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Collab of the century edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101055538
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>mogged by ED9 (erectile dysfunction 9)
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Hit play and enjoy anons and remember, the only person who needs to approve of your pos is you!
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ty baker
reminder that you should be just hitting play and enjoying music. not wasting money on pieces of shit (pos). all products are pos.
Chu 2 + condomtips is comfort endgame. Add some EQ, and you're set. No need to buy another pos.
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Shut up rat.
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He seriously lives in your head rent free, you got the wrong nigga
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Be honest /iemg/, is Q5K a bad buy/downgrade if I already have a Rockbox'd Zip Clip?
q5k is never a bad buy
gaymousetranny is our thread mascot
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I love gay mouse trannies. I think they are cute and kissable
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following a thorough analysis, i'm pretty sure the next cringy collab is just a boosted bass+mids kiwiears quintet
KZ graphs are about as consistent and reliable as a 1981 Yugo
Nice sleuthing skills anon.
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Nova bros... I get it now—but I still kinda miss my Moondrop Starfields tho, it feels wrong cheating on my first classy waifu with some young harlot.
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what a manwhore
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You're right, I don't deserve her
please discuss tws too
Why did Sony stop making new wired IEMs such as M9/Z1R? Is the market too niche now?
because they switched to making tws pos instead. isn't it apparent that the market has shifted with the death of the non-streaming daps?
gonna mod a 5th gen ipod with flash storage and rockbox unless someone can recommend me a cheaper/better option (my main concerns are simplistic UX and high storage capacity)
>gate sold out
it's fucking over
guess that's what happens when you wait until the last day expecting some last minute sales to come up
there's literally nothing worth buying in the next 3 days anymore
>wanker studio edition
hold on saar
dodged the bullet right ther
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samshit buds 3 pro leak = crapple pods pro
it's fucking over (i would buy it)
i will be forced to keep using ve monks for another month and you're laughing
Don't call my iemfu like that ever again.
idk I see gate on Amazon just fine.
normal wankers are still good btw. Or if you don’t mind the shell the c0 elf is a bright fun little guy with pretty stellar tuning apart from the bass rolloff(it’s not that bad)
mega5est came in today, it's a very nice sidegrade for my xenns top
Just buy a blue vido and eq it. Simple as.
You can't EQ something effectively that changes FR fit every fit.
Did he die from ricochet?
Slow market, nothing to discuss.
Isn't it too noring in comparision?
How is detail retrieval on Hisenior?
>How is detail retrieval on Hisenior?
good, though not as good as the top
>Isn't it too noring in comparision?
so that's the thing, yes and no. It depends entirely on genre. For edm or jpop, the top is well...the top. But for something like indie rock or metal, the mega5est is better. It really excels at mids
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Indecisive retard from previous thread here
I decided to do some more researching instead of blindly following scarbir and came across picrel
Honestly made me wonder why he didn't put this one in the hall of fame instead
Longer battery life, AAC and LDAC (Anon previously suggested me getting a TWS with LDAC if I were serious about getting one), isolation related stuff seems to be just as respectable
Does it sound like a good deal at $40 as a main driver (phone outdoors, thinkpad indoors)? There seems to be no complaints about latency even on gaming mode
Use case are still mostly anime/movie/music and some single player games, I don't play anything competitive where I'd need 0 latency from wired, and picrel seems low enough from youtube reviews unless I get very autistic about nooticing it
On top of that the battery lasts long and the recharging is fast enough that I unironically should be able to use it all day with few short pauses
Did I find 'the one'? Do I get to get to skip wired options until I can afford fancier stuff?
Works on my ears.
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I got my Supermix 4 a few hours ago.

In short, it's very very good. The hype is real. The Simgot EM6L has terrible BA timbre. Truthear Zero and Hexa have no techs. The 7Hz Zero is turned very well, but fidelity is seriously lacking.

One thing that stands out, the EA500LM is only a little worse, details are slightly washed out. You're missing only a little bit if you have that instead of Supermix 4. If the former sounds like you're in your living room, the latter sounds perfect and clinical like an anechoic studio.

As for Supermix 4, it has great note weight, bass precision and texture, mids sound clinically perfect with lifelike timbre, and treble is slightly better quality than the EA500LM. The Supermix 4 is indeed very smooth, it sounds like it only has one driver.

I guess I'm a believer now, you can buy slightly better techs. Something like Softears Studio 4 is probably only a hair better.
>suggested me getting a TWS with LDAC
Does your phone even support LDAC?
>do some more researching
It literally doesn't matter. It's TWShit and this one graphs just as bad as the last with numerous FR flaws.
>skip wired options until I can afford fancier stuff?
Your logic is backwards. $5-25 wired options can sound quite good, whereas all cheap TWS are compromised in numerous ways to meet budget price and stuff all the features to a barely acceptable minimum function.
based consoomers. enjoy your pos bros
Yeah, okay, sure.
Post ears fuckin' nerd. both of them
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>$25 for this.
>Does your phone even support LDAC?
It is a terrible poorfag phone, but it does support LDAC
>It's TWShit and this one graphs just as bad as the last with numerous FR flaws.
This should be remediable with EQ, right?
>whereas all cheap TWS are compromised in numerous ways
Well, right now I'm trying to find any negative reports on them
I would be paying double the amount of the usual reccs like Chu II and Waner for similar sound performance (assuming EQ), but I guess the wireless conveniences should pay it off?
I've heard a number of cheap iems (Waner, ChangLe, Zero, Tanchjim One...) and the EA500LM is no joke. It does have a lot of techs. Even if the cheaper ones graph well, everything about the sound is bad. People should get something $50-$90 I guess, to get the most for their money.
Oh wow you have two endgame iems.
Just get Moondrop Space Travels.
What are you even doing on /iemg/ if you're not gonna buy budget FotM from China?
Simgot Lineup:
EA500 >= EM6L >= EA500LM > EA1000 > EW200 > EW100P
I'd try the SM4 but I'm 99% sure I'll be disappointed with the tuning.
Bro I totally hate the EM6L, it lacks a certain finesse and quality. You can skip the SM4 if you have something obviously better like the Xenns Top or Thieaudio pick your flavor.
I think EM6L stock is just much better for mids and treble. Bass is weak but the 500LM skirts that line of being too bright and shouty too closely.
EA500 stock lacks subbass, but everything else is pretty spot on.
And no, I dislike Harman-tuned IEMs, so I don't really like the Top. Some of Thieaudio's stuff is somewhat Harman, but toned down a bit, which I appreciate. Not that any of this matters when every single one is unnecessarily large and uncomfortable.
Space Travel was supposed to be my main option, but they have no IP rating, making them a dealbreaker as somebody who exercises and gets very sweaty daily
Please listen to the last 60 seconds of this flac for a timbral challenge. I look for the separation of multiple voices.

The space travel is absolutely terrible like Wan'er or something. It's not a hi-fi piece... well it's $25, what do you expect? But it's better to just keep a wired.
Do you know what's fairly good? The AKG N400, if you can find one.
Most of my pos sound fine with it. Even stock cheap buds like Vidos can provide that "separation", because most of it boils down to the listener's skill and aided a bit by the pos' tuning. Timbre is not optimal but it's close enough.
That last bit is nothing remarkable, just good mixing and well placed vocal tracks.
Yeah pretty much, I just wanted to share.
Was a good song, perfect for cunny pos.
Let me return the favor.
That's very modern style rap isn't it? Interesting, you hear it sometimes on tiktok. I'll say this for people with no experience, bass texture varies a lot between items and you have to buy it as part of the techs.
It's real rap music
Ew100 mogs them hard once you EQ all of them. Em6l is also noteable for sounding exactly like it graphs, good EQ platform for beginners, and no crossover surprises, no BA playing subbass. The rest is completely pointless products. Ea1000 is a disaster, subbass starts clipping faster than on some BAs.
Lol I was really close to buying mega5est last autumn in addition to my top. >>101079593
It may be considered harman if you just look at the graphs but in real life that extra bass and upper treble change the tonality by quite a lot and it does not quite sound like a typical harman pos.
I hope the EQ fags are trolling. You can't EQ techs.
If you don't EQ you can't separate techs from tonality.
I honestly feel like this sound is getting dated already. I'm waiting for a new sound, or for that fucking cartifag to drop something special
>The rest is completely pointless products.
I like their all metal beans, and my EA500 was a warmish and non-bright pos.
The main issue I have is the removal of midbass. I don't want mud, but most Harman-ish pos I've tried falter in that range. The Top wasn't as atrocious as something like the Variations or Novas, but it was still noticeable. Nothing egregious, I have other reasons for not liking the Top much.
>inb4 another tard falls for the bait
I EQ to my preferences like 5kHz,+3dB,Q 0.8, but I know the EQ won't give a EW100 the bass texture of the EA500LM because I have tried this and I can hear the difference. I think it is trolling to claim otherwise, like saying the Earth is flat to waste peoples' energy.
anyone own the EPZ S350T pros? I don't need recommendations I just want to know about this particular set
nice one guys, very nice
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posting another flac

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What do you chuds think of the Dita Project M?
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just check out amazon reviews, there are some.

/iemg/ runs /g/
thank you, I didn't even know they were on amazon
bright boutique pos. 100% i'd get it over posdropped bellsing3 if i was into basslet bright signatures
Honestly, it looks very cheap for some reason. Almost looks like a DIY setup, I really dislike how they put the logo and driver.
Based on graphs, it's a crap shoot. Hard to tell how it's going to be perceived (ie how good the techs are) but they're probably fine. Definitely some esoteric boutique bullshit.
Classic deaf Japanese product. Tinnitus unfolded 1000 times.
Their only reference tracks are elementary school girls a cappellas.
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You have to laugh at stuff like this.
ok ignoring that instadeaf peak, the rest actually looks somewhat
I've been using A40 for over a year, maybe more. Moved to Sonys lately.
For $40 they are nobrainer and I would recommend them. Apparently Liberty 4NC is another step up for slightly more but that stem can be hit or miss.
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At least get the country right to make up for your lack of due diligence
>you can buy slightly better techs
Been there, done that (T800>Hook X HBB>Tansio X).
just listened to an album at super loud volumes...
i get it tinnitusbros, i fucking get it now, it's incredible...
As audiophiles it's normal to do it occasionally.
Just get wamer sounding, veiled pos. You can crank them up without consequences.
excellent, but a bit too airy
>I'm waiting for a new sound
Return to tradition
anything tuned to jm-1 like hexa is great for this because you get less upper midrange and lower treble
jm-1zo shut the fuck up you fucking retard
not kz tuning = triggered
I use crin/super*/jm-1 target down to 200hz to calm the high end and let the iem have its natural bass intact, pretty good as far as it goes with gato, I'll try with nova back at home
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for instance, pic related
why not eq the 14khz peak?
>he doesn't know
techs are stored there
cause it is a budget iem and its known for shit air, that's the autoeq result you get, I paid 15€ for it so no biggie
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Faaealbros, your tierlist?
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That's a good approach, but I hope you eq > 6 kHz by ear only. Also, you tuned your Gato almost exactly to Hexa, so you might as well just buy Hexa, eq treble by ear, and be done with it.
sadly idk how to, but now I know why these reviewers like the target, I'll keep tinkering with it
>idk how to
On squig.link, go to the Equalizer, click the "?", click "Advanced", read "Locate/Remove treble peaks".

This is what I do: Set the Tone Generator to 3 kHz, set a comfortable volume, and just press the right arrow key to raise the frequency slider. Listen all the way until you can't hear a tone anymore. On your way, at about 7 to 8 kHz and maybe also at around 11-12 kHz, you might hear that the volume rises for a short time. This is usually not desirable, and should be eq'd; I suggest trying 4.0 Q, -6 dB at the frequency where the peak is loudest.
Iris 2.0 > Eq'd snow lotus 1.0 > all the rest faaeal flatheads
How many DDs you want? Uhh.. how about five? Say no more, senpai.
thought they'd be way cheaper. The look cheap at least (like most 7Hz pos)
any other anc earphone with kz xtra frequency response?
G*d I hope not
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I guess I will just try the A40 for a while, and if worse comes to worst (latency related for laptop usage), then I might get a cheap wired IEM at some point later
Sadly my upper limit is still $50 for now
Thanks, friend, it's settled then
I'm just going to order the A40 right now
From what I looked up, 4NC's features aren't significant enough to be worth the extra $10 ($50 total with 618 sales+ali coupon+anker coupon), so I will settle with the A40 and save the money in case I end up needing a cheap wired IEM
Thanks for the help, everyone
I tried it and past 8kHz everything sounds the same to me except some channel imbalance, I'll stick to the graphs and praying I got good enough QC
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Fox tws, endgame.
>past 8kHz everything sounds the same to me
Then there's no reason to EQ in that area. I wouldn't trust any graph above 6 kHz.
Source? I don’t see any info about release date or price anywhere.
Ya if it’s $25 that’s pretty pathetic considering zero 2 goes on sale regularly for less with a detachable cable and semi-custom shell(even if it is a shallow mess)
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You’ve convinced me. I realized I was going to return the Truthear Novas once I saw how stupid I looked in the mirror, also they are scratchy (which I’ve never used to describe monitors as until now) and the imaging is poor compared to my sweet Starfields; you never realize what you have till it’s gone.
$22 on amazon jp but with global tax it should be near that
Fucking DOA lol.
there’s a sliver of hope it’s just a placeholder price like when transchimp 4u was like $899 b4 it actually “officially” went on sale.
For $12-$15 it could be a buy. For $25 it’s literally by Larry’s own words a blon-like but with no detachable cable so like wowzas
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just updated my left ear's EQ (when applied to the left channel, both channels will play at the same volume to my ears)
*Thieaudio Prestige LTD*
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Wanker chads... Are we tired of winning yet? Blue wankers coming to everyone!

As we almost end the week, We got many more surprises for you!

This is the preview right now for the blue Wan’er edition, which will be also for sale soon in India, and globally!

Team Blue, White, Black?

Which team are you in selecting your Wan’er of choice?
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Also all the bores
Looking for new Admiral!
I wonder why anyone would want to compete with blon-03 when you can still buy a unit today
>blue isn’t the retuned studio version
depends on if they frick up the tuning but I’m good with my white wankers.
I actually think that the Memphis sound can be revived, just with some modern flare. If anything, Tommy Richman proved that there is a certain demand for it, g-funk or otherwise.
Well the main appeal would be that these are cheap.
…if they’re not cheaper then….there is none. fit maybe?
>buying blon
what is this 2020?
Didn't like it even 2020. Vk4 was better. What's the appeal.
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Holy shit double flange bros, we're SO FUCKING BACK
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should I get the new wyvern black bros? I want to try a non-expensive iem with that type of shell and this ones look cool.
save $20 and get the KZ ZS4 for under $10 to try the shape.
Kys, tyvan.
It's what I did to try the shape, the IEM sucks.
The dude asking about Wyvern isn't poor, even calls it inexpensive, so why would he follow your Pag advice.
How does this justify buying kz.
I love KZ, it's the best value brand. Keep seething. Rent free.

I <3 my KZ.
See >>101084843
Keep living in poverty
Ah, another satisfied Truthear customer in the books. Checkmate Wankerfags!
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Chink names...
Somehow I already trust this more than kz.
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they lurk this general don't they...
If I see the Hi-Res Audio logo, I buy.
Don’t. This is literally KZ leftovers that the monkeys who were too stupid to work at KZ cobble together and spew out with literally zero consideration for tuning or QC or anything really.
>too stupid to work at KZ
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>implying you need any technical qualifications to get recruited by jewz
just hit play and enjoy your pos bro
you didn't make a bad choice if that's what ur worried about
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It’s like staring into the infinite void of the abyss. You don’t want it to be true. You can’t possibly think it could be true…yet it is.
And then you realize that the void is staring back, but by then it is too late
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Jay's list is pretty good, he must have a good head on his shoulders.

>Subtonic shill
kys Tyvan
kys chink retard
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It's $5000 and the graph makes perfect sense, so I'm sure the Subtonic Storm is 5% more enjoyable than a Monarch MKII, which is all that anyone is claiming.
>graph makes perfect sense,
uneven peaky treble = good?

You can tell that they just stuffed as many drivers in there to do the treble and called it a day lmao.
>you can't combine the coupons you win in games with summer sale coupons
do you summerfags even into manufacturing?
last i checked, kz had cleaner soldering than moondrop's pos variations.
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In other news, Simgot EM6L is still outselling EA500LM by 4-to-1. I guess all the youtube videos are still sending "gamers" to the EM6L when they'd be better off with the EA500LM.

Who knows? The theory is that HRTF has similar sized peaks, so people are very impressed when they hear it.
Keep on checking that soldering tyvan.
kys Tyvan
EM6L is just a much safer tuning overall, and imo better fitting
>HRTF has similar sized peaks
Please don't talk about topics you don't understand
The only thing KZ is good at is channel matching. Those retards are surprisingly competent in that regard.
and releasing shit nobody asked for
Why does this general shill KZ so much? wth??
>price almost a 1:1 correlation with quality
>completely inconsistent tunings ranking high/the same like freaking Empire Ears Evo and MEST
>thinks zero:2 has as much mud as QKZ HBB
this guy is either deaf or he’s a grifter
considering he has some collab shit going on, it’s probably the latter
kys tyvan
Tyvan got banned everywhere else.
not even, newfag. check the op.
Its like two clowns constantly spamming the thread with kzoid shit
so, brands with QC issues and subpar products are shilled here?
isn't it him who has a hate boner for chonkicle?
If you or anyone else genuinely thinks that even expensive IEMs with their insane driver count has more accurate and precise tuning than someone competent who EQs?
I don’t know what to say other than you’re basically fucking retarded and there’s no hope for you.
>also sunk cost fallacy
people tend to be much harsher on cheaper gear than they are on garbage that costs kilobuck+.
Manufacturers know this and they exploit it to death.
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Just playing devils advocate, it's possible that price is correlated with quality. There are also selection effects, like if he thinks something is both bad and expensive, then it isn't on the list.
see >>101079999
we all know price = techs
Daily reminder that techs are in the air molecules
No they're in the faceplate.
Keep your ears clean else the earwax will absorb the incoming techs instead of the eardrum.
The PZT in the Supermix 4 is attached to the faceplate, and the dumb circle on the outside in fact represents it's location.
>he doesn't charge his earwax with techs to infuse them into music later
i wonder if my delivery woman thinks im weird ordering all these strange chinese products
The sad thing is there still people here that take the whole "techs" thing completely seriously. Your ears are not as sensitive as microphones.
What's your favorite iem?
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i don't have this problem
Hola. Fits my ears like a glove.
i'm braindamaged and like grado and beyer treble cock and ball torture. what $80 chinese fotm pos would tickle my audio prostate?
moondrop ssr
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A new challenger has appeared
Don't let tyvan cook.
kys tyvan
post the identical autoEQ results and i’ll be more inclined believe you
what's the best IEM if I like anechoically flat on-axis speaker in a room with multiple subwoofers sound?
Maybe audio was actually solved by 10$ budpos...
Final VR + HRTF EQ
It was solved by $0 IEMs.
lowkey? it kinda was. LG tuned and improved version of Harman for normies before it was cool
soul vs sovless coomdrop tuning and low quality tyvan techs
This would be legitimate if Tyvan didn’t try to stealth revise it 2 months down the line
i’m that anon, not tyvan(clearly).
Hey i never said it was good…but bright? ya, Im thinking they’re bright
Also added benefit of them sounding like dogshit to most people(probably) so Tyvan won’t touch them because they’ll never run out of drivers
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> + HRTF
What do you mean? 30°/-30° HRTF? DF HRTF? FF HRTF? And measuring HRTF at the DRP seems complicated and insertion depth will cook ur treble measurement anyways
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>mfw KZ tried cornering the retard market but was too retarded to set the price accordingly
I can understand Grado 2 KHz peak (inducing rage state in sleeper agents) but this i can't understand.
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>budpos + eq
if you can't adjust your anatomical HRTF by ear then you are ngmi
i'm adjusting my hrtf through scarification of the ear canal
>develop an IEM that costs $0.1 to produce
>save another $0.05 by removing the filters
instead of saying it beats kilobucks they should just price them at kilobuck and let the deaf retards eat it up
We need to get more measurements of hrtf from real cadavers, I volunteer gaymousetranny as the first test subject.
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which pos for this /feel/?
Where can you get your earpussy measured and get an astrologically correct hrir file?
my basement
>Oh wow you have two endgame iems.
and just think, buying both was still cheaper than buying a monarch mk3, ignoring the fact that the mk3 sounded almost identical to my top when i tried them
>Lol I was really close to buying mega5est last autumn in addition to my top.
I don't know if I'd say it's actually worth it depending on your financial situation but I listen to a lot of indie rock so for me, it was
Death will change the stiffness of the flesh too much. Your best bet is installing mems accelerometers in the inner ear of brain dead patients. They actually measure HRTF by putting tiny microphones in people's ear canals, but I think just putting it there will distort the results.
Simgot LM.
A hearing aid office can cast your ears in silicone and give you a 3D scan of the casting, but then adding a model of you head and simulating the sound waves is not something that a commercial product will provide. You would have to hire a physics grad student to compute the HRTF.
That's perfect since gaymousetranny is already brain dead.
DF HRTF, and you'll still need to afjust manually for proper DRP response.
Final does gave a 3D scanning service for their headphones which apparently works quite well.
Does penis size affects the HRTF? I have a big one so thought maybe that is influencing it.
https://youtu.be/WZ2pww_4nw8 (0:00 - 0:04)
ea500lm, and i've seen celest phoenixcall under $90 on ali
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This is the best I've managed to find that doesn't involve human experimentation at liberal gay colleges in Europe and you don't need megabuck in-ear mics, but taking accurate anthropometric measurements of your earlobes is a challenge in itself, and you'll probably want to manually finetune the resulting SOFA profile to taste.

Other resources you might want:
How to make impulse response files you can use in hesuvi:
VST you can use to process the dirac delta signal from the guide above to bake room simulation into it in addition to your HRIR (arrange the dirac delta signals into a sequence in your DAW like this, with each track having positional cues adjusted in anaglyph to your liking, and enough spacing for the reverb to completely decay, refer to the hesuvi guide and apply common sense):
No one likes DF HRTF. Why would I want flat bass and huge ear resonances? There's no correlation with how you perceive sound in a room and you're ignoring a lot of psychoacoustic effects.
>still need to afjust manually for proper DRP Then it's not DRP, it's your preference.
>Final does gave a 3D scanning service for their headphones which apparently works quite well.
Only in Japan, duh. Also, it's not DF. It's a chair spinning in a random room.
>Why would I want flat bass?
You did specify an anechoic chamber.
I said in a room. If you take a speaker that measures flat in an anechoic chamber and put it in a normal size room with typical acoustic characteristics, it will sound (and measure) somewhat warmer as the room's volume reinforces bass notes (usually below 200Hz), and the speakers radiated power into the room decreases as they get more directional at high frequencies (results in aproximately 3dB tilt between 200Hz and 20kHz) and that's what most people prefer in blind tests.
>I said in a room.
Oh nevermind we are in agreement
earbuds of you're choice
misha has the nicest hcks
Well if speakers do this, indoor musical instruments probably do this as well. But the best sound IRL is in concert halls, which are extremely bright because they are big enough, it's like being outdoors.
All the shill Meze reviews right now...
>best budget iem
Are they fishing for headpoo owners or what?
Budget fi is under $200, what you're thinking of is pagpagfi which is under $50.
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I have choice paralysis. How do you guys decide which IEM to settle on out of all these random Chinese brands? Frequency response? Aesthetics/design? Around the $50-60 range some of the best from what I'm reading are the Artti T10 & R1, and Kefine Delci, and for $70 there's the Simgot EA500LM, which seems to be the current sub-100 champ. I think the Artti T10 seems tuned to my preference, but it looks like its made of the cheapest plastic imaginable and may not be very comfortable. Anyone here have any of the ones I listed, what do you like or don't like?
I would say budget is under $100, hell even under $80. I don't know how you want to define and stretch tiers but $100 pos are closer to $300 ones than $300 to $400 ones.
yeah normies would not consider $150 budget at all, and normies are meze's market
Also, calling $150 1DD budget one is another stretch and obvious red flag.
Worst instance of shilling since Hidizs 145
Tuning = bulid quality/qc > looks > accessories/packaging > the chinkime girl on the box
It's not a chink brand and pagpaggers are not the intended audience. A well-tuned stylish single driver pos can cost quute a bit. Tbh this shell form makes the most sense like in the Sennheiser IE series. The main reason pos shells look the way they are because pos arose from CIEMs and this triangular classic shape covered the ear and provided sound isolation. Which is irrelevant for UIEMs because they just cant do that
If it has wires then it's not for normies.
>defending Meze
Their 99 was one of the worst headphone experiences I've had. You're working as their PR agency after hours for free or what?
lurk for a bit more and you will learn which pos is worth buying
Any good aux splitter so I can compare my pos more easily?
>aux splitter
Don't do this it creates mustard gas
Talking stupid ideas - what happen if you plug in both 4.4 and 3.5 into dongle with these sockets at the same time?
What's wrong with Meze? Is their build quality bad?
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>once I saw how stupid I looked in the mirror
kek Eragonpos lookin mf

>Team Blue, White, Black?
Welp I like blue and indeed I think blue is the best look yet
I'd be interested in the double flange if it wasn't so narrow bore...

>should I get the new wyvern black bros?
Yeah pretty safe pick

>Anyone here have any of the ones I listed, what do you like or don't like?
T10 is cheap thin feeling plastic. If that part of build bothers you, cross it off. Sound is solid though and comfort is fine for me. Most planars share larger, less ergonomic shells. I use Spinfit Omni or Audiosense S400 ear tips to help with fit.
R1 and Delci are sound similar in the upper mids and highs, but differ in the bass. Delci:sub rumble, R1:mid bass warmth. I think Delci fits better than R1.
500LM is more exaggerated in the highs versus R1 or Delci. Depending on (You)/track/volume, vocals can cross threshold from articulate & clear to shouty & glassy or overly breathy. Cymbals may hit too crispy. But "detail retrieval" and air are the special sauce of Simgot's brighter tuned 1DDs. Their build is sturdy, and you have the option to tilt sound with the swap nozzles and optional tuning kit.
>Frequency response? Aesthetics/design?
Yep, and consider irl photos and impressions about fit comfort (while acknowledging impressions are subjective).
I'm still waiting for the backwards iem
>DD treble
>planar mids
>BA bass
Meze is mold-fi, their headphones come with free mold. Hifiman has also been caught doing the same thing.
likely one just won't play. could also blow up idk
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this will happen
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imagine the incoherence...
Headband and earpads in sizes for women and children. cutting cost with earpads made them muddy mess (99). You could get better Sony MDR 1AM2 for half of their price.
I thought that pic was an AKG headpos
Google "meze mold". AKG might have been MOLDED.COM too seems like a somewhat common issue for denties.
>lurking on simgot's official marketing imageboard
i hope not
Oh and 500LM comfort is fine, plenty of people are ok wearing them but not ideal in my opinion. Some swapping tips may be necessary and shells are a bit heavy. Delci in comparison is lighter weight aluminum and better shaped.
there are no good iems below 50 bucks
there are no good earbuds below 50 bucks
there are no good tws below 50 bucks
>Tanchqueen One
>Fail Rosemary
>Coomdrop Spacetravels
>blue vido
i dont need more
It's true, I'm not sure why but they all lack fidelity to the point where it's easily noticeable, and it's even more pronounced at $25. Your Hola, your Salnotes, your Chu Chu. But I think some people, particularly dark skinned people, can't tell the difference.
>no good deals on aliexpress
Why even live. I wanted the hexa pos because it's invisible to radar.
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techs arrived
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I wonder if the UPS employees think less of me for returning all these products with anime waifus on the box
techs are stored in quadflange tips tickling your brainstem upon insertion
If I just want something comfortable to listen to ASMR with at hotel & listen to music on the plane, what would you recommend? I almost never use IEMs but the cable on my old pair was so filthy and when I tried to clean it, it tore, so I'd rather not risk it.
I'm fairly sure I prefer V shape as I'm used to using Samson SR850 at home (and also enjoyed the TYGR 300 R).

Going by OP I'm mainly looking at Tinhifi C2, Moondrop Chu II & TRN Conch

30-40$, ideally from aliexpress so I can make use of the sales/coupons from the euro cup event.
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
ASMR/Music in rather loud environments (plane/shared hotel)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
Bright/V shaped
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Loved SR850 & Tygr 300R. Piston 3 & brainwavz B100 were decent but nothing exceptional (not that I expect it for the price)

On another note, any chance my Comply Tsx-100 tips will still work? I struggle with pretty much all non foam tips I've tried and looking on comply's site they seem to recommend 500 series for new IEMs
Has any musicians considered using IEMs for tracking vocals?
Any of your IEM choices will be fine. I've heard more fit comfort complains about C2 over time, it's a bit jagged and oddly shaped. Also consider EPZ Q1 Pro.
>foam ear tips
Yes those TSX-100 should work with most IEMs. Alternatives: Whizzer MM100, new KZ foams (they have lime green inner silicone bore only in black foam, not the grey/blue/red ones)
why are earbuds and eq so comfy bros
Aite I'll drop the C2 since it looked the most uncomfortable out of the set anyway and consider the EPZ Q1 Pro instead.
They look pretty nice, fit wise at least.
Both pos produce sound, though at a lower volume than just plugging one pos. This might be different from dac to dac.
Which pos will make me rediscover the joy of life?
What do you think the Monitor in IEM stands for?
iem = imported eraser of money
comin in late but I find the c2 to be very comfortable with the right tips and on top of that it sounds better than everything else you listed
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>novapos finally arrived in my country after FIFTEEN (15) days
>STILL hasn't even started the customs clearance crap
Unfortunately, most of the IEMs made are not being used for monitoring, that's why it's so difficult to find quality reviews that aren't obsessed with IEMs sounding "fun" or "exciting." I want an affordable IEM with an uncolored frequency response and a reliable build that doesn't self-destruct under the slightest movement/sweat but alas all I see are anime waifus. I would like to get custom IEMs one day but I'm not willing to spend that kind of money yet especially with how little information there is about those brands and their quailty.
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You've tried all of them, if so how are they when comparing comfort?
What do you use as "the right tips"? The most uncomfortable part of the C2 appeared to be the body that sits against your ear
Just doesn't look that comfortable or made for human ears
order a bunch of $20 poses and spend all day trying them out and comparing them. it's more fun than ordering one $200 pos and instantly getting buyer's remorse or second guessing yourself because realistically it's hardly an improvement over your old setup.
because pudbos was how we enjoyed tunes back then, when in ears were still unheard of, and only dentsimulators were somewhat viable but mostly flatheads were used by the populace all around the world.
the focus was on listening to music as opposed to gearfaggotry and being stuck in the endless cycle of consoomerism of next fotm
flatpos are quite literally the embodiment of plug the jack, hit play on mp3player, and enjoy ze musig
How do I deal with loose female 2 pins.
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Here's your Truthear Nova REW+EQ with ear gain compensated. Those tiny drops at treble are indeed present, didn't bother to equalize them though.
>eqing instead of cultivating optimal ear anatomy
>an uncolored frequency response
Define what this means and i will suggest some
Most "monitoring" iems are designed for live monitoring for performers on stage so they have zero bass and extremely emphasized vocals.
It's a bit confusing because they call them monitors but they aren't using the term to mean studio monitors like you are thinking.
Doesn't exist either way.
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U mean stretching your earcunny?
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weird but here is what jay says about it
cut a very tiny piece of tin foil, put it in, and pray
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That makes no sense, the bass and drummers need to also monitor themselves plus any professional setup would allow you to boost or attenuate specific frequencies for each mix being sent out to each monitor.

I would appreciate that. Oratory1990's In-Ear Harman Target (USOUND1V1 target curve) is the best I have found yet to achieving pure balanced sound.
reminds me of good old times with Chuzo
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I had these iems a thousand years ago. You could get them for $300 or so. If any of you are 1000+ years old maybe you had one too.

They didn't sound right at all, lots of detail, but very lifeless, and nothing like good speakers. But we did not have any theory about frequency response at the time, and we told ourselves that this is the best available, and we just listened to it.
any wireless connector for the q1 pros? like the ones that go behind the neck
>That makes no sense, the bass and drummers need to also monitor themselves
They use different iems with different ranges, emphasized if they use iems at al. It's really not that common for guitarists to use iems outside of professional touring bands for an artist or arena shows.l But again most are for vocal monitoring. Drummers just listen to fucking click tracks anyway the lazy hacks.
>plus any professional setup would allow you to boost or attenuate specific frequencies for each mix being sent out to each monitor.
This is done by the audio guys on mixing hardware before it's sent to the monitors.
>They use different iems with different ranges, emphasized if they use iems at al. It's really not that common for guitarists to use iems outside of professional touring bands for an artist or arena shows.l But again most are for vocal monitoring. Drummers just listen to fucking click tracks anyway the lazy hacks.
They market different sound signatures based on instruments but that never made sense to me, as a musician I would want to still hear everyone else just as clearly as myself if as long as it wasn't distracting (in those cases use EQ); the only exception for who needs a special IEM being vocalist ofc who really need to focus on the detail of their tone to perform at their best.
>This is done by the audio guys on mixing hardware before it's sent to the monitors.
we're agreeing here
Im not defending or advocating for current industry practices, just describing what they are
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>USOUND1V1 target curve
Interesting, lots of iems with that midbass response but not a lot that also have less emphasis in the treble region.
The yayin cannon 2 is pretty close but also $380.
0ic related is kinda there
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The aful explorer is also pretty close
I might have to grab a set for myself
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There is also the blon bl03 but the midbass is probably a bit overemphasized
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Thanks you! I'll definitely be researching more into all of these
based oldfag.
I’ve been at least casually in this hobby for like 11 years now and it is insane how much better things have gotten. Yes there was literally a time where IEMs had worse frequency response than headphones for some reason. From an objective standpoint the best there was was the er4p.
any 0.78mm 2pin will work. various cheap companies have models: kbear, cvj, kz (not saying they are great, but they exist. qdc pins will not be compatible. search iem wireless adapter on aliexpress). else price jumps up and you're barely getting a better product ie moondrop littlewhite
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>tfw last surviving chifi pioneers reminiscing about their $50 pos like soundmagic pl50, meelectronics m6 or head-direct re0
I've had not so good results with it, and so did the creators iirc. Pretty neat, but very far from actual proper HRTF measurements.
Still haven't gotten around to it, but I think it's possible to at least obtain a somewhat decent DF HRTF measurement with a proper room, but I'm too lazy to do any of that just for a small improvement.
Of course, DF HRTF here is just a foundation. Then you apply any type of room curve. You can go for a full tilt for simplicity, or something like Harman's reference room. And add bass adjustment to compensate for lack of body/torso interaction.
Cable feels a bit stiff, but is well-behaved. Weird.
I still remember when I first tried Etymotics. Scary but revelatory to say the least. Now that I think back, it was probably my first experience with something that actually had a coherent response.
i still have some of those oldies. people here slapfighting over which iems that graph nearly the same but with like 2db bass/treble tilt differences sound godly and which are unlistenable have no idea lol
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forgot pic
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I still remember these pieces of garbage(I lost them)
merciful heavens
>12 years since MRO's last post
option 1:
>worse sound quality
>worse specs/techs
>better ergonomics (smaller)
>better fit
>needs to be eq'd
option 2:
>better sound quality
>better specs/techs
>worse ergonomics (bigger)
>worse fit
>you are going to eq it anyway
everyone's going to tell you option 2 is smarter
but i am leaning towards 1 right now
talk me out of it
>order pos in 2009
>comes bundled with a free fiio e5 probably worth more than the pos itself and like 10 pairs of foam tips
it was the wild fucking west back then... or east. people really have no idea.
It's a personal choice. People who care enough to post in a thread about the topic probably choose 2. And you can't EQ to fix your poor techs. If you're happy with a Tanchjim One or something, buy it and go away.
If you've been in the game for a very, very long time, you'll naturally go for option 1.
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>pos and feet
name a better duo
Every earfaggot goes through a phase where they think ergonomics and build quality don't matter, sq is all that matters (MAYBE price/perf ratio), then they get burned and learn their lesson, but it's one of those things you have to learn from your own experience and others can't talk sense into you. You're gonna get pressure sores, daily migraines or broken off plastic stuck in your ear canal, your listening stats on cuckfm will nosedive because the discomfort of having to put up with your pos completely ruins your enjoyment of music, and then you'll be like 'lol fuck 2db graph difference not worth'. I've been there.
Just my observation.
>And you can't EQ to fix your poor techs.
Techs is essentially a certain frequency response. By fixing ear gain with frequency response changing, you completely fix this marketer's dictionary term. With good EQ skills you don't need anything more expensive than KZ EDX Lite.
this ain't no longer mud, but literal swamp
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>talk me out of it
i'd get both
Weird that you mention that specific model, I am actually using it right now, it's very good with EQ.
btw if anybody copped that LZ A4 Pro pos on sale, from graphnigging i'd wager that:
>Red Nozzle + Black Filter
>Red Nozzle + Red Filter (bassiest config)
>300/400 mesh on top of Black Nozzle + Red Filter
are likely the most appealing tunings. No need to bother with the other pos combinations
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rate :)
I kinda enjoy tinkering with it, but I've noticed most settings in EAC have little to no impact on positional/directional cue accuracy or coherence. Your HRTF either happens to coincide with the base model assumed by EAC and it sort of works for you, or it's way off the mark and can't really be rectified. I like it for certain games where the mismatch between fov, camera position and sound direction is disorienting, so I can make a HRTF thing with narrower simulated speaker placement that better reflects where I intuitively expect to hear sounds coming from, based on what I see on the screen. Anaglyph is super jank and resists all attempts at scripting or automation because you have to triple check each track lest it decides to spaz out, reset to default or randomly emit a screeching buzz, and repeating the process every time is a chore. I've been meaning to look into Impulcifer but I'm spending enough on chinese shit as it is, I don't want to spend even more on microphones.
It seems only non-mic black Gate is out of stock
Am I going to deeply regret getting the mic one before sales are over?
so I use tri clarions for them which are kinda long-ish. You'd think those lines would be painful but they're not at all. I like how overall small the shell is compared to others. The weird bulbous shit at the end of the trn conch wasnt comfortable to me. Chu 2 was comfortable though. Soundwise, i found the c2 much better than either. Oh and they were also very comfortable with the dunu s&s i just prefer the sound of the tri clarion
>Am I going to deeply regret getting the mic one
why would you?
also, really cute feet. is that an official image?
Audio quality degradation, more points of failure to be worried about, ruining a pristine and pure Hola cable with a shitty mic driver
i don't think it's that much of a problem, honestly
surely audiophilefags will tell you otherwise, but i'd say the sound difference between a cable with a mic and one without is rather negligible
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>its been 5 years
my set died, gave my other set to my brother and i think he still has it. thinking about asking for it back, i miss that pos.
I'd say it's even better than 7Hz Salnotes Zero at treble. KZ EDX Lite with an equalizer demeans most of the IEM market by its existence. The issue is only with the general tonality of sub bass, which is more difficult to pick up by ear.

I'm misled a little by what anons are even doing in this thread. It can be considered a hobby but there's no actual sound quality increase with multiple price increase.

This is a trap for shopaholics. You can, of course, consider this activity as a hobby, but you simply must realize that there is no objective increase in sound quality with a multiple increase in price for IEM, especially if you're using EQ.
i just ordered a supermix 4 i'm using em6l right now
single dd
pos levels off the charts
https://www.head-fi.org/threads/meelectronics-m6-review.453242/ lmao
alright bitch whats better than supermix 4
I forgot about the damn soundmagic e10 lmao. My dad got me a pair in college because they were “audiophile”. holy kek man the memories. I don’t remember them being that bad but they were worse than my ath-m50s which is already a pretty low bar.
Dude IEMs were a dark DARK place. It was an “””””””iem””””””” that made me get into sound quality in the first place. some garbage $5 maxells simply to isolate noise, sounded worse than my staticky ultrabook speakers. holeeee kek. I don’t ever want to hear you nerds complain about cheap POS ever again. You newfags literally LITERALLY have no idea
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EQ your two ears independently, big soundstage improvements.
You're retarded, chuzo.
Just wanted to give an update before another bread is baked.
The EQ Guide is coming soon.
EQ Guide Anon here.
I did not say that anywhere. The guide is still very much not done (haven't started it yet).
its really amusing to see that the absolute jump in audio fidelity for iems was observed within a matter of 2-3 years
Just got the Chu 2 and Truthear Zero as my first iems. Vastly prefer the Chus, how in the fuck do people fit the zero into their ears, that nozzle is massive.
Any other recs for smaller ones under $50?
the Cadenza's are small and snuggly try em
>how in the fuck do people fit the zero into their ears, that nozzle is massive.
Any other recs for smaller ones under $50?
they don't lmao
people think only nozzle diameter matters, but everything else does, and sometimes more. with the TE zeros, its the long and large nozzle with large faceplate that makes it a horrible fitting pos
>Any other recs for smaller ones under $50?
depends on what form factor you want. for semi-custom resin, either epz pos or celest wyvern. bullet, tanchjim one. weird, trn conch.
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Thanks for the recs bros.
I managed to stay with the chus all day long without fatigue, meanwhile I can't stand more than 1-2 hours with the Zero. Also I might be deaf because its really hard for me to really accuse each of them of sounding better, but then again I'm really new to iems. All I can say is that the chus sound a little veiled maybe.
>Also I might be deaf because its really hard for me to really accuse each of them of sounding better, but then again I'm really new to iems.
anons here really like to exaggerate shit. most iems made in the last two years are, when looking at the whole market in the past three decades, excellent.
>All I can say is that the chus sound a little veiled maybe.
pretty good remark, and you're right. if you want to learn more, learn about graphs and frequency response measurements
new bread >>101094542
The zero is an actual piece of shit, the chu probably sounds better for real.
I bought more than one exactly so I could see what their sound look like in a graph to better understand what I like and don't. It is a little daunting at first but I think I am making some decent enough progress.
Thanks again.

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