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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101078174

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
somebody needs to lazerdance into bing hq and leak the model
Cursed thread of discordfaggotry
i dont understand
so im not allowed to talk about the discord because muh fee fee's?
why is it linked then? why should i not be allowed to talk about it when its linked in op? not trolling
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G'mornin Anons, have a great day!
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Love me some stylized maps
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you absolutely are allowed to talk about the discord. I made it more than 6 months ago and it vacuumed up the vast majority of posters from here and also outside of here. I demoted debo when the thread split happened because he decided to stop posting and magically all the discord discussions started appearing in the threads. Funny how that works isn't it? He's still in the discord, and has just chosen to either burn that bridge or hide behind another username.
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i dont get what debos goal is with all this shit but whatever, thanks for the answer
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Yeah. I don't either. My goal with the discord was to connect people and help everyone in the general realize that there are real people behind the images/usernames/avatars. And to filter out the genuine non-imaggen thread outsiders. And it worked about 90%.
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You have facebook at home, normie
>just join the discord guise
>we are on 4chan after all guise
you're the normie here, dumb fuck. We have 31 elevated permission members and at least 10 white names and a few poop names. The majority of thread regulars are already in the discord.
so you are the mystical "baker anon"? the invite linked was always switched next thread when anons said the link is not valid anymore
curios, something smells fishy here
oh so its about control? you decide who gets which rank, who's an ass and who is "valid" in your eyes? it that the purpose?
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I've never baked in my 12 months being an sdg anon and I only posted the original discord link two or three times and was heavy banned for it. The growth was entirely organic.

And if you knew anything about me or these threads you would know I don't post anymore. Last night into today is my longest stretch of posting in many months.
nah, everyone was "kings" rank until things started getting too big
thread schizo detected
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And the crazy thing about posts like this is they really do signal a complete lack of awareness about this thread culture. I previously did NOT get along with Catjak. And now I do.
This thread is already dedicated to everything other than stable diffusion.
i really dont care about any of you avatarfags, namefags or whatever
its just highly suspicious all in all
i warned you multiple times: do not use the token "schizophrenic", there is no way to get rid of it once used
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You sure about that? I'm pretty sure i'm posting more gens than you.
What is suspicious? That we're not just llm bots in a walled garden for you to be entrapped by?
ah classic
lets name this "appeal to thread culture"
and no its not valid
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you gonna post gen? Or are your filenames too easily identifiable?
It's ponyrealism, and give me a moment. That one was funny because the name wildcard happened to be one of the pokemon gym trainers
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>You're laughing, YUP is seething and you're laughing
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That's a name I haven't heard in a long time
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why does debo hate ani so much?
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damn getting called out using a 10 month dead filename is extremely based
debos mind is full of grief and schizo theories
happens when you try to identify anons by easily changeable things like "writing style"
your theories get wilder but you cant go back because that mean everything you believed was wrong
its a spiral and at some point you start to use different anons gens (like he did with ani and fran, see pastebin) to stirr shit up and validate yourself
She has bigger boobs. Obviously.
>absolute glowie behavior
not even matrix, discord of all things, i wonder who else is going to fall for it.
>i could easily refute every single point in the pastebin
>but for some reason i wont
the whole discord "fell for it" you dumb fuck. We have literally started gooning in voice together. Discord is fine if you have even two standard deviations below average IQ.

there is lots of arcane knowledge stored within. Don't use my filename, please, and remember me in valhalla.
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>We have literally started gooning in voice together.
disgusting homoerotic behaviour
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>and remember me in valhalla
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good morning!

cute blob!
hiya trani
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gm thread schizo
I want to brush her teeth
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Ty anon
Ran, he asked you nicely to stop doing this
what is with you drama trannies?
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>be lolcow
>get lol'd at
I think anonymous posters are genuinely upset that AnimAnon is getting six figures making futa slop for StabilityAI
There is ONE poster who is mad about that and he is far from anonymous
>Voices concern about a shady discord
>Why are you so concerned about doxing, huh?! you're already on 4chan
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Nobody cares if you join or not. We are the majority. Please stay out.
where? in the secret club discord?
its rainy girl 100%
hlky is washed up garbage
>you VILL receive the rank we assign to you
>we decide how the thread goes and what its culture is
and thats why this is the drama thread since over a year
It's been over a fucking year with this shit, faggots. God damn give it a break
For real lol
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/sdg/ discord is /sdg/ in name only. We are spiritually /ldg/.
no i hate him because he is insufferable and was for a very long time
if you act like an annoying brat dont cry when called out, its that easy
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no spiritually you are a disappointment to your whole family and thats it
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damn that's a lot of words I aint reading all that
>shots on target
bingo, /sdg/ stands for /shitty drama general/
no wonder all good posters left this shithole
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all the people posting gay shit whining about the discord aren't posting gens, what a shocker
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yes, i dont want to get harassed when posting with gens you got that right
also posting with gens doesnt make an argument any more valid "anon"
>tfw you bought new lube bottles
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yeah it just means you have literal pea sized nuts, own your viewpoints or BTFO
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I'd rather post something relatively original, than keep posting almost identical gens, and I'm whining, because I'd like to have reasonable discussions over this generals subject, instead of the mentioned drama. I haven't seen a single thread without the couple of buzzwords that plague this god forsaken joke of a general. This place used to be a pioneer in machine learning. Now it's more like /aicg/ with it's constant sinusoid of "hype" and "it's over".
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gee girl, two bags?
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it's funny seeing someone being this upset over another internet weirdo being a better and more successful python (tranny) programmer
brother you can't even identify my other gens because my range is so huge
What should be the discussion about? My guess would be SD3M, but the overwhelming feeling is that it's over, and there is no point in much experimentation.
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if you actually read the threads and paid attention you'd know there is massive hype and experimentation around SD3 lurking but you're too head up your own ass to recognize what's happening in front of you
What about open discussion and experimentation, I hope that you can understand that lurking experimentation will do no good for SD3M adoption (more like salvaging)
What's the best sampler to use?
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>I am the whole internet, every poster.
I posted my entire megaupload of the first experiment two times now, and shared multiple catboxes
you're welcome to ask questions, talk about things, share YOUR stuff and efforts. This is like being upset when girls don't proposition you
whatever is best for the model you're using
there are a lot of examples in the past of anons getting harassed for having opinions
no, i dont want that
so fuck off, not replying to you anymore thread schi-... eh, anon
>non sequiturs
>failed consensus cracking
>name dropping
You'll never catch schizo anon like this
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man what a shithole /sdg/ has become
we need to reunite with /ldg/ and kick out trani and debo forever
boom, all issues solved
i really like your gens and good work on ignoring all the bullshit anon
and ran
needs some oil I think.
is that really a gen? if not am i supposed to know who this handsome man is?
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Legend has it he was a volunteer firefighter and saved a grey cat from a burning building
based jannies
Fingers also decent.
>Ani is a snitch
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imagine resetting your router or phoneposting for another man on the internet. Peak obsession. Peak love. Peak faggotry.
huh odd that it was deleted, kinda like that gen of the bald man with the green polo and the secret labs chair
i dont break any rules ever
unlike others (global rule #13 for example)
it's a notable poster, infact, one of the few that actually makes money from this disgusting habit we all have fallen into
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>Fails to acknowledge any of my points
>Is actually extremely gay
your point was to imply i was banned and reset my router or use my phone
which is simply false "anon"
>singular anon theory
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>Is braindead
>replies with the equivalent of diarrhea on paper
>Fails to acknowledge any of my points
>Is actually extremely gay
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Is there an echo in here? I didn't realize I was that powerful
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I just seriously don't care about drama.
Ok I'll post something, just to show I try to be constructive. I was already experimenting with this prompt yesterday.
Good things:
It follows the prompt of two people in a subway station very reliably with their relative postitions clearly separated and it never switches the characters. Almost all the time it's just two figures: 20%-30% of the time it adds another man or girl.
The bad:
It has no sense of year acurate fashion.
It doesn't seem to know about race: It insists on making the woman asian, even when I have prompted left and right about her being white caucasian; for a model that is so acurate in other things this seems odd for that failure to be non-intentional. Age could be affected in the same manner.
I have the sensation that when the model fixates on a thing that you don't like, it looks like it is hard to manipulate with small changes.
Relative size of the characters is wrong sometimes (the sitting character would be very tall), I'd say slightly less than 50% of the time.
The meh:
About the faces: small faces look better than in previous model, but it still needs facedetailer, considering that you would use the model to create more complex scenes.
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you might want to think about how information is stored in these models, how the images are tagged, what a token really "means"

Try names that select for race. Try clothing items that select for year. Also: SD3 for whatever reason is supposed to only be genned at 1024x1024 for now. You may want to try outpainting or other techniques to expand the canvas. Something I have learned about SD3 tokens already: names from a given birth year can store age, and of course names can store race as well
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>SD3 for whatever reason is supposed to only be genned at 1024x1024 for now.
From my experience this doesn't matter
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can someone tell me how to enable real time preview in comfyui, instead only being able to see the image when its complete? i've looked in settings and cant find any mention of it. maybe its some launch argument or something?
When you're cooking spaghetti, you're supposed to keep the lid on.
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>No thread challenge
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whenever i boil something with the lid on this happens
my bad. comfyui manager there is a dropdown
You're using too small of a pot on too high of a heat, you don't want to cook spaghetti or rice at a rolling boil as you'll cook the outside too much before the center is al dente.
Rice really requires a lid for perfect cooking, so try to lower the temp when you're cooking rice - Mostly anything else doesn't need the steam, so either lower the heat or take the lid off when the water is boiling already
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presoaking rice is best (it depends on the type)
cooking spaghetti in a pan > pot
I'll die on this hill
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this one? i've now tried all of them and there's no real difference. maybe its my workflow? to clarify, i want it to update the image preview every iteration instead of only updating when all the iterations are complete.
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Damn, the things you learn in random AIslop threads.

Not the anon you replied to but I shall put this into practice, too.
>Warning: TAESD previews enabled, but could not find models/vae_approx/taesdxl_decoder
nevermind, i noticed this in my terminal
there is an option in the right click menu to hide it so double check if that's on. pretty sure per step is TAESD
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I disagree.
From their communication T5 demands a more verbose approach, than just piling up tokens. I think it works to a point. I use a separated prompt betweein clips ant T5 and I get the results I expect.
What I miss I can trace to things that I suspect have been stripped from the model.
>names can store race
I tried this, if affected just the name of the station instead. I've used this in previous models, so I have a good grasp on how it used to respond. Perhaps response to names has been stripped to avoid access to artist's styles.
>character age and year of the picture
I haven't done a lot of experiments with SD3M, but when the background characters are wearing suits and jackets and there is a Roman Centurion on the image, I can see that there is something that isn't working as before. Again this is based on my experience from previous models, I know that it used to work.
BTW. To add to the meh.
The writing...isn't all that great a small improvement on cascade.
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You sound pretty knowledgeable, actually. Have you considered joining the discord? The discussion there is a little more serious
>YUP and minidebo have returned!
really gets the noggin joggin
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Canny image used for this.
Very simple, low-detail, incomplete drawings can be used in Canny with a strength of 0.2 in order to help gen difficult to prompt poses. In this case, with this text prompt, it always wanted to gen the dude's body under the couch rather than having him face the other direction - this Canny image helped it so instead of him facing the proper way one out of 20 gens, he faced the proper way about one out of every two gens.
Canny is super neat and powerful.
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You don't need to concern yourself with how the tool builders tell you to use the tools. You already decided that 1024x1024 isn't necessary.
You absolutely do not need a more verbose approach. It will yield a very specific output, but you can also just coax the model towards something and wait for the right seed to hit.
Try using only T5 encoder and leaving the CLIP_G CLIP_L inputs blank.
you're literally just making up names at this point
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Huh, that is actually really cool.
I've often had to tell people I couldn't gen something if there's no booru tag for it, but this would have helped.
yeah all the controlnet shit is quite powerful, yet, we still have people complaining about how it sucks in sdxl
Another plus to using Canny like that at 0.2 strength is that at 0.2 strength it's unlikely to deep fry an image.
That gen is an Autismix Confetti gen, so an SDXL gen. Canny works just fine in SDXL. Openpose notsomuch. I've had far more success with Canny than Openpose with SDXL checkpoints.
Ego poster, one of the earliest avatar/namefags. Quality gens, big range not too focused on 1girls. He made /ldg/ and the discord and has been here longer than most other posters, though he no longer uses the name and frequently gens "incognito".
Just another name for Debo
Curious about how you guys handle the layout of your workflows.
Do you guys have a sprawling workflow which have grouped nodes and you have to scroll around or do you have a compact workflow where everything is visible?
pure schizo chaos
I'm basically just gonna not use comfy
I know.... UGH I know..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not using it is all
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>Ego poster, one of the earliest avatar/namefags. Quality gens, big range not too focused on 1girls. He made /ldg/ and the discord and has been here longer than most other posters, though he no longer uses the name and frequently gens "incognito".

I am ok with this lore
vast majority of mine have been spaghetti. I only just recently shifted to using groupings etc. It's easier to identify issues on a complex workflow when it's organized
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I use the clip input for the basics, I think it's a good approach on principle, because of the important things can get weighed down but unimportant verbiage. But it doesn't affect output too much I will admit. Here is the same prompt and it swapped coats...and the guy is a priest.
Thanks, I just want to see what's the deal with the new model.
That's perfectly fine, whichever works best for your needs. Any particular extensions you're fond of for whatever frontend you're using (outside of the usual controlnet, etc)?
Have you performed any conditional weighting on clip l & g? From my crude science those two completely overpower anything passed from t5.
Still using Forge. It still works, it's still fast and I still don't OOM.
If Comfy ever gets an absolutely must-have new feature I guess that's when I'll bite the bullet and learn the autismal UI but until then Forge just werks.
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Input from the employees themselves is that CLIP_G and CLIP_L are bad encoders but YMMV.

I've made over 130,000 gens and less than 500 have seen the light of day
So you're passing empty strings in for l & g and autistic/boomer/vlm prompting in t5?
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Is there any good article that explains, in detail, how image generation works?

There are only two kinds of articles I can find via nu-google, the SEO-spam nonsense that explains nothing and was probably written by AI or the academic wankery that assumes the reader is already familiar with bullshit no normal person has ever heard of.

Surely there must be some good article that first explains everything at a high level, then goes into more and more detail - you know, the way a good explanation works.
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Not even bothering with cogvlm. Just a simple 25 word prompt, it's in the mega I posted last night in /ldg/ along with the catbox. No privacy necessary.
You need to read the papers
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I'm completely new to SD, is there a (free) way I can feed an AI the face of a drawing and have it gen the rest of the body for me?
it literally just sends your prompt to Indonesia and a person draws your image and sends it back, this is part of the reason why SAI is nearly bankrupt
this doesn't give you everything, but not a bad place to start your journey
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No, is there a node? Mine is just what was posted I am working on a customised wf from the one Comfy gave in the beginning, it has the triple loader and the three input text encode; it has all those "conditioned timesteps" attached to the negative prompt, but I don't see how I could use them separately for the positive prompts. I don't even know what are those for; I haven't bothered with them, because apparently SD3M doesn't care about negatives all that much, or so I read.
That's what I feared, but I guess it has to be, huh
Thanks anon, I'll give it a chance
has anyone figured out how to have the shape of pierced nipples in a shirt without the shirt blending into the nipples?
Best way to do that is link here next time they get full
>I don't even know what are those for
All it does is apply the negative embedding at the very beginning of the image generation (notice the start/stop) instead of using them throughout the entire image generation process

>because apparently SD3M doesn't care about negatives all that much, or so I read.
they do help for sure and I haven't done extensive testing with them yet but they do seem, at least some tokens, not as impactful as they previously were. But this could also just be because of the captioning of the dataset and I need to discover better negative tokens
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training a fidget spinner lora for the autistic bunny to play with
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Happy Tiki Friday Anons
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>actual image gen discussion in sdg
a rare sight
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when you're using a pierced nipple token or lora, it can help to negative prompt for things like "fused clothing" "gravity defying clothing" "clothing error" "fused fabric" "skin tight fabric" etc
happy fuckin friday brother
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Thanks! I should have looked into those earlier. . Negatives should be active when ethnicity is applied. :: facepalm::.
I would love a shared-knowledge session but sdg has been to wrapped up in drama bullshit. There's a lot of insightful and bright anons and it would be great if information was passed around.

A rising tide lifts all ships
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well local diffusion is always free, but it sounds like you're asking about "outpainting". I don't know if the hosted services offer this for free, but you can look.
>debo got molested
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debo is here right now poorly disguising his gens. It's funny because everyone's gens are like a thumbprint and some people are less successful at hiding that
this guitar is way good
>everyone's gens are like a thumbprint and some people are less successful at hiding that
Now that you mention it kek it's so obvious
sailor time
Which isn't accessible to anyone who is wondering into /sdg/ to learn about gens and it isn't archived

Essentially gated content/information and not really something I'd like to entertain unfortunately
thanks bro
not sure if you are joking but ai is terrible at guitars to the point I wasn't going to spend time inpainting it
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Let's add facedetailer now...Fuck you SD3M
there hasn't been a thread challenge in years, anon
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The link is in the OP, I created it specifically that purpose and to create a barrier between us and trolls who don't even have local diffusion tools installed
nah I wasn't being sarcastic. I appreciate it for the fact that it's almost acceptable
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so your goal is to further split the small community here
>The link is in the OP, I created it specifically that purpose and to create a barrier between us and trolls who don't even have local diffusion tools installed
That's kind of my problem with it all. I understand the why but it doesn't help the folks who would really benefit from the knowledge (newfriends, tourists, etc).
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remember this could be you. This is SD3. This is greatness.
No one is forcing you. I never forced anyone to join. I posted the link 3 times ~7 months ago and got HEAVY banned for it, and now here we are. Deanonymizing (to an extent) this general was necessary to get some folks to be more peaceable.
holy shit the schizos were right
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>wake up
>discord psychos are debo-dumping for two threads
so its one of those days.. but whats a minidebo?
chefs kiss, I love it when they say the quiet part out loud
Yep it is great, I've been using it for awhile and I think people are sleeping on it. Sure it has faults but for a base model it's pretty exceptional and can't wait to see what's in store for it in the future.
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>the schizos were right
we are SO back
you've been here this whole time and if you need me to highlight your gens to prove a point I can do that. You pretend to get along as one poster, then shitfling as another. The olive branch is extended, man. Make your move.
fuck the discord REALLY is for "Deanonymizing" is confirmed now
@schizoanon i will never doubt you again!
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"the quiet part out loud" I think you legitimately suffer from brain rot
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>paranoid schizo shit
you're not beating the allegations
>lol why do you call it a doxx discord? psycho
>its just for deanonymizing you muffinhead
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i'm ready when you are
>dat damage control
you are fooling no one
linked discord confirmed to be made for doxxing
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Just to be clear to those that aren't clear.
Is still a member
>the violence has escalated
Cool if she just hadn't that pseudo anime face
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I'm not interested in your discord or your friend request. sorry this causes you so much pain but you have to move on
>namefagging on discord is doxxing
you lost the narrative, time to give up
you will never catch schizoanon btw
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Can't blame this one on ran
>talk about gens
>drama returns
it was nice while it lasted
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there's one unifying factor here, you should study the details of the thread
>talk about gens
What will it take for debo to leave for good?
Stop crying ffaze
Another thing I am noticing is damage on the edges of the image...and random priests.
that anon was glowie posting a while ago, if anyone falls for it, they deserve it
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what amazes me is that the schizos were actually right on this one
im just glad i never joined because i would sure as heck using my usual username (because im lazy af) and you can actually find me somewhat with that name alone
>debo gets embarrassed
>begins to samefag
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Dora the explorer grown up sexy
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on brand
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I've noticed this as well and I couldn't put my finger on what the culprit was unfortunately. I thought it was the resolution I was genning at, the sampler, something strange with my 2nd pass & upscaling. Part of me thinks its the resolution but it intermittent for me.
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what model is this you're using? the aesthetic is very nice

it was obvious a while ago when they put my IP on broadcast. then when they put ani's personals on blast. it's just another tool for them to try to fuck with anons they don't like
... fuck
its definitely sd3
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Oh the anon claiming another anon did the doxx earlier today was you.
You're not smart debo
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ani is in the discord and I watched anime with him last night, it's the third time we have hung out in voice. Get fucked retard.
>quickly posts some slop to change topic
doxxing discord confirmed
yeah yeah "anime nights" my ass
>it was obvious a while ago when they put my IP on broadcast. then when they put ani's personals on blast. it's just another tool for them to try to fuck with anons they don't like
is this shit even legal?
you are the only anon posting 1536 SD3 gens. Stop samefagging.
This is just a TikTok trend of the future.
You'll see.
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>post ban
>blame everyone else
Posting your own ban is perfectly legal
>quickly needs to fill the thread for no reason
there is an archive you dummy
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More priests! I'll have to check the prompt, because it's just too many.
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would you be willing to catbox? I'd like to see your approach to getting this aesthetic in sd3. most of my attempts at cinema get stuck in sd3-default-aesthetic territory
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maybe one day someone will care enough
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lol, lmao
I was wondering why this was linked until I realized..
>Sit back
>watch schizo set himself on fire
This is a good Friday I tell you what. You just needed to leave me alone and let me exist but no you had to sperg out at me and look where it landed your mentally ill ass.
oooooooooooo I can't wait for him to upload the catbox and for that to be an even MORE intense fingerprint that it's you! Good luck!
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based thread enforcer
Nice warm colours.Boudoir:1.2
>yall paranoid schizos and i had my cream filling
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tfw my styles and gens are so varied that 90% of anons are unable to parse that its me
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>I'm seven of them
Literally please rejoin the discord, please
Ran, you should be on /ldg/, it's almost like you are seeking the drama...
You wanted the split anyway.
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>@schizoanon i will never doubt you again!
dont worry im here to protect you all
Will you faggots PLEASE kiss and make up. This shit has gone on for way too long and makes /sdg/ insufferable. Jesus fucking christ
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lol why
Get fucked I post where I please. I will kick a sperg when he's down especially when he has a meltdown to this degree. This faggot has been lying on me for almost 2 years and to see him get his just deserts is priceless.
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This is the best I get on SD3. Need at least the prompt + negative.
I mean, you are by far the most noted and prominent poster. It makes no sense you're not there and personally, I would say your absence is felt throughout every chat
Nice falseflag retard
Not worth it. I only use D-cord if some software is gated behind it, like Yuzu patch notes only used to be available on their server.
They are not your friends and it's not a "community". 4chan is because it's not being gated except by the site rules.
Look who's butthurt. Your narcissism took over yet again.
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ah yes being in an environment where people can samefag and falseflag is definitely better!
i dont want to cause drama but the discord being made for deanonymizing should be in the news honestly
im not saying you are behind this but that anons should be warned about whats happening
its dangerous with anons trying to dox other anons
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this one is so much more cooked. also, no catbox :(

nice meme

yea discord has never really been my cup of tea. I liked the idea of having a different avenue to connect with anons but the idea was more attractive than the reality
Not the point. You submit yourself under a circle jerk of certain special people and if you're not appeasing them - or, if someone is menstruating week old cum out of their ass - you're getting muted or kicked.
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i have come to say that every single anon that unironically uses discord for 4chan related topics is a faggot
sorry that the concept of american exceptionalism, or better yet, accountability for your samefaggotry was too complex
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Lowered CFG from 7 to 3.5.
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picrel your average pisscord user
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nah, news isn't the place for sdg/community/discord non-sense. you can fast-follow news posts with your own bulletin if you'd like but I dont wanna bake that stuff into the news

>muh american exceptionalism
nice meme

what CFG ranges do you generally operate in? I've seen some people speculate that lower values are better for realism and higher values are better for artistic gens. I usually can't go above ~5 but I practically zero prompt adherence at that scale
Great add
>film grain, Kodak film stock
To make it look more film like.
retard commie, believing that this isn't the best country in the world is truly, unironically, a sign of low IQ. If you actually consumed any literature, news, podcasts, you would know without a doubt that the rest of the superpowers are both economically weaker and more xenophobic, dangerous, and past the inflection point.
save the posts, compile them and post them itt
>nah, news isn't the place for sdg/community/discord non-sense. you can fast-follow news posts with your own bulletin if you'd like but I dont wanna bake that stuff into the news
makes sense
was just an idea because i actually think this discord shilling here is dangerous because we had doxxings in the past
Oh and
>duotone color grade
Usually duotone means orange/blue grade but it changes with whatever association AI thinks.
then leave and don't come back, you want to take away the only thing that matters in this hellhole.
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Depends. With SDXL around 5-7, with SD1.5 I can go up to 7.5. With DynamicThresholding I can get more prompt without the burn. Sometimes up to 30.
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>he said the quiet part out loud
I can do it too you dumb fuck
>when debo attempts to post incognito in one of his highly recognizable styles
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you know what that means, time to assrape this general
Prompt T5
A movie still shot in analog camera film middle shot or shot from the waist up so faces are clearly visible, it's from a French movie from 1960
In a railway subway station in Europe, the male character age 25 years standing (facing the camera) wearing a tan colored raincoat, he is a very handsome male, he has a stern cold gaze and has icy cold blue eyes, he is next to a female close to him also standing, the female is unaware that she is being followed.
The female is caucasian young and beautiful and she is catholic is a very pretty and young age 18 years girl she is facing the camera, but her gaze is low reading a magazine, the female is wearing a miniskirt and a short gray fancy coat, she has brown hair and delicate features her hair is long parted in the center and straight long it fall on her chest, she has a small handbag, she is tired from work and just wants to get home
The platform is empty save for those two figures. The shot is taken from a distance, from the opposite platform, in the background there is the wall of the station, it is a wall covered in white and black tiles, there is an old time sign with the name of the station that reads "Ternes"

Prompt Clips
Movie still Europe Film from the (1960s) with film grain. (waist up middle shot). A platform in a subway station in Paris, there are just two figures, a handsome male standing side by side to a beautiful young woman side by side, (both facing the camera), the characters are white European, caucasian male and female. Caucasian characters, the strikingly beautiful (age 20 years) female has brown hair. Criterion Collection trending on artstation

Asian Asiatic Korean Japanese, Chinese, black and white
report them for being off-topic, this has nothing to do with the thread's content. like if it wasn't enough to have that link in the op, they now constantly spam the thread, trying to bait anons into going there.
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>america is exceptional because joe rogan told me so

oh I meant sd3 specifically

>running different prompts into t5 and clip
ooo I didn't know people were doing this. I've just been jamming the same prompt into all encoders. is there any general philosophy you're using for what goes where?
>meant sd3 specifically
I'm still experimenting.
yeah the quiet part of trying to remove anonymity from an anonymous image board, you pretentious retard.
honestly there should be rebakes if the doxxcord is in op
Genuine imagegen discussion, nogens and gen posters alike living in harmony, developing better gens and techniques, sharing workflows and having meaningful social interactions. Friendly vibes.
Debo this, debo that, you're a schizo, no you are, look who's mad, no you're mad, no he's mad, i'm nta but you're mad, samefag! Rancid vibes. Shit gens.
>the discord
Genuine discussion of tech, anime nights with Ani, free thought and effective moderation

It really do be like that
T5 boomer style
Clip list tokens
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oops slipped my mind
>the discord
Genuine discussion of tech banned, trans rights with trani, free estrogen and effective hrt
>we had doxxings in the past
And those doxxings were due to the anons own faults
There were only two doxxings and both of those people lie on other users constantly, well deserved
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cool :0
ani doesn't lie though

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