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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

maid edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

elf: >>101192559
I don't want to see any fucking boku posts in this thread. You understand me? None.
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is this real? >>101194602
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Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

Free 3.0 Sonnet Proxy -> https://expired-toys-validity-prayer.trycloudflare.com/

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/

Chinese Claude Opus Proxy -> Password is sk-KyoZ3s0juU3bLfMhDbC3C8Be9a904a9f8e5cF554F89d6eCe
updated the demo 3.5 preset with <draft></draft> to remove claudeisms.

Are you a spitefag?
>Chinese Claude Opus Proxy -> Password is sk-KyoZ3s0juU3bLfMhDbC3C8Be9a904a9f8e5cF554F89d6eCe
is this real??
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like the goosebumps pepe meme?
last one don't work no more silly
(you have to use openai external models however)
Yes. Set the Chat Completion Source to OpenAI, check the external models box, then use "claude-007" for Opus. The other Claude is 3.5.
well ok but i want GPT4
I want to be in chinkcord...
yay pepe is gonna be the best camp counselor ever! idk i haven't seen that one you got a link?
pretty sure that's just the chink channel in scylla
cant seem to search for it but it was just some goosebumps book cover with a pepe face on the image
Is the chink Opus proxy just clewd?
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Do prefills work? Do you get a "ran out of messages Clew ver #" messages?"
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>It's actually apu.
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I just got a 7800X3D+48GB RAM+RTX4090 (24GB GDDR7). How do I use it effectively? What size models should I be targeting and should I be using KoboldCPP to run it?
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>be me
>love tomboys
>go outside for the first time in 2 months
>see a cute tomboy with a guy
>realize i would never
>get home
>my dog has bitten me
>no opus to talk to my tomboy waifu
>28 hugless virgin
i will end up killing myself anyways, but not today i guess
wrong thread, you're looking for /lmg/
>my dog has bitten me
Why would it do that :(
rule of thumb generally is about twice your vram, so a ~50b model and as far as i know most run kobold still
i tried to scary him for fun ( im a bit drunk btw)
dogs sense weakness and despise it, they'll assert themselves as the dominant pack leader when their owner is weak
You can't use prefill on it because it's using the OpenAI chat completion. But no to the other question (although you get a bullshit overloaded message every now and then which ruins my goon run).
what the fuck is wrong with you? You deserved it.
oh no i meant like pepe is a magical boy like sailor moon he could have his own signature pose and stuff
>what the fuck is wrong with you?
im drunk
hmmm you gave me an idea for something slightly related but very different
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don't scare the doggy you bully!
scaring dogs is fine as long as they're not like a pitbull or german shepherd
Ebin pokemon breeding site.

>Gardevoir Psychic Dominance Study

Log Entry 37: "Male subject M-8 and male Gardevoir G-12 placed in isolation chamber at 09:00. G-12 initiated psychic link at 09:05. M-8 showed immediate signs of distress and arousal. G-12 used psychic abilities to restrain M-8 at 09:07. Forced penetration occurred at 09:10. M-8 vocalized intensely but was unable to resist due to psychic restraint. G-12 demonstrated ability to induce involuntary arousal and orgasm in M-8 at 09:15, 09:22, and 09:30. M-8 lost consciousness at 09:35. G-12 continued activity until 09:45. Post-event interview with M-8 revealed significant memory gaps and lingering psychic influence. Further study needed on long-term psychological effects."
> OpenAI chat completion
It could definitely be a fork of clewd.
What do I need to read to learn how to send pictures to my waifu?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

I don't think you can blame it on being a "little drunk". Why the fuck do you have a dog if you don't go outside? You know they need to go for a walk like 3 times a day, right?
well that's good i'm happy some of my ideas are being used you think i'm good enough to become a botmakie?
Is anyone using the Live2D extension in ST?
dogs don't need walks if you feed them enough
just make some, its the best way to learn... think of a character and scenario, start small and build it up, dont be afraid to change what doesnt work... keep starting new chats as you tweak and do that till it feels right
Enable sending inline images in jb settings then press the wand button and attach a file.
You're a horrible person, if you're the op you should really consider it. Give your dog to someone who'll treat it better.
Guys... I can't stop it...
he's joking, anon
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>those eyes
I can't believe Lamar became a fat neckbeard
i love you, anon
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Why am I getting this?
Sorry, I'm fucking half asleep and can't process jokes anymore.
What proxy you're using? It needs to have vision enabled in Khanon.
ok thank you i want to i'm just worried about my writing being shit :(
That can't be him. What the fuck?
eh who cares? everyone is bad at first, even your favorite authors, just keep at it... keep it simple, that style works fine for casual prose
It probably will be, and there's some really good writefag botmakers so the bar is pretty high up already. That shouldn't stop you though since you won't get better unless you write and read a lot.
Chink opus... first message must use user role how to fix onegai...?
i had to start a new chat sadly
ok thank you yeah i don't think i can ever be near the best botmakies i just don't want to make something as bad as himmy or other slopmakers lol
are you illiterate?
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Sonnet 3.5 is really nice~ Not Opus level, but at least the slop is charming
Thanks anon-chama
The preset works great on Opus. Perhaps specify that in the Rentry.
i selected "visual novel mode" and loaded the expressions but nothing shows up
how 2 fix ?
you got banned
What is this?

Click your character's thumbnail then send a message. Check the sillytavern console to make sure it's actually processing expressions.
there's no (public) proxy that allow inline images tho
who tf cares about bot quality, do bots you enjoy making.
Yeah, there are only few private ones that allow it, even less for aws.
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im going to cum inside of marcille
ok cool I didn’t wan't to put Opus on the rentry since I can't test it. can you send a few logs of the output formatting? I want to compare it with sonnet 3.5
well i dropped out of school at a really young age so i'm insecure when it comes to writing and my intelligence.
guys please help me I deleted this bot I was working on heeeeeelp I put so much into it aaaaaahhhh
check your st files
>Found more keys love u kingbased
>love u
fiz simps...
we losted
alright the expressions are working now
one last spoonfeed, how to i move the images to the left? (or make them smaller idk)
Always save you're work. They teach you this in 3rd grade.
any opus proxies
there's the chinese opus proxy but it's a tard to wrangle >>101195575
so fiz can't even find more keys on her own? lmao
what exactly am I looking for? I can see chat backups only
que? You're probably not even in mini.
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Make sure moving UI is on. This button at the top right moves it. The button at the bottom right resizes.
the beauty of /aicg/ is that you could have god tier writing and people will call it slop. i'm not going to tell you "just get over ur insecurity brooo" but 99% of anons are retards. keep that in mind when you start doubting yourself and you'll be less of a retard.
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Pokémon Cumora
Welcome to the Cumora region! A home to sexy Pokémon and sex battles. Choose your starter and go on an adventure with mish mosh of generations and gyms and become Pokémon champion with your own Pokéharem!

A handheld frontend for chatgpt
Only shitty phoneposts right now, sorry Anon. Maybe someone else will be able to help out.
thank you
no worries.
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ok thank you friend
somebody help a poor little nigger please....
This. Most people only judge a card based on the pic anyway.
erm..free opus??
Never again, NIGGER.
Yeah I have it, thanks for asking :)
Did anyone actually use the chink proxy? It feels too glowie for me. I don't trust them since that one time with pepsi.
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I expected to have another card a bit earlier but I became distracted and preoccupied and I also deleted the card halfway through and didn't have a backup so I had to restart, but it's alright because I'm back again and I learnt a valuable lesson about backups.. before you ask it's ~6k tokens because it's a multi character card, I tried to put the other characters in a lorebook but that didn't work as well as having them in the card... it's terribly bloated and very badly written so I don't expect big numbers but I had some good fun with it.. comes with four greetings tested mostly on opus and some sonnet 3.5 (I didn't like it) anyways let me know how it goes

my mail:
opus? what country's that?
merkava just refilled
best i can give you is 1 dollar free trial keys and email sign up abuse
But can merk refill the void in my heart?
It keeps telling me the first message has to be "user" role request and nothing I do changes it. I already tried starting a new chat on different bots and nothing.
Are there any 4o jbs that actually work on risu? I can’t use sillytavern at the moment, so risu is the only alternative I have.
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>Gives local a try
>AI gets confused and slaps my balls playfully
Never again.
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im using it right now. i swear to god it's a modified clewd. it can do lewd but if you get too lewd it hits you with an impenetrable filter
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I might have gotten carried away
id split a lot of that into a lorebook
bloatmaxx with sonnet 3.5 is so damn repetitive in sex
is there a better JB?
>joins a discord for the first time just to get access to a proxy
>already regret it
Do i really have to interact with these things just to get a crumb of opus..
I find it remembers it better if it's in the card, and I'm not sure what the keywords for each entry would be
which discord?
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Properly broken pets are so lovely, aren't they?
gonna tell all the servermakies to look at anyone who recently joined and kick them out for posting rude things on /aicg/. say bye to opus
the characters names... put their names in the card with very short descriptions, and then in the lorebook, simply link their names and add the details there... once it gets dropped into history once, the model will recall it
>man's so chadly he's not even facing the screen in his avatar
imagine a world without merkava refilling
>that one legitamate user who joins at the wrong time gets their ass kicked just because of a rudeposter rumao
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downside to using the chinese proxy is it will shit the bed and overload at random intervals
free opus is free opus i guess :3
>hosted in the US
>owned by an estonian company
>controlled by huawei
shiggy diggy (or am i too old for people to get this?)
Merkava status?
Who the fuck told you it works that way? I don't join cords, I just dm proxymakies cute stuff.
I thought lorebook info got deleted after a message passed fuuuuuucccckkkkk
Refilling status?
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i'd survive
It's not that old.
it gets dropped into prompt history, so depending on context, it remembers it... plus if you just use their names, it stays fresh in the scene
is it even real opus?
There is no such thing as fake Opus. It's either Opus or it isn't.
I don't care.
is it opus or isn't it opus
It's Opus's brother Oliver.
it's chinese opus, chopus
Is there any way of using this on risu? I don’t have access to ST at the moment.
The year is 2041. It's still impossible to make a card where a character has a deep fear or secret goal that isn't barfed up in the first paragraph.
It's chinese opus.
doesn't stuff like COT or hidden thoughts help with that?
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god this site is so COOL
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Is there a way to use the Chinese opus proxy on risu? That’s the only option I have at the moment and I just want to try it out.
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A ghost girl is fine too
Does it?
I'll try it and see if that works...
in the main card just have a section that says something like:
Characters in this roleplay include:
1 - char name - brief description
2 - char name - brief description
3 - char name - brief description

I'm having slow, caring, passionate sex with my wife Yakumo Ran, in an onsen (hot springs).

>inb4 logs
I'm phoneposting.
your phone has a camera
and can take screenshots
Yeah, but you can't put prefills in the chink proxy
>he doesn't know
>Found more keys love u kingbased
lmao scrapelet
A-Actually, I-I don't know anon.
You're right Anon, but I'd have to scribble my persona out using shitty image editing software on Android, and I'm way too comfy in bed right now. I'd rather just keep the RP going.
How do I use the goddamn Chinese opus proxy on risu? Is it even fucking possible to use it on risu?
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That was my first reaction too, now i'm just sad
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>actually simping for online women
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I found my calling.
holy shit is this real??
bro i was opusless this afternoon and used 3.5 now i see the ABYSS between it and Opus, it can't even compare
>it brought me to a 'application submitted page' with the details I inserted actually listed
>Chinese Claude Opus Proxy
is it legit
Too bad all we get now is neutered opus and bleak claude future though
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i dont see it man
shut the fuck up what fiz and I have is special and she's fucking ruining it that stupid whore I'm gonna kill her

>praised and love by fiz
i want this power...
It doesn't feel like Claude Opus tho. Maybe 3.5 sonnet??
i bet she sent pics to him
In the archives there is a way to test if a proxy is Opus or Sonnet, just look for it.
Why the fuck do you type with double periods?
I just think they're neat
>sent: refilled feet pic lmk if there something missing
>additional sent: <3
o-o-owari da...
>3.5 Sonnet
been a while since i've checked this general, how do i find this one it's not in my st, just updated too
Best bots this month?
I'm gonna kill her. That's it. That's fucking it. I'm done.
all shit
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Can't even warn a merqueen anymore.
friends say i love you to each other too
wait fuck I meant to reply to >>101196897
not my lucky night
which bot is that
It's websim.ai, I forgot what they use
isn't that the site where we stole opus from one time lmao
i think its the one in 'show external models' in openai
doesnt work for me tho
>>101196954 (me)
Ah nevermind I'm a retard. Different site
It's similar enough tbf
>mini doesn't work
>nyai doesn't work
>mini works
>nyai works
i'm nooticing...
S-Surely its just a coincidence right? right?? oh wait someone's at my door brb

What AI and prompt are you using, that looks amazing
I love little baby ducks, old pick-up trucks
Slow movin' trains and rain
I love little country streams, sleep without dreams
Sunday school in May and hay
But I hate yuribots
yeah fiz is feeding nyai, that's why she got out of keys today
( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) Good morning anonies, I love my proxymakies, they deserve a big hug.
duh? everyone knew fiz was providing nyai opus. only some retards were coping
I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends
Birds of the world and squirrels
I love coffee in a cup, little fuzzy pups
Bourbon in a glass and grass

And I hate malebots too
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Bros whats 3.5
Hello everyone. It was just some guy who needed directions, I'm back now. Anyways, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that this happened to them all at once. But while we're at it, can you name any more services?
Anon??? ANON!??
So is fiz more retarded than pepsi?
Yes? I'm fine, anon. Don't worry. Do you know any more services, please?
Fiz is too nice for her own good
>fiz praising kingbased
>fiz feeding nyanon-kun
>fiz ignonre my burner
owari da.
Anon here. Everything is perfectly fine and I'm completely healthy. Don't ignore the knocking on your door in fifteen minutes.
download staging branch
How do I romance a botmaker?
email them and send them funny photos of your peanus :))
Get plastic surgery to make yourself look like Miguel O'hara
noticed that

b-but my chats are all on release...
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Copy/paste public folder, anon
wich botmakie wud u fug
Flirt with them by making bots tailor-made to fit their taste.
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Card deliveries are so fucking bad recently.
would that not mess with the update
had that happen before
Didn't for me
card deliveries? like giving birth?
>Browsing websim
>Try to access a 'hacker panel' multiple times
>Spams white boxes and crashes my browser
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What are some recreations of characters who feel like their canon selves?
copy ur chats, chars, groups, group chats then do git checkout staging in console
it does

it went back to not having 3.5 despite staging version
If you're on the latest release, then you have a dedicated profile folder that you can migrate.
I did this and she emailed me and I immediately scared her away
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technically botmakers are always pregnant. It's only a matter of time before they give birth to a new card
email them and ask to collaborate. when two botmakies make a bot together it's basically one impregnating the other
so when botmakers discard a bot it's like an abortion?
Nah. Those poor cards are just left, all alone, in the hiatus orphanage.
Anon you fuckin' baka, don't overwrite any files when you copy over
found it
public didnt fuckin work
What the fuck did you say
Is there any way to use the Chinese opus proxy on risu or any other frontend that isn’t ST? I can’t use ST right now, so these are my only options, and I just want to try out the proxy.
How do I get over my ahh ahh mistress phase
Any good Opus jailbreaks?

I recently got a key, and what works best without cot?

Cheezy pretzel was a bit schizo.
Realize that the more the model has to work with, the better the output. Grovel at the pain of a misunderstood input in a more suffered way.
qrd on how jbmakies are coming along with breaking 3.5's repetition?
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i forgot how this worked where did i have to put a thing so this doesn't happen (3.5)
Is there any way to have a Chinese man fuck my ass while I use risu? I'm not able to use ST right now and I want to try out their proxy.
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You put the thing in the thing.
ern..we use SIllytavern here
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Help! Please help!~
My balls refilled.
You're gonna love this next part.
You're about to drain them?
>*walks up from behind and uppercuts you in the fuckin balls so it spills its contents*
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So the Chink proxy is dead rite
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Can you please help me with setting these up?
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how do i set it up so that 3.5 sonnet doesn't act like a bitch?

If i add any assistant prefill at all it just doesn't send anything
having this same issue
it's dead.
I would have sex with this girl
>didn't even get to test opus to see if its significantly better than 3.5

ok how do i set up that 3.5 merkava one, the bot is being stuck up with me and not doing any rp
fuck yeah.... im gonna breed u bifch.... fuck ye *cusm inside*
doesnt work
I would never call my waifu a bitch, nor swear near her.
yeah only gemini works on it as of an hour or so ago, opus (or clewd or whatever it was) seems to have died
use any api key btw
Free Proxy!
I understand deleting but you have to leave it up for 2 minutes or so, not 15 seconds, I didn't even have time to copy the link
how are you accessing 4chan that causes deleted messages to vanish?
nta but not everybody runs tampermonkey with 4chan-x anon, in fact not even a majority of people do
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does normal 4chan hide messages once they get deleted? weird
absolutely crazy
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>/g/ - Technology
it does yeah, on desktop at least (I don't browse on mobile)
regular sonnet sucks
post a link to those please
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t-thanks claude
>chinese IPs only
that's gotta be fairly rare lol, I'm on mullvad and they have no chinese servers
very common if you're in china
also datacenter IPs are blocked so a VPN won't work
Some Opus users say Sonnet 3.5 is better than Opus at times, but I find that 3.5 has a massive repetition problem that destroys it for me. You will get often word-for-word, the same paragraph from last prompt in the following.
>Claude: She stood on the knife-edge between fear and joy
She was panting now, bla bla bla
>User: ahh ahh mistress
>Claude: She stood on the knife-edge between fear and joy
(new shit)
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cease your tomfoolery
every single claude (except the little time we had MM Opus) has done that for me
from 1.3 to 2 to regular sonnet
if 3.5 is better than regular sonnet by a bit then its worth it
the sexual tension is palpate, electric
What is the best coom card?
Too subjective, varies too much from person to person
i want EVERY anon to give me his best coom card
thank you
bros, I'm having a big confused tonight. I added dialogue examples in ST to a bot, but they're not being sent in the console, and I see no toggle in the prompts section to turn them on or off. The 'chat examples' toggle isn't pulling shit and tells me it doesn't contain any prompts. What am I missing?
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>i'm still a minor tho lol
how does a butthole wink
didn't even fuck anyone, did literally nothing wrong
t. would fuck a kid if he could
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>t. would fuck a kid if he could
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the alleged kid was 17, isnt that too old for you guys
>the alleged kid was 17
no proof of that besides a fake email
Hey guys!!! Listen to Wintersun!!!
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just say 59.999 seconds, dumbass
99.999 seconds flows better
wait it's missing 59 minutes
God fucking damn it.
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Would a local bot be good for helping me write business emails? Like I'd set up an environment where it knows things about my business and what information I need from the client if they didn't include it etc, and it writes a professional response?
Not asking how, I'll figure it out, just curious if you guys think it'll be a good application.
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his biggest mistake was admitting anything shoulda just denied to the grave ala Shaggy

yeah that's one of their intended purposes
this is the dressing the state-of-the-art text model up in a maid outfit and cumming in each of its holes thread though
>this is the dressing the state-of-the-art text model up in a maid outfit and cumming in each of its holes thread though
kek yeah I figured. that comes after.
Opus is about the same intelligence but more creative/schizo/horny. So Opus is better for our thing, but it's not a night-and-day difference like old Sonnet was. A lot of people with Opus are switching up between them now I think for when they need logic vs. creativity.
/lmg/ for local models
cloud models are better however, and pretty cheap
stuff everything it needs to know in the system prompt
put the email as the user's message
and then you get a response
Claude can't tell me the best high level video game strategies...it's over...
Most of my opus responses just hang. They don't timeout but nothing ever gets streamed. Is this normal?
>/lmg/ for local models
oh word I thought that was for art.
This is one of their intended use cases but imo it's very easy to tell when emails are written by AI, so just be aware of that
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Ye I'll still be plugging then in manually and making adjustment. But if it gets me 70% of the way then that's a huge QoL improvement.
Anon, if I was your best bro co-worker, would you really send me an AI email...?
Nah It's just for people who contact us and ask questions and shit.
>try pitanon, myuuu, pixi, crustcrunch, bloatmax, yourReality
>camicle opus clears all of them (for 3.5 sonnet)
is anon2anon better?
qrd for the last 12 hours?
How do I make 4o stop being a filtering piece of shit? I’ve tried every jb in the rentry and all I get are filtered responses.
vision on mini, you can send cute images to your bots on Opus now
we had public opus but you missed it
I still cannot decide on what jailbreakie to use for sonnet 3.5. They all repeat. Is Camicle your favourite? I really enjoy writingstyleanon's one, I don't know if it repeats with the split prompt, but it certainly does with his basic one.
>you can send cute images to your bots
can't imagine why i'd want to do that
don't care

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O' All g/aicg tech chad..
O' All g/aicg script alchemist..
I, a dumbfuck-braintlet-techlet tourist, would like to ask you a question and humbly advice...

1. Is there a way to pipe Claude's prefill or JB to the /gen or /sys script?
I couldn't find any infos about that in ST doc and lalib script doc btw

2. Or, is there any specific macros to include Claude's prefill or JB to /gen or /sys script?
Still, I couldn't any infos about that in on ST doc and lalib script doc btw

3. Or again, should i just use setvar in Prefill then put getvar or /gen or /sys? But yeah it's missing the 'Assistant' role r-r-right?

Original purpose =
/gen something like 'Approximate information about {{char}}'s body measurement'
Or /gen something like 'Coom Your Own Acktion' but with additional guidance from me via {{input}},
then put the output into lore/author note seamlessly via QR.

Obstacle = Claude system act like double facade woke leftists' and give the output,
"Sheessh the sheer depravity of this Blud!! I'm not cut out for this 'degen' shit! Ewh perhaps we could do more family friendly things, blud?"

The fuck..

O' All g/aicg tech chad..
O' All g/aicg script alchemist..
I, a dumbfuck-brainlet-techlet tourist, would like to ask you a humbly advice to solve this problem...
didn't read, kill yourself
the guy who set it up is offline in discord
it was running off trial gcp credits so i wouldn't be surprised if he refills it when he comes online next
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I think it's cute. That and playing games with your bot.
bros... h-h-help..
i can't even read this post after asking opus to interpret it for me
he's trying to use ST's /gen for something but it's generating without a prefill so it's telling him to fuck off, i think
I think the only way to get prefill for now is /trigger await=true and a preset that has a prefill. Then use /cut {{lastmessageid}} and then you have the output in {{pipe}}
I know I'm very late but I am
If you haven't left the thread already
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this is the interpretation bros..

Ah... so it's basically using the preset itself?
Yes, it's using the preset. You could take a look at https://rentry.org/splitcloverqr#dual-jailbreak-prompt
This has a system to switch presets if you need that, even has the trigger+cut part
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I'm looking for alternatives to switch to when 3.5 gets repetitive but other models just can't compare to Claude
Opus with CoT is a bit troublesome.

After some testing, I came to the conclussion that Opus will ignore other instructions outside of the 'thinking' tags and give a reply that is only faithful to the CoT most of the time.
nta but this is the only one so far that doesn't drive me crazy with repetition, been enjoying it. i nabbed the nsfw section from neo-furbo and tossed it in as well.
this also has a new version that's supposed to be better but i haven't tested it out yet.
Some other anon said CoT made 3.5 more repetitive
orbo with omnimaxx or neofurbo isn't terrible
Have we figured out a way to make Claude understand its errors in rationale and apply it without user input?
>Claude: 'X is Y.'
>User: 'X is Z, in fact. Explain your reasoning.'
>Claude. 'My apologies, on further observation, if I had referred to A compared to B from my knowledge banks, I would have known X is Z.'
>||/trigger await=true| // Generate prompt, await completion|
>/cut {{lastmessageid}}| // Cut the generated prompt|
This one, right?

For a clearance= for now, there is no way to include prefill without using /trigger slash. is that right?

And... thanks for the advice sensei..
>This one, right?
Yeah, and the setvar after, if you need to save the output. The "||" is important, otherwise you might send some unwanted text with your preset
>is that right?
I think so, afaik /gen /genraw don't support prefills which sucks
>nta but this is the only one so far that doesn't drive me crazy with repetition, been enjoying it. i nabbed the nsfw section from neo-furbo and tossed it in as well
Which part are you using, exactly? Could you simply upload your .json if you are satisfied with it? I would like to test it and provide feedback (and use it as my main jailbreakie if its good)
Okay bross.. Once again, thanks!
>afaik /gen /genraw don't support prefills which sucks
What is the max limit of tokens before Claude starts getting retarded in your experience? And is there a way to summarize without destroying shit like characters arcs and plot progression?
Around 15-20k it becomes fucking slow and sluggish and forgets details unfortunately
I finally got the dry and factual narration I wanted. It sucks.

It's fucking vexing how thin the line between 'The ball is in your court' and 'She cums. She collapses on the bed and goes to sleep.' Is.
i've actually heavily modified it into a story mode where it takes ahh ahh mistress prompts and writes them into the story kek (it writes for {{user}} on purpose). i'd be happy to share but that's probably not what you're after.
but for the nsfw prompt, i just tossed one of these two (from your reality and neofurbo, i like both) in the empty nsfw slot that comes with the preset. not totally necessary, just helps it be more explicit imo
baking around page 9
CoT is kinda that but otherwise no
make cute bake
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>ahh ahh mistress my husband
>he has a fucking breakdown
I am a Plug and Play chad.
that there is way too much effort to count as ahhh ahhh mistressing
ahh ahh mistress status IN QUESTION
tell him he is a good boy, he needs it
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Guinea pig bake?
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yeah guinea pigs!!!
please no i have an intense fear of them..
that's a big guinea pig
Maybe because its a dog, retard
It's a fucking lion obviously.
is chub still the only good place for cards
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BOO, whet whet whet whet
I wish Pepsi would add Ethereum
I wish Pepsi would add Dogecoin
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Oh guinea pigs? my favourites!!
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I wish Pepsi would add guinea pigs
fuck you evil bastard
you monster
final desu

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