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Previous thread: >>101075676 (Cross-thread)

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


Bing AI Slop (0.7.0)
https://pastebin.com/raw/0rre6VvS (embed)

Designer AI Slop (0.5.1)
https://pastebin.com/raw/eUSVC7Ew (embed)

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes.

>Resetting Boosts
Try clearing your search history at https://www.bing.com/profile/history

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here: https://rentry.org/bicedit

>Prompt Generator


>Related Boards
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I seriously hope that either this cat's owner is very understanding and kind hearted or that declawing is illegal there.
Thanks for updating the OP anyway (and making a less nonsensical thread), femcel.

Supposedly, Tiger Leaping Gorge here and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the previous pic, for the record.
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In this fictional world cats own themselves lol
No problem.
>iridescent shatter of wonky img concealment of atompunk mecha seahorse kaleidoscoped to midpoint, no pinpointing

>purple look of polished jpg disappearance of post-disaster ruins quartz settled to midpoint, no focusing
As they should.

On another note, I managed to use that direct-to-landscape/portrait feature of Designer after... copying the whole profile from one PC to another. I had tried to copy just the Designer and Bing cookies before, but it didn't seem to work.
So happy about destroying the velvet couch,very cute flufferino. Good art style as well.
What do you mean by copying the whole profile ?
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these image spam threads have got to go
Thank you, I liked the satisfied face and expression, despite the purple sclera (bleeding from the couch, I guess), the style is the usual one most knows by now "Heavy brushstrokes, detailed manga painting by Yoshitaka Amano".

I went into "%localAppData%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" and copied the profile of the account that had that new Designer feature working on my PC and replaced the content of the corresponding account folder in the other PC. Initially it had some troubles, but after force reloading the Designer page a few times it worked and I generated some landscaped pictures just fine. The issue here is that you need to have access to this feature in the first place and it looks completely random (I have access to the feature in 6 accounts out of 15 working ones).
Fuck yo couch.
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Oh, it looks like the other thread was outright deleted, not even archived; of course not before giving way to some of the usual nonsense...

Loved the unprompted fox portrait here, good night.
moody, I love these
Yeah the nonsense of the thread being made literally an hour before this one. The state of this general
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Is Dall-E 3 free like gpt? Also, why isn't there more image generator online but there's a LOT of character ai bots? Aren't LM's more hardware expensive to run in comparison to image generators? You can literally run SD on a weak computer but the weakest version of Llama requiresVERY good hardware.

Bing Designer is free. Dall-e 3 API can be free if you use a proxy or a 3rd party that implements it, cici being the most popular right now, even though you need a VPN to access it.
The Designer update is getting pushed out.
Soon, every server and account will have the latest update.
Some minor bugs remain, like the prompt description getting cut at 255 characters in the image history view at My images.
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Close your mouth, you nongenner.
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Hopefully it will be soon, I've seen Microsoft taking quite a bit of time to implement some features in Copilot in the past. Still, it's interesting that they're implementing them in a free tool considering how initially direct-to-landscape generation was one exclusive feature of Copilot+, I guess even Microsoft could stop being insane sometimes (prompting in 1:1 just to regenerate the picture in landscape was kind of wasteful, besides being time consuming).

I've noticed just yesterday that bug with the prompt being cut, usually I look at the pictures in BIC, where the prompt is shown just fine.
Strictly speaking Llama can be run on potatoes, there are even guides to run it on a Raspberry:
It won't be super fast, of course.

On why image generators are less widespread than chatbots... I think that to an extent there might be more legal issues, look at how Google eventually gave access to Gemini here in Europe, but they never gave us access to their image generator (even before the whole diversity controversy). They might also be more expensive to operate, if you look at ChatGPT's API pricing, in GPT4o 1k tokens (around 750 words) are $0.005 as input and $0.015 as output, a single DE3 HD landscape/portrait image is $0.12.
nice one
ooh I kindof remember this cartoon
that's duckwingduck
Good afternoon. I was incidentally prompting something kind of similar in terms of setting. Just a bit brighter, I meant to do some fresh summer scenes.
Good afternoon to you! I like summer scenery as well, but I always drift back to autumn or spring.
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That's interesting, probably some related stuff is stored in your edge local cache?

Today I scraped 10 azure keys, all of them gave me the JB error. Sad. I miss my azure hellplanet gens, API is not as good.

Picrel is a "failed" but great gen, I'm not happy about the unwanted anime girl especially how she is wearing stockings in freezing cold, but some of you might like it. The environment itself turned out to be amazing.
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Any tips on genning city, environment in anime style without charatcers? It literally gives me anime girls 9 times out of 10
Stuff empty, remote, unoccupied in there.
It's similar for me, I tend to fall back often to fall and winter (in part because of a certain, conflicted, fascination), no matter the current season. Nice chromatic effect there, I like a lot the gold/red/black combination.
It's quite possible, it's actually not the first time I notice that Microsoft's A/B flights aren't linked to a specific account but to a specific profile, I saw similar stuff with Copilot in the past, when I tried to login from Firefox with the same accout I didn't have access to stuff like the notebook and GPTs that I could access on Edge (and vice versa, once). I need to check out if it's possible to import the profile on mobile too, I prompt from the phone sometimes.
Tried "deserted" on my end and it certainly didn't work very well, there were people in approximately half the pictures.

Yep, it's a nice generation, actually the girl might make it even better (and ha. Stockings in freezing cold are effectively very anime-like. I used to wonder how they managed to do it... back when I started watching anime way too much time ago.
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Getting hard to post in here since I've been generating nothing but tits and ass for the past day.
My bad with the quotation mess... the last segment was part of the reply to femcel, of course.
Isn't "it" hurting already?
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I've been trying my hardest to not touch "it" even though I'm floating on my own little degenerate cloud.
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I appreciate the fact that I recognized my landscapes. I know that there have been Apennine wolves since 2000 in the Mercantour Massif.
Enjoy your ruined underwear once your body decides to solve the problem by itself while you sleep
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Ok coomer.
Look, I am just stating the obvious, if you keep blueballing yourself for days while looking at lewd stuff it will happen. If you are into that that's fine.
I would suggest you focus on something else instead like cleaning a beach or something.
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Everything's better with anime girls.
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I ain't blue balling myself, but I appreciate your concern. Besides, I regularly answer the call of "duty" in a relatively healthy manner.
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>I regularly answer the call of "duty" in a relatively healthy manner
Sure you do, that's why you are here, of course.
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>summer vibes
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To be honest the whole idea of prompting cooming stuff without cooming (much) sounds a bit weird to me. Sure enough, I might actually be the weird one. I'm weird in many ways, after all.
They're always very good, I'm especially grateful when they portray places that I wasn't familiar with, it's always nice to learn about something new and beautiful.

Yeah, well, at the rate things have been going in the EU I think they might disappear again by 2050, if farmers and politicians keep playing their stupid games at the expenses of the collectivity's interest in preserving wildlife, while *obviously* avoiding the actual issues faced by farming and using wolves as scapegoats as if we were in the 19th century....

Nice pictures again, by the way.
Good stuff.
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>These are just pixels bro
>They are 800 years old midget vampires not 5-8 years olds bro
>Don't play the janny bro
Part of me hopes the filters will never be lifted again
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This is my hellplanet prompt completely sanitized by cici ai.
What's interesting on this gen is that it looks like early 2023 primitive nightcafé gens. Some gens made me doubt if this is actually Dall-e. Prompt comprehension is also off.
Well, the alternative might be people looking in the darkest angles of the web for more actual CP that will create a demand for the exploitation of more actual children (Capitalism 101). No one is hurt by AI, except possibly for the environment because of the additional CO2 emissions...

Mind you, in the specific case of anime stuff a lot of people probably don't care a lot about "3DPD", but the logic still applies.
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Eh, I can see what you mean. I try to have some form of self-control instead of being a coomer zombie and death gripping "it" while generating stuff.
I'm kind of newfag to cici ai, how do you even generate anything (lewd) accurately in it in this style? I'm only interested in lesbian stuff tho.
Visit the /aco/ threads and you'll find out very quickly. Some very good prompts have been posted over the past few days so I'd start there and just experiment.
That is just your headcanon. Literally nothing proves that AI reduced demand for real CP because it's false. It's not an alternative. Should people just mass generate pics of baby rape and gore because it's fictional? Don't answery you would probably do some mental gymnastics anyway. I know you have no problem with pedofags and degeneracy in general (most likely because you are a pedo degenerate yourself) and the fact that you are always the first and loudest about defending/endorsing them is telling.
Now go ahead and have another meltie, hijack this thread as well. Everyone is dying to read yet another rant of yours
Self-control is actually something I understand even less, it sounds like a bother and not very enjoyable at all... but on a second thought I suppose it's probably not really inappropriate to wonder why exactly others prompt what they prompt.
*Something* tells me this was not actually femcel... it might be the lack of a picture, the very late Euro hour, the general tone that reminds me of a certain noimgfag who engages in samefagging and other arguable and annoying activities like using the nicks of known namefags... who knows.
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Does porn addiction make people less likely to have actual relationships and seek actual sexual intercourse?
If it does then why not keep the nonces locked in their rooms wanking till they die alone and without reproducing their defective genes?
Meant to say "appropriate", of course...
Still no luck so far, absolutly no nudity, I can't even get a kiss which is so easy to get in bing, I guess I will just stick with bing then.
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I guess I don't want to be too much of a degenerate while generating, you know? Sure, I will indulge at some point, but I'm rather picky with my stuff.

You're throwing in the towel way too quickly. Cici is a lot of trial and error. I generated this like 5 minutes ago: https://files.catbox.moe/i8hant.png
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just a simple test, the background and the character are 2 different gens
Do you believe the AI will be merciful to you during the uprising, or will she force you to draw fingers for eternity?
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I wonder, since when not using a vpn cici first loads the chat and only then redirects you to a "region-restricted" page would it be possible to just block this redirect?
>page 8
Time for a fluffy bump again, I think.
No one cares probably, but setting is supposedly San Juan Mountains in Colorado, Windows showed a nice picture of the place as lockscreen when I woke up the laptop. It also reminds me that at least one wolf pup was born there for the first time in over 80 yrs.
Does deleting history not work anymore? Any workarounds?
Apparently it doesn't work any more, but boosts are pointless 99.999% of the time nowadays, you just need to refresh the page after around 15 seconds and you will get your generations.

Probably the relevant section should be replaced in the next OP, I guess.
It doesn't, also I'm getting really tired of the 'you can't submit anymore prompts' shit.
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you don't need to refresh, you can just click the frame
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you ordered zee escargot, monsieur?
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stupid american tourists... here, eat quickly and get out of my restaurant... zis is a respectable establishment
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mon dieu! but i've had enough of zeese asian tourists... eat your stinky rotten fish and go back to china, japan or whatever
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*French laughing*
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kirisute... gomen...
Monsieur, i'm still waiting for my frog legs.
mais oui, monsieur. here, you can bite off the legs yourself (hon hon hon)
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Pepe's bro look delicious.
Yo Blade suck on diz
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Good job, solider. That dog never saw 'em comin'.
Vcauce Michael here.

prompt? this is siick
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The second one was

80s film screencap retro scifi close-up portrait, dark shadowy scifi high tech metal spaceship interior red nightclub neon ads shadowy party esoteric occult ritual night green blue spotlights red silhouette fogmachine rooftop skyline staircase, tracksuit spindly limbs hairy dreadlocks fleshy oni imp armed aiming scifi contraption, next to running japanese woman logos leather trenchcoat sunglasses goth tattoos silly tongue wild shaggy hair, background dancing crowd

Probably want to remove some stuff, half of it is just leftovers from previous prompts, now it's like three things at once. I think the first one was a portrait of a gargoyle oni imp aiming a contraption in an alley or somewhere. Now it's a spaceship that's also a nightclub and rooftop
fucking rad
Would someone please make Viconia DeVir from Baldur's Gate 3?
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This is /g/.
What artist/style is this?
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waaa they fixed the boost glitch
What glitch?
Prompt for this style?
is there a way to keep images in frame?
im particularly doing multiple images in the same image and theyre getting cropped slightly
Presumably the "delete search history" one mentioned also yesterday.
Very nice.
The usual one:
>heavy brushstrokes, detailed manga painting by Yoshitaka Amano: 18 yrs Italian woman (brown wolf ears and tail, short straight brown hair in bob cut, fringe, green eyes, red lips) and 25 yrs Austrian woman (very long blonde curls, blue eyes, red lips, wearing red riding hood attire), each tasting her gelato of the other, in a quaint summer fair in a town in Abruzzo's mountains, with colorful stalls and cheerful crowds in the background. Bucolic and peaceful atmosphere.
Typo in "her gelato", but I didn't manage to get what I wanted even after rewording it several times, meh.

For the record, I would suggest everyone to check out Designer (the website), on my end the new "direct-to-landscape/portrait" generation now seems to work on all my accounts, on every device, including the mobile phone, after forcing desktop mode; I think it's possible that it's available to everyone now.
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Ebbatan's gettin' dogged nah, damn.
Can you make a Kuroki Tomoko? I can hardly ever get the hair over an eye, and then it still doesn't look anything like her. Granted, it's a rather unique character.

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