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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101091912

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
>(big nose:2)
new thread challenge?
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G'mornin Anons,
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>mfw Resource news


>Stability AI appoints new CEO, Receives Ballout

>Programmable Motion Generation for Open-set Motion Control Tasks

>Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

>Consistency Models Made Easy

>Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

>WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaption of CLIP

>UHDDIP: Ultra-High-Definition Restoration: New Benchmarks and A Dual Interaction Prior-Driven Solution

>Taggui v1.29.0 Adds Florence-2 Support

>CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans


>Comfy Org launches comfy.org


>SD-Latent-Interposer Adds SD3 Support


>Florence2 in ComfyUI

>Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s former chief scientist, launches new AI company

>ComfyUI_frontend: ComfyUI modernized

>RunwayML Gen-3 Alpha


>TroL: Traversal of Layers for Large Language and Vision Models

>diff-sampler: open-source toolbox for fast sampling of diffusion models
>mfw Research news


>A Survey of Multimodal-Guided Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>SafeSora: Towards Safety Alignment of Text2Video Generation via a Human Preference Dataset

>Video Generation with Learned Action Prior

>CollaFuse: Collaborative Diffusion Models

>VLBiasBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Bias in Large Vision-Language Model

>ExVideo: Extending Video Diffusion Models via Parameter-Efficient Post-Tuning

>From Descriptive Richness to Bias: Unveiling the Dark Side of Generative Image Caption Enrichment

>GenAI-Bench: Evaluating and Improving Compositional Text-to-Visual Generation

>StableSemantics: A Synthetic Language-Vision Dataset of Semantic Representations in Naturalistic Images

>IntCoOp: Interpretability-Aware Vision-Language Prompt Tuning

>Trusted Video Inpainting Localization via Deep Attentive Noise Learning

>Is AI fun? HumorDB: a curated dataset and benchmark to investigate graphical humor

>4K4DGen: Panoramic 4D Generation at 4K Resolution

>ARDuP: Active Region Video Diffusion for Universal Policies

>AniFaceDiff: High-Fidelity Face Reenactment via Facial Parametric Conditioned Diffusion Models

>Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

>SwinStyleformer is a favorable choice for image inversion

>Sampling 3D Gaussian Scenes in Seconds with Latent Diffusion Models
Why don't you give it a try
>thread challenge
make something good with sd3
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>((((big nose))))
Unironically, that's really what you have to do to get more effect on SD tags, it's as if they wanted us to use the 4chan verbatism or something kek
Sorry from the last thread.
Been using Fooocus. Is that a good program? Also Id like to get into animation with the prompts and images. The info up top is all Chinese for me, anyone got simple tips to get started? Thanks.
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fine to get started, ruinedfooocus has more options, also for more detailed and tuned settings try a1111, forge or comfy depending on preference
>Below is a screenshot of the email we received back from our lawyers
>this means that for the time being SD3 will remain banned.
>Civitai is actively committed to helping creators monetize their work, it would be severely irresponsible of us to promote this model with the license as is.
Dare I say, based?
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people are cheering this but some faggots flying a rainbow flag shouldn't have this much community sway over local models
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Hey thanks for the reply, would RuinedFooocus overwrite Fooocus? If installed?

Maybe you can help. With the explosion of AI images audio and others, I'm really keen on making my own films. Starting off with sequels to films that quite frankly Hollywood would never do, RIGHT. Blade Runner, Death Race 2000, Battlestar Galactica, Logan's Run so many to choose. Right now I've been on a Death Race 2000 kick, but the programs are very iffy to get what I want. Sometimes the program doesn't give you the image at all. I write Car, Image is a loaf of bread. So I always though it was me.

So what's the secret to prompting. Months ago it was the Dall-E tough guys telling me its a skill issue which I have no idea what they meant. Im still blown away by all this. I wish I had this in the 70's Imagine where'd we be today.
No one is perfect I guess, but I still appreciate that civitai is willing to kill SD3 once and for all, fuck SAI and their cucked models
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kut kot
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Last one from me, good night anons
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very cool
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Free the AI
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uh... I was about to install Stable Swarm. Is it already over?
Devs left SAI and taken their project with them. All's good.
Probably for the better. While I'm getting this set up, has anyone else tried both Swarm and Automatic1111? How do they compare? Does Swarm have cool extensions like Regional prompter yet?

The only reason I'm considering this is because of Forge getting nuked and regular A1111 still being too unstable for my hardware to run.
I'm still using Forge. As long as it works, I'm happy. It's the only solution which manages GPU memory properly.
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ty anon
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img2img/inpainting can be fun to use on anime screencaps/stitches. Here's the original stitch.
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Post-img2img/inpainting. First did img2img on whole image at denoising 0.2, then inpainted individual parts of it at denoising 0.5.
Didn't have to use a LORA since Autismmix Confetti recognizes hayase_nagatoro
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Alternate with her nail color from the manga.
Instead of looking smug now she looks like she's about to snap a bitch.
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I'm wondering how much inpaintig is adapted for lewd edits, the pose isn't right there but you could have added details under her dress or made her flashing the viewe
>I'm wondering how much inpaintig is adapted for lewd edits
Should be doable with either high enough of denoising strength and the right prompt OR a quick, sloppy shoop followed by inpainting over the shoop.
The latter is probably preferable to the regen lottery of the former.
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I was gone for a while, how is /ic/ coping with AI art now?
post that question in /ic/, you will probably one MAYBE two replies.
Still whining to sympathetic jannies. /ic quality , which was never good, as declined into posting memes.
I was gone for a while, which UI should I install?
>doxing discord in OP
>Deanonymizing (to an extent) this general was necessary to get some folks to be more peaceable
>designated street shitting thread
wait the ack'd its for doxxing / "deanonymizing"? vile
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ComfyUI, requires Autism.
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I'm not autistic tho, also it looks ugly
The only two people who got doxxed did it to themselves, and neither of them was an /ldg/ poster.
yeah turns out schizo anon was right
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why even ask for a location?
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It ain't pretty and the wiring is a mess,, can agree, It will teach you the diffusion process. It's updated almost daily..
Morning debs
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Not even close but I feel you apprehension
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nice, and good morning.
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Mint pussy!
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>SD3+SUPIR upscale SDXL lighting
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so will the US government/whoever investigate SAI for crippling their open model?
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I have a problem with sdxl models, they run pretty fast on comfy but terribly slow on webui. I have 8GB graphic card but if comfy could fit a model here then why webui can't? (supposedly, maybe it's slow for other reasons, idk)
Yes. it's just the way the two different UI's operate.

edit the .bat you use to launch it


--medvram-sdxl --xformers

To the ommandline args
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nice. >upscaled only
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Super awesome
I'm sure jim jordan and matt gaetz are trying to get a committee hearing together over why he can't generate naked children. they'd be personally invested in this
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still no SD3 commit to support CN in comfy
trani is shit
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it worked, thanks
what drama do we have on tap today?
great pictures
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sank yew
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If they were based they would say fuck you to the license and let people make money on it anyway. This is cucked and retarded.
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I've probably seen at least 80% of all the SD pictures posted on /g/ and I've never, not even once, seen a handsome boy gen before.

/ic specializes in this : >>>/ic/7150908
Figures those fags would have a thread like this. This isn't AI though.
File deleted.
>handsome boy gen
not even a debo gen??
/ic likes gay kiddie porn, hates any AI.
Well yeah I said handsome.
>boy gen
>yall cream fillings and i had my paranoid schizo
Is it better to leave in the underscores for pony tags?
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I feel like she needs a beauty mark below her lips
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should be easy enough to add, give me a sec
is it me or is /sdg/ kinda ded lately?
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I loaded it in img2img before I realized I could just this in pain
just you
Need a new model.
It does make a difference at times, at least in my testing with Autismmix.
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What model do you use for these?
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>finally figure out how to get svd work
>ready to commence the jiggling
>get this
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Morning anons
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Hello gerbildog
Nta that genned original,, I upscaled it using https://civitai.com/models/133005?modelVersionId=357609 and a SUPIR workflow.
interesting pic, post another
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Having trouble getting them tied to the stake and on fire.
Is SD3 the latest casualty of the wokification of media?
Photoshop/gimp/krita some orange blobs in and run img2img
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That's not why people rejected it if that's what you're wondering. SD3 has potential but their terms are bullshit, nobody will spend any significant amount of money on it.
pssst, render farming in open sores servers 4 free through hardware sharing
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ngl sd3 really killed my motivation to gen lately. I spent a lot of time trying to get it to spit out anything half decent and it burned me out. I need to go back to my xl models but that makes me kinda feel like "been there done that"

maybe I should fuck around with pixart? I dunno

"working" is subjective I guess

what kind of sauce would you hit this with IRL? for me, it'd be some kind of berry sauce. mmmmm....


I thought 'woke' was degeneracy? 'woke' is censorship now? or is 'woke' just whatever you don't like?

>SD3 has potential
idk, its a real mess. you know what really did in my hopes? quokka anon pointing out it can't even do quokkas. like, it can't even spit out stuff that should just be generic natgeo filler.
Ok but is it good
>mass replying
Hes back
tf is that one
>asks for model name
>gets model name
>wtf is that
>nig*bo being able to recognise a good gen
playing with sd3
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Try SD3.
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thats sick. is this cherry picked or do have a good success rate with that prompt?
Do not reply to nigbo, ignore and filter
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ty anons
Not enough fuel but it might work
its the thread how ((( he ))) always wanted it...
Very stylish
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another try with same Prompt:
A vintage travel poster for a retro sci-fi movie from the sixties. title of the movie : "Pirates of Orion" , confident detailed faces, cassette futurism, glamour shot, double exposure, Elite Dangerous,style of Richard Amsel

negatives: generic, uninspired, twisted finger, holding cigarette, broken fingers, cross-eyed , strabism, bad anatomy
Ive beef on 4chan for more than a year now and in all that time ive never seen such blatant samefagging.
forgot picture
Nice. If only I can get sd3 to work right.

I'd rather not do that.
>paranoid schizo
another one, seems sd3 got enough movie posters in training data for good results
just imagine how good of a model sd3 would be if the SAI team weren't such a bunch of pussies, this model has potential but was ruined by the cucking
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Bros, your wife asks you to tone down the genning and says you can't buy another graphics card for training. What you saying?
unless it's his personal mix, it doesn't exist anywhere
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yeah lets just ignore the blatant samefagging trani did all the time for attention or annoying other genners (especially the ones doing animations)
THAT was the most blatant samefagging
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Nice one debs
>d*b* "stealth posting" again
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julien is beans
lewd her the fuck up
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make her eat a burrito
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Anon, obviously she doesn't need anymore.
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frito taco spicy cheesy, enters and exits out of opened mouth
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>they said tumor weeks..
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the nipples have to be more menacing
yall > youse
holy shit
>d*b* containment thread
best part: its working
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When I tried putting this image through that site it did NOT like it
Looks like a parody movie.
>Debo obsessed shizo retard containment thread
Bad news: it's not working, these people have to spam about their obsesssion EVERYWHERE.
shut up thread schizo
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one of my favorite sunos. maybe I should remix it in 3.5

would it be sdg without debo derangement syndrome?
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good vibes to all this weekend
NTA but you realize debo is the thread schizo right? oh wait.... he also loves calling others schizo... hm.... and also is a confirmed double poster... hmm
Guess who's the shizo:
- The fucking retard who keeps obsessively posting about some literally who who isn't even there most of the time 24/7 (you)
- The person annoyed by this (I)
damn, hands look almost believable
Nice. Care to share the workflow or at least the prompts?
>would it be sdg without debo
actually good and worth visiting
Which end poops?
Seriously, who are you and why do the shizos obsess over you this much?
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shut up debo
The stronger side pushes it through the other's mouth.
>retard who keeps obsessively posting about debo who is literally here every waking moment
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I'm just another poster. some anons think I'm black and don't like me because of it :(
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Just like CatDog!
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They have a shared hole in the middle
nta but you're the prime example why the pastebin should be in op
For clips
A hand-painted acrylics movie poster from a dark fantasy movie set in the medieval dark ages adventure action movie. There is a center figure with the characters, it has a wizard, a warlock a night and a beautiful princess superimposed, basic colours, flat colours, stylized

For t5
This is a movie poster of a 1980s dark fantsy movie. It is a handpainted  hand-painted poster depicting several characters in the center close to each other and of various sizes. At the top there is a profile of a beautiful princess, below that, an elderly wizard with a staff and a pointed hat, side by side with a knight in armour, at the bottom of the image there is an evil warlock he man stands defiantly, he is shirtless and has his hands behind his back, there are ropes around his body and chains, his body is contorted by the tight bindings, tying him to the vertical stake, that has stacks of woods and faggots of branches stacked at its feet. He is standing on top of the wood piles
The background shows the wilderness of an enchanted luscious forest. At the bottom the text in ornate characters show the title of the movie "Warlock"

I was going for a "stack of characters" style poster, this seems to be the right term.
We need to talk. Come in the discord, Now.

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>Morena will never leave her genius Chad husband to have your children
Why live
No.. we think you lust after black men after your zesty NSFW post
stop lying you know damn well why the situation is like it is
So what, that's the story?
That debo guy posted some blacked NSFW once and you fuckos have been OBSESSIVELY shizoposting here about him every waking second ever since?

This is even more pathetic than I thought.
poor newfags like this >>101103559 are the reason the pastebin exists but now its to late (for him at least)
It's debo samefagging
It's obvious and I'm tired of pointing it out
Hes black
Discord. Now.
Stop ghostposting debo, dont make me et the pastebin
Debo is a 30 year old failed DJ living off his parents
Pastebin manager here, any new happenings I should be aware of/add to the pastebin?
Based timely arrival
are there any good img to img guides out there?
Debo got kicked from the discord and had a meltdown. I don't remember which thread it was but hopefully a anon remembers
Can you dumb fucks post that fucking pastebin already or are your tiny shizo minds too busy shouting "DEBO DEBO DEBO" on a loop to do it?
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Be great if someone could link the posts so I can add it.

If anyone remembers, please reply to me
Real vanilla 1.5 hours
>i could easily refute every single point in the pastebin
>but i wont
I have a very strong feeling that the OP pic, who also posted in the last thread, is a debo sock puppet. If you are who you say you are you'd likely come to the same conclusion after reading the previous thread.
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Debo starts almost every thread. He just steals pics from the previous thread and changes the filename, this is well known
Read the last thread specifically paying attention to the poster with the "CumfyUI_EAXL" filename and tell me what you think.
No. I just explained to you that he starts almost every thread. I dont need to prove it to myself or whatever you are getting at
Start at
My mistake I misunderstood. It sounds like we might be of agreement then.
Theres a post and reply and that's it. Just cite the posts
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It's a whole argument just read around it if not then you'll have to check back in later I'm busy atm
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I did its just a few messy insults desu, nothing cohesive
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op pic is indeed a debo gen. it was from my 1girl arc where I posted 1girls incognito for a few weeks

I don't bake. I baked one time during the last thread split and got nuked lol
cant wait for the next malware hornboi tries to distribute among anons
Does he still mass report the pastebin when it's posted?
so you simply wont stop lying, gotchu
I can't seem to get any model to recognize my AMD GPU and the closest i've gotten is easydiffusion
Added to pastebin
I put it in the pastebin
>OP pic which was also posted a bunch in the previous thread is mine
>But I also don't bake and those gens were from... some other time
>claim image wasn't him
>gets caught lying again
Truly the thread schizo, you spent every waking moment trying to hide the pastebin and using other anon's images
I guess I was right all along
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I'm making my own pastebin and it's gonna have blackjack and hookers
That's actually plausible, the baker OP selects images from previous threads.
I know because some of my images were used a few times.

You'd know that if you ever generated anything someone else enjoys.
Just fucking leave nobody wants you here
Regardless, it's obvious if you read the previous thread that the poster is him pretending to be someone else. To my eyes.
>we will never get collages
you are still invited to refute the points made in the pastebin, feel free to create one for that, i promise i will read it
just dont act like you dont understand the reason for the pastebins existence
Why is ani's butthole polished? It's a shiny pink quivering bunny rabbit's nose.
Get a hotel room.
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damn, that sucks. I guess I'm leaving then. goodbye forever everyone

imagine not twice weekly polishing your butthole
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I give myself water enemas with my bidet, daily.
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Must be a powerful bidet
I'm against it.
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he got me a 3 day for posting the ran discord convo before lel, what a sad faggot
what is the pastebin and why does everyone care about it?
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Someone post the pastebin so I can understand the lore.
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Looks like the future of imagegen is gonna be Pixart
ITT: debo is so bored after getting kicked from the discord he has to come here and shit up the place asking "who's debo" and samefagging 50 times, truly pathetic
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except the pixart guys got sniped by nvidia. they say the team isn't dead but it probably is
Absolutely damning, holy fuck.
I was willing to defend debo, but I was wrong.
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venus elf trap
>they say the team isn't dead but it probably is
>we are continuing working on this project
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to be fair i thought the whole pastebin thing is a meme but holy fuck its true and it does document the stuff you schizos were claiming
why do you say the team is dead? they just said that they added 2 more guys into it, and they're from the Nvdia team
>debo makes an antisemitic remark (shekAIs)
antisemitism on 4chan? NO WAY
Debo is a clucking anti-semite? Well heck
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>more views than his all dj mixes will ever receive
I don't know what I was expecting
THX anon
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maximum lewdification pl0x
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Because ReFS isn't a general purpose replacement for NTFS and you should have known that when you formatted the volume
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Lt. Soo-yin Kim
aka "Kim Plappable" but never to her face
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