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It is literally 2024, how in the world is display technology still ass?
>IPS literally cannot display the color black and still has blacklight bleed
>VA has good contrast, but this is meaningless when you want to throw up whenever something black moves because of black smearing, also general response time is shit
>OLED has infinite contrast and amazing response time, but good luck playing anything with static images like using the internet or playing games, guess you gotta replace that $600 monitor now
>Microled is stuck in R&D hell and will never be widespread or mainstram
Its not, you just have unrealistic standards
just keep rotting in your bedroom like you have and enough time will whizz by and you'll get what you want.
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Expecting technology to progress isn't "unrealistic standards"
What does this mean?
>lust provoking image
Not what I said but ok
this is exactly how the world works. There are drawbacks to everything and you always have to choose an option, perfect solutions are a rarity. You haven't noticed yet?
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How does a fox provoke lust?
you really need to make a thread about yourself huh avatar faggot
Being fine with mediocrity because "errrmmm everything has drawbacks" is an unbelievably cucked mindset
SED screens never ever.
So I guess you are a billionaire with a harem and a mansion full of servants huh
what display tech do professionals and broadcasters use nowadays
the worst garbage you can find because images and media need to be balanced to be viewable on any lowend consumer display just like how musicians test their stuff on garbage equipment
dang, videogame devs probably have been doing that too with display lag
VA black smearing is overblown. LG and Dell have some "IPS black" monitors with 2000:1 contrast out now. OLED is indeed a disposable stopgap technology for people making six figures
The vast majority of game devs now do not care about input lag. They will happily let a poor vsync implementation add 3 frames of lag, add another 2 frames for input buffering, and an extra frame or two for graphics processing. Modern game devs deserve layoffs
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>>How does a fox provoke lust?
>He says, posting an image containing both provoked and lusty fox
>lust provoking image
kys furry garbage
You forgot that WinWeenies think a proper size for a 4K monitor is larger than a proper size for a 1080p monitor
Don’t get me started on 5K monitors
Thats a man
dual layer oled (the one in the m4 ipad) doesn't have this problem
>Thats a man
I don't need to be Diogenes to know you're full of shit.
OLED is literally all you need everything else is subpar
this is just an excuse to post your animal porn isn't it?
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If you see an animal and immediately think "porn" then that's a you problem
>Thats a man

That is what you chose out of all this? That's clearly an animal, the fact that you'd call animals "men" or "women" tells me everything I need to know.
No, dare I say, it's a problem for an animal. Top of the food and rap chain.
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cute fox
Two years in and my OLED is still fine, been using it as a monitor from day one.
Why is that persona crying?
>CRT: great motion, OK contrast ratio, max size 24ish inches for a monitor, bulky as fuck, lots of components can fail, burn in inevitable
>OLED: good motion, perfect contrast ratio, comes in large sizes, thin, not many components, burn in possible (but seriously overblown, pixel refresh almost eliminates it)

Seems like progress to me anon
TN goated
IPS has evolved so much that it's pretty much universal on high and low end displays
The only time I really hear about TN is when someone mentions an uber cheap chink product from AliExpress or something
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You're right, MicroLED is never going to reach general consumers. Manufactures are going to cling onto OLED for another 1-3 years until NanoLED is ready.
NanoLED (also confusingly known as QD-LED or QDEL) takes the quantum dot technology that has previously only been used to "tune" the light emitted by another source, and makes it self-emissive. The result is something that behaves like OLED, but without the Organic part that slowly decays (which is what causes burn-in) and a max brightness that is at least on par with the best IPS panels.
It's even easier and cheaper to manufacture since it doesn't need protection from normal air and the quantum dot layer just needs a specialized industrial ink-jet printer. It would take maybe a year to adapt an existing display panel factory.
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based /g/ fox
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the /g/ mascot
This thread is so CUTE!
How does nanoled compare to microled?
Enjoy your IPS glow and objectively worse response times and motion clarity
>/g/oon thread
Built for BWHC
MicroLED has been plagued by extremely high manufacturing costs and pixel failures, since the tiny LEDs basically have to be placed one by one. The technology practically only exists in giant TVs and commercial displays consisting of multiple, lower resolution panels working together, since that at least allows the faulty parts of the display to be swapped out when they break. Compare that to NanoLED which will probably have a similar manufacturing cost to your standard IPS panel.
MicroLED's only real advantages are (in theory) even higher max brightness and frame rates compared to NanoLED. But will that matter when NanoLED is likely going to be capable of 10k+ nits and 1000+ fps, all with perfect colors and motion clarity? Maybe in VR headsets, but that's it.
I just came here for the fox
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Same but I stayed for the interesting technology discussion.
there are fast VA's with good response times. but all VA's suffer from VRR brightness flickering.
Yes. It's IPS in dimly lit room until Micro in 20 years. Sucks, I know.
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stop posting lust provoking pictures on /g/ pls
I just want deep dive neural devices so that display resolution is no longer an issue
People call used to call attractive women "vixens" ie female foxes. The fox has always been the ideal woman for humanity.
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East asian mythology has fox spirits seducing people. I've always found it odd that this appears in several cultures, but I'm not an anthropologist.
you just know
>odd that this appears in several cultures
it's real so that's not a stretch
the real question here is "why foxes specifically"
>It is literally 2024, how in the world is display technology still ass?
ass < titts
Yeah so why isn't it tits yet
I think about this a lot
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foxs are a D tier pest on humanity and if these stories did not get passed down and around, they would have been all extincted by chicken farmers 500 years ago
Retard, foxes are pest control.
>Assuming people on 4chins not to be perverts
The state of newfags
I don't know.
Also I want to fuck this fox.
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bigger retard
foxs are absolute shitters to livestock and scream all night disturbing peoples sleep. they were for sure at risk in history, not so much now
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with an IPS display. I have been using one for years and never once felt like I needed more. Backlight bleed is a non-issue since it is not noticeable.
>>101114997 >>101115258
Also, have some more Averi:
https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/Vu1S1YQb Fiddleafox
https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/R70y0KxB Imageboards
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>Backlight bleed is a non-issue since it is not noticeable
I have two IPS monitors. One has noticeable backlight bleed but is not too terribly intrusive, and the other displays a "black" that is literally 20-25% grey of the first one. Like all things, it depends on the monitor you get.
I think at this point they just hire people with hammers to hit the corners of their IPS screens so people buy their overpriced oled. I've returned 5 IPS screens this month and I won't stop until there is 0 backlight bleed like on my IPS from 5 years ago.
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In Slavic folklore foxes are portrayed as cheaters and liars that you should never trust. It's interesting how there are these common traits between drastically different cultures.
I'm not saying OLED doesn't have a risk, but people are way too scared of it talking like it will burn in if you turn it on for 2 hours straight.
I've been using my LG c1 for almost 3 years now as my main pc monitor and I use it all day every day, it's basically on all the time unless I'm sleeping and all I do is set taskbar and browser tabs to auto hide and I have zero burn in still. I even disabled auto dimming and only have pixel shift on.
I'm basically torturing this thing
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Still waiting for the day VR doesn't suck so I can plug myself in and never come back.
I like pooltoys and averi but that art is gross looking
I couldn't even download any, MEGA's bullshit quota prevents it.
We need a big multi-part Averi archive for Catbox.
tits > ass
my mums tits > other titties
i agree
hnnng their getting so big again love feeding her goes directly into her fat titties
Imagine the day when we have full body skin sensory suits (or whatever they're called) and laying down in bed with a cute fox anthro and feeling her fluffy fur on your bare skin
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On one hand, God I hope so.
On the other...
The word fox is derived from the word tail. Women need tail.
it's because foxes like women are cunning, not because of their appearance
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why are so many of these not on esix
Probably because of the drama around Averi.
the solution is to stop being a little bitch. unless you're a graphic designer you can do practically everything with a shitty old TN display, and you sure as fuck don't need "blacker blacks" to be a productive member of society. a perfect display doesn't exist yet because someone has to invent a way to make it. will it be you?
Maybe, but then again the second most recent image is of her feeding meds to a basedjak.
>a perfect display doesn't exist yet
at the risk of sounding like the nerdy strawman you've sewn
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I don't know why but it feels extremely dangerous to be attracted to (or even see images of) this fox

it's like some sort of trap set by the devil or some shit
sorry if I came off as aggressive, while the things you say are true to a certain degree, there are inherent problems with LCD and OLED, which can only be mitigated and not truly solved. a "perfect display" is a platonic idea, something we can only approach but never quite accomplish: if we take it to an extreme, a perfect display should be able to emit all wavelenghts at once, be infinitely bright and have no glare (a blackbody essentially), and have infinite resolution and refresh rate. but who needs that? displays have been getting better and better over the years, I'm amazed by the TV section every time I visit an electronics store, so the field is far from being stagnant.
I guess what you want is a production-ready microled screen, which is reasonable. however, they're stuck in r&d exactly because, as I said, most people / businesses don't need them. and once we get them we'll complain about them since new experimental tech will have come out, shifting our standards yet again. also being afraid of getting called a nerd on /g/ is a pussy move
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I purchased a flat IPS monitor from Samsung over half a decade back, and it still runs as good as new. Maybe Samsung is a good brand, or perhaps, there are better options for monitors. Either way, this is not something I have looked into recently.
Have this archive.org mirror. It will not be as up-to-date as the mega.nz link, but you should be able to download it without restrictions.
remember that awful back bleeding can ocur due excessive heating or humidity in the panel.
t. Aoba Shigeru
Stop believing in fairy tales. I'm sorry the people you trusted most told you lies to make you behave, but the only heaven or hell is how you treat people around you. Sorry bro, try to make the rest of it just like all of us are doing.
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Do any of you have the totally nice dog one?
IPS backlight issue is not a problem if you use it with adequate room lighting and sit at the appropriate distance. The black levels are not great, but there is still enough contrast to know it is black next to gray in the given image.
If you use your display in the dark and sit really close or really far, IPS is not for you. It is great for artwork, and alright enough for games unless said game makes ample use of vignettes.
>Have this archive.org mirror.
Thank you very much.
Which women are cunning? Abject retardation and being given everything for free is not "cunning" btw
cool, let me know when I can actually buy one that isn't marked up into the stratosphere
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I'm going to ransack some CRTs from work for my retro 'puter set up, but I thought they did black well with okay contrast and stuff. Of course, I could be wrong, since I haven't used one in ten years.
The devil is real, and so is hell, and you better watch out, 'cause you won't like it!
Why would you think that? I don't think Averi is particularly hellish.
this fuckin thing is staring into my soul
Hey! I remember this cartoon. That fox girl is from a russian (?) cartoon similar to Zhiharka. It's a smug fucker ball made of mashed potatoes that [spoiler]dies at the end for being a cheeky cunt[/spoiler].
God I love her
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Don't ever trust a Russian fox
I remember now. It's called Kolobok.
>lust provoking fox
Averi is anti-tranny. Please do not insinuate that she is one of those freaks.
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What's the QRD on MicroLED? What makes it better or worse than all the others?
Idk man i used a TN monitor and i cna already say that this stuff sucks for anything but gaming would probably prefer an VA or IPS panel instead of TN for web browsing and watching
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I second this request, I read wikipedia and couldn't figure out what the big deal was. How much better is it really? Does it actually have picture improvements over OLED or is it just supposed to be more reliable?
>IPS literally cannot display the color black and still has blacklight bleed
only in dark scenes and if you are in the dark.
and the reason why it's so bad in a dark scene is because it only takes a tiny bit of bright white light to make your eyes adjust their exposure, if the image is like dark 90% black + dark colors, that's going to suck for IPS, but if I play a youtube video of a black screen, the backlight glow is terrible, but when the title and progress bar shows up, it's kind of decent (the glow is still noticeable, but not bothersome, I don't notice the uneven corners).
also OLED panels are not 100% black, they reflect light even if it's reflective. In a bright room there is nothing an OLED to make itself darker (especially if it's matte, that's why almost all OLED's are reflective, OLED makers don't want side by side pictures with IPS and matte OLED and people saying "wait a second, IPS looks great for the price!"), and IPS looks really good, the color quality is as good as it gets, and contrast is like 70% of OLED, not great, but not 1:1000000 that you get in the dark.
miniLED is fine but the cheap $400 shit is only good for movies (VA panel too if you don't care about games at all).
Like if your PC is like $3k, OLED is a no brainer, if your pc is $2k or less, you just turned your $2k pc into a $3k pc, like if you watch stuff maybe you can use it as a TV, but IPS 1080p is $100, most AAA games can't run 144fps on 1080p with $2k hardware, you would need to lower the settings from ultra to medium (some games FORCE you to use raytracing, forget about going above 100fps).
how does Averi make me so hard all the time? literally creaming my pants rn
kys furfag
this thread is so gender dysphoric
Sex with Averi

It's basically OLED without pixel degradation (i.e. burn-in)
I would pay money to see what you look like
I want to cum in fox
Just use CRT, nigger.
I also don't understand this, doesn't a CRT do what OP wants? Other than burn-in.
>almost never widescreen
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Literally anything is better than 16:9.
The rest depends on how cheap the monitor is.
Two more years and oled will have solved all of our problems
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OLED is literally perfect
Honestly even TN LCD was acceptable for games, but IPS was a good direct upgrade
You are now breathing manually.
>It is literally 2024
Can you prove it?
You mean value? Cheap things are shit, applies for everything, even CRTs.
I'm practicing mindfulness, thanks for the reminder
Yes, I know cheap things are shit, like the shitty cheap CRT monitor you think of when you think of CRTs.
this. how can it be only 2024 if the planet has existed for millions of years
It's 2024 since Jesus happened, before him the years got smaller. I always wonder what number the ancients started on.
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It's Anno Domini 2024 to be exact
>I always wonder what number the ancients started on.
If you're really interested check out the wikipedia page.
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>Why yes, I am a /g/ poster. How could you tell?
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>Anno Mundi
Neat, neat! That's why fundamentalists say the world's only 5000~ years old.
Is it wrong if I want to fuck this thing? How the hell do artists make things this attractive? Like what the hell is this black magic? Am I going insane, or did they put something in the image to make me want to fuck that thing? Why do I feel so strange when setting my eyes upon this image? Those perfect curves especially the chest and the waist area, those cute eyes that penetrate into my soul, those adorable ears that I have the urge to softly caress, and that massive bushy tail I just wanna snuggle with, and those cheeks on the face I just wanna nuzzle up with... What the actual fuck did this fox picture do to me? I really wish I could fuck a cute fox girl like this, but goddammit they don't exist! I have urges to fulfill, I must breed this cute fox! I HAVE to fill her with my seed!
There's something wrong with you if you'd rather fuck a human instead of the perfection that is Averi
kys furnigger
I'm fine now, humans are garbage and will never satisfy me. Intelligent and overwhelmingly cute foxwives for the win!
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There's something wrong with coomers, I didn't need to read about your emissions.
My emissions in Averi's butte!
>thread about display technology
>everyone is talking about the tittifox instead

You know what's pretty wild?
These creatures do not exist in real life but there's a big chance you might still see them in your life time but as androids.
Think about it. The only thing we need is working artificial muscle fibers that make fast, smooth (and noiseless) movements possible.

The current state of AI already allows
>(very basic) near natural conversations
>almost natural voice
This was impossible before 2020 with THIS level of quality we now have.
There are great costume makers, shitloads of talented furry artists, new fur materials.

We only have to progress a bit more in the robotics department with those developments then trickling down
to tinkerer communities (freely available parts like the aforementioned muscle fibers).
So technically it would already be very much possible to make something that looks and works in really appealing ways but I'd say the real breakthrough will happen once really smooth movements are possible, maybe in 20 to 30 years.
>with no tittis
Please learn more English so you can better express yourself, zoomie.
Aren't you embarrassed?
>with no tittis

>no tittis
are you blind or retarded
based mods
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just try and stay alive and healthy for another 50 years or so and we might get anthro hybrids airdropped by the chinese to stop our birthrates completely.
How 2 make Dell PC waterproof
blast it with mink oil
I'm gonna blast you
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>blessed mods have let this thread exist for 3 days
What do I have to do with this
I thought we were gonna have sex
No, I'm male
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We need better technology to display lust provoking images like this.
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god i love fox
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don't feel so bad, just look at what the 80s and 90s pop culture thought the near future would be like before it was stolen
I solved this problem by not caring about contrast or backlight bleed.
t. still using a Dell IPS monitor from 2012
Imagine caring that a fox screams from time to time lol
no u
there are countless fetishes out there, i couldn't say why some are more popular than others
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You're too kind, amigo.
Just get the OLED, you're buying obsolete garbage because of a scare that OLED goes bad in 10years
Lol is that fucking Rita from that Danish cartoon movie.
lg 32 oled for 1100€
need it or keep it?
>Flemish half of Belgium
>Paris, Kiev, Moscow
>how are you attracted to some fictional half animal half human creature?
How are you not?
the real white man hobby
i want to fuck that fox
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>I get wanting to fuck men or trannies
Its really not that far from anime girls. Its an incredibly stylized fictional ideal. Probably has something to do with autism.

Also, fagshit is gross. Trannies are even nastier.
I have bad eyesight and I don't wear my glasses when I'm staring at a screen so I'm exempt from these issues.
he didn't say you do
contrast ratio and backlight bleed is still relevant with blurry vision, only response time probably doesn't
A tranny fucker has no business wondering why people have different tastes from him.
want to fuck that fox so bad
>insulting an anon for being a regular fag
>while being a sucking FURRY
kys immediately
Straight furry > gay homo.
not at all. kys furry
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Why is this fucking thread still alive?
Straight furry > gay furry > you
>muh furries le bad
Take your pills grandpa, it's not 2011 anymore
/hmofa/ won

Whatever the fuck tech is in my LCD is good enough and I won't replace it until it can't be repaired any more.
Because it's barely active and /pol/tards keep bumping it. I've been seeing the cute fox for four days straight now.
I am fucking Rita from that Danish cartoon movie.
62nd post best post
Ameri bros dont look at the US fur map...
Germany's population is very spread out, while other nations like France are very centralized. Thats why it looks like so much.
>cannot display the color black
you don't display black. that's the point.
Oh look, Samsung have already showed off high PPI, NanoLED panel prototypes made using inkjet printing
Dual layer LCDs are perfect but their backlight needs so much power it requires active cooling.
Cutest thread on /g/ right now
It is literally 2024 and we still can't breed the fox! What the fuck?
>Straight furry
No such thing, faggot.
all it took was a low effort repost with a averi fag avatar
It really does have impressive effect, same result as standard bait with little janitization risk.
Read that in JC's voice
What OS does she use?
Whatever OS you use
I just want a high-quality high-refresh-rate no-ghosting full-collor e-ink display
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Alright avatarfag if you have to be but at least end it all by posting some nsfw so you can get banned like a man instead of this shit
Don't incite him to post against the rules, that's wrong.
Don't necrobump retarded nigger threads, that's summer
go back forumnigger
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Pray for QDEL/NanoLED by 2026
What the fuck is QDEL and what is happening in that image. Explain like I'm retarded.
macbook pro, go check a store display if you wanna see one in action, even if you hate apple, the technology is sound
better than OLED without the burn-in issues, and the potential motion clarity of a CRT. Image is showing the QDs being self-emissive through electricity
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the article section that the image comes from explains it better.

First paragraph in >>101194038
image should address your question.
Forget nanoLED, I'm just gonna hold out for rontoLED.
I wonder how well will QDEL technology fare in terms of high refresh rate displays.
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They should be able to theoretically match the responsiveness OLEDs while having the motion clarity of a CRT. If you ever get a chance to directly compare the motion clarity of a CRT to a modern day OLED display in person, the difference is surprisingly distinct.
They'll definitely cost less thanks to it not having to be made in a vacuum during the manufacturing process
why are women like this
>and the potential motion clarity of a CRT
>while having the motion clarity of a CRT
How is QDEL going to accomplish that? If it's sample and hold like every other flat panel, then it's still going to blur.
IPS monitor for working/web browsing/esports titles/shooters
OLED TV for movies/anime/casual controller games

solved until theres a better solution
when will this dumb furtroon thread die it's been 5 fucking days
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mods = gods
I imagine it may be done with the use of BFL/strobing.
The potential bump in brightness from QDEL could potentially lead to an easier implementation of BFI/Rolling Strobing.

Blur Busters has an excellent article on the subject when it comes to OLEDs: https://blurbusters.com/faq/oled-motion-blur/
I fucking want this. I want this size, this resolution. This is perfection. Jesus christ it's the perfect aesthetic
I wouldnt count on manufacturers implementing such a niche feature.
Look at all super high refresh OLEDs we have now, and yet almost none of them have BFI. And it's far less complicated than implementing backlight strobing on LCDs.
Different anon. Wasn't the lack of implimentation due to the issue with brightness on OLEDs?
my 720p torrents will look GREAT on this
Didn't LG already (or arent they still trying to) impliment this in their products? Loke the C1?
saving this fred.... up for almost a week!
Sony televisions have been implementing BFI for a while now
Technically there is a solution in Nvidia Pulsar once that releases. But the monitors that support will probably be on the high-end.
Based mods! We need to have fun threads like this sometimes.
I'm worried about having this on my computer now.
My MacBook pro M3 begs to differ. Stop using poorfag hardware.
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Why AREN'T women like this.
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Why did we sacrifice sovl for this?
how is this thread still up almost a week later? who is maintaining the foxes?
that furry's made to be pretty bangable
>swamp germany is swamped with furfags
looks like furry sexo is back on the menu
>as soon as I get all the anti-poz shots
For some it's a cope for their body, instead they just put on the suit and don't have to deal with it
We can't make SOVL anymore anon, nobody knows how.
Draw her giving birth
btw is fiddleafox's artist coming back?
i really liked the artwork
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>Stop believing in fairy tales. I'm sorry the people you trusted most told you lies to make you behave, but the only heaven or hell is how you treat people around you. Sorry bro, try to make the rest of it just like all of us are doing.
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idk i like ips and i'm too much of a poorfag to have an OLED or a top of the line CRT...
>Come back to thread
>Buch of files deleted
I should've saved while I had the chance...
Averi hijacked the IRC/Discord/
>no 4:3
its doa
yes. essentially oleds are normally dim and the reason you get such burn in is because theyre running pretty hot for the tech to achieve HDR.
emergency bump becuase mods labelled me as an avatarfag. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history, losers. I will be back
>it's been a week
>the furtroon thread still getting bumped
I hate the discord furtrannies so much, don't you have minors to groom and animals to rape instead of bumping this shit?
Averi supports TND and TTD, delete your post
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Unironically got into projectors lately and prefer the big 120” image to my 55” lg oled
>mfw size actually matters
Use this as the next thread's OP picture, OP
yea that why you like bbc
I will do it again
How is it this board is so anti-furry, yet Averi the Fox is almost always welcome? Is it because (most) of her depictions are not overtly sexual?
Because she is the harbinger of TND
>VA has good contrast, but this is meaningless when you want to throw up whenever something black moves because of black smearing, also general response time is shit

Not true anymore. The best VA monitors are on par with IPS now in terms of response times.
And just what would be wrong with that, chud?
I want to play with her tiny fox tits and rub her fox clit before penetrating her tight foxhole with my cock! I want her to drain my seed until I become the raisin man who makes a better tasting raisin for my fox girl than that expired bittersweet sun-made bitch that gets stocked at wally world!
I want her to put me to total nigga death
>OLED has infinite contrast and amazing response time, but good luck playing anything with static images like using the internet or playing games, guess you gotta replace that $600 monitor now
not an issue unless your usecase is using your monitor as a constant mcdonalds menu
Furry "fandom" goes on >>>/trash/
I would say VA is marginally worse on all but the the fastest panels compared to IPS in response times thanks to Samsung and HVA, but the instant improvement on picture quality thanks to much greater contrast (including color contrast) makes for a much better experience for anyone that isn't upper competition gaming. Been on a G7 for a year and a half and it's still close to best display other than the 32" 4k oleds
You should try playing bf 2042
Microled is based and I hope it will be available soonish but also I just saw the artist got banned from FA but returned under a completely random name while keep drawing and posting Averi lmao
This thread is about display technology.
>How does a fox provoke lust?
Idk they look cute and slutty
And human eyes/expressions are enough to trick the brain
you know a board is shit when posters have to use bait image to get discussion going
have you never heard of desuarchive...?
kys furtroon
don't shoot the messenger, it's not my fault that foxes are sexy
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>display complaining thread: 24 replies
>display complaining thread (averi): 295 replies

i'm still using a >10 year old basic TN 1080p lcd monitor (and an even older second 1024p monitor on the side), i wouldn't mind something with better contrast, freesync and lightboost (they do still make those, right?), but i don't do professional colour work or even really watch movies on it, so it hasn't been a pressing purchase. i have an oled tv which is great for watching stuff. waiting patiently for microled to take over
>but without the Organic part that slowly decays (which is what causes burn-in)
it doesn't need to be organic to burn out, modern OLED will show measurable signs of burn within 2000 hours of screen on time, which is ridiculously short for a computer display
microled and self-emissive quantum dot will burn as well, it will just take longer to get there
you could say traditional tft tech with fluorescent/led backlighting also burns in, it just burns in at such a uniform rate that it's not really measurable unless there is a complete failure
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>>display complaining thread: 24 replies
>>display complaining thread (averi): 295 replies
>i'm still using a >10 year old basic TN 1080p lcd monitor (and an even older second 1024p monitor on the side), i wouldn't mind something with better contrast, freesync and lightboost (they do still make those, right?), but i don't do professional colour work or even really watch movies on it, so it hasn't been a pressing purchase. i have an oled tv which is great for watching stuff. waiting patiently for microled to take over
Troonjak sσyquoting works best when the poster you're trolling is going to 'ack themselves in response. When the poster is probably a uberchud it's just kind of stupid.
never heard of nanoled, but you should know that even inorganic led's lose brightness over time (meaning they "burn in")
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>Troonjak sσyquoting works best when the poster you're trolling is going to 'ack themselves in response. When the poster is probably a uberchud it's just kind of stupid.
From what I've read, MicroLED is gonna continue being obscure because there's no easy way to mass produce the displays. Instead they have to manually pick and place each LED, which is why they're still so expensive today and generally limited to larger displays.
Keep an eye on ELQD (electro-luminescent quantum dot) technology, though. Supposedly it's much easier to manufacture and scale.
Fuck troojak, you're right, I made a typo. I should've written 'an uberchud' instead of 'a uberchud' like I did. Anyways, you may now proceed to ACKing.
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>>>101225247 (You)
>Fuck troojak, you're right, I made a typo. I should've written 'an uberchud' instead of 'a uberchud' like I did. Anyways, you may n- ACK!!
lol tranny jannies deleted my Averi gif with the tranny dying in the background
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leds are chips, could they not just make larger led array chips and then place those? like instead of a matrix of millions of individual led's, a matrix of hundreds of 25x25mm chips or something instead
this isn't a unique idea, on the macro scale led billboards do similar, being made up of larger blocks of leds rather than individual led units
what kind of autism possesses these jannies
they deleted the OP image after the thread already got hundreds of replies
I like how all the rest got deleted but these two gems survived. Tranny jannies seething rn
>posting zoophile "artist"
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thread needs more focks
>2024, games can only run on winshit
>linux gaming sorta works but there's always nuances and quirks
what the fuck are developers doing? aren't we in the future?
Winshit has outmonopolized every single other OS (implying people use Macshit) and Linux has been overrun by trannies who only use it to DDOS people, and nobody cares enough to use anything else even if it's a free OS because fuck trying to set that shit up. People's complacency is mainly to blame
Anons took it to the limit, hilarious. Time to get bumped off now.
mmmmm chimken bormger

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