.
What's the genre whose producers are the biggest cucks, and why is it DnB?

>Biby C
>Chasin' Stallions
>Sub Coitus
>Cum in my shed
>Hepatitis B
>Dominatrix and Failure Bound
>Sissy Stripperz
>Cagey & ThrowKey
>Black Son Empire
trigger: pulled
I wish they made a controller device that would be the equivalent of encoders to pots but to faders. Infinite scroll, incremental, no need to motorize....
>every sample pack is "essential"
wew at this point I'd rather look for entirely unnecessary samples
>wew at this point I'd rather look for entirely unnecessary samples
Thanks for this new product idea. My next ads will be around the idea of unnecessary samples
they also have a bunch of white guys face closeup on the cover staring at the ground as if he's ashamed of the samples he made
Man, I need something like this to map my vsts to so I can edit knobs without having to fiddle with a fucking mouse. If someone were to make one that connects piece by piece and you can put in a blank to re-create the layout of your own vst, they would be a very rich man. There's this youtuber that is showing people how to make their own midi controllers with arduino, I think I might bite the bullet, even if I do it the hard way with a shit load of wires.
someone has a tldr for a music illiterate? I have been playing around with lmms and other tools to make short 1s bell sound but it all sounds like crap. I just need 2-3 clips for a alarm sound...
I sample all my alarm and notification sounds from the cool twisted electronic music I listen to. Audacity is more than enough for that.
>Was that a frog?! A cricket? A bird?
t. tried making dnb and failed miserably
To me it's dubstep. I don't get how one can be into dubstep having heard d'n'b beforehand.
I just ended importing some beep sounds from a mp3 to lmms and mixed something. Works reasonably well. I tried your approach as well nice to experiment but nothing useful for a short bell. I still don't get how to make a good chime that halls...
If you have an example, you can analyse it's spectral content to get an idea of what to recreate. I guess a simple FM patch would do the trick but I have no idea of the parameters.
>hating on dubstep while liking dnb
>pirate over $10k worth of ssmples and vsts in one weekend
Why the fuck are music labels allowed to giga grift normies like this why is 1gb of samples worth $40
>t. too young to have heard dnb before dubstep
Dubstep is for 15 year olds and DnB is for 17 year olds.
He can hate on Dubstep all day long, as long as he's in that two-year range.
what do 18+ people listen to?
the only difference is having a faster bpm
They turn on the radio at low volume and listen to whatever random pop shit comes on.
Asmr japanese ear licking
man i've slept on tracktion waveform, it's actually really good. need to get used to it coming from ableton, cause workflow is different. but at least it has all the features i need. can't believe this is free software.
the rack in ableton is so much better for workflow though... especially just dropping a drum sample into the scene and getting a Simpler instance immediately. but i can get over that i think.
fuck off with this retarded ritual posting
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Anytime I get a nice sound out of furnace, it's out of sheer luck. I've had over a decade of piano conservatory a long time ago but I don't think a controler will make any difference.
Wow these are very organic posts! Thanks, I'll consider increasing my VST and DAW budget, does anybody have any suggestions on what to buy?
Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?

Thought so.
Nobody buys vsts. Only midi controllers.
logic pro users, what do you like/dislike about it?
what makes you think anyone here uses mac
It looks pretty nifty. What extras do you get if you pay for it?
The lack of selection of cracked vsts or their version of vst that is.

Doesn't support vsts, so you're stuck using the limited amount of plugins for apple and only apple plugins.
i'd rather (and have) plug in an east german midi machine to my setup than a chinese usb only thing
how the fuck do you make music with no vsts
you try to make dubsterp and you have no massive\serum?? wtf
all you need is a sound module of any kind, you can later on catch autism and expand your instrument portfolio but if you can't hang with say, a roland xp-series or the yamaha dx7, you ain't got shit and you can't DO shit

the last thing anybody needs is a literal infinite number of new weekly vsts, what you need is what you have already and you don't need much

tracker music proves this
The vsts or logic's version of them on logic are not that bad. They can make most sounds for the most part, but I guess it's about preference/workflow with different vsts. Where logic lacks is in effects vsts. If you're making edm, dubstep, etc. sometimes you use them to give your instruments a certain sound or effect and that's where logic is limited to what ever makers of vsts have their mac version of them ported to it. I think it's called auu3 or some bullshit like that. It's some objective c wrapper mumbo jumbo. I'm not a mac user so I wouldn't know, but I've played around with logic a bit. It was a very nice and simple workflow. I wish there was something like it on Windows without so much over complicated clutter. It's a effecient daw.with a nice workflow. You don't feel too crowded and have to squint your eyes to move knobs or hit buttons like on other daws.
True, but I'd rather spend $50 to know if a drumpad works with my workflow than to pay $200-$300 for something that turns out I don't really need or doesn't work for me and wait months to find a buyer for it at a reduced price. I could probably re-sell a cheap chinese drum pad controller for the same price quicker.

I don't think I would even need a drum pad since I would only use it for drums and I already do that just fine with a midi keyboard.
>I could probably re-sell a cheap chinese drum pad controller for the same price quicker.
You will never resell your $40 chinese midi thingamabob.
is this guy an npc
so logic is only for hardware addicts not normal prople?
>muh logic
nigger that shit can't even record and pass arbitrary sysex properly

dr t's on the atari was more professional
Most plugins are available as both VST and AU (what Logic uses)

Why are you like this?
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endgame is realizing vsts are a distraction
they use exponentially more cpu, take more time to open, integrate worse into the daw (automation, modulation, etc), and rarely ever give anything stock can't
get a good limiter and maybe a good reverb and you have everything you need
an example of a vst that does something stock cant is soothe and pitchmap
everything else is a waste of time
Must be why all the best and/or the most successful producers never use third party plugins.
Oh wait...
most dont. ill give things like serum, omnisphere, kontakt a pass. beyond that, pros use mostly stock. often times trends in music correlate with stock plugins, like FL's soft clipper, ableton's operator for dubstep years ago, OTT, etc.
obviously if youre watching videos online theyre simply sponsored plugins
Headcanon. Almost every instance of a famous producer showing what they work with has included a significant portion of third party plugins.

>but people use stock
I'm not claiming that people only use third party stuff and no stock plugins.
Most producers use everything, from paid to freeware to stock.
There's no reason to adopt ideologies like this that are based on false premises (third-party plugins don't do anything that their stock counterparts don't also do, and are more resource-intensive) and lead you to make worse choices.
Evaluate what each plugin has to offer and measure its pros and cons against what you already have, then choose what to use based on what's best in your circumstances.
i agree with everything in your post
what im saying isnt meant for people who cant think in a level headed manner though. im talking about people who cant stop themselves from hoarding "analog" eqs, compressors, or shitty multi effect plugins that are just reverbs or delays with a couple lfos. also the most low effort plugins like cradle state machine, excite audio bloom, arcade, etc. AKA any rompler that advertises itself as a bunch of stems you put together to make a song
in my personal opinion, i dont like third party plugins regardless. even the most renowned set, fabfilter, just feels pointless and like a chore to open and use in ableton over stock.
i guess it also depends on the daw you have. if youre using reaper, studio one, cakewalk, sure id use paid plugins, absolutely. if youre using ableton, FL, bitwig, cubase, definitely not.
and even in the former case of DAWs where the stocks are genuinely lacking, you can just get the free kilohearts bundle of like 60 plugins and it will fill in everything you need.
>definitely not.
>everything you need.
What you need depends on what you want to make. Some types of music can be made with basic stock plugins, and some can't.
And even if you can actually do everything with stock plugins, the third party ones might still be preferable for a variety of reasons, such as it running better, having better workflow and QoL features, having a better sound quality, or even being more fun/enjoyable/inspiring to use.

I agree that most plugins out there aren't worth wasting time with, but that applies to every type of product ever. Just use the good ones and ignore the rest.
If people are too stupid and/or new to fall for them, then it's their problem, not an issue with third-party plugins as a whole.
It's also a massively overstated problem. No one spends so much time hoarding plugins that it severely impacts their music. Unless you're an active member of the warez community (most hoarders aren't) it's not going to take you more than a couple of hours a week, which is nothing compared to how much time people spend on entertainment, social media (like this discussion we're having right now), etc.
If you're so worried about time, there can be many more ways to optimize your life so that you have more time "in the studio" before you adopt some minimalism ideology that may or may not negatively affect your music in exchange for negligible or imaginary advantages.
Not to mention how trying new plugins can be fun/enjoyable for them, which can itself be an inspiring activity that positively affects the music they make, even if the features themselves aren't that unique.
but this is 4chan dude. let's not end with such an in between answer. the conclusion is that vsts are, in general, a waste. this is /g/, we dont consoom here. do not buy $200 EQ plugins. fabfilter are kikes. explain why any vst should be 200 dollars when a video game or software with hundreds of millions of budget and many dev years goes for less
i can buy the highest tier of FL three times in the price of the fabfilter bundle
>explain why any vst should be 200 dollars
b-b-but piracy.. and uhh.. low total market, like, not a lot of people want to make music, right?
>the conclusion is that vsts are, in general, a waste
That's your (objectively incorrect) conclusion, not mine.

it's absolutely insane that theyve gotten away with these prices for so long. look, maybe a synthesizer can get a pass. something like omnisphere had a ton invested into the samples. but man, people are unironically buying equalizers for hundreds of dollars. if you go anywhere online people will say you NEED fabfilter pro q and it changed their production. theres people talking about saving up from work paychecks to be able to buy an eq plugin.
okay, well if we're including piracy in the equation (as we should) then using third party plugins is whatever. think of this from the perspective of people who actually pay, which is genuinely the majority
it's for people on drugs to dance to
how could you have infinite scrolling faders lol
If you're a hoarder AND you pay for everything, than that's your financial irresponsibility problem (or you're just rich). That has nothing to do with how useful the plugins are.
>explain why any vst should be 200 dollars
there is no "fair price" outside of the laws of supply and demand
>it's absolutely insane that theyve gotten away with these prices for so long
I'd say it's because music producers are already cucked consoomers. Companies probably thought that since selling physical synths for $2000 is easy then they could sell a software one for $300, and if consoomers buy a $1000 anal log EQ then they'd pay $150 for a software EQ. It worked, even though producers say they're struggling with their wallet they still defend the prices and all of the cucking measures (DRM)
>they still defend the prices and all of the cucking measures (DRM)
which is insane by the way
imagine spending 150 for an eq and being required to install an always on in the background software hub and keep a usb dongle plugged in to be able to use it
if either of these things is missing or inoperable, it will simply not load and fuck over all your projects
Which is why if you're a payfag or richfag you buy licenses for all the software you use then install the pirated version.
anyone tried Radium on linux? looks pretty cool. tracker/daw hybrid (also has a piano roll), built-in pd and faust, python scripting..
it costs like 5 bucks but you can compile it yourself for free
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>You can eat Greggs p-
>AAAAAAAAAAAAH, boiled my bellend!
Don't put your dick in gravy.
2 l8 m808
I say this and look like this
"most", but not every. Windows gets first class support for vsts/instruments. And plus, there are more cracked windows vsts than there are cracked apple vsts. And you don't have to worry too much about spyware like you do with mac because mac is very limited in their security software. With windows your firewall and network monitor can pick up and block any suspicious activity if your cracked vst turns out to be infected.
Logic is more for people with live instruments (mic'd), vst/effects guys are 2nd class citizens on logic unless you're using the built in ones which are okay.
I've already done it twice before with a chinese micro controller and another midi piano. Broke even on both so it's almost like I got to try them out for free. You must live in a small city or a city with no music scene.
>And you don't have to worry too much about spyware like you do with mac because mac is very limited in their security software
that's because you literally dont need any security software on mac. it's secure by design.
The problem with stock plugins is once your daw goes to a subscription based cloud rental daw, your old music is stuck in proprietary subscription hell unless that company also makes standalone vst versions of their plugins. This is why many producers avoid doing anything with stock plugins and use vsts like izotope, other synths, etc. You can take your music and sound with you to any daw if you ever end up switching or don't want to get cucked like ProTools did when they moved to cloud/subscription and became a daw that you don't own, but rent.
Nobody buys vsts. I've only bought one vst in the past 5 years and it's because the devs asked for suggestions for improvements and they actually implemented what I suggested.
That's why apple is telemetry hell and you can't block any ads unless you're doing it on the router level. Most people don't realize the amount of tcp connections their apps/software/os apps make that shouldn't really be making connections. With Windows and a hips firewall, you can block any connections from app on a connection by connection basis. It helps for cracked apps and vsts that phone home. This is why Mac's selection of vsts isn't that great. the entire os is tailored to people who aren't really power users and want full control of their os.
there is no demand because there are no paying customers, only pirates make music
Almost all the big ones are available for both, and in many cases their developers prioritize their Mac versions because that's where most of their paying customers are.
The bulk of those Windows only VSTs is freeware.

>piracy is better on Windows
True, which makes it the much better choice if you want to use and/or pirate a lot of plugins, but if you don't and are ok with using the big plugins (almost certainly available for Mac) that's not going to be a factor.
they are dj tools, the application in the club is different than listening to a track straight through from beginning to end. i've seen djs run four turntables working different records in and out in a set. on the other end there are electro guys that increase the speed and only drop a track for 30 sec before quick mixing
normal people play pianos and guitars, not vsts. a huge chunk of pro audio is praise and worship groups and cover bands
I want to get into music production too. What's the best free DAW? If there are no good free ones, which one should I pirate?
>and use vsts like izotope,
man izotope is the shittiest optimized plugins ever, i cant imagine using them as my main plugins. i wish i could though, would be a nice all in one set
Even if you are a free software enthusiast, why not use Ardour instead of Audacity?
Which one of these three DAWs do you consider to be the best for a beginner: Ableton, Bitwig, or Reaper?
This is the first time I've heard of someone being worried about this.
Doesn't that apply to any negative change to a future version of their DAW? A subscription model is only one way things can get worse.
And if their "sound" comes from third party plugins, can't the same thing happen with those?
Reaper since it's free to try, ableton and bitwig if you're on a laptop with a small screen. Bitwig is like ableton but with more options but more options means more clutter if you don't mind it.
Most izotope users are actual professionals with workhorses for machines. Fabfilter might be better for consumers or those on lower end computers.
Reaper is free and can be customized to your exact needs
For example in the PreSonus StudioOne circle in the last couple of months, a bunch of people are starting to migrate to other daws because they are beginning to adopt a subscription model on top of their full version and they're afraid they might go the avid/adobe subscription rental daw route in the future. No serious professionals use the default vsts synths or effects in daws unless it's something basic like an eq or compressor on the mixer, ableton being an exception too.

Your software becoming subscription unless they have a monopoly means the daw/company isn't doing so good and they're trying to lock customers that don't know any better in.

I know people and audio engineers that still use old versions of daws, more so in the video production world, people who use older versions of final cut, etc. A lot of them don't upgrade right away either when a new version of a daw comes out. They're very picky and see if they really need any of the new features and update accordingly. I know people that still use cubase 11 even though cubase 13 is out since they're not interested in any of the new features.
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Anyone with actual tracktion experience? It looks pretty nice. Just the ui alone makes me want to try it. It's beautiful.
>Most izotope users are actual professionals with workhorses for machines
definitely not
izotope is geared toward casuals and noobs with their assistant features and simplified UIs
professionals use fabfilter almost every time
izotope plugins are literally chromium. theyre dogshit. the only thing izotope worth using is the maximizer because IRC 4 modern is a good algorithm
Looks like a good DAW, give it a go. The UI is more important than most give credit for.
>The underlying C++ code developed to create Tracktion's graphic and audio capabilities was later released as an open-source library, JUCE.
Out of those three, Ableton.
Reaper is overly complicated for a beginner, but Reaper is overall my preferred option of the three.
If Ardour used JUCE to rework their ui, i would use ardour.
Why would that matter to you as a user?
how to get started in this?
Bitwig because the interactive manual is amazing for beginners and you can watch any Ableton tutorial just fine, even tutorial for racks (desu you should get used to watching tutorials in any DAW unless it's a DAW specific tutorial). The trial is full featured so there's no reason to at least check it out
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depends what you're trying to accomplish
It looks old, ugly, and very uninspiring even though it seems like a good enough daw for what i need.
In what
Why would appearances matter? It's not like you look at it while you're ysubg ut
making digital music, like the albums on op

ideally in a foss program
it's impossible to make what we make, sorry
Look up guides to the most popular free DAWs and look up recent lists of top free VSTs and go nuts
is splice worth the $20 a month for sounds?
i don't understand pop music. like, i know it's easy listening and has good production values. but from a consumer perspective i dunno why people listen to the music they do.
i only listen to those songs for the production, because i might get some ideas. but if i'd have no business in making music i'd never intentionally play those songs.
like, what makes girls listen to taylor swift or katy perry? what is it?
or do all those clicks come from playlists plays or so?
e.g. this song:

what makes people listen to this? what exactly do they get out of it?

maybe i'm just a too edgy, dark, broken type of person to understand people listening to "normal" music?

maybe i've spent too much time in a shithole life. maybe if i'd have stable family, marriages, weddings, fun parties etc. i'd understand this type of music. but for me it's just background noise. kinda like most of jazz music, where it lacks a specific "vibe" and is basically just a bunch of chord progressions and melodies to me.
pop music is scientifically engineered by jewish record label execs to sound good to normies.
>no yous
This post that survived for over five years, and yet not even the original newfag thanked him for his time for making a good post.
i kneel, waveform is actually a good daw. took me a lot of customization and changing hotkeys (or disabling them completely), but i keep getting closer to the workflow i had in ableton. ofc built in effects in the rack are something i miss, but it's free. kinda surprised how many features it has.
i will explore youtube into the deepest corners until i find all my answers to making good music. clickbait noob tutorials will not discourage me to keep searching.
Much appreciated Anon, but it's ok. If I wanted recognition or attention I'd be on regular forums/social media, not here.
what's with all the retarded vst and daw obsession the past few threads? feels like people actively wrecking the thread
get ripchord vst it's cool and seems like a bunch of people make presets for it
>but from a consumer perspective i dunno why people listen to the music they do
have you tried thinking from the perspective of like... a normal person with thoughts and feelings? wtf???

Dude like what do you get out of *any* art or media?
I'm serious, just write out some bullet points; i'll go (not thinking too much i just woke up)
>set a mood
>catharsis; comfort of some type
>it goes with whatever you're doing (workout music gets you pumped, party music, have a good time)
>time to relax, unwind, be sleepy maybe :3
>/depression/ i'm gonna CRY

there's also this whole other side with reflection of how you see yourself, your values, your place in the world etc that people subconsciously use to pick and consume art that they mentally "identify" thereself with ("oh that guy is cool and gets all the bitches? i'm like that! / i want to be like that!" "oh yeah we're both OUTCASTS" "i'm THAT girl" etc etc"

Like bro take the empathy perk and put some points into charisma instead of maxing intelligence you fucking dork you come on


well i'm pretty sure i saw that post in one of the pastebins and it gets referenced all the time
>all the

There are max like 5 regular posters in this general doing 90% of the posts.
If one of them chooses to shit it up or otherwise make meh posts that's just the way the thread is going to go lol
low traffic generals become full of ritualposts and tripfaggotry
What are ritualposts?
posts about posts are way worse than anything else you could ever post. nobody cares if you like the thread or not.
goodpost, thanks for goodposting and making the thread better
postception :0

the people need to know!!!
>This post that survived for over five years
Damn it's actually crazy how old is this general while it feels like only 2 years ago, and I still have not become the Skrillex of Dubstep
That post is from pre-/dmp/ /prod/
yeah but like what 1 year and a half apart?
Yeah you're right, we're closing in on our third anniversary this November.
>own studio speakers
>never use them cause they take so much space on my desk and i'd rather have a second monitor on desk than speakers
omg rammstein is so gay, they're popular so normies just assume that they're good. especially that synth at 2:15 is so corny and wasn't needed for the song.
>and I still have not become the Skrillex of Dubstep
Skrill issue
it sounds epic if you have good audio you tard. listen with proper volume, not 50-60db like some tards on here. her singing is an epic emotional performance with pleasing sounds.

here's another epic song which has more of a cheerful party vibe, not suicidal edgelord vibe. most of the production is timeless, not stale and repetitive like for example kernkraft 400
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lol that's the vid with the "Queen of the Illuminati" flashing in
Some of us like to actually make good music and not be tied to a daw's proprietary vsts which in 100% of the cases are an afterthought by the devs. And also for the same reason some people like the workflow of one daw over another daw, sometimes the workflow of another vst is better than the default vsts.
for example this is probably acceptable for people to call "good music" because it's a classic but it doesn't really have any dark or complex themes
i have 0 pirated software on my machine right now. but i own omnisphere 2, analog lab, ozone 7 and the old version of the korg vsts.
the only thing i really miss right now is ni session strings. lots of free kontakt player libs out there though, which helps. at least got some nice brass staccato hits from heavyocity.
waveform is enough, free effect vsts are enough, drum kits are free everywhere, also free synths like vital are enough.
man what a time to be alive. 10 years ago this would be a horrible experience.
i can't believe that busyworksbeats is still so bad yet he still gets so many views.
bro knows his shit when talking about growing a channel and selling shit
bad producer
great salesman
great hustle
i like going through those homemade acapella cover shorts and sampling their vocals to make beats.
You figuring out what makes the most successful the most successful yet? Cuz it ain't musical talent
calling bwb a successful artist is like calling a highschool sports teacher a professional athlete. a highschool sports teacher makes more money than bwb though.
>start doing a lets play
>get more views in 7 days than my whole music channel i built over years is getting in a month
but i wonder if it's just youtube not working well for music. maybe i should try tiktok and instagram instead. youtube's algorithm seems to be about clickbait content grind or so nowadays.
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>high school sports teacher
that sounds esl as fuck, it's gym class
i didn't ask you to correct my language
take a few laps before you head in to shower cope nigga
why is the time keeping and retrigger accuracy always fucked in at least one major way in every granular synth idg this shit dude they're ruining my life FUCK
I don't believe it. gaming channels have way more competition
minimal audio current doesnt have this problem
>also free synths like vital are enough.
it's literally more powerful than serum and every other paid synth on the market, save for omnisphere, phase plant, and debatably, pigments
why people are still paying 200 for serum in 2024 is beyond me
some burger schools have big money in sports like football or gymnastics
>>101169080 pic is a former professional athlete that coaches high school
The correct term would be high school [sport] coach. Where "[sport]" is filled in with the sport that they coach. e.g. Bill is a high school football coach. Jill is a high school soccer coach. Jerome is a high school volleyball coach. So on and so forth...
Jesus Christ.
>gym class
For example, even amateurs like this were able to string together meaningless lyrics on STOLEN music and become extremely successful. *continuous drivel*


Rip bb I’m joking obviously we miss you </3
>why people are still paying 200 for serum in 2024 is beyond me
never bought it, never will. it's been repeatedly cracked since its release. that deadmouse faggot and his friends have enough money.
>i can't believe that busyworksbeats is still so bad
surface level knowledge at most
>yet he still gets so many views.
he gets fuck all views.

never happened

it's not called "gym class" anywhere else in the world except for third world usa, you inbred fatty.
Serum 2 is apparently in the works right now.
>Serum 2 is apparently in the works right now.
very nice. hopefully it's a complete evolution and not just the collection of minor upgrades made to original serum over last few years.
half of the work is just on protection since there's no new market that serum can reach so it just has to squeeze everything from current market. the other half is trying to make a worthwhile update and then giving up on it and just releasing a few things that seem prestigious enough for a serum 2 (honestly, I can't think of anything that could be added that would surpass kiloheartz bundle or convince people to not just use vital)
>what makes people listen to this? what exactly do they get out of it?
I remember not liking new songs of artists I liked at first listening. My take is that once heard enough times, any decent production gets appreciated by normies, be it through the radio in the good ol' days or through Spotify playlists today. Prodoocers are at risk of this with their own material they end up liking more than they should.
When the Peep's in the crib ma
Pop it like it's hot
Pop it like it's hot
Pop it like it's hot
Pop it like it's hot
See that’s what gets me like if you don’t think drop it like it’s hot is a masterpiece you’re just a snob with shit taste

If you agree it is but then turn your nose up at Taylor Swift or anybody more recent then you’re *selectively* a snob
Why does drop it like it's hot being a masterpiece mean that Taylor Swift's music is good?
Because a certain type of person typically turns their nose up at “pop” but only within a certain Overton-snob window

It’s been a long couple days and my brain is not braining I apologize for thought vomiting past 2 am
>(honestly, I can't think of anything that could be added that would surpass kiloheartz bundle or convince people to not just use vital)
yeah. it'll be a hard sell. i'm sure all the fans of the original will buy it regardless. but vital is pretty fuckin awesome.
You are forgiven my child.
Why my parents never act like this bro fuck
take meds. nobody cares that deeply. a good song is a good song. snobs will always be snobs and their opinions= worthless.
Perhaps your parents want the best and have higher expectations of you than we do.
Forgiveness is a two way street, my baby who's so sweet.
>minimal audio current
does it really not?

I''m talking specifically about automated pitch, size, grain numbers and time etc-
i've never used one where at least one or multiple automation won't completely fuck up to where it won't play what it's "supposed" to play past a certain speed (not even talking anything excessive) without some kind of ghost-grace-period that the synth needs to actually trigger a retrigger so to speak... and that's completely ignoring all other shortcomings, of course, and it kind of dictates what granular synth i choose for any given application (duh).

A lot of what made granulator ii less awesome was fixed in iii apparently and i kind of want to pick up live 12 as well for that... of course... of course...
idk i admittedly haven't picked up any of the big name wavetable synths that have since added granular after i initially downloaded them but those have their own drawbacks too of course... of course....
go ahead and get pigments, phase plant, or current -- take your pick. theyre all free anyway. i havent observed any of the problems you talked about during my time with them, and i use the granular oscillators quite extensively. all of these synths are designed to be extremely modulatable, and therefore automatable, with no issues
i will get pigments.... for additive... the next time i check audioz and r2r happens to have released it outside the big pack....
and the fear is not ruling me.... thanks......xoxo
just go for the VR version, it works like a charm
i once randomly mentioned michael jackson as one of the examples of almost universally appreciated artists and anon complained in literally the same way like annie are you ok annie are you ok annie are you ok. to be fair i don't listen to michael jackson but i can have some amount of respect for music that gets a lot of praise. one redditor was ok with bohemian rhapsody being the #1 streamed song from the 70s but expressed utter dismay at don't stop me now being at #2, to me don't stop me now isn't a bad song, sounds about as faggy as any queen song or any song from that time period.
This is just reverse snobbery. Maybe some people just genuinely don't like some styles of pop music.
not liking something isn't the same as mindlessly hating something for an arbitrary reason and going out of your way to complain about it
>never go full autism
>maybe i should try tiktok and instagram instead.
you don't make money or conversions there either
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With most daws averaging around the $500 mark for their full no limit pro versions, which daw gives you the most bang for your buck with their own in-house synth and effects plugins?
gotta be a bot or farming for replies to train a bot on
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>third world usa
the only country that matters as you shitpost about a usa youtuber on a usa made website
FL Studio.
Better done on Reddit

Unironically I think it’s more likely that it’s the original shitposter PRETENDING to be a bot. Perhaps even the guy who was routinely crying about shilling falseflagging to accomplish his ultimate goal!!

My evidence?

No really, ask yourself what is more likely:
Somebody who happens to be spamming and training bots with an interest specifically in music producers, sees a potential market there (meager as it may be) and happens to know about this board enough to know this general, but not enough to know nobody would engage with it, OR an anon here is just completely deranged and has no fucking life, as we’ve already seen demonstrated time and time again. I reddit space on purpose.
Yeah, it's the schizo that always posts about how there are people/bots shilling paid software in here, so he's probably making these posts thinking that if there are employees or bots shilling products then they're always going to reply to the bait questions multiple times
Ableton Live 12 Standard is a powerful and feature-rich digital audio workstation (DAW) available for $439, but whether it’s worth it depends on your goals in music production.

>It includes a vast array of instruments, effects, and sounds, which can be very inspiring and useful as you grow in your music production journey.
>If you’re a student or teacher, you might be able to get it at a reduced price.

>The unique workflow and extensive features might be overwhelming for a complete beginner.

>Ableton Live 12 Suite comes with extras such as Max for Live, and although more expensive, can still fit a budget of around $500 if you can get it for much cheaper through the educational offers for students and teachers.
>Consider starting with a more beginner-friendly DAW like FL Studio or GarageBand, which are often cheaper and easier to learn.

If you’re serious about diving into music production and you are eligible for the educational offers, the Suite version offers a lot of value. However, if you’re just starting out and want to test the waters, the Standard version or even a different DAW might be a better choice.
fl studio seems amateur as fuck like the music equivalent of the unity engine for game dev

most of this guy's examples don't even sound good
FL Studio has a lot of top tier plugins and comes with a perpetual license no matter the version, while every other DAW only allows you to buy a license for the current version and will make you pay every time there's a major release.
Reason has a ton of synths and they're all pretty good tbf
>>gym class
I thought you were going to post a different link...
FL Studio is for kids making shitty hard techno tracks for furry conventions
Fuck off with your AI written posts
Just cough up the money for ableton live suite
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>unique workflow
Which DAW has a workflow like Ableton's?
If you say Bitwig I swear to fucking God I'm going to cave your head in with a brick
How is Bitwig's workflow not similar? There are some things that you think are small changes but have a big difference in workflow like the clips and modulators, but it's still more like Ableton than any other DAW
You have no idea what you've unleashed upon yourself.

Bitwig's workflow is the same as Ableton's because Bitwig is a clone of Ableton.
>artist X has a unique style
>that's not true
>whose style is similar?
>his copycats
That's an exaggeration too, Bitwig is similar. What in Bitwig is an actual clone other than the plugin chain and session view?
I will destroy your body and mind for what you're doing to me.
You will sink into a pit of despair the likes of which only Lucifer himself can even imagine.
Expect me.
Not exactly music productoin but I want to cut together some takes of reading aloud for an audiobook type of project, and audacity was a bit clunky, is ardour any good for that kind of thing?
just use ffmpeg bro
always am when you really get down to it
>Out of those three
If I didn't specify these three, would you recommend something else entirely?
Is Reason really that good? I'm really thinking about getting it.
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Why isn't FL Studio taken more serious despite how versatile and powerful it is even with just its default plugins? It's very popular for beats, specially hip hop, but even then the vocals and mixing doesn't seem to be done on FL. Why is that?
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Favorite standalone audio editor (audacity doesn't count)? And does it have spectral view?
I always liked working with edison back when I used fl
nothing special but it was just super smooth with the zooming/panning and shit
fl has terrible audio editing and manipulation, the arranger is extremely weak. you cant just highlight sections of the arrangement and manipulate things within it, you can only highlight clips. this is unlike any other daw. if you want to move around some drum hits, for example, you need to switch to the slice tool, slice to the left and right of each part you want to move, and then begin to rearrange. careful not to let anything overlap because then both will play at once. if you want to mix these newly sliced samples differently, have fun making them all unique and then routing them to the new mixer track
every single audio clip must be routed to the mixer manually
if you want to modify just one note in a certain part, make the whole pattern unique and enjoy having a project with hundreds of patterns and not knowing what's going on
it's just messy for anything but beats man. the FL workflow is -- open FL, you're in pattern mode already, put a bunch of midi down to make an 8 bar loop, then right click the pattern and split by channel, drag all out, duplicate a ton of times, and then use subtractive arrangement
if youre going to do anything else it's just a bad DAW which is a shame because it has some badass stuff like top tier stock plugins, patcher, great native sampler, etc
Who is it not taken serious by other than old boomers who can only remember when it was fruity loops?
If you're recording boomer rock n roll or gay hipster indie band audio, there are simpler daws than fl studio you can use to shuffle your recordings around with (who's users may have been insecure and jealous of how fast and far fl studio has surpassed some of its older competition in overall capability & accessibility)

Honestly, years ago it was likely just pure seethe that teenagers could pirate a daw and learn everything and MORE than what they had to go to a studio and pay an "audio engineer" to do in logic or pro tools; fl was newer than the other daws making it an easier scapegoat for memes

I would point out image line's power users page of pro fl studio users (which is probably outdated marketing material from 10 years go anyways), but deadmau5 is there and that must be a fake paid promotion or something because he doesn't use it and in all his old music making streams I don't think you can find him using it once for any part of his process....
>if you want to modify just one note in a certain part, make the whole pattern unique and enjoy having a project with hundreds of patterns and not knowing what's going on
how else would this be implemented? I've only used FL (back when I used daws at all) and was always dreaming of a more composable/hierarchical way of sequencing. But I can't imagine any other daws have a much neater way of making multiple variations to some pattern while tracking changes from the master pattern. Or do they?
deadmau5 used to work for Image Line when they were first starting out and beta tested and suggested a lot of the features at the beginning of FL.
in every other daw, patterns arent a thing. if i write an 8 bar chord loop and then duplicate it a few times, then go into one of the duplicated clips, i can edit the notes however i want and it'll only affect that one. no need to make unique or any other bs. what you see is what you get. this allows you to have all the minor variations you want without having to clutter your track with 200 different patterns and no clue wtfs going on
>in every other daw, patterns arent a thing
the idea of patterns is still nice sometimes. some daws have a linking feature, in fl it's the default and is annoying
That I know, but it seems disingenuous for him to be on the 'power users' page via a lie he made up about sketching ideas on the fl piano roll when he primarily uses abelton in the production of all his music.....
Yeah, it's old, but I guess deadmau5 let's them as sort of respect since he made his first hits on Fl Studio. I think his whole faxing berlin era around that time was all made on fl studio. I think almost everyone knows by now he uses ableton since all of his studio session clips on yt are all ableton.
ah right
but then in effect you do hav 200 different patterns, just not explicitly listed somewhere
so in every other daw, if you have some drums or melody that you're looping throughout the whole song, but then you decide to change 1 thing, you have change it in one place and then manually delete the outdated copies and stripe the rest of the track with the new one? That does not really sound ideal either.
like >>101180480 said, you can link clips to have changes affect all of them like a pattern
it's really the exception and not the rule that you want to do this, which is why it's that way and only FL is patterns first, unique second
and it doesnt matter how many variations you have because you're not having to fuck about with the channel rack and find what pattern you need to be on and then go to the right track to edit it. you just double click it and theres no doubt about it.
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Vsts that allow you to input a .wav file and modify it and play with it?
as a wavetable and not audio? serum, vital, phase plant all allow this. they also allow making them from scratch by drawing them in
I used to use Iris 2 by Izotope which is perfect, but turns out it's discontinued now. looking for an alternative.
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How do you guys organize your files/folders/projects/vsts? Do you put your vsts in c:/program files/... or a custom dir?
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Bitwig vs Ableton, what should I get? Is Bitwig finally better than Ableton?
It seems we are currently under attack by the infamous Big VST PsyOp division.
Quick! Grab your tinfoil hats and stock plugins before it's too late!
As long as we stay united we're all going to make it out alive and in good financial health. Godspeed brothers.
absolutely unbearable lately
Is this your first autism sperg of the day? Isn't it a bit too early?
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>he uses stock plugins
Logic Pro has a similar workflow in their non multi-track view. It has those little square loops arrangement.
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>Black Son Empire
it has never mattered, fatty. if you only knew just how little the entire world thinks of your jew infested shithole.
keep using ableton for a couple more years
bitwig doesnt even have a gpu accelerated ui yet, it's sluggish and nasty
that should give you an indicator on the state of its quality of life
only other things that could do something like this would be spectralayers or halion, that i know of. there's also a vst called visco that turns the audio into a "goo" that it lets you move around and smear and shit, but it's made for drums mostly
Nta. This one has come up before yeah?
I didn’t look too into it but it looked initially like a fancy-gui and that was it?

Does it do anything more specific or distinctly different than granular spray?
Holy shit, every vst and the audio editor you suggested are legit. For the longest time I thought spectral layers was actually rx 11 by izotope and was going to install it. Thank you for the suggestions. Any other interested unique vsts or effects or apps like spectrallayers we should know of?
I wish there was something exactly like visco for regular sounds. I used to love going out to record things in public then coming back home and making unique instruments out of those sounds. I know you can do the same with just a regular sampler plugin, but it was a lot easier/faster to do it in something like iris 2.
No wonder /g/ has never had any hits and made it out of the trenches after 12 full albums.
>Any other interested unique vsts or effects or apps like spectrallayers we should know of?
not off the top of my head right now. that said, if you have an ARA compatible DAW you can use spectralayers as a vst, whichll let you do anything you can in the standalone but without leaving the daw
visco does some really unique things. youre basically playing with the frequencies, timbre, transient, etc by messing with the goo. you can morph between two different sounds. you can flip a sound on an X and Y axis. you can change the pitch of it. when you do all of these things, youre not actually changing the audio file. you're modifying a synthesizer. whenever you drop audio into visco it's resynthesizing it, which basically means you can do a lot of things and it'll retain the quality of the original. changing the pitch of a kick would typically kill its energy if its just a sample, but when its synthesized, you can do whatever
you can kinda use it for regular sounds but yeah results are a coinflip. the only other real thing i can think of is synplant where you can give it an audio file and its machine learning will make a synth patch that sounds pretty similar, which you can modify from there
Not clicking
Any other retards buy Pocket Operators to fuck around with? I have a PO-12,33, and 35. I might swap the PO-12 for a PO-32, since having only 16 slots for a song is really limiting vs only four voices, which really isn't an issue for electronic drums.
If there were a way to lead-in and then engage the pattern chain, 16 slots would be fine. best I can do is tap in short pattern chains while juggling the other devices. You really need another set of hands, or multi-track it.
>Any other retards buy Pocket Operators to fuck around with?
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Wow, really?
> *half hour later of plugging things in like a caveman*
> using oversized cables no less
> square wave with filter modulation with pitch control happens or something just as gay
do eurorack faggots really? i thought this was painful when i was learning this stuff as a kid. you really felt more like a telephone operator than a musician.
everyone i know that bought those sold them in a year lmao
Look at the autistic guy sperging out because people are discovering 3rd party plugins. Kek.
You can do the same with a daw and a drum pad midi controller. I couldn't imagine paying more than $20 for that aliexpress toy. Maybe $30 just for the novelty.
How much does something like this go for? Are there any cheap physical synths under $300, even something controlled by a pc, but just with visible knobs and stuff?
that's like $2-5k
well there's your answer
ableton is just better for serious production
most tutorials on youtube are on ableton
Maybe learn how music works before buying gear
super cheesy
Take your meds.
If only the chinese made synth clones. They would be rich.
They have added it in 5.2 beta
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yeah maybe the shipping would be difficult with fullsize ones but music production seems to be one of those fads so they could capitalize on it like they did with mechanical computer keyboards back in the day. rick beato likes to quote the statistic that 100k+ songs are being released on streaming platforms every day and there are weird marketing attempts like pic related aimed at wannabe music producers/artists. i found it funny yet sad that elise ecklund who makes music related skits is also trying to be a serious artists and the youtube comment section for her songs has a lot of wannabe producers giving her advice on how to improve instead of taking her seriously as an artist.
i think i figured out how i want to publish my music.
i'll just work on the first 1 minute of a song (which is usually intro, verse and chorus. and then end it there. upload it to tiktok. and call it a day.
this feels like a good workflow, i can publish my stuff, i dont get overwhelmed having to finish full songs. i dont need to spend time tagging stuff, putting it into beat stores, trying to land sales etc.
i can just make music and promote myself.
actually making pocket money selling beats to horrible artists sucks anyways. maybe just focusing on promoting myself is the best use of my time. at least it feels like more fun than desperately trying to place sales.
and i can make cool 1 minute videos for my music by cutting other music videos together and run it over my music.
it's a win win win situation.
this is the only keyboard I got
can I make it work?
You need an established fanbase to actually make money selling merch. And good merch. I sell merch through non-musical endeavors (scanlation site) At its peak, the website I ran had about 50k individual impressions every day around 2015-18. In about 4 years, we sold for about 400$ worth of commissions (as in what came into our pockets). Sure, the site was mostly used by poorfags, but the people listening to your music are too. That figure in your pic is extremely optimistic. 159 items in a month is a lot, and if it's made to print (dont need to pay upfront for a merch order, or to deal with shipping yourself), you make about 6$/sale design comission until you hit a certain volume mark, where you get a better payout. Don't expect to sell shit on your soundcloud that gets 40 plays a month.
2 octaves (C3-C5) with velocity. It's shit, but it functions
i know i just i found the ad to be extremely off-putting like when you see taxi/uber drivers trading stocks you know it's not sustainable, hordes of random naive plebs with no discernible talent, very limited musical taste/understanding, no equipment, some not even willing to upgrade their 10+ year old computer, some 50+ year old beginners, thinking they're going to make music that other people are going to listen to
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Synths on the caliber of sylenth? With lots of 3rd party patches available? Besides Serum?
They could probably clone those old virus synths for pennies on the dollar and just allow us to upload the firmware like with those 1:1 emulators.
Yeah, if you're not making music out of a need for self-expression first, what's the fucking use? I didn't want to open the merch site at first too, but I had more comments about people wanting to donate money to our scan group than comments about the actual scan. I could've only posted a paypal link, but I felt like I would've been ripping people off since what we're doing is basically illegal to begin with. A merch store felt like a better idea, people actually got something with the money they spent and we still get our cut. And it did teach me about graphic design (and I fucking love it), so if I ever get popular enough through my music and want to make a bit of money/get my name out there, I already have that experience and know where I'm heading. I need to start actually posting my music outside /dmp/ or /prod/ if I want that to ever happen though.
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Ignore this guy and check out my Reverb posts
Not that Anon but that makes me think, from a selling out perspective, which electronic genre has the most profitable fanbase?
I'm thinking maybe the one with the most well-off fanbase, but not so well-off that they're too posh to wear some small musician's t-shirts/merch.
I imagine that there are other not-as-wealthy demographics that buy a ton of merch (for non-music examples, weebs, bronies, marvel and star wars fans, etc), but they might not buy your expensive tickets and whatnot, so straight up targeting rich people might be more effective.
>so straight up targeting rich people might be more effective
that's just sync licensing, film scoring, things like that.
the most profitable fanbase for an artist is quantity and you creating a celebrity image around you for people to worship (literally what marshmello did after leaving his previous alias)
Of course, but if you do that in a genre whose fans are mostly broke you're gonna make less money than if you did that in a genre with a well-off fanbase (with all the other factors being equal).
you are thinking about selling music as a product when the purpose of commercial music is to sell other products. you'd make more if you used your music in the process of selling something else, which is why there are so many "artists" that just sell their books, lessons or make product reviews
Selling the songs/albums themselves is obviously a small part of it, and as I very clearly mentioned in my question, there's also merch, live shows, etc.
All of this isn't going to make you much money if 90% of those who like your music don't have money, therefore it stands to reason that an equal level of fame/success/hustle/whatever is going to be more profitable if you're in a genre/scene where people have money.
Idk, I'm in a 3rd world country and there are a bunch of millionaire artists putting out trash, but they've achieved celebrity status through connections and similar shit. It might be even better to be a millionaire in a 3rd world country, you'll be a literal king
If you need to minmax then of course go for a genre that is very popular in a western middle class audience that is as hedonistic/materialistic/consumerist as possible. even if you won't be selling shit directly you will get lots of attention from the big guys just because you have power over that kind of audience
>If you need to minmax then of course go for a genre that is very popular in a western middle class audience that is as hedonistic/materialistic/consumerist as possible
And what would those genres be?
i'm saying the genre of the music doesn't matter as much as the target base of the product
And I'm saying that you're wrong.
best of luck bro
do you think the vital dev regrets making it free?
I'm not sure because I'm not into the industry but it's just something I'd research for if I just wanted money. Look for genres where the people buy the most expensive tickets frequently, spend lots of money on drinks and drugs events, love flaunting merch, etc. Targeting people that like spending money is way better than just targeting people that just have a lot stored in their bank account
Try selling merch, courses, books, etc after gaining notoriety/clout in a niche field where everyone is a loser weirdo and nobody has any money, then try again in a normie field where people have a lot of money.
Do you genuinely think you won't see a significant difference in income?
A normie EDM festival has VIP tickets costing six figures. Do you think the same thing can happen with niche genres?
Obviously this example uses the two extreme ends of the spectrum to illustrate the difference I'm talking about, but everything that sits in between is still subject to the same curve.
i dont think ai will outcompete humans in making music. i think it's because music can't really be "improved". people like what they like, they don't care so much if the music is perfect or if an artist can spit out 100000 songs in a month. if they like a song they like it and ai will always have to compete with those few trending chart songs that just attract the listeners.
also music industry seems to be about personality, cults, live events, interviews, background stories, drama etc. too.
i think if we ever reach the point where ai would really take over the whole industry it's the same point where it'll take over humanity too doing way more insane things than just making music.
tldr: ai can outcompete artists in quality/quantity, but that doesn't really mean people will gravitate towards it
i am assuming you are in it for the money and you want to sell your music as a product on a large scale. i think that isn't viable if you aren't on the level where you are being represented or have connections to tour in support of larger artists. the era of ascending the gatekeeping gap through soundcloud or social media buzz is over unless you have the money to spend on it.
Yeah that's what I was thinking as well, but if you were hypothetically to sell big ticket items, if your fanbase doesn't have a certain portion of rich people, that's not going to be an option.
Are you avoiding the point of every single one of my posts on purpose?
Genuine question.
>if your fanbase doesn't have a certain portion of rich people, that's not going to be an option
what kinds of tickets are looking to sell that middle class people can't buy just for fun? "rich people music" doesn't exist anymore, the only thing you can sell to them is rich people experience, but that's something that requires you to be far into the millionaire tier already, and even then I don't think those are going to reach past 15% of what an artist gets through quantity
I was thinking of gigs of popular genres where good seats are prohibitively expensive.
You're right in saying that that's a concern for people already in the high tiers, but it can still affect you if, say, you're a smaller opening act at one of those gigs (when compared to being an equivalent smaller opening act in a genre where people don't spend that much), or if you're one of those weird unique acts that aren't super popular but have a small dedicated "cult" following.
And everything scales up proportionally, so a middle class audience who can afford something expensive once in a while might not be as eager to buy it as a well-off audience who can drop that amount on bullshit without thinking twice.
If I could choose my fanbase I'd have people that are 100+ IQ and horny cute girls, unfortunately an impossible set
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Anyone here use midi foot controllers? Anything that comes with software that lets you edit the values, hold, release, tap functions?
if you can be an opening act at a high tier event you can be the main act at a smaller event
Based on my YouTube recommendations, I would say the chess field seems to have a lot of both. If you can make that work as an electronic music genre you might have the holy grail right there.
First of all, that's not a guarantee. Getting an opening gig can happen because of your fame (in which case you're right), or because the headliner wants you there because they think you fit his show or whatever. Tons of EDM producers for example got their name this way.
And the opener gig might very well net you significantly more money and will certainly get your name out to more people.
Lastly, both of those gigs are more lucrative in a popular genre, as opposed to a niche one, so the initial point of popular genres being easier to monetize still stands.
Yeah I know, but nobody is clicking on those videos for the music lol, so that might not be the avenue for you (unless you're also a hot chick).
talking about building a fanbase and selling courses...
New video out from our guy bad gear
What's your take on Teenage Engineering? Personally I think they look cool to tinker with but their pricing model smells of craft beer

why the hell can't I post an image?
File: howdoishotweb.jpg (29 KB, 288x266)
29 KB
>/dmp/ - Digital Music Production
Anyone else been watching Anthony Marinelli and his synth stuff? It's mesmerising
bros i miss the old slow threads, wtf was this
pirate bros, is there a way i can download specific library presets for omnisphere, instead of you know the entire 50 gig library
no. also please link us to that 50gb library you saw.
Depending on how the libraries are installed, an uncompressed torrent might allow you to do that.
beta 10 is just outstanding in terms of UI smoothness, I love 144 Hz refresh rate, I'm gay btw
for anyone considering Bitwig I would recommend FL studio (or LMMS if you're a poorfag) and Ableton (or Ardour if you're retarded), but nothing is as good as Milkytracker.
In Milkytracker you can create music just with your computer keyboard, it's like VIM in the world of commercial IDE, once you master it you can be as efficient as you want to.
Never used trackers. How does it compare to renoise?
Renoise is also good enough I guess, I personally didn't find it as intuitive as Milkytracker. Real trackers don't have VST support, you manipulate waveforms with hexadecimal language that you are familiar with if you already have experience with Renoise.
Keep away from Bitwig, it has been written in Java and all software that I've met in that technology is sluggish and barely works at all, I don't understand how people can use that shit.
>it has been written in Java
You mean the GUI?
>Keep away from Bitwig, it has been written in Java and all software that I've met in that technology is sluggish and barely works at all
Only the GUI is in Java and like others have said it just got optimized. The GUI being separated from the engine means that when the engine crashes it doesn't close everything and gives you some trash windows warning
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behringer Crave or minibrute 2S

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