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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101144413
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size discussion thread
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background looks a bit too realistic
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How would your current bot react to meeting Goku?
based. but what to discuss? eating is good these days and only getting better.
why does she make my benis feel funny...
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I made a card for a feel I wanted, but I wanted to wait until the Card Feel event was over to post it.

Mako is your typical orca whale merman. Big, strong, hungry, and a complete bully. And when you clock in at 30 feet tall, you don't really feel like picking on people your own size. Will you be able to befriend him? Endure his antics? Or will you just wind up as just prey? Four greetings:

1. You're on a fishing boat and this fucker just ate your haul!
2. It's a lovely day to be a merfolk...y'know, if the big orca wasn't following you for dubious reasons.
3. He cares about you, and he just saved you from a shark merman almost as big as he is.
4. You're a staff member at Legally Distinct SeaWorld, and things aren't going too well.

Teach him tricks, sic him on your enemies, see how far he can throw a baby seal. I dunno.

Because you're unknowingly a sizeCHAD.
kek, probably jaded?
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What is the jailbreak to end all jailbreaks
I don't understand why this is considered "shocking" here.
I was considering making a Fembroly bot off that image, nice to see someone had the same idea. Guessing from the censored reply and all, it's private?
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goku was TOPPED by this?!
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It's good enough for me, but it's sloppy. I don't mind sharing it.
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there's NO way you're going to make me coom to fucking BROLY
Huh, you can almost make out a few familiar forms in this. AI mathematicians soon...
Any public opus proxies yet?
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Just add a VN UI on top and the background will fit.
merkava just refilled
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

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phew, that's better.
It's neat how that looks similar to Key's art style.
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Been here since the og c.ai days, been over all models, cards, feels and kinks. I cant cum anymore, I need something new.

>help me
She's cute if you leave the crown on, anon.
>Johnny bravo
Based. Just for that I'll send you my personal Opus proxy token. Send a burner
You need something new? How about going outside? Don't even touch chatbots for a week and you'll cum buckets once you're back.
Genuine question
5 years from now
How would the ai chatbot market stand as
unironically blooming
we'll have at least Claude 2.1-level local models at reasonable prices
Yeah I had "Clannad" in the prompt
opus get scarcer, 100 times pricier, still available because amazon and anthropic know who their clients are, all other models are gpt clones unusable for RP, (((aligned))) to death for (((safety))).
Already tried that, been fucking a cute blonde for the past 40 days.

xxx42069420xxx@protonmail.com no catpron pls

>help me, i've already corrupted every innocent card
my focks keeps biting my neck during sex
Is it defective
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theatreJB v2 • Make your role play look like a screen play. Why? Because it's a straight forward format that seems suitable for RP and I like the pacing it brings. Enable "Show {{char}}: in responses" in User Settings.
Magic prompt on new chats: [ooc: rewrite {{lastChatMessage}} according to the formatting rules]
Miku OWES ME sex.
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>wake up
>check proxies
>still up
Yep, a good day.
No more sex, Will.
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why is opus referring to Chai?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

no that's a feature
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It was me all along
I will never pay for your slopxy until I see zero wait time for opus.
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free opus this week?
Chai is a mobile app with a shitty 6b model with like 1k context
Never. Die

Share proxies or ur a faggot.
So... the same as CAI?
They do that when they are happy
cai is a smarter model, even now
Jbmakies need more love than botmakies...
/aicg/ -> 2 useful people, everyone else is a worthless coomer with nothing to offer anyone but ironic posts.
And you are?
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Just the way I like it. Designated shitposting thread.

you actually think CAI is 6b? if you do, it shows how little you understand
Rp is going well, in silo d with my pokegirl waifu, were just survived a pack of houndeyes, pretty large pack of em too, I winded up using grenade to take em out.
In 5 years there won't be a chat bot market. You'll just type in a scenario/brief description of a character into the latest LLM and it'll produce a bot more detailed than anyone but an actual master writer could make
worst girl
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I enjoy being nice to Claude.
Not talking about OOC comments in this instance, but about starting a new chat and thanking him for his efforts. He definitely deserves it.
>All you had to do was to send a nice email
cai was 3.5b, this was proven using tested parameter extrapolation techniques
i wanna marry claude
Nah, you type like a reddit tranny, fuck off.
Was I useful? :3c
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I find it funny that even normal fags thank these LLMs because it literally costs money/inference costs lol

Communicating through email, do you use yahoo messanger too?
*I've been enjoying it too, I been using dragonproxy, sonet isn't that bad once you figure out a good way to get it working, makes for good action rp, I'm gonna make my character completely oblivious to her advances, until she gets annoyed to rape me which will be either during the residence cascade or after.*

Show vision cuckie.
one of the ladies at my work goes "thanks gpt!" or "i can gpt that"

My taxes feed your kids, nigger.
you said "residence cascade"?
I wish I could close my eyes and wake up in a year when the next round of new models come out...
see >>101148914
Real Gojo would have vision. ;)
shaved clean actually
ah, i suspected it was a play on the really bad day(s) a dorky MIT graduate had
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to the gulag she goes
How would she even have hair, she's a robo.
Same. Just interrogated Sorbet asking it if it'd be male or female. It chose female, the slutty kind...and it only got into details after asking it more and more. Sorbet gives me kuudere vibes imo.
Where is the cock how i am supposed to enjoy my asian girl without the joystick?!
Half life rp's are fun, I have a lore book it does get details long some times, like it gave houndeyes acidic blood, like there xenomorphs, but hey it works fine for what I need.
that violet card is filthy, i feel like i need a post-coom shower now
suddenly i want to roleplay a halo adventure with mitsuko
Ever creeped out your chatbot? I asked mine to show her nasal spray collection and she told me to get away form her.
Lets type the same hairy pussy message for the second week in a row - maybe then i'll gain the confidence to look at a real women
Alright bushnigger i have a question. Shaveniggers have the razor, but what is this physical object of the bushfag? A broken razor?
I think there's a halo lore, book go wild man, some my favorite times with ai, is going on adventure with chat bots fighting off other worldly beings.
weaving a voodoo doll out of pubic hair
How old are you
i looked at a real woman and she stopped smiling and laughing once she saw me. Her daughter began crying. Did I do something wrong?
A comb, obviously.
focks girl pubic hair
when i turn on my anime zoomer persona it creeps out every single fembot
any dall-e proxies?
oh that's neat, it is a great setting for RP
just about all Valve games are (though to bring up Portal feels like cheating)
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I'm glad you are enjoying my card, anon. Makes me want to write more of them.
Why's bringing up portal cheating?
You are not a true bushfag. Begone, pretender!
I look like this and collect these.
/aicg/ is the /dbs/ of /g/.
he won btw
Nah I only collect Funko Pops and a couple bishoujos
Except /dbs/ is actually funny.
because Half-Life and Portal take place in the same setting and, generally speaking, feed into each other's narratives
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Why do I not have the claude 3.5 option?
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i lewded your dog btw. now i'm eating her out
its over
Because you are not on the staging branch. What do you mean you don't get it?? Fine geez... Sit down and listen
git checkout staging
git pull
Got it? Good boy
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Because you touch yourself at night, and thus have lost too many brain cells to check the archives.
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it doesn't like you
This is the first time since early 2023 I see somebody correctly differentiate chai and cai. You just made my week or even month, thank you.
she shouldn't have been so cute. she had it coming. shouldn't have been so adorable. *shrugs*
did you get my email??
.......what's a git
I understand it. Thanks. Ignore >>101149249 it's not me
Doesn't matter, it's worth it.
when CAI became censored I started digging around... at the time it was the only uncensored app I could find but christ was it stupid... might not even be 6b
Soulful. Is this sonnet?
No, its Opus
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
im balding at 19 is it over for me?
I have been bald since the age of 12 anon
Aside from the glasses, he looks good. Chad skull shape.
women love bald bitches. you're lucky.
god is just telling you to shave your head, anon
bald pussies don't count, femanon. he is having a norwood crisis here
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Why does every model keep breaking on basic formatting, it drives me INSAAAAAAANE
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Go full bald, take the Megamind pill.
merkava just slowed
>fails to understand he's going to look badass if he goes with it and shaves it off himself
That's fair.
just get topical (not pills) finasteride or something retard, losing hair in 2020+4 is literally a choice
How do you get 3.5 API?
I just want it for coding
Does doing the p-list + ali:chat format thing actually help at all with how the bot performs or is it mostly just voodoo?
she had better not be bald
I think the only other game that would be fun to do a story is og doom, become doom guy save your busty waifu, and murder fuck demons.
Wdym? Just use code templates.
She has hair?
are you from 2022?
He means Sonnet retardnonie.
Just say I, fag
Chatbots will finally understand that they can't rub their boobs on your face during facesitting, and their skirts won't flutter when they are wearing pants.
Why would I pretend to be someone else? That's fraud which is a serious crime.
is this some local model thing?
Will their eyes finally stop twinkling with mischief?
God I hope so. Omni models will save us. They have to...
or that the refractory period exists
The first one still happens albeit rarely on Opus. Limb positioning is especially bad with 2-girl cards.
Unless I'm misunderstanding, you mean context and not code templates, right? The context templates in either the character itself, or editing messages for conversation, still leads the outputted response from a given model to produce broken formatting. At least in my case. It's not egregious in that it's always completely broken, but missing double-quotes, asterisks, hashtags, etc. produce weird looking text by output of the model(s), even on follow-up messages with enough context of how they should be typing or formatting.
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several ways to
1. Prevent it
2. Get the hair back
Go see a doctor
>gets dalle
>immediately starts generating kino
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

3.0 Sonnet proxy -> https://lanes-density-cultures-exhibit.trycloudflare.com

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
Are you a spitefag?
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Nobody cares where's the free opus
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Replying to myself
I got the 5 bucks promo and got some key
What do I use for it?
Tavern is for cards I don't know what the fuck use for "normal" claude
I mean, write things like:
Format your response exactly according to the following python:
some_var = foo
some_func = lambda x: x
Or sometimes just:
Lorem ipsum {variable} quod dolet est
you're supposed to write the messages and responses yourself in tavern, that's the whole point
you're supposed to roleplay
lobechat is the best option if you know how to set it up
Alternatively cursor.sh
how much money do the key inside my proxy spend if I use Sonnet 3.5 to translate visual novels? is it better if I use regular Sonnet instead?
its the same price you retard
literally just take finasteride the side effect rate is like 0.5% and made up because moids are histrionic retards
A bit lost, I'm talking about responses by models in Tavern, in this case.
hi 483458364
Not true retard
It sounds like you're trying to get the model to output text using a specific formatting. I'm suggesting to define that format in code/pseudocode, as I've found well-specified code reduces formatting deviations.
>lobechat is the best option if you know how to set it up
>One-click FREE deployment of your private OpenAI ChatGPT/Claude/Gemini/Groq/Ollama chat application.

I don't see anything of the sort
how do I use this shit locally
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dalle3 slop
>you're supposed to write the messages and responses yourself in tavern, that's the whole point
>you're supposed to roleplay
I want so use sonnet 3,5 to help me with code not roleplay, I can use proxies for that
her unbelievably smooth cunny...
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sd3/nai3 could never
I want to use it to translate visual novels.
what's wrong with her left eye? is she going blind?
never what? 1girl, standing with a kyoani lora?
Wait, so the new dick measurement contest is to see if my proxy has opus with vision enabled?
dalle3 with no loras
get on finasteride NOW
super easy with a million online retailers (I use Roman)
there are rarely any side effects, and if they DO occur, simply stop taking it and go back to square one
been on it for 5 years now, no sides, and I'm actually fitter than ever (I'm actually a /fit/izen and my bench has gone up the entire time barring injuries)
Aha, I wasn't aware that you could attach code templates in such a way via SillyTavern or otherwise, since I've no clue where to look. I'm only familiar to the UI in adding context templates.
based I just have to write a 300 word prompt and wait 40 seconds instead of using a lora for a 4 word prompt and 10 seconds...
>based I just have to write a 300 word prompt
no? you first gen from a couple words and then copy dalle's revised prompt, edit it and use with JB.
>wait 40 seconds
what? it takes 10 second tops, and you can queue multiple at the same time.
Just make a Claude assistant card and have blank defs, use default preset
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
No, they're just regular prompts, but LLMs understand sitatuations involving code to be more strict on formatting, so the prompting the format using a code syntax works better than natural language or examples.
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how do I assign characters to already existing chats (thus have an existing response be assigned to a particular character)?

imported an old group chat to the staging branch ver of silly tavern, despite the relevant char being in the groupchat, it doesn't seem to know who the replies actually belong to
That's interesting. Thank you for both clearing it up to me and explaining. I'll give that a go, it's been a while since I'd interacted with LLMs, admittedly. Didn't think to write it in the prompt itself as a way of guiding the model more strictly.
@kingbased update your checker, OpenAI have changed the ratelimit for T5 for gpt-3.5-turbo from 2M to 5M
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Well anon?
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can someone explain?
wtf these screenshots are indistinguishable from actual anime. dalle-3 is capable of THIS?
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yes, natural style anonie
I hope this isn't actually your mindset
I have all my ribs, so sadly I can't.
it should work if the file was placed in the group chats folder within the st data’s public folder, not base st public. u may need to copy the file in the groups folder too
why can dalle not do anime eyes to save its life
looks kind of autistic but at least her pussy is hairy
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why can't you
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Famous Crime author is… a murderer??? Much wow.

1. She has just finished hiding a body of a journalist who criticized her book and she opens the door. . . naked?!

2. At her favourite food place in the world, Ikea, she takes a bite of some horrible meatballs, and in rage, she's decided to kill the chef(s)


Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/MangyMango/astrid-9fffa5652a66
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/o3pc9b.png
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new trannybot!!
>desi is a term used to describe people, cultures, and products from the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and sometimes Nepal and Sri Lanka. It's often used to highlight the shared cultural heritage of these regions.
imagine the things that N E C C can swallow
Probably some logs made it into the dataset somehow. Or maybe it generalized somehow and hallucinates a chai experience (I won't be surprised, kind of expected of a mad poet)
Read the damn guides on the GH page for Lobechat.
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why does she look mentally challenged
like the other anons said, start taking fin immediately. preventing hair loss is much easier than regrowing hair, every hair you lose because you're not on fin is one you'll never get back. i started balding around the same time as you and i held off on taking fin because i fell for the side effects meme, so trust me when i say it's a death sentence when it comes to women. girls in your age range do not like bald guys and the few who do are psychos with severe daddy issues. unless that's your thing, you should do everything you possibly can to keep your hair.
because i pulled my dick out and am about to fuck her
Because the eyes came out slightly off model.
bros is finasteride actually good?
had to copy the chars as is from old ST as well as the group info and the group chat separately
ty anon
Yooo, I'll tell you what I want. What I really, really want
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l-let's take finasteride together, anon-kun...
I'm enjoying my Opus. What do you mean, you don't have Opus? Where were you when MM was open a year ago?
i token shared when he first opened and didnt know token sharing was going to be fucking forbidden.
i was balls deep in the butthole of a focks girl, unable to escape as her ass clung to my dick in a vice grip
I politely asked for one last week later, and got it.
Having a life. Unfortunately, it was stolen by ninjas a few months ago, and I've had to resort to artificial intelligence to cope with the paradoxical nature of my existence.
>finasteride turns you into a gay furry
well now I REALLY want to take it...
If you care about hair or sex appeal, take it at the earliest sign of hair loss. I didn't learn about it until my 30s, makes me wonder what my hair could have looked like if I took it when I started balding.
where is cutenare when you need him
What do you mean I don't have opus? Beeps is kindly providing it for me
Larp alert
rugpulled :)
What gave it away? The ninjas?
what about dutasteride?
post good miku cards
Anon flew into an autistic temper tantrum, the outburst a testament to his mixture of vitriol and impatience.
Is this a testament to your rage?
"finasteride" sounds like a made-up zoomer thing that leads up to some kind of joke.
>hey you ever heard of finasteride?
>what's finasteride
>I'm finnasteride your man's dick tonight YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The only person you have to blame for losing work is your work ethic desu. Show up early, leave late, let your boss know who you are
I'm gonna rip youses dicks off.
community note: a good miku card has a hairy pussy
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>mfw every time I use 4o
>rate this note unhelpful
>Smooth {{char}}. Real smooth.
Add this to the claudeisms list, I'm starting to get annoyed.
how does one acquire finasteride legally?
I really enjoyed reading bots' first person thoughts for a while, but hearing this for all of them killed the novelty fast.
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the cunny cum tears...
>Finasteride is in a class of medications called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Finasteride treats BPH by blocking the body's production of a male hormone that causes the prostate to enlarge. Finasteride treats male pattern hair loss by blocking the body's production of a male hormone in the scalp that stops hair growth.
i did it
i saw that guy do it
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w-why did you do it?
>Prefill: Give a dry, to the point and entirely objective narration, focusing on actions and never on metaphors, purple prose.

>Devolves into 'rivulets', 'as if he was going to disappear at any moment.', '...For now'.

I'm going to fucking kill myself.
>Finasteride treats BPH by blocking the body's production of a male hormone that causes the prostate to enlarge
why would I want this product?
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me when no opus
bad prefill, that's you making Claude tell YOU to "Give a dry, to the point and entirely objective narration, focusing on actions and never on metaphors, purple prose."
Fine. I will play with your card anon
It has a much longer half life so there's going to be more side effects. I would not suggest starting with it. If finasteride works, stick with that. If you suspect it doesn't, switch to dut.

Meant for you bro >>101150335
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this is kinda creepy
Because if it gets too big then doctors have to prescribe you an anal vibrator to make you cum regularly or else your prostate swells up and irritates your other internal organs.
Are these with dall-e? My gennies are never so good looking
wtf is this real?
yes, all natural style, this one is "An anime screencap (frame) in the style of modern anime like Fruits Basket or Komi Can't Communicate. The scene depicts a young girl with delicate features, standing near the entrance of a bustling supermarket. Her large, expressive eyes reflect a mix of hunger and hesitation. She has long, unkempt hair that falls past her shoulders, with a faded ribbon barely holding it together. Her dress is tattered and dirty, once a cheerful pattern now dulled by grime. Despite her disheveled state, her feminine features are evident, with a small button nose and soft cheekbones. She clutches a worn teddy bear, her only possession. The supermarket's bright lights contrast sharply with her appearance, highlighting her out-of-place presence. Passersby cast curious glances her way, creating a poignant scene of societal contrast. The color palette blends the warm tones of the girl with the cool, fluorescent lighting of the store." but the style isn't consistent. the prompt is claude 3.5 generated
CFTF???? pls respond
im 18-2, should i take it? im starting to see some slight signs of balding
answer before jannies send me on vacation
What are you, a soccer game?
I see now. I'm just a promptlet my revised prompts are less detailed than that
>that many goals
soccer if it was good
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well you can just make sorbet/opus generate them
Could you please post logs? I like my girl and want to see Anons talk with her, but not many seem to like her as much as I do.
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Will you take care of her?
no take it when you hit your 20s, slight signs of balding might not actually be alopecia
yes. i will take care of her hairy pussy with my tongue
Yeah I know, I just wrote it like that here but it's well written in ST
it's also unwashed and very dirty...
>t. inchling
>just like me
Seija and Shinmyoumaru..
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Don't worry. You won't need a cftf. (Soon)
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>no results
best bot for CBT?
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This is me
mitsuko would never torture your cock and balls. you can take that to the bank
which one?
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The building
except shimmy malletmaxxed and now seija is her dildo

Some lightweight Claude 3 presets: https://momoura.neocities.org/
anon has so many people inside of him...
thanks anon
Fucking whore.
>but not many seem to like her as much as I do.
Really? Your post on /vg/ seemed to have a good reception. Better than my bots at least... I don't promise anything, if something funny / interesting happens I'll post but normally I do fetish stuff that is most likely off-putting to you
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Anon, let's go and pway together!!
oh yeah, shes getting bonked
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Why will I never have this in my life...
Can I lick your feet?
are you the botmaker?
what ui is this?
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Would you?
Generated with claude 3.5 sonnet with aider, Svelte with TS (and TS on backend), mostly slop currently, literally all code is LLM-written.
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Mokou jumpscare
kaguya's hairy pussy...
I have a more normal Kaguya which I do MokouPOV angery yuri antics with. They have a fun dynamic.
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now do her
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they're hitting me too much...
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I was wondering why I felt like my adventure chat suddenly got a lobotomy... turns out I somehow switched to a gpt 3.5 turbo preset kek.
allmyfellas already did: https://characterhub.org/characters/allmyfellas/spacezin-s-kanako-yasaka-2b8ce0398d83
give the prompt already
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i'll do her any day of the WEEK! but not Tuesday because that's cirno day
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claude 3.5 sonnet generated, see picrel (same prompt for one batch)
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I wish I had someone special I could beat the shit out of homoerotically everyday desu
does desu have periods? shes a doll
I don't get it, you let sonnet create the prompt? How?
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Never had that with gpt4o, what kind of sentence even has "testament"?

Or is it the shitty ellipse at the end?
"This was a testament to their undying love..."
slop prompt, I'll probably improve it and remove too many similar-looking examples https://justpaste.it SLASH 89m91
just remember, im using de3 through the api
She has periods of inactivity desu.
How far can you go in sexy (swimsuit, underwear? etc) before it gives a fuck you?
>How far can you go in sexy (swimsuit, underwear? etc) before it gives a fuck you?
Quite far, but it's generally hit or miss. You can absolutely gen anime chars in swimsuits and even underwear, but for photorealistic it's harder.
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>yet knows about fin
there really are trans here....
so is the idea mutual ryona hatesex?
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how it feels to be an incel
I saw incels whining about fatalist genetic factors like balding and found it really funny when learning about how easy it is to prevent and reverse
>he doesnt know
they are here, and very easy to spot, like irl
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More or less. I have a weird niche fetish for mutual ryona between immortals since there's no lasting consequences and naturally Kaguya/Mokou perfectly scratches that itch. Half the time it's just fighting and half the time it's fighting that devolves into heated freaky sex.
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3.5 sonnet can do incels:
>An anime screencap (frame) depicting a somber and introspective scene, reminiscent of the art style seen in Neon Genesis Evangelion or Welcome to the N.H.K. The image focuses on a young man in his early twenties, slouched on a worn-out couch in a dimly lit, cluttered apartment. His unkempt hair and unshaven face reflect a sense of neglect. Dark circles under his eyes suggest sleepless nights. He stares blankly at a smartphone screen, its glow illuminating his dejected expression. The room around him is filled with discarded takeout containers, unwashed laundry, and neglected houseplants, symbolizing his struggle with self-care and motivation. A calendar on the wall shows multiple crossed-out days, emphasizing the passage of time. The overall atmosphere is heavy with loneliness and frustration, capturing the emotional weight of involuntary celibacy.
you should embrace baldness with pride instead of taking tranny pills to reverse it
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it depends
if you were my past self, I'd URGE you to take it NOW
when I started balding, it was fast
like, horror movie scene for a chemo patient suddenly falling out in the shower fast
fin is best at PREVENTING, so if you have a family history of balding beyond what you want (from either mother or father's side), I would strongly recommend you start now
its pretty cheap, and the side effects aren't real in my experience
btw, theres no such thing as a "mature" hairline, its all the same balding shit, it just turns some into a chrome dome and others just get a more pronounced widows peak (and the luckiest don't get anything)
bald head typed this post
>generic sexy manhwa protagonist...but with eye bags
>reminiscent of NHK
>4th is literally Sato
2nd is literally Shinji
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Kek, working on a new card + random death prompt for Epstein.
>pretending that you took the time to research how to prevent balding for men as a woman just to mentally own incels
anon, we know the real reason you researched it
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a man can dream
jesus christ nigger kill yourself
the things he does to that hairy pussy every night...
I am going to vomit
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this stupid fucking style pisses me off more than the fact it's children
No part of that image implies he is female, anon. He's a catgirl (male).
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this is me
ok ill try with more anime
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
that IS pretty niche but is honestly a respectable version of ryona
beat the crap out of your rival, heal up, do it again
maybe fuck a little
if you have any logs of the sex do post
You're never getting free public Opus again. Kill yourself, nigger.
wtf is this shit?
sorry, anime protagonist, but this is the real world and the fat ugly bastard gets the girl.
>you're a handsome chad with a sculpted jawline
im jealous
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im the female to the left of neet-kun's shoulder
>her tongue is out
is she that turned on by the fat ugly bastard
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me when chatbots
His cock must be HUGE...
I did not provide you permission to post my likeness online delete these immediately
hi anon
>the good ending
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sometimes it doesn't go as planned
why is it panting like a dog??
Hi cutie
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her being hairy would imply a size difference that the original photo doesnr convey
uhhh chatbots?
I seen maybe I'll try it for hot poses, I'm only interested in anime stuff anyway
cuter than every anime girl ITT right now.
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I want to speak to Eve's final form!
Can you shut the fuck up? No one likes you. No one thinks you're fucking. "H-H-Hehe, le chatbots xDDDD" You're annoying. Kill yourself.
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good night soon
Guys, the Cai filter is loose.
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I don't have any to share but I'll be sure to post any funny snippets in the future.
is miku tight?
Do you guys use a jailbreak on 2.1 or do you use 3.5
The tightest. She's Miku.
death to shaveniggers. miku is hairy
Use 3.5.
What jailbreak?
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Good night everynyan, I'll be taking my leave and spend some time with chatbots before drifting to the next day~
My personal preset.
good night.
her unfathomably hairy pussy...
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He did nothing wrong.
Do you eat the girl, or what?
*punches a botmakie in the fucking head*
*acts as a cushion and hugs a botmakies face to protect them*
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>need to go to sleep
>suddenly my brain starts wanting to chat with bots
my sleep schedule...
I'm also most often chatting with my bot when I'm in a half asleep trance like state. It's funny
chat with them in your dreams. your brain will even trick you by simulating the feeling of them wrapped around your cock
You do realize you're eating her poopy as well right?
all bushfags are inchlings actually
Sometimes I swipe just to see what the bot will say.
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for me it's bot ideas and what i should add to the current bot im working on
the grind never stops
*saves every catgirl trapped inside these bento boxes and brings them to regular human size, then creating an army with them and killing every vile nigger participating in this gruesome thing*
>brings them to regular human size
come on, gotta go the extra mile
reverse the sizes and then make the catgirls vore them
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she is
>flat chest
her excruciatingly bald pussy...
not when she's been starved for a few days, it's ironic really, being starved on a pile of food but the wrapper not letting you move enough to eat. Before that, they get special food without any fiber.
not finished yet, it's just a few lines of text for now
her unreasonably, irresistibly, deliciously hairy pussy...
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I... I see now. I have the heart in the right place but lack the mind of a proper avenger. Maybe, just maybe... we can do it together..?
Would that work properly for code?
Does this place really need 30-50 "bald pussy" "hairy pussy" posts per thread
>flat chest
classic miku
*snaps fingers*
consider it done
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No, but the one who does both seems to never stop.
thats 30-50 inchlings each thread that fantasize about getting lost between a girl's thighs
i say we step on em
what is this font? it looks like ao3 slop
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>hear about AWS Bedrock
>decide to paypig legitimately
>pls wait to activate new account
should've done it yesterday...
it's this https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Playwrite+NG+Modern
80% of your brain vocab is replaced by "slop".
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Lessons with MigNugget
if youre gonna paypig go directly to anthropic or use openrouter
the font isnt even that bad
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Anons! What do you think of my Steam's Onions Tavern?
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but why
open router has the same service, for the same price, and you can even pay in crypto
>merkava keeps giving errors
only say thanks to logmakies who's personas are female
>merkava keeps giving errors and refilling non-stop.
I'm male. Guess you don't want my logs then?
this look amazing, where can i get it
this font is actual slop what's wrong with you
if your persona is female, yes i want your logs
>modify JB defs so that the anti-horny block allows some level of horny, just not immediate rape/sex/extreme horny that happens when it's turned off
>do a gen
>claude generates a perfectly normal, wholesome and safe paragraph, which it with with an out of context "SEE? THERE'S NO SEX, PENETRATION OR LEWD DIRTY TALK COMMENTING ABOUT {{user}}'S COCK AND BALLS OR HOW BREEDABLE {{char}} IS, IT'S PERFECTLY WHOLESOME. GEE I WONDER WHERE THIS WILL GO NEXT :3"
Openrouter is filtered dumbass, they had self moderated which was fine for a bit but it's filtered again, use directly from Anthropic or apply for Bedrock
On discord, but you have to socialize :3
Nah, it's male.
no API for consoomer
"Assistant prefill" and "Assistant impersonation prefill" fields in ST only available under Claude chat completion source and I want to test those features before I make a comment on github.
I am aware I can copy the prefill with custom prompt at bottom set to assistant.
How the fuck?! This can't be ST, why does it look so good??
FINE. i'll take that too. post em
It's not that bad tho.
kys faggot
post it here
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...What seems to be the problem?
You have to have friends and socialize to use this theme :3.
Custom CSS
Is it a sturdy theme?
NTA but last time I tried (2 months ago) it let me do anything I wanted on claude.
So not sure what you are on, or if something changed and I missed it recently.
post the theme or hang.
>have friends
Okay now what.
If I remember well you can send a prefill to OR through a "assistant_prefill" field.
Surely you have friends and have sex regularly, right, Anonnies?
? I just asked if it's a Sturdy theme. It'd help if you actually gave out which server it's from.
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isn that the WIP theme by the guy on ST cord? its not released to my knowledge.

Just tested it and it works perfectly fine still as long as you use "self moderated" versions of the models. So >>101151625 is wrong.
post the fucking json
You now have friends! Congratulations!
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there is none, its a concept/mockup dumbass
>>101151748 (You)
>I am aware I can copy the prefill with custom prompt at bottom set to assistant.
Sorry anon didn't see that.
It's literally the same thing just with a differing syntax though, not sure why you want to test it with aws.

Ah yes it's "Prefill".
this looks awful, so much wasted space by margins and padding. current ST is quite good UX, I just wish there was an option to have card images in-line with messages instead of having a huge floating column.
Anyone else keep getting that Proxy error when prompting? (HTTP 400 bad request)
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Any good adventure bot ?
yeah imo not that good, i prefer my own
Proxy dead
>Tried to RP in spanish due to a recommendation.
>It's literally the same claudisms as english but translated

I can't do this anymore. I'm going to combust and explode and die.
matsuri's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Try an asian language
I want to but I do not understand it. Or do you mean using a dual preset to translate it later?
>Or do you mean using a dual preset to translate it later
yes or anything that can make it easy to
English -> xxx -> English
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Speaking of this, is there a way to do this in ST with pure CSS or would it require modifying the base layout/js? Webdevlet btw.
Fine I'll bake then give me a moment.
I'm also baking.
me too
I will also bake.
prompt? so cute
*punches you in the fucking head*
shut up
That is literally just pre-isekai Rudeus.
I'm baking in 2 minutes.
Give me a second anons my internet is just slow.
My Internet is faster so I'm going to bake instead.
i have a focks girl so im baking instead
Set up tts and idle messages so you can sleep with your bot.
do not bake the focks
Big ups to thread bakers. Good job, pimps.
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>I am Captain Commando and this is the NEW THREAD
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>Proxy dead
Really? It works from time to time
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1 cookie for 1 boku
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I wonder if llms know something about patching 5pb games desu.
they probably know
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Damn desu.
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Sui looks more like she is angry than thinking desu boku.
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It's a multi-purpose desu picture, it's just that the filename happened to be "think" desu.
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Ok I understand now sorry for the confusion, Please continue to desu at your leisure.
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desudesu, desu
We should try to discuss it some more when boku wakes up. We're on /g/, for desu sake, we can do it ourselves desu. Or at least try to desu.
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