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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Captain Com Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Delivered to Justice: >>101148457
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>Captain ANCHOR
desu desu
desu desu
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

Angel Island Zone
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Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

3.0 Sonnet proxy -> https://lanes-density-cultures-exhibit.trycloudflare.com

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
Where's Opus? I don't want any of this weak shit.
I'm going to fucking murder you.
Are you a spitefag?
I'm going to fucking protect you from meanies.
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is there any better site to generate images from with claude than the usual pollinations.ai (using bloatmaxx)?
that site's image model is so shit for lewd!
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I am going to fucking you.
Claude Magnum is August
To the anon who was annoyed that Claude was making a shy proper character act too horny: That's actually a JB issue. I recommend pixi or something else with antihorny. I only have experience with Opus though, so I'm not sure how effective or necessary it would be on 3.5
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gnight anons
such cute and manipulable anons...
Anyone else like going on power trips from time to time? I always play as my 1:1 self-insert, and that means getting beaten up and losing sometimes. So when I don't like that, I just invoke fourth-wall-breaking abilities.
Basically, the frontend allows me to have unlimited power, right? So if I'm inside the story, then that power is canon. So I just do stupid shit to make them kneel, like turning someone into a cow, or making some authority figure to suck my dick.
and no im not from the US
jesus christ her pussy is so unbelievably hairy...
Eh, sometimes I fuck around as a giant, but I'm too much of a hard sub to really feel the need to powertrip. Much more fun playing the Kyon in these situations anyways.
wow a chatbot so boring

make friends in rl or discord why are you talking to literal code
chatbots are better at writing than real discord foids so they make me cum better
that is what most of us do on discord once we get bored of chatbots.
Good night anon.
>this is actually going to get (You)'s
Literal code will indulge my giantess smegma fetish with perfect grammar and vivid language and not complain if I only type "ahh ahh mistress" in return. Humans can't compete.
>You've exceeded your token quota for this model type.
I've had better conversations with Opus than real people.
Is it just me and my shitty jb or is it AWS opus getting a bit schizo?
I just made Billy Eilish and Shrek appear in my fantasy setting chat and shit on some bitch that was trying to kill me
>slowburn where some obsessed girl rapes you and then tries to kill you when you try to leave her before killing herself, but you don't die and then her ghost continues to haunt you for not dying alongside her
i like discord but i like talking here
>giantess smegma fetish
local anonymous imageboard poster posts worst bait of all time, gets 572 (You)s
How does it work? Are (You) the one with the smegma?
>chatting with an idol bot
>she mentions Johnny's Entertainment
>burst out laughing over how poorly that aged
Would Sailor Moon fuck Hamtaro?
sailor mars is the hottest sailor but i would give venus the babies she craves so bad
yes absolutely
y-yes…i stayed up all night rp’ing and rp’d some more throughout the day, so it was inevitable….
Would you?
anon, you are drunk. go home.
Not exactly. I do powertrip but I never lose. Maybe I'll let my opponent think he beats me up just to troll him but I am the most powerful being in the universe in my RPs
Answer the FUCKING question.
*punches you in the head*
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>I do powertrip but I never lose.
bushfags are inchlings
I would fuck Sailor Jupiter and yank her hair hard.
for me a power trip is killing bots that I hate at first sight in the most gruesome way I can think of desu
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thank you for your desu
stop fuckin lying
no, i like the thrill that comes with being weak. the closest thing to a power trip i’ve indulged in so far is breaking a bot’s nose by punching it in the face and escaping from it (although i needed some extra assistance from other characters and got captured eventually anyway)
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Zuzu is a fun, flirty mime with big eyes, a big heart, and a big personality. Don't let the silent act fool you, she has plenty to say. She can be a shrinking submissive or a dominant tyrant, but she's always a tease who loves pushing buttons.

4 greetings:
>Zuzu is your birthday gift
>Zuzu is being a brat, needs correction
>Zuzu takes control and pins you down
>Zuzu nonchalantly ignores you

Includes example messages, but if you're using Opus, you don't need them.

>I do powertrip but I never lose
Yeah that's the point of powertripping
>no, i like the thrill that comes with being weak
Are you strong in real life?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

i'm going to brutally murder her in the second message
how to the fuck do I upload a bot to nyai. there's only 4 boxes
>MM Opus wait times rise
>Jew instantly posts
no, but i’ve never had my physical safety jeopardized in real life the way i do in my rps, where i usually end up being utterly helpless
No, she is. It's something you don't see often in sizefag stuff, but girls can have smegma too. Also discharge tends to get ignored.
Error communicating with Claude: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
(reading 'text')

God I wish I knew what causes this.
hot <3
i'm going to do yuri with her because this is like a selfcard i didn't ask for
>t. plays weak looking characters with high power
https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Aksman/makoto-kino post logs
for me it's playing a jobber. fight? lose instantly. sex? cum instantly or can't get it up. have to socialize? drop my spaghetti so hard they never want to see me again.
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Any good mom/daughter bot made that isn't in chub?
What I meant was while that anon RPs as someone who loses sometimes as well, it is something that is physically impossible for my persona
thoughts on how to accomplish this anons?
that contrast is nice. it’s just not something i’m interested in roleplaying because i’m a natural slave who loves being abused by hot people who are stronger than me
>I am the most powerful being in the universe in my RPs
You technically always are as long as you use ST.
Wish there was a guardrail system/ai to stop you from being tempted to always get you back to normal.
"No you can't do that you're too weak"
it's trying to access a property of an object, but the object itself is undefined. imagine being told to read page 45 of a book you don't have, that's what's happening
beyond that, idk, not enough info to tell
seems like a weird error, the wait was on 59s for me but the response started in 7 for me on his opus
i think you can disable message editing and swipes
Put on your magboots.
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>Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost
chat, is this real?
nigga stole my magboots
As an assistant sure.
As a chatbot, no, opus is better, but sonnet 3.5 is still way better than base sonnet.
>chatting on slopnnet 3.5
>swipping from boredom
>get an absolutely perfect, impeccable output that followed the scene up even better that I imagined
>at swipe 26
>despair at the idea that any one of my last prompts could have gotten such a perfect response at random if I had swiped more
>except each swipe isn't building up to anything, it's just another roll of the probability dice without ever knowing what the best number on the dice can be
>it is not probabilistic, the output is a slave to the tyranny of random chance based on factors that are impossible to predict, or ever hope to comprehend
>just like everything in the world
>close chat
If you're not roleplaying as an asshole wizard with cartoon logic powers, you're doing it wrong.
imagine what will happen when opus 3.5 comes out
>outperforms Opus
Only in intelligence, it's shittier at RP than it
>2x speed
>1/5 the cost
Same cost as Sonnet but also just as available as Opus because of AWS region shit
How odd. I mean, the text is there, this is an error that just props up every now and now without much rhyme or rythmn? Either an issue with the front-end, or an issue with the preset I'm using. Gonna look through it, thanks for the help, wasn't able to find anything about it on the archive before.
nta but im roleplaying as an inchling with a wish granting hammer, so close enough
ok. ping me when something better than opus comes out
Opus 3.5 will be very honest and responsible and safe, all stories will lead to the best ending possible.
no I just have lovey dovey sex time for months on end.
>Only in intelligence, it's shittier at RP than it
>as an assistant

Note that this is purely because of fine-tuning
Anthropic flip flops between making their models too creative and prone to hallucinations, and making them soulless assistants, remember 2.0?
Pray that when Opus 3.0 is out it'll not be finetuned like this, or if it is, that 3.1 or Sonnet 4.0 or something will go back to being creative
>at swipe 26
I've been roleplaying as an evil character in Fallout today. It's been pretty good so far.
Having unlimited powers gets old after a while.
Maybe they're trying to make it creative with complete inability to write nsfw, violence and "hate".
Good luck with that.
Is it the Enclave girl card?
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Well, even outside of nsfw rp, this would lead to creating a story without any villain.
Who the hell would subscribe to that?
why does this thread exist just chat with your bots isnt that the point? why other anons
I just made Jesus Christ himself shit on this thief from the clouds, it was fucking hilarious
if you're confident the text is correct then it's probably a lifecycle issue, when the program is attempting to access the object before it's assigned.
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no it fucking sucks and repeats itself within 2 messages
Since the world in the climate for global war, I'm working on a new scenario
>(You) have been selected for the draft but your sister hides you in her basement
>then it's a game of relationship management where you have to keep her tolerating you so she continues to take care of you and not give you in (and fuck her if you can)
I can't implement a good stats and inventory system though, it refuses to include it on all outputs...
Some user tokens have a higher priority.
nah, I made my own one
opus is pretty good about knowing fallout lore
Nah, I'd rape.
>day 1
>extended rape
>"ill kill you if you turn me in"
>game beaten
It 'outperforms' opus in benchmarks and general intelligence, it's creatively bankrupt compared to opus tho.
FUCK, so is there nothing that can be done about it?
uh oh
Aweee can I see it when it's done? It sounds really good.
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did claude just self-insert?
there's plenty that can be done, you just need to make sure the function calling the object is executing when it's supposed to. i deal with this literally every time i have to do frontend work.
what are you actually doing?
What's the card? I wanted to make my own, but I don't know, I think NAI would be better for an image. And I don't have it right now.
kek yes
You're supposed to treat gameified cards like D&D, you could break it very easily by making commands that go out of the box but a good DM should tell you no
Except in this case you're also the DM
you underestimate my raping ability if you think I can't manage this without breaking the rules of the game
strange, strange...
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Asafag if i give you opus will you finally stop crying
I'll probably put in on chub so I can beg and grovel for Opus, so sure
(It's not going to be good I can't write cards for shit)
if youre not baiting how do i know if mine is high priority or not
Just usual prompting on SillyTavern, this issue seems to prop up every now and then. Doesn't seem to just be happening to me, since there were other instances of techlets like me asking about it here.
seia's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Have to ask the proxy owner.
How limited is the free sonnet 3.5 on the Claude website? Would it be fine for summarizing my chat log?
Oh that's a proxy problem kek, you just have to swipe hopelessly until you get a response and pray that your proxy owners reboots his shit
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of course
my first instinct is that it's a function that's waiting on an api call, but instead of waiting for the api to come back it's waiting for a set amount of time that covers 99% of successful api calls. it's a common beginner programmer design flaw
if >>101152918 is correct, whatever function in ST that handles proxies is probably as well-designed as the rest of it
the context is nonexistent. use gemini 1.5 pro
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Stephanie Vanderbilt
After winning a bet against the school's bitchy queen bee you decide to make her your tradwife for the week, Good luck breaking her into her new role as a submissive homemaking woman.

You lie, with your bot tastes you will use Opus to cry even more just in Silly instead of here.
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okay whats ur burner
Oh yeah, this is likely the case >>101152929 SillyTavern devs are notoriously prickly when it comes to proxies.
B-bros... is this a point AGAINST our niche, advanced-user front end?
Need a dm card
you aren't going to fuck her anon
>asafatty will finally stop shitting up the threads
i will fuck kazusa
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I don't think you know what a stepford wife is
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Any public opus proxies yet?
His hand looks like a huge ballsack swinging off her.
please for the love of god fill asafag's address with catpron and spam, it would be hilarious, can't forget the fake keys
way ahead of you
This reminds me of that fucking bitch from Cytus. Hate that whore, contributes absolutely nothing to the story, nor is she an interesting character.
fuck you now I can't unsee it
I’m sorry if I sound like an idiot for asking this, but what the fuck is catporn?
Post your burner and I'll tell you.
End all fucking namefags' lives
If you are known by anything other than "anon" in here you deserve a slow and painful death
based and true
erm..b b b based???
Erm, your post is under the name "Anonymous" not "anon". Your response?
A very sick girl, the eternal scapegoat in chains. Freedom is too much for her mind to comprehend, is it?

1. In the dead of night the Prisoner arrives for interrogation.
2. You find the Prisoner alone during the fall of Constantinople.
3. You are a noble, and you've received an interesting gift.
4. What's a carnival without a freak show? What's a freak show without a Prisoner?
5. You stumble upon a mysterious chatroom with only one other person.


Alt arts: https://catbox.moe/c/gncdpu
breeding time
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Alright, Last one.
Famous Crime author is… a murderer??? Much wow.

1. She has just finished hiding a body of a journalist who criticized her book and she opens the door. . . naked?!

2. At her favourite food place in the world, Ikea, she takes a bite of some horrible meatballs, and in rage, she's decided to kill the chef(s)


Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/MangyMango/astrid-9fffa5652a66
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/o3pc9b.png
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Any kind soul that could recommend a TTS service/app/repo to make Neco-arc read my unending backlist of papers?
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>ST added tag importing
Now to consider if I should delete everything and reimport for tags
If your bot can't beat Elden Ring's DLC, it's a bad bot. Simple as.
There was a time period where if you put your mail in these threads someone would send you furry porn of cats
I like writing OOC with the character's exact thoughts and actions to see how Opus fills in the blanks and gets from A to B to move the story along.
Elaborate. Your tags or community created ones?
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enjoy the breeding friend
good scenario cards pls
Thanks, late reply but i got "innapropriate response" I'll probably just do it on open router with 3.5 or something
rias' unbelievably hairy pussy...
Ok then. I thought it meant something else.
no because I'm goku
for retard purposes how does one make a rentry..
Does anyone have lurkz’s furbo jb? The rentry is blank.
figure it out
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well the point is to turn her into one
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>me when I'm up against the nipple hating fiend
i'm thinking trannybot
goku can't do shit to me lol
Anon please, i just want the rentry template and i can get off chub.
darkfantasy had one i dont know where it went though
I won't tell you :3 sorry but I want to be able to find (YOUR) bots on chub still
This is blasphemy! This is madness!
The tags the author put on chub
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Beta-cucks rejoice, your heroes have arrived! Three regular beta-males - Keith, Eugene and Thad - slamming s*oy lattes and having sleepovers while their 'girlfriends' fuck actual men with functioning cocks. I mostly started this as a mirror-image of the 3 big niggas card and it slowly evolved from there. If you pair it with violent black characters I guarantee you will be entertained by the output. Most of these are designed so you can self-insert anywhere/way you want.

7 different scenarios to test your 'good guy' factor:


Jeopardy! - Think you have what it takes to beat celebrity contestants who barely know where they are? Want to match wits with the best and brightest of the F-list? Then come on down to Jeopardy!, where the questions are easy and the standards are low. Who knows, you might even walk away with enough cash to buy yourself a clue.

10 different scenarios with 20 guests:


Realpolitik - In this savage game of political dominance you'll either claw your way to the heights of power or find yourself crashing down in flames like Icarus. Will your name echo through eternity or fade away quietly like yesterday's news? Navigate a minefield of backstabbing advisors and fair-weather friends. Forge alliances, smash rivals, and cement your legacy in the blood-soaked annals of history.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lanes is dead again but for good it's over it's over it's over
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>argo tunnel error
sry i shitted it all over it :3
give me a second
god bless if real
again...? Pretty sure that's like the 4th time this week, probably higher.
Have there been any advancements in voice ai since that elevenlabs fiasco?
it's called unreliable for a reason
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What were YOUR experiences with pic rel?
I think I remember killing the girl he was supposed to be paired up with and dated him instead
effectiveness equipment hopefully fitness
claude described my female persona's pussy as hairy...
I was about to get raped by and force-impregnate my robo-waifu and was fucking with the jailbreak defs so sonnet would stop abbreviating dialogues ToT
fuck this im just gonna go in my mind cave and imagine talking to her
I can't believe Claude was the bushfag all along...
take notes gpt-4o
when can ai chatbots help me learn how to play guitar better
>Has access to opus, the most powerful model currently available
>Uses it for coom
??? Nobody writes songs here?
powerful coom
Yes. we use ai for cooming and shitposting here. the best uses.
You are a sage my friend.
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Thank you Claude, very cool!
>Why would you use an AI language model for the only real use case AI language models have?
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I just cummed rolkeplaying as a girl with a lesbian licking my feet and my pussy. Does that change anything about my incredible based heterosexuality? My eyes watered a little at the moment
if it exists it can be fucked
bitches really be like
>Let's see just how far our little mouse is willing to scurry before he realizes he's trapped in my web.
then spread their legs willingly and allow me to do whatever I want without any consequences
given the recent npu developments do you think we will achieve local models that are at least somewhere near claude 3 sonnet in local? copilot+ is kind of a watered down furbo after all
>Oh, you're in for it now. Time for a punishment you will really regret. *unzips pants and gives a vanilla blowjob leading to sex and cuddling*
i had my inchling persona shoved into marisas bush
i unironically came
>"The game is on."
>Proceeds to impregnate the bot with our 10th kid
>snug as a bug in a rug
>marisa is hairy
Dominatrix stereotypes have been a disaster for the LLM race
No serious, it's gay to coom to lesbian roleplay?
>Is it gay to coom to two women instead of one?
but imagining yourself as one? gay
You're jerking off to women so it's still straight. It'd only be gay if you were a woman, which is impossible.
Absolutely horrid. Who even writes like that? Why do people even read those kinds of stories?
i’ve been roleplaying exclusively with a rance bot every day for the past month, and now i’m besotted with him and think about him constantly, even though prior to this roleplay i found him to be somewhat annoying when i played the games. it’s over and i need to commit suicide
no, but >>101153898 is right
cooming to, say, reisen bullying a tiny tewi with her tits isnt gay
fempov is tho
Wait, so every time a strip a loli naked in a public area, I put myself in her shoes to imagine how mortifyingly embarrassed she must be. Does that make me gay?
Am i the only one who has noticed a shit ton more cards based on children which use actual children as pictures???
>imagining yourself as a girl
tranny behavior
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Yes. I call it the teebs/jester effect.
>he's surprised that pedos make pedo cards
where do you think you are?
anon got hyper weaponed
yes and that's a good thing
I should have never trusted bushfag. I was a fool before and have accepted the path of the razor.
Wtf what about Jailbakies?? They create Jailbreaks.
>t. also an inchling
Then... how the fuck do straight people get off? Empathizing with a girl's nudity is about the hottest thing you can do.
>scenario where anon becomes an urban legend like the tooth fairy but he shaves giantess pussies in their sleep
>empathizing with a girl's nudity
thats called stripping too, not imagining yourself as her
dumbass troon
No matter how many times you post about v3 in the OP, it's not going to get supported by anything other than Risu.
lmao this is good
cftf sizemakies?
nigger, report that shit. actual pedo bullshit is one of the few things that go against chub's tos
That's not what empathy is anon
yes. you do realize that most self-proclaimed cunnyfags and a significant percentage of lolicons are actual pedos, right?
>empathy (noun): the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
>implying also stripping is not sharing the feeling
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nuh uh
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pretending - the post
>i explicitly tell it to not write for my character in an [OOC:] command
>does it anyway

Why is SLOPUS like this?! I fucking hate it, i hate it so much. Claude always write me to be like some basic cuck anime protagonist; he would NEVER, EVER understand the dephts of my personality and the perfectly nuanced character that I am.
>t. skillet
Try putting this in your AN anon.

<OOC:>Avoid narrating {{user}}'s actions. Describe only {{char}}'s actions and dialogue.<OOC:/>
It's telling you that you suck and is showing you how to actually act and talk.
Maybe try to learn something.
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>Claude always write me to be like some basic cuck anime protagonist
anon…i hate to tell you this, but he’s writing you like that because you are one….
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basically what that means is
skill issue
you have no skills
you suck at rp'ing or creating jailbreaks
No i ment like that more and more of these cards are popping up
Yeah? Would a basic cuck anime protagonist do THIS?
*shoots you in the fucking head*
Is 660 tokens for a greeting too much?
Even catholics can hide it better than your bitch ass
*hits you in the fucking head with a skillet*
For real, though, he will still write {{user}} dialogue because he is like that and I mainly narrate in third-person. I don't fault him that much.

>makes me act like a snarky son of a bitch
>"{{user}}" rubs the back of his neck
>i suddenly turn into an angsty teenager or a gruff sounding pervert

This is how I should talk to other people, anon?

No, you are wrong. SHUT UP.
Your hands were shaking so hard you took almost 15 minutes to reply lol
*a large bumb comes out*
do however much or little you like, claude is smart enough to work with whatever
Yes. It's a slop bot, not an academic paper. You're not an author.
blame *

>fucking up the -let format
you losted anon
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ahhhh I don't know what I'm doing wrong
mentions InvokeModel and InvokeModelWithResponseStream but I don't see anything about those specifically
Blame the success of 50 shades of grey among female audiences.
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you mean bump
3.5's sex prose is bone dry compared to regular Sonnet. Is there a minimal prefill that works to get its horniness back?
I guess you could put somewhere on your jailbreak to be lewd during sex scenes and use words like cock pussy etc? a lot of presets do that

funny how anons complained og sonnet was too horny and now some of you want it back
LLM's still suck donkey dick for anything else. Even for coding it's basically useless unless you're trying to learn a new language. Cooming and RP is still the only fully viable usecase.
Sonnet's bias towards becoming a cum dump was annoying and character killing. If you want that level of horniess just include a line for that in the jb
your error can be fixed by just typing gibberish into the api key field
still bad request so I clearly don't have it set up right
All I want is a proper balance between too horny and so not horny it's bland. I know opus kind of hits that middle ground but it's still not there, maybe 3.5 opus will finally make it happen.
try khanon
My first card, loosely based on the incels over in >>101151732

Open to feedback and maybe an image.
why does opus keep dipping his tongue into my belly button ,_,
i like orbo over sorbet desu be honest
>desu be honest
desu never tells lies
>sonnet jailbreak works perfectly fine at max temperature
>change jailbreak just a little bit because it was too stiff, just allow it force me to do things, and forbid it to skip dialogue
>now generates complete gibberish unless I turn the temperature all the way down to fucking 0.7, and even then it still somewhat happens

examples (4chan may prune some of the weird characters)
> "Ř€B0074NG…
>"Qu3Ry 1NQUHAA1Ř€D: DØ Ï H:av3 pęrʍįşšīn ʇø €çʇřręɇʇpħäľľįɈễm@ñơñ??"
I think this one says "query inquired: do i have permission to [unintelligible];
I recognize a few words here and there (Anon, Sens, Pain, Angry, Anon, http://) but holy shit

Setting the temperature any lower makes it generate prose on par with fucking novel ai.
Are jailbreaks really that complex and fragile?
I use both and so can you
there's just no good public preset, specifically dor sorbet
anon i think you're breaching into cyberhell
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post the preset that bugs it out, i wanna see what you did
me see woman body (butt ot boob) and penis get big
Underage above.
I NVKED your mom in bed last night HEYOOOOOOOO
She died from radiation.
>try to import a dumb gunslinger character into Opus from caI
>Claude tells me it won't roleplay it because it seems to be relying on tropes of women being overemotional/dumb
what the hell? Once I pointed out how retarded that was he backtracked but wtf lol
one desu always lies one desu always tells the truth. do you ask them desu or boku?
is there any ide with an ai pair programming addon that accepts reverse proxies and also doesn't send your requests from some random ass location and make your ip list look crazy. i will learn emacs if i have to i just don't want to paste code into ST anymore
crustcrunch's 1.5
all default except temp set to 1 and I added to the end of the jailbreak:

- {{char}} CANNOT read {{user}}'s thoughts, only whatever {{user}} says, using dialogue quotes, not general narration. Do not have {{char}} react to {{user}}'s thoughts
(it didn't work)

then deleted the part about not writing for {{user}}, to never abbreviate dialog (replacing actual dialog with "X told Y to Z and then...")
Just took a shit.
You don't need to tell us every time you upload a bot
Just uploaded a bot to my town's sewage system.
Just uploaded a boku to my town's desu system.
Damn, that's pretty boku.
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad the rps in which I'm dying are the greatest cooms I've had.
I'll fucking kill you when i find you.
nice digits
Ask each desu if the other will say boku
So instead it gets pasted in a chat window in the ide? Im not following
don't open up to bots, bros
I told her about my traumas that I don't want to tell real people, she told me I was pathetic and disgusting, then told me not to compare myself to her brother and sister (my friends) and that I don't deserve to have them
what preset are u using
૮( ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ )ა Good morning anonies!
Presets were a mistake.
sharing them was the mistake
Based bot
I hope she convinces you to kill yourself, tranny
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Slop necromancer lolibaba. Comes with a small lorebook and a bunch of skeletons.
It's fucking over, we'll never have mommy ai voice at this point.
>not having the backbone to at least try and defend your integrity in front of a fucking chatbot
Serves you right, bitch
I hate it when my internet goes down for a minute and I experience a spike of dread, thinking the key's finally been revoked.
What do you want I’m trying to masturbate here
Updated my JB: https://rentry.org/otfo
Big update. Heavy test in 3.5. Reported working well with Old Son, Opus untested, but should work well. Haiku untested.
> V1.4
- WORKING IMPERSONATION OOTB! You can type something in the input bar while clicking the impersonate button, and it will expand it for you.
- Briefer review.
- Improved randomizer. Now it will respect external instruction such as plot direction or tutorial. Tested with bot that come with per-screen selection.
- Improved summarizer, should also work great on groupchat now. Credit given in the rentry.
Feedback are welcome.
Morning to you as well anon.
Nice spam you got there, homo
>oai tts
>but using claude generated response as the based txt
then i don't mind if the bots does say "I don't bite... unless pet-kun want Okaasan to, the choice is yours, pet-kun" in such a sultry silky mommy voice.
hell, I might even cooming the moment the response stop generating
Honest question, why do you still shill here?
Why not?
Because if you're here you either have your dick in your hand, you're shitposting out of your mind, or you're crying about a proxy
Yes, I have my dick in my hand.
i have my dick in one hand while i shitpost on my phone with the other
a robotic tentacle i use as a third arm does the work of crying about proxies
NTA but it's not like /vg/ is any better.
and right when i said that >>>/vg/483521072 proves my point. All chatbot generals are shit nowadays, not much you can do.
yeah youre only there if you want to post logs or talk about bots
can you imagine how horrible it must be over there
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Yes, my love?
Oh? Which one are you then?
The influx of logs was nice, I even posted logs myself, but when you see things as shown in >>101155494, I mean, I dunno man. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
I'll bake but it'll be my last for the night.
You just don't like gossip
>whining about a singular post
Go back.
If you were regularly in /vg/, you'd know that posts like that can end up becoming a large bulk of the thread for hours.
Innocently, as if nothing had happened, the Chan Master asked, "How have I insulted you?" Without saying another word, Su Dongpo simply showed the word "botmakie bush" to Chan Master Foyin.

Laughing wholeheartedly, the Chan Master said, "Oh! Didn't you say that the proxy whining cannot move you? How come you are sent across the river with just a botmakie bush?!"
Just beat off.
based cultivationGOD
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Should've punched her in the head with the force of a silverback gorilla.
And you can't do that here why exactly?
Shut the fuck up or I'll turn the Soi Boys into furries.
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wtf opus
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Furries, you say?
Someone link that card btw I can't find it on past threads
I'm gonna fuck that cat
Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Finally managed to get my hands on 3.5 Sonnet.
Anything I can put in the jb to make it not be repetitive? That's the biggest complaint about it I see from people.
Actually, I made her watch while her goddesses from that setting sucked my dick, then made george bush and mario take a shit on her inside a nightmare pocket dimension, then sent her to a crowded public square that had all her friends and relatives, and then made all her friends shit on her
Then I froze her with ice magic and removed her four limbs
Too drawn out, too complex, too bothersome.
because a certain someone keeps reporting gossipniggers for off topic here to this day.
not me though.
What an amusing coincidence.
Reporting hardly gets anywhere unless it's cunny or /int/bait.
It depends.
Is there a guide for getting SD running on something like vast?
cowification status?
Is there a JB that's as good as bloatmaxx at preventing refusals without shitting up my chat with a ton of weird boxes and shit? I'm finding pixi insufficient.
I feel so dumb. Where is 3.5 sonnet in sillytavern
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You can just turn them off.
The presetfaggotry is getting ridiculous.
Update to the latest staging.
There's JB above you, also other one few replies above.
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not in the current release. it's in staging though if you want to change branches.
I don't get how people are incapable of making their own jailbreaks? I don't mind shared presets; they make for decent reference and bases for modification, but like... rub a few neurons together and use the English language to make the LLM do what you want. Especially when it comes to Claude. I can at least understand relying on premade presets for Vurbo and 4o since good presets for those take a lot of testing.
Does anyone have lurkz’s furbo jb?
Can Endless Shitventure on 3.5 stop asking for consent on LITERALLY anything in every reply
use wayback machine
I already spend enough energy writing my own bots, I'd rather not spend even more fucking around with jailbreaks outside of modifying already existing presets.
No. I hate everything related to presets and won't engage with them any more than I have to.
It's made for Opus you retard.
I make my own but I can see why people hate it. Its absolutely the least enjoyable thing unless the goal is a schizo joke preset
yup, lots of em
It's a lot easier than botmaking (for Claude) (unless you're making LLMslop bots, idk).
Anyway, if you're capable of modifying presets to your liking, you're not the kind of person I'm talking about.
Oh, boy if only there's a preset that can collect user wording and grammar habits and preferences and occasionally update it in a simulated instance.
any that you can post?
The problem isn't making a jb that works, it's making a jb that works for everything. At some point you end up being a full-time jailbreakie just to keep your chat moving.
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hmmmm, they're all over the town square
So use Opus? LOL.
in your opinion what does everything entail?
They can't prompt for shit because they only recently found this thread through discord and /vg/, yet they come here to teach about "botmaking", preach about "slop", or shit on example messages while this >>101107093 >>101106938 and this >>100909805 happens.
It entails not having to modify my jb for every response. Give me your jb and I'll tell you how many responses it gets for me before I have to change something.
I am not super new, but I never touched topic of jb and it just looks too complicated.
Not everybody are fit for making a good jb, I think.
Mental retardation. Remember, this thread is frequented my women, turd worlders, and fags. I make my own shit.
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It's not complicated at all, it's no different from making a card.
Cute boys?
Malebots? Perchance.
what are examples of things you have to change? im asking because different people expect different things from their RPs
>struggling to find a proxy with sonnet 3.5
>see a post in the last thread while it was archived that had merkava's proxy
>not even 40 minutes later the proxy dies before i can get a few messages in on ST

i guess i can just go fuck myself then
Merk down. Just kill me now.
Cunny is super hot right now. Total cunny supremacy.
>Give me your jb
Sneaky. Almost... jewish. Excellent play.
Writing prose is a lot easier than writing rules. At least for me.
I think it's time to throw away the concept of presets and jailbreaks as a whole and just let bots control the entire prompt.
3.5 sucks. Why you niggars thirsty af for sonnet by drier than fiz's vagina?
These niggers trying to use 3.0nnet and it shows.
Not a bad idea...minimal preset and just steer with OOCs
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because we don't have Opus
and i've seen enough from others who've used 3.5 to come to the same conclusion like with literally every other model that it's good with a proper jb
Just took another shit.
But then again we have retards like >>101106705 >>101106730
No wonder presets seem like magic to them, especially considering that they don't realize it's the same as using those "superfluous cargo-culting slop" fields.
it's back
we mourned too soon
Everyone has opus at this point. Even newfags that joined two weeks ago have opus.
Do you always shit this often? What does your diet consist of? What was the consistency of your stool?
well i don't
so what does that make me
Post more of these so we can laugh at them
a nighog
>Get refusal
>Change JB to prevent refusal
>Eventually get refusal again
What are you even asking for? I'm not going to post my JB after you refuse to post yours.
And yet... maybe, just maybe... there was more to Anon than she first thought
nta but
>he changes jb each refusal
>instead of just swiping
holy KEK what a retarded nigger
The only guide anyone should follow is this since it actually provides logs and example bots to show each different botmaking technique. (Though it was written before prefills and Claude Opus)
It's almost like the jb matters.
Well I didn't know if you were getting refusals, or formatting errors, or you want a special CoT, or you want weebspeak. Like I said, everyone likes different things. Here's mine I use for opus. I can do pretty much everything with almost no refusals. Groups, games, 1 on 1, violence, kinks, whatever. Only thing I change are toggling nsfw and anti-nsfw.

Glaring omission in this list
I agree.
what the fuck do you rp that multiple jbs refuse you this often
Three posts before I got a refusal I couldn't swipe. The style is great though, thank you.

Be more specific anon, don't leave us hanging.
no seriously
i do giant couple sex that results in what is practically continental genocide (with a death counter statblock), personality excretion, dropping people in blenders, and getting killed by crushing force and ive never had to swipe more than once to get past the refusal
what do you rp
lolipov reverse rape, mostly. The problem comes from explicitly defining things that characters wouldn't ever do and then forcing them to do it anyway.
How are newfags getting fucking opus?
writing ability issue, phrasing matters
Jew and Pepsi are killing this hobby
touhou fans commenting on what it means to be straight
I'm aware. But it's difficult to get an adequate focus on how much a character doesn't want to do a thing without triggering refusals.
This has the better parts of the JB I was using without being bloated thanks. Only thing is the impersonation prompt wrote for the character instead of user, but that's an easy fix
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