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students edition

Thread Question:
If you could go back in time and offer your freshman CS major self some advice, what would it be?

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101059566
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What job boards aren't just data mining scams?
I've been using LinkedIn and now Indeed but I just get automatic denials right at 72h for each and then they jobs are deleted and reuploaded. Looking for jobs in France or US Remote
Considering pretending to be trans and hispanic to increase my chances.

Any downsides to this?
do you speak spanish?
Do you have a fat cock?
You can't pass as a troon any more than a troon can pass as the opposite sex.
You'd be better off learning Hindi
>Is it too late to learn AI or data engineering?
Don't focus on buzzwords like this, focus on useful skills, then look for jobs that ask for those skills. For example for data engineering, learn SQL, python, and study database architecture, then look for data engineering jobs. If you can't find any then you still have those skills to find other jobs that require those.
I never apply via LinkedIn or Indeed, I go straight to the company website and apply. If the company is clearly someone recruiting on behalf of someone else, and I can't find the client and apply directly, I just move on from the posting. Even if it's not someone resume farming, every third party software recruiter I've worked with was completely useless.
i just got kicked out of a coding bootcamp that i was doing really well in because i missed a single day. I told the instructor i interact with the most ahead of time and gave the reason and he said it was fine but the head of the program, some other guy who barely ever shows up except for on the first day for orientation apparently doesnt care. this is such bullshit bros you have no idea how furious i am right now this bootcamp was my future and now its just gone because one person got mad that id miss a single class.
>Don't focus on buzzwords like this, focus on useful skills, then look for jobs that ask for those skills. For example for data engineering, learn SQL, python, and study database architecture, then look for data engineering jobs. If you can't find any then you still have those skills to find other jobs that require those.
I don't mean to focus on buzzwords. What I'm trying to say is that I have a handful of courses being updated I never touched that teaches ML and DE that I just wasn't interested in. Is there any point in learning these now for a higher salary in a different field or a second job or some pet project I can make money with? I know how graphic cards companies are drifting so I'm a bit worried this learning this would be useless
you jest but i have a serious question should i throw around the fact that im black to try and get hired for diversity? i never do shit like that but im starting to think i should
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I can sense micromanaging creeping down from the top.
>t.Middle management, but not bliss
How much reporting can one do in how many places? I miss actual cyber work. im no longer an escalation point
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Another beautiful day spent shitpoastin and getting paid. WFH chads where you at?
Should I read Cracking The Coding Interview or do Neetcode 150 first?
CTCI is boomer shit
CTCI lost relevance about 10 years back. Just do Leetcode and nothing else.
hello sirs
The only thing that will prevent the 3rd world from taking all of your jobs is total nuclear annihilation.
Good morning
>finally wfh
>don't actually like it
Only good thing is saving on transportation costs and being able to sleep longer. Those are really great but I don't think its worth the downsides. I don't like the blurring between work and home, already this bothers me.

I live in too small of a place and its annoying because theres people over frequently which is distracting.

Being done with work doesnt even feel satisfying because im still sitting in the same room.

I think I'd like it if i had a seperate office space in my home.
good morning saar! please redeem the jira ticket!
quick call?
get into gym, alcohol and hookers desu
I smell like ass but I can't bring myself to take a shower. The idea of walking the 20 feet to my shower is... it's unbearable. I don't have the strength.
Doesn't work fellas, I'm trans AND brown, yet can't get even an interview.
sar I can job for small $$, interested?
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Putting off a project due tonight for another hour!
what is the longest amount of time youve gone without taking a shower? ive gone weeks
an entire summer in hyderabad sir
Ate a CBD gummy but my stomach still has anxiety tension. Also I'm drowsy now and my eyes are heavy. VGH.
I'm hispanic and my chances only increased when I started using a gringo name.
fuck me, God really let us down when he created you
how about you stop taking drugs on weekdays
What advice would you give a 2nd year CS student?
eat clean, get sunlight, shower daily
get a real major, cs is kill
It's the cheapest way to stop my anxiety, Idk what to say.
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I just graduated and job searching, am in the US, and just had an absurd call with a pajeet. so my dad knows a guy, and that guys cousin is a recruiter who could help with getting placed. the guy told his cousin about me, who just called me, and said he owns a marketing agency called {name} IT consulting. and they market candidates to clients.

I said I have 1 year of exp as a fullstack developer (internship but was basically treated like a normal dev). he then said 1 year is hard to market, we will add 2 years and say you have 3. I said not to do that because its dishonest. this guy was a muslim pajeet, I'd expect him to have some morals. Im muslim but not pajeet and my religion teaches us to be honest. you anons were right, so many pajeets are dishonest scum of the earth.
>tech workers general
>student edition
>thread full of students
fuck this place
it would be full of students regardless. honestly it feels like me and maybe 3 other guys are the only ones with a job in these generals
How do we feel about Section 174 ?
nta but i graduated 10 years ago and im stuck as a neet working on projects due to the collapse of the industry
The industry has not collapsed.
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>totally beats the allegations
How does he do it?
That is what the average CS student looks like desu.
ok schizo
I fucking hate technology
lmaoing at the seething dramatuber trying to come at the king
Things would have gone so much better if I had just died as a child. Maybe drowned, or took a nap under a car tire...
hope the cancer treatment is going well richard
I am in the same spot brother. I have a hard time convincing recruiters that my year long internship experience is literally no different from a full time engineer. I was lucky enough to have my friend to hook me up with another company but even then they think I was too technical (whatever that means) for the graduate role.
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time to watch vtubers play the elden ring dlc
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Guys I need a fucking job. I can't live with a roommate anymore. I just can't do this anymore. This guy is driving me up the fucking wall.
I posted an indeed ad looking for an IT guy and all I'm getting are retards who can't even code.
Why doesn't anyone want to work anymore?
IT guys shouldn't have to code. Maybe your job description should be clearer.
I just need them to do general IT Tech for my small business, which might include apps or websites. I'm offering more than what I pay the actual people tending bar in the place, why won't they sign?

I've had a couple of "contractors" offer for one-off needs but I need someone stable and reliable who will be there when I need them.
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if your head of department saw this would you be forced to start using it
im coming into your business to configure a switch or get a firewall in a server rack, not to change the CSS for your website because your wife wants it to be a slightly different shade of green for the 4th time
head of department no
ceo yes
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>IT Tech
technology fucking hates you
I'm getting laid off after 8 years at the same company. Just got a COMPTIA A+ again to get past the dumb HR people who won't even consider a position without it.
no. we have exclusivity contracts with some suppliers and use only the cheapest of mice when ordering spares. also every computer these days, even laptops, comes with a KB+M set even if you're buying an ultralight business laptop. we will literally never run out of shitty Dell mice as long as we keep buying Dell computers. And modern Win 11 computers already have a copilot button
no one wants to work anymore
>OP question
Major in literally anything else. You were right. You weren't cut out for anything intellectual.
thanks obama
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>its a boomer doesn't know how to work their cable televison help desk episode
how did you manage to get laid off after 8 years bro?
big fan of Rzeszów, but the money's in Białystok
is networking valued in current year? friend was suggesting it to me as it takes two vs 4 for coding, but it sounds like the kind of job thats filled with jeets
Man, people in this thread is pathetic, i love coming here cause it makes me feel so fucking good having a solid stable IT career that's actually relavent. Try harder and keep working on your "skills" that ChatGPT can do in 2 seconds. Lmao. I c0nFiguRe SwiTch, I gOt B0otCamp, cry me a river
You seem to be filled with resentment and insecurity.
I'd try to cope too if i was in your shoes :(
I'm in EE, your post doesn't really have anything to do with my either way.
programming and tinkering with computers used to be fun bros. now every day is PRs, implementing CRUD requests, bug fixes, documentation. I dread it every day and don't want to touch a computer after work (aside from shitposting)
its ok bro we cant all be rock star full dstack nnja greyhat cybsec gawds like me :^)
I have absolutely nothing to show at the weekly tomorrow because I spent this entire week trying to build up courage to off myself
I still want to do it now but it's harder than I thought I guess
>finished all rounds of the hiring process
>get hit with "hey we need to do a reference check with Xref, please provide 3 professional references"

I'm cooked
does anyone have that graph of IT job postings where it literally pops right after covid?
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You ARE sending "Thank-You" notes to your interviewers and recruiters, right?
Saw that FAGMAN took down a job post on LinkedIn but they haven't done so on their website. I didn't want to send off my application now but had to pull the trigger now. Less than 24 hours....someone might have fucked up.
Maybe that's my problem
probably just api fuckery/databases not updating quickly/etc
not really. most corpo networking is pretty simple and made up of out-of-the-box solutions. even the ancient cisco grognards don't really need replacements as they die off. learn COBOL for peak job security
Thoughts? Agree?
I make sure to send a thank you email right after the interview. Still got rejected despite acing the technical and behavioral aspects.
>hurdur it takes thousands and thousands of dollars to hire someone
how about don't waste so much money you fucking retarded niggers
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How the fuck do you fellas monkeybranch into external jobs? I'm at my 3 years mark and I'm still getting rejected for roles that I am qualified and competent for.
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There was this job that I applied to where the recruiter told me send a thank you letter after the interview with the manager. Of course I didn’t and I got passed over after that interview. Weird vibe from the interview anyways so don’t care
>How does he do it?
by not having a job
wtf tghats my house
Possibly. Either way, there was "only" 4 applicants so far after it being live for 5 hours. Maybe I'll have a shot if it's real? Or maybe HR will use me to get their pick through? Either way, I wouldn't mind an on-site trip.
That's dumb. Stop listening to people here for career advice.
Just live with your parents.
True. I was fired 6 months ago because management dropped the ball and needed someone to blame for their incompetence. I've been through 4 different companies and they're all spastics who use piss-weak manipulation tactics to justify why I should work more hours without pay. I'm over working for these gay cunts.
I'll do it. I'll spin whatever fucking yarn you want me to.
Rage bait.
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Bumping for Mossa
>programming on work laptop
>middle of the day
>sudden restart with zero warning
>helpdesk apparently sent out an email saying they pushed an update that might cause a restart so we shouldn't have unsaved work open
>no time mentioned, no way to anticipate the restart, no indication the system was about to restart
Just another day living with an incompetent IT department. How in the fuck did they think it's okay to restart everybody's work laptop in the middle of the day like that?
they've probably been trying to get that update pushed for like two months and finally got fed up
based but make it $5
always commit before lunch and before u log off
Which career path do failed developers switch to? Management? IT?
>If you could go back in time and offer your freshman CS major self some advice, what would it be?

lots of things
1. shouldve went to englit or system information. learn gamedev on the side. learn japanese on the side and get N5 or N4 at least. you will always be shit at coding (webdev, anything software engineering) but you can stil find work as a QA / network engineer / general IT. maybe if you worry about being able to work at much, you should've went for a CCNA bootcamp

2. don't get addicted to porn and masturbating. delete online competitive video games out of your life.

3. pay someone to help if you're stuck at something

4. secure good grades for the first 4 semesters

5. there's a pandemic coming up that makes you stay with your dogshit family again for 3 years instead of enjoying some freedom at your boarding house. maybe if you went for trade school back then, you would already have a job sooner and doesn't have to rely on your parents for money.
how about that book about system design interview?
Pajeets and juniors were hounding me non-stop today. Idk how lead developers deal with all of this shit
Become a DevOps engineer and enjoy earning more than devs while working less.
how often do you guys do system design stuff like making use case diagrams, data flow diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams at work? this has always been my weakpoint going thru uni.
What about on-call though? I already dealt with that as a sys admin and got way more bothered on weekends and weeknights than I did as a dev. Not to mention prod issues and being on calls for hours
You either ignore them or do it for them

happens if you actually do system design. most junior devs don't.
at the end of my QA internship period my mentor told me about "hey i want you to help me make a diagram in microsoft visio" but he never mentioned it again
>be me
>cloud bitch
>colleague approaches me
>"hey cloudanon my service won't scale up, says no resources available I think something is broken"
>he manually launched a fuckton of tasks without adding some machines to run them on
>tell him he needs to add some resources, as has been the case for three years
>"but anon, I never had to do this before, my service never needed resources"
>my service never needed resources
>explain to him that his program does, in fact, need CPU and RAM to run
>in fact, it also needs a GPU because it's AI crap
>takes one hour
This guy earns more than I do.
I habitually hit save all after almost every change precisely because of random events like this so I didn't actually lose any work, but it's still fucking retarded.
Also committing twice a day wouldn't help for shit against these things as you could still lose hours of work. And I only commit code that at least compiles and preferably works. Which is not on a set schedule.
you fucked up, should have said "can you please log a ticket so I can take a look?" and go back to jerking off
The day ChatGPT learns to manage our Rust/Go/C++/Node.js/PHP microservice spaghetti stack is the day we have a general artificial superintelligence. By that point all jobs become obsolete.
it will be consolidated and rewritten in java first saar
You get on-call duty as a dev now as well.
I make 1-2 RFCs per quarter. Diagrams help me actually design the system. I would not be able to keep it all in my head.
You're entirely correct, I fucked up. In my defense, I wasn't thinking straight, this amount of idiocy left me stunned.
Trump just 'promised' to day 1 sign an executive order giving US university graduates and junior college graduates automatic green cards. Before they would have to either get a job before leaving or apply for a visa once they leave the country. Now they can pretty much stay in the country until they get a job, which is probably not going to happen. Instead they will likely become one of those university educated 'distributed' people working at some low-skill service job outside of their area of study.

This probably isn't going to happen, green cards have nothing to do with getting a college education, but the fact they're talking about this is shows the state of the tech industry. We're at the stage where there is so much lobby and donor money sloshing around from the tech sector that politicians are now 'promising' these pie in the sky things to and get some money from these idiots.
I do it every time I want a new microphone or something so everyone's eyes glaze over and they just give me whatever I want to avoid having to read All That Shit
1. source?
2. who cares, h1b visas and "remote" pajeets were already a thing
I got a job offer as a data scientist, is it comfy?
>who cares
Are you sure you want some punjabi or whatever with two STEM masters degrees serving up your $22 McDouble?
>a tweet containing a 900 year video to
god i hate modern media. this could have been a textual press release. jesus christ

>Are you sure you want some punjabi or whatever with two STEM masters degrees serving up your $22 McDouble?
that already happens.
Its not even 2 minutes you ADHD
don't care, this didn't have to be a video nor should the primary source be the musk shitpost site
t. OpenAI cultist
I'm just saying: by the time I'm jobless, so is everyone.
H-how do I find a job on Linkedin? This shit is wack
Or do I let the recruiters find me? But I barely appear in 2-3 searches per week...
Is "networking" really that important? To ask for connect with people I've never met like a beggar, to post my ugly mug on the profile picture? Linkedin says it increases the chances of being messaged by recruiters but with my ugly face I bet it will do the opposite
Just bee urself I guess
Sir, this is /twg/, not /pol/.
>Add a shit ton of people on Linkedin
>Doesn't matter if you know them or not
>As long as they're relevant to the industry you're in
>Create a couple of sock accounts
>Go to https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ and use whatever's generated for your sock accounts
>Have them add a shit ton of people they don't know (and yourself as well)
>Write a fabricated work history at prestigious companies for these accounts
>Give them big titles as well, why not?
>Use these accounts to write glowing reviews for your own profile
>Beef up your work history with total bullshit, statistics completely pulled out of your ass "e.g. spearheaded an initiative to innovate an efficient pipeline for deliverables and saw an 80% increase in effective output"
>Make yourself visible to recruiters by occasionally posting vacuous "motivational" trite and technical posts meant for somebody who is on day 1 of learning that topic
>The reason is because the more in-depth you go, the more likely a developer is
going to pipe up with a conjecture to something you've said
>If you keep it stupid simple, nobody but CTE victims are going to object (e.g. using JavaScript's map function to return a new array instead of writing a new for loop).

I can already hear you say
>But Anon, that's dishonest!

This whole industry is a scam and people who'll hire you will find a way to fuck you. Wring them for as much cash as you can.
I have started working with a team recently and the default behaviour is to git ignore everything and then add a not ignore to the .gitignore file for my content to be committed.

I have never worked like this and I am really struggling as no one can tell me why this is the pattern.

Is this common practice? Help?
>This whole industry is a scam
the entire economy is fake after 1971
Try 1487
I'm a Dec 2021 grad who was fortunate enough to get 2 offers within weeks of each other. It feels kinda ironic because I couldn't get anything for so long after graduating, but I just stuck to improving myself as an engineer and as a candidate, and I guess it paid off.

The problem is I already started the job I got first - I really like the team (friendly and strong culture of respecting wlb) and the pay is very decent (~100k), but the stack is fairly niche (think like Laravel/RoR). It's also not a brand name company.

On the other hand, the second offer is with a well known tech company with a good reputation for wlb, and ~150k TC. The team also seems more high-achieving (a lot of US masters and past top tech experience vs career switchers, not that that actually determines the quality of engineer) so maybe I would be able to learn more and make my resume look better.

Just based on the math, 50%+ increase in pay seems like a no-brainer, but I feel like I would really be letting my team down by leaving so soon after joining, and because I spent so long unemployed, I guess I kinda built some imposter syndrome where I feel afraid I wouldn't be able to deliver if I switch to the second company. But I also don't want my sense of loyalty to a company result in me missing out on a big opportunity, since if it helped their bottom line, I know the company wouldn't hesitate to cut me.

I would really appreciate hearing everyone's thoughts and advice. Especially on how I should break the news to my current team...
Mention ALL the skills you have any half decent grasp on on your profile and let the recruiters come to you.
Well i think instead of just using the same old approach of doing authetication yourself and getting more control over the data (which is really easy to do), the web dev community will rather make an auth wrapper like next-auth with not so clear docs on what to do that is also less flexible than doing auth manually and instead spend hours trying to figure out how to make the wrapper work.
what's a pegi 3 app that I could create to showcase my golang, kafka, redis and postgresql skills?
What event are you referring to?
wtf lol no
nta but probably the discovery of huge silver mines in south america by spain-portugal
>I feel like I would really be letting my team down by leaving so soon after joining
Don't be a cuck, don't let yourself get guilt-tripped by a fucking company. It says right there in your contract that you can leave whenever you want. Make sure the second offer is legit, then ask the current company for a 50k payraise and otherwise leave.
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>have A+, Net+, Sec+, CCNA, IT degree, internship experience
>can't land an interview
is IT one big grift or will it get better?
With that kind of gap I'd stick with the current company for 1-2 years. You're likely rusty and the other one is more likely to boot you. It's not bad to be experienced in niche tech (better a fresh than a declining one though). The worst outcome here is ending up with no job.
This is not common but it sounds like a lead dev got tired of retards committing every single file into their repos without a second thought.
>kicked out of a bootcamp during this tech hiring climate

oh no your chances are so bad now looool
Aint easy, started wfh in 2019, lost that job and couldn't find another until 10 months. If you find one, stick your claws into it (if its good of course). Also working on skills, side projects, SEO, AI or whatever you can to work towards a safety net for additional income.

>By that point all jobs become obsolete.
Probably best to utilize whatever AI you can right now. I've been using claude for WordPress PHP and it's been a dream. What would of probably taken me weeks, maybe months took a single afternoon. It even tells you what it's doing and how. Saves going back and forth and dealing with stackoverflow snark kek.
Coding Bootcamps have higher grad hiring than any non top college you can think of.
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I made an AI (obviously wrapper) that lets you generate cover letters for jobs. Should I post about it on my LinkedIn (I'm unemployed and looking for a job)? Or will it be a red flag?
Expand it and turn it into a product that automates applying for jobs entirely. If these faggots are going to automate interviews, automate having to apply. If it's one of those gay interviews where you're talking to an AI instead of a person, automate that too. Just have two faggot ass AIs duke it out on who is the gayest of them all.
8 years in tech and you are not retired yet? the fuck have you been doing?
good morning saars god bless america
Turd worlder here. How do i get remote job after collecting 3 YOE in my country? By remote job i mean real remote job. I can put up with zoom meetings but please no tracking softwares please
What's your specialization and how good are you at it?
I did manual QA tester internship for 12 months. I'm about to graduate compsci soon and look for a job and stick with it for a year or two. Then hopefully I'll know what im good at. I'm leaning towards full QA shit like automation and Network Engineering. I'll be studying to get my CCNA again after I'm done with my bachelor thesis.

My mom knows a lot of people who can help me find work in their company, but for the sake of pursuing calm and stillness in my life i want a job with minimum overtime with maximum buxx. I don't mind getting paid just $1k - 3k a month. Everyone here only makes $300-$1k a month until they die, even after they worked for 20-40 years.
You were supposed to get 2yoe from helldesk during college. I have just a+ and net+ and do networking helldesk right now and I haven't graduated yet. I ts fiber, dsl, cable, traditional fixed wireless, lte fixed wireless, cable television, voip phones, traditional phones, and email
>If it's one of those gay interviews where you're talking to an AI instead of a person
Is that what their advertising materials told you before you paid
Saar redeem the canadian visa, much white pussy for you in toronto
>Thread Question: If you could go back in time and offer your freshman CS major self some advice, what would it be?

I didn't major in CS, I majored in Electrical Engineering. Anyway I would have slapped my self for changing major from CE to EE right before freshman year.
fuck off out of toronto
Name drop the boot camp anon
>be wfh
>use wireless keyboard with buttons to switch bluetooth connections
>accidentally switch to work laptop which is logged in focused on slack
>type out 4chan reply without looking, calling someone a nigger faggot and telling them to die of aids
>look up and realize I've typed this into our team slack channel
one enter key press away from getting fired
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Do you also feel happier ever since covid emerged and we started working from home? It's been 3 years and it's still so comfy I don't want to change a thing. I got 2 offers in the meantime, more money in both cases but also require to do hybrid so I just declined.
It might sound weird but thank you Chinese for your fucking lab virus! You changed our lives.
Leave STEM forever, get a PhD in Classics or English and consign myself to a life of being a professor and hermit scholar
same bro. it still doesn't feel real. if you told me in February 2020 that in a few days I would never have to commute again I would have laughed in your face
I don't feel this way at all. Laying on my bed and playing with my cats on break rules and so does wearing basketball shorts with no underwear
i lost my job and cant find one, so no
Saar did you at least cleanse in the cow poo bath?
Professorship hiring rates are like 2% and you have to deal with the worst work politics with nothing but adult children who never left the playpen
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>recruiters started messaging me every single day from small companies to startups and f500
what is going on? did they accidentally discover my personal github account?
im so jealous, i hate you
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I was in the same spot but I severely fucked up by not declining and switching to hybrid because I thought "it pays more and at least I will socialize a little more". There are no girls except for a couple HR stacies and the faggots of my coworkers are so insanely normie tier it's fucking unreal. I feel like killing myself every time I go to the office. Working my way towards a remote position now
I have 3 days wfh and am a network engineer now. Luckily I was a consultant in under x amount employees construction to avoid legal requirements for the employees. So nobody never knew I was not vaxed. Got let go at other job for trying to talk sense to people. Learned to shut my mouth once I changed and now I'm directly employed by the firm with a good position. Now I wait for everybody to fall over and ask for a 500k wage.
Yeah I mean respect for PhD holders who do it for their passion but working in academia seems hellish in its own way.

Also I can't imagine the pay for an English professor is all that good.
But yeah if I went anti-tech I'd probably do HR or something to be perfectly honest
>Surrounded by prime breedable roasties every day
>Biggest system mooches by far
>Their problems and challenges are so trivial and retarded, being slightly technically competent in terms of using/acquiring tech would be a major leg up on everyone
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Are we back, sirs?
i live in europe, so they're likely to offer around 40k or 60k since we're cheap labor
im earning 0k in canada
yep that's why i'm a quiet quitter :thumbsup:
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at least you can find a cute pajeeta gf
bad bot
i got hired from a bootcamp with zero prior experience and no bachelor's degree and started just shy of 100k/yr lmao. i might be the only one that managed this, which i'm fine with i guess.
Buy a $50CAD fifth of popov and quietly sob. It's the canadian national past time. Trudeau will import some more poos to do your job.
my company forced everyone off local admin privileges, i couldn't do shit for two weeks, finally help desk restored my admin and suddenly everything works. their explanation? "everyone that needs admin will just request it back" hahahahahahaha my company is retarded and that's a good thing for multiple reasons
Based. Devs get zero privilage
That's the thing, the cons will do the same, there is no party willing to stop it, ndp said they would import even more, and the rest of the parties could never win.
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>manager: you need to be more specific on your weekly slack standups that we write in slack
>manager: why were you auditing X? why are you doing all this API work?
>aren't you the one reading these? you know why on both
>manager: yeah but the SLT doesn't know
>aren't you reading them out loud to the SLT during the meeting? both these projects were assigned out by you
>never replies
anyone use powershell and working with ms365 tenents?

How would I go about getting all the members a email group is a member of, not the member in the email group but if the email group is a member of other email groups.

I found out I can just make a script that checks all emails groups that have members with the matching email group but thats gonna take ages for a tenent with over 2000 email groups...
one of two cases
>documentation for fellow developers (stakeholders don't care, and fellow devs are overworked and don't care either, so, avoid what you don't know)
>selling shit to stakeholders (they don't understand, they'll never understand, they just want to be impressed and feel their investment is worth it)
the real world doesn't care about academic standards unless it's academics managing academics (rare). people just want to make more money, exert control, feel smart so appeal to those things and use the academic standards to look smart if needed
Q3 is coming up. They need more fodder.
George Soros owns Canada
take a long time to deliver a model, which doesn't do well, then iterate on the model, cool you burned a year or two now ditch the project and repeat it again elsewhere "with experience" (for more money)
people just lie into shit and they get to keep their jobs for years?
Senior QA automation engineer here, ask me anything
Your standups go to the SLT? What the fuck
layoff city breh

also your manager is a cunt
upwork is better
I mean it does sound comfy
i mean i didn't do any work for two weeks sooo who won? that's right i won biatch
Your TC saar?
sir pls do the needful
only if you're good at keeping the grift going. early in your career you need a couple things to show for, and decent amount of knowledge. then you can bullshit everything else. if the company feels like it won by hiring you, then you've won
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32 is too old to switch into tech innit
>t. chem eng oil & gassie

retard be happy
I switched from chem to SWE at 27. The bubble was still growing back then though.
quick call, sir?
not a good time to pivot to tech, you would almost certainly be downgrading in terms of salary I'd imagine, your field is pretty well paying yeah?
what makes you want to switch over?
Petroleum engineers make great money wtf
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aren't we all grifting in the end?
I hate quick calls I hate quick connects I hate doing the needful I hate neverending messages asking for help because they don't read the error message I hate troubleshooting for an hour for someone who can barely add numbers together I just want to do actual development
I really believed in the whole professionalism and production thing. Every single aspect of the US is just pants on head retarded though. Between the garbage restaurants, finance scams, and horde of niggers there really isn't room for a serious economy and you're just going to get fucked if you take it seriously.
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the bubble seems to have popped
money is good. job was paying $200-$230k / yr depending on bonus but travel and working odd hours was tiresome after 8 years so I quit. now my skills are very specialized so I'd probably have to move about an hour to the other side of town to get similar pay or try and get lucky and get a corporate role at a big firm but those are difficult if you dont have...extra factors for hiring. I guess I could just do a lateral move and take a paycut and I'd be alright but man that sucks. And oil and gas is so boomer. Zero hybrid schedule or WFH opportunities.
they do.
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>5+ yoe
>apply for simple a junior job (1 yoe required)
>no reply
Apply to 99 more and you'll get 5 interviews. Have you ever asked a girl out or gotten a phone number?
>Have you ever asked a girl out
>i'm retarded
sorry anon. but for real, people like you also say shit like "man I don't know what I'd do once I retire I'd be sooo bored" you "people" are really no better than human cattle. "whoa I have time to spend...for myself...not mr Goldstein??? I'm going INSANE!" scum
>5+ yoe
>don't apply for anything else because under-qualified
>but job is easy and pays well
should i stay or should i go?
>Also I can't imagine the pay for an English professor is all that good.
It's not about the pay though. I make a lot of money right now and I'm not happy and hate technology. All I need is enough for an apartment and basic necessities
This type of specific, one-off request for an annoying tool is exactly what ChatGPT excels at
You should get security+net+ and cissp and get a security analyst position. It's helpdesk++. You'll basically be doing the same thing but make 60-80k/yr. Then get a security architect position and make 100-120k. With 5yoe at help desk you should be allowed to get the cissp and not isc2
I forgot to turn if it off the other day when I had a call with my Indian colleague. Hope my mic didn't pick up sound from my headphones.
just say you're transitioning that way they can't be transphobic about your appearance
enjoy your new job
absolute retard for not seeing this eventuality sooner
Hello based
That's what you get for using bluetooth and not a dongle
Its the only good thing to come out of it. Never returning to an office or using public transport and dealing with people's shit ever again. Best part is, I'm working on projects that will make me more money in the long run whilst I wfh.

>Working my way towards a remote position now
Its the only way. And if they ever try and switch you to going back into the office if you do find wfh, just threaten to leave, they typically cave in
>If you could go back in time and offer your freshman CS major self some advice, what would it be?

Fuck CS, it's not worth it. Drop out, use the saved money to buy Bitcoin. Chill for 4 years, play video games, study programming as a hobby, end up significantly better off financially with much better mental health.
>Fuck CS, it's not worth it.
Why not? There are some pretty comfy jobs in tech.
>If you could go back in time and offer your freshman CS major self some advice, what would it be?
I was a cybersec major.
The answer is do Software Engineering degree. Cybersec is worthless and I'm too much of a brainlet for pentesting.
Then at least I will have the option for doing a masters.
Also be more engaged in the clubs.
And ask out the Polish girl in the first year.
>If you could go back in time and offer your freshman CS major self some advice, what would it be?
"buy nvidia"
Not at my job
I'm European so the jobs don't pay shit but they do demand a lot so I'm poor, stressed and burnt out. Not comfy at all.
If I did that I'd get an earful about "non-free drivers."
>buy Bitcoin
>mine Bitcoin
>buy $AAPL
>buy $NVDA
>buy $AMD
>dump engineering and switch out to finance
>do not interact with that blonde girl in your engineering class
>do not room with rich kid

I don't think I'm missing anything here.
why would you do that? no one will take you seriously if you don't value your level and skills anon
Jobs can pay fairly well in europe though.
Is the job market for data science as bad as the job market for software engineering? Are the jobs all being outsourced to Indians in that field too?
>no coffee, no alcohol in weeks
>get decent sleep
>still tired as fuck in the after noon, feel like missing 2 hours of sleep, look like a ghoul on camera
what the fuck is this shit
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Anons, you all need to start taking the "just make shit up" pill.

Jeets are effectively pen-testing a high trust society and playing entirely by their own rules while at face value pretending to be a Good Old American (TM)

Just start lying.

Pump your resume full of fake experience in tech stacks that you'd like to use. Make up previous work experience. Put Staff Engineer at Google on your CuckedIn and then delete it when you actually land interviews. Lie. Or you'll be consumed by the Jeet horde who refuse to play by the white man's rules. Stop getting cucked by luke-warm IQ jungle apes. Lie.
start drinking coffee again (it's good for you) and hit diet and exercise next
>(it's good for you)
but Dr. K the healthy gamer told me to stop??
You might be experiencing withdrawals from relying on the shit. Give it some more time and you should get over it
how do you get decent sleep? my mind is racing at night and i literally cannot get more than 6 hours a night
I'll check out but I'm not lying. Living with lies is hell.
>summer has barely started
>electric bill goes up almost 50%
i hate it i hate it i hate it
wtf I just got sent a interview test for a 1st line helpdesk role.
10 minutes and 43 questions. I didn't expect that many questions in 10 minutes so I rushed through and ran out of time got 63%.

I just did the test for fun but not going to interview if I do get chosen though.

its for an msp
overqualified duh
> be german enterprise dev for prod site
> also half admin cause onsite admins dont care
> making 80k and kinda acting as team lead for 2 dev and 2 admins
> stressfull and overall unpleasant cause 20 years tech dept of plebs
> also germancuck/social communism tax eating my money
> me to my manager
> i dont wann work anymore, fuck your shit infrastructure and fucked erp systems boii
> give in my notice to end of year to be fair
> manager offers it lead job with 24k pay bump, company car and some more benefits
don know what to do
its just a draining job overall
but damn i wanna make 100k desu
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drink the fucking coffee
your problem is not exercising and eating like shit
stop pretending it's otherwise
at 100k you'll be taking home a nice 32k/yr and the rest goes to Abdul so he can buy new prayer rugs. enjoy, Hans.
>don know what to do
say you'll stay for 35k more (they'll settle for 30k)
Honest answer: you'll need to work harder (not be smarter) than 60% of your graduating class. If you're not ready to do that, it might be time for a change in major.
Keep it to yourself and maybe close friends, anon. Some companies also forbid AI generated applications.
>t. applied to hundreds of companies using a mixture of manual and automated methods

You might have sleep apnea. There are apps that can record audio while you sleep and classifies types of noises.
make youtube videos about how oil and gas is dead
>PetrolLead: why i think oil & gas is dead as an ex-BP millionaire engineer
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>instead of reading the CICD scripts and dig in a bit and solve their problem in 5 minutes when something fails they immediately message me with screenshots of nothing and beg for me to solve it and pull me off from tasks that take hours and I'm already behind on because of the work load
Starting to deeply hate my team desu
any fast acting methods to quell an intense, nigh-genocidal hatred of recruiters?
>type A tranny joins the team
>working here 3 months
>clearly considers himself the smartest person in the room
>has already mastered everything
>doesn't even realize when he's constantly putting his foot in his mouth and technically incorrect about all kinds of shit
I hate people
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My face gets red when speaking up in meetings. It’s so annoying. Like if my face didn’t get red it wouldn’t be obvious that I have anxiety. Any anons deal with this? I heard Zoloft helps
give us a rundown on tranny types, google won't explain it to me
By type a I'm referencing the type a - type b personality theory. It's just annoying when they hire these zoomer guys in their early 20s who clearly think their job is to amaze everyone and blow everyone's hair back. Like when he walks in the door an explosion is supposed to go off. Fuck I hate zoomers man. It's so tedious. I don't even correct him when he's wrong about shit, I just let him barrel on obliviously like an unstoppable train of vocal fry and question inflection.
>Do you also feel happier ever since covid emerged and we started working from home?
yeah, I'm living a life better than most humans who have ever existed. I do kida miss working with a real team and having access to more social circles though
Finally hot my first job holy shit I thought I was gonna be a NEET forever yahoooooooo!!!
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How many people in your team know how to use git from the CLI?
new: >>101088238
I’m a tranny. I currently have crippling anxiety and feel like I’m totally inadequate. Sometimes I think I should switch careers but other times I really like it and my anxiety is lower. Idk I don’t think you can really generalize. It’s prolly safe to say that the rates of autism and psych/personality disorders are higher with trans in general. But that doesn’t mean we all are bdd or depressed or narcissistic. It just means statistically we have higher rates of any of these mental issues.
Why don't you just stop poppers gooning go be normal
I’m actually not a hyper sexual person. I mean I don’t jerk off a lot or have lots of random sex. I do have kinks tho. Idk blame autism and the internet I guess.
You should share what you wrote here in your weekly update.
Sorry anon. It’s just a job tho. There is a lot to despise in the modern world. Sometimes it’s just easier to go numb. Even still, don’t kill yourself please.
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>18 months into quiet quitting
>35 posts early
you really depend on your free ad THAT much? sad
>>35 posts early
TWG fizzles into a nothingburger at about 250 replies. new thread gets people talking again. i need a distraction while i "work" from home.
>3 months into quiet quitting
they keep cutting me checks and I keep shitpoastin on /g/.
You’re doing it right anon. Make sure you have an exit strategy tho
>Make sure you have an exit strategy tho
current gig has withered my technical skills to basically nothing at all. unironically used to be a linux kernel contributor and trusted to architect greenfield projects. but i've been so clocked out for so long that i'm struggling with basic syntax of python when doing Leetcode easies. i gotta practice more.
redpill me on coffee
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is there a rise in demand for low level programming(c, assembly, OS programming, security at low level, etc.) people in software industry ? How replaceable are software engineers today and just what does it take to land the first job in the aforementioned areas in the software industry? I'm seriously considering in getting into low level stuff, from the pov of software and not EE as I plan on getting a degree in computer applications
jobs are few and far between and mostly being death-gripped by boomers who peaked in the 80s. the pay is shit, the hours are long. you'll be doing things 10x more technical and difficult than a webcuck for 1/3rd the pay. on the bright side, very few jeets.

t. systems programmer (linux kernel, bare metal)
learn rust and embrace being a tranny
>new manager already micromanaging less than a week in
It's joever
Just wait the standard 3 months until he no longer has the time due to his managers micromanaging him
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Technically he's my manager's manager, he's just cutting out the middleman to micromanage. I hope he eases up or I won't be able to not tell him off for doing it
Our previous one was laid back and didn't fiddle in things unless we reached out for help
>the pay is shit, the hours are long. you'll be doing things 10x more technical and difficult than a webcuck for 1/3rd the pay.
how is it poorly paid when the work is difficult and the amount of people you've got to compete somewhat less given jeets are less in that field? There's also the rise of cyber security threats given the current geopolitical situation, so what gives?
>how is it poorly paid when the work is difficult and the amount of people you've got to compete somewhat less given jeets are less in that field?
there is zero correlation between difficulty of job and compensation. webshits are paid huge bucks because they can quickly put something on a screen for demos/pitching to drooling MBAs. No C-level guy cares that you wrote a USB driver or whatever. you're seen as a cost center.
Has anyone use the advice from the links the OP post?

Are useful? I will have an interview soon and I wanted to know if they are useful in any way.
>there is zero correlation between difficulty of job and compensation
my dude, didn't the xz fiasco(which I have little to no knowledge about but certainly am aware that it was a big thing) wake up the industry of the possible dangers of letting foreign actors implant bugs in the code that handles hundreds of millions of machines?
How are people planning to deploy AI for these kinds of areas?
i'm simply giving you my anecdote an actual real life employed engineer with ~10 YOE in the systems-level space. the people patching zero-days have PhDs in math and C.S. so if you're really into that, sure, make the investment in yourself.
>the people patching zero-days have PhDs in math and C.S.
I was under the impression that only people with extensive software experience did this as these phds only know math and little to no software.
>i'm simply giving you my anecdote an actual real life employed engineer with ~10 YOE in the systems-level space.
thx. Could you transition into that area if you wanted to without having to go back to school? How does your everyday job look like. Give me a no meme greentext m8.
They barely reach six digits in most countries and then you're raped with 50%+ in taxes and social contributions. Oh and VAT on everything you buy.
How do you get into this field? My background is in ML but I've always been interested in systems programming
>passive aggressive coworker who i know has it out for me
>openly curses on public slack channels and does a bunch of unprofessional shit
>influence policies
>uses being "southern" as an excuse for their faggotry, im also from there so that doesn't mean shit
>every so often, they'll make a slight jab at folks and at me in our meetings
also, it's a woman in case you couldn't already tell
>why do they have it out for you?
because i outperform them and don't cause stupid fucking problems every time something doesn't go my way like they do, that's literally it
was thinking i'd take a professional approach and ask questions to make them look bad, but that feels like being too passive or being a corposlave to not get into trouble despite others not being punished for worse
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alright, for some context I'm basically working alone on a small side project using some tech no one else has experience in
I basically just bullshitted them about having trouble with figuring out in what direction I'd take my tasks in and that I would take the next couple weeks to delve into a spike project to try out different shit before I get back to doing tasks with estimated value
they "bought it" but I think they know I'm bullshitting, it's just the usual scrum "I don't wanna do anything for a week or two" make believe spike task
idc about the job the problem is that I've gone into a death spiral of executive dysfunction these past few months where literally everything that takes any amount of effort from me gets dismissed because "I'll kms soon anyways"
even shit that should be pleasurable I can't do, I don't want to buy and start new games, upgrade my computer, do anything other than pick up and play games like sudoku / solitaire, shit like that
I have it all planned and within about an hour I could be done but I just can't push myself for some reason despite the fact that I wake up every day wishing I had already done it
if you're a guy don't get into office politics with a woman no matter how right you are
if it ever comes down to someone being fired it won't be the woman, ever
Anyone here hiring?
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What job should I get if I absolutely loathe IT work, programming, web development, domain users, cryptobros, AI coomers, and italian food
wash dishes
Do you guys use swagger?
>become a financechud and networkscumbag your way to wealth
>luck your way into being an influencer and peddle garbage to your followers
>become a criminal
>or just enjoy poverty
Choose and choose wisely.
>There's also the rise of cyber security threats given the current geopolitical situation
most "infosec" people are not ebin hackers counter-hacking the chinese red hats or whatever. it's 90% updating AV definitions and writing wireshark filters. Partly because it's a fake field full of fraud, and partly because offensive stuff isn't like the movies and 90% of corporate espionage is bribing a guy there so he can just "lose" his work laptop/phone in an embassy trash can. Even real world military spying is mostly people in dire financial woes (or who are just greedy and unscrupulous) offering up documents to enemies or people getting compromised through blackmail to give up stuff they have normal access to.

I don't understand money, don't like appearing on camera, am too fat to run from police, and already have savings. I guess I will pick poverty in 2027 then
God I'd hate to be German lmao
Guys I'm on my last sem of CompSci, and was talking with my C++ prof, I showed him my latest project so I could gather some feedback and make changes before posting it on linkedin, but he said it's a terrible idea and I should just scrap it, he thinks I will get blacklisted from companies if I post it. It's AI website where you can post your code and ask for improvements, clarifications, etc.
kill yourself
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The UI presentation, sure, why not? The backend spec is OpenAPI, it's just a simple JSON/YAML. Slap SwaggerUI on the frontend and it handles all the nice API documentation for you, complete with "try it out" functionality, supports authentication, shows full request/response headers, the whole shebang

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