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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101082863

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Programmable Motion Generation for Open-set Motion Control Tasks

>Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

>Consistency Models Made Easy

>Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

>WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaption of CLIP

>UHDDIP: Ultra-High-Definition Restoration: New Benchmarks and A Dual Interaction Prior-Driven Solution

>Taggui v1.29.0 Adds Florence-2 Support

>CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans


>Comfy Org launches comfy.org


>SD-Latent-Interposer Adds SD3 Support


>Florence2 in ComfyUI

>Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s former chief scientist, launches new AI company

>ComfyUI_frontend: ComfyUI modernized

>RunwayML Gen-3 Alpha


>TroL: Traversal of Layers for Large Language and Vision Models

>diff-sampler: open-source toolbox for fast sampling of diffusion models

>Diffusers Adds≈ SD3 ControlNet and Multi-ControlNet Support
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debo is a faggot
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>Deanonymizing (to an extent) this general was necessary to get some folks to be more peaceable.
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>mfw Research news


>A Survey of Multimodal-Guided Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>SafeSora: Towards Safety Alignment of Text2Video Generation via a Human Preference Dataset

>Video Generation with Learned Action Prior

>CollaFuse: Collaborative Diffusion Models

>VLBiasBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Bias in Large Vision-Language Model

>ExVideo: Extending Video Diffusion Models via Parameter-Efficient Post-Tuning

>From Descriptive Richness to Bias: Unveiling the Dark Side of Generative Image Caption Enrichment

>GenAI-Bench: Evaluating and Improving Compositional Text-to-Visual Generation

>StableSemantics: A Synthetic Language-Vision Dataset of Semantic Representations in Naturalistic Images

>IntCoOp: Interpretability-Aware Vision-Language Prompt Tuning

>Trusted Video Inpainting Localization via Deep Attentive Noise Learning

>Is AI fun? HumorDB: a curated dataset and benchmark to investigate graphical humor

>4K4DGen: Panoramic 4D Generation at 4K Resolution

>ARDuP: Active Region Video Diffusion for Universal Policies

>AniFaceDiff: High-Fidelity Face Reenactment via Facial Parametric Conditioned Diffusion Models

>Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

>SwinStyleformer is a favorable choice for image inversion

>Sampling 3D Gaussian Scenes in Seconds with Latent Diffusion Models
Imagine posting in the debo containment thread
Cursed thread of "deanonymizing" discordfaggotry
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Genuine imagegen discussion, nogens and gen posters alike living in harmony, developing better gens and techniques, sharing workflows and having meaningful social interactions. Friendly vibes.
Debo this, debo that, you're a schizo, no you are, look who's mad, no you're mad, no he's mad, i'm nta but you're mad, samefag! Rancid vibes. Shit gens.
>the discord
Genuine discussion of tech, anime nights with Ani, free thought and effective moderation

It really do be like that.
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Thanks for the prompt. I omitted the negative.
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How much this pic feels gay?
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oops slipped my mind
>the discord
Genuine discussion of tech banned, trans rights with trani, free estrogen and effective hrt
YUP you're nearly 40, how could you compromise the doxing discord like that?
You said you where an opsec hero
That's certainly a way to say you hate 4chan.
so... are we gonna talk about the fact that the confirmed "deanonymizing" discord, which replaced the "official" SAI discord in op, was heavily shilled by the official SAI employee trani or nah?
This one should feel gay, the prompt is derived from "gay propaganda"

A bold, bright, and beaming poster exudes campy charm! A dashing figure, resplendent in a sparkly jumpsuit, strikes a pose against a kaleidoscope of rainbow hues. The iconic flag waves proudly in the background, set against a cityscape's twinkling lights. Framed by ornate gold filigree, the subject's confident smile and sassy gaze dare you to 'Come out, come out, wherever you are!' - A defiant declaration of pride and unity, rendered in vivid colors and playful flair.
>There were only two doxxings and both of those people lie on other users constantly, well deserved
And they were before the discord was a thing
There were only two doxxings and both of those people lie on other users constantly, well deserved.
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I want to test stylization now:
Vintage ad: yes
Art Nouveau: no
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>>101086795 (Me)
This one should feel gay, the prompt is derived from "gay propaganda"

A bold, bright, and beaming poster exudes campy charm! A dashing figure, resplendent in a sparkly jumpsuit, strikes a pose against a kaleidoscope of rainbow hues. The iconic flag waves proudly in the background, set against a cityscape's twinkling lights. Framed by ornate gold filigree, the subject's confident smile and sassy gaze dare you to 'Come out, come out, wherever you are!' - A defiant declaration of pride and unity, rendered in vivid colors and playful flair.
yeah the shilling for the discord and pushing anons to join feels very organic and totally not forced
There's no need to fear being doxxed if you have nothing to hide. Ani was doxxed and he didn't fall over and die. Debo was doxxed and he posts just as much as ever...
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>doxxing is good and valid actually
all you need to know
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okay sure but theres literally no reason to think the discord is doxxing anyone, anons arent gonna lazerwalk into discord hq and steal your email address...
you don't belong here. at this point just report these posts and re-bake the threads with the discord on it.
pretty much, the fact their doubling down after admitting to de-anonymization then linking to stylometry packages they use on top of whatever else they're cooking up is pretty messed up
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>all of the regulars turned on debo
>debo banished from the discord
He has nobody left on here except the occasional newfag
true, you write an invisible discord bot, give it the right permissions, hello all user data, thats how you do it (speaking from experience)
i dont even understand the narrative about why you want people to join, if you need usernames go to xitter, reddit or whatever? why bother people who are here to BE anons?
sdg is unironically fucked beyond belief
maybe ldg was right all along
>There's no need to fear being doxxed if you have nothing to hide
sounds like you want to decide whats wrong think or not
>schizo projecting their own delusions
>why bother people who are here to BE anons?
because they got greedy, they could get away with just that shit on the OP, that was just testing the waters. Now they are actively shilling it constantly and harassing anyone who wants to be anonymous on 4chan, of all places.
he needs samefaggotry to create a narrative that he isn't one of the most toxic thread regulars, got butthurt when the vast majority of other anons weren't in his court at all
out of arguments? cute
but then dont act like you dont have an agenda
>He has nobody left on here except the occasional newfag
yep. i feel bad for the newfags most of all. they have no idea.
i mean, if they are that brazen on their echo chambers to just start flat out saying this shit. you can see the problem with the discord already just by watching the people promoting it.
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this thread rn
>my art ended up linked in a big fb group
>not one mention of ai
they can always tell btw
>im out of arguments and a gen makes my shilling more valid
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Crosshatching-engraving-old newspaper
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oooo, rare friday morning illum
he's in the discord, unlike you
you're literally the only one not joining the discord at this point
He was banished from the Discord for his appalling behavior
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yes, that's true. The kick didn't actually happen until
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>anon anon
>why dont you join our discord, anon?
>we goon, doxx and trani shows her butthole from time to time
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idk why you want me in the discord when you don't even like me

I'm seeing this weird cope a lot. weird ass "you can't quit, you're fired" type shit. you didn't 'banish' or 'exile' me, I left. but expecting you to not lie would be expecting water to not be wet
Dude, fuck that old noise, you're talking to some random ass schizoid. You're welcome in the discord, Yup said it himself. If you want to rejoin, some of us would really appreciate it
Dude I was neutral at worst towards you for a very long time, YOU are the one that decided to shit on the olive branch.
Adults with differing opinions can learn to get along.
>I left.
nice lie I literally kicked you today
I'm honestly cool with debo staying here by himself with all the newfags. He always fucks it up eventually so it's only a matter of time before they wise up.
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Oil on canvas painting.
I don't know how to move the style, as not only artists but artistic movements are ignored. It always has this annoying effect of the paint reflecting light on the edges. The style is super flat this way.
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She's so cute that I almost fell for the temptation and installed Azur Lane.
That was a close one. My wallet is safe.
>submit to the pecking order
kek, pathetic "olive branch" like anyone has any sort of power in this anon image board.
at least now it's all out in the open for other anons to see.
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none of this would be happening if goo anon was still here
tfw you remember why interioranon left
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>he thinks interioranon left
Do you people have a name for every anon in this thread?
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what do you mean "you people"?
>he knew interioranon never left and was called schizo every time he brought it up
i can still spot your gens, faggot
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It understood perfectly the stop sign and the arm coming from out of the picture. Well done. The woman looks more like a meter maid than a factory worker. And the cirillic characters don't look half bad.
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what do you think the last character is supposed to be? it feels like a Japanese character suck in
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Nice style!
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Omg blurryanon is back
the last one is not a cyrillic character, but the inverted N's (those are i's) are spot on.
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I see what you mean in in villages bit, very cool with how clean it is
I love her, my cute child-wife!
Nice blog, where can I unsubscribe?
Fuck off
Did I hurt your petty little feelings, didn't know you had any.
Just got free time from work to tell you that you need new material. Please stop projecting your autism on to me when you post the same exact style and same exact way with you feeble copes
Yer both cunts
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I was thinking Hebrew
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Ty anon
fucking faggots shitting up the threads, day after day
>0 faggot complimenting his own gens again
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now that you mention it, I can kinda see that. admittedly don't have much experience with the script but it does look like it could pass
Amazing gen, Debo. Love to see your work.
i got this reference
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Comic book (vintage-silver age): the subpar anatomy of this model is very evident when you start to ask it for tight clothes. There is something wrong with text always. I will try more styles, but this test was pretty underwhelming.
pure soul
sovl even
just amazing work debo, amazing work youre doing here
My cute child-wife!
Let him post in peace or I'll kick you from the discord
How many more hours will you waste being a sperg faggot debo?
Nobody likes you
Nobody wants you
The only person you have to blame is yourself
I don't believe he has the capacity for self reflection
Don't try me
He's only going to hurt himself more
GL have fun
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I need to say - not posting my personal gens today - but Debo is the glue which keeps these threads going. Like it or not but he's a friend. I'm not talking about d-cord here.
Retard post
>compliments himself in third person
>proven in the pastebin
fuck of grooming trani
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They are for admiring from a distance and for protecting their smiles.
Not for marrying.
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Can we have a decent thread for once without pedo shit please?
Take the pedo shit to /ldg/
I have had my qualms with him in the past but I respect him: he is hard-line and outweighs the output of many others here.
Once you psychos start posting some images, you are going to be my bitch. I guess you're too stupid and incompetent for that.
I know I was talking about idealistic love. I should have mentioned it, hope FBI is not after me now.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with a frog poster
I'm not afraid to call you a retard with a gen
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next you will say "phoneposting"
>debo makes everyone leave
>"see, he's the best one left!"
I have done Federal Penitentiary time in the past and if I want to gen an image I will fucking do it.
>mom mom i know what dev tools are!
Debo is a known phoneposter, so this proves nothing
Ran, I forgot - you were excluded. Why are you here anyway? You should be on /ldg/ with your Chinese friends.
You have no friends faggot but it seems like I ended up gaining many
This thread is the perfect example of why the pastebin should replace the discord in op
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whats the differecne betweeen /sdg/ and /ldg/
Feel free to add it, mods are fine with it but debo will spend every waking moment trying to split the general which might not work this time
>posting amaurophilia fetish slop
Friendly, intelligent, handsome
Fair enough. I respect a hardliner like you. It reminds me of the time when I watched Clint Eastwood's Escape from Alcatraz.
stop samefagging ranfag bitch
You're on the fritz, you keep defaulting to the same copes
Sorry honey, we call them Deutschlanders.
nb4 hours long spergout from a "random" californian
The nogens refusing to take their pills is what ruins these threads.
im fine
Afternoon anons
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is that how you trannies think? just get more pills and everything is fine? kek
If you constantly lose your shit and are a nuisance to everyone then yes, you should take the pills that make you quiet.
It's the best thing you can do, minus ending your life, of course.
>loses blanket cope
>persist anyways
poor little sperg
>singular schizo anon theory
get new material
>he doesn't know "you" can apply to one or multiple people
Homeschooling. Not even once.
Then again, I can understand why your parents wouldn't want other people to see you.
Debo should stick to making music and refrain from posting in this general further
>Ani was doxxed and he didn't fall over and die.
yeah just fired from ikhor for no reason at all kek
>SAI made a new post since the SD3M release
>Doesn't address the SD3 fiasco at all
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look at me, I am an artist
Quokka super star saga!
Not really, you lack any style because you're a psychopath.
It takes finesse and experience to create likeable illustrations.
why does the schizo spasms always come and go in waves?
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ok how about this one
burger-flippers can take breaks or experience down time every so often
I schmell luftwaffels here an I ze right or do I see a white flag in the distance my dear Frenchie?
not enough "trending on artstation"
Waste of electricity. I could coach you and help but I don't help psychopaths.
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those eyes are saying a lot
>lust inducing image
>even the xcreters laugh at them
I don't have any twitter account so I can't see the comments, but I can imagine there's some spicy ones right? kek
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>they don't even know, they can't know
god i hate that face so much...
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Apes together dronk
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i was just trying to img2img and i literally became the next picasso, wow
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But why?
>Stability AI appoints new CEO, the Information reports
kek, how many CEO changes this company will have? it's a total chaos
if i was working there i sure as hell would look for a new job, this is a really bad sign
>rotating c-suite
..no so stable after all
But what does Debo think about this?
why do all the reply guys have "e/acc" in their names? what does that mean?
dont worry they have trani now, the most premium animator of the whole galaxy
>guess the fact that no one has been waiting, literally makes "up to scratch" true. Considering it's a negative connotation.
>Seriously? How tone deaf are you.
>Ill [sic] make sure to ask it about women on grass
>You should focus on fixing and improving SD3 first. It's a hot mess right now...
>Best of luck with your imminent bankruptcy.
>This is exactly what everybody has been talking about lately. Thanks for the clarification (ironic emoji)
>Sorry, I would love to try it, but your new license and because you seemingly do not answer questions from artists concerning those, I just can‘t use @StabilityAI
products and endorse them anymore.
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lmao, they got what they fucking deserve, they had the compute to make a great product and they fucked it up
vroom vroom
Not bad. Try using 0.9 or even 1 with img2img and the little AI guy inside your gpu tries his hardest to do something based on the source. I really love the latent seed elves.
wish he was here to explain how its a good sign if stability acts deaf
>thread is a few anons spamming and arguing with each other
It was sabotaged. Would be interesting to know if there was any form of insider trading involved but I guess it's hard to chase that when it happens outside of the company itself.
>insider trading
>privately held company
what does one write to get shota pov/short person pov?
its like the same 5 anons since a year, daily ....
can we get someone from the discord to de-anonymize this user
I thought it was public? Well call me a retard then. I call Elizabeth Holmes.
kek i'm not doing CP. I just can't get anything other than normal POV
>looking down at the viewer, from below
Reinforce these terms and you'll get something.
I still struggle with height difference too anon
I've been doing this with mixed results. will try again.
Height difference does jackshit. The problem is sometimes I want floor/ground POV or some sort of object POV but the tags simply don't exist.
rejections from a girl like that
and they claim its more popular ...
going to the store anyone want anything?
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cool :0
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who did claim that?
grab me a pack of cigs. I'll pay you back
only sane poster itt
>solo character focus,
>(from below waist shot:1.3), (looking down at the viewer:1.3),
>character description blabla
>style definition
Use commas , and adjust the weights.
If you're not getting any hit with 10 images then rework the prompt. Remember you're the tard wrangler of the gpu guy.
awesome gen, love the detail and quality
milk and some white castle
Thanks honey but I already bought my beers and cigs because it's Midsummer fest (pagan, down with Talmud) here in Scandinavia.
imagine the plapping
It needs tweaking I'm not on my puter now, I could have given you more fulfilling example but this is the idea.
Also the aspect ratio somewhat changes its interpretation - try portrait instead of landscape.
nta but based, thanks, and I agree aspect ratio has a strong effect on cpomposition
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I think this might be my best image to date.. It's only my 3rd day.
Little by little you will learn how to control the latent seed elves.
im literally shitting
right now
keep us updated on the progress
pick your bum then touch your eyes
this is looking bad
my bet is that the company will continue to pivot and abandon the open source model release, probably abandon the rest of the tech like LLMs and audio gen models they worked on, and will focus on image generation
most likely going to follow the MJ model, they already migrated to discord (lmao), and try to break into the VFX domain since the new CEO was the CEO of WETA
who knows, maybe in a couple of years they'll get acquired by Unity, just like WETA did
its mostly soft to liquid, i'll keep you posted

>its mostly soft to liquid
more fiber my friend
The psycho woke up.
I'm working on my English structure, why don't you work on improving your facade? Only the laziest fuck on this planet doesn't use caps and format his utterings.
caps are for spergs
>prove me wrong
you can't
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thanks friend, thats why i always ask here, always helpful
its more on the liquid side of things right now, like a fountain, but i think its soon done
WETA has all the money in this world. Did you know MPC literally died after they ruined couple of shows by underbidding? Took them long enough, 5 years after I worked there.
Double Negative (Dneg) is also in the gutter.
There's not that many bigger vfx companies left who are not committing to India and China and it's fucking sad.
WETA has managed to stay afloat because they will pay people but you won't even get hired unless someone in the company can give you a recommendation. This is surprisingly easy if you have worked for a while.
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so just out of curiosity I installed sd on a vps (the one oracle gives, 4 cores, 20gb ram) and ran it in cpu mode
all I can say is lol, lmao,
same model prompt image size
this is awesome
Locating to NZ is hard, especially after living in already foreign country for years.
Luckily I have retired, it's not a sustainable profession when you cross 40. Some autists do it and I know few but for normal go-getter making images stops being an accomplishment after approx. 5 years and then you're just going through the motions more or less.
Or maybe I am less gifted and arrogant? Or vice versa? I don't know.
Which model for UOH'ing
What the fuck is this?
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you need to ask ani
finally finished, feeling 5 pounds lighter, phew
take care friends
>USA is the Jörmungandr
I'm glad you survived
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whats with this and why are they all in the same pose?
lol I saw that, maybe anon was trying for a lora but was dumb
Is she some new character that just dropped?
>everyone fucking hates SD3 Medium, it's so bad that it single-handedly destroyed the company's goodwill
>Emad, Comfy and most of the company's employees have left
>over $100 million in debt
>nobody wants anything to do with SD3's license, Pony dev's stated he's not touching it and Civitai banned the model altogether
>only form of PR immediately after release was Lykon spending god knows how many days saying "lol skill issue" to everyone who complained about the fleshy night terrors the model keeps making
>Stability: [crickets chirping]
I think bot scripts target CivitAI for reasons beyond our reach.
CinematicRedmond is filled with botted gay images.
It was a pump and dump. Someone somewhere made money and left the rotting carcass up for the leeches.
This is not the first company on this planet which ends up like this.
You could even speculate it was Microsoft etc influence but this one goes into the tinfoil hat territory.
No one knows what they are doing.
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>his fox doesn't have buttwings
>Microsoft etc influence but this one goes into the tinfoil hat territory
Microsoft needed to see how far they could go stealing intellectual property from everyone. So, limit the liability to a "subsidiary". Suck up the intellectual property and the wisdom of what's going to pass in the courts and let the startup die. Easy Peasey Lemon Squeezey.
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kafka is a star rail character. been around for a while and is not even a particularly interesting character design. but I'm biased cuz I feel that way about most star rail character designs

SAI has never been good at communication. its not unique to SAI either, I feel like the majority of tech companies have shitty comms.

>It was a pump and dump
you don't know what those words mean. why would they have 100mil debt if the plan was to run off with the cash?
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I'm not even US citizen but I feel like I need to agree with you. Intentional sabotage but yet it's fine when these giant corporations are doing it. It is about controlling a monopoly like a fucking Cosa Nostra.
We're so fucking back.
Please watch Wolf of the Wall Street.
You're replying to a retard by the way
>Akkaraju, former CEO of visual effects company Weta Digital, is part of a group of investors including former Facebook President Sean Parker that has stepped in to save Stability with a cash infusion
>You're replying to a retard by the way
So am I.
Please watch Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.
Whatever happened to "piercing the corporate veil"?
>checks if coast is clear
>makes sure its just newfags who aren't wise to his antics
>then posts
>giving them more money to waste
why does regional prompting not work with img2img?
Please watch The Breakfast Club.
if anything it's over, successful \ sustainable business models don't need to be bailed out. changes are coming
Please watch One Piece (subbed) Episodes 457-489
inb4 they stepped in because they are SD users themselves
>weta digital
yep, goodbye opensource SD models.
Terrible news
Yeah. Before funds are reaching their destination, many unknown factors (unknown to laypersons like us) are affecting it. CEO is just a puppet and I don't think you can blame it all on him. I mean sure, he takes the flak.
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I hate it when adetailer goes too far
WETA has so much computing power they are competing with nations at this point. They only need to hire few of the brightest minds (and they have).
Sorry if I sound like a doomsday jerk but ten years ago I could get 1500 slots for my busy render at MPC. Most people don't have any idea how much it costs.
And now...
Meta is good for open source, "ex Facebook president" not so much
meta's llm models are filtered crap.
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Can you stop fucking spamming?
This is the designated spamming thread.
yeah i got bored just like that on first day when llama3 released.
She is my colorful wife.
well be fine
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I know there was already a bit of this, but
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it's your cringe opinions that are tiring
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havent done SD sin XL relased, how much better is SD3 Medium? Is there a better model currently than SD3 Medium?
sd3 is unfortunately a significant downgrade from xl
cats box.
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i dd see it was trained on less parameters. I guess were waiting for the 8B parameter model.
Yes anon, I'm sure whoever spent $100 million+ of their own money to bail SAI out will be looking to give us free models out of the goodness of their hearts and not immediately try to make their investment back by any means necessary
>I guess were waiting for the 8B parameter model.
to tussle with google and microsoft with the wildcard of dedicated internet nerds on their side, perhaps.
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>Akkaraju, former CEO of visual effects company Weta Digital, is part of a group of investors including former Facebook President Sean Parker that has stepped in to save Stability with a cash infusion
all we know is that we've got a serial CEO and a former facebook bigwig. facebook has a decent track record of pushing forward into open source (llama is the most relevant example) but who knows how close to that ethos this facebook guy might be.
there'll have to be more official information from SAI soon because they just nuked the valuation that previous investors bought into. its one thing to leave the community high and dry in the wake of sd3 but its another to leave your investors guessing how their 100mil is gonna be impacted
>SD3 so censored it cant generate w*men properly

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