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Summer edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101130951
Remember to EQ
shouty pos with grado peak
Planarsisters, are you proud anti-consumerists like me? Let us do the needful and back this patriotic project.
I can't tell if this is parody or not.
>implying coomdrop pos would survive a splash of water
It didn't, it turned into a hag instantly.
Just buy a Faaeal snow lotus 1.0, hit play. Simple as.
What's even the point of planar iem when dynamic can do 20hz with negligible distortion?
>groove to a unique music experience
They probably got that right
do haideez host their projects on ks all the time?
You already have 20 DDs and BA hybrids in your drawer, tangled into a mighty rat king. You know you want to check out that INFP-approved planar sizzle on a budget, the T10 isn't sexy enough for an INFP to wear and no one is insane enough to buy the even cheaper planar KZ pos.
I think animals are cute. But it is an IEM for me.
They put a chick in it and made it gay and lame but I'm gonna buy it anyway unless it turns out to be a complete turd. That's the only semi-interesting thing on the horizon that's not another 1DD with diamonds, unobtanium, uranium, vibranium or some other exotic material sputtered on the w/e thing or some multi abomination with 10 different drivers.
Don't be whalephobic. MP145 was decent.
Delci arrived. They are indeed very based. Light, fit is one the best I've come across, good sound, good cable and build quality.
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Gate came in today. I will post graphs later, though it's nothing interesting for a DD. The real deal was trying the wide bores tips they come with and I gotta say I have absolutely no complaints. Cable though was not comfortable and I had to strip off those ear hooks.
This thread is dead. Sharur needs to make a new video ASAP
Every time shartur gets mentioned, I order another Hexa out of sheer spite.
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Ya I commented a couple of threads ago about these. I gotta say I might even like them more than my zero reds. They take basically everything good about the tin c0 elf and add proper subbass extension and thump to it. Slightly more v-shaped than the reds which I like. I gotta say I don’t mind the boosted 2-5khz all that much it does sound more forward but not overdone. Treble rolloff is similar to both red and c0 around 9khz-10khz although I do suspect that there is peak somewhere in the upper treble. It’s high enough to not really affect vocals or most instruments, doesn’t bug me. Great timbre, great technicals(i only own cheap POS so don’t sue me)
If I had to nitpick I wish the shell was a bit longer like the reds.
also have a graph. I am very happy they decided to tune it similar to an oldschool classic…with better bass to boot
Why should I use IEMs when speakers exist and are objectively superior?
speakers sound really bad
Nuh uh, your ears are just wrong
even iem wouldn't make any difference to you because you are deaf
Wait how did you know that I'm deaf
i'll sell all my earthly belongings to buy the first xmems chifi pos i can get my hands on. wherever i am, i must consoom the latest audio technology. budget planar pos was unheard of just a few years ago, now it's already old and busted.
They objectively sound like shit.
You shouldn't, you should use headphones.
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Well I'm glad to see those "10khz valleys" people have been worried about in past threads don't make an appearance in my measurements. It's extremely similar to the EPZ G10, not only in tonality, but comfort too (with it being their strongest value). I can imagine myself buying another pair of these boyos if Truthear also (inevitably) halts production on these too. By the way, stick with the wide bores, the narrows are just not it.
Your insertion depth is too deep, if the insertion peak is at 8K you'll see the valley, not that it actually matters because as you can see FR in the air region is extremely variable and those retards are so deaf they can't hear that high anyways.
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You already know what to do
>if Truthear also (inevitably) halts production
does the plastic shell feel cheap like kz trash or "premium"
i can't see them stopping production of gate, they downgraded the shell precisely so they could actually profit from that, since they were losing a lot of money with hola's 3d printed shell
>3/4 choice day cables arrive
>left side of the ivipQ cable doesn't work unless it's bent a certain way
>xinhs cable is bulky and heavy
>nicehck mmcx lucky bag turned out ugly but the pos I bought it for also died before it arrived
at least it was only $7
it's on purpose
no shit it's bulky and heavy, that's like complaining that iems isolate too much. the heaviness adds to the audiofool experience
also that nicehck cable is so fucking ugly lmao, i hate it so much. should fit my ugly pos perfectly
>using stock tips
holy newfaggotry
I can't wait to see how you get chink'd in 11.11.
I just have the measurements mimick what I actually hear when wearing those iems on and with all of them they all have a peak at 10khz. Mind you the tips used are deep fitting.
It has the same touch and feel as my KZ EDX Lite.
You got some short ass canals bro
/iemg/'s threadly sins. Commit any of these wrongdoings and you're ending up on my naughty list for Christmas.
Part 1/2.
>being a retard
>making any list other than this one
>believing in driver type and source memes, reviews/reviewers, ranking lists, etc.
>not understanding science
>asking imprecise, general, idiotic questions
>frogposting and/or replying to bait/shilling/schizoposts
>commenting on objective sound quality without owning/experiencing a calibrated 2.1 speaker setup in a properly treated room
>not being a Harman trained listener
>using AutoEQ and/or not using EQ by ear
>doing flawed listening tests
>confusing music creation with reproduction
>arguing over two completely different audio experiences
>thinking that anything other than fit/comfort, distortion, and FR matters in terms of sound quality
>believing more expensive = better, or that there is a correlation between price and sound quality
>debating for the sake of debating
>consuming without purpose
>buying badly engineered, expensive sets for sound quality
>talking about highly subjective topics (some aspects of comfort, sound localization, etc)
>making bad analogies
>using vague terms to describe quantifiable phenomena
>idolizing schizos
>using improper, "general" surround sound virtualization
>not knowing how to use the Internet in 2023
>talking about IEMs you have never used/owned (exception for broad statements about sound quality with graphs for reference)
>thinking a headpos can be anywhere as good as a properly EQed pos
>listening to formats above 44.1/16 CD
>not enjoying your music
>misspelling words (Harmon, timber, etc)
>watching sound demos (can't believe I actually have to include this one)
>not reading the OP
>making unnecessary changes to the OP
>posting pics without cleaning the pos/tips (are you retards this fucking stupid?)
>not owning an Etymotic model*
>giving thoughts/impressions on an IEM without pictures showcasing its dimensions and possible size comparisons*
Part 2/2.
Newly Added:
>calling everyone a schizo
>buying a pair (literally only 2) of fancy tips that costs $20
>to use on my $20 pos
next you're going to tell me i also need a dongle that costs 2 times my iem like moondrop dawn
thanks listzo
No problem zozo.
fiio Q11 or K3
both old dried dogshit
what pos to buy next after hexa
something actually good
hexa is goated so there's nothing to buy until you're willing to enter audiofool diminishing returns zone
aka 300 bucks and above
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I'd been assuming it was a random selection, but I guess reviews confirm it's the same ugly shit for everyone. Amusingly fits my pos well too but lol no way in hell anyone was picking this outside of a blind buy
what do u suggest then fag i want to use it on my pc and on the open backs too
a friend of mine bought an xenns top for me as a gift, now i have to wait.
hope it's a good upgrade from my zero red
lads help me im a fucking dumb retard and I dont know anything about iems, i read the sticky and have landed on the following:

>truthear nova
>moondrop dawn pro

is good? help.
it'll be fine. except you might have fit problems and it's a gay ass looking microphonic cable (transmits noise from moving / brushing objects)
Based fellow AKG saints
*Thieaudio Prestige LTD*
>own blessings 2 since last year
> 3 more sub-100usd iems
>no music to listen to except vidya soundtracks and a few artists which I am already bored of
>hate other's recommendations
>/mu/ has atrocious tastes
I think I just don't like music
I've got the only sin concerning proper speaker setup absence. R8
It's the same as asking why shit in a toilet when you can shit in your hands. If you're a dumbass Indian you'll never understand why.
Try real music
this is dogshit, as expected of recommendations
You aren't ready for real music
Literal flush remix
fuck off Chuzo.
>being a retard
>calling everyone a schizo
The confessional booth is always open.
Just buy a Faaeal Iris 2.0, hit play. Simple as.
Shut up brat
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Yes sir.
ad hominem because you just cannot refute the truth
based and redpilled
I can't really bring speakers on a bike ride or a plane
Mobility, sweaty.
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I'm about to write the longest blog posts I've ever written. Redo of everything.
Have this pic for fun, earbuds are very hard to graph.
chuzo, you will always be a schizo.
go get a job instead of wasting your life away on posting nonsense.
thats something that Apu would use.
Stop pretending like you know who chuzo is.
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Anons is this peak of audiofoolery?
he is clearly you because you got triggered so hard by some guy's post about schizo behavior.
Akg is the peak of audiofoolery.
It’s amazing how much you guys value trash. Congrats, you just saved that pos from being tossed in a Chinese landfill and now it could rest easy in a Western landfill
Anon, no wonder you're confusing me with chuzo if you take my playful jabs as being mad. Consider asking someone for a brief summary of chuzo's behavior if you're this adamant.
Just get proper trips so I can filter your gay asses.
Good buy, fellow Budchad.
forget I was cumposting using his trips
the shells scratch so fast
who the fuck convinced me to get this pos
fuck you guys, i'll be mad at the wanker studios next, see you then
anon you cant get mad over chinkpos, you get what you pay for
Will there be a significant difference if I switch the cable from 3.5mm to 4.4mm?
I use iems because I don't live alone and I want privacy. I don't like over ear headphones. Whenever I'm home alone I use my shitty $50 non-EQed pos speakers
>if you notice any distortion then that would be reduced
>you get extra juice cuz each channel will now be powered separately
some people swear on bigger channel separation but see it for yourself
4.4mm can provide more power than 3.5mm and will distort less at higher power. It wont make an audible difference though
4x the power(1.5 times louder perceptually), 2x the noise floor, better crosstalk. Bulky and annoying to use on the go.
I still take into consideration that this cable could just be busted and it require bigger test sample but it is what it is.
they already swindled their kickstarter backers when they betrayed their expectations by stealth-revising the MP145 shortly after release, taking away the very sound signature the backers wanted
scum, stay away, literally KZ 2.0
Don't forget "back to $199" fomo and shills.
i mean i backed it based on some graphs/reviews that went up before the campaign closed and got one that graphs like the ones reviewers got did, sucks that people who resisted the fomo seem to have gotten screwed though
the LM for a different listening experience
Breaking news: The Saint in absolute SHAMBLES! After his contract with ThiefAudio expired and having his contract with Elysian terminated shortly after, nobody pays him anymore and he went back to obsessively shilling the Prestige STD out of pure habit but this time for free
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I really like the sound of my original Tin T2s (with blu-tak in the bass vents), but they're not that comfortable. I can't wear them for more than an hour or so without getting itchy ears. My cheap KZ ZSNs though, I could wear them 24/7, but the V-shape (especially the sparkly treble) is more fatiguing to listen to to the point where I end up running the volume so low I can't hear the full dynamic range of music. Can anyone recommend a pair of IEMs with the ergonomics of the KZs but the frequency response of the T2s?

Price range similar to the T2s I guess, I'd consider going up to $100 if I'm sufficiently convinced, and if the cables won't cost like $30 to replace. Having an anime girl on the box will get me to spend another $5 more than I otherwise would.
Hot take: flatheads are closer to natural sound than IEMs which by design (sealed chamber) have unnatural bass and treble. You are just conditioned to seek for extra flavored, coloured sound.
I'm not saying it's better or worse.
Which one of these sound is more natural >>101141676
holy based Sega Genesis Yamaha FM chiptune enjoyer Chad, you'll forever be my friend anon
When was the last time you've heard well controlled subbass rumble in nature, outside of maybe car?
Answer the question.
>outside of car
QKZ Hades for that experience
List models, maybe I have them to check. I don't have brain damage to believe I can hear sound from drawings and write essays based on them.
hot take: you're gay, everyone has a preference
Nevermind, I don't care what graphlets think.
Post measurement methodology and maybe I will pretend to take you seriously for a while.
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more people should give them a try at least
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>identify yourself mister
I bet you’d like that
should’ve got a cnc’d zinc alloy shell starfield and avoid the trouble
>zinc alloy
shut the fuck up retard
Very true, sound was perfected with the earpods but Apple’s greed designed them to disintegrate into dust in 2 months time.
>Just trust me bro. What are you, graphlet? Don't you believe in objective scientific graphs of unknown origin? Are you some untrained bigot who cannot comprehend sound from my drawings? You myst be joking to think that your firsthand experience is superior to raw measurements from squiglink.
You’re just jealous because my IEM taste like pennies and yours taste like cheap polymers
Absolutely seething lmao.
iemg, ignore this retard!
he is clearly an empty-headed summerfag.
I'm still waiting for that measurement methodology, streetshitter. If you want to larp as a scientist do it right because right now you are just a rambling lunatic with middle school education.
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I’m listening through my pos rn and it says you sound mad
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>bro doesn’t know how to EQ
Using moondrop = newfag retard.
this image reeks reddit
reeks of consumerologically insecure ni/g/ger who thinks spending weeks researching which budget plastic chinese consumer electronics to buy makes him somehow superior
listening to music rn
this stupid chinese image is gonna make me buy those things...
Rookie mistake.
Would a Zowie 16 cord cable work with Simgot EA500LMs? I have one sitting around somewhere.
they cnc'd the mold like a hotwheels, retard. no manufacturer is cnc'ing zinc alloy. that would cut into daddy crin's 15%. fd15 is a real cnc'd shell from stainless steel. it even has 3d printed steel parts. starfield doesnt even have supporting technology to make it worth being cnc'd.
The placement of the custom keyboard in the shot really completes the consoomer look
Oh and I've been having cables that cause more audible noise when they brush on things than other cables, even though they look and feel identical. So cable recommendations for minimal brushing noise would be greatly appreciated too.
brb enjoying music on my REAL cnc'd stainless steel pos.
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>they didn’t cnc’d the shell, retard, they actually cnc’d the shell, duh
we’re agreeing here, fellow retard
It's a real pos alright.
I want the T10 so bad, but bay area subhumans will think I'm a povvo wearing $1 pos and cops will taze me for existing while poor.
Why are namefags so fucking stupid goddamn.
don't forget to EQ them
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Just get this t10 instead.
And you think it will be any better with any other wired pos? Just get T10 if you want them.
You're right. I'll get T10 and a gun.
I do wonder how my new EA500LM will compare to my really cheap pair of T2s I got a few years ago. They were kind of a steal at 30 bucks.
>use cheap iems
>Finally get expensive ones
>Listen to song I've heard about a hundred times
>Realize I've been mishearing some words this entire time
Surely this has happened to you
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i think you need a hearing test
i saw these, thought it was cool but then realised it kind of defeats the point of using flatbuds
Completely tanks their treble. Just get real IEMs.
I would give them a try for tests but even from picture you can see they don't even fully cover vents.
you can get the full experience of a song with a $20 iem, you just have hearing problems.
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There is one simple trick for that.
reminder to stop giving money to greedy audio products merchants and start listening to more music
I don't mind upping specs a bit for that 3.4x rise in price.
they will keep consooming pos that barely sounds any different from what they already own
my eq'd iris 2 sounds just like my rosemary wtf.
my teapemod'd rosemary sounds just like my iris 2 wtf.
what does the mod do
Toned down bass, crispier and bit more elevated high frequencies.
Do you not understand that not every vocalist sings perfectly clearly and that not every song is mixed so that you can hear them clearly over everything or are you just pretending to be retarded
You either have very bad pos or you didn't turn the volume up loud enough.
What song and what part (timestamp?)? I will do AB with Vidos and something 'technical'.
is there any point in getting the T10 if I already have the S12 Pro?
of course not you dumbfuck
t10 has slightly more sub bass and slightly better behaved upper mids and treble with stock tuning. techs aren't real but they sounded more or less the same to me in that regard. i'd chalk up any difference to placebo and/or not ideal volume matching because t10 is harder to drive. fit is individual. you'd be paying $50 for a glorified wavelet preset unless you really love the s12 pro but have comfort issues with them which a different shell design might alleviate.
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>anon throws fit
>gets called out
Coward central
>still seething
>anon "calls anon" out
>"called out" anon doesn't reply
>anon uppity
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oh no... harman was made by a literal retard
Should I use the stock cable or my extra Zowie cable for my EA500LM?
use whichever tangles more and is less comfortable
Also on this subject I have New Bee foam tips that I haven't used are they good with these IEMs?
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It's not too late to buy green wankers, anon.
It takes less time to try it than to write these posts. You literally have it. Lift your lazy ass.
Yeah that's fair. I guess I'll give it a go.
according to latest olive research, techs are stored in shipping and delivery time.
Celebrating 36 years of documented snakeoil
Customs confiscate all the techs.
I don't trust harman simply because all their products are fucking trash.
I have their planar IEMs and they are good.

They sound a lot better with an amp for some reason. I think I’m destroying my hearing.
I can't wait that long. Artti's aggressive astroturfing won me over and their planarpos is on sale on alix.
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let me guess. you "need" more.
For that price, you can get her.
That's 4x the price
tfw no Hibiscus oneesan for Faaeal buds
>we want the uncomfortable headpos lover audience
Once I got IEMs that isolate well enough and a source with zero hiss I heard there's constant buzzing in the Tristram theme and it got forever ruined to me. That's what happens when you produce a track entirely on speakers and don't check it AT LEAST on headphones, better yet on IEMs.
I don't need BA pos.
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have you compared her to vidos?
Daily reminder that techs are stored in the discount coupons.
My headcanon is that multi driver designs have inherent phase coherence issues due to manufacturing variance and dogshit crossovers. I base this on absolutely no research or evidence despite the fact that graphs don't really show comb filtering artifacts that would be present if that were the case (with peaks and valleys at different frequencies between different units of the same model).
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the venn diagram of keyboard trannies and chifi extremists is a circle
I bought speekas after watching shartur video but now my mom and neighbors complain a lot, and it feels embarrassing opening Vtuber/ASMR/kpop and 4chan webm stuff. Solution??
the latest video is not canon
Mass shootings?
try flatheads bro
get a vido or ydx and you are set for next 5 yeara
I will say sometimes a vocalist with bad POS(usually speakers or head dents) there is some auditory masking that doesn’t allow you to hear the words too clearly. It’s really just bad mixing honestly
any decent car speakers (not subwoofers) under $50 for a pair? just something that's not total dogshit
i'll probably use EQ
It's in the name yet dumbasses keep harming they're ear drums
go to a scrapyard and get the speakers of a car who has good OEM ones. I am still very happy with my corolla 2006 OEM ones, but my subwoofer helps a lot as the speakers do not have to deal with bass
you will never have a good car audio because you are a nigger
i honestly dont give a fuck i just want to waste time on something because im bored
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Seems like there's a lot of discussion around earbuds, which I find pretty neat. There will be a lot of blog posts today.
For those unaware, the measurements come from a regular tube 711 coupler. There is NO pinna attachment for most of them, and the measurement schematic can be simplified to the earbud firing perpendicularly into the coupler. They have foams which allow for a certain degree of sealing, and by using a mechanism that allows for consistent variabe sealing conditions, it is possible to show how earbuds change in terms of leakage.
I have also recently added a small change in order to elongate the "canal of the coupler", and have other tools which sacrifice the sealing parameter in exchange for more consistency.
The main problem with this current setup is that earbud angle and positioning in the concha cannot be simulated. This severely limits how thoroughly earbuds can be measured in my case; it is however a sacrifice I'm willing to make in favor of getting a decent The pic shows a Vido measurement by kr0mka as well as a recent measurement of a white Vido that I have; the resonances seem to align somewhat closely, which might be indicative that my whole setup is somewhat congruent with a setup that has a pinna.
Honestly the bk5128 is probably more useful for measuring earbuds than anything else.
I don’t have wankers on my possession but I remember those feeling and looking a bit cheaper than gate. Zero reds feel more “premium” plastic than either. Gate is somewhere in the middle. For $17 I paid this is acceptable.
My more important nitpick is I wish the shells were longer to allow for a deeper insertion easily, like zero:red but without the chonky nozzle
>Tin T2s (with blu-tak in the bass vents)
Not many IEMs have that kind of modified eccentric tuning. it's clear you like bass though. You might like: Tinhifi T1S, CCA Trio, Celest Wyvern Abyss, or Kefine Delci. Worth mentioning because of sale, Letshuoer D13. Collect the store's "$4.83 off" coupon too
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While we're on the topic of Vidos, there has been a lot of speculation and assumptions on whether or not the different colors actually sound different. I currently have the white and blue versions, both of which have been bought from two different sellers.
To my horror, not only do they measure somewhat differently, they also seem to have completely different drivers, as evidenced by the difference in sensitivity.

It seems a lot more plausible that rather than colors being indicative of tuning changes, it is most likely the seller using different drivers with the same generic shell. The Vido shell is extremely generic, and can be made by a few OEM for which different sellers can simply buy in bulk and implement driver. Because of how easy it is to manufacture, small sellers can also play the game, which might lead to even more confusion.
I have a few Vidos coming in, so hopefully I can check to see if that's right or not.
I think so too, but the same problems will occur as with any other system/standard; earbuds are simply too variable, both for repeated measurements and for mannequin-to-human accuracy. It would be neat, but the lack of cheap 5128 and the required expertise would make me wary of most of them.
Agreed, it’s just that headphone and iem measurements have largely been perfected on GRAS/711 and even older heads so 5128 really doesn’t provide THAT much of a benefit really…a mic is a mic, an ear is an ear. So on and so forth
but with lil earbud niggas there really is no methodology, tests, etc. Measurements are all over the damn place so it’d be cool to try and develop their own HRTF.
I mean, I never really expect much to come out of earbud tech anyways but eh? worth a shot I suppose?
It's worth a shot sure. I'm certain that the big players like Apple, Samsung, Sony, Bose, etc. all have methodologies for measuring their earbuds.
For now, I only consider earbuds as an easy to listen to system. They'll get the job done when I need something that comfortable, non-isolating, and/or portable.
>25dB fit variance
Ignoring all bud posting from now on.
i thought the difference was the foam inside
The best way to experience music is to put noise cancelling headpos on top of your iems. The headpos will cancel most of the annoying real-world noise, and it will push your eardildos deeper, giving you the best experience. The only downside is that double teaming your earcunny hurts a LOT.
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Good (non ugly) chink TWS for my gf? Having the apple chip would be a plus, but isn't strictly required
Is the apple dongle's output impedance low enough for the supermix4 or am I going to need an upgrade? On that note, is the moondrop dawn pro's output impedance low enough?
lightning port iems would also work
just get her the airpods
that's not what I asked, we aren't on stackoverflow
if she's a normalfag, her reaction will be like getting a plastic toy ring instead of a gold ring. you're gonna give stacy fucking idk letshuoeouer tiananmen square 5000 with carbon nanotube microelectromechanical drivers? lmao i'd love to see it
This you anon?
just paid 12 bucks tax included in a truthear gate
You paid 12 bucks more than you should have
No I did not
She asked me to look for chink headphones for her. She's had airpods and doesn't like them
gayt is made of 100% chinesium engineered by the top minds to be more scratch prone and softer than talc.
Are you trying to give her the ick on purpose?
post pics
You're dating a man
it's ok anon, you'll have a gf one day too
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Fox tws, endgame.
its okay anon nothing wrong with being a fag we dont discriminate
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Also fox, endgame.
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Get something with a cute anime girl on the package. Those iems always look faggy as hell, so your boygf will love them. It has to be over 100 dollars or else they will look like your average chinesium pos.
I don't know if i hallucinated it but I swear there was a pos that came with fake roses in the box and a pop-up paper heart thing, and that's not even the top 100 gayest thing I've seen today.
cvj bisexualdong
This? It's some valentine's edition shit apparently.
cute af
ideal yandere gf gift (she poisoned your meal)
im going to fucking kill myself
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NINETEEN DAYS. Turdear pos STILL hasn't arrived. Orders I placed 10 days after arrived first. What the fuck is happening? I'm going insane.
It better be engame then.
its still a pos
which store
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tonality is the female element, techs are the male element. at long last, we have reached total complete techmaxxing.
I was thinking about shartrur's latest video and he's absolutely right but
he's not taking it to the extreme
the ultimate audiophilia is not using audio equipment at all
Perfect audio reproduction? Im(pos)sible. You HAVE to hear the source directly, in person.
So now, the four "official" stages of audiofoolery:
1) normie
2) expensive equipment
3) looking at graphs all day
4) not using speakers or earpos at all
perfect audio reproduction requires perfect audio recording with 20th order ambisonics
b-but graphs
now you need 50 speakers to reproduce that
Brothers in Arms recording session (circa 1985)
Looking at graphs is the beginner stage. Graphs are merely a starting point due to deficiencies in measurement rigs, deficiencies in targets, massive individual differences and subjective preferences. Some of the most enduring music was recorded and mastered by people who have never seen a graph or DAW in their lives.
Turdear's official store.
I'm listening to my EA500LM now that I got them, and I have to say I think I prefer these even to my open back Sennheiser headphones. Why were some people trying to tell me these were bad.
taste, autism, trolling
Most of untrained listeners prefer raised upper frequencies. It acts as sugar under ear gain conditions.
Anything is better than shitheisers.
>not getting the planarpos at half the price and with thrice the techs
i don't even pity you
Got the Libra today. Pretty good for the fact I got them for 1 cent
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don't wish that evil on me
see you tomorrow
dont wish that on me anon
Nice, I got mine two days ago (balanced version).
I'll post measurements later, but it sounds pretty good. Nothing amazing, but overall solid.
Where do I look for cargo aircraft incidents?
The last update of my pos tracking was on 22Jun afternoon "departed from chinkland"
its probably on connecting flights
mines been on transit since 2 days
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mine looked like that
also I got the 20th june update of june 22nd
when is the new wanker gonna be released
when trump gets elected
don't give me hope
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Good morning, I am not a musician, I just want good quality while listening to music and ASMR videos. Is it a good idea for me to look for IEMs like the Stegg SPM-435 TR, or just buy some egood regular earbuds?
What's with the sudden planar shilling in this thread? Did I miss something?
If it's not meant to be portable, I'd argue go for headphones (but I might get crucified for saying that due to where we are)
But beyond that, I'd argue your best bet is a great 20-40$ pair rather than going 80$ or buying some absolute garbage
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Pausing on the earbud measurements. Libra balanced, excellent channel matching (2 units)
Organic Hidizs marketing and the quasimodo of planars is on sale on chinksite (the budget version of the budget version of the budget version of the one thing or other, reusing the pussy repellent shells of D13 but somehow managing to make them uglier).
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haul pt.1: moonhifi orders
f1 sisters we can't stop winning
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THD at 104dB +/- 5dB. Pretty good across the board.
kys shillgot schizo
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thoughts on the Logitech Zone Wired Earbuds?
i can get them for free or find something better for gaymen?
You'd have to pay me to use that pos and I mean by the hour.
Why would you ever put yourself through that
probably hot shit. any iem with decent frequency response is fine for gayming. see op rentry, pick something within budget that looks cool. can order from amazon for ez returns. if those are free w/e try them out and report your thoughts on them
either are fine. impedance are negligible, non-issue.
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Comparison with Wan'er and other sets. Normalized at 1kHz.
I have a cheaper one, Panasonic M300B, its a bit shitty but most of all, I dont like the feeling weighto n my head, even tho its around 300g which as I ve heard is light.

I have Apple wired Earpods, they are totally fine just wondering if its worth for me to get better ones
I think I should have been looking at IEMs the entire time I was on the hunt for audio gear. I seriously think these Smgot IEMs have better detail retrieval than my HD 560s.
>just wondering if its worth for me to get better ones
Well this is an entire thread dedicated to such things, so my opinion is obviously skewed, yes, it's "worth it." Many good Chi-Fi IEMs exist and the market is saturated.
>detail retrieval
This is indeed very much true, fellow independent consumer. The SIMGOT brand of IEMs is of exceedingly high quality and far surpasses even most headphones in terms of audio fidelity. I highly recommend purchasing the SIMGOT EA500 earphones for this reason, and I also recommend being on the lookout for more SIMGOT brand releases in the future.
Yeah I probably picked the wrong headphones for that, but still. it's kinda blowing me away about how much better these sound at roughly a little over half the cost.
once you understand that there is no price to performance correlation, you'll be free.
learn EQ and realize that this "hobby" is retarded.
Everyone knows that $20 IEMs are superior to any $100 and above audio gear (I can't afford anything more expensive than $20 but please ignore that, I swear it has nothing to do with my opinion)
i know you're joking, but i'd say that a lot of very cheap pos nowadays are excellent both ergonomically and in terms of build quality.
there are very few reasons to get something more expensive.
Explain how sound(in terms of how “expensive” it sounds) can be affected by anything other than frequency response, distortion metrics, and phase/polarity.
spoiler alert: you can’t
>instant pajeet seethe
maybe if you talk about how great shillgot is again, chang will raise your pay from $1/day to $2/day and you'll finally be able to afford some headphones after saving for a year
>still not an answer
m-maybe if I call anon pajeet long enough he’ll forget about the fact that I have no idea what the hell I’’ talking about
>you'll finally be able to afford some headphones
no thanks, i don't want bad audio.
i love whenever retards talk about "cheap" iems versus... non-cheap iems? go ahead and post your collection and gear pretentious faggot. can't wait to one up your pieces of shit especially when you don't know what the fuck you're saying and schizoing out over a brand that lives rent free in your peanut head
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>I wonder what these guys are talking about, let me google it
>1 result
nobody is talking about it. nobody is shilling it. you are the only one shilling your videos on 4chan fucking retard.
>perfectly civilized thread
>brown deformed indian comes and starts arguing with himself to set up a flimsy excuse to post his youtube garbage
i will find you and i will cable mod you
>ctrl + f
>5 results for simgot
>2 for shillgot
>1 for smgot
how schizophrenic are you niggers
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Now the T2 DLC. Red is left, other two are right. Weird issue in terms of channel balance, but thankfully not really audible.
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THD is, as per usual, very nice. Same as above, 104dB +/- 5dB.
>reminder shittur teased a tin collab
>a chifi company rejected a collab
imagine what a fucking retard you have to be for a company to not want a collab with you. lol! even fucking fresh retard has a collab with thiefaudio and it's prob selling decent because the target audience are even fucking dumber than the average audiophile (gamers)
>literally listed as the recommended sub $100 brand in op
>why are people talking about it?????
If she ain't planar, she ain't getting anal. Simple as.
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More comparisons, now with the T2 DLC and the C2. I much prefer the C2 in terms of fit and build, but the both of them are too bright for my preferences. After a week of testing, I think I prefer the Libras just because they are more comfortable.
what's so funny is he won't post his gear. so what exactly is superior to ea500lm or supermix seethfriend? .... still waiting....
Waner is strictly better.
i've had enough of schizos.
where are the heroes? the shepherds, the guides, the ones that lead the way not with fear and overwhelming power, but with kindness and wisdom, like a light breeze, permanent in their presence, strong in their consistency, and refreshing in their wake?
is ziigaat thieaudio?
friendly reminder 400/500 meshes on nozzles is the answer for upper mids forwardness. such an ez mod, to dampen and target fix than big undulating treble
niggat thiefaudio
both are basically brands created by linsoul, so yes
Pos with heavy shells and distorting drivers isn't worth it even for free yet retards pay extra for low quality. Same shit as vinyl, r2r dacs, etc.
it's all linsoul-main-distributor pos, so yes. from their build, ziigaat are similar shell designs to yanyin products (also linsoul associated), whereas they try and differentiate thieaudio as their "premium" house brand
low frequency distortion only becomes audible when the distortion is practically louder than the signal itself. yeah yeah cope dilate etc.
Eh, it's a mixed bag. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it makes it worse.
I don't feel like modding either of them, I don't see myself using them at all.
There's no such thing as low frequency distortion when you have one driver. When bass starts distorting everything starts distorting. The only tests where low frequency distortion had such high thresholds is when the distortion is synthetic or when there's a dedicated subwoofer. IMD is audible well below 1%.
This releases mustard gas/channel imbalance. It came to me in a dream.
how usable and advantageous is using the apple dac with an android phone? is the hardware volume problem still a thing?
I stand corrected then.
Am I crazy or are the moondrop chu 2 nozzles big? It's like my main worry about them, can't imagine it's comfortable shoving that up your ear & it could likely also be a struggle with after market tips (I like foam)
Some online reviewer said they're 6mm at the widest point. My previous set is 4mm at the widest point.
Did bigger nozzles become the norm or are the Chus an outlier?
I have a USB-C apple dongle for my phone and it seems fine to me.
it's a $10 dongle. no, it's not a problem unless you want to drive difficult-to-drive iems (uncommon) to loud volumes
yes avg nozzle sizes tend to be 5.5-6.5mm. there are several acoustic engineering and manufacturing reasons why larger shorter nozzles are more common rather than old designs like shure se215 where it is long and skinny (controlling treble resonances and such)
btw ear tips range from 10mm-14mm, so there is still plenty of room in the vast majority of peoples' ears for the iem to fit. the exact ergonomic design of the shell as a whole and matching your ears is a more complex story than simple nozzle diameter.
On the flip side if you happen to own a stockpile of lower grade hearing aids drivers you can make something that won't immediately sound awful out of them... As long as the crossover is real and doesn't let some drivers play full-range.
>stockpile of lower grade hearing aids drivers
kz ba pos sisters, our time is now...
The nozzle doesn't go inside your ear. Even if it somehow does a 2x larger eartip goes inside first. Unless you're already using XS tips I wouldn't worry about it.
funny enough etymotics have like 3mm nozzles but people assume they must be 6mm satan's cocks. they're actually surprisingly unintrusive despite the insertion depth.
nah bro i know how it is. ety are more like duck peni invading my earussy
KZ's idea of a crossover is to put kiloohm resistors in series with all but one driver.
Is the extent of them being shorter enough to make up for this extra width?
I struggled finding a pair that didn't feel like I was jamming a rod in my ear canal and it's the reason none of the silicone tips worked for me regardless of size or design (even got those weird double or triple cone ones)
Why does nicecock put the waifus only in their cheaper models?
to give you something for the pain of using budget budgetpos
again, simple dimensions of wider / shorter do not tell the entire story of iem fitment. our ears are irregular, curved shape. if something like chu2 isn't working for you, it's not out of the ordinary. it is a generic oblong metal shell, not a highly contoured lightweight resin piece.
what a terrible day to have eyes
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>chu2 doesn't fit
dodged a bullet
Ergos on cheap budget pos are almost always total shit. Especially kzoid crap. The only decent one is gate.
Chu 2 are actually the pinnacle of comfort imo.
What did you guys get?
I already knew what you meant but I had to make sure.
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>knowles paperclips
new bread >>101152106

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