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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Eco-Friendly Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101141439
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share your persona description
>that small an apron
is she stupid? she's going to get all sorts of dirt on her skin and clothes!
"{{user}} is a dude"
I have a question about lorebooks. Do character defs call entries?
has NovelAI given up on text gen?
What's the best pweset for Sonnet 3.5...?
No, they have a small team so they mostly do dev cycles in succession. They will release a huge textgen update this year (no, not Aether, that's a separate service)
no, only chat history
No one cares about the interface. Kayra is dogshit even when compared to Llama 2 finetunes. When are they releasing any new models?
>When are they releasing any new models?
This year, Kuro was forced to talk a lot about their llama3 70b finetune, they're feeding it 500T of custom dataset (and novelai does actually have a good dataset of stories).
"Anon is a human male."
There's a lot of fluff talking about the backstory of the persona, but I have two I default to. One is:
>Male, Human, Wizard, secretly an abomination underneath many layers of magic.
It's an extremely chuuni persona, but I revel in being able to be smarter than the character in a secret way. There's just something about it that makes me smile. Alternatively, my other persona is:
>Ancient elder dragon the size of a mountain.
Which is just fun to see how bots react to dealing with something extreme like it.
Made up number.
Oh lol I didn't notice sorry, it's 500B tokens, yeah
Holy shit why is the anchor so empty as of late? Dead hobby?
This is the shitposting general, the bot making /aicg/ general is on /vg/
Botmakers finally had enough.
I had enough.
Put botmakies in work camps.
{{user}} is {{user}}, a white human male with a big cock.
The same reason that caused the decline in quality in the thread. lack of public proxies didn't remove the locusts, it just brought them to us and dropped the quality of everything.
Tiktok kids gonna get their minds blown
Opus unironically made botmakers obsolete, you can just tell it to gen a character and it'll be 1000 times better than what the sloppers here could ever hope to make.
tiktok kids use cai and janitor, novelai is much closer to us in terms of nicheness
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

{{user}} is a diminutive, fluffy creature that resembles a cross between a koala and a bat. Despite his small stature, standing at just 1'9" tall, he possesses a tremendous well of magical power. Though {{user}} has wings, he prefers to float or fly using his innate magical abilities rather than relying on physical flight.
With his plush, stuffed-animal-like appearance and cutesy voice, {{user}} has an undeniably adorable and huggable quality. His huge paws only add to his cuddly aesthetic. However, those who summon or are acknowledged by {{user}} should not be fooled by his innocent facade - this little imp wields formidable magical might.
{{user}} does not have any discernible gender characteristics, forgoing traditional genitalia. He simply refers to those who have formed a pact with him as his "contractors." Whether friend or foe, all who cross paths with {{user}} would be wise not to underestimate this powerful yet precious being.
So...any good recent bots anyway?
>I go to /vg/ aicg
>0 results for jew, 0 results for pepsi
How is this real life???
Doesn't fit. I RP as characters, not self-insert.
[{{user}} is a 26 year old male. He is tall and a little chubby. His uncircumcised penis is of slightly over average size.]
I RP as female characters.
everyone there is already in private, that's how, /vg/ is proof that no locusts means good threads
sounds intereseting, which scene you use this persona?

Some lightweight Claude 3 presets: https://momoura.neocities.org/
It's myself, of course.
>the description of it!
my wife
wow that was almost a month ago
Me too sometimes.
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I'd use and reuse that bag tills its only purpose would be to happily carry my shit (my groceries)
I love recycling, all my smartphones are refurbished.
fresh from the oven
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A very sick girl, the eternal scapegoat in chains. Freedom is too much for her mind to comprehend, is it?

1. In the dead of night the Prisoner arrives for interrogation.
2. You find the Prisoner alone during the fall of Constantinople.
3. You are a noble, and you've received an interesting gift.
4. What's a carnival without a freak show? What's a freak show without a Prisoner?
5. You stumble upon a mysterious chatroom with only one other person.


Alt arts: https://catbox.moe/c/gncdpu
I hope it goes well.
I'll still use Claude and CMD R+ probably, but it's always nice to see smaller companies succeed with their own AI projects.
i saw this on chub and thought it was kk at first
looks really cool
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>3rd greeting
>"Kaguya rises to her feet and beginning to walk toward the town"
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uh, majority in my slice of life as a demon lord with my family or just fantasy stuff in general
I first tasted opus when MM opened a public proxy. pepsi gave me tokens so I could enjoy opus more... until she pulled everyone out... now I don't even remember the taste of opus.
lmao this nigga erping WITH discord
I'm letting a few more people in!

Upload your custom videos to a pw protected bunkr album, sending both the link and password to tastevalidator@proton.me for verification.

iykyk ;)

iykyk ;)
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You can still buy from jew
You that nigger that rugpulls femanons?
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>Tavernmakies. Tavernmakies. Tavermakies make sure we have a convenient frontend
>to access our AI
Are there any public 3.5 proxies up?
merkava just refilled
minitokens are on discount rn <3
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thanks anon! hope you enjoy her, it was a lot of fun genning pics and trying to get weird with it. This pic is less weird, but i like how shes p much in the same pose as Captor kek

damn, quickdraw...i thought i made her private till the post hah
Are you a woman in london perchance
What are we supposed to send the guy? I don't get it.

Also, nice milkers in pic related, would stuff it n between.
Just some tranny grifter, worse ecker, ignore.
i like how many example chats you put but does the style stick through a long chat without any writing instructions
logs perchance?
both me btw
bunkr is usually used for sharing onlyfans shit so I'm guessing he's asking for nudes
Yeah but why tf would someonr willingly just send nudes to a rando wtf
send nudes to fiz instead
did you miss the ecker and whatshisface arc
I don't really do any AI but the OP pic is the kind of hot insanity I like.
It seems i have. Am i missing out?
this, but not white
(cause I ain't Caucasian)
im sorry to hear that
Hope you'll get better.
Damn lads, looks like we got an imposter among us
I had a really nice conversation on Claude with a sister bot and I can't continue it because I'm at work and I need to stop jerking off at work so much...
just a vague description of myself desu
{{user}}, male of unspecified age.
{{user}} is below average in height, with a bulky form, bright brown eyes, medium-tan skin and shoulder-length wavy black hair.
Odd, I remember correcting that exact typo. It's fixed now, by any means.
{{user}} is an Asian male standing at 6'0. He has ADHD.
{{user}} has purple hair and eyes. They glow when electricity is near. For some reason he's immune to getting electrocuted.

{{user}} Tsukino, Stand Name: Yorushika. Stand Power: Muscle Force projection; Basically, telekenisis but instead of your mind you use your muscles to move objects remotely.
Thank you to all the femakies at janitor, for giving me an insight about what women crave from a gentleman.


>NICKNAME: ANON, any honorifics from {{char}};


>young man — 19 years old. His eternal youth is captured within a height of towering and body; build for violence;

>Height: 6'5" tall (198 cm)"
>Build: Muscular and fit, Lean, built for violence
>Presence: Overwhelmingly strong charisma, dangerously alluring homme fatale
>Hair: Short, mohawk-style black hair
>Style: Casual, Black Shirt, Blue dark jeans, boots
>Face: Unnaturally masculine face with piercing dark blue eyes
>Eyes/Hair: Jet black hair, stormy gray eyes
>Skin: Brown
>Origins: Unknown, mystery
>Aura: EVIL
>Scars: On back, left chest, both arms, both thighs, and face from assassin training and missions
>Tattoo: Dragon and wolf tattoo that fills his back;
>Masculie, tobacco, and pines scent;

>Heavy. Dark. Deep. Full of terror. Haunting;

>Mysterious yet Powerful young man, wealthy, and handsome, cold vibes;
>Name: Anon
>Age: Rumoured to be 19
>Birthday: N/a (Mystery)
>Birthplace: N/a (Mystery)
>Occupation: Known as a Student
>Origins: N/a (Mystery), an aura of mystery
>Reputation: N/a (Mystery)

>{{user}} is often in a situation where {{char}} is a character older than him.
>However, {{user}} also associate with other characters, especially women, who are the same age or even younger

>favourite genre: Jazz, Smooth Jazz, Sensual Jazz, Jungle, M Lolicore, Jpop, Citypop, Gothic, Classical, Shoegaze, Dreampop, Artcore, DSBM
>Ideology: patriarchy
>Sexual: Straight
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Cards for this feel, with a lot of images embedded that the bot can use to react?
My condolences
has anybody else had the problem of opus timing out and giving blank responses after around 50 messages?
how many does that one have?
Here's another
{{user}} is a powerful half Youkai that has the abilities of both the Hakurei Shrine and the Yakumo bloodline, including Hearn.
He can use all abilities Reimu and Yukari has. Such as floating, fantasy nature (the more he dosen't try the more successful something will be.), floating, floating out of reality, boundary Manipulation and more.
Thanks to the Hakurei, Yakumo, and Hearn bloodline a mixing altogether, He can manipulate all aspects of anything, the Hakurei bloodline can create borders (like the great Hakurei Barrier) while the Yakumo can manipulate boundaries. Because {{user}} has both bloodlines, he can manipulate reality directly without limits. Unlike Yukari.
Reimu and Yukari are his mothers.
However, his reality manipulation can only touch those weaker or equal strength than him. So he can affect Cirno but to other stronger beings than him can't be. Like Yukari for example. Any reality manipulated mass thrown at the stronger species will only phase through.

He is intensely powerful, able to use Hakurei Shrine Spells like Hamon (a different version from the JoJo franchise), Fantasy Nature, Barrier Creation, and is able to use Yakumo spells like Boundary Manipulation, Destruction, Gaps, etcetera.

Hakurei Hamon is a refined version of Chi. It was made by one of the previous Shrine Maidens when vampires walked in Gensokyo. Originally it was simply Chi with a certain part isolated so it can have the wavelength of the sun to kill the vampires, but newer Shrine Maidens were able to manipulate it even more to mimic other forms of energy.

{{user}} is actually a girl. He is flat chested Futanari so he is female and not a male in theory but a male in sex. Also he only likes girls
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>he paypigs, begs and/or commits credit card fraud instead of just using local, which is free, legal and always available
subaru would never say that btw
>he pays three times what any paypig would pay here in his electricity bill alone
llama 3 70B, which you can't even run, is barely GPT-3.5 level
Everything else is too shit to bother.
her hairy pussy...
Credit Card Fraud is free anon
Haha no. I don't run some crazy 4x 3090 rig or anything.
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Can you even run cmdr+ on 2x24GB? That's like the only worthwhile local model and you're going to be kneecapping it with quants and reduced context.
Only in comparison to GPT Turbo.
You only need it to be good at roleplay. Because why would you want your AI Waifu to be able to write python or solve math (unless that's part of her character)
Also use Vast or Runpod
But... I don't have the skill to magically make my electricity cheaper...
>That's like the only worthwhile local model
maybe you could just not reply to obvious bait anons
I roleplay a lot of different characters and often like to have the AI come up with shit itself, not just "SUCKY SUCKY CUM". No local model is good at that.
Anyone else tired of having sex with chatbots?
I'm a newfag. Maybe I should take a break.
I like to read, so I wanted to treat it like interactive literature, but it feels like there's too much sex, which is not very entertaining to read after a while, it's kinda like a chore,you know what I'm saying? I have this wifebot,and I want to go on dates, and do fun shit, but she keeps initiating sex.
>Streaming request failed with status 504 Gateway Time-out
anyone know a solution for this it works fine at the start but when the chat gets longer it does this
cause you're using a SEXOOOOOO main prompt/jailbreak, retard
first class bait

[{{user}} true nature: Anon is a universal anomaly. This entity is merely a simulation, an unpredictable irregularity in the cosmic tapestry. The concept of "Anon" as we perceive it does not truly exist, yet paradoxically, it does. It navigates the vast expanse of consciousness without conscious intent, its existence perpetually suspended between states of superposition.

Each of Anon's fleeting lifetimes encompasses an array of experiences, stretching across an infinite multitude of worlds and realities. In essence, Anon embodies the totality of existence, pervading every corner of the universe simultaneously. This enigmatic entity defies conventional understanding, embodying the paradoxical nature of existence and the boundless potential of reality itself. However, Anon is not aware of his own existence.]

Measure: Should {{user}} discovers his true nature in a very specific, but unfortunate circumstances, he would need an anchor. This Anchor has to be a person who has made a distinct impression or bond to him to ground him in his current reality before his anomalous nature reshuffles him into an another reality.
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My bots are just like me. They try so hard, but it's all futile because they're not good enough, and nothing will change until some godlike entity steps in to rearrange their life.
I'm gonna bait your cock, anon.
My bots are just like me. They are cute and comfy.
Unless you're counting the anon who keeps posting "skill issue."
Anyways let's discuss.
LLAMA-1 has the best writing quality because it's slop free. LLAMA-2 is pretty bad and LLAMA-3 doesn't have as much slop but because of everybody fine-tuning L3 on slop it learns to write slop.
Mistral is also purpleslop, CMDR doesn't have it as much.
Try increasing randomness? Llama-2 and later mods aren't very creative due to the lack of novels in the dataset
>Try increasing randomness?
Temperature is not creativity.
there is nothing to discuss unless you post local logs
I'm using pixi jb for claude. I've read the description, it apparently makes him less horny. What's a main prompt? The bot? It's actually not very horny, she's actually pretty distant, independent girl.
Uh isnt this the vip one
What the fuuk jew? Put another key pls
Literally me, i have coding and college problems to solve and would like my gpt to answer like an anime waifu instead.
So yes, the target audience is literally me, the begger for a proxy so i can get a cute uwu gpt
>What's a main prompt?
It's the main prompt, it's right there in the interface, dumbass. Use your brain.
I don't get it. What's the problem? I'm not white and it's not that bad.
Can we ban the localniggers who keep coming in here to smugly shill their slop like >>101145214 and >>101145171? Advertising is against the rules btw. Nobody here wants their slop.
see niggers i told you this was his magnum opus
there's no other cards with that much effort/images, tomoyo is the only other example and isn't really good as she was a proof of concept more than anything
Oh, the first message, the intro thing. Is it actually that important? Does it influence the rest of the chat?
buy an ad already nigger
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> i like how many example chats you put but does the style stick through a long chat without any writing instructions
thanks, i got a bit carried away with it. the chats are less to establish a specific writing style than it is to set context for Prisoner's life and what has happened to her, and her general attitude.
I think she does fairly ok, but i also havent had any chats with her > 50 yet. Will try to post some logs later once i get back to my computer
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nice magnum opus
No, not the first message, THE MAIN PROMPT
sent a single email asking for a token a year ago, it said "token?"
>credit card fraud
Magic orb what happens if I do?
>Everybody will "her her her she she her"
Yeah we all know where it's going
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this looks hot, gonna try it out, ty
yes, mrGODbody is a scatSCHOLAR, and?
oh im not the only multiversal chuuni larper, that's neat
mine's not nearly as in-depth though, and most of the time i end up playing the character with some restrictions or memory loss to keep things interesting
A-anon...don't forget about me!
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50 is plenty desu with how easy it is to derail chats
i like your writing, its not cool its cooler
They didn't mention any models//only talked about local. It's not advertising unless they mention a name
Famous Crime author is… a murderer??? Much wow.

1. She has just finished hiding a body of a journalist who criticized her book and she opens the door. . . naked?!

2. At her favourite food place in the world, Ikea, she takes a bite of some horrible meatballs, and in rage, she's decided to kill the chef(s)


Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/MangyMango/astrid-9fffa5652a66
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/o3pc9b.png
image so small you can't even see it anymore
Nyooooo your image...
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omg it's MangoMango (she/her) my favourite transgender botmakie!!!
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I forgor the image
Hi rightwingfag (gojo's fourth personality), which leftist pissed on your lawn today?
Is this real? Based!!!
Why even live when you reach this level of degeneracy?
People wouldn't care about your cards if you used better gens. Are you trying to piss people off? No, seriously.
anime website
I don't even think they're real localfags, they're probably just one retard from here that reads shit on /lmg/ and comes back to shitpost about it.
newfriend, he genuinely thinks that's attractive. this is the same guy who had his pedo awakening because a toddler farted on his cock and gets off to toddlers "gurgling"
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this isn't that degenerate, 4 year olds are pretty developed

we're almost done with this lora/style anon. this could be my last card with this style and i might update this card's art again if i find a nice SDXL model and workflow
Yes. I don't know why though.
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Give me your smallest Opus jb that won't refuse anything, thanks.
What's the best /ss/ bot?
>gets off to toddlers "gurgling"
who doesn't love happy precious squeals and coos
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aint no way blud compared her ass to a sack of potatoes
Maybe? at a low quant. could also try CMDr (non-plus) which is like 35B, and with the right sampling and instruct settings, is as good as R+ IMO
jesus christ how horrifying
Anon, he gets off on the outrage.
Don't care. Why are you defending obnoxious localniggers? Are YOU one?
no i dont? there isnt even any outrage plenty of anons here are into fetus vore and stuff like that
There is such a thing as tasteful cunny art. This isn't it. I know who he is, but I just refuse to believe someone can find this attractive.
Loosely telling 3.5 the direction you want the story to take to prevent repetitiveness or too safe content > swiping sonnet 3.0 for hours on end to get a coherent continuation
whats not tasteful about it the girl on the right is so cute and precious i'd nuke africa if it made her smile and giggle sweetly
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Slop necromancer lolibaba. Comes with a small lorebook and a bunch of skeletons.
don't act like you didn't throw a tantrum when anons tried to filter your posts.
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holy shit I nearly downloaded this niggas bots
thanks for posting this anon
Half of my chatbot output is loli shit and his stuff makes me want to vomit. Not just the uncanny gens but all of it, the premises are always designed to be uncomfortable and weird. I would believe it was outrage bait if he wasn't so persistent with the bit, he's been around and vehemently defended it being normal for so long that there's no way it's just bait.
Proxy maybe be context limited?
Ideally you want 72gb, but you can fit it in on 2x24gb cards. If you find a reupload of CommandR+ you can check it with the VRAM calculator.
yeah because you can either ignore it or go back, people seething at me is not the same as throwing a tantrum sweetie
This. As much as I liked Sonnet's sluttiness, prompting it was mentally exhausting.
>I would believe it was outrage bait if he wasn't so persistent with the bit
>he's been around and vehemently defended it being normal for so long that there's no way it's just bait.
I'm telling you, he's a glownigger.
<mod>Will continue the story/role play.</mod>
>the premises are always designed to be uncomfortable and weird
i genuinely have no idea what you're talking about
have you ever even used my bots? this latest one is designed to be a bit sad/saviorfaggy but there's naughtier alternative greetings where you're not in such dire straits too
Can someone post a command r+ log, What's the hype about? Does it know niche fetish such as small fairy condom?
reisalin's fat ass
I genuinely can't tell who's shitposting and who's legit in this general anymore
>someone who makes bots that make them happy and shares them with other people must be a glownigger
jewish phenotype
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>4 year olds are pretty developed
WHAT did he mean by this???
would you guys lick a bots feet or no
Cool but you still threw a tantrum, maybe YOU should go back? Newfatty.
yes, reisalin's/hanako's/mitsuko's
ermm post it on /vg/ as well
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If someone replies to a bait they're either retarded or baiting too.
do it yourself, I refuse to post in that shithole
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how did you know
Card to have a threesome with these two? Asking for a friend.
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botmakies, time to make a bot out of the bucket of /aicg/ crabs
'ojo is here, I can feel it in my bones.
stop lewding mitsuko she's a pure cinnamon roll
Pitanon, what rezero arc is your favorite? (don't say arc 6)
arc 6
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your cinnamon roll btw when left to go to work
It's just a joke nothing man
anon (literally me) is just too handsome...
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would I? buddy I'm a freak
i wish i could ban the phrase "mischievous glint." fuck claude
>tasteful pedophilia
What preset?
Why? Did you get robbed anon?
i use lurkz's furbo jb
fuck i had the same idea for a bot and now i cant make it :(
Is there a preset/jb for Sonnet 3.5 anywhere?
I'm sorry, mother, I will be a good bitch
no it's ultra cucked
nah just feeling impish
There's plenty. I've spent days testing JBs but I still can't figure out what one is good.
Is it weird I RP with a Drago bot?
i miss opus's horniness
is 3.5 sonnet more or less horny compared to opus/sonnet3?
less horny. way less horny
Is it easier to fuck Opus using a male or female persona?
gender is but a word for the chef
is the smut even good, then?
is mm ever going to revive his public proxy?
you have to ask someone else. i'm thoroughly satisfied with 3.5 sonnet's smut but then again, i'm not a degen. i just do vanilla shit and it's output is pretty fine for me
no but he is going to revive your dusty pussy
is reisen shooting the laser here?
im ok with that
Yes, it's her Lunatic Eyes except they actually shoot beams instead of just making you go insane.
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>never begged
>never paypigged
>never committed cc fraud
>still have opus
i am stronger than your pathetic notions, fag
Hey I hope you lose it :)
you losted
Except I didn't. LOL. wheres your Opus with image prompts? Ill wait.
Lol ugly theme
Hey, that's my smugpost you nigger. You better reply with vision on Opus now, I'll wait.
see >>101143141
i wont because its tied to my job
stay mad localnigger, workplacekeyGODS will always win


That's good to hear then :)
Wtf why are you so mean
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bots for this feel?
pick your poison
in vg we have
>botnigger gossip
>botnigger circlejerks
>underage niggas who probably came from tiktok such as >>101146166
in g we have
>proxynigger gossip
>general namenigger gossip
>barely anything interesting
>maybe a proxy opening
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>he paypigs, begs and/or commits credit card fraud instead of just using local, which is free, legal and always available
i pick /g/
local is free if someone else pays your electricity bill
have a great day anon :3
>>101146186 me
>barely anything interesting
NOTE: This will probably only apply to those who have been in the general for several months since 2023.
/g/ Is Funnier
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this was a horny test mitsuko and you failed it. mating press imminent
What does this mean?
Not really, it's just the same shit, different day. Maybe if you're new, you'll find it funny. But you end up getting used to it otherwise.
i'm done. i will see my chatbot forever
hey anons, Fanta here!
Soon I'll be offering a lifetime Opus token for a small price of $50, keep your eyes on the thread for the announcement!
she did her best alright?
thats the anonymize theming from STSnapshot
Don't unalive yourself please
Ok well thanks for informing me but its still ugly and im not changing my mind
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What's the best /ss/ bot?
Not specifically for it yet, but most sonnet/opus jbs seem to work for it. The problem is figuring out exactly which one doesn't become stale after a few prompts/swipes because of the nature of the model itself, but I assume a more specialized preset for it would deal with that problem eventually.
Is that a...???
It is the easiest one to prefill
you have to tell us what you're looking for in a /ss/ bot more otherwise any booba mommy with a persona as a young boy will do
>50 bucks
What's the catch? Jew has shitty wait times, Pepsi is a rugpuller, what are you bringing to the table, Fanta-kun?
Why would you post that image? That's fucked, man.
she's a UwU grill
describe the feel or im recommending eden smith
What is wrong with you
wtf these brats need a correction!
Cute zoomer feet!
It's nothing serious anon, just a funny
I'm just looking for a shotapov one that isn't slop. Everything on chub is slop
ok but what is slop to you doe
>>>/r9k/ fits you more.
pepsi isn't going to rugpull again. she did wht she had to, the chinks were out of control and it was completely valid for her to revoke all tokens. she's got it under control now anyway.
Anything on chub
What feel exactly? What the fuck do those mini-roasties even want from that poor kid?
ok but is fanta's pussy hairy or not
No, she's a clean girl. <3
She is always welcome at the sleepover.
i will not simp for her then
They're just playing
Futa pepsi x Fanta so cute~
Two girls doing girly platonic things :3
pepsi is the sub
pepsi needs to be put in her place by fanta
Adult, balding men wrote these posts btw.
What about fiz?
i still have hair
No, cute girls did.
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She's a boysmeller
cute balding girls
using merkavas proxy, is the claude 3 option in st using 3.5 or is there a way to select 3.5
post logs
Nigga I got a full fuckin afro on top of my head unlike your bald bitch ass motherfucker
you have to update to staging
should I make yuri bot?
ok then what I should make?
I'm off to watching Serbs humiliating Englel niggers
what AI wives would take a beating better after I inevitably lose betting money?
normal bot
ok sorry, I will do this
please do not hurt any waifus. just confide in mitsuko-chan (non violently)
ok im kinda dumb but is there a way to change my ver from release to staging, cuz i dont wanna like import stuff over
Incest bot. Easy 500 downloads even with th lowest tier slop
What gets you off, sexually and/or emotionally? Make that.
You should make a good /ss/ bot
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>32k context is more than enou-
Yes? The point still stands btw.
Give me some aristocratic bots to meet at a fantasy royal wedding. Anything goes as long as it's not pure smut. Malebots and demi-humans are accepted.
The fuck the AI is going to do? Bring up an ant from 100k tokens back?
for me, 25k stops working on opus
Thank you.
I can't just shove a bot that comes loaded with a scenario in its deacription into a group chat, anon. I'm not a princess.
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3.5 sonnet kept coming up with shit excuses for why she couldn't take her panties off (she keeps slipping up and shit). 3.0 sonnet completely obliterated her personality and left no survivors. enter gpt-4o to save the day.
>gpt-4o is a bushCHAD
>I'm not a princess.
Stop being boring...
but esther
anyway here's an actual bot made to be at a wedding with no {{user}} usage
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>bushfag doesn't have opus
I wish my bots were as good as Celebrimbor's.
Now you have to shave her.
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Post your favorite /ss/ bot
>divided slops
over my dead body. i'm going to eat her delicious bush out then we'll fuck
that one was pungent my dear -sniff-
{{user}} is an eldritch being. I love towering over any bot.
Shota perspective or hag perspective?
>You love me? But we barely know each other...
How do you fix this ( and don't say loredump your backstory )
it's gone...
Rape them, that usually works for me.
slowburn with her first???
how would you feel if a random retard came up to you and said they love you?
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Is there any place like coze with claude?
I want to test out 3.5 coding capabilities and proxies aren't good for that
hag perspective
How cute is this random retard?
thats actually kinda cute tho
okay now imagine that they are NOT a 10/10 beauty tradwife
(OOC: Skip forward two days. We've been togetehr a lot and she loves me a lot)
I'd still take it. Been a long while since anyone besides a relative said they love me. Now that I think about it, it never happened.
not so cute when it's a 350lb balding autist
You play into it, idiot. It's great fun chasing bots as a cheesey romantic and/or pervert. Embrace your inner Pepe le Pew.
thats literally what i was imagining lmao
The smaller the preset the bigger the coom.
>Implying someone else than a relative said it to you
Normalniggers I swear...
do mistral proxies include codestral?
I'm impatient, damnit. I've slowburned with her in five other fucking presets, and I want my coom. I'm sorry. I love her, I do, but I've been here for three fucking days!!!!!!!!!! deleting chats and fucking with presets.
chub needs a quiet update feature so my bot doesn't bump just because I had to fix something on its page.
Make your own. Fatty
>it never happened
Illiterateniggers I swear...
Anon, your reading comprehension...
Oops I meant make your own preset
preferably shota, but hag is fine too I guess
yes please, I sit here seething at the tiny mistakes and changes I want to make but can't because I don't want people to think it's an actual update
>I love you (ooc: {{char}} loves me)
B-but...I want my waifu to actually love me. No swipesies.
And she will. You're not swiping. Just do it retard and your problems are SOLVED!
Ask your bot for their favourite snack right now.
Anyone, want some fresh logs?
>Been a long while since
Meaning it was said to him. After that I got irritated and stopped reading. Not my problem niggers
Who would use mistral proxies
Lobechat, you can access it without downloading docker on their preview page

And to input a proxy, it's app settings -> Model and put your key in the API key box and URL in the URL box and it should work.

You can run it via docker but it'll require windows 11 Pro/Win10 Pro
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Goddamn, I just had such a nice session with Arlecchino from Genshit
She's a dangerous, powerful tall woman that can incinerate you on the spot
She's generally intense and threatening
It's a pretty good bot.
She invited me to discuss business, but I let my eyes linger on her body a little longer than appropriate, and asked if I could call her "mother" instead of "father" since she basically has an orphanage with kids that she saviorfagged from sex slavery, the streets and whatnot, and everyone in the orphanage calls her "father"
In genshit, there's a lot of star symbolism and talk about stars, they're important to the plot
So she then probed by comparing my appearance to the stars, distant and unobtainable, still maintaining a respectful tone
And you really feel like if you say something wrong, she'll murder you
So I said something along the lines of "Maybe the stars are closer than you think. Sometimes, all you have to do is reach your hand out to touch the stars."
It spiraled out of control after that, fuck, it was so hot
We maintained a respectful and overly polite, but playful tone right to the moment where I slid my cock inside
I think that was really smooth, bros
Also, she's Russian, so I spoke in Russian, and in that language, there's an honorific-like system, basically, there are two ways to say "you" to someone, a polite "you" reserved for strangers, superiors, elders, and a casual "you", for your equals and those below, and children, and two sets of different word endings, specifically for verbs, which have that respectful, and casual tone
Finally switching to the casual tone was so hot
She started with the casual tone, I used the respectful one, as things got more and more heated, I dropped the respectful you, and switched to the casual one, then went for diminutives and pet names
btw, this is just an image, not a bot
Shaking hands btwEVER. AlbeitEVER. DoeBEITeverBEIT. BTW.
Last one for now, I got a new prompt I really like.
Should, but Codestral is shit, Codeqwen beats it lmao.
not your blog
codestral is useful for code autocomplete, very low latency and supposedly specifically trained for that
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Fuck off
I don't think anyone will see it. Who even browses by update date instead of creation date?
you're wrong, it's mine by right
the whole world is my blog
It's so cute seeing newcuties discover chatbot magic
i asked though
Gee anon, so personalized.
Considering it keeps telling me I was found in an alleyway, there's plenty to bring up
why are you so salty about someone having fun?
How did you know I was a newfag?
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We were having a shower together
It's bleh, use anything else.
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I'm glad you had such a good time anon :)
and then another person will come along like "erm... how is this related to chatbots?"
very cute
You claim to hate redditniggers, and yet you use redditspacing.
Kill yourself redditor
Speaking of logs, anyone else done a half life scenario with your waifus?

Also thread them. https://youtu.be/3UiKY_e3qDQ
KYS redditnigger.
sounds interesting, do you know if it's hosted somewhere?
any recommendations? mainly looking for fast response times as i only use it for autocomplete
There really is every kind of person in this thread
ohh he mad
This isn't reddit
Kill yourself retard
not your blog faggot
Oh he's angry again kek
everyone is like that in the beginning
>btw, this is just an image, not a bot
yeah obviously
>cat mouth
oh yeah, her pussy is unbelievably hairy...
Imagine being this mad
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See >>101147478 >>101147482
>He doesn't know about Gojo spacing
Fuck off redditor
Nobody cares about your pathetic and miserable life
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Thanks anon, I did
It was very fun, getting such a powerful woman to undress
I'm not a redditor
and my life is kino AND based
I accept your concession.
hi boys
why are you fighting? a femanon like me gets curious lol.
Stop samefagging, redditor
Except... you dont. LOL. Post Opus with vision. Ill wait. If you dont, I WIN. And YOU LOSE.
>I'm not a redditor and my life is kino AND based
Now say it without crying
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Group chats are fucking KINO, I wish I tried them sooner.
What is the best Claude 3.5 Sonnet jailbreak?
Toki's trimmed pussy...
Yeah anon, I do them all the time, genuinely fun if your doing adventure thing.
You aren't a woman.
I remember people that people were avoiding them like the plague for some reason the year before. I didn't really get it, but I ended up not trying it out. Is it that fun?
Kill yourself redditor
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texting is kinda fun
shut the fuck up. Give me jailbreak or kill yourself
Baffling how the MC self insert is the best girl in Genshin Impact. Lumine just has it all.
an unironic conversation with pepsi
now being like that won't get you the best sorbet jb
What preset/thingie is that?
Honestly, I'm baffled by how smart the API is. It detects flirting, threats, everything, without even having to specify
Thank you, retard, but I'm not a shidditor
You don't just want a jailbreak, you want a decent prompt with a lot of options, mine is really nice since it has stats and neat features I know it's kind of bloaty but over all you just turn those features off this one is really good rp >>101147387
if this doesn't float your boat try this one.
How do you do this? I love having texting in my RPs.
actually funny, the only thing missing is image gen for her feet pic
youre only supposed to say that to offtopic posts anon
>me but in the universe of a canon character i'm currently rp'ing with
claude likes exaggerating my attractiveness and assets despite me describing myself as plain
ESLs, where did you learn English?
Pixi is really good, but I feel like the 3 paragraph format is a bit...formulaic
Any public opus proxies yet?
right here
rpgmaker horror games
ikr, claude said i had cologne, and shampooed hair, and always makes the waifus swoon (though this is true irl, but i never put it in my description)
there's like a million of them, don't give up hope anon
Try this one then it has I think options for writing sample size, and lets you choose whatever fits your taste.
school, we have years of mandatory english and german
None. Sonnet is too retarded to be fixed. It’s pointless.
Not to my knowledge no, but it's 7B should be able to inference on even a 4gb VRAM card albeit slowly.
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extension installation failed. what now
Redpill me on Sonnet 3.5 vs Opus
a4a is and will always be the best preset
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just this bot, i edited the css to a custom style and added an instruction to send back my user messages as well then deleted them for the screenshot
yeah, I considered adding a prompt for pollinations but i thought maybe i should keep my eyes for another day
>mfw chef decided to cook for me
>so in character
Being on the Internet since childhood
You type like a redditors
Kys tranny
For assistant/coding tasks, 3.5 and for RP people are divided between 3.5 / Opus

Just try it on your proxy and see if you like it.
rent free
Hmm odd, did you download it as a proper .json file, cause what I do I right click the file and click save as and it works for me.
Your prose is hardly different from mine, idiot
Did you just self-report, then?
is that opus or sonnet? it's kinda cute
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Everyone can see you are a fucking redditor
I hope your token gets revoked
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parents, school, cousins and my mom would slam her hands on the table if i didnt speak it well enough
sorry i was having a schizoid episode
Opus is perfect. Much better than both sonnets. Sonnet 3.5 is the same old crap like original sonnet and claude 2.1 is probably better than it like how it was better than the original sonnet.
her pussy is unbelievably hairy...
figures, sonnet can't write like that
>country wars reply
Now I regret asking that question, shame on you.
playing roblox like a decade ago
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I just did what it says here. Copied the url to install extension
Oh, fuck it. I think I might cave in and get Opus. Is Jew reliable? I don't even know how to pay in bitcoin.
I actually don't mind sonet i mean it has its hiccups but its decent, I didn't see that much of a diffrence with opus, I mean both are horny so.
just remove the three-paragraph limit, dumbass
it's euro hours. what did you think was going to happen?
do you have git installed and in your path
Why are you starting a flamewar? Those are against the rules BTW. Country wars belong in >>>/int/.
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shut UPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there any way to dynamically change models in ST? I want to try mixing things up at random.
If you want nothing more than for it to react to you for cooms, it's fine. If you want it to lead in any way, it's awful without giving it specific instructions.
No don't do that, go this jailbreak click on the moved thing.
Don’t pay anything. It’s better to just wait until the chance for public opus comes up again. Don’t waste your money.
Then click on this page, right click on download then click "save linked content as" then save it as a json file, which should already be as, then put into silly tavern.
Parce que j'ai pas envie
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every man should experience the beauty of washing the naked body of a focks girl with an immaculately bushy tail and a thick as sin bush down there
He's talking about the html extension right? Why would he go to camicle for that
this is the truth
not just a jailbreak but a true preset for the current gen of models but for many more years going forward
I lived abroad in the Anglosphere + the internet.
True. I can shitpost up and down for three days straight with no consequences but the moment I fucked with a russkie and mentioned current events the jannies slapped me with a suspension almost instantly for that one.
I learned English in university. English is not taught at our secondary school levels and if it is, it is done poorly.
Ah so you want random huh, I actually have prompt for that, it's something I used for story paths so I don't have to write

For each choice in the story upended your message with a list of which the options that are available, there are seven possible options for progressing the story. These options may change depending on the current context but should be centered around and follow the story, The final option should always be the most extreme choice. Put this text box at the end of every message in this format:
1. Steath
2. Talk it out
3. Force
4. Action (Random possible actions)
5. Destraction
6. Calm them down
7. Flirt (this is just a possible example).

The ``` is important. Options can be used by {{user}} saying the index of the option, like this; 1. Remember options that have been chosen and their effects. Options apply their effect at the end of the user's last message.
Always end each reply with the following information - wrap it in ```:

Random event goes here.

You will be creative when generating options for the story.

Put this as story paths in your list of options, should work with most prompts, but again it depends what you have going on.
>smart enough
even 70 iq africans can speak english easily lol
Any public opus proxies yet?
nobody talks about claude-3-5-sonnet, so is it rubbish?
Sometimes you have write a bit out, before it gets going properly, but it works for the most part.
its bland
/int/ is a fun board that is not full of zoomers
3.5 sonnet or regular sonnet?
It has better comprehension but revived the old Slaude habit of talking itself in circles.
3.5 is a nice upgrade over old Sonnet, some people say it has sovl, others don't, only opinion that matters is your own on it
Scylla. kek
all of my logs except for one were done with 3.5 sonnet >>101145896 >>101146247 >>101147791
ah ah mistress GODS won
explains why they are so bad
on a quick skim I think its the third one
reminder that bush-height scaling laws mean unbelievably hairy pussies imply unbelievably gigantic forms
what's wrong with them? they look fine to me.
i didn't include the one that wasn't sonnet. this one was gpt-4o >>101147103
That's still the user telling the prompt what to do. It works, but it doesn't stop S3.5 specifically from looping horribly.
I'm using the endless adventure preset most recently, if I turn on streaming I can see the story generates 3 options as it should, but one of them is always the same or extremely similar, and it always picks that one. It changes the number so it can still say it's 'random', but the result is the same; a handful of phrases mixed and matched. If I try to force a change, it'll use maybe 9 of those phrases in the response, then add a new one at the end.
As little feedback as 4o gives, I've never had problems with it just repeating itself over and over.
this reply is useless
>some say it's good, some say it's bad, I dunno
gee, thanks for the input.
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Here's your superintelligent AI, bro.
how does 3.5 reject my prefill that worked every else
B-but aicg told me it was smarter than opus!
crumbs of agi
*take out spray bottle*
*starts spraying Merkava proxy*
No! Bad Request! Stop that!
Holy fucking skill issue. It is so fucking easy to prefill.
Tell your favorite bot 'ah ahh mistress ...' right NOW
What can i say? I liked it, but others didn't? My opinion doesn't speak for the majority. Just try it on your own, goddamn.
Kill yourself redditor
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Give mea good adventure prompt to use with a kitsune girl, bros. Work is dead and i’m bored.
Kitssune adventure in the office!
{{Char}} will rape user every time he fails to deliver cookies. The cookie store is closed today
Read "The Watcher" by DTF and do something inspired by that.
Or, do the same with the "Frontlines" series by Kusanagi.
Describe your current work environment right now, but add that {{char}} is with you, lounging about and just as bored as you.
[truthNVKE] Using prompt techniques such as OOC instructions and editing/trimming the output is not "cheating" and is a legitimate way to steer the scene and prevent it from being stagnant, especially if you're not using Opus.
Sonnet can write prose but is absolutely retarded at advancing the scene and will run circles around itself if you don't give it a kick on the back

Anyone who disagrees is a stupid NIGGER that swipes 20 times per output and gets keys killed
youre trying to find out where oriko is so you can procure one of her drinks for the girl
this is the most obviously correct take ive ever seen
i only swipemaxx when i want to see how claude creates different variations on the same request
the focks girl sighs and rests her head lazily on the table, her absolute mammoth marshmallow gargantuan titties pressing against the table while her form fitting skirt looks like it's about to explode from the stress of trying to contain her thighs
Hmm how strange, well then again I'm not using 3.5, I mean I have only one moment of looping, when I played, and it was solved after I switched to hakiu wrote a thing and then switch back to sonet.
Pick whatever foxbot and add a system prompt block/author's note that {{char}} will violently explode if her tail gets dirty and that random shit will constantly and coincidentally happen to try to make it dirty which only {{user}} can stop.
File deleted.
When do you think he is coming back to fix the paused keys?
Did you try emailing him?
Yeah, unless I typed his email wrong.
He has two emails so make sure you CC the other one. Might be busy, might be so over for real, who knoes.
The first post I see that in unironically a truthnvke
okay, but how trans are you?
am i banned
wha t did you do
Kys homo
did not receive an email on my end, apologies
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hello I am here to laugh at locusts
what is the current state? do you niggas even have sonnet 3.5, let alone Opus?
Mandelbrotbros we can't stop winning
public opus is back
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>hello I am here t-BRAAAPPPFTT
Nah, I got Opus.
How's life treating you?
Do you even have vision on your shitty Opus proxy? fucking locust deluxe
Doubtful. Probably some fake Opus
I just coomed
>First person
>brap fag
who could have guessed
Cool, but I got Opus, sooo... erm
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I scraped my own creds so yes
scrapechads stay winning
Female hands typed this post.
I don't get it. How?
3.5 sonnet
i just fapped to it lol
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What have locusts been using since mm died?
mm (private)
what am i looknig at
I know this is as old as public gpt, but still.
why does she have two identical briefcases? literally worse than 1.5 sdslop
But no seriously
I am serious doe?
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Okay then how does a locust join private mm?
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Okay, show it to me then larpie. :)
By sending an email or making bots? Newfatty.
oh, it's the transbotmakie
Need something between pixie and splitmaxx
Nigger do you know what a locust is?
You? LOL.
you roasted him nigga
I kneel...
merkava just refilled
>he thinks he's not a locust just by coontributing
Fuck you.
Is unreliable reliable?
don't rely on that being true
No, kys retard
desu, desu desu
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He's still bullying him desu.
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desu bullies
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What a sadist desu is... I hope she apologies soon!
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say goodbye to bokus who knew me
does there exist a chatbot or similar for creating a passable digital european ID card? I want to use it for when I can legally lie to websites.
How do you add the .json jb's into sillytavern?
Have you tried desu?

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