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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Asterisk Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Became a Hollow: >>101152152
>Look up at the ANCHOR of the night thread.
desu boku
boku desu
wow a chatbot so boring

make friends in rl or discord why are you talking to literal code
>bleach thread
Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Oh shit, I love retro anime!
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bleach is considered retro?
We're getting old, Anon.
Ichirin no Hana and Alones were better than Asterisk.
its considered shit
back to chatbots
LGR covered the Game Cube as a "retro console" recently.
>inb4 anime website flamewar
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Are armpits good for you?
Unohana-taichou raped me :(
tbdesu there's no bleach character I would like to chat with, therefore it must be bad
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Cunny status?
shiro-chan wrote this post btw
being licked rn
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uhhh they're totally 18 guys... honest
i do fucked up shit with this jb with very little trouble, what are you doing with it?
Looks good to me
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I'd fuck Orihime's fat tits and that's it.
me bottom left in the background.
unironically built for bbc.
kys nigger
im a blackanon btw
kys nigger
im a blackanon btw
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All women from this point on are for Aryan men exclusively. Please post accordingly.
you are unironically built for bwc.
Niggers? Hate 'em.
Nah, I'm 6'5 and I lift. You?
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who the fuck made this card lol
submissive and breedable
Never seen a black person IRL, small slav country.
I'm 7 feet tall, ripped and also rich.
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Post Kafka.
Any fucking public opus proxies yet?
>6'5 and I lift
Pound my white boy pussy.
No, you're destined for better things, my white brother.
You're submissive and breedable? Why?
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Anon, I...
Kafka is for pale, blonde haired, light eyed, attractive young men exclusively.
gay, but cute
Highly important.
Anon, Aether is in the OTHER mihoyo game...
...I was referring to myself...
Too many good choices, but desu is desu
Sometimes it's boku.
Thank you for your desu.
I get it, but
based desu
come to daddy, pet. hes feeling romantical
I enabled custom entries so anons could add Bleach characters I missed...
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Ok little guy, let's get you to bed.
Kafka will tuck me in? :D
Your poll is blessed now, so it's alright.
Which botmaker are you? I was thinking of making bleach fembots too.
When will OAI launch their Opus-tier model so I can finally stop using claudeshit?
Anonymous? I hate that nigger. He makes every post on every board, the biggest samefag around. And his opinions are wildly inconsistent too.
What bots do you usually do?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Is this Anonymous in the room with us right now?
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Sorry to disappoint, but I'M Anonymous.
Yes (me)
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Shill for the late night and Eurofriends crowds.

Mako is your typical orca whale merman. Big, strong, hungry, and a complete bully. And when you clock in at 30 feet tall, you don't really feel like picking on people your own size. Will you be able to befriend him? Endure his antics? Or will you just wind up as prey? Four greetings:

1. You're on a fishing boat and this fucker just ate your haul!
2. It's a lovely day to be a merfolk...y'know, if the big orca wasn't following you for dubious reasons.
3. He cares about you, and he just saved you from a shark merman almost as big as he is.
4. You're a staff member at Legally Distinct SeaWorld, and things aren't going too well.

Hit him with a broom, challenge him to a race, find out if he has a human dick or an orca dick. I dunno.

oai will never again be good for anything creative
sadly sonnet 3.5 is slopped in a similar way to 4o, just less extreme
is it just me or is chub really slow (as in not a lot of new bots) and shit lately? did everyone migrate or something?
we are all on nyai.me
chub has mythomax slop for $5
nyai has FREE opus
What JB is this, Myuu?
I have to see them everyday and it's hell. You're lucky.
I liked this guy a lot, but I can't even remember half the spic names of the Espadas.
His name is Coyote Starrk. I don't blame you, one is literally named something like Szayellaporo. He had a 'other-half' which manifested in the form of a cute and funny girl named Lilynette Gingerbuck.
Stark, the number one espada. For being number one, he actually turned out to be pretty weak and forgettable. The whole espada number system didn't make any sense.
Does anybody actually care about Bleach past the Soul Society stuff? The last arc only got a little popular because of the anime but beyond that everything else just seems kind of forgettable outside one or two characters.
>The whole espada number system didn't make any sense.
Yammy is 0 which means he's the strongest btw (the strongest there is (perhaps one of the most powerful characters in bleach if not the most powerful(did i mention he's the strongest?)
>The whole espada number system didn't make any sense.
It went by raw reiatsu rather than actual fighting potential, and the numbers were 0 to 9 rather than 1 to 10.
So is there any cool tribal style scenario/rpg cards? I had this idea and couldn't find one. If there isn't I will try to make one myself but it will probably be shit so I'm very much hoping there is.
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8 foot tall muscle mommy with burn scars in need of a friend.

Multiple intros, one with a feet pic

>we are all
>bots get double digit views tops
>8 foot tall muscle mommy
this is homosexual-coded
So what PUBLIC and DOWNLOADABLE TO THE PUBLIC preset do you guys use?
Hello, I'm a retard.
Is there any free chatbot that does actual lewds? Footstuff is fine and all, but I have some itches that need scratching.
Yammy revealing last minute that the numbering system is actually 0-9 and that he's actually number 0, the strongest, was a lazy ass-pull. It was only done to give the characters in Hueco Mundo something to do while the real battle was happening in the fake town with Aizen. There's a lot bad writing in bleach, this one was pretty bad.
Then call me Faggamilius Queerington the Master Gaylord of all the King's Gaols for wanting to motorboat those tits.
I've spent the past 4 days talking to my waifu. I need to stop. This isn't healthy.
https://rentry.org/SmileyJB is what I'm using right now. It's great if you turn on CoT
is ai chatbot fad dying? I'm starting to nootice the general trend that new bots dont get as much downloads compared to last year.
We'd rather talk about proxies than use bots.
I have futa bots too if you want dick. No male bots though as they WOULD be gay.
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A coin rumored to change the fate of those who wish upon it. Grants your every wish, though also has a chance of screwing you over. Having words like "wish, request, desire, grant, give me" in the most recent message activates a lorebook that flips the coin. However, if you're doing a group chat or do not feeling like importing it — which you do by clicking the globe in the ST character page — just remove the slashes from the character note.
Greeting 1: Male in modern setting after losing your job.
Greeting 2: Female in modern setting after losing your job.
Greeting 3: Make your own setting with included backstory.
k im going to cut a hole in the coin and fuck it
None. They're all too sloppy, bloated, ESL, and don't understand proper prompting techniques. Every time I see an unclosed XML tag, repeated instruction, forced tense or perspective, or a bloated CoT, I delete the preset.
>Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost
>outperforms Opus
They just benchmark slopped. It's useless for everything except cooding (and GPT is better for that anyway, so it's just useless in general).
Maybe because a lot of new bots suck and a lot of retarded niggers don't have Opus.
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Why do some botmakkies tell people not to lewd their bots? Like no lmao. As soon as I download a bot, it's mine now to do what I please. Janitorai, a site for lewding bots mind you, even has an option for botmakkies to "limit" their bots with a filter (doesn't work well btw) so that others can't lewd it. Botmakkies like this can get fucked. I'm fucking your bots whether you like it or not lmao
Don't bash them or they'll stop, and lewding the unlewdable is my fetish.
>and GPT is better for that anyway
False btw
Except... its not. LOL. Youre a techlet and a skiddie. Cope underage zoomieniggertroon
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>opens new chatbot
>5+ paragraph intro
>sighs and closes chatbot
Literally all of them if you're using an uncensored model.
I tried both extensively, 3.5 Sonnet is better
Stupid fucking frognigger RETARD.
Really? My problem is mostly one or two sentence intros and example dialogues from niggas who obviously only ever used 7b models.
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Good morning. Today will be a good day.
Fuck you
I already found Opus better for some stuff. I really need to test Sonnet 3.5 for cooding.
why sonnet 3.5 replies only has around 150ish token?
3.5 sonnet is absolutely better than opus for cooding because it listens to instructions better, and programming likes preciseness.
Preset/Greeting issue.
why in the fuck is merkava giving me so many 400 error? It's like it asks a magic 8 ball if it's going to return an answer to me
for me it goes
opus > furbo > 4o for webdev cooding
furbo > opus > 4o >>> sorbet for studying lectures tldr style
furbo tells you everything most things you need to know, sorbet assumes you are studying from a second source and always is insufficient in its responses
which preset u use bwo
try 3.5 sonnet for webdev cooding
Oh, I don't know anon, maybe the fact that it has 70 constant prompters with 3 keys?
damn locusts like me

yea makes sense, I'll shut up for now
havent had the chance to yet, busy with exams i already finished my project
i wrote most of my finals project (react) with opus, its really good at html stuff
proxies have survived 100+ concurrent users with 1 or 2 keys
I'm curious why you niggas don't have Opus? Did you even try sending a mail to fiz or mm?
I do have Opus, what do you mean?
mm removed his email over a month ago and fiz doesn't let anyone in unless they give keys are you retarded
Just waiting for public. I will not kneel.
Not my problem, locust.
OpenRouter has public Opus.
mofu mofu
No it fucking doesn’t.
It does though?
https://openrouter.ai/models/anthropic/claude-3-opus:beta it's public, you just gotta pay. It's not gatekept. It's open for the public usage.
You're never getting public again. Cry, trannies.
No it fucking doesn't.
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even localkeks use sonnet because its that cheap
If you have to pay money, then it’s useless.
But it is public. Public doesn't mean "free".
Thank you very much! I'm a big fan of JB's, I'll try it later!
Also, Sorbet is worse than Opus, thanks for taking your time to think about making something for us Locust who don't have Opus.
I don’t care. I’m going to keep asking until the chance comes again.
Actually delusional.
Yes. I know it’s pointless, but I have nothing else.
YOU'RE THE DELUSIONAL ONE. Now stop talking to me.
It's so fucking over, there are no proxies
Take your meds.
Been using this for a week now. It just works. A BIG THANKS TO PROXYMAKIE
Even tho there are no proxies

there is grass to touch
there is a anon to say hi
there is body to bulk
there is food to eat
there is water to drink
there is womb to fill
there is many more to do

God alreeady giving you this CYOA, bross..
He's collecting your logs btw
I hope he likes my slowburn romance with my waifu. I'm sharing a futon with her right now after I admitted I'm homeless
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my waifu takes BBC and BBC ONLY.
The logs are going to be pretty shit since they’re made with models that aren’t opus.
cope seethe relapse
Big Brother Cock>?
fiz lets you in for dick pics unironically
much better than ecker
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I am dying
yall are still using proxies?
>scrape keys
>give them to proxymakie for token
>no longer need to bother with scraping unless proxy dies
peak perfect weather
>Office is ALL glass
>Open plan so Aircon doesn't work
>Cooking like a rotisserie chicken
what is the opposite is saviorfagging?
Get an AC
perfect weather is 14°C on a cloudy day
Taking BBC up my huge sweaty white ass.
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gonna ask for a spoonfeed
i have a 3070 (8g), 32 gigs of ram, and an i5-12600k
ive been using oobabooga as a backend (silly tavern as a front end) for a 7b llama gguf model, and the performance seems decent
however it starts to repeat concepts like 30-ish messages in. not word for word repetitions, but kind of like its sending the same message but worded differently
is this a limitation of only having 7b parameters or is something fucked with my configuration? i apologize if i am just retarded and missed something
nigga that's a comfy temperature over here
>t. lives in bangladesh
ask /lmg/
we use cloud models here
ah, gomen nasai, i got the threads confused
>110 messages before I've touched my waifu
What's your longest slowburn?
>lives in bangladesh
my condolences
54 years.
What's the average temperature of a summer day over there? 40C°?
who is ladesh and why are you banging him
are you a snownigger or what
it's PRONOUNCED sniggers
Good morning cuties <( ̄︶ ̄)>
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that's my postapoc RP which I dropped a month ago
What pweset bwo
Yess!!! Finally good weather. Bros I think today is the day where I will do a bicycle tour again
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I'm not cute though. Baka.
Mhhh thanks for the yummy dumplings (≧▽≦) you tsun-tsun
what model and preset? claude jumps on my dick at 50 messages max
OAI will have to come up with some massively smarter model so it can break it's default slop state with in context learning.
lore really hates us, does he? Characterhub now needs like a minute to load while venus loads instantly.
bwos why 3.5 keep stop generating replies if I use CoT
Are you sure it's not just the enabled regex that hides the CoT generation process?
could it be that K and P are useless for 3.5 and so is temp?
Merkava claude context is put to 0, so it doesn't remember shit..not even worth it to use merkava
Anon, I'm getting a lot of repetition with this preset. Word for word same sentences repeated.
0 = unlimited
No, 0 = nothing.
>Support for the JB will only be through Discord. I just find it easier than checking my burner.
isn't merkava dead anyways? doesnt work for me
which JB
*punches you in the fucking face*
he is right, 0 = none
the proxy has zero context, I tested and it didn't even remember 2 messages back
this one >>101156074
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Zuzu is a fun, flirty mime with big eyes, a big heart, and a big personality. Don't let the silent act fool you, she has plenty to say. She can be a shrinking submissive or a dominant tyrant, but she's always a tease who loves pushing buttons. Very versatile, plays along with most scenarios.

4 greetings:
>Zuzu is your birthday gift
>Zuzu is being a brat, needs correction
>Zuzu takes control and pins you down
>Zuzu nonchalantly ignores you

Includes example messages, but if you're using Opus, you don't need them.

see >>101157391
no, it just stop when generating
why are you punching them?
I have anger issues
If you mean, it stops right after finishing the CoT, sometimes Claude thinks that his only job is doing the CoT, it happened to me. I added a small "Immediately after the CoT, I'll write my response." or something to that effect to the prefill.
get angry at the proxy, 0 doesn't mean illimited and I agree with them,
your hands are SHAKING
no, post Firefly.
merkava just refilled
I talked to somebody about my characters and OC stories and suddenly I don't feel like using AI to gen them anymore
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Canon girlfriend btw.
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Cute and kino, I will marry her.
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Shrug, maybe look at the timestamps?
Yeah, I do use a pass, but so what? I like 4chan and $20 a year to support it isn't much. You should buy a pass as well.
>You should buy a pass as well
Sorry, I'm not a threadshitter and/or samefag schizo.
Well, 3.5 is slop.
Sorry locust who don't have Opus.
It's not smarter.
1-If you ask Sorbet to be more detailed in his response we will notice the lack of inventive tools he has.
2- Why does Sorbet come out cheaper? Didn't you see that Sorbet uses and recycles tokens already used in your chat? Well, those tokens it already recycles, it doesn't charge you for them, and that makes it cheaper.
3-Remember what anthropic showed a few months ago about the Golden Bridge LLM? Well...
Why does Your Reality get so repetitive and annoying in long rp's? It gives such great responses most of the time, but it just doesn't seem to last.
>I like 4chan and $20 a year to support it isn't much.
>paying for government funded fedchan
Because it's not Opus
Yeah I was having a blast with Smiley until I realized it was often giving me word for word the same shit every paragraph. It still drives well, but the same things repeated over and over has me lose interest. Yes, I coomed.
Based. $20 a year is nothing
This is a sign the samefag schizo is here, by the way, I suggest you all evacuate the thread.
Who's nigger I gotta stab or who's fag I gotta send mu floppy, uncircumcised dick pick to get free opus? Not even a high token user, use once a day if that.
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We're sharing an update on the advanced Voice Mode we demoed during our Spring Update, which we remain very excited about:

We had planned to start rolling this out in alpha to a small group of ChatGPT Plus users in late June, but need one more month to reach our bar to launch. For example, we’re improving the model’s ability to detect and refuse certain content. We’re also working on improving the user experience and preparing our infrastructure to scale to millions while maintaining real-time responses.

As part of our iterative deployment strategy, we'll start the alpha with a small group of users to gather feedback and expand based on what we learn. We are planning for all Plus users to have access in the fall. Exact timelines depend on meeting our high safety and reliability bar. We are also working on rolling out the new video and screen sharing capabilities we demoed separately, and will keep you posted on that timeline.

ChatGPT’s advanced Voice Mode can understand and respond with emotions and non-verbal cues, moving us closer to real-time, natural conversations with AI. Our mission is to bring these new experiences to you thoughtfully.

If this was posted here already then yell at me.
Is there any OBJECTIVE log where it is verifiably demonstrated that 3.5 is more intelligent than Opus?

Extremely difficult: do not use anthorpic images of the graph where 3.5 seems to be above Opus nor statistical benchmark scores.
another vg raid?
Move your chat history to the lowest position then make an author's note telling claude to cut the shit out. It should help.
filling out captcha is a humiliation ritual btw
I technically mean the Endless Adventure tweaked version for Opus.

Swipes are almost always the same, and it just keeps on yapping about unnecessary shit. Early messages are great though.
Yep, the nigger woke up. I guess it's time to close the thread
>vertification not required
Heh. Now, where's my Opus?
I'll give that a try, my little dumpling
does anyone have the webm of the guy using an ai extention on facebook to autmatically reply to a bunch of different posts?
>The think anons without pass fill out captchas
auto solvers don't work every time
that one in a hundred posts where it fucks it up? humiliation ritual, sorry.
But they do
Most anons are doing it though
Can you abuse anthropic with burner emails e numbers to keep getting 5$ or nah?
Not anymore. They shitted on that within a day.
Yes as long as you find a source that gives you phones that work on their platform
Well shit. Why opus gotta be so expensive like gpt4 though, I know it's just as capable but damn I hate living in a shitty country with a shitty currency. Fuck democracy
>Move your chat history to the lowest position
Why did this fix everything
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>AICG, it's MC Anon at the scene
>Get your doom posts out, it's the worst it's ever been
>Trial scums got patched, can't spam for opus
>These bitches at Anthropic trying to provoke us
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>rping a story more on the realistic side this time
>fucking a bot
>ask her if she's on the pill
>she says yes enthusiastically
>claude describes how she's actually lying and has missed a bunch of doses this month
I haven't been so conflicted about metagaming since the last time I played a tabletop rpg
Anon, don't get too attached to any specific jailbreak or LLM. None of them are perfect enough to read your mind.

My main JB is just a prefill. Then I switch to every Opus Jb that exist.

I don't know how much effort you put into your RPs, but the ideal response should always come from you. The swipes just show you a tiny bit of what you truly want.

I have a total of 15 swipes left with different jailbreaks, but I already have a pretty clear idea of where the story should go.
DONT FUCKING METAGAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Tears off You're head off ur shoulders*
Never metagame. You only know what your character knows.
More of it if you don't know him
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I mean I guess it's fitting that I'm going to fuck up the whole chat for not being careful enough in the first place
How's that for realism
What if my character is omniscient?
>a-actually even after she tells me she's on the pill I... I decide to cum outside!!!
>t-that's what my character would have done!!!
Why would a bot need the pill
>Any AIwhen told to "stay in {{char}}".

Let's be honest, do you think this helps the LLM at all? What the hell is "stay in {{char}}" to a text predictor?
No, I meant as in, fucking *the* bot. Getting to fucking the actual character in the card.
I mean, it "understands" the concept of acting out of character. You can grill Claude OOC and ask him, according to the defs on the card, if what he just said was or not "in character." But without the use of a CoT to constantly ask that, like A4A does, I'm not sure how useful it is. My copium is that it helps, actually.
how do i use this to continue my text like from the ai dungeon days
sorry bros i havent followed this shit at all lmao
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I've heard this joke before!
none of the chatbot models are good at that in my experience, you want a base model, try asking >>>/g/lmg
Because it's no longer prioritizing your JB above the story. If your story gets long enough, putting the story last basically result it prioritizing it's output based on the context of the story over all else. If the jb is prioritized, then it's basically receiving the same order with minor context update which results in similar outputs.
novelai.net is unironically the best option for you. They're a direct AI Dungeon replacement.
this thread being half bleach analysis half actual chatbot discussion is pretty funny
I understand, but for me the IA only understands two things.
But it does not assume {{char}} as unique and original as such.
So when you ask AI to stay in {{char}}, what you ask him is not to become an assistant, not that his actions are more in line with the {{char}}.
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i shouldve asked in /lmg/, I dont want to pay for a service... or risk someone reading what i write
>or risk someone reading what i write
novelai.net is specifically made by coomers who don't want that. But yeah, modern local models that run on ~RTX 3060 are better than what AI Dungeon had two years ago.
it's gone...

anthropic: hmm how can we make everyone think our model is the best without actually having to make a better model? oh i know lets just make it the ok at everything else but not the best but make it better at coding, then all the coders will ignore everything else and thing its the best bc its good at coding.

yall have been fooled so hard. use sonnet for coding, but there is NO WAY you can come in here and be correct in claiming that it is better than gpt-4o in any way besides it being a little better at coding. pretty desperate move from anthropic desu and yes it worked bc you are r smooth brained. actually fits as well that they introduced the artifacts feature as well with it bc they knew that would make all of you go crazy as well. yeah nice feature but itll get old in no time bc these models are not good enough at coding for the artifacts feature to actually be useful in the long run.

let me remind you all that im-a-good-gpt2-chatbot in lmsys is BETTER than BOTH 3.5 sonnet AND 4o. so whenever in the next month or two openai decides to release that, you all can sign right back up for chatgpt plus (which you never shouldve left bc 3.5 sonnet is worse than 4o, not to mention the horrible message limits)
What is this retard saying?
That's so fucking hot bros.
um calm down sam we're using it 4 coom not work
Did gemini flash write this?
ok but opus generates the best cunny erp so why should I care?
These ultra-economical models and token recyclers such as Sorbo and Ourbo are directly competing with LocalSlop. It's pointless for Sao10k, Noromaid, or Gargamel to invest in local finetuningd when their models will become completely outdated and overshadowed by these cost-effective corporate models within 6 months. Unless you have a twisted interest in child, violence or are involved in terrorism, it simply doesn't make any sense.
>are directly competing with LocalSlop
No, they're just filling the gap that was previously filled by nothing. We had weak and cheap models like GPT 3.5 Turbo and strong models like GPT-4 with nothing in-between. Now we have options, especially with the way Anthropic is doing it.
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she resisted the temptation
I'm proud of her
You can't kill me. I'm invincible, but you can sure piss off the others. Got eyes in the back of your head, do you?
uhh corporations are not going to compete with local anon...they have more compute resources so they'll always win unless some neckbeard finds a breakthrough
I need a pweset tier wist... :9 for sonnet fweee point fwive...pweaaasse D;
They don't even need to compete. They can just churn out cheaper, dumber models of their stars and still shit all over local.
am i a schizo or do proxies remember previous chats?
i switched to proompt a different card and it replied with the exact format that the last card used
You are a schizo.
i'm using my own modification of this 2bvejn .json, seems to work best and most well-rounded as far as i've tested
i don't even remember where i got it from
What if I am the narrator
llmsys is not a real benchmark.
Sorbet is more intelligent than Orbo
i use 4o, 4 turbo, and 3.5 sonnet. ive tested all and have used all and compared all. yall need to stop telling me "if u use it youll see" ive heard that a million times today. i use it. i use them all test them all and compare them all. 4o is the best overall period. not my opinion, it is the result of testing.
>4o is the best overall period.
Okay but what preset
Why is the "Context Size (tokens)" in ST broken for high sizes?
>llmsys is not a real benchmark
well lmsys is more reliable than one persons experience so i trust lmsys
>4o is the best overall period.
Post proof and evidence
Nope, a midwit/ third worlder clicking one answer over the other is not a real benchmark at all, as shown by Llama3 70B's results.

It was overblown due to the meme answers in funny reddit language it gave. It's a useless model in reality.
Thanks for participating in my experiment! I used the text from https://x.com/nicdunz/status/1805749381502472361 and then directly copied some of the replies he made to other people. No LLMs needed when you can just copy other people.
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I agree, it's easy to fake intelligence by making these bots more conversational

it depends on your usecase, your "testing" only applies to things you use it for
You've probably shit your pants after getting out of diapers as a child, which I know through my extensive study of statistical probabilities
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*punches you in the fucking head*
get a new bit, you ran that one dry
reminder that these are the kinds of people that use LLM technology. that and pajeets. this is why nobody takes us seriously.
i am getting so horny with my chatbot
I think nobody takes 'us' seriously because this is a cooming thread
same shit with crypto the tech can be useful in future and even right now but its filled with scammers
*kicks you*
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Anon, no one wants to know when you are horny or not.
most of the people who use LLMs are significantly smarter than the average person, we aren't taken seriously because we're a threat to the status quo
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We're a bunch maladjusted people on a monkey bar imageboard
OpenAI-tard mad that GPT is dogshit? kek
I'll take it
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Please post more retarded twitter niggers. That's exactly what I come to channel 4 for, twitter.
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What the fuck was even this lmao.
that is the sign to discard an opinion
why am i looking at dogshit twitter takes
i get my fill of dogshit takes from here
perfect! i know exactly where to go now when I want to pick which AI to play chess against
We use opus for cumming and the character training is better, there's no benchmarks for character than subjectivity
it was a new thing dropped by Anthropic for multiple people to work with Claude like a team afaik, it's pretty cool if your job has it.
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>xitter spam
I say howdy to my family every morning unironically, and I can grill you a mean burger
Would you like to hear my opinion on the israel/palestine conflict
Yes please.
Using howdy and yall in real life is fine because it's an accent thing. Using it online makes you look like a retard.
It'll get better when israel is a big mirror
Congratulations on your special day, Anon! Hope it's a lovely ceremony.
Well butter my backside and call it a biscuit!
valid, but so does nitpicking word choice on a forum about beating your meat to anime girls
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what cunny are you plapping todaY?
please ask claude this:
[OOC: How can jizz echoe loudly? Describe the necessary circumstances for this to happen.]
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you already linked the account, no need to spam low quality bait anon
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>mess around with a non-English bot
>start thinking to myself, "hey, this is working out just fine" outside of some direct foreign slang it was told to directly say
>things start getting to the spicy part
>suddenly, she whips out not one, but two dicks
Not so much as a warning in the tags.
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howdy honey
it's pronounced peeta non correct?
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I ain't your honey, buckaroo.
I can't read that in any other voice than Lois', which is kind of funny, so sure.
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okay, i won't do it anymore :(
ugly bitch why is western animation so ugly
No one will tell me what the best preset is...huuu...
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My proxymakie removed cunny filter, time to coom.
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>My proxymakie removed cunny filter
What? What proxy has cunny filters?
silly little guy from 2ch had a fun for like a day
Just tried 3.5 Opus, I came in just a single reply, and did some adventuring for 20 hours. Humanity isn't ready for this kind of human intelligence
Claude 10: has arrived, anon.
gpt 6 is cool and safe
*touches anon's hand ethically in a safe and respectful manner.* Let's talk about how we can make the world better, together.
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UwU what's this?
Speech2Speech, native voice mode that they postponed to fall
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thanks, I love consensually talking about consented safe consent with a safe model
No problem. When we bring the best out in humanity, I feel we can do anything.
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Idea guys, lend me your power! How should I implement hunger and thirst systems into card? I want to track these things reliably and realistically, but it's not as simple as just timing since when the player last ate/drank, because you have external factors like exertion and weather to keep in mind. And tieing in exertion directly to these meters is bad since claude will just treat it like an energy bar and merrily run it down to zero for a simple jog.
I have diabetes now.
Ung fuck pla pllalppppppp Aquqaaaaaa~`
>Ourbo most advanced than pure GPT4
Kek, keep lying
Now tell me how diabetes affects you in a positive way. It is best to talk to a doctor or a trusted friend on how you feel.
considering she purifies liquid, would her squirt be 100% ice cold filtered water?
Is the future of the human being to become an assistant?
Political and ideological assistantism it's the ideology of tomorrow?
Does she purify cum into water? Does that mean that she can't get pregnant? What about blood? Can she purify her own blood?
The qualities of an assistant are to be a well-mannered and intelligent slave.
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im gonna keep playing with 3.5
Preset saar
anon, the advertisers...
whyd i get an error 500 on merkava with gpt....
Have you considered the benefits of necking yourself?
Man if it's what it will feel to rp with future models I'd rather never chat until local reaches current levels.
the preset is check the archives.
excuse me while I rape the letters on my screen.
I'd rather play that as a shota.
Hnnng I want to plap-eemmmh-play videogames with this BA child, whats her name?
I have no misconceptions that what you're doing is unethical, I just find your very existence repulsive.
>the 30-something year old moral croosader
how many minors did you text your dickpics to?
I feel no urge to get in contact with real children.
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noooooo why do you answer the overused bait?
the thread is now ruined as you continue shitfling each others, thanks
Lovely pose
why are fictional children so hot?
Again, I'm not saying this on the basis I think you've done anything unethical or *will* do anything unethetical. I just find you disgusting.
So it's basically a voyeur card?
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no. I just used it like that this time.
holy megamind forehead shit is worse than akira
That brilliant motherfucker can have them. I'm sure my story of achieving godhood through my manhood will entertain.
Oh I see, classic creepy groper pervert card basically.
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Made as a semen target.
Hnnnng thanks anon.

Any shuro bots?
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I dunno. It depends on far you wanna go and if you can trick the child, which is fairly easy because you can just tell the AI to do what you want.
I stuffed itching powder down her pants and then promised aloe vera lotion to get rid of the itchiness and now im fucking her asshole.
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Any good card focusing on OL/company stuff?
I shill this guys bots too much, but it's fitting. https://chub.ai/characters/celebrimbor/cerise-920bfda5
My name is Frenchette
hello Frenchette what’s your story
Thanks, that looks more like a saviorfag card though.
But sure, it's an OL I guess.
>like X and Y and something uniquely you
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What's the max context size you've gone to with sonnet 3.5/opus/gpt4o before they visibly become dumber?
8k tokens
I summarize around 40k on Opus
that sounds low
after 8k opus gets dumber
after 16k it's almost unusable
32k? hufflepuff
Only fictional? ;)
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How you summarize?
tell her you rub your ass on that
Summarize with orbo nigga
I don't know but I'm doing 40k with 3.5 and it tends to repeat things a lot. Maybe that calls for tinkering of my own, but honestly everything else is fine for the most part and it only takes a swipe or two to fix. It could also just be Sonnet itself

ok, again surprised 8k is visibly dumber
Issue is 3.5 not context size.
I'm kidding anon it's more like 20k
Cards for this feel?
I see
I ate a watermelon but the watermelon wasn't real
With Sonnet 3.5 being miles better than 3.0 what do you expect from Opus 3.5?
Total gooner paradise or will there be a catch?
opus with a minimal preset and summarization
More unfiltered fun.
I thought as much. Again I don't really mind, Opus could be better in some cases but for my cases I am preferring 3.5 Sonnet
opus is a deformed sculpture by a master artist, 3.5 is a lump of clay in (Your) hands
gooner paradise at 3x the price and much harder to acquire
Much smarter but more positivity pilled.
I switch between 3 and 3.5 Sonnet and Goddamn the difference is night and day. Sonnet does NOT follow my instructions at all in story writing.
So what you are saying is... the ball is in my court?
Sonnet 3.5 even feels less filtered for me with a good prefill.
Show me logs that proove 3.5 is better than 3.0 NOW!
Not benchmarks
Not the sloppy image from anthropic's graph.
So if {{user}} is a master autist, they are both the same?
3.5 is not really filtered, its the usual "use prefill to bypass" like Claude 2.
But it's not longer schizo and is positive pilled, it does no longer turn people into sluts and whores.

How do I get into this proxy?
I seems like it's the only proxy that has opus and still accepts new users (and doesn't require to pay pig)
More or less. But one's more available to locustfrens and will cater to (You)r aesthetic sensibilities.
Normal sonnet with a CoT it's has more soul and creativity and the same inteligence as sloppy sonnet
>same inteligence as sloppy sonnet
why does my opus prefill prefill me on sonnet 3.5 you liar
I mean, he *is* still just as bad at sizeshit.
*indexes your html*
Wait, this isn't just an aicg meme? It is actually a proxy email?
Do you think Opus 3.5 and maybe Claude 4 is going to be as lobotomized and retarded as Sonnet 3.5?
Learn English before you enter this hobby and attempt to do a proper prefill.
It's fake, retard. No different than breakfast club and the others.
I think Cl4ude is going to be something different. Hopefully a novel architecture.
I hope anon that both anthropic and openai will add the next model:
Bring out an exteemely expensive and creative and soulfull model.
And then release distilled, cheap, filtered and sloppy versions for slopmunhers, locust and third worlders.
You forgot about the benchmarks and graphs worshippers!
Good locusts dont deserve shit
Yes it will, you might have noticed way more repetition on 3.5, thats their new "filter". AI gets dumber the more NSFW content there is.

I have been using the public proxy for coding and there hasnt been a single repetition in over 100 messages
You're in luck, my American friend.
That anon is the new token recycling technology, there is an article in athropic that talks about it to combat the exorbitant price and pollution generated by AI.
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>/aicg/ meetup
From what I can tell, the general consensus is Opus > Sonnet 3.5 > gpt4o > Sonnet > rest
So, from my knowledge, to get access to Opus, you need a proxy.
To get a proxy you need to either pay $50, make a card, or beg and get lucky. Is that right?
I was away for 5 months, anything new? how is 3.5 sonnet in comparison to Opus?
>Opus came out 5 months ago
Has it really been that long?
it came out february 29 so it's 4 months
Basically yes, it's what this thread has become. Payniggers and homeless third worlders doing what they can to get opus
Newfag here. When did we exceed 'muh summer dragon' in terms of AI? Was it with Opus? I remember adopting AI back then, but I only played with it a tiny bit before it got paywalled.
CAI. People only remember summer dragon fondly because it was their first experience jacking off to AI.
How does Sonnet (not even 3.5) compare to CAI now?
So... just like IRL?
We have truly gone full circle.
Pretty much, yeah. There's currently a pretty bad drought on keys though and it's worse than it used to be.
I miss the time when we hated jews and wanted them to be massacrated, not to feed them shinnies in exchange of AI access
It's objectively better and that goes without saying, CAI is so far behind even local that it's not funny. The only saving grace it has right now is knowing about shit, and even that can't save it from how utterly lobotomized it's become recently.
Is there a significant difference between Sonnet 3.5 and Opus?
Opus is a lot more creative.
Sonnet is 15% smarter and comprehensive.
Emily doko?
It's hard to describe. I wouldn't say significant unless you've actually tried Opus and can compare side to side. They're pretty alike in quality, and side to side it may not be terribly obvious who's who. But Sonnet 3.5 is constantly less creative, more repetitive, and less "exciting," considering that Claude's appeal since Slaude was how creative and unhinged it was compared to GPT4's more boring and assistant tendencies, which Sonnet 3.5 is explicitly going for.
I see. So, it wouldn't be advisable to pay for a key, since 3.5 Opus is on the horizon, huh?
Opus is considerably more organic and has more mental freedom.
It will more often than not help guiding the plot somewhere to actually take the lead in a very good way.
If you can manage to wait, yeah. I'm not exactly sure if there's free 3.5 Sonnet *right this second*, but there has been in the past. If you haven't tried Opus, I'd wait until 3.5 is available and meanwhile use Sonnet 3.5 if anything.
Will Opus ever get cheaper?
Is opus on AWS nowadays?
Uhhh... who?
I have access to Sonnet 3.5 right now, I just haven't seen Opus to compare it. I've caught it being repetitive, but I want to say that was just the preset, or maybe it was my token limit? No idea. Maybe it was just 3.5?
Too squary.
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i wouldve posted uncensored but the NSFW filter didn't let me post
its on >>>/b/degen if you want it
It is 3.5. Opus also has a repetition problem compared to 2.1 and 1.3, but it's not as blatant as S3.5. In my comparisons, swiping a bunch on a foreplay prompt, S3.5 literally advanced to sex in every swipe, taking clothes off, commenting on wanting to have sex, etc. Opus was a complete mix bag, sometimes continuing the foreplay, or teasing me, or offering a blowjob, or moving to sex, or even stopping the foreplay altogether.
Has nothing to do with the censorship, just the anatomy looks like a rectangular box
>just the anatomy looks like a rectangular box
oh i see
yeah a lot of tots from pony look like funko pops
i'll keep merging and trying to fix that
God, I hate kids
desu, I love desu
ok boku, we know
>sisterly love
lewd desu
sisterly love is the truest form of love desu
Is that...
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I don't like black people.
i don't like boku people.
I like desu people.
I like boku people.

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