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Call me anytime edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.
Never expose desired salary first.


Previous thread: >>101177947
I wanna live in high rise building (top floors) as a 25 yo handsome guy with 6 packs, huge chest and wide shoulders. I will have some decent 200k salary. Everyday i will use tinder, bumble, hinge, aisle and instagram to text girls for hook ups. I will hit the bar/clubs every friday, saturday and sunday. I will fuck as many as girls i want from dating apps and clubs (just one night stands). I will fuck them at night with lights off and looking at beautiful view from gallery. after sex we will smoke some cigarettes. I will make as much as female friends (for benefits) so that whenever i feel horny i can call them for sex or cuddling session. May be sometimes i will do 3 some. I will be playboy and i will also find wingman to pick up girls. I will do this till 29-30, then go for marriage.
Hoeflation will kick in year 1.
I want a lot of things as well
Flashing firmware requires a program designed for your microcontroller to do so as each device has different memory addresses dedicated to firmware. I used lm4flash here on one of my devices for example:


Someone's most likely made one for your microcontroller similar to this. Just search Github for your device.
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>what we offer:
>great WLB
>competitive salary
>401k and other benefits
>great WLB (again lol but in different wording)

>okay having a screening call
>they actually have on-call rotations
>I will
Are you sure?
I don't think I'd mind being on call. I never leave the house anyway and it sounds easier than constantly untangling code.
There’s nothing in American tech jobs, might as well just find another company outside the country.
That or become middle class working homeless and accept being unemployed 50% of the time.
Tfw majority of this thread's audience were forced to RTO so you couldn't keep it alive for days.
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>telling us he'd be okay with waking up in the middle of Saturday night
>being dragged out in the middle of his favorite game, movie, stream
Hey how about working 6 days a week? You're doing nothing on the weekend and staying home anyway, so why bother, right?
RTO seems like the best way to kill a tech company. You're effectively filtering for the "just show up and get nothing done" people.
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am i the only one whos life revolves around masturbation? i realized recently that im either having a wank, or waiting to have a wank, but waiting gets boring so i try to do something to make the time pass quicker, such as work, or cleaning the house.
>got hired in the middle of the fiscal year so im ineligible for a promotion/raise for 18 months
life in corporate america sucks
I don't know how to improve as programmer
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I haven't done any actual programming since i graduated uni
The question is why tf is she working on Sunday?
there was probably something due on friday that she put off and now she's desperate to have it done in time for monday
She's a woman. It's what they do. They know logically that they should do the bare minimum, but they can't help themselves but go the extra mile for muh overtime or muh leverage. Some dumb shit like that.

This is why the gender pay gap exists. Women make the best slave labor because they're too meek to rebel against corporate.
There is no such work that can't wait till Monday.
any tips on "onboarding", I need several accesses granted just to do my job and I barely got part of it, I'm on "test" time, that means I can get fired without further excuse the next 6 months
>"test" time
Probation usually doesn't last more than 3 months. I think it should be somewhere in the laws of your country.
apparently it is in the laws of my country that I must suck dick for 6 months
change country. unironically
c'mon now, eventually, I'll work remote for other countries, not there yet, all I want is accounts access granted so I can do my fucking job
maryland is the official girl boss democracy lovers state i recommend living here its an easy grift. i do basic things and outperform the entire county because the entire combined iq of the state is about 65
literally work hard every single day on programming at work, and maybe even when you're not at work
Just do your job and don't be afraid to ask things. You don't get fired on test time unless the company is really shitty or you're doing a shitty job.
>y j
ok, I'll bother them a bit more to give me access
>"test" time
>6 months
I remember being on probation for my first 3 months and then they "forgot" to have a sit down with me. Took 2 years until they hired me full-time to then lay me off a year later.
How do I best position myself for a job when my current one ends? I am self taught and have been working for about a year and a half now but I get the feeling the project may get the axe at the end of the year. I'm spending my free time split between polishing up some CS fundamentals that normally seem to be overlooked by people who are self taught and learning .NET since that is the language the majority of jobs in the Midwest ask for. I do full stack TS for work (Node APIs, React Native, Vue) but ideally I would like to get out of JavaScript land, backend or devops maybe. I still have a valid CCNA hopefully that would be viewed as a positive for a devops role. Really I am finding I'm more and more interested in low level shit but I know that's not realistic. I once read some advice here that picking up a stack that's widely used in production but not taught in colleges is the way to go for self taught, so Ruby PHP or maybe even Go, is that true? What should I be focusing on (other than building a time machine)?
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I get suicidal every time I'm on call. Tomorrow again. I'm looking to switch jobs because of them
you have never been in a situation where PagerDuty won't stop beeping in the middle of the night and it shows. Or you are dumb cattle
Does getting a help desk job boost my future prospects of getting in the development side of things later? (Along with a portfolio and everything else).

Or does it actually make my chances worse by putting that on a resume? I've heard there's some employers that look down upon that sort of thing.
I've been thinking of finding a new job but I feel like I'm "quitting" too easily. My current job is spending money on me to do courses so I feel a bit guilty to job hop right away.

Last job I quit was because of burn out and I was the only one in the team doing shit. This job my work has even more extremes where I'm either extremely busy or doing jack shit and it can switch on a fucking dime. I've noticed my boss is starting to not take "No, this can't be done" as an answer and it's quite frustrating since a lot of stuff is out of my control. The environment is also frustrating as fuck since it feels like a lot of people aren't being in charge of their own work and try to throw it onto me.
>Nobody emails me anything
>They bring it up during the big team meeting
>"ok email me and I'll review"
>Nobody emails me any requirements
>They don't say anything for a couple of weeks
>They randomly bring it back up down the pipeline and try to act like it's my fault (Maybe I'm just seeing this from my point of view) and I'm just like bruh......
I don't know if they want me to take charge of their work but frankly I don't want to be chasing gooses all the fucking time.

Things will get better in the summer months since it gets less busy but we're a man down and I've taken the slack. I'm irritated that I haven't gotten any pay raise since I've taken much more responsibility but leadership is way too busy to give me direction on what I'm doing wrong or right so I feel like I'm just estimating a lot of the office politics and I keep getting it wrong and yet my 1:1s are just "you're doing a good job" but I always feel like they're hiding a lot of shit from me. If they're going to fire me that's fine. Logically I don't see it. They are paying courses for me and I'm still introduced onto many projects on a weekly basis. Paranoia wise I feel it once they hire the new guy.
get another better job
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I just realized I have a shit boss that literally everyone in my company thinks is great.
>Only raised my salary noticeably when I got offers from another companies
>Is a pain in the ass to work with
>Wanted us to stay on call for free, reduced the freedom of our schedule when we tried to negotiate
>Never promoted any learning
>Blocked the introduction of new technologies
>Straight up told me that it was on his best interest that we remained ignorant about new technologies so we can't move to another job
>Hired new developers because he didn't trust us working with new technologies and they turned to be useless retards
>Deflects most responsibilities a boss should have and leaves everything dubious
>Pretty much impossible to have a civil discussion without him interrupting constantly

deleted last post because I just wanted to bitch about my boss
You are not the boss of me now
and you're not so big.
There is no point where you've been there 'enough' to compensate them for the training. _They_ are compensating _you_ for the time you are giving them.

>My current job is spending money on me to do courses so I feel a bit guilty to job hop right away.
They're spending that money on you with the hope that you'll stay forever. It's not a reasonable expectation but that's what they want.
You shouldn't fell guilty about leaving, but if you can't help but feel guilty about it then you shouldn't have taken the opportunity in the first place.

>>They randomly bring it back up down the pipeline and try to act like it's my fault
At the end of the day when you first ask for the thing send them a """reminder""" email asking for the thing again.
It's a little bit annoying (for you and them) but either you get your thing or you've established a paper trail of it being their fault.
xD epic win! kys
bro please watch don't hug me i'm scared work episode

go insane bro
imgine memeing jewliwood slop, whew, shame
>have two meetings back to back
>leave first meeting
>open link for second
>teams won't join
>close and re open
>teams opens and goes to some dashboard
>close one re open again
>finally join meeting
>share screen
>no one can see anything
>fuck with it for 10 minutes
>close and re open again
>not working
>reboot computer
>open teams again
>doest join meeting
>close and re open teams
>goes to dashboard instead of joining meeting
>close and re open teams twice more
>finally get into meeting
>share screen

Why the fuck does anyone use this shit ass software, it literally does not work, phone, PC, browser, it does not fucking work
Yeah, I just hate how I have to take charge of "their shit" even though they're the ones that want it. I also really hate office politics instead of "hey lets discuss this BEFORE the big meeting" instead "i'm just going to call you out". I've been working with a PM and holy shit if this is everyone's experience with a PM (just literally go through an excel spreadsheet and ask for timelines and "hurrdurr how is it going to be done" without any foresight) then fuck, no wonder why people unilateral hate PMs.

I just don't know if I should take the brunt of it for another year or cut my losses quickly and leave. I'm just really annoyed that all my 1:1s are "You're doing good! Exceeding expectations as always" yet I can't help but always feel insanely behind in everything and everything I'm working with my boss just feels like I'm always giving him shit analysis. Like sometimes I can sense his frustration in our discussion because I said something that led to a rabbit hole but he can't get mad because he knows I don't have the full picture and I'm at least trying.

Like fuck I'd rather get some sort of criticism if I'm always feeling stupid during our 1:1s. I want to at least stick another year so I can get my bonus but I've gone to a point where I'm "rage quitting" because I keep getting frustrated and every single railroad track that I set on myself I keep getting roadblocked or I'm a dumbass and found that the track led to a dead end but I told everyone that it's already been built. But office politics HATE it when you give non "yes" or "no" answers even if you need more information and it's fucking frustrating being held to your word on an estimate. There's one group in particular I have to deal with twice a week and it's fucking driving me insane with how much abstract work they throw at me without again any FUCKING FORMAL REQUIREMENTS and they need it ASAP.
>I'm irritated that I haven't gotten any pay raise since I've taken much more responsibility
Don't put up with that or else it will never end.
Last year I found myself having to go after people that had higher roles than me and made more than me. I had a chat with my boss explaining him that while I was not against taking more responsibilities I did expect to be paid for it. He can of dodged it and gave me a shitty raise.
I've been doing jack shit since then.
I'll be quite honest. For the first 6 months of my job when I had the other guy. I did like 1-2 hours of work a day. Now I either cram 6-10 hours daily after the first guy left. That's why I'm a little hesitant asking for a raise because technically going from being a leech to going unga bunga one of the more important person in the room feels awkward.
It may feel backward to you, not to your boss, if he knew you were working 1-2 hours a day you wouldn't be there.
True, I'll wait for my legit performance review so I have some time to document my tasks now. I also still feel like a fucking monkey idiot and although I'm trying, I feel too stupid to ask for a raise now.
If I was going to get bumped up another 10-15k, I should at least be way more self sufficient than I am now.
>I'm looking to switch jobs because of them
Way to go! Your health is much MUCH more important than any amount of money. If you spot a reg flag regarding your job, leave immediately. I would fall into
>just one more week and it'll be better
one too many times. It will not. Not now, not ever.
absolutely no woman is going to consider you marriage material with that kind of body count
>My current job is spending money on me to do courses so I feel a bit guilty to job hop right away
Do you have any written obligations? Job hopping is totally okay in software engineering. They invest money for their own benefit, not yours, they want you to work for them faster and better.
And all in all any company has more money than you do. Spending e.g. 1000$ when you salary is 500$ is a big deal, but spending the same 1000 while having millions is like nothing.
pic related
LMAO i now want to rewatch Magnolia
no written obligation. the problem is i don't have time to even do the courses yet I'm always getting checked in on. I'll try to do something on the weekend so I have something to discuss but shit's kinda annoying.
>Currently doing WGU bachelor's degree in cloud computing (should be done by the end of this year)
>Planning on doing WGU master's degree in cyber security afterwards (should take me like three months lmao)
>Have full 36 months of GI Bill (subtract a few months for the master's)
>Not sure what to do with the rest of it
>Want to go to a real school (University of Washington for example, but really whatever the most prestigious school in a location I like that would accept me)
>Too retarded for a master's in a real field (i.e. computer science, math, engineering)
>No interest in PhD
Should I plan on getting an MBA lmao
been on-call almost all my career (18+ years) mostly in 2-3 man team which means at least 1/3 of every month. and yet they claim slavery question was solved long time ago.
problem is I hate big corp. jobs even more with all the pajeets, endless calls with retards and rampant bureocracy... fuck my life. lately I have been drinking almost every other night on call, maybe they will fire me finally one day and I'll be free human for a while again.
I've never been on-call for my ~13-year career.
I remember when I got my first traditional job and how dismissive the senior engineer (we were basically the same age) was towards me and not understanding his piss poor directions and assignments. Got moved to my own team after a few months and I guess the manager talked to him and asked me to find courses I could take to improve but never got approval for them. Looking back at it, I think the owners were trying to stack it against me and fire me but they didn't expect a significant improvement.

Months leading up to my lay off, owners were doing company wide training for everyone but they put said senior engineer in control of it. He didn't do jackshit beyond an introduction course. Any time I tried to do any courses on my own, he would find out and chew me out for wasting company time and then offload work he could have given me earlier in the week.

Yeah, that bastard was trying to get me fired after a few months working there. Somehow my good results were ignored on the decision to lay me off. Fucking office politics.
I'm on call one week every ~1.5 months.
I never have to do anything.
Even if I do it's something really minor, or just calling the guy responsible.
Even if it weren't I rarely leave the house anyway and don't really care. I work on my own projects on my free time anyway, I don't do leisure stuff like video games or anime or going out. Working for the company instead of my own stuff is no different.
Just free money really.
Only problem is I sleep in on weekends till the afternoon so if something happens it will mess with my sleeping schedule.
good for you fren,
I specialized as security engineer (stupid me) - responsible for critical infrastructure. Every job with my specialization gets on-call unless you work for some huge corp which is even worse in a different way.
>I sleep in on weekends [...] it will mess with my sleeping schedule.
Your sleep schedule is already messed up.
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Just do this take-home assignment so you can get to the real interview!
Your life must be horribly boring and miserable.
Lmao do people really put up with this shit?
Yeah I take schizo meds and need to sleep more than average
I accumulate a sleep debt during the week and need to pay it off on weekends
Also I'm a night-owl by nature
You can't improve health or anything at all without money dipshit
Every time some retard says "money doesn't matter" it's some retard neet who gets carried by mommy or a normie parasite abusing his "friends"
>Yeah I take schizo meds and need to sleep more than average
Go to bed earlier every day.
>I accumulate a sleep debt during the week and need to pay it off on weekends
Not how sleep works.
>Also I'm a night-owl by nature
Not how people work.
It's a great home assignment btw. They're looking for a person who would meekly do whatever they tell to do. If you accept this assignment then you're the person they're looking for.
That's braindead easy and a way better way to judge people than memorizing leetcode
see if you can talk to the client directly?
I've never said that. I said the money you get from those kind of jobs doesn't cover your health bill.
>just work for free
>2-10 employees with a nigger in charge
Even if this assignment was 10 times simpler I wouldn't do it
>Go to bed earlier every day.
No I got stuff to do
>Not how sleep works.
It is. Your body needs an x amount of sleep per day depending on the person. If you sleep less, you accumulate a sleep debt and need to pay it off sometime in the future.
>Not how people work.
It is scientifically documented that people have different circadian rhythms and some are night-owls
>company I applied to 3 months ago posted a job
>it is their 4th repost
>of the same job post
Holy fuck, this is getting brazen.
>No I got stuff to do
Do it tomorrow.
>If you sleep less, you accumulate a sleep debt
Sleep "debt" has diminishing returns. You can only fuck yourself up so badly so you can squeeze more time out of your day.
The trade off is that by fucking yourself up you won't be able to make good use of your time.
>night-owl circadian rhythm
Not how that works. There are people who are more active in the evening but not people who are more active in the dead of night.
If you're still screwing around at 2AM it's because you aren't exercising response inhibition.
I can't stand working, i.e. directly trading your time for money, in general.
Have you heard any success stories about software devs transitioning to some kind of independent income streams like stock/crypto trading and such?
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I didn't code side projects, or study for work/certs for few days due to overtime, and now I find it difficult to start working again. Why? It was just few days.

Why is it so hard to focus on working again?
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There's nothing to work towards.
think of an idea

implement that idea

sell it to people

good luck
I have a quite a very big and delusional and autistic goal.
It's just so complex that sometimes I get side tracked or I have doubts if I'm insane enough to complete it.
That's cool.
I already dream of code and yaml.
>stock/crypto trading and such?
that's what to do with your SWE salary (or other career) until you have like $2M minimum. more like $3 to be safe and clear
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I have never done a side project and I have no intention of changing that.
well good thing that average person both isn't allowed on the jobs that make money and those jobs aren't dogshit enough to ruin your health to begin with so you are forced to work on them and changing does nothing
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>$2M minimum
>EU programmer salary
>start new job
>learn team lead is a woman
what do you do?
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>aren't dogshit enough to ruin your health
exit the job immediately and next time you apply check for any women in charge
The only jobs with high salaries that ruin your health are tradies (mentally ill to begin with no one will notice the difference) and life threatening jobs (you knew what you were signing for), rest is all nepo adult daycare shit
Can someone help me understand the difference between IT Ops and DevOps teams? Don't both of them just manage all the tech at a business?
That's your opinion.
>interviewers ask how do I keep up with tech news
>I lie and say I look at my google, bing, yahoo feeds
>they ask what was the last story I read about?
>I bluff and say something vague about Elon Musk and X
>they seemed to buy it

so Anons what is a better way to answer this?
(my guess is to search Yahoo tech news and just remember the latest tech story I see)
DevOps is a gay buzzword invented by managers that didn't want to hire sysadmins and just made their devs do the server maintenance.
Tell them you get news from coworkers.

I just tell them I don't follow tech news. I get all my news from (autistic) coworkers that have no life that follow tech news. Its a pretty effective filter.
>have a ton of work this weekend
>dawntrail fucking sucks
this long weekend is ruined...
I wish I could switch to half-time, but I want to build my dream house... I hate computers so much it's unreal, but I can't make 6 figures anywhere else.
>based Jerry
Gets a good night sleep and doesn't worry about the Pudus putting the fires out. That's what outsourcing is for.

Some of you guys need to take notes.

Being on-call can really suck if you're not part of the dev team. If you're supporting garbage software then it will inevitably fail but you will STILL look incompetent. To top it off, you're usually working in a locked-down environment. Its not like you can install an IDE and automate a lot of your work.

Support isn't a cakewalk. I prefer to untangle code because I have the whole fucking day to do so. Its a handful of tasks that you have the entire sprint to complete (usually a two week period) as opposed to shit being thrown at you from all sides.

Dude, I've been in both worlds. Nothing beats being a dev. Support is awful. All kinds of different categories of tasks come at you non-stop. If you can get past the anxiety of talking to people, its not bad. Most enterprise programming jobs are not that hard. A lot of places are using legacy software. Data engineering is easier than regular development. Its all SQL, Hadoop, and PySpark. As long as you know Python and SQL you're good. You can pick up Scala along the way.

For the anxiety, I'd recommend purchasing one of Dr. Thomspon's audio tracks from https://scientificsounds.com/. You can probably pirate everything but this guy's an actual physician. He's not a millionaire asshole. You can meet him in person and he will genuinely work towards your health. This is new medicine. Healing by sound is a reality and this guy's the pioneer. If you can afford it, buy a track. This guy deserves it.
What other fields have you dabbled in? Don't know if I should be here since I'm a powerBI bitch but I'm thinking about just moving to being a Buyer.
seek professional help
I am making a people review website to expose such lowly people, who I came across as well. feel free to sign up to the waitlist: https://forms.gle/tZt9B9BntJ5t5FCA9
If i could dabble in other fields i won't be here
>Do it tomorrow.
No I get back at work at 6.
Need to eat, shower etc thats 1 hour. So 7.
That leaves me with only a few hours of productivity. So I do stuff until 1, then relax until 2 and go to sleep then.
In contrast I have tons of time on the weekends and I can pay back the sleep debt then.
Due to my meds I need 10 hours of sleep a day at least. I'd need to sleep at 10 to get up at 8 which would leave me no time at all to do personal projects.
>Sleep "debt" has diminishing returns. You can only fuck yourself up so badly so you can squeeze more time out of your day.
That's why I sleep a few hours on wfh days too.
>Not how that works. There are people who are more active in the evening but not people who are more active in the dead of night.
False there are. Just like there are nocturnal animals there are nocturnal people.
Especially those who fall under the dark triad personality types, which I do.
I don't think it will look bad on your resume, but the problem you're going to have working a helpdesk job for too is that it will be difficult to switch to a dev role cause you'll have to make time to study and practice programming while working on the help desk.
Believe me working on first line support drains you.
Rather look for an entry level programming job.
Even if the pay is bad at first, you'll gain a lot experience and grow into the role while becoming senior much quicker.
on the contrary they will see helldesk on your resume and try to rope you into more helldesk so no don't touch this shit unles you're completely out of jobs
this includes all forms of helldesk
The problem is entry level programming jobs tend to have insane experience requirements that I can't fulfill and I don't have a decent portfolio to show yet (working on it)
That's why I'm eyeing that other option out of desperation, to kind of tide me over while I have more to show for myself.
Maybe I'll get lucky and get a reply from one of these but it's been a couple months so I'm starting to lose hope
>tend to have insane experience requirements that I can't fulfill
everyone lies about these so start learning that skill you will need it
>Does getting a help desk job boost my future prospects of getting in the development side of things later?
Well, what are the alternatives? I would say helldesk is better than year of neeting, but I am not hiring manager, so, y'know.
On-call means that you can get interrupted at ANY TIME, including during cooking, showers, sleeping, vidya, etc.
In my case, I was on-call when I used to work in medical transportation. That meant getting up at fucking 4 AM to drive people around, and at one point I had to juggle freeway driving with two close together phone calls and also looking through paperwork. That shit is zombifying. Grateful for the experience and hardship since I like challenging myself, but I don't want that again and I heavily, heavily advise against it.

Ask about it during the interview and if they do have on-call bullshit either try to negotiate out of it, ask for additional compensation, or just look for another job.
Why not just give her a dumbed-down youtube video?
Because their aim it to make some sucker do all the work for them, not to actually learn or whatever
Anons, how do I get people to just ping me their question instead of just saying hi? I just checked my Teams and I see:
>Hi anon (2 am)
>anon pls (2:15 am)
Even worse when you first open your laptop in the morning and you immediately get pinged...
>hi anon are you available?
...and then you get 9/11ed with a non-consensual Teams call.
When those types if "how do I do my job" questions get asked I always just say something like "I'm not sure how your department handles this, I am cc'ing x in finance to help you out." This stops them from even trying to ask me to help anythings, even if I can do it I won't don't set the precedence.
"If you need something, please just ask the question. Don't ask me if I you can ask :-)

Thank you."

You might also want to add link to https://nohello.net/en/
Anyone got experience with Torii HQ? My team is implementing it but no idea if it's any good
>pagerduty going off all night
Adjust thresholds for alarming. I double shit every false alarm. How many of those late night pages actually necessitate manual intervention?
Is it fine to put stuff like
>Linux+/Pentest+/Ect. in progress (<1 month until completion)
on a resume for positions that ask for them? This is of course with some larger cert (CCNA) already completed.
I am a fresh grad working as a data analyst at a state gov job. Safe, lots of free time. All these people I work with do the bare minimum. Job only offers hybrid and I make 69k. What can I do to upskill for more pay? Or should I find a side hustle?
Similar situation and my reviews are stellar so I'm looking for a second remote job.
I'm an ex neet retard working retail that desperately wants to escape with no college or experience (except for web dev kinda but quit because of covid and forgot it all)

What's the fastest way to get a job that pays more than $13 an hour that's tech related? I already passed core 1 of the A+ if that helps
anyone here interviewed for Elastic?
renew your knowedge of web dev and get in
just avoid helldesk as it's barely different from retail
On-call can really vary.

I'm trying to hire and folks bitch about having to join on-call, but our system is very reliable. We get one overnight issue per year, maybe per quarter if we're really unlucky.

Maybe I'm too brainwashed (or traumatized from hellish rotations earlier in my career), but it doesn't seem like the end of the world to carry your laptop with you a few weeks of the year in exchange for $350k a year plus benefits.
>ask for additional compensation
And usually they willingly provide it (not like x2-x3 of course), but no amount of money is worth fucking up your life.
>Maybe I'm too brainwashed
You are. Taking your work home is never okay. With all that WFH trend started with covid, some people stopped going offline after hours and it's a problem.
>$350k a year plus benefits
You sure about that?
Have you ever tried to sell your equity? You know what the tax is?
Have you ever checked house prices in California?
Do you even spend money your earn or sit on it like Scrooge McDuck?
I’m a student in a cybersec degree and I want to start grinding internships. What’s a decent babby cert I can get with a few weeks/months of studying to differentiate myself from those around me?
You get bored of them and their bullshit. Easy access to women during uni nearly made me asexual because there’s no chase nor is it worth putting in effort just to do a 30-60 minute exercise. Genuinely you get to a point you just would rather have a wank and use the additional time to be productive.

Cant even really have a deep conversation with them anyway so they’re basically a warm fleshlight.

I opted going for marriage and getting it out the way, still get the pussy, get the benefits of a wife if you don’t marry some feminist cretin (asians or hapas are the best, hence why I went with the latter), and you can focus on bigger picture stuff like family and your “legacy” aka kids.

You either get bored of hedonism or find yourself in a tranny orgy sniffing coke out their bumhole until you die of OD or an STD like the rockstars did
Is the job market so fucked that people are putting up with this? The last time I was interviewing I told anyone who tried this on I didn't do take home assignments but they were welcome to take a look at one of my side projects on github if they wanted.
No, what's elastic?
I've been pretending to work for weeks and weeks and my boss just gave me a huge bonus, bullshitting people just works.
>no college
>no experience
>tech related job
Aim for helpdesk and enjoy being in hell I guess?
junior and midwit jobs are oversaturated, yes. you don't see take home assignments like this for embedded or systems programming
spent all yesterday evening and today looking up court records for my old high school classmates kek.
this desu senpai
How's the job market for senior devs looking? I haven't applied to anything since the end of last year due to getting a giant raise and my most recent job prospect going full retard at the offer phase. Have the previous 6 months gotten any better?
My early 20's bankruptcy...I'm embarrassed.
Is there a name for this sort of brain damage? How does one become so degenerate?
> people stopped going offline after hours
That's a totally different thing. I stop work at 5pm sharp. On-call is just being capable of responding to critical issues.

Also not sure what your other questions are about. I'm aware of how RSUs (and ISOs) work. I don't care about home prices in California because I live in NYC. I have a full life that responding to the occasional emergency does not meaningfully interfere with.

Sorry if you have a worse experience.
>there was probably something due on friday that she put off
>12 profile views this week on kikedin
We’re so back
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>take a week off doing daily leetcode
>today's [medium] daily question is kicking my ass
brehs also I fucking hate graph problems
actually getting recruiters contacting me
I've done pre-projects to try and get a job in the past but this is something else. Either this >>101203372 or they are just getting free work to use for their own projects. If i saw this list, I would close the browser and never contact them again, fucking kek.
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>manager used to work at Reddit
What did he mean by this?
From good companies? I still only get jeet spam from shitcos. Admittedly I stopped updating things after my last bad interview and I have done a lot since then.
>Asians or hapas
>using the word feminist
Why am I not surprised.
>I will fuck them at night with lights off
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yeah but why the fuck would you want to work in embedded
Because Im not a faggot?
It’s just modern society, between electronics ruining local community and religion inherently failing once people discovered more and more science, social standards disappeared because those two mechanisms were stopping people from being degens.

Personally I just believe society will repair itself but it has to get worse before it gets better. The biggest hurdle is unironically the Left due to inherent tendency to be as hedonistic as possible (due to the hedonistic treadmill), and the fact that you can’t discriminate and thus aren’t allowed to enforce standards on society.

Honestly I would call it being animalistic or wild. Not to sound like a christcuck but the idea of sin can basically be explained as degeneracy due to one’s animalistic instincts (see deadly sins, basically animal instinct to eat, kill, and fuck), so if you wanted something with a bit more reputation of a word, sinful brain rot works
Honestly junior roles are completely fucked to the point you basically have to win the lottery to get your first job, I had the same issue for my second one.

After that, you can be an excellent programmer and do alright but because we gave the pajeets internet access, every job is flooded with CVs so your talent has once again been reduced to random chance unless you essentially SEO the fuck out of your CV. It also doesn’t help that you have to pass the troll under the bridge (HR) who doesn’t know any of the terms whatsoever, so once again, you’re just trying for the lottery
This isn’t too bad but the first task is some uni shit. As another guy said its a tiny startup so they can fuck off. It looks worse because fullstack is basically 3 devs in a trench coat, realistically though they should just be looking for portfolios rather than an assignment
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im a failed dev... helldesk awaits me....
What do project managers even do? From my point of view all they fucking do is set up a weekly meeting and go down through an excel spreadsheet and just ask for deadlines but don't even clear up any roadblocks or have any sort of communication to make sure the tasks get done.
When can you tell when you're wanting to quit your job if it's because you're a bitch or if it's actually unhealthy? I'm in a situation where I feel way out of my head but I can't tell if I should leave or not because it's too early and I still feel like I can grow a lot here. But at the same time, I'm really not sure if this is an environment I want to work in. I don't really feel supported and I'm getting a little frustrated in my day to day.
Jobs for women and other inept men
From the Google Project Management course I'm taking
>Planning and organizing
>Managing tasks
>Controlling costs and other factors
Skills for successful project managers
>Enabling decision making
>Communicating and escalating
>Strong organizational skills

Basically, they need to be able to scope out and plan a project and make sure things move along from start to finish. They should be batting for their team and provide the support they need to get things done. Unfortunately, we know the whole field is filled with dumbasses that got those positions not because they're good at managing but because they're friends with the hiring manager or someone owed them a favor.
I used a helldesk position to become a professional computer janitor 8 years ago, never looked back. It's really not that bad. Except the pay.
The pay is bad.
tell me about that one team you hate dealing with. how do you cope with dealing with them? I'm starting to not get a filter and I'm bringing out my frustrations with dealing with them to my other coworkers and it's starting to look bad.
Portfolios are easily gamed, just fork some shit and pretend it's your own.
Retard cope
Really depends on why you hate dealing with them is it a personality thing or a technical skills thing? Either way its about you not being able to dissociate from your work.
more personality wise.
they seem to really just want everything done at once and they keep fucking shooting out really abstract ideas and they won't take "I'll come back with more information" or any sort of "give me a fucking second you retard let me see if I can do this" as an answer.
>tell me about that one team you hate dealing with
engineers. if i see "engineer" in your job title, you are probably a retard who cant do anything that isnt a very specific aspect of what you are supposed to be handling. i could tell you that an engineer is responsible for an entire part of a system, and the retarded fucking engineer is only ever going to learn about 1 part out of 10 in the system because he sees the other 9 parts as being beneath him.
i have never met so many people without common sense, with such a lack of an ability to troubleshoot something, and who get defended so much by their higher ups for doing retarded shit.

i have met a small number of people with "engineer" in their job titles who dont fall into this boat, but i have come to accept that 98-99% of engineers fall into the category of thinking they are really smart while being some of the most retarded people in the department.
I had my first week over 50 hours.
It gets better, right?
Depends on why your work week was over 50 hours. Do you expect your workload to become lighter after this?
>try looking for a better / second job
>everything that isn't react / java jobs requires 4+ yoe
It's so fuckong over bros
0-3 yes
4-7 no
8-9 nightmares await
dubs exceeding comfiness
I built this in case companies wanna test broader skills instead of leetcode (e.g. debugging a server)

whats your tech stack? 3 yoe java dev here have been fucked with oncall in my past two positions and thinking i might need to switch
>Get a job working on a pre-existing document system that is being transferred to a new system making sure that the tagging is up to date and the new system can cope with it
>Find out that the tags are manually typed out by the workers instead of being a pool of pre-determined tags, leading to a lot of redundant tags that need to be checked to make sure that they are retagged to the new predetermined tag.
>mfw 6 months in seeing new tags for shit (Like EQUIPMENT, Equipment, Equippment etc.) and only one document set that's made it through the entire process
>mfw also rebranding of company department(s) which means updating every tag and making a new conversion algo because even the department tag was allowed to be typed manually
>mfw also also company "forgot" to pay the license for a component of this new system because they are moving to a different middleware solution for that component but the deal won't go through until 2026
The void stares back at me.
Just lie.
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I am surprised at the amount of job offers for php and jquery.
That shit's going into ChatGPT and if they don't like the answers they can go fuck themselves
Java as well. I've been asked to do oncalls two times, both of them happened after covid (oh wow right), and I just said no. I see oncalls mentioned in job openings every now and then but it's even more simple, you just decline an interview invitation and move on.
Any Germanbros here
Thoughts on Fraunhofer?
>C# jobs all want Azure cloudshit exp
>Java jobs all want Kafka/Elastic exp
I hate needing to drink the coolaid
Should I get a second job, my current one is weird sometimes I basically have nothing to do for weeks and if I have things to do workload isn't insane but I'm kind of scared
and I could use it to pad my resume (got 5+ year gap)
One thing you might not be realising is that being on call doesn't mean you work weird shifts waiting for not a lot to happen
No, you work your full week of normal shifts and then have your evenings and nights and weekends interrupted
Make a list of knowledge gaps, prioritise in order of what you think would most help you. Study them in that order.
>and then have your evenings and nights and weekends interrupted
What a great way to live your life. No wonder turnover in jobs with on-calls is insane.
Recently started being on call. Thankfully it's infrequent but good god what a pain in the ass.
Support job too, so it's usually shit alarms that i can blast in 25 minutes (10 of which are logging in) or multi-hour long fuckups.
I've seen C# jobs also ask for kafka/elastic exp. I'd focus there at least, fuck Azure
>missed calls
When I'm off the clock, I'm off the clock. I have no obligation to answer calls. The reason I haven't answered calls? I was out and forgot to take my phone. Yeah that's it.
I try to shield my engineers from night shift oncalls, but I also tell them clearly that if we fuck up and some important service goes down, and we don't respond in time then night shifts will be back on the menu.

I fucking hate night shifts, and I don't want anyone to do them. I want our alarming to be set up so effectively that you actually get real alerts and not bullshit, so if a victorops ping wakes you up, it's probably something important.

I'd rather do that than have people sit at night losing their mind from boredom and fucking up their biological clock.
Easy there, tiger. Maybe you should learn English first.
Is it a good idea to try to network at company parties?
It's a good idea to network anywhere at any time.
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>TeamLead: "Anon we need to implement an automation tool! we need to stop creating and configuring servers by hand!"
>Proceed to propose Ansible and Terraform.
>TeamLead and Exec: "Anon, that's expensive. How about we clone virtual machines instead and use scripts to set them up?"
>Tell him that's not automation.
>TeamLead:"Sorry anon, we'll just clone machines and use scripts"
Come on, it's a bank we're talking about. how expensive could it possible be both Anisble and Terraform?
>>Tell him that's not automation.
W-why not?
Well, first we have to cloning machines implies we have re dimension them by hand, which leaves room for human errors and it's time consuming, terraform addresses this issues. Scripts are good for specific, but they execute actions and do not define the final of a machine, whereas ansible is both idempotent and defines the final state of a machine not to mention it provides more functions than a bash or a python script.
Thank you for an explanation, sir.
>ansible is both idempotent and defines the final state of a machine
Neither of these two statements are true.

Ansible is NOT idempotent. SOME specific tasks, like template, or file, or copy can be idempotent, but most commonly used tasks like shell or command are NOT idempotent inherently, it depends entirely how specific commands you use will work. Also ansible cannot take into account changes in configuration that remove things.

Ansible does NOT define the final state of the machine. Ansible configuration defines procedural steps that it will be performed on the machine in sequential manner, of which final result will depend on when it is done, on what kind of machine, and what state that machine is in.

NixOS is actually idempotent and actually defines final state of the system(though not 100% since software running on the system also has its own state).
title: Meanwhile, in an alternative universe.
Sitting having coffee with frens after a night of drinking
Anons should I go get a JNCIE? Would it basically make me forever employable in some capacity?
How much should I ask for a junior front end dev?
I've been asking $4000,00 in my interviews. I know plenty of stuff: JS, TS, React, jQuery, bootstrap, tailwind, testing with Jest.
Depends, are you a jeet? How well do you speak english? Are you able to communicate effectively? How good is your work ethic?
No, I'm not a pajeet.
> How well do you speak english?
Native, but I'm not eloquent nor have a fascination for fancy words
>Are you able to communicate effectively?
> How good is your work ethic?
Normal, they can expect me to do my best at the job, and never miss any days or get late. I also love programming and do it as a hobby, so I'm always learning something new
>used tasks like shell or command are NOT idempotent inherently
True. There are also some modules that are not 100% idempotent.
>Also ansible cannot take into account changes in configuration that remove things.
wot. Elaborate here.
>Ansible does NOT define the final state of the machine. Ansible configuration defines procedural steps that it will be performed on the machine in sequential manner, of which final result will depend on when it is done, on what kind of machine, and what state that machine is in.
mmm, I disagree, I mean sure a playbook does this exactly: defines procedural steps that it will be performed on the machine in sequential manner, of which final result will depend on when it is done, on what kind of machine. But with ansible you're defining the desired state of a system, or that's somewhat the definition I got from RHEL.
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I hate how gen z is being perceived in the working world but then i look at my younger siblings and i said to myself "maybe some of us really deserves to rot and die".

Gen X really don't know how to raise kids except giving them phone and internet connection. They don't bother to do anything in their life, they just scroll youtube, listen to kpop, and play dumb gachas and mobas. The day they turn 22 will be a painful realization that they don't know a thing or two about feeding themselves without relying on their mommies and daddies.
>Gen X really don't know how to raise kids except giving them phone and internet connection.
I'm a millenial and that's how my boomer parents raised me. Well... to be fair, they picked one kid that they liked and put all their effort into that one (it wasn't me).
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1 out of every 24 websites use React
18 out of every 24 websites use jQuery
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>have a chat with boss about salary back in november
>only had two significant raises in 4 years, both because I had offers from other companies
>straight up tell him that I don't really want to play this game of having to come up with offers to earn a decent salary
>he agrees and tells me I have a big raise coming soon
>the "big raise" was 7%
>mfw when I'm signing from another company this week with a 32% salary increase
I'm not even going to listen to counter offers, I already learned my lesson.
Hopefully next year I can find a better paying job.
>wot. Elaborate here.
Lets say you have a list of templates you want to create. You run a template task using with_items, or maybe with_fileglob, and create that list of templates. But later you remove the template or the entry from the list, and re-run Ansible. Would ansible remove that file? No it would not. You would have to implement that kind of removal explicitly and separately.

>But with ansible you're defining the desired state of a system, or that's somewhat the definition I got from RHEL.
Then that definition is wrong. Some tasks do define the final state of a resource, like `file` or `copy`, but other tasks define only SOME of the state of the resource, like `service` or `iptables`, and other like `shell` or `command` define none of the state, but only define an action to be performed.

I've worked with Ansible for many, many years, and I cannot stand it anymore. I will be doing all my future projects with NixOS, and nobody can stop me.

48k for a web dev? Sound about normal. I don't think it's too high.
PHP also blows all competition out of the water.
It's because WordPress is massive. Over half of all PHP sites use WordPress.
Does this means Laravel is king?
Can this general be named software wagie general already? It's all it ever is.
There are 34 WordPress sites for every 1 Laravel site.
>the day they turn 22
22 sounds very low, try 25.
Ah. So at least if I'm good at PHP and Javascript, these are still transferrable to bunch of every of other things, right?
Do people actually still think they will achieve this with a career in tech?
Good morning sir.
I don't even carry my laptop when I'm on call. Worst case scenario, I just call someone and walk them through how to troubleshoot. Are you still hiring? I sent you my resume. Feel free to call any time.
Yes. PHP's usage drops if you aren't counting WordPress sites, but it's over half of all sites that don't use WordPress are still using PHP.
Implying number of sites matter and not traffic coming to them.

If you adjusted that count based on number of vists per language used for the site PHP would probaby not be in top 3.
>I'm not even going to listen to counter offers, I already learned my lesson.
Seems like you didn't.
You assume it's not gonna be the same in the next company, but it is.
Everywhere is like this because they know it's a hassle to change jobs, so they will milk you as long as you are inflexible.
If they make you a good counter-offer take it. I'd say take it even if it's a bit less to save yourself the hassle.
Thank you. This is some whitepill to hear. I just done with my bachelor thesis and I'm gonna spend a month or two re-learning stuff before applying for jobs. I did a 12 month of QA tester internship back in 2023. Being a QA isn't that bad since personally I think it's best to code for myself (because I'm a unity gamedev) than stressing out coding for work, but they pay higher salaries for "engineers" here. Somewhere down the line I might just apply for civil service anyway, but at least for the time being I wanna find a decent job to help support my two siblings until they can get a job on their own.
I can almost feel your pain. I used to deal with shit like this in my first 2-3 years of my career. Absolutely disgusting ancient deployments of sharepoint being migrated to google drive with almost no planning or forethought. I'm sorry bro.
but surely there's very little new development in PHP right? if you get a backend job as a PHP dev then you'd probably be working on maintaining older stuff.

what should i learn if i want to do backend dev at startups that are building new tech from scratch? python/django or node stuff? maybe go?
I'm not sure, I'm feed up with my boss bullshit and I absolutely hate the new guy in management.
Also the lesson I was referring to was leaving any future job as soon as I get a better offer because raises aren't worth it.
>Also the lesson I was referring to was leaving any future job as soon as I get a better offer because raises aren't worth it.
You want to stay at least a year. If you have too many jumps people will skip you just because your CV looks bad because of it.

One jump here and there is fine, yuo can say it was a bad place to work, but 2 or more in a row just looks bad.
Yeah, my idea is to stay a year at the very minimum, two ideally, while using the place as a training ground to learn stuff that could allow me to jump for a better paying job.
>If you have too many jumps people will skip you just because your CV looks bad because of it.
Pad out the time you've been at the company to look favorable. Tell the biggest lies you can get away with that make you look amazing. Remember, you're in direct competition with liars and the people reading CVs often can't tell the difference between somebody who is genuinely experienced and somebody who is a proficient liar. Anon's boss fucked him around on his salary by spinning a yarn, what's preventing you from spinning yarns? Why maintain the virtue of honesty if it's not reciprocal?
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>answering No to these questions will NOT disqualify you for this position
>Do you have US citizenship or permanent resident status?
>people reading CVs often can't tell the difference between somebody who is genuinely experienced and somebody who is a proficient liar
Reading CV? No.
Having even a 30 minute call? Yes. I can spot a liar from a thousand miles away. I can't count the number of times I've seen people(mostly jeets) with certification like CCNP and could not explain how traceroute works, or with RHCE that could not explain to me how boot process works.

Believe me, I can tell.
You forgot the country where you live
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>program in java
>6 years ago i started
>work under a senior dev, he take all the corporate bullshit for me
>i end up pretty great if i say so myself thanks to him (average that is)
>now they gave me a junior dev and send me to another project
>i'm stuck at explaining shit and sending emails and taking calls
>no more programming (less than half an hours a day)
My hermit days came to an end, at least i still work from home i guess
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Do you guys think a career in software engineering still sucks? Like it’s better than retail or whatever options there are. But it’s still shit. I just want UBI to buy my doordash and butt plugs. Will AI help achieve this dream?
>$350k a year plus benefits.
Salaries like these have to be a larp. I would disembowel my cat on live television for that amount of money. And i love my cat.
really depends on a company. change it
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Scared, where i'm from working from home is viewed as not doing nothing, it's going to be hard to find another job like this one, don't want to end up stuck in a cubicle doing bullshit tasks
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I can feel your pain. Up until a year ago I was essentially a hermit sysadmin. Doing all of infra for a startup by myself. 300% productivity every day, crushing it, 10x engineering and such. That lasted about 4 years, sometimes stressful, sometimes overwhelemed, but learned a shit ton and was very comfortable doing it. But eventually time for scaling up cam, and I started hiring. Within a year now I have 4 engineers, 5th starting soon, and 6th in the works, and I feel like the technical work is slipping out of my hands.

I used to know every single detail of setup of all of our fleets like the back of my hand. Now i need to look shit up and ask my engineers, because the scale it too big and the projects are moving too fast for me to keep up. At least 60% of my time is spent teaching, mentoring, reviewing PRs, helping solve specific issues, and having meetings about those issues. Another 20% is spent on administration tasks related to HR and invoicing, and then measly 20% is left to actually do some technical work.

Fucking kill me /g/. I can't, I litrerally can't even.

I don't mean I dislike teaching or mentoring, it's great fun, but I'm going to stagnate technically if I don't do some actual fucking work.
Have you even tried? Start applying lowkey and see if there is a company that works for you.
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>but I'm going to stagnate technically if I don't do some actual fucking work.
Exactly anon, we are going to end up braindead and replaceable, i guess i can ask HR to give me some course to keep up but i don't think it's going to help if i don't have time for it
Need to remake linkedin and update my cv, i guess i can try
Guys like you shouldn't be promoted, but management is retarded as always.
It's like this in any scaling business anon, once you prove yourself on the bottom rung you become more trusted by the higher ups and thus they will depend on you to make higher level management type decisions as the company scales. It sucks if you wanted to stick to programming and technical skills but being a trustworthy and dependable individual in the company is insanely valuable and you will be able to influence many more technical decisions at scale. Just think of the management aspect as being a new personal challenge to overcome.
>Just think of the management aspect as being a new personal challenge to overcome.
Not him but what if you are really good at programming and bad at managing? They would probably prefer firing you than let you return to what you do best
This was my experience doing glowie defense ctr work in MD. I got a promotion and a raise 6 months after being hired because I made the daring recommendation that we should maybe use python to automate some processes that were currently being done manually in excel.
The funniest part is that the government employees on the security and software engineering teams squashed the idea shortly after I got the promotion so I got to keep the money without actually doing anything.
If you are really good at programming and bad at managing, the company should have provided an alternative path to some sort of 'higher level' dev position for instance - Staff Engineer is a common title for such individuals. Otherwise, they shouldn't have promoted him to 'management' to begin with. This is a prime example of why human resources and career path planning for existing employees is important.

All is not lost though, he could always switch back to dev if he feels like he's not doing well in management. These types of situations are often more fluid than you think.
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What a nice time to live.
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You're fucking retarded. And >>101217311 has it right. It wasn't that I was "promoted", I WAS the infrastructure. I built it from the ground up and supported it single-handedly for years. Me and it were the same thing. I wasn't promoted to manager of infrastructure engineers, I was always head of infra, I was simply given human resources to manage it.

And I agree with >>101217311 again, that it is a personal challenge to transition from technical work to managing people. I dare say I've done it well, but that doesn't change the fact that I've always and still enjoy purely technical work, and I do miss it.

Yes, it's very easy to stagnate. Fortunately the number of things happening in my company keeps me busy, but it also doesn't allow me to learn infra-specific skills, but instead teaches me domain-specific skills related to the client I work for. Which is good in some ways and bad in some ways. Its easlier to find work in infra than in infra for product Y.

At least I'm making bank.
is possible to do gigs for backend work?

i've done backend development for like 8 years now and im pretty good at it. in fact i finish most of my work within an hour and spend the other 7 hours of my workday literally gooning.

would love to make some money in my off time, but the only freelance type jobs i ever see are for "wordpress"/front-end developers.
Relying on AI for everything is a sickness. AI please wash my butt. AI please make me spaghetti. AI please tell my mom I hate her. AI please tell my dad I want a new lambo.

Get a real fucking skill.
Ai replace management pretty pls
As much as I hate management, do you really want to be managed by an AI? Have you no dignity?

AI will be EVEN better at telling you'll get a raise and then giving you measly 3%.
AI would make an excellent replacement for the management team in my company, it is not even funny
>Have you no dignity?
I just need someone who actually send those fucking email like it's their fucking job and not just tell me to do it (and research who and what i have to send because they don't know shit) and waste my time
inseminate a fertile womb immediately
Women can smell a man on a spectrum from a 1000 paces away. His only chance is rape.

Imagine an addict like him in prison, with no access to his 500 TB collection. Tagged and organized by genre.
nufag who learned web development by himself here, are there any laws/regulation in the us or western countries that can become hurdles when i apply for a remote job from my 3rd world country?
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is networking dead
death to shareholders
"line must go up" philosophy and its consequences as been disastrous for the human race
No, but it's a niche. And most places require certs.
You probably need a working citizenship, i have a few friends that work for foreign companies working from home
If they pay you a LOT maybe it's doable for a while, then you burnout, get fired and waste all your money gambling, pretty based life
>taking away a boomer or a girl bosses excel spreadsheet
will never ever work don't even bother.
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>it's already sunday
>i don't even remember what i did on saturday
>i shitposted, fapped, ate, and then saturdayday was gone
>i am too tired to play games, not that there's anything i want to play in the current AAA slop age
hahaha there goes another weekend
>death to shareholders
>secretly owns RSUs
You, personally, are the reason rich people let losers starve.
>Why maintain the virtue of honesty if it's not reciprocal?
because I'm white
ive used ai once and it copy pasted from a stack overflow thread and added a compiler error. never used it again.
You will hate the next boss and manager as well.
There is only one lesson and you didn't learn it.
All that matters is pay and working hours.
Nothing else.
>My boss is a meanie and my coworker is lazy
Only women and faggots care about this shit.
Pay and working hours, nothing else.
If yu are in italy (6 months gayness make me think you are) then they have to make you in condition of being able to pass your trial period.
Record all instances when they don't
>hahaha there goes another weekend
time flies faster than you can imagine then you wake up one day in your mid forties.
Why is it sometimes so difficult to find software downloads on GitHub?
It feels very unintuitive for this purpose, as many times I will try to find the download page only to end up looking at individual assets and code unable to make any progress. I'm IT helpdesk level 2 and currently, I'm trying to download and old build of RPCS3 because a client needs a patched version of the executable to make a specific software work properly but it's 2 years old and the dlls in the most recent archives won't work with it, but I can't find where I'm supposed to download the software itself. Why is this site designed like this?
filtered lol
In the end I studied just 1 chapter and slept due to heatwaves. On the cert exam I will choose based on my dreams.

I can't wait for AC in the office tomorrow. Even coding yaml files is going to be fun.
>sandeep hands typed this post
you're like 5'6" lol
I'm naked atm. I can't sleep man. I got punched in the head 10 years ago and the spot where I was punched feels kinda numb. I also bumped my head real hard on a tree 3 years ago and I get a similar sensation. What the fuck have I done to my brain? That being said, I can clone git repositories just fine and I have no trouble downloading the binaries (if they're available).
My city offers free pluralsight courses so I may as well do one. I can choose from web dev with JS, data analysis with python and SQL, software development with C# or QA testing. I know how to do a lot of linux server stuff but im really bad at math. I also want to work by myself or remotely as much as possible and especially avoid interacting with diversity or too much public speaking. If anybody has any of these roles id be interested to know what its like day to day. We will do some basic shit first and then its six months training for free with career support/placement.
Is lying about being optimistic about AI and being genuinely interested in it a mandatory part of interview process these days? It's like you have no other choice, but to stand up and clap whenever someone mentions AI.
yes, optimism is required in interviews. and dont forget to smile.
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the most realistic genz expectations
>Inb4 panel failure rate massively increases due to fatigue related errors, leading to actually higher production costs
>Likely responded to by lowering QA
>Leading to consumers getting shitty shoddy products
>Causing the eventual downfall of Samsung as people shop elsewhere
The weekend is already over and I’m still tired, my boss planned a meeting tomorrow to talk about my work, I just want to disappear
anon can u hire me, I'm a US new grad with original projects who cant find a job in this economy :3
>finally get it's the on call rotation
>Back on next week due to attrition and our inability to rehire
I'm not even mad it's over the holiday, is that we want to roll out some new operational changes this week too, and they are shit. I have explained to my boss how little I will put up with on these, and I'm not sure he thinks I'm bluffing, but we will see.
I'm still naked atm. I've been thinking a lot about how much there is to learn in tech. The regular 9-5 shit where you're farting out CRUD apps is easy enough (despite people still finding novel ways to fuck them up) though when you deviate from that path, you'll find there's an unbelievable amount you don't know just outside of your periphery. Some of these technologies are working in tandem to produce the text you're reading on the screen right now. It's awe inspiring to realise that there's very few people on this earth who understand the entire chain of tech just for you to read this borderline schizopost.
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How do I make my joints stop hurting? I'm 34 and spend my life sitting down, at the office, in trains, planes, most of my days are spent sitting due to my job and my joints have been hurting more and more because of it.
I've been dragging my feet on learning AI. I don't really give a fuck about it. The way I see it, it's a means to mass produce junk. AI will do for the production of vacuous digital trite as the Industrial Revolution had done for the mass production of goods. Then again, that could just be my perception of its current use cases.
Sounds like something you'd want to ask a medical professional about than some dickhead on /g/. If you want my advice, I'd suggest you take your clothes off and schizopost with me.
ai is just a couple meme technologies rebranded again for the 10th time quite being an annoying dork nothings happening.
Get OFF rotation, I'm too fucking tried to even type
No I don't like being naked for no good reason (showering or sex), sorry anon. You are right though but it's been really hard to make a medical appointment due to not being able to take time off.
Still naked atm. Yeah, what was I going to say? Oh yeah, that's right. Nothing. I've been playing around with Goroutines, man these things rock. I'm so glad I learned Go and dropped Nodejs. That event loop nonsense is fuckin' stupid. Nodejs is great when you need to write some bullshit that needs to be stuck somewhere between your asshole and a server with fuck all traffic. Actually, you can cheat with AWS lambda functions if you need le scalability but if you want to throw something into a box and have it process more than two requests a minute, Go is what you need. That or Rust, I've heard some good things about Rust.
>Need to catch up on email
>Bulk delete all without reading
>Empty trash
Not my problem anymore. Easy life. (:
Naked! I watched some of a George Hotz stream tonight. From what I can tell, he likes banging shit out of a keyboard, talking fast and not making much progress. Reminds me of myself, which is why I think much slower these days. Partially due to age, possibly due to brain damage, definitely due to the proverb "slow is smooth and smooth is fast". I can type 160WPM and talk really fast too, but rarely do I say anything intelligible at that speed. George Hotz is an accomplished guy, more than me.
How do you even get interviews? I graduated in compsci over two years ago and my last interview was over a year ago
resume issue
>2 years ago
It's over for you.
embedded job salaries are deflated because more of them are located outside high COL areas. if you're writing software for radar or communications systems for example you're not going to be testing in an highly populated area. i make 115k in a low COL area as a new grad. that's equivalent to 250k in manhattan or 190k in SF / san jose
No, I'm pretty sure his issue is still ongoing.
If anything he should stop having issues
Judging by his misuse of a comma when he should have used a period, I think it's a yuropoor
The funny part is that living in a high rise making 200k at 25 is achievable for a portion of the people in this thread, but being handsome and having sex with woman is way out of reach.
interns, also right now Bidenomics is making things hard
pic rel, most are manlets. They stand no chance
Vote Trump in November and wait.
No new jobs until democraps get voted out.
We might get some further information tomorrow if Biden is even going to continue running since everyone turned on him. If he pulls out and the democratic party select either Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris as their new candidate then wrap it up and bring in the jobs.
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Yeah you're a dumbass, I think I got it the first time. Try to merge with the machines next time or something lol, so the guys who are actually in charge won't take your toys from you.
Hey guys, is $20/h for a fullstack engineer in eastern europe a good rate?
Maybe if your rent is $500 a month or less
You'd think he'd step down? Kamala Harris would make sense but Gavin Newsom is more popular. Him staying in the race is an easy win for Trump though. We'll probably have Gavin Newsom against Ron DeSantis one day since both sides want that.
For Eastern Europe maybe. I heard $24 is about the limit, but it depends on a lot of things. $20 isn't a bad start if the monthly rent in your area is under 30% of your gross income.
>$24 is about the limit
Limit for what may I ask?

This is why their birthrate is lower than Japan's not even the Japan as such concentrated amounts of power in their own gdp.
This one hit close to him. With DEI, I feel Ike the 80/20 rule is 95/5
you need a gf. maybe try >>101199612
I think I'm starting to become crazy after breaking up with my gf and moving back to my moms house.
the lack of communication with other human beans (I don't talk to my mom much because I fucking hate her, and my "friends" are retards), the self-imposed isolation, the lack of stuff to do at work (they literally have tasked me 0 things other than useless fucking meetings in the last months), the loneliness and pain of having left her (I dumped her because I was tired of her bs, but she made it "mutual"), the lack of sleep...
I don't know wtf to do with myself

>helping coworkers

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