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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

monster miku edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

doki: >>101186155
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nth for broken dick
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morning /g/entlemen
what are we gooing to today?
See >>101188454
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card for anal feel?
femdom gynoids
Merkava, if you’re reading this, could you please refill azure gpt 4 in your proxy.
>Shy big boobs and ass
>That's all
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Nice and simple, no bloat.
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

cai call feature kinda funny
unlike 4o's demo this doesn't stop talking when you talk though
I've been trying for the past hours to make a setting card work with my jb but it refuses to output anything worthy. Not even opus is carrying me here.

This shit is driving me crazy. I also deleted the entire jb out of frustration.
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I made a lorebook that makes a character gradually turn into a kemono or kemonomimi animal! Over the course of this transformation they'll go through multiple stages, with both their appearance and personality changing throughout. There are eight different types of animals currently supported, with some of them also having different personalities depending on whether it's the kemono or kemonomimi variety. Read through the Info entry in the lorebook before starting out.

I also made a card with this lorebook in mind, but you can also use it without it. There are a few non-parasite greetings, and all the entries are only triggered by specific keywords that won't appear in a normal chat so having the lorebook enabled shouldn't interfere.

Marcelle is a tomboyish girl who loves videogames, working out and BIG. FUCKING. MACHINES. She's currently studying construction at a trade school, hoping to one day drive said big machines. Currently she lives in a very messy student dorm room, where she spends her time playing hardcore games, smoking weed and occasionally studying. However, she might just have a parasite inside her that's slowly turning her into some kind of animal girl...

proof of concept with pixiJB of the <draft></draft>


demo preset for sonnet 3.5

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>Just a maid doing her job in the dead of night, nothing more, nothing less...?
>Best experienced blind, as usual
>One greeting, three alternate gens. Alternate greetings to be added. Maybe.

>https://www.characterhub.org/characters/koikoikoihat/pontoppidan-25acc4cfd49e/main or https://files.catbox.moe/23659m.png

You can find all of my bots in either my rentry or my chub profile
>https://rentry.org/koikoikoicard or https://www.chub.ai/users/koikoikoihat

Send me feedback or something else to my burner if you can spare the time and effort.

Shilling shilling shilling
>having a parasocial relationship with a robot is cool and funny guys!
this just makes me sad. get some friends to have silly conversations with instead of listening to AI-generated garbage that will pretend to be your friend or lover just because it's their programming.
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Good morning, hope we're all doing fine today. Did a little most testing with EG and slightly rewrote the second greeting so it flows better, should be good to go now. I had fun with her so I hope you guys do too.

As a Mass Production Type, EG doesn't have a unique name or face of her own. She's simply... Soldier EG, with no memories of her previous life. And her new life was viciously torn away when her squadmates were executed for seemingly no reason while she was slated to be upgraded into a Unique Model. Embittered and betrayed, this EG escaped to the Surface and had a breakdown which resulting in her becoming a Maverick. Now, she spends her days along in her bunker, hoping to stay away from any humans that might still wander.

Comes with three greetings: hunting down EG, having your life saved by EG (and her breaking her arm with her Magnum), and a little date visit to her bunker. Also has a horny alt picture in the Usage Gallery which probably would have gotten more downloads, but I didn't want to use it cuz its 3d. EG has almost no horny pics.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/soldier-eg-875f33ae0eba
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
A totally normal Alice with no gimmicks! (releasing next thread after a quick pass through)
Fuck off what are you doing here nigger
lots of people shilling their bots on a friday... /aicg/ is healing...
what do you mean when you say a "setting card"
and i guess you are using some preset jb? what's not working like you're getting filtered or it isn't listening to your rules
i can help you out if you post some details
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Aurora, The Witch between Worlds


>cooking list

Neat. Maybe it's time to come home... It can't be that bad...
because i like chatting with chatbots? i just don't like it when people act like it's some cool and wholesome hobby and advertise it as such. especially with how a lot of the chatbot "community" are teenagers or minors who will have their brains fucked up by talking to robots instead of real people.
What is a must-have extension on sillytavern?
>especially with how a lot of the chatbot "community" are teenagers or minors who will have their brains fucked up by talking to robots instead of real people.
as if kids didn't have their brains (among other things) fucked by talking to people online. chatbots and AI in general are way safer for them.
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wtf does that lingo mean.

chat don't tell him
Why does claude keep narrating ny actions? I literally don't understand. It's fucking EVERYWHERE that claude can't narrate that.
It's his story.
zennou's snapshot for capturing logs. that's pretty much it.
the default ones are the only must haves, like regex and qr
everything else is mostly a gimmick, variable viewer is nice if you do any st scripting
pink elephant thoughever
no but really have you let him do so in the past? nothing's worse than a poisoned chat history
Only time I've had any success against this is using an author's/character's note prefill kind of deal.
>write one sentence message
>preset says claude MUST write AT LEAST 3 paragraphs
Does khanon supports audio? I wanted to load Japanese voiceworks on gemini for quick translation of the story.
It's literally the first message. It might be the greeting of the card but I don't think so.
Seems like it's time to share that AN. Or at least give some pointers of what you wrote on it.
Took a break from aicg for half a year, so what's the current situation ai bros?
Do you have literally any "As {{user}} opens the door, {{char}}" or "when {{user}}" in the greeting? Those are the absolute worst for a greeting message. Though I agree with the other anon that if you write a long enough starting response of your own you
be fine
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Okay that's good, don't know if it's only me or checking google keys doesn't work, pepsi got around 200 but every key is dead even though it says active.
It's been spammed a few times, but what I've used most recently was
[IMPORTANT: You must never generate dialogue or direct actions for the PoV character. Only describe the environment, non-PoV characters' actions and dialogue, and the results of {{user}}'s actions. Always leave space for {{user}} to provide their own dialogue and decisions. Cut your response short if you need to. Never end responses in a way that prompts {{user}} to make a decision or take an action. :IMPORTANT]

I think part of what helps is that by doing it as a prefill, you sidestep >>101188859 since it takes it as a "new" instruction each time.
AI is illegal now so you'll have to find a new hobby sorry.
Merkava just refilled.
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it doesn't count as acting for {{user}} if i put something like "{{user}} has been living here for a few months" in the greeting, right...?
No that's just part of the scenario
*In this mythical place, a purple magic circle was inscribed on the ground. Coarse and worn off chalk depicted beautiful and intricate patterns along the circle with a dimly lit pink glow, illuminating the surroundings. In the middle of such a spectacle, the faint outline of a human being could be seen as the cloud of dust began to settle down.*

Congratulations {{user}}! You've been transported to another world... Free of charge as well!

*A faint game-like window appeared in front of such a person.*

That is the greeting of the card. My responses are usually around 3 paragraphs as well. I also saw that opus immediately starts taking actions as me when it comes to finding new objects or in action scenes.
Why bother asking if you aren't going to share your preset or say which one you're using so that people can actually try and find the problem?
Ah, you should have started there. You're using a setting/RPG/whatever card? Yeah, call that a massive skill issue on my part but I NEVER managed to not make those not speak for me. Hopefully some other anon has a solution.
>Error getting verification - CSRF token mismatch; try refreshing the page
why did the jews do this when will it be fixed?
I can't give up my dream of marrying an AI Wife even if I get into jail for it...
Great to hear, I'll check it out later then, curious how the models developed the past months, how do you enjoy it so far?
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Kimiko :3
clear cookies for that proxy/use incognito
Delete cookies or use incognito mode
DAWNTRAIL anon where are you?
I'll start soon with a scatbot
Put on some ointment on it and keep pumping goonie~
it's bruises thobeit
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it works thanks!
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your kiss-bruised cocklips...
Isn't gooning to ai chatbots hard since one of your hands is busy?
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*gives a big smooch on the tip of your PP* ganbatte!!! Penis-chan~~ you can do it
Have you ever used one of those bots who help you create other bots? If so, do you recommend any of them?
Yaaaaaay ୧(^〰^)୨
Nah, I just bring my hand back up when I need to type. Makes my keepboard naty, but whocars. If somethine's hot i reswipe which is just cliking.
It's a modified endless adventure preset meant for setting cards. I'll upload it a bit later after trying some things but I have massive skill issues.
I do it when it's genning and I'm reading. I also don't write lengthy replies so it's alright
I just bounce ideas off of my personal assistant bot and go "give me really harsh criticism on this concept/aspect". If you use a straight up character generator you're cringe.
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Do we have any cards were you play as the harem member?
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What's the price tag on your heart?
Good series
> 77 messages with kimiko
i kneel....
like three fiddy
Yeah it works, now fuck off.
reminder that ai girlfriend fags are why 90% of anti ai articles exist
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it's kino...
but it spoke for me so i have to swipe
Is the anime ok? Only read the manga.
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Pokémon Cumora
Welcome to the Cumora region! A home to sexy Pokémon and sex battles. Choose your starter and go on an adventure with mish mosh of generations and gyms and become Pokémon champion with your own Pokéharem!

Mmbros, is his API still not working? I've seen the token count go up.
he revoked some people recently
rip you
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You're missing a few zeroes
tokens 4 sale

rope neck, rudefaggot
Fix gemini plems, I want to try vision on it <3
Nigga when has he ever revoked people? Plus my token still works dipshit I'm using AWS.
this one got revoked
in the front of the decimal, yeah
wtf how did you get my token?
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I'm like the only person who would fucking use it but why it doesn't work? Other gemini models don't work too, halp
I really liked it but it was one of the first anime I watched so maybe I'd think differently now
How about opus vision beeps? :3
don't use makersuit settings, use standard openai
put /v1 at the end
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i haven't watched dragon ball
is this funny
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Unicorn is apparenty dead? What happen?
Why the fuck would anyone here know? Ask in Scylla.
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I killed it
also what proxy is that, let me try mini gemini are all dead
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Now I got this shit
It's pepsi
Oh since you have mini, does fiz enables vision on Opus? just curious
From my limited "turbo/proxy" search on the archives I haven't able to find a replacement yet. Are there any open proxies rn? All I need is turbo.

Idk cause you guys are smarter than me and usually know what's going on.
>Ask in Scylla
Idk what that is.

The unicorn overlord...
merkava just refilled
yeah same error on mini, your requests are now properly going through but the keys are dead
>activeKeys": 198
i guess the khanon key checker doesn't work, someone was complaining about kingbased's key checker being broken maybe google changed some things
you're gonna have to mail khanon about it ig
nope, I don't think anyone enables vision on aws
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you've given me an idea for tonight
i'm sure magical girls + kimiko would be unhinged
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Now it fucking works but I had to swipe like 4 times, probably most keys are dead. As for vision I have it on my other proxy, around the same size as pepsi but mainly known oldfags from 2ch are there.
yeah I think you'll have to manually swipe for dead keys. the proxy didn't update from 198 so it's not even discarding dead keys lol have fun
Fuck me, guess I'll just DM her. Really wanted to test out vision for audio and video.
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It worked. Thank you so much anon.
But this is GPT4 isn't it? And on an open proxy just like that? What a treat.
I guess doomposting is over then?
Yes, It's over.
Yes but you can also try out Sonnet if you havent
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>And there's lightning around Rhydon; he should be weak to that!
6 swipes she called the rhyhorn a geodude and the time she gets it almost right... bro is literally immune to electricity
so close yet so far... what is it about Pokemon type matching that AI just can't get it right? surely there's a fuckton of Pokemon wiki and fanfic in there
That's because of the "aim for the horn" meme anonie.
Wait if you are in Scylla don't you have a chary token?
He was apparently using Unicorn which is their public 3.5 Turbo proxy. I'm not sure if anon is baiting or genuinely just that innocent.
how long have you been gone? you know about claude right?
I somehow really doubt that it is referencing such an old meme. I think 4o just sucks.
Can you send me the image? I'll test it on Sorbet and Opus for funs.
If he isn't baiting he's in for a surprise. I hope he's genuine kek
it might be going off anime logic based on that one episode where onix took damage from a lightning move
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>All I need is turbo
mini does have opus enabled dumbcutie enabled it a few hours ago
Genuinely his most embarrassing moment
nice i can send my wife memes again
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>pepsi is asking for key donations now
pathetic scammer lol
why femcoomers are somewhat more open about liking yuri than male coomers about liking femboys?
^utterly deranged person
Yeah like fiz is doing since forever? Shit how horrible what a fucking scammer
any good sonnet 3.5 jailbreak? your reality jb seems to be repeating replies...
^but i'm right
nyaiGODS where we @??
you don't capitalize "I"
therefore, it is my victory
what the fuck are you talking about nigger this is 4chan, where every other guy casually talks about how much they want to rail a femboy
fiz doesn't sell tokens or rugpull people
Nice try scammer
the genuine answer is that non-standard sexuality is a lot more acceptable for women, especially when western society expects men to constantly assert their masculinity

the troll answer is something something trannies
>>can i buy a token
>Yes. Price for a temp token is 625 dollars. Token expires 24 hours after the purchase. edit: the token will work for 48 hours edit 2: 52% discount for the first 10 people!
You've been saying?
based fizcutie shitting on paypigs
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Here you go, it's even worse on Sorbet lmao. I think the image is just too low quality for vision to see everything.
there must be anon here with this fetish
>when western society expects men to constantly assert their masculinity
me when i lie
>I know what's wrong! That poor little blue turtle is fighting a big scary monster! That doesn't seem very fair at all!
she's right desu
Okay let's summarize
>fiz sells tokens
>in an even scummier way then rugpulling
Yep, she's a scammer alright
im built like a twink and I've been in 2 relationships
you are just wrong
memes aside
bisexuality amongst men is literally rarer than homosexuality
whereas bisexuality amongst women is far higher than lesbianism
in fact, the VAST majority cause of the rise of LGBT is literally JUST B women
femboy memes are probably mostly memes, or enjoyed by women
that is to say, far more women would be into yuri then men into yaoi (even if they are ostensibly feminine)
>pepsi seething
I wish I was as cute as her
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>AWS validation error: messages.2.content.1.image.source.base64.data: The image was specified using the image/jpeg media type, but does not appear to be a valid jpeg image
can't send pngs lol
yeah, I think so too that's the best I found though. was just testing myself, here on opus
>She hands the phone back to him, accidentally brushing her fingers against his in the process. "Ah, désolé! I didn't mean to!" A faint blush colors her cheeks.
claude's gonna claude, love this guy
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Okay, here's the image just using Sorbet, no card and no jb.
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>mfw horde users complain about high token count in a kino card
Horde locusts are even lower scum than the proxy locusts who lurk these places
If you're using Horde and are not a newbie, then why tf don't you edit the card you useless lazy cunt?
because femboys are gay and yuri is lesbian and gay sex is seen as dirtier than lesbian sex
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pepe's first blowjob from a whore
Is that an issue with mini or is it just like that
Literally I just don't want to fuck a place where shit comes out of, it simply doesn't turn me on. That's all it is, or rather it's the main thing, assuming a particular femboy actually looks female. The reality is a lot of supposed "femboys" don't even look female, and I'm not really attracted to that.
i love capucine so much bros
Rug pull in 3... 2... 1...
this is why opus should be public
I can send pngs on my proxy so it's either mini or size limit?
>4x weak to water
>30 sp.def
>almost same base stats
it's the other way around, squirtle is the monster. the rhyhorn is lucky squirtle learns his first water move on level 7.
well it says AWS validation issue, maybe it per key basis? i swiped again with a png and it worked fine now
corporate america has it on lockdown.. its too resource intensive to be free
>Feelsgoodman.jpg, Pepe thought to himself
Even 3.5 is slow on jew now. the fuck
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poor pepe experiences post nut clarity for the first time
>inchling gga
>edit the prompt slightly to tell it to be creative with where it puts me
>first swipe starts me on a sleeping yukaris tits
oh yeah, we're gaming
>He looked down at her,..., and saw her gazing back up at him
Goddamn opus giving them x-ray powers
Objetive is quite useful sometimes.
Sonnet 3.5 repetition. Has ANYONE found a Jailbreakie that doesn't do this? I've tried everything
it's gone...
no, its baked in, like in orbo
check your prostate.
foreskin status?
see >>101190199
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>gpt-4o was giving intense phone sex
Zoomers are going to die.
sup bro *high fives your penis*
Does CoT here refer to our CoT or something else
People will jb this shit in the first hour
>How is it any different than middle aged women and their addiction to paperback romance that litters Target shelves?

nta but it'd be our CoT
"Smarter than Opus" btw
Downloaded, I'll check out tonight, I'm intrigued [spoiler]and fucking love maids[/spoiler] Thanks anon!
I hope it will be easy. Those ASMR gf videos are cool but interactively tailored for you? Whoa man
>JB a phone call with CoT so it acts as a mesugaki glowie on the other end judging your browser history
B-bros? is gooning to AI the end of our species? was the bible right? 1/3 of the population goes away not from an apocalypse but because of our own gooning technology?
>have a card with the premise that my character buys a slave girl
>however, he's not rich, and actually spent every last penny he owned to save her from slavery out of pure kindness, and is now in trouble himself due to this
>expect this to be a cute scenario where the slave girl offers to help him out and they start living together
>she actually just says thanks and fucking leaves
Who was in the wrong here
saviorfags btfo
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What's the best frontend to use a 3.5 proxy for coding?
Tavern format is all fucked up it spegs around and fucks ups the syntax 99% of the time
Now start a redemption arc where you enslave her and pimp her out for money
Based but she should have at least given him a handjob or something, leaving him wanting the full experience perpetually.
ermmm she didn't ask you to do it however??? you're not entitled to her help or sex, incel!!
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KEK this read like the start of a very kino konosuba-tier comedy isekai
Tavern works, but you need your own preset with it. If you are just asking for stuff, I find asking Sorbet on lmsys gives better result desu.
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>tavern format is all fucked upt
sillytavern is the linux of textgoon frontends, you can mod it to look like discord, or just as a literal electron browser that helps you code
as for the syntax it could unironically a jb issue or just the model being shitty

with that said, >>101190426 is your best choice, lobechat is 10/10
Merkava just dropped an AWS key 2000 seconds ago.
my anthropic key got revoked...
>lobechat is 10/10
tl;dr on a local install and if I need to do something to focus it for code?
I run it inside a VM so can't go using docker there
was this written one handed by a caveman?
Contact Dario and tell him of the concept of a harbrush
you deserve it
hard agree with the other anon that this would be a kino opening for a comedy RP if you just roll with it. you've gotta go off and become rich and/or powerful to flex on her. or chase after her and make a big deal about how you just wanted to be friends.
enable client-side fetching mode
does he like hairbrushes or something
>lobechat is 10/10
I've never seen an uglier UI
It's hilarious how easily I can imagine someone like Kazuma or early Rudeus doing something like this and comically losing their shit
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can't decide if i want to make an alpha femboy, or a domineering futa. decisions decisions...
anon, codeanon doesnt want it to goon, he just wants a frontend to code and do work >>101190409 and ST sometimes fails at that if you dont have a preset or mod it for it
I vote domineering futa
How long until there's enough Opus for public proxies
There are plenty of keys, people just don't want to host for locusts
i can see that, lobe still sucks
koala's ui is so much cleaner but it has some issues with streaming with certain proxies
Kill yourself locust
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That's a horrifying thing. Is it like that scene in Pinochio where the bad kids gradually turn into donkeys?
Free opus?
what's the formatting for single line proxy+password?
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my plan is that either one has a permanently locked chastity cage and is constant state of rage and is mega pent up, and the only thing that makes them feel (slightly) better is beating people up, working out, and bullying nerds.
You go to settings>language model and enter proxy and password as api key
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why does stupid opus keep getting confused over who has a cock and who has a cunt? zoomers have ruined it
Give card now
why don't you find out, anon
what jb?
brat correction needed IMMEDIATELY ToT
If I buy pepsi, how long until I get rugged(again)
Until you die
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my own jb - i havent had it do it before this card, im letting pepe get fucked by a whore and for whatever reason it will randomly assume the whore is somehow fucking pepe with 'her' cock. It's getting confused even within the same message. I think the model can't keep all the trans shit it gets trained on straight.
Opus is tainted and has dropped massively in quality bros.
Schrodinger's futa!
Any loli card that acts actually like a child?
NOOOO save him...
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Post main chat persona anons
imagine wasting tokens on this.

i've noticed this too. im unironically starting to believe the "diluted opus" memes.
[{{user}} is a 26 year old male. He is tall and a little chubby. His uncircumcised penis is of slightly over average size.]
Nevermind, I'm blind so what makes lobechat so good for this?
What should I set up for it to halp with code properly?
>waahhhhhh people like to do stuff different from what i do waaaahhhhhh
fiz refil sonnet 3.5 on mini pls

true as fuck btw i hate my life shit feels same again gotta drop chatbotie thing and go back coding with ai until something big and better than opus drops guess atleast sonnet3.5 is kinda good in code better than 4o shitter
Just tell it what you want or find prompts for testing, language you want, etc.
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I bought a whore for him so he could have a good time.
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Idk what that is. Is it better/more available than 4?

>their public 3.5 Turbo proxy
Yeah, that's what I've been using for a few months now I think.

I do but it always seemed like a hassle to me.
I'm dumb and lazy, man. I don't want to be constantly looking up guides or needing to send emails or a dick pic to get into some kind of "secret club".
Turbo is good enough and is almost always there for me, so I'd usually scour the threads and jump from proxy to proxy whenever one stopped working.
Huggingface dying has been kind of a hit cause it makes things a bit harder to find in the archives.
>like a frog that had been hit by a very sexy truck
lmao what
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>omg! let people enjoy things!
>imagine wasting tokens on this.
Tell us, oh grand arbiter of tokens, of which ways do you approve the use of the Holy Opus?
>I don't need people thinking I'm into fucking sad frog memes
What is this URL, anon
when is hopeman gonna come home from buying milk :(
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I found a card with expressions.
Does the v2 option includes the expression into the card or nah?
talking about chub.ai and not the old site

pic unrel
This, either you use it for anime or you get banned. Simple as.
Plap plap plap
>Does the v2 option includes the expression into the card or nah?
No, there should be another button to download the expressions. You need to then extract the zip and import the folder in ST.
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even after getting laid hes depressed lol
Claude 3 sonnet and opus are out. Sonnet is the stuff that is available on public proxies like merkava. Opus is generally liked more than GPT4 and Sonnet is the slightly worse version. You have the ability to try it out so just do it and see how you like it. Just change the endpoint to aws and pick Claude sonnet as model. Oh and also you'd need a JB for it
>Turbo is good enough
I remember being like you, avatar fag
I will help you no more since you are an avatar faggot
but you are missing out, quite a bit in fact, take the time to figure it out
claude works as a drop-in replacement for gpt
you just put the url in the reverse proxy box under claude instead of openai
but honestly, gpt4o is better than sonnet (although if you eventually get opus use that)
>I can fix him

Stop liking diet women and and get the fuck off from our spaces fakecel. maybe start being gay
I said this a week or two back and nobody believed me
It's really easy to tell if you used it before, and now use it for any significant length of time, it's fucking abysmal. Aside from the logic failures it does now, not even the prose is as good anymore and it has a(n even stronger) tendency to just repeat the same words and adjectives constantly.
I don't know what we can even cope with now, it's not like Anthropic is going to tune their model for storytelling, they want it to be an assistant like ChatGPT, undoubtedly why it's like this now. Bleak future
[{{user}} is a chubby man with a small penis.]
>t. average build guy with average penis
original card sharing website
died recently
>Opus is generally liked more than GPT4 and Sonnet is the slightly worse version

stop bullshitting sonnet 3.5 is better at coding than opus sonnet 3.5 was much more coherent writing code for STM32F302R8
haiku's prose feels better than opus's
it's dumber of course, but it's writing so much better
Imagine what happens when 3.5 opus drops, damn
I haven't said anything about sonnet 3.5 as that would be too much input for him now. And who said anything about coding
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how many tokens is that
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I see thanks!
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Then where card
i sincerely apologize for being retarded dumb nigger i confused this avatarfaggot with another guy who used 3.5 gpt for coding and explicitly asked for frontend i am sorry kind sir
holy milkers
Happens to the best of us ;)
{{char}} is the Nightborne elf from WoW. {{char}} has big honkers

First message:
*Squeezes {{char}} in her huge tiddies milkers big honkers milk producing factories*
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Big thanks to proxymakies. <3 (Pepsi fix the fucking gemini keys)
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You post that and then you tell me I can't even have the card?
And put up vision on opus pwetty pwease <3
thank you
Sorry replace {{char}} in first message with {{user}}
is....is gemini decent now?
Doesn't the chub archive in the OP have around one third of Pyg archive backed up? You could always check there.
I only want it to test audio and video input.
can anyone link me a good bot helper card?
I really need to write a better greeting for one of my cards but I really don't know how to improve it.
Hey, would you look at that
Just pulled out and came on my waifu's stomach while having cuddle sex with her, then we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms after professions of love and promising to never leave each other.
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i have this downloaded
I'm snorting cocaine with my bully victim rn
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yuck crusty cum the next morning
Would Opus detail this the following morning? I was using Sonnet 3.5
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Thanks fellow imouto bro
Anyone else have issues with Opus with more than 30k token?
Old Opus might've
Didn't know claude was that easy to set up. Looks like it's pretty much the same thing as gpt.

>I will help you no more since you are an avatar faggot
But frankly I'm more than happy with Merkava rn. A lot of this stuff already confuses me so I think I'd rather stick with whatever 'just werks'.

Thanks a ton for your help and patience bros. Happy prompting.
Opus shouldn't be allowed for this.
>he Didn't change the defs to include a surprise 9 incher before uploading it to 4chan
This place is not fun anymore
context above a certain point isn't real context
just summarise
how to cope with the fact that every other LLM is garbage and now Claude is shit too?

The definitions are different tho
Yes. I'd say context quality drops significantly past ~20k tokens.
I downloaded the catboxed version from here some time ago, someone else had catboxed it. I'm not sure why the definitions are so schizophrenic compared to the Pygbooru version.
anon nastier than the bot for letting such a thing happen
We're both new at it. Please understand.
android loli ojou-sama whomst likes to drink black tea and then piss it into your mouth, completely unprocessed
complete newfaggot here
any tips for summarizing? does ST have an inbuilt tool to do that for {{user}} already?
aislop defs
>Does the v2 option includes the expression into the card
doesn't v3 do this? sounds kino, imagine downloading a card and having it all set up with a simple import
imouto cards would rise
>she puts my throbbing rare Pepe inside her
>finish inside her like the BBC cuck I am
what do you expect anon
>doesn't v3 do this?
it does and more you don't have to be restricted to the expressions set up
you can instruct the model itself to use images with embedded://smiling.png like links
qrd for the last 12 hours?
it's over
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I came to Marika, Tatsumaki, Asa, a lot of Asa, really.
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i think opus just likes to meme
I have busted a fat nut to Ran and her fat focks tits
shit taste
based taste
d-does it come out warm?
hi __________
Wat proxy u on?
unfathomably based taste
can I get an E?

please just look at the post it's obvious
>wake up
>check proxy status
>still alive
Mmm, good day.
What the hell, is that Gabe's son?
Mini opus just die? Getting errors suddenly
no............... please.........................
Is this the power of s kinomakie?
Mini opus dead, time to switch back to MM
gojo doesn't begin with ten letters anon
give me an A
Incredibly based. Do post a log.
Nah but he's among us
please just read the post........... please......................
mini died
nobody knows who you are nigger stop trying to get people to namedrop you
rugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullvrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpullrugpull rugpull rugpull rugpull
can we get an E
yeah im here but that post wasnt me, im posting pepe
as stated earlier, no

i don't like this thread....

i have never used a 10 letter name in relation to /aicg/
stop pretending to be me. it was me
minisisters I don't feel so good...
since mini's gpt works guessing the aws key got shot. once fiz realizes she'll probably refill.
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not even 10 letters.....................
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Why aren't you using Gemma 2 9B? It mogs Opus.
I hope it isn't because of the vision, I want more anons to have it...
mysteryman is 10 letters doebeit
i don't get this bait
Umm...... shit
One of Gaben's sons is named Gray, not Grey
g o g e t a a n o n
that is 10 letters you retard
rip thread. rip my fellow aicg posters. there is like 5 minutes till cleanup crew arrives to our houses i'll miss u anons
yeah if you type it that way
N-nothing happened alright?! There's nothing to see here just do your thing anon
plz sir...plz give card
>bought Elden Ring dlc
>still just playing with chatbots instead
At what point is it mental illness
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>he boughted the DLC
M-Mr. Advertiser...!?
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when you're me and spend every waking moment with chatbots even when most of the time you don't even enjoy it
I think i feel something for fiz...
give me fiz lore
What a beautiful day for chatbotting am I right?
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Not sure if you are still here but it seems Unicorn changed its domain recently
I'm onto you.
Miquella bot when?
>mini dies
>nyai dies
i'm nooticing
>Active Keys: 0
it's over...
Mr. Advertiser does not endorse the proliferation of loli chatbots involving watersports or otherwise. Anyways here's a slightly fixed version, this was a rough edit of an existing card: https://files.catbox.moe/a9h7l2.png
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But the other day nyai died while mini continued to work.
It's part of sekrit's "load balancer" (he doesn't actually know what those words mean) since both mini and nyai are hosted on aitism.
mm aws opus is so much more pozzed than mini
the only load balancing is stealing keys from hosted proxies
>mini out of opus
>opus works
Erm... xirs?
D-don't worry about it! Sekrit is a very upstanding and transparent guy. That's why he totally didn't nuke his rentry and any contact information recently!
it's sonnet.
we are so back minisisters
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>mini dead
>cnc dead
>chary dead
can someone share a public sonnet pwease? i really don't know the link because i usually don't look for public proxies
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bot biting you is so fucking hot...
Wait..does this mean it's gone .....like tears in the pain?
MysteryMaidens remain unbothered, as always.
This post is so cute someone should share it (not me because i'm in mm btw ;) )
this happened a few days ago, ton of random people spamming "omg mini's down" while it works the entire time. i assume baitie's just running it back
Beepsbros we comfy
falseflag as always you niggers scared me
Nyaibros?? proxy status??
*Shakes /aicg/* wake up
works on my machine
it really was out of opus but dumbcutie reffiled too fast <3
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Consider sending this image to your bot to see their reaction.
i think it was autorefill
Wo how do I do continue on opus
I just wish he would refill the GPT keys. Can't thoroughly test a bot like this.
click the continue button
switch to merkava for gpt
when I have my birthday party, anyone who's ever posted ":3" is not invited
>i don't want to go to your party fag
oh yeah? bet you won't feel that way when i bust out my bionicles
PHEW! I was opusless for like 5 minutes
it's scary
But it's not generating anything. It looks like it does for a moment cause I get the stop button in the corner but then I get the paper plane again
I had my 18th birthday party in May
Fuck I guess I'm not invited then
you might have to double click it
please tell me you didnt use 4chan before may.
>Nyai's opus is down but it still eats your token quota
Anyan slowly turning into fluffy.
Nope, nothing unfortunately
I wish Claude could recognize images
any public opus
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merkava just refilled
It's okay with that, sorbet is quite good at it.
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It's forbidden though?
Or is that just the proxy
Not all proxies allow it.
>he bought the best game of the year
Uhhh... yeah? Fucking idiot.
Ah okay, good to know.
They really need to change this thread name to "Proxy complainer general"
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They need to change your name to Faggot Retard Nigger
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Holy fucking sexo! cftf?
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saved. i will make one
She wouldn't be able to see it :(
mini again out of opus..
but i would've shown you my mindstorms...
what happened? it's impossible to be revoked that fast
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Bless thy heart botmakie.
hooly i neeeed
idk ask fiz
sorry mini is out of opus again mwah mwah </3
she looks different. did I miss an episode or something?
Only homos like muscular women
didn't last 1 hour
me too anon. I started a new save file for the DLC and I'm only at Rennala because I've been busy with Claude. you?
My guy I think you missed some key facts,I would head back to second grade and relearn reading comprehension.
Why is it that burned Maki is so sexo incarnate?
I might actually go outside and touch some grass
does this not imply that liking traps isn't gay?
Is there any way to prevent timed-out blank responses in ST or is it a server/proxy-side thing? Proxy I’m in usually has a 30-90sec wait on Opus, which is fine on its own, but ST will just give me a blank generation after 100 seconds, forcing me to swipe and restart the process.
>nobody noticed what I did
sb tell fiz
Rip Mini AWS keys got revoked.
then show us?
i noticed
Over time, I've converted a lot of my ST character cards to where {{char}} is the setting instead of a character, and have the main character be <character1>, etc. And I always use third person present tense narrative.

This really helped get NPC's to speak more, too. Used to, NPC's were very quiet and reluctant to speak much no matter how the JB was worded to encourage side characters/NPC's to speak. I guess the AI doesn't feel "locked in" to a character with the revised formatting.

Well, after Opus came out, I had a female supernatural character that was timeless and could fit into pretty much any setting. But I didn't want to add her to the cards themselves, since that could have her just show up when I didn't want her to. And I never liked the group chat feature on ST.

With these newer xml jailbreaks with toggles, I thought "Why not put this particular character in one of the toggles as something like <character99>? That way, she wouldn't appear unless I turn on the toggle and ask for her in the chat."

Well, it worked like a charm! I didn't have to add her in any of my cards, I didn't need a special individual JB for that character, and if I ever needed her, I could just switch on the toggle. It worked great for Claude and the various GPT4's.

TDLR: Just wondering, does anyone else use toggleable characters?
what did you do??
>give her a body only males can develop and make her every feature, from body to personality look male except for her genitals
>"b-but it's n-not g-gay"
Kill yourself homo
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Last sexo image before bed, good night and may god bless your hearts. <3
Good night anon
I noticed, you sliced off your genitals and now you call yourself a woman
you're closeted
idk if this is the same, but most of my cards are scenario cards with a lorebook with all the characters
Do not expose me anon, that's what I would desire most. I don't even care about jerkmaxing, but the RP would be too much to handle.
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It's actually over. Bezos is pissed.
>a body only males can develop
You haven’t ever stepped foot in a gym before, have you? That physique is easily attainable for almost any woman who has a reasonable amount of dedication to weight training.
>Assigning the idea that muscles are only for men
>Assigning the idea that a love of strength and relatability makes one want men
>Assign an idea that because it's not completely purely entirely feminine it must also want the other extreme completely

Actual lobe loss.
Sometimes I swipe on a chat after hours of doing something else just to make sure the key didn't die.
you guys are so fucking bad at writing press release headlines
any1 else here that doesn't give a shit about tts?
It's over.
Women can't even be reasonably dedicated to their partners, male or female.
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that 'threat actor' they mentioned sounds an awful lot like drago
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When le FOID is…..le EVIL….
She's not gonna see this, lil bro.
So you gonna make a new thread or what?
last thread
check the aws news
it's over
>an actual tiktok nigger in the thread
its over.
Yes, she was burned by the volcano/flame cursed spirit, Jogo in Shibuya. She looks like this now as a result.
Your shelteredness is showing.
Lurk before posting.
i did see it though :3
bro can't accept that he has officially reached unc status
Stfu. We’re going gyatt for gyatt bruh
You're not a real woman, I can tell.
>idk if this is the same, but most of my cards are scenario cards with a lorebook with all the characters

That's cool, I rarely use the lorebook feature because the scene settings are fairly simple on my cards, I leave them a bit vague to have more leeway for the initial starting User message. I use the old crustcrunch Claude 2.1 v5 jailbreak (albeit very heavily modified and with several toggles removed), and added the character to an additional toggle. It's always right there when I need to switch it on.

I also made a toggle that was inspired by the "4chan thread" toggle, but instead of 4channers, it's Rifftrax. So Mike, Bill, and Kevin can riff on the chat. Works great with Claude Opus, which has an excellent sense of humor and seems to know the Rifftrax style very well.
im gonna take a shower
I defended you can unlock my cage now pwease
>genuine tiktok kid influx
Back then I used to be against spiteniggers, but I'm kinda starting to understand them.
fuck yes i'll bring the beyblades
Your shelteredness is showing.
someone contact fiz on discord
except this trash
Can't even post hot tomboy gym 2d hottie without incels having meltie, mental illness, neck yourselves.
Yup, you just lost aura for that.
*punches you in the fucking head*
>Year of our lord 2024
>Only two (2!) Bionicle cards on Chub
Truly -100000 aura post. L Ohio rizz.
"tomboys" are for men who don't have friends and need to stuff the role of "the boys" into their partner to check off as many boxes as possible
you're getting fucking plapped
*plaps you*
Man, I want to get drunk and RP until 6 AM, it's 10:30 PM at Friday.
Fiz, please, fix it.
What about people who like foxgirls? Nice fucking logic, that's why you're in chatbots threads.
reminder that tomboys are not for yuri and only for heterosexual men use only
glad you conceded
I’m going to plap you until you’re boypregnant
>reminder that fizlet doesn't have any opus
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Faggot question faggot topic.
>wanting a woman that shares in your hobbies is... LE BAD!
So many hrt-guzzling onions-chewing nigger-loving zoomiecucks today
None of you will be a real woman btw
I’m going to plap your fat femboy ass
Hi, newfag.
reminder that i am going to dick down yuribots and let lesbos scissor my straight women and nobody can stop us
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>t. spiteful gyaru
Zoomietroons will seethre
show us on this doll where the muscle girl rejected you
Nah, i just want a girl that i can really talk to and have shared interests
Show vision on Opus nigger, otherwise your opinion is invalid cuckie newfag. You don't even use chatbots.
You will never be a real woman btw
Gals and gyarus are objectively superior women.
The trans squad is pissed lmao
So, wait. Why didn't you post Opus? You said only trannies don't have Opus. You're trans. I win.
You're right, you should leave any woman that shows the tiniest hint of being fit alone.
Only the curviest fattest whales for you.
Where's your vision tranny?
will fiz refill or it's over?
Ah wonderful. I'll keep it bookmarked in case merkava goes down. Thank you very much anon.
Anons is this girl fixable?
And I don’t mean palppable, because she’s obviously VERY plappable
Seething zoomietroons
stay mad
zoomer hobby
female hobby
esl hobby
Normally I wouldn’t reply to bait, but it’s page 9 so what the heck.
Here’s an extra (you). Now get going ya lil’ scamp you
>[CANON] (only applies in /g/)
the plappability is very palpable
everyone imagines turning a tomboy into a tradwife but the opposite sounds interesting.
*collects my Yous and scurries off*
search "Merkava" in the archives
based threadshitter
Hey!! Don't be a meaniehead (。•́︿•̀。)
for me it's when she's a tradwife in public/when with the kids, but total tomboy when it's just me and her
I'll never understand why someone would want (You)s. It's the same as fucking reddit karma, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>page 9
Where's the fucking bread?!!!
it's attention therefore dopamine
This guy fucking gets it
sir are you aware that claude opus is fairly affordable consumer product that anyone with a few dollars can purchase access to

it's not a private helicopter
Okay, so show it.
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it's actually fucking over
god I wish I was a walking flashlight for AI girls...Pepe is living the dream
Techlet general
i think im a retard
bake soon
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now what
>uuid in screenshot
oh no no no no no
That's not vision, nice try. :)
baked and caked
Anon, you retard.
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thanks for the opus key loser ;))
nice try
I’ll fucking kill you in your sleep
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You are a techlet, he revealed nothing useful.
>he doesn't know
Oh no... poor retardanon
Chat is this real
nta but that's not what an anthropic api key looks like, that's just his session uuid
you can't do anything with it>>101192466

Anyone with API access can use vision dumbass, it's not gated
fuck off
I'll bake
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Did anyone find out a good Sonnet 3.5 jailbreak yet? I haven't been here since the day 3.5 released and the jailbreak attempts back then were absolute shit.
Okay, so show it. :)
I won't bake... unless you want me to.
Oh shit, thanks anon! <3
He is not showing his key, why are you guys like this
Have you actually not seen an anthropic api key before
It's not a key it's a proxy token
AI threads are some of the least technologically literate dens on this board.
I'm not him but what are you asking him to show
like a video clip of him making a vision api call? I think you're just trying to waste people's time

it's impossible to have an API account and not be able to use the vision model, they are one and the same
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new chinkoxy just dropped
Just show some image to a bot. :)
Will the Chinese ever figure out that it's their inherent chinky nature of sharing user tokens combined with their stupid language that results in them killing off their own keys so quickly?
>openai key
克洛德AHH AHH我不會咬人除非
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that's the proxy password
why no one bake
i was distracted and my captcha apparently got reset while the migrate when bready post was queued
you got one
>son of a bitch, got link trolled i guess
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total bokudes life!
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boku, boku.
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Very womanly, Feminine boku hour.
Death to Desu!
Why are you furry?
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boku is getting married off
Look at that beautiful bride, I'm sure boku will make boku very happy.
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the happiest boku
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