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Budchud edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101137032
eqanon, hurry up please...
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second for beyergoblin's delight
schizo guide anon here, I'm almost done and I assume eqzo will release his guide shortly after mine.
Remember to EQ.
sketti t10 for $55 or that which must not be named em6l for $90? i want detail, resolution and transients such that they will split the atom.
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Ignoring the shell and accessories, what's the difference between a $20 single dd pos (gato) and a $200 single dd pos (kato)?
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This guy certainly likes the Supermix 4. With the sale price, I guess I'll have to buy one.
scratch resistance
inverted polarity pos
Artti T10 if that's your price range. And the EM6L is obsolete, save your pennies.
T10 sisters no one must know our secret.
With just the stock tips?
Was considering getting some foam alongside them, maybe the Whizzer MM100 since someone recommended that
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between the two, t10. em6l is really quite lacking in techs and res for a hybrid ba pos. simgot's 1dds unironically have superior techs to em6l.
>inb4 other schizotard replies
on topic of planar pos, i will likely snag the new shuoer s08 for under $50 if i can reach the $50 football credits. there are other small coupons, plus i've seen it 15% additional off with coins
Try upgrading your EM6L cab-
nvm, certified pos
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*solves audio*
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Extremely low IQ retard here. What's the kph30i of iems?
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>no new planned Asano releases
>no more sales event
Tanchsistas, what now?
matte kato mogs even kilobuck sparkly resin cpos aesthetics. tech will move on but that shell is eternal.
Just Buy A NiceHck Traceless, Press Play. Simple as.
Please stop sir, I redeemed too many earbuds, I am running out of funds.
Literally any iem that is described 'warm neutral'
That's the one with vibranium sputtered on the sound condom with hadron colliders. 69th gen planarpos driver with s2 engine and AT firudo. Fuck, there's always something good around the corner but I gotta consoom now. I can't keep edging until 11.11.
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I gave my mom an iem out of my collection because she was using airpod pros ... now she's addicted to sound quality. None of that normie crap even for her.
tanchjim is not about shitting out fotm. they are about eternal glory of the faithful sound.
hit play and enjoy real music.
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Time to hibernate then.
Hopefully they release a Darling successor soon.
boomers used to shit piss and cum to this level of chifi. the average modern $20 pos would give them an anus rhythm. interesting to ponder.
will show soon:tm:
simpler times...
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>an anus rhythm.
we simply... hit play and listen to tunes while tanch crafts her next endgame
I got my Er2se today. I'm glad to find out I fall in the group that finds them comfy.
should i return my xenns top and get a EM10 instead?
i haven't seen many people who have actually tried them complain about the fit. they're so incredibly thin that if you insert them correctly (by pulling up your ear) i think almost no one would find them uncomfortable unless they have a medical issue with their ears or are totally unfamiliar with the feeling of deep-fitting earplugs and need to get used to it.
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To anyone that saw my Vido measurements comparing the blue and white variant, note that I have repeated the experiment and that they are indeed not different (or at least not different enough to be more important than fit).
The only change was that I opened up the both of them to take pictures of the driver and inside of the earbud. Re-tested with the same clamp/sealing and they are pretty much the same. Blue line is for the blue Vidos.
Buying the kato will make you a millionaire and get bitches
What's your nitpick with the Xenns Top if you're even thinking about returning it?
ay caramba
piezo was supposed to save treble and this looks even gayer and lamer. i'll believe it when i hear it.
>midbass hump
>2khz energy
>10khz dip
>otherwise smooth treble rolloff
yes the tangzu wan’er should be similar-ish(without listening to a kph30 to know any better) but also be a size able upgrade in overall sound quality
midbass is the best part of bass and la creatura is right calling out harman for scooping midbass out
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sound wise not much actually, both are 1dd pos
with kato you're paying extra for fancy build (kato's design is 10/10 ngl), presentation, box, spring tips
too expensive
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>Am I crazy or are the moondrop chu 2 nozzles big? It's like my main worry about them
only.,... fucking kek'd
so what's your alternative suggestion, doomposter?
whenever people say "oh it dies super quick", I've always had those IEMs work fine for a reasonable amount of time even though I abuse them
Literally check the OP's post. There's a reason why this shit is not on the list.
>the totally not biased wankershill and shillgot op
OK chuzo. But garbage. Fill that local landfill of yours.
It literally is in the OP you retard
I considered the conch but someone in these threads said they're really uncomfortable and I'm more inclined to believe them than "dude trust me in half a year they'll stop working
The Q1 pros just got a like 10€ price hike so I can't be fucked
none of the Moondrop or KZ IEMs are recommended.
Untrue, Moondrop Starfields are goated and so is the Kato
all of those are obsoleted.
From the op

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

Honorable Mentions
• KBEAR Rosefinch (very bassy) - $20
• Moondrop Chu II (V-shape) - $20

Inb4 you start coping claiming that doesn't mean they're recommended because in that case neither is the hall of fame or simply "Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:"

There's six more moondrops in there btw
eh it's fine
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You can't make something this good by accident, like by having some retards throw the most expensive Knowles BAs in a shell as Kinera does. For the Supermix 4 to be as good as it is at the low price that it commands, the kissless Simgot nerds must have worked with great care to integrate the cheap parts nearly perfectly, to get an impressive result for the price. They deserve the praise that they're getting. They're actual iem engineers now.
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it's just paint, it's just channel imbalance, it's just dead drivers
>haul pt.1: moonhifi orders
Everything was packaged well, clean, and no suspicion of anything awry. All pos and their stock cables work.
>LZ A4 Pro
Comes with swappable back-filters and nozzles. As I broke down in a previous post, one would mainly want to use the bassiest (Red) or second bassiest (Black) back-filters. I stick with the Reds. For the nozzles, Black was surprisingly not bad, engaging crisp upper mids but a bit much. 500 mesh applied on the Blue nozzles achieves similar response to Red nozzles, but with slightly more 2khz and less bass overall. A good middle ground. Red nozzle tilts darker and muddier. Enjoyable overall: strong bass, decent BA highs and articulation if a bit uneven with mid treble peak that occasionally intrudes.
>NiceHCK F1 Pro
Another solid newer planar, not much else to say. Looks and fits better than I was anticipating from online pictures. Lightweight and seals easy, although it sticks out from being a fairly thick shell.
>Tinhifi T1S
I am the one anon who has brought it up forever. Love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe (this is my second spare set). Mid bass oomph and good upper mids makes it great for warmer relaxed female vocal tracks. Light and small shell that fits easy. Tangly stock cable is the worst part.
>NiceHCK EB2S Pro
It's fine. I don't care for buds that much but it can join Iris 2.0 as decent ones I don't mind listening to.
>Tinhifi T2 DLC
Not bad. A solid 1DD, slightly bright V-shape. Adequate side-grade to all the other <$80 generic tuned 1DDs.
>Tinhifi C5
And the absolute pos award goes to C5. What an oddly bad sound lol. Sounds recessed and dark, with weak transients, blurred attack, yet simultaneously bites with overemphasized upper mids and treble at times. So bad.
More pos coming soon(tm)! Like and subscribe
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OP post. The rentry hasn't been updated in ages.
Go ahead, waste you money buying garbage. No one cares.
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And finally, here's a comparison of earbuds I have measured so far. I won't spam each earbud's sealing profile, but if anyone wants a specific model, no problems.
Overall, most earbuds are perfectly fine for non-reference listening. For my money, the Bells, YDX, and YD30 are great, and the rest are also pretty good.
thanks bros, going to buy me a waner, if it's not to my utmost satisfaction i probably wont notice anyways
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IEM! To be fair though I bite my cables and it only broke after 2.5 years of heavy use
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bought this chinks
I'm tired of "neutral" tunings so I want a bassy one, what do you think iempedophiles?
it's not basshead levels, but it's not devoid of bass like the "neutral" pos you refer to. solid iem for adult men with testosterone
Do you have go to albums or specific tracks you always test on new audio gear? For me it's Discovery and the lossless version of the Streets of Rage OSTs I have.
>Review of Free Product
JAV idol moans.
Is there a 4.4mm cable with a mic?
can't decide if I buy a truthear gate or divinus velvet tips (they are the same price)
well you didn't specify your current pos
but i'm going to guess gato obsoletes it
so the choice is clear
there are no good budget pos currently
grabbed the velvets
i distinctly remember i used to have a pair of faaeal flatpos that came bundled with a cassette player, the font stuck in my mind for some reason. i hope they weren't actually good and worth keeping because i think i might've thrown them out. flatpos sickens me but i'm also a little flatcurious.
The 7Hz Zero, the Wan'er, the Gate, the Chu2: these just convince newcomers that iems aren't terrible and there's something to this. By $50-100 they get some options that produce a semblance of good audio fidelity.
Which iems are gonna fix me?
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Pic the ones with the cutest girl you can find in the box.
1dd sound the best to me but i'm mentally broken and need the most exotic drivers in the most retarded configurations at the lowest prices and sq be damned. it's practically gambling addiction and lootboxes at this point. in a year or two we'll be seeing a deluge of $20 xmems pos because their production costs are supposed to be low and it's only a matter of economy of scale at this point, and i fear it's really gonna bring out the animal in me.
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I was going through my long dead grandpas belongings some years ago, and I found some Sony flattops that had the best sound quality I had heard in my life until then. They were like $200 in the 1980s so they were basically kilopos. I need to buy a kilopos so my grandson can be totally shocked someday if he finds it when I'm dead.
Get a Symphonium Helios SE and then play this:

It is not full of bellsings with QC issues
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It doesn't really... improve anything even if it's a 3-kilopos with Knowles BAs. You have to run a sweep in the return period I guess. I do this.

>The rentry hasn't been updated in ages
It was edited a week ago
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>shows discharged ESTpos
Problem with Xenns Top is stupid source sensitivity (No, I am not joking, they even graph differently) and that they sound the best with foams unless you're treblehead.
"SHIBUYA -original-" from Chaos;Head OST
"Suspicious eyes" from Steins;Gate OST
"Capacity" from Chaos;Child OST
"Clockup Flowers" by Shibayan
"ugoku mono no tamashii" by Shibayan
almost anything from SMT4 OST
"Ouroboros Festival" from LR:FF13
"The Patient" by TOOL
"0" from Code;Geass OST
"Thriller" by MJ
"Usseewa" by Ado
"The Cat's Dining Table" by Kikuo
then it should be updated with a moonpos build quality disclaimer because it's not single isolated issues, it's almost universal that the paint on budget models starts bubbling and chipping and they're plagued with other issues that people bring up on social media. if you're buying it out of consoomer hobby addiction and you're ok with burning $20 then fuck it, it's fine, hell, it makes it a little more exciting even, but if you're a clueless retard looking for recommendations, it's not an ideal situation if that's gonna be your first experience with this hobby.
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I hate truepos but these look very polite so I'll make an exception.
I still have the old trinity of cca/chu/applel dongle
What's the 2024 equivalent?
normie r*ddit tier: wanker/gate/jcally jm7
sekrit klub budgetbasedbois: celest wyvern/cca trio/ve odo
For a good reason.
Linsoul now sells hearing aids! Even speaker users can enjoy chifi now.
Do you see a 4.4mm connector with 6 contacts?
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Fox IEM + fox cable.
Vido, Faaeal, NiceHCK
We're fed up with bullshit and back to enjoying music
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>sells hearing aids!
after you fuck up your ears with garbage POS, they upsell you with hearing aids.
is there one manufacturer that makes great cables for a bunch of brands of iems? or is it just a crapshoot as to what's actually available with a fuckton of proprietary and mislabeled connectors, such that you have to select listings that specifically say "made for zs10" so you don't get one that doesn't make contact?

yeah i really should have taken the mmcx pill
there's like 2 common pin types bro. qdc or 0.78mm 2-pin. 2-pin basically works with them all but can look janky sometimes
You just learn your 2 pins. Flush, extended, qdc, tfz. Extended 2 pin will work with everything but may look stupid if the IEM expects qdc/tfz. See what your IEMs came with and look for similar connectors. Chink mmcx is notorious for being hard to unplug yet somehow still losing connection when rotating.
whats a good 16core cable without earhook
xacto knife the earhook off
(16 cores are cheap shit)
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Saw this while searching for new cables and it has one. I was wondering if it'll work
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flush and extended are self-explanatory. what do qdc and tfz stand for? how do i recognise them? what does "c pin" mean?

also i think some of the kzs in my pile use 0.75mm connectors, idk if that even makes a difference though
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Qdc is c pin. Qdc is oval inside, tfz is rectangular.
catwshit, endgame.
Pentacon master race, I hope it'll get more popular and become the standard
post 'entacon on 'os
Also I noticed that qdc can have the cable offset inwards or outwards. Wankers stock cable has an inward offset which is moderately comfortable. A replacement cable from yinyoo has an outward outset that makes them much more likely to slide out of my ears. Extended 2 pin provided the most secure fit surprisingly but one anon said it will eventually break the connector.

It's so fucking over.
Good morning sir.
Who is this and why should I give a shit?
I use IEMs daily and I use speakers daily and I'd rather listen to landscaping workers than to dentphones. Less damaging to hearing too.
most comfortable eartips?
Depends on your IEMs and your ears.
SS for me
>HD650 with some EQ is better than any POS
>buying used airpods
I noticed people do this, is there a bigger retardation?
you have to stop thinking of apple pos as pos and start thinking of it as jewelry
It works for me.
There's always a bigger retard >>101147440
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There are people that EQ to Harman and then complain IEMs are bad.
>hpg is alive
sirs! let's do the needful!
I love anime, have the UR22 mk1 and like it, but this shitty character won't ever sell me a new version
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FD15 arrives today
pre-obsoleted by Simgot LM
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>Simgot LM
Dated pos without Magnalium and Tesla Valve techs.
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Shitgot 500lm came in
Separation and details are really good, however
Whichever any of you fucking retards who claim this is a "mild V" needs to get their hearing checked.
This is 2017 level chinkshit V. The tuning is all kinds of fucked. Shit made me think of the rock zircon kek
Imagine calling this a "side grade" to hexa, when hexa still has the best, well thought out tuning under $200.
Seriously, hexa will continue to sound good 5 years from now, while all these meme tuned sets will be "obsolete"
>he fell for all of the memes
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oh ya that’s what i’m talking about
What does it matter when everyone tunes to their pet schizoid's target curve. It gives me the ick how most youtube reviewers pretend you won't EQ your pos and only talk about stock tuning. All chinkshit is tuned to Harman within a few decibels anyway and we're only pretending to be retarded. Look at mainstream western dentpos if you want actual sound signatures (unlistenable garbage of course), not 3db peaks or dips.
Meant to reply to this but I pushed my Etymotics in too deep and blacked out for a second.
I can't be bothered EQ'ing since I exclusively use IEMs on phone
Sister, your Wavelet?
don't lie to us silly!
There are still dumb phoneposters that can't EQ. While my phone setup can even EQ channel imbalance I have to remind myself that not everyone can do that.
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cute chinkus anon
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ayyy lmao
>Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
>• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
>• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
>• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90
do triple flange tips fit on these?
Perfect for listening to Rings of Saturn.
Quick, what are you listening to right now /iemg/?
How are the Tangzu Wan'er S.G stock eartips? Should I buy some tips to go alongside it, and if so any suggestions?
the radio
Real music
Most comfortable? Azla Max
Best mix between comfort, sound and feel? Divinus Velvet
I was going to post but first I had to make sure the musician I wanted to post was kosher so 4chan wouldn't make fun of me, and sure enough they/them trooned out so I'm not so sure anymore.
The wankers look amazing in some pics and like cheap trash in other pics. It's like stalking a single mom on Facebook.
>Azla Max
Would those work with the Simgot EA500LM? I love these little niggas but the eartips could be more comfortable.
Elysians have it
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I'd probably go black anyway since the green since a little too chinky
it's bright V, not mild V
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do your ears play 15khz at the same volume? https://streamable.com/vsgwdk my left ear needs a 17db boost (at this specific frequency)
Shillgots don't even think it's V. But I guess if you come from hd560 it's not that bright.
Do your IEMs play it at the same volume. Channel imbalance in the upper treble is very common.
my headphones have it a little lighter on the left to my perceived notion but it's so slight I don't care
just test with multiple iems or do force fits
Green has improved quality slightly. I think they changed the cable to be better although maybe the old ones got changed too? But I wouldn’t count on it.
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>my headphones
Yeah would work just fine, maybe a little tight at first but it will get stretched pretty quickly.
I guess I'll take your word for it & get greenies
any weebnerd playlists i want to listen to the same music as you guys
You need kilobuck techs to truly appreciate the layering and textures in ironically smashed and slammed music, otherwise it turns into a swamp.
this sounds like overcompressed garbage. no amount of techs is going to fix this shit
>nightcore 2.0
fucking trash
fuck normies
fuck you
Any of you EQfags know how I can use Peace EQ but still a clean version of the audio for other software to use?
>not exclusively listening to prog
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new pos arrived
>use the EQ by bypassing it
any other 70 IQ recommendations?
music for fat nerds and stinky smelly drug addicts
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show us the middle one
thoughts on the delci
There's nothing more disappointing than a plain box nowadays. I've come to demand nothing less than cunny or amazing holographic shit like the simpos box.
You mean like for streaming or something? Try copying it with virtual audio cable. And you'll need to learn how to use plain equalizer apo, without peace.
does it work if I just make a virtual cable the default device and then I use another one to route the clean signal into the EQ'd pos? shouldn't need to touch peace that way I think
Never done it personally. I set up my EQs to only work with specific DACs using the device filter in apo, maybe it will work for your use case too.
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making the cable the default and routing it to pos worked fine without having to touch peace, ty
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do they really sound that different
hpg is that way
hpg is dead and i have killed it
That's a dude. The color scheme checks out and they all pose like that in their selfies.
Anyone tried the nothing CMF buds?
Honestly i'm glad it did. There was no innovation and huge prices that didn't make any sense compared to iems.
any xm5 owners? which tips are you using? i've tried the azla max ones but literally none of them fit.

I also called sony and they are sending me alternative silicon tips. Didn't even know they did that. Does anyone here have those? What do they look like?
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Pretty good for the price. Some nice tips, heavy brushed aluminium case with cushened inside, the cable and iem are super lightweight and it comes with a little bag that makes everything smell like vanilla.
The only downside so far is that it has no lip which could be a problem with some tips and the overall depth of the iem is way bigger than i expected, but they are still comfortable.
Sound wise they are very bass and treble heavy.
i hope the goblin wasn't telling people to get a job if they can't afford the fotm, while himself using budget b*yer pos released 70 years ago
I want the little vanilla bag.
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Beyer dentpos is a pioneer of GaaS - gear as a service - you have to replace the fucking earpads seemingly every other day because they flatten out to single atom-thick graphene layers and your ears rest on bare plastic. Visually and fit-wise, 770/880/990 have seemingly identical pads, cheap alix pad sellers make no distinction between different Beyer models and reviewers are clueless, but mismatched pads lead to >>101152140
Original pads are like $20-30. I'd rather spend that on more chifi. Fucking grifter artists. Also the part of the w/e mechanism that's most likely to break is made from the cheapest and most fragile plastic imaginable.
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Actual ear dildos. Butt plugs for the ears
Let me guess. You NEED more.
Foams suck.
Tips are supposed to last a lifetime, not disintegrate in your ear canal after 3 weeks of use.
you will need more after they disintegrate in 2 months
Nah. Planar drivers made them obsolete.

>she copped the twitchpos
NTA but I'd rather have comfortable tips I replace than uncomfortable tips that were never worth using in the first place
Foams are uncomfortable.
I'd rather have tips that are both comfortable and durable, and we have the technology.
for me, it's final audio tips in medium.
larger shells, i use large.
just use flatpos then you wont need to worry about comfort
For me it's hifiman biflanges. Sono perfetti.
any good chinkshit recs for a pair with a good mic I can use on my work laptop? Feel like all the pairs i've bought from aliexpress lately are kind of dogshit as far as the mic goes.
valid reason not to use them
such as?
I've tried like 12 different pairs of various silicone tips & none of them were even a fraction of the comfort of a decent pair of foam tips
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Tried quite a few silicone eartips and found them all to just be varying degrees of uncomfortable: stock truthear, moondrop, moondrop spring tips, divinus velvet (best of the bunch), tangzu wan'er, fiio hs18, and a bunch of random chinese tips.

What foam tips should I get from aliexpress?
i used comply tips for years with my soundmagics they were pretty comfy but they would get nasty fast
+1, I say just get namebrand comply tips. I've bought foam tips from aliexpress and never had much luck, but comply tips in large are best fit I've gotten for my WF-1000XM4s
by what? Shitgot?
That joke is old. it's also not funny anymore. the west is being invaded and all you can do us crack a joke while slowly getting fucked in the ass
>mooom i don't have to get a job because the west is dying
Libra balanced are pretty comfy and decent sounding. No major flaws or glaring peaks in the treble either.
Planar solved audio. Simple as.
Anything to compare it to?
What is different on the "upgraded" version of the Libra?
Does the better cable have anything to do with mic? I see some listings advertising as "new mic version"
I posted measurements in the previous thread, but out of the top sub $20 I've tried (Zero2, Wan'er, Tanchjim One, etc etc), it's definitely respectable. Nothing stand out but overall pretty solid. I'd take it over the Wan'er in terms of sound and fit, and over the Zero2 in terms of build/fit; it's still built like a cheap KZ, so expect cheap feeling plastic.
"Upgraded" is also known as the high resolution version, and has less bass and more mids/treble. There's one graph by vortexreviews
shut the fuck up faggot, it was over a very long time ago.
I embrace Chinese supremacy fully. The west had its chance and they blew it.
Which would you rate highest in terms of comfort, ideally without needing extra tips or coming with decent foam tips
Looking to pick up some cheapish ones(say sub 30) with the 20$ coupon from Ali and not sure which to get
Surprised they're contending so well with the other "top budget picks" since your original post didn't seem too enthusiastic
That's good to hear, I just ordered a used Wu Heyday HBB for a good price and I'll see for myself soon enough.
Not too enthusiastic because most cheap offerings nowadays are "top picks", and with EQ the gap is shortened even more.
The biggest problem with all of these budget sets is that the cable is often atrocious. Wan'er has a weird cable and a good selection of tips, the Zero2 I hate the looks of too much to even consider accessories, and KZ stuff is very bad in that department.
I say go for either the Tanchjim One, which fits like a mediocre bullet, or the TruthEar Gate, which apparently fits exactly like the Hola (pretty good) and comes with a decent amount of tips and a very good cable.
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chang thanks you don't forget to leave a review on aliexpress
>Wan'er has a weird cable and a good selection of tips,
I hear there's different cables, someone said the green ones have a better cable, wonder if the mic options have something to do with it as well. Which did you get?
>I say go for either the Tanchjim One, which fits like a mediocre bullet, or the TruthEar Gate, which apparently fits exactly like the Hola (pretty good) and comes with a decent amount of tips and a very good cable.
I fucking hated bullets but I'll definitely check out the truth ear gate, thanks anon
where are the budchads
In shambles after realizing their EQ is 25dB off from their target.
I got the normal version before the Jade edition came out. Pretty sure the cables are the same between no-mic and mic versions
Alright, I'll see what other people think about it and stack it up against the jade wankers
Good luck on your future budget picks
buy rw-3000
works on my machine
One day flatbro, one day. Rikubuds first, to see what basement soldering $3 drivers is about.
My girlfriend just said that my iem collection will be useless like my past DVD collection. Bros what do I say to her?
What's wrong with your DVD collection?
Tell him he'll never be a woman.
kek, that lack of insight. Tell her that you will ditch both your pos and her for something new. But pos can still be salvaged.
do those things actually sound that much better than $5 buds
Day 20 of not receiving my pos.
Life is pain.
There's nothing to be autistic about with iems anymore. 1DDs just work. It's time for me to start being autistic about music again and listening to obscure genres on RYM.
No idea I bought the original white version with no mic cable.
The wind is blowing and the grasses are bending.
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S08.... yay or nay?
>Bros what do I say to her?
Tell her she's fat and to lose some weight.
Looks like an overgrown chu2
>no cunny
Guaranteed pos.
You can't afford more, we get it.
If you consoom every harman-ish tuned 20-50$ pos she is not wrong.
You can set your own autism goals. Owning deep insertion etypos, EST, BC, or any exotic driver type pos, made in Japan/Germany/USApos, budpos, bulletpos, CIEMpos, etc.
That being said, one if not my favourite pos is 1DD.
Daily reminder that... techs come from near perfect channel matching throughout the FR range
timbre > everything else
that's why single dds are inherently superior
the current lineup of budget pos has fairly homogenous and safe sound signatures, several models use the same oem shells, many models reuse the same drivers, and current driver tech is almost completely acoustically transparent (certainly transparent for non-analytical listening) whether it's 1dd or hybrids with 10 drivers and exotic piezo or mems shit. people will argue about ba timbre or fuck knows what, then you see kzzspos reviews talking about ba timbre in models where the ba drivers weren't even soldered, so you know there's something fishy going on.

it's a good time to just grab an ok pair of pos and be done with it for a while or choose them based on aesthetics or form factor, but checking out their sound isn't as much of an exciting lootbox simulator at this point, especially with big name tuning targets becoming something of a mainstream selling point and not arcane nerd shit. i'm gonna hibernate until kilopos electrostatic tws flatpos just for laughs.
custom faceplate planars when?
which pos has sovl then? has tasteful design, well thought out faceplate, with immaculate attention to detail for various aspects that goes into making an iem?
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>custom faceplate planars when?
They appear to be 3D metal printed so I'm sure a custom faceplate is possible!
>look it up on ali
>all the offers don't ship to europe
what is proxy shipping?
Chang, tell your superiors that your marketing campaign was successful. I bought the planarpos and I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival.
Tell me one iem over $100 that's worth it's price
I just got my Er2se yesterday, just great, it's hard to imagine what more I can squeeze out of music.
why no chu2 in the OP?
Dunu Falcon Ultra
obsoleted by wankers se
Did you buy it from the Super deals section, or did you pay full price?
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ER3XR is the best value proposition along the etypos lineup as it goes on sale for around 90$ and has virtually the same driver as ER4XR with lower impedance, but 5$ 70 Ohm adapter makes them sound identical with unmatched smoothness. ER2SE/XR are solid but less smooth in the treble region, but in general I find it hard to withstand the eardildage for more than one hour.
>$100 that's worth it's price
You are the only one deciding what's worth the price and what is not.
Diminishing returns kick in after 5$ KZ pos + EQ combo. Also keep in mind that you are just as susceptible to nocebo as to the placebo, if you are set on that 20$ pos is better than 200$ pos, you will like 20$ pos more.
an expensive option, which is silly for an inexpensive item
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Are spring tips worth it? Is there any cheap pos that includes them?
depends on the service really also the location you want to ship to, last time I checked they were charging $7-20 for an unit
>spring tips
I got mine from OG chus but they dont include em with chu2 unfortunately
S/M/L come with the original chu (not 2), but they're pretty small and XL isn't bundled with anything
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Obsoleted by JBL Endurance Run 2
>peakier 2khz
>mountainous 5khz peak
>even more mud than falcon pro
Wow you actually managed to find something even worse than the Dunu that takes real skill and effort
Due to country laws I'd also require it to do the import fees in advance, which would likely remove almost all options (if not all)
but yeah I'm not paying another like 10$ for 20$ earbuds
oh no bros.... not like this
What kind of schizo babble are you going on about. They are the same thing
Personally I dont like spring tips. They sound good I suppose but the stems are way too short I wish they made them longer for deeper insertion. With the firm stem part being so short they basically have no real structure for my ears and the fit sucks.
the absolute state of normiefi
you’re missing out on dynamics that come from a punchy bass
>inb4 mud
if you’re gonna pajeet hypothetically, you will get dunked in loo hypothetically

*breathe in*
711 couplers overestimate the bass and lower mid curve head related transfer function relative to most human ears. What you’re hearing is not neutral, it’s just a neutral measure. It’s actually downsloped and therefore your lower mid body, depth and subbass thump and rumble are actually underemphasized and not neutral
yea it kinda sucks donkey nuts
unless and of course you got shit ton of cash to burn
Nothing is obsoleted until we see the graph Chang
It is punchy though.
learn to eq
IDK. My brain is very small to make room for long eartips. $53.51 welcome deal with VAT included.
Theory on deep seal triple flange style earbuds is a little lacking so I’ll give the benefit of the doubt. But the facts are in for traditional fitting IEMs(even with foams) that…even if you have massive gaping earussies like sharur, flat bass shelf is not truly flat and especially does not pass preference curves
Bro you can EQ anything that means chu ii is not obsolete unless there is something that wholly invalidates its existence(even with EQ).
wtf are you rambling about? if EQ is involved all HoF would just be DSP cable IEMs
>711 couplers overestimate the bass
They don't, you just have a bad seal.
>but muh meme rig
Has a bad seal.
kek eqlet
Wrong. 711 couplers have a larger volume than the human ear canal and therefore lower frequencies reverberate longer in the coupler than in a real human ear. We’re starting to get into real theory now and certainly the bright chifi tunings alter our perception of bass as well BUT.
There is no doubt even with a perfect seal that the limited ear space and lack of tactility and overall pressure of low frequencies gets overestimated and under felt by the human ear

I used to have an etymotic kids model, I loved that thing. But the bass was…about on par in volume with apple earpods? Much less than an hd650 and even a shp9500…

have you seen a graph of a shp9500? they have no damn bass. still the perception was more bass than the humble etys(which were still good just…bass shy)
That was with triple flange deep seal

tldr; iems are pushing coupler levels of bas in your ear, you’re just not hearing all of it.
when did you realise that pos doesnt matter when you can just eq
why do people spend hundreds of dollars on pos?
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chang delivering pos at the pos factory
bragging rights, duh
Headpos always sounds muddy. Nothing like real speakers. If there's some kind of measurement error then it's present in headpos, not IEMs.
>tfw fell for the closed dentpos meme and the bass is there but it's a fucking swamp
>have larger
I always thought they are smaller, there was a paper which compared 5128, 711 and ear canals of 20 danish people and 711 was on the smol side.
Also I can quite surely say that you never held a 711 coupler in your life. Even harman published that it actually overestimates bass response, and and if you try to measure an actual iem on 711 it is like "yes/no" situation when you have a literal vacuum seal or everything leaks. But with human ears it is more like a gradient and rarely if ever you are getting vacuum seal like you have to do in a coupler.
If you have a "collection" you already lost
It's not that you can "just eq". EQ is not optional. If there are tangible improvements in comfort, looks and reliability then I'll pay extra for your pos, as long as it doesn't sabotage the EQ potential with meme drivers.
>sabotage the EQ potential with meme drivers.
That's some wild cope mental gymnastics. Even the possiest of pos drivers perform well until like 95dB leaving more than enough headroom for any EQ.
There are drivers that change the FR depending on the volume. What is this if not sabotage.
Just EQ them on your listening volume or correct by ear, what's the problem?
Uh huh, and compress all music to have 0dB of dynamic range. Fuck off clown.
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Uh oh bro, if you are listening at 96dB (full dynamic range of 16bit) you are already deaf, so driver types should not matter to you anyways.
You don't even know how dynamic range works and you're trying to sell me meme drivers. They aren't sending their best.
what drivers? dd under overexcursion? ddfags lost again
I was interested until I've watched Paul's review.
>implying there are no kilobuck+ DDs
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>mfw my biopunk drivers change the fr depending on spl
Your drivers also only hear one half of the waveform. Terrible technology.
I wasn't interested at any point.
The EQ Guide is coming along nicely.
>listening to YT blowhards
no one cares. get a fucking blog and gtfo.
Endgame is brain-computer interface audio. Sidesteps most of the bullshit involved in hearing and audio technology, but my hopes for BCI in general are low as long as we keep living under our dystopian totalitarian regimes.
Endgame is 1DD flatpos. Simple as.
we can close down and go back to music listening
EQ Guide Anon here.
BAs are actually good, I dedicated a whole section as to why they're the optimal driver type.
this but unironically
not my west
USA, UK, goymany, france and netherlands deserve it
olive briefly talking about 711/5128 bass differences
Are there multi driver showerheads?
Only real music
You are not supposed to EQ hearing aids yourself.
some of the earstern cuntrees are also jewishbootlickers
poccr too
im talking about terrorizing shitskins and genocides
north korean bugs will save us
Inshallah brother.
there exists a timeline where china can challenge US
i think i like the US jews better than Ruski jews and chinese 2BH faampai s m h
On the scale from 9 to 10 how gay are you.
Pooland is the worst. And the rest of you chihuahuas are getting enriched.
IEMs won't save you.
new bread >>101165556
Thanks for this
Spring tips are obsoleted by tangzu tang sancai balanced or wide bore or dunu ss if those fit your ears

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