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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101086676

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Stability AI appoints new CEO, Receives Ballout

>Programmable Motion Generation for Open-set Motion Control Tasks

>Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

>Consistency Models Made Easy

>Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

>WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaption of CLIP

>UHDDIP: Ultra-High-Definition Restoration: New Benchmarks and A Dual Interaction Prior-Driven Solution

>Taggui v1.29.0 Adds Florence-2 Support

>CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans


>Comfy Org launches comfy.org


>SD-Latent-Interposer Adds SD3 Support


>Florence2 in ComfyUI

>Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s former chief scientist, launches new AI company

>ComfyUI_frontend: ComfyUI modernized

>RunwayML Gen-3 Alpha


>TroL: Traversal of Layers for Large Language and Vision Models

>diff-sampler: open-source toolbox for fast sampling of diffusion models
>mfw Research news


>A Survey of Multimodal-Guided Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>SafeSora: Towards Safety Alignment of Text2Video Generation via a Human Preference Dataset

>Video Generation with Learned Action Prior

>CollaFuse: Collaborative Diffusion Models

>VLBiasBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Bias in Large Vision-Language Model

>ExVideo: Extending Video Diffusion Models via Parameter-Efficient Post-Tuning

>From Descriptive Richness to Bias: Unveiling the Dark Side of Generative Image Caption Enrichment

>GenAI-Bench: Evaluating and Improving Compositional Text-to-Visual Generation

>StableSemantics: A Synthetic Language-Vision Dataset of Semantic Representations in Naturalistic Images

>IntCoOp: Interpretability-Aware Vision-Language Prompt Tuning

>Trusted Video Inpainting Localization via Deep Attentive Noise Learning

>Is AI fun? HumorDB: a curated dataset and benchmark to investigate graphical humor

>4K4DGen: Panoramic 4D Generation at 4K Resolution

>ARDuP: Active Region Video Diffusion for Universal Policies

>AniFaceDiff: High-Fidelity Face Reenactment via Facial Parametric Conditioned Diffusion Models

>Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

>SwinStyleformer is a favorable choice for image inversion

>Sampling 3D Gaussian Scenes in Seconds with Latent Diffusion Models
>SAI purchased by Weta FX
>An investigation into Wētā's workplace culture by Kiwi public TV broadcaster 1 News...
>In their testimonies, workers identified the existence of a male-only pornographic mailing list called "Caveman", which originated in 2002 following a company-wide tradition known as Porn Friday
>Several reports also alleged that the company's IT systems required upgrades in order to accommodate the volume of pornographic content hosted on the company intranet
Boys, we're so, so fucking back and you don't even realise it.
Cursed thread
Comped thread?
High vibes thread, good mood and friendliness to all. Welcome
fixed groupnorm for ndhwc and fixed conv3d. neat
no work only gen post catgirl
despite how wacky sd3 medium is with humans, theres no way its as useless as people want us to think when it can follow your directions.
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is a humangirl ok
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Weta only makes closed source software and has been holding back the VFX industry for years. They will probably change the business model of SD instead of improve the current free model one.
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So things like ComfyUI, Automatic1111, Forge, and SD.Next are just differences in GUI? I see at the very bottom of my Forge tab it is running on v1.9.4 of SD? So does that mean these GUI's use their preferred version of SD? But I am also running whatever models I want (that are compatible)..? If everything is baked into the models then and the UI stuff is just preference or no? Different models just require different settings/tweaks/prompt rules? I was getting OK results with T-ponynai3 but then switched to Pony Diffusion V6 XL and got whacky results with same settings.

Is Stable Diffusion just like the brand name for AI stuff? Like the Xanax of alprazolam?
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i dont gen often, next time ill give her cat ears
>this is bait
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Reminder regarding the doxing discord
>Deanonymizing (to an extent) this general was necessary to get some folks to be more peaceable.
>this thread is just a handful of anons spamming and shit stirring
>this is /sdg/ as he wanted it
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fidget spinner autism bunny
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you got the spinner, nice
he's cute
tits too small.
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I wonder if Stability has enough talent left to start competing with Midjourney on API image gen.
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wip, this is gonna need a lot of inpainting
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is that a man?
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do you go back to 1.5 to inpaint? i dont see any inpainting models for xl
you don't need an inpainting model you just inpaint with the normal model
>duckbros in /co/: Donald and Daisy, not with each other
>duckbros in /trash/: ducktales waifus
>duckbros in /g/: a horse
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everyone enjoying their summer with some refreshing worm icecream?
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asking again if anyone can help me with this? impact nodes blew up and fails to load, saying I need to install a version of a package. when I do that, it says theres no CUDA_HOME, which has never stopped me before.

googling around, it seems like this variable gets set when you install the cuda toolkit, which I've never had. idk whats going on. and pls don't say "use venv lol" cuz thats not helpful
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looks like her face is pasted on from some completely different image
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>"You're going off on a long trip while I'm pregnant, Anon? Seriously?"
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>oppai loli
use venv
she's 18
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But, babe my paladin bros all are going!
Just a super prepubescent looking 18 year old, yes, of course.
shut up bitch
I'll give you that the oppai loli's outfit and staff are awesome, at least.
But oppai loli goes in /d/ and /b/.
[candle | 1girl]
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Anon, try this with Vofan as the main artist. I'm curious.
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Did you?
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SD3 Quokka isn't very good
>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime, (Vofan:1.0), (solo, 1girl:1.2), (miku hatsune, hatsune miku:1.2),(oppai loli, small breasts):1.2 ,(aqua eyes, aqua hair, very long hair, twintails, hair ornament, hair between eyes, aqua nails:1.0), (:o:1.1), (leaning forward, close up, breast focus, covering breasts, holding breasts:1.0)
Can you try "[Vofan:3.0]"? I just need to see if it has an effect. If not, it may require a style lora.
how can it fuck up a quokka
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More oppai, less loli, more 2d, less 2.5d, (chibi:1.3) (very nice)
>More oppai, less loli
Late night timeslot Miku?
>"The stupid eventually stops burning you, trust me, Anon."
Jump! Jump! Jump!
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I updated my Automatic1111-Directml and now I can't run half of my models. I am getting the following error.
NotImplementedError: No operator found for `memory_efficient_attention_forward`
I am not using Xformers as I have an AMD gpu.
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appealing to anyone smart in the thread pls. is there anyone smart left?
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thanks. nice cubism.
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From here=https://youtu.be/mKxt0kxD5C0

fix errors:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install httpx==0.24.1
edit webui-user.bat file inside of automatic1111 folder and add command line arguments and save:
--use-directml --onnx
Inside of automatic1111 folder
find modules\sd_models.py file, edit it
comment out lines 632 - 635 by putting a # in front of the lines and save file
close out Automatic1111
Now you can run Automatic1111 by double-clicking on the webui-user.bat file from windows, or make a shortcut to it if you prefer.
Automatic1111 should now work the way it used to and should allow optimizing ONNX models.
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Nice one
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>If everything is baked into the models then and the UI stuff is just preference or no?
Yeah that's pretty much it. The only thing (You) need to care about are what models the UI can run, but since all the popular UIs are forked from Automtic1111 they mostly share the same compatibility. Not everything is baked in though, some models require a specific VAE and such, they'll usually be mentioned where you get the model from.
>Different models just require different settings/tweaks/prompt rules?
Yes. The place you get the model from usually has the instructions, like "Must use sampler Euler A -a- SDMBDSMPlus++ Ultra with 69 steps" and such. Some UIs let you preview metadata for each model when you select them, you can use these to keep notes, or to make pre-set profiles that automatically switch to the model you like + its preferred settings.
>Is Stable Diffusion just like the brand name for AI stuff?
Not a brand, a type of model. SD is currently the most popular one that most UIs ONLY support. There are alternatives such as Stable Cascade but currently there's not that many good models for them. This will likely change in the future.
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... so have you installed the cuda drivers? They aren't strictly required for ordinary gen but you need them if you want to do anything extra like training or GPU acceleration.
i miss schizo anon
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I'm right here. AMA
how you feeling? and why do you do all of this?
>its real
Man Civitai is shit but it's become even shittier and now they're introducing payments for creators (ie. incoming censorship en masse). I liked uploading to it because it's got a nice search tool to find LoRAs you want for specific models and has (seemingly) unlimited hosting space for your models. It was also nice as you can upload your locally generated images and have them automatically link to the used LoRAs (though you get banned if you use a LoRA that has the "Don't let creators make NSFW with this model" enabled).

Is there a competitor that has the same feature-set or having a good search engine paired with being able to upload your own creation WITHOUT getting banned? Huggingface seems more scientific related (and has poor searching tools/tagging) while Tensor Art doesn't let you upload your own images.
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nice airship, though maybe a bit too literal
tried this and now I'm getting a totally different error message. seeing if I can progress from here. will report back
also, it installed cuda 12.5. I dunno if this is gonna cause version mismatching
Ok but why doesn't the main post talk about "Stability Matrix". The thing installs everything for you and has an integrated interface so you can use it instead of the browser.
if you're on a1111 it 100% will have mismatch version issues because it uses 11.x
should I just uninstall/install a 11.x cuda?
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I don't know what you haven't/have done already. But I would suggest to just go through the manual install again. People hate to hear it, but use a venv too.
I just want to save me comfy instal......
Post your error
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>Huggingface seems more scientific related
But they still allow you seemingly unlimited space for your models, a hosted inference api so people can try your models on the model's page directly, an option to apply all the loras you want on your models so people could try how any lora looks on any of your models, and it allows you to add images of your samples so people know how it looks like by just copying and pasting into it.
Civitai was garbage a year ago and that's why I've dedicated my life to uploading my models to huggingface and mirroring all the civitai ones that I like. And then on huggingface I get 50k downloads/month, not too shabby.
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that's a nice style
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its not helpful. I tried the install it recommended but nothing changed
It says "you're missing a tool, get it from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools".

People recommended Linux earlier because most distros already have the tools like this already installed by the distro. You'll probably find that after installing the C++ compiler then you'll need to install even more prerequisite software.
I already tried that install but it gives the same error
So the question would be, did those tools install successfully? If you go into Add/Remove programs, does it appear in the list of installed software?

The problem could also be that even if the compiler is installed correctly, Python can't see it, which might happen if you've installed Python to an unusual location or have some weird environmental variables set up. Based on your screenshot, it looks like you're just using the defaults. Did anything strange happen when installing Python like dismissable error messages?
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afaik it installed successfully. nothing indicated otherwise. when I look at the app list, I don't see it by that name but sometimes things install w/o being on the app list
> Did anything strange happen when installing Python like dismissable error messages?
I've not ever had any problems with python and have used comfy and all sorts of custom nodes for a year or so with no issue
That's just the redistributables, not the compiler. So I would recommend trying to reinstall the compiler again, reboot, and give it another shot. If it still errors out, you might be in a bind as to discovering what the actual issue is. And in which case, you need to decide if it's worth doing that deep-dive investigation, or starting from scratch (and using a venv this time so your system doesn't mess up the installation in the future).

Whatever you decide, good luck. Remain persistent, the pay-off will be worth it.
I think I'm just gonna kill myself instead
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clean style
>but anon he looks just like you! he's your son!

I see, makes sense to do that. My other plan was to just make a MEGA to upload my loras to and link it here. And for image posting, I still post them here but specifically I wanted a permanent place to host them, I'll probably start using a booru or something.
>(though you get banned if you use a LoRA that has the "Don't let creators make NSFW with this model" enabled

wat? that's not a thing
yeah not exactly you're just not allowed to post it, but hyperbole is the essence of engagement (and who's to say they won't start banning you for making "infringements" like that? the fact it exists already shows the people running civitai are legitimately insane)
mfw i've been using a pony lora on regular sdxl models
it felt a bit off night
is the AI porn scene still a thing or is it oversaturated already? I wanna make money
Get a real job.
I'm trying to. The tech job market is ass in the US especially for junior devs. I'm about to give up and start applying to burger flipping jobs but I'd still like to make money doing porn on the side (I'm too ugly to do IRL porn)
lie lie lie lie and lie
also lie
you're welcome
can I go as far as lying about my years of experience? I thought that shit turned up in background checks
Depends on how far you want to go.
Easy mode? Just make something up and use your friend as a reference for whatever contractor/freelancer job you put down.

Alternatives would be making an LLC (cheap & easy). You can also use the route of putting down prior history of recently defuct businesses. They can't check on the history if it doesn't exist anymore.

As far as the background checks go none of that is extensive unless it's a contractor job for the government, a government position itself (state/fed) or fortune 100 companies.

You'll be fine. Oh and don't use AI slop to make your cover letter/resume.
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are you better at it than everyone else?
Not a requirement. As long as you can do the job that's all that matters the rest is doing whatever you can to get your foot in the door.
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hes right. the market has been total shit since the start of 2023. AI is making it worse because people think they can just plug in more AI instead of hire more people. but also the market is still fucky from all the personnel shuffling that happened during/after covid

maybe it wasn't before but its a requirement now. only way you can build any following is to out-compete the market or find one of the few unexplored niches no one has capitalized on yet. there's not much room in either direction to find success. only way to reliably make money in genAI these days is to write code
>maybe it wasn't before but its a requirement now. only way you can build any following is to out-compete the market or find one of the few unexplored niches no one has capitalized on yet. there's not much room in either direction to find success. only way to reliably make money in genAI these days is to write code
Yeah I was speaking in IT in general, mainly any junior software dev position. If you can demonstrate your ability (have a repo in your resume) that's clean code and tell some white lies you'll be alright.
And I'm not discounting the current playing field right now, it is competitive more so than it has been before.
is this base sdxl?
who is genning on any base model except for the new chinaman ones?
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I did all that but I am still getting the same error. Also, it says that --onnx is an unrecognized argument.
Get in shape. Get a neat haircut. Get some nice conservative work clothes. Look good as good as you can. Keep applying for jobs.
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pretty hard to get budget to hire a junior these days when you can prompt and supervise an AI with about the same level of effort and wasted time. also, its pretty rare for any juniors to have boastable code. they might have an html resume or a maybe cloned repo but thats it. the hireable juniors are 1 in 10,000 and there's not that many jobs

how old are you?
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>how old are you?
>its pretty rare for any juniors to have boastable code. they might have an html resume or a maybe cloned repo but thats it
Doesn't need to be boastable just something that demonstrates your proficiency. And this is a good example of the slop resumes people try to pass off. If you do better than this you are already ahead of the game.
for a second I thought armhairchads had won but it was just the cape
who knows, but the filename there is SDXL_
I can read AI text. Anon typed "sex with duck" here.
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I shitted and I farted
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I dont think you appreciate how tight the market is for juniors. the swe market is tight all around and standing out as a junior, especially just getting your resume through the first round, is real hard. even top cs programs are having a harder time placing graduates into roles.

best bet is to continue on with a masters in something. but thats two more years of education, which means two more years of paying for school, and two more years of the markets shrinking even more
anon, that means that we'll never get SD3-8b, this company only makes closed source model, it's over, SAI is dead
>I dont think you appreciate how tight the market is for juniors.
yep, as a data scientist junior I got only 1 interview in 6 month, and the guy who interviewed me literally said that I should lie on my resume to get a job, like saying that I have some experience in a company or some shit, that's fucking brutal
This is why I said initially to lie lie lie, and lie.
>lie lie lie, and lie.
The /sdg/ motto
I just can't do that, my morals tell me that lying to people is bad, I don't want to be that guy just to get a fucking job, I know everyone lie on their resume but I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I do something like that, guess that I'm too much of a nice person for this fucked up world
It's a dog eat dog world anon, sorry to break it to you. But good on you to sticking to your principles.
>It's a dog eat dog world anon
I know, that's why I'm not making kids, this world sucks too much to bring more people into it, can't see myself telling my kids they should lie and be a fucking snake just to survive
Catboxing just in case the jannies get pissy
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its not just morals, its a waste of time. you'll lie on your resume to squeak through the ai filters and the hr sanity check but as soon as you're in a technical when anyone, they'll realize you have no idea about anything. maybe you can get lucky and they'll think "whatever, this guy is cool and we can work with him" but its more likely that they have hundreds of more candidates to choose from
fug i'm high

>its not just morals, its a waste of time. you'll lie on your resume to squeak through the ai filters and the hr sanity check but as soon as you're in a technical when anyone, they'll realize you have no idea about anything.
I mean, you can say you worked on a company and you did some stuff you're familiar with, but yeah, the fuck is wrong with this system, juniors aren't good at their job, well no shit that's why they're juniors, what the fuck do they expect?
It's not a waste of time. Of fucking course you can't fake it until you make it in these types of environments. Though to think just because you're fresh out of college and have CS degree you'll be scooped up you're sorely mistaken (obviously now times have changed people are wanting "data scientists" among other shit, or a fleet of full stack devs wearing all the hats).
nooo you can't just heccin generate some arbitrary pixels in certain configurations next to each other ohh my virgin eyes help help i need the board police
They really hate even the barest suggestion of nipples. I bet jannies got bottle fed
>I bet jannies got bottle fed
interesting theory there anon
>Though to think just because you're fresh out of college and have CS degree you'll be scooped up you're sorely mistaken
this, the only way to get a job as a junior is to know someone from the company you'd want to be hired on or to lie on your resume, it's just how it is, companies are allergic to people with no experience even though to have experience, you need to be hired, this is fine :)
>obviously now times have changed people are wanting "data scientists" among other shit, or a fleet of full stack devs wearing all the hats
true, they don't want "data scientist" anymore, they want someone who can do a bit of everything (data engineer -> data scientist -> data architect)
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>the fuck is wrong with this system
money. juniors are an investment in the longevity of a company but longevity doesn't report on a quarterly. hiring managers get budget for performance, not investment, so they spend that money on devs that need minimum ramp. plus, like I said, there's this magical tale being told that all these productivity gains can be had from just throwing my AI into the machine instead. so instead of hiring on 5 new devs, they'll outsource some AI company and license a model instead.

>It's not a waste of time
>you can't fake it until you make it
pick one
> just because you're fresh out of college and have CS degree you'll be scooped up
thats the promise a lot of CS students were sold and it was true, if not for a fleeting moment
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Gn fellas
>thats the promise a lot of CS students were sold and it was true
not true anymore, ChatGPT killed that dream, now a company can hire one guy to do the work of previously 20 engineers because he can simply use GPT4 to get shit done
>>It's not a waste of time
>>you can't fake it until you make it
>pick one
Nothing I've said is contradictory. Have you not read what I've been saying? You have to be able to demonstrate your proficiency. As long as YOU KNOW you can do the job you should do whatever it takes to get your foot in the door.
what are you guys even arguing about, just post 1girls
anon... lay off that söylent, it's clearly too much you.
It's impossible for him to get along with anyone
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You're right I'll get back to genning but I don't know about 1girls.
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thats not true (yet) but thats the [profitable] dream thats being sold. thats why no one is picking up juniors en masse rn, combined with the gutt of more talented devs on the market

>Have you not read what I've been saying?
I've been trying but you don't make much sense. I think you want to believe something to be true more than you've reasoned out the truthiness of it
>thats not true
>no one is picking up juniors en masse rn, combined with the gutt of more talented devs on the market
So it is true kek
thanks for the PSA
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1girls make it fun tho
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i tried to make a gif a new way but it didn't work
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i love sdg
why? you're not going to lose anything. just don't delete your inputs/outputs/models folder, copy those to the new install
This is an example of something that you can do if you don't care about people using your stuff on the website itself:
Bruhn just created an account, named the archive as 7choma, and now everyone can download any of the models on that repo.
And this is an example of what you can do if you want to let people try out your Loras without having to download them:
People type something and use the Lora on the page directly and get images in 10 seconds.
Generations still suffer from bad hands and wrong number of legs and arms, so you could help with that in general.
The models without those problems generate the same pose every time.
Ask for help in /x/, some anons have used magic to manifest wealth without having to work, like me.
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demon eyes are cool, she needs some tiny horns or somethin tho, listen you really gotta rub it in around here, you know?
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devolving.. no, un-evolving. irrevolution. something like that.
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Okay, I gived her horns
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what're your tokens for the black eyes? this is very important to me for reasons i can't entirely comprehend
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and with that, gn all
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"black eyes, black sclera"
this is NOT the way!
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i'm twisting in the wind here >>101096313
>black eyes, black sclera
It didn't work? That was all I used. I found the model makes a difference though and I am using an artist style lora, so there might be some images in the dataset that is helping it
i can do better than that
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damn. yeah, must be a model thing
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i'm deadly serious
chill anon, it was in reference to >>101096560
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this is a very confusing post. you refer me to me. it's distressing, to say the least.
what would people say?
Oh right on, well spazz on my friend
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i said what i said; and i meant it.
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I'd rather shit razor blades


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that's gonna be a major yikes from me, dawg. hard to believe there are still people as retrograde as the likes of (((you))). All hands on deck!
just checked and it's the most pants on head retarded thread I've ever seen in my entire life
thanks for the good laugh, read every single post in the current thread it was hilarious
yeah okay man
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cycling through the tv approved opinions
non of them seem all that compelling but
there's this thing i can't ignore that makes me pick
one or the other
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i am red team
(but have you considered..?)
now i am blue team
(but have you considered ?)
now i am no team
i am i team
my team is team
teamy team team team

fuckin teams. shit's fucked man. RIPq
aww shucks, i'm still here
well that's just great
Guys I've been using Fooocus. Is that any good? also I really want to get into animation the prompts. I look at the resources above but they are just Chinese to me. Anyone got any tips. Thanks
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Is there a working solution for sdxl controlnet? I mean working like it's as good as in 1.5. I have seen the adapter-x stuff but is there any experience with that?
Theory question:
I understand that given dataset of different classes, we can use the forward process in diffusion to try and learn a backward diffusion.

But how is it implemented that novel classes are combined?
If I say "cat sitting on a Star-wars X-wing in front of the a status of Gauss" and give it a noisy image to work on, how does it apply both targets (cat, x-wing, Gauss).
The learning data only had cats and x-wings.
I understand they were also split in learning.
* In the generation step, does it alternate between the diffusion motions through the space that it had learned?
* Is the merging of classes already incoorporated in the learning step (that sounds like too many combinations)
* Something else?

Secondly, once you've already got a more or less okay image of a cat and Gauss behind it, how is it achieved that further refinement (e.g. to make the cat more crisp) does not mess up the Gauss statue? Is this automatic just by the cat and Gauss being in vastly different dimensions in laten space, so that the Gauss data isn't affected by any catty motion?
Ttext to image processes strongly rely on clip to generate image, formers diffusion models used clip directly with backwards propagation to modify images towards being similar to text for the clip model
stable diffusion models learn to use embeddings but all the text processing is done by clip.
Thanks, got a reference for clip?

This sound more like my "combinatorical explosion of data" option, but not sure yet.
it might just be a matter of waiting for good models. hetaneko replicate is really good at what it does
Sometimes it's better to look at the technical ancestors of something to understand the ways it works.
I was talking about diffusion models prior to stable diffusion.
Today it strongly relies on embedding and latent vectors instead of directly images and text
I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but is there any NCNN model for processing RAW camera images? aka digital negatives? stuff like debayering, denoising etc.


Thanks anon I'll try it out.
You're looking at methods that aren't diffusion and more photo restoration or processing. But yes. The latest one I am aware of with open source code and model is https://github.com/megvii-research/NAFNet. The state of the art right now is https://github.com/Ascend-Research/CascadedGaze but they only released their paper last month.
How much did they pay for SAI? Their researchers are gone, right? So they've got the weights but how valuable are those really?
If you are so careless that you allow yourself to get doxxed you deserve it honestly
I'll check those out, thank you so much.
>Fooocus. Is that any good?
It's ok.

> I really want to get into animation the prompts
That's mostly done with comfyui and other more complex tools.
play a game of let act like a retarded douche and win retarded prizes. No sympathy.
>Prem Akkaraju

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