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fuck your pasta edition
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oh my science i love my job
Considering how bad he did on the "debate" there's a good chance but if it's either him or Kamala then might as well Biden go down with the ship. If they go with Gavin Newsom then all Trump has to do is say California and all states that were affected by the influx of people jacking up their prices are in the bag. Either way, anyone that thinks Biden has a chance is being delusional. We need to age limit at 60 for all governing roles after this stunt.

Let's just get it over with now and bring in the jobs. I need a damn job.
these levels of cringe should be illegal
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I refuse to work. i tire of HR staceys and zoomer techbro humiliation rituals. I'm gonna start a sewing business
I've been at the same company for 11 years. Not in the same tech role though
lmao why? are you that scared of change?
I don't think many people from the swing states like newsom
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What are people that work in IT like? Are they like /g/ Loonix/Privacy autists? Will coworkers think you are weird for not using social media and google/ms/apple services?
reservist IT guy here. the only one I know who works at a real company as his real job is a windows babby but a complete dev larper. like, he would send emails to command about needing a copy of VS studio for ?????

unfortunately he's moderately good at the grift and despite not being allowed to touch anything (the actual higher up IT people do not believe his lies, or at least are too concerned with their own power to give out dev tools and even more elevated admin accounts) he gets all kinds of awards for doing approximately nothing

>Will coworkers think you are weird for not using social media and google/ms/apple services?
all normies will think this and a lot of IT people are normies. it's a very prolific job
It's hard to leave because I'm still making 6 figures and it's 100% remote. Plus I have terrible confidence in myself. This current economy is terrible too and just getting worse
you'd probably double your salary if you moved
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>50-60 hour weeks for the past month
>online masters program starts tomorrow
I might have fucked up. This is going to kill what little social life I had.
>Dev rejects CVE severity, makes his GitHub repo read-only
If the age limit was 60 we would've never gotten Trump and wrestled control back from the Jews, if only briefly.
All that's needed is for borders to close and whites to have children again. Instantly solves 99% of all problems.
It's always been crazy to me that we'll elect leaders who likely won't actually be around to see the consequences of their policies play out due to old age.
You stop wanting women pretty fast once you have abundance to it. Also this lifestyle that you describe doesn't go well with a gym lifestyle unless you plan on roiding. And in that case you have much more to be aware of since you're playing your own doctor.

High rise buildings are shit. I live in the Netherlands and I could buy some overpriced apartment for the same price that I can get a recent build detached house 200m2, 400m2+ land if I move 40km away.
I can feel that I get paid 75k euro a year with like 2.5 years of experience and a masters degree (Netherlands). Officially the contract states 36 hours per week but it is more like 20ish or less and most of those are meetings and writing things down. Tons of remote, flexible roster. It's like 1 day a week in office, and I usually come in late and leave early nobody raises their eyebrows because others do the same including management. Just a comfy public sector job.

I'm very afraid that if I move away from this job into the private sector again for like 90-100k pay that I will get the giga difficult 50 hour weeks (on a 40hr contract) with crunch time and boomer management that forces deadlines.
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Should I stay in CS if I’m not really interested in it? I like the idea of a great work life balance, and working remote for a high salary. But I’m considering going into food science, which I have an actual interest in (food) but it typically pays less and doesn’t have as good of a work life balance, with a master’s degree required to be competitive for some jobs. There’s also fewer jobs in the city I’d like to live in.

What do you think? Is software development still a god tier industry past entry level?
>need to install certificate on a windows computer
>can't remote in because the end user is busy (watching bbc porn)
Why are Americans like this?
i always click yes to kick them out
just stick with CS its still the gold standard for degrees. college is quickly becoming a meme no one will care about your masters degree in food
>have to go to globohomo HQ tomorrow to renew my CAC card
humiliation ritual
The Pentagon? There are other CAC offices.
I've hit a new low. Basically I got passed over for a fresh graduate with no experience despite having more than 2 years in the same industry.
>Company intern during COVID but no graduate offer because COVID
>Applied elsewhere and got into my dream company
>Drink the company koolaid hard and outperformed other interns
>No graduate offer because company was streamlining
>Applied back to previous company which I have interned with
>"Are you still in contact with your colleague when you have worked with us?"
>Coworkers have not accepted my invite to connect on Linkedin so no way to contact them
>Rejected because I don't take them out for drinks every weekend or some shit
Why didn't anyone tell me you have to constantly brownnose your employer even after leaving the company? Yeah, it's like every relationship where you have to nurture the relationship before reaping the benefits and having to put on a facade consistently is makes me sick.
>smooch company
>got let go because you are dispensable
>don't smooch company
>don't get hired
Fuck this. I'm already tired of dealing with "friends" who only get close to you when they have something to smooch off.
Will CompTIA certs get me a level 1 help desk position?
I just like working with computers. I don't care about the money.
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>no internship this summer
>did absolutely nothing to fill the void
Tech doesn't have a good work life balance, especially startups. Expect unpaid overtime
Trump loves Jews you dumb fuck, all the cope I see for supporting him this is the dumbest
>Boss is starting to not take no for an answer.
>Feel really out of my element since I'm reliant on what the software support and development say.
>Give him alternatives and he doesn't want to take them
bros im really struggling here. I know the best course of action is just give him the information and out of my hands but I feel like I've been disappointing him a lot lately and I'm just getting frustrated since a lot of it is under control but I have a feeling he's just thinking "damn it, if only we hired a more experienced dev we could get shit done"

I think I'm taking underdelivery too much to heart since anytime he requests a new feature or something I'm always erring on the side of "it can't be done" when he asks at first glance but I'll review and he REALLY does not like that answer. He seemed pretty patient at first but I think I kept telling him "maybe not" on every feature enhancement he's starting to get a little annoyed at me.
Consider an advanced tactic called LYING.
fuck, I didn't notice the new thread...

not reposting this: >>101223319
>I'm reliant on what the software support and development say.
Keep a record of all the times you've disappointed him and all the evidence that it wasn't your fault. It will come in handy when you need to contest your performance review.
It's even in an insufferable font holy FUCK
Make mends with your mom. How hard is it? Hug her often.
this bitch destroyed my life as a kid. she let someone rape me, would beat me for arguing against her, would manipulate me and make me hate people and blame me for her retardation. even after all this time she kept complaining about being such a sad victim and as soon as I helped buy a house she stabbed me in the back by trying to steal from me (she actually did, I got most of the money back).
you'd think she'd ask for forgiveness, being the devoted christian she is. guess what, she has never done so, or anything similar. she's also never says "thanks"
such evil person deserves prison. fuck this narcissistic boomer.
It's weird because most of the time he keeps saying I'm going above and beyond which I'm happy with. At this point I don't really care about a shitty performance review since I do have the receipts, I'm just struggling on trying to get my tasks moving when he wants it done a very specific way and the software dev/support is hard set on saying no but then he'll feel like I'm a pushover but I'm just like bruhh this process is a wash, can we just move to the next topic? but no, seems like this whole environment REALLY cannot take no for an answer. even if I do get a no out and they agree, they'll feel bitter about it.

One project I'm currently working on, our process is complete garbage but they wanted to work on some integration over it but once we fix the process to be automated, it'll completely break the integration with no way to fix it. I've mentioned it once or twice but it hasn't really clicked in and they really want the integration done so I'm just keeping quiet and playing stupid but it's going to backfire hard on me in the next few months when they come back to it.
>sunday is over
kill her for the insurance
UUMMMM job paid twice for some reason
should i tell them?
they WILL claw it back with interest regardless of what you do. spend it and immediately quit
lmao i'm not risking my job for extra $2800

i'll tell the hr ladies on monday
why are you poor?
because i was born in a 3rd world country
it will (not) work out
It's always possible. Unlikely, but possible.
Bro you better be paid hourly working hours like that
All relationships are transactional anon, start living life that way. Even when they aren't, like my friends or some girl friends, they like me because I'm funny and good looking respectively.
Do I have to get a degree to break into the job sector?
This. Start documenting every meeting with him and make the language sound like he's attacking you wrongly. It will be good ammo when the day comes.
Boss sounds retarded. I have one who has a vision thats stupid like that and at this point Im just going along with what he says since Im 1099. Id maybe just do it and let the product suffer then throw the blame on him to the higher ups when the shoe drops
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at this point I wonder how easy it is to get away with lying about having a degree, assuming you look 'educated' (do you look like a normie). everyone seems to have one and you can literally learn everything online
>first job out of uni
>tech job at non-tech company
>been here 7 months
>team has 5 people on it
>we have 10-15 hours of meetings per week
>every single meeting is an all-hands
>every meeting runs over because the PM likes to frontload the meetings with personal/offtopic discussions and then we still need time to cover the other topics
>half hour meetings regularly run 1+ hours and hour meetings can run up to 2 hours
>only have one project
>the scope and details change every week so there are constant changes
>I'm the only one that has any discernible work completed
>it's maybe 10 hours worth of work since I got here
it's wfh and pays decent, so I know I shouldn't complain, but good god is it soul draining
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My first employer made me send them an official transcript directly from the university.
My company also paid me twice. I dunno what payroll system we use but maybe one of the big ones had a glitch.
guaranteed failure whatever that company is unless its just collecting free money from the government anyways.
It's a non-tech Fortune 100 company that is massively successful. I'm more of a support role and it's nice that I'm not on call, wfh, etc but I'm also doing absolutely nothing.
you're too big to fail and practically work for the government by proxy then. thank you for your service.
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okay but fr, what does salesforce actually do? what does crm mean? what does data science, consulting, hr, and devops actually mean???
Nothing. None of this means anything. We all have bullshit jobs that don't accomplish anything in the end. We don't actually build or craft anything with our hands. A craftsman is infinitely more useful than some retarded tech worker.
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I think 95% of tech workers are completely unnecessary. I also will go insane the next time a nodejs s*ydev asks me about programming.

So anyways, move into the woods the internet isn't real and we're going to all die any moment. Default runescape man was right
neet cope, tech workers are gods made manifest on this wretched earth and should be paid minimum 800k to write CRUD apps
>Spend year getting shitty qualification that's not even a degree, get paid whilst doing so.
>Enjoy learning
>Apply to job at one of two MSPs in my area
>Get job, posted to local school
>60k AUD/year before tax
>Have to be on-site 9-5 5 days a week
>Can't get any help from other engineers without bureacratic bullshit, "Customer hasn't paid for that etc"
>No room to learn, constant bullshit from retarded rich kids, parents and teachers
>School has one IT literate person who is leaving, school assumes I will assume their responsibility

How do I leave?
Apply for other jobs while you're there and jump on the next decent offer you get.
I'm tired of Indians speaking their own language in the office. They shamelessly do it even when they are around other non-Indians. Even our leadership does it
unironically, me and a buddy of mine that have done consulting work can eliminate like 3-4 departments on our own if we were allowed to do what was necessary AND still fuck around 50-60% of the day away
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whats that in usd like $35k? can you afford groceries with that?
also id never interact with parents. id delegate to admin everytime. not your job.
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Can’t wait for the humiliation rituals
bros, if I have a master's degree in cybersecurity and am too retarded for a master's in anything math-based and have no interest in a PhD, what should I do with my GI Bill?
Should I get an MBA? I don't even have management ambitions but I don't know what else to do with it lol

Last year I misunderstood instructions on how holiday timecards work so I put 8 hours in for Fourth of July (which I didn't work) and then found out they just automatically pay you for holidays so I got double paid for that day and never got caught. Feels good man.
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is there a way to mass apply on indeed? im desperate for a job, its been 2 months now.
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vacation tomorrow
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It's all fake and gay, or at least most of it. Right now I'm thinking about asking if I can start doing a 4 day week for 80% salary. So I wouldn't have to sit around pretending to do something useful for such a large proportion of my time.
Even if I'm remote and not doing much, it doesn't feel like free time when I'm on the clock.
if the company doesn't background check this then it's a shit company.
I'll give it to you straight guys. There is less jobs than workers and this situation is going worse with time. This means all companies will get to be pickier and pickier and make you go through loops before having an entry level job. Needless to say, without experience you're worth shit. It's not the time to be a wageslave, it's time to make businesses and hire for cheap with your IT knowledge.
no kidding and if you think the techcels have it bad imagine the science lovers. they can't afford to pay for all these fake jobs forever. and tech is the most practical and useful of the fake jobs.
agreed and been looking into it but need a company / product idea.
what hasn't already been done?
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>graduated with a BS in CS 3 years ago
>haven't had a job in 3 years
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>been just shitposting instead of working
>no idea what I would even do
>I'm the lead dev so I should know what we are going to do next
Absolutely don't do this.
This is the kind of thing you bring up nonchalantly to your manager thinking nothing of it and next thing you know you're fired 3 days later. You tard.
Have been slacking for months at work and my boss decided to do daily 1 on 1 meetings every fucking day with me to see how my work is going, it’s OVER.
I live in an euro country where they can't just straight up fire you like that
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I'm a python dev/data analyst in europe
I'd like to move to another country, not necessarily for better money or anything but just to travel and experience something else
Been thinking about Japan. What kind of skills does the software industry look for there?
Based fellow deel user
I hope my company fucks up as well and pay me twice sometimes
I think they still haven't found out how to insert days off, since my payslip still shows the full amount 6 months in
No. Just spend it so they can't charge it back.
Sirs, are we back?
Just been introduced to my new co-worker. He's a jeet and sounds fresh off the boat. How fucked am I?
Be kind to Rajesh
Are indians really that bad?
I don't work closely with any, but there is one on a remote team that I've interacted with occaasionally and he seems pretty competent
Worked with two of them, they were friendly and knowledgeable.
Stop, don't put your dick in it, nooooo. Damn it, I was gonna eat that. You are so mean bro.
>she let someone rape me
sounds like you are a faggot
>would beat me for arguing against her, would manipulate me and make me hate people and blame me for her retardation. even after all this time she kept complaining about being such a sad victim and as soon as I helped buy a house she stabbed me in the back by trying to steal from me (she actually did, I got most of the money back).
you'd think she'd ask for forgiveness, being the devoted christian she is. guess what, she has never done so, or anything similar. she's also never says "thanks"
such evil person deserves prison. fuck this narcissistic boomer.
you deserved this treatment for being a faggot
reverse carbonara. but a nut in there
Ewww .. okay, you can have it
Indians that are brought over are usually several levels more competent than their homeland counterparts. At least based on my experience.
Sorry this happened to you, anon. My father was a narcissist too and I stopped talking to him, he died a few years ago and I wish things had been different, I envy people with two normal parents.
At the start this is definitely true. But once you get a few indians in management, they'll just hire their friends with no regard to their skills.
I just got back from my vacation and I am already sick of my job. Any good resume templates/guidelines? I need to get one ready for when job postings start popping up again in the autumn.
>working with a developer with the worst debugging skills I've ever seen
>constantly doing very long phone calls that are basically him very slowly getting talked through the debug and actively solving the task for him

I try to remain open and friendly as our code base is huge and barely documented but holy fuck, he's in the correct bit of code where a failing request is happening with an error of "param xyz not found" and I have to slowly talk him through how to dump out or inspect what we're sending too see why that param isn't there or is sent in the wrong format.

I just don't understand how he knows enough to identify where the code is failing but can't understand the most basic of steps to try and see the "why" part. Most of the team gets these calls and now dreads them because it's so frustrating being on very long calls saying what should be fundamental stuff.
>I'm gonna start a sewing business
Based. Please tell me you will use punch cards as well.
> 6 figures and it's 100% remote.
You are finenever leave. Try moving to some cheap place like south america. I would do that.
>"what do you do for a living"
>"I run a seamstress business!"
>*coughs awkwardly*
>unironically, me and a buddy of mine that have done consulting work can eliminate like 3-4 departments on our own if we were allowed to do what was necessary AND still fuck around 50-60% of the day away
Why would anyone do that. You dont get paid for it. You wont even get one year of those poeples salaries and the "time to fuck around" will be filled with something else.
Megacorps dont reward inovation of automatization. Even if you atomated 1000 people out of a job room tomorrow maybe you would geta pat on a back and 50% raise. Maybe.
>1 hr till another the routine 1-1 at the job I hate
The sheer indifference.

>as our code base is huge and barely documented
It's a terrible working environment, the tech equivalent of working in a +60 degrees Celsius mines. Walking the guy through the problem is the least you can do.

Same. These fucking larpers can do whatever. I'm gonna become an unemployed DJ

>what do you do for a living
>I'm a software architect
>ohh... so not a real architect... sorry I gotta return some videotapes
The Indians I met in Europe were all amazing, but I met them at some high profile research institutes, so maybe that's different.
But then again, everyone there were quite amazing and super smart, since you had to have top grades and skills to get in.
>Hey anon, please help me with the code, I don't understand it does not work.
The error message says "Environment variable X is missing".
I hate people who can't read a basic error message.
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finally caught up with my bookkeeping
>Indians in Europe
>in research institutes

Same actually.
The loonix tism is rare. People within the company always say they care about privacy protocols but the reality is that these privacy protocols are rarely respected because there isn't enough capacity to follow them. This means that your company likely processes customer data in a way that is illegal.

It already is with employers refusing to pay more for someone with a masters degree. It's a one up for someone not having a degree but later on I think it doesn't matter much if you only have the Bsc or Msc. This completely confuses most boomers btw.

Start by explaining timetables and why a feature would take X weeks / months and why that might make it hard to accomplish. By saying ''this is not possible'' while it is definitely possible (but just takes time) you're encouraging him to eventually not take the ''this is not possible'' answer. Your mistake here was being dishonest. You can still change it around by providing more details about time. It seems like an overall communication issue and ill defined scopes of projects / requested features.

You get away with the lie in interviews but falsifying the documents is a challenge. If an external party is reviewing the documents and decides to further investigate by checking it in a registry then you're screwed. But this only applies to people from EU where there is a central governing registry that keeps track of degrees.
what's wrong with sewing? is it too cute and feminine for you?
being able to live on a shit salary while working long hours
I read somewhere that expats usually have expat hours, not japanese slave hours
OP is clearly a fag
none of my team uses anything but windows
most of them are applefags
one of them is completely obsessed with AI and wants to become a "prompt engineer"
So you're not looking for a job in Japan but rather a job that will post you to Japan, that's a completely different profile.
Make sure to not be paid in yen, it's in a slump right now.
>So you're not looking for a job in Japan but rather a job that will post you to Japan,
Well I don't speak fluent japanese (yet) so I wouldn't be able to get a salaryman job even if I wanted to.
But yeah whatever, honestly I want a change of scenery and I'd like to see Japan.
Is the best way to just apply for a job in a japanese company in my country and hope they move me to Japan eventually? Seems like it'd be a long and tedious process.
>job, Japan
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Try to apply directly or via Gaijinjobs(?) a friend went there and works for a Japanese company but speaks mainly English and loves it there
I'll check it out, thanks anon.
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this reeks of shilling but why the fug not
I already live in a nearly failed state with high taxes, horrific language issues, a weak military, all interesting architecture being wiped out, draconian gun laws, an absolute circus leading the government, and an unhealthy relationship with the cartoon industry, the nation's only saving grace being some cuisine no one here actually eats and is overpriced even here (and is only actually produced in a comparatively small area of the country)
What did you use to draw this diagram?
>Make sure to not be paid in yen,
I keep hearing this, but what's its purchasing power like?

like how everyone freaks out when the USD fluctuates even a little, stuff on the ground always costs mostly the same it did before
>What are people that work in IT like?
god dammit its Monday
god dammit I woke up
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This is it, just learnt from my coworkers that I hadn't been invited to a meeting talking about our department's future. They started stuttering after I told them I hadn't received the invite.
Should I use my CF military experience to apply to a similar mallninja IT monkey role in the Bongland, Australian, or NZ defence forces? I don't seem to be qualified for much else according to Indeed but canada fucking sucks
Rip anon
Time to start spamming applications
People who are actively looking for a new job while already having a job: how do you do this? I'm so fucking exhausted every day, I can't find the strength to start sending applications and shit once I'm finally home.
>its another cybersec team comparing themselves to the avengers
>operation endgame
The cringe
How long have you been working there?
>job, wfh
>Been thinking about Japan. What kind of skills does the software industry look for there?
Consider Korea as well. The Japanese currency is shit right now, you will likely get paid better in Korea.

Look for jobs on LinkedIn, there are opportunities out there in all of east and south east Asia for tech workers who qualify for the work visa. Usually requires you to have a masters degree or a bachelor's + 2 years of relevant work experience or 5-10 years of relevant work experience if you don't have a relevant tech/STEM degree. The works visa requirements varies a bit from country to country.

Not the best in Korea right now, but I heard Japan is being more welcome to foreign IT workers so maybe it is easier to get a job there right now.
>Consider Korea
Does it have a nice countryside?
Thanks for the advice. Barring the visa requirements, for which I tick the boxes, do they tend to look for specific skills or is the industry there mostly the same as in the west?
i make it my slack off activity instead of flipping through furry porn on my phone
I hear Koreans have whiteboy fatigue though.
Especially for dating.
I'm a tech worker (100% wfh) living in Japan. It's pretty comfy over here, currency can go fuck itself I don't care, half my salary is in USD (stock) and I have no plans to travel outside of Japan anytime soon anyway.
nobody gives a fuck about any of that. tell us about how the yeller pussy is
how is your job search going, how many rejections so far?
sirs what is the usual process of getting fired?

will my superior give me multiple warnings and complain about my performance for months before actual acting or does it tend to happen out of the blue? like they will pretend everything is fine until the last day?
I do it at work.
What's your visa?
>Does it have a nice countryside?
Yeah, pretty decent.
>do they tend to look for specific skills or is the industry there mostly the same as in the west?
More or less like the rest of Europe. Lot fo Java jobs and some Node and Python.
Lots of Koreans don't want to work for smaller companies, so startups and smaller businesses struggle to get workers so foreigners come in and fill the gap. The pay is not bad, sometimes better than big companies but are more volatile and importantly less prestigious so they don't want to work there.
Now a lot of startups struggle, so the English speaking software dev jobs shrank a lot though.
>I hear Koreans have whiteboy fatigue though.
>Especially for dating.
Fatigue no, but you wont get far by just being white. There are more than enough white boys in Seoul, and they have all had a white English teacher for 15 years so you are no longer special.
I'm on a normal (5 years) work visa but I'm also married. Haven't switched to spouse yet cause it's not worth it and I'm currently in the process of waiting for my permanent residency to be approved anyway.
How easy is dating there? Are standards as fucked as in the west?
You're ugly and weird, you will be ugly and weird no matter where you are in the world.
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Well ok. Then how is prostitution there?
Let me guess? Also impossible as a foreigner?
So why should I even go there?
This post was designed by cutting edge NSA algorithms to make ME ANGRY IN PARTICULAR.
>tech worker
What kind?
Also what city if you don't mind saying?
Alright, thanks again. I don't mind working for startups, actually i've always worked for smaller companies and it's comfier imo. If they got Python jobs then that's perfect
>What kind?
Don't want to give my specifics away cause it's a very unique field but let's say low level OS development and device testing.
>Also what city if you don't mind saying?
I'm not in Tokyo but close enough to be in Tokyo whenever I want and still be blessed by cheap cost of living in the countryside.
shit I think I know who you are
Glad to hear anon, keep it secret for the rest of the gang though
>it's a very unique field but let's say low level OS development and device testing.
Sounds cool. Is there a big market for systems dev in Japan?
I would say so. There's quite a bit of companies that develop their own hardware (examples like sony and nintendo). I know a few people who graduated from some universities in Tokyo and they have quite a bit of low level tech research labs and they get scouted in some of these large companies and the demand is still always relatively high. Automotive industry also I heard is pretty decent (Toyota for example) and they also have to deal with their own onboard controls and stuff.
>Consider Korea
I see. I don't really have the relevant work experience for that but it's good to keep in mind
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Did you guys also get this notice? I asked their live help service and they said it is NOT optional. WHAT THE FUCK man, I do not want to keep my funds trapped in their fucking system
Anyone else dangerously close to suicide? I'm in my early 30s. I'm just completely burned out on life and don't want to keep going anymore. I barely function at my job
What's even the point of suicide? If you're that far gone, why not just abandon everything and just go on an adventure or something? Worst case you die but you were already considering that, so why not? Just go live life my man
i might kill myself if not for other obligations. still, try acid. it definitely improved my mental state when i did it years ago and it partially cured my autism.
>How easy is dating there? Are standards as fucked as in the west?
Pretty good. But you should make a decent amount of money, just not be poor if you are an immigrant, and have some charm and not be fat.
Girls will be interested in you if you are not poor, not fat and decently funny to be around.
Of course, if you are very handsome, then that's all you need.

There are some vert demanding girls, but most are not. Most girls here are pretty chill, fun and not fat, they just demand a lot of your time and attention if you want to date them.
If you're that far gone, why not try life as a woman? HRT is easy to get nowadays, and the benefits are a softer skin, becoming cuter and having more sex.
Don't listen to the mutilation crowd, you don't need to chop off anything to be trans. Don't let evil jews convince you to damage your body permanently.
didnt this thread had some advice related to cv?
or am i consfusing it with some other thread?
I was the happiest in my life when I was unemployed. I'm getting laid off soon, maybe this is a blessing.
When I was unemployed, I was stressed daily because I wanted to make money. I did like being home all the time but not making money while the bills pile up is embarrassing.
However, the opposite is that I hate fucking working with no free time ever. I don't get paid enough for what I do (sole IT personnel for 100+ employees in 4 states. Literally a pillar of this company) and people don't listen.
There's a happy medium somewhere in between those two and I've yet to find it.
I think my company is going under and they're doing everything they can to hide it.
I have access to everything the controller has access to -- How can I tell for sure?
lol, its korea wtf you think
probably worse than west
I'm not suicidal though I've spent a huge portion of my 20s learning software engineering and working as a programmer. I go through a company a year for various reasons, and I've only been working professionally for 5 years. An Anon here awhile back told me it was apparent that for whatever reason I wasn't happy in these roles. It had me seriously considering other pathways I could take in life. Throughout the entire time I've been working as a programmer, I've never considered myself a "company man". Each company was a stepping-stone to eventually having the capacity to work for myself. Now that I'm in a position where I have the time and money upskill to something else entirely, I may jump at the opportunity to get out of this field and make a modest living for myself.

I take it you and I have reached a spiritual conclusion to this field. The money is great but it's just not enough, is it?
Here's the pasta the op left out

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101199490
>Trying to kill you faster
Can you be any more subtle lol?
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Why does it seem like most of my colleagues are struggling to finish their ticket while I am just chilling here most of the time
> 500$ / month rent

Do you live in a 30m2 asbestos covered room?
>Absolutely don't do this.
>This is the kind of thing you bring up nonchalantly to your manager thinking nothing of it and next thing you know you're fired 3 days later. You tard.
I'm on 80% pay and 80% schedule as of this week.
it's not something you get insta-fired for at a good company lmao

Or in europe I guess!
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Another Monday but just a 3 day week. We might be ok bros
That's why neither one of us would do that, there's no incentive whatsoever in helping a company reduce their overhead costs or make their workflows highly efficient. All a company would do is give a slight pay bump, complain that it's not more efficient, fire our asses, and then the cycle begins again. There's just no real incentive to it. Rather just let a company die by the hand of those at the helm and get paid for it than get scapegoated.
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what is it with white people and idolizing these cyberpunk hells, korea has a literal rape culture that's normalized
>The money is great but it's just not enough, is it?
it ain't.

I'm 31 and taking much longer for switch to take place, but I've done massive preparation
autism. no one reads that shti
Best of luck to you friend, I hope you find what you're looking for.
The fuck is wrong with you people? You don't have any friends? Or even hobbies? Even if it's just gaming or anime or whatever? If nothing else live to enjoy consooming.
>literal rape culture that's normalized
Holy based.
Most jobs suck tho. What would you do
Tranime, incels and yellow fever.
Anyone else feel as if they're experiencing cognitive decline entering their 30s? I don't feel as motivated to learn intricate things and I feel as if my memory is much worse.
>korea has a literal rape culture that's normalized
Wtf are you talking about? Sure prostitution is common, but "rape culture"?
Life is pretty nice in Korea, if you can avoid the extremely excessive long hours jobs.
That reminds me of some streamers that recently moved to Japan. Last I heard, they're fucking depressed. They honestly thought that their lives would be just like their vacation visits there.
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job, japan
What's so depressing about Japan?
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>Anyone else dangerously close to suicide?
Watch this beautiful movie called "Poetry". It is about trying to find the beautiful things in life.
My life improved so much after moving to Japan. Those who move to Japan and still end up being losers are either English teachers or just people with serious problems and delusions who can't even speak Japanese and hope Japanese underage maids can fix all their problems magically.
you will always be a whitu piggu + casual racism from the nips I guess
What country did you migrate from and what was it about living in Japan that improved your life?
>>101229485 is obviously meant for >>101229443
>culture differences
>forever a gaijin
>they have to know Japanese
>follow the culture
>accept that they're more or less 2nd class citizens
>groups of people want them to leave
Only way some of these content creators that live there that are doing fine are incredibly wealthy and insulate themselves with other English speakers. Basically, live in Japan minus the culture.
Korea bro here. If I move, should I go to Taiwan or Japan you think? And if Japan, is it Tokyo or nothing or are other cities worth considering as a non WFH software developer?
ask for a raise right after he leaves. in the meantime send CVs anywhere you can, asking for far more than your current wage..

what are you asking? you just open some websites, make profiles, fill form stating your experience, search for jobs and wait for people to contact you...
you can do this at work. make sure you aren't being logged, your internet traffic isn't being intercepted and there are no cameras behind you, just in case.
>What country did you migrate from
I migrated from a central european country.
>what was it about living in Japan that improved your life?
Better weather, better food, better overall QOL (public infrastructure, services, customer service experience, etc), better job protection/labor laws, salary was mostly the same but cheaper cost of living (so more take-home pay), made lots of friends, made a family here, bought a house.
Overall I just have a much more fulfilling and stable life here, and the country is beautiful and even just travelling the countryside you can find plenty of amazing places to visit and amazing experiences to have for very cheap.

tl;dr - cheap country with good quality of life
I personally care a lot about the future and Taiwan being an island (sea level rising) and in a very politically precarious situation, I wouldn't recommend moving there. However I've never been there so what do I know.
>is it Tokyo or nothing
I heard Fukuoka is allegedly pretty good for software developers and there's a new startup scene that is growing.
it's software. just work remote bro
Kill you faster how? It's a new perspective on life.
Cisoids are fucking retarded conformists, who would have guessed.
I wish I was making this up. We got a new hire and his name is Ajeet.
Literally a jeet

I can't even look at his name on Teams without cracking up. I don't know how I'm going meet or work with him.
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I hate how gen z is being perceived in the working world (gen z are lazy, entitled, doesn't want to put in effort) despite how hyper competitive life already is, but then i look at my younger siblings and i said to myself "maybe some of us really deserves to rot and die".

Boomers and Gen X really don't know how to raise kids except giving them phone and internet connection. These foolish cretins they call themselves "the youth" don't bother to do anything in their life or pursue anything worthwhile. they just scroll youtube, listen to kpop, and play dumb gachas and mobas. It's all about that damn phone while their mouth droops since they got so slack jawed.

They don't bother to help doing chores, they don't bother to at least help around keeping their own room and wardrobe nice and tidy, they don't bother to conversate or socialize

I fear the day when younger gen Z and alphas turn 22. There will be a painful realization that they don't know a thing or two about feeding themselves without relying on their mommies and daddies.

The competition is harder than ever because the ones already in power is taking the ladder with them, while we the ones who left at the bottom (like starting their career) are getting dragged by each other. It's easy to write essays and blogs but nobody bothers to be competent and unite in one voice. It's too easy to be contrarians, while it's more comfortable to hurl insults and do nothing.

I don't know. If i somehow make it and survive, i just want to fulfill my livelong dream from back in 2018. I wanna live in a secluded place in a fortress or a bunker, not getting bothered with anyone. I don't want anyone to become a hindrance in my life. The old ones are greedy, the adults are tired, the young ones are ridiculously suicidal.

If you're reading this, save yourself. Find a stable income, invest it to something. Educate the ones who loves you, not the ones who just wants to mess around forever
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didnt read; your political compass is weak shit
Do not deprive the people you care about of your potential future aid. That's what keeps me going.
>he cares about people
>turn 22
how specific. are you a 23 year old boomer, anon?
Ask him if he knows Bejeet who works at my company.

based. I'm gonna custom rebuildable vape boxes but also offer mail in rebuilds for people too lazy/stupid to do it themselves
>A strong desire to “Automate all the things”.
I don't want to code anymore, no more javascript
Same. Fuck this.
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I'll keep playing my gachas without shame in the comfort of my own home where no one can see me
>posting that shit unironically
you will never be a woman
>used to be good at programming, was a kotlin developer
>ai tools come out, company does trials with copilot when it was in its infancy, was kinda shit
>gpt 4 comes out
>99% of my programming is now done by ai by using a kvm to work laptop to copy code and then pasting it to chatgpt on the main pc, which isn't on a vpn
>finishing 8 pointers in 1 day in agile sprints

my work is now 99% copy and paste, 1% actually tweaking the output to work correctly
that 1% is protecting me from losing my job i feel
not him but i love korean movies
at least the one i watched were good
Park Chan-Wook is great
pissing on the one on the right
Saving that
Its like I was saying years ago. This will simply be more code, faster.
so you can now call yourself prompt engineer?
>new engineer tells me the build isn't working
>did you follow the instructions in the readme?
there are literally zero (0) qualified junior candidates for this field. cs will be dead in 20 years when everyone retires.
Hire better
Do you think that railing the 43 yo woman who is head of HR so hard she can barely walk for a week is a good idea to get a promotion?
She's giving me signals even a sperg like me is catching.
Creampie her. Claim her womb with your seed. She's off-limits to all the other engineers in the company, she's your property and yours alone.
at least he remembers leetcode solutions
shes trying to get you fired because of you autism
Not before she's impaled on my mighty horse cock and drinks gallons of my hot drizzly cum.
Does being fit and handsome still count for anything in the job market or has that been subverted so that it actually puts you at a disadvantage with corporate women?
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How common is it to need to/get to work on things like load balancers directly? At my job we use vSphere which comes with built in load balancing you can configure but we still get a ton of false alarm messages on CPU/memory usage that we then have to just trash because the load balancer will inevitably fix the problem in another ten minutes or so

Obviously this made me think of just changing the configurations in the first place but it also made me wonder who is in charge of programming the actual load balancer itself. Is it some dude at vmware that works on vSphere? Am I even able to change the load balancer directly if I wanted to?
Tell those corporate women that you're doing a hostile takeover and you're going to liquidate assets from your big bulbous ballsack all over their fucking face.
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>be me
>junior sysadmin at small tech company
>first big job, super nervous
>company migrates to new email server
>boss says "anon, configure the server"
>remember what I learned from YouTube tutorials
>follow steps carefully, set everything up
>test it, seems to work fine
>feeling proud of myself
>next day, everyone in the office is silent
>turns out no one got any emails since the migration
>forgot to open the right ports
>spend the entire day fixing it while everyone watches
>boss never trusts me with server configs again
>mfw I almost killed the company's communication for a day
The only loads that are balanced here are the thick wads of cum that are shot hot out of my big rod of fun, teetering on the chins of mediocre corporate women and slithering from the anus of effeminate middle-managers. The balance here is the distribution of cum, everybody gets some.
That's not a job for a junior lol, they got what they fuckin' deserved.
If I get to fuck her it's a win-win.

I'll go for it. I got the feeling that she'd take it up the ass.
Coorporations are entirely dysgenic.I always laugh when some retard states big coorproations produce inovation when they in fact kill it.
You and me wouldn't do that and most younger poeple are wising up but there are still plenty of indoctrinated retards who treat megacorp like some family farming activity. And who think a pat on the back and 20% raise is adequate prize for saving company milions.
Boss is a retard. You always check after junior dude. That said you could have tested the email with someone just in case.
being unemployed sucks. thats me rn. hard to find purpose. I joined a startup though, its 2 others and some interns. no reveune but they got people on the waitlist
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Why does every screen call I schedule with a lead or principal they all sound like they hate life and hate you specifically? It's like they scheduled the call to mock and humiliate me instead of see if I'm fit for the role.
>tfw never went to CS university(have a degree but in other shit) but still got a comfy programmer job at a financial institution
Good morning sirs
any >40yo software devs around here who aren't completely burnt out yet? how do you do it? I don't think I can keep doing this much longer.
we dont even have an infra guy anymore whenever we get cpu/mem/oom issues we just upgrade to a bigger EC2 instance or make more containers
mayomonkeys have never left their tutorial countries and think being foreigners is racism
This is me too. The "no CS degree self taught" that filtered me hard while looking for my first job is actually a selling point as resourceful guy now.
I've been there for innovation and got to see it killed right in front of me. I'll work for megacorps purely because I know they pay the most and I know for a fact their engineers have never done a real day's worth of work before.

If the younger workers don't get it or refuse to acknowledge it then the system will show it to them. I was willingly critical to production when I was younger and then basically forced into it because of rampant layoffs until I got swallowed by it. The latter was the worst of the two.
The entire point of the tech business is that you can retire at 30-35.
Anyone else work from home while still living with their parents? Holy fuck you save so much money. It's like a cheat code.
Lol maybe as CEO.
> 20% raises
If even that. If they give you that much that means they've been grossly underpaying you.

Idk why they even test for it while ChatGPT can solve almost all leetcode solutions. So why even obther asking, are you asking if someone can use chatGPT?
>see job post on LinkedIn
>hiring manager is directly connected to job post
>their profile has "HIRING" banner active
>job is legit
>message him
>applied through web portal
>still stuck in submitted phase
>if their hiring banner goes away before I hear anything back I know it's closed out
man, this is a bit double edged but at least I know if the position is completely closed out
It's great until you have to deal with their personal shit like one of them relapsing back into alcoholism.
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I have €300/month rent and I live in a 5 room apartment

I just asked chatgpt to write this for me to test if people are stupid enough to buy it.
My parents drive me nuts anon
Yeah but you have to live in eastern europe with slavs kek
I do but my father things that I do literally nothing all day and asks me for shit like running errands, find him obscure TV shows or fishing videos all the time.
Fuck, who am I lying, it's comfy. He even rigged my mouse with a cheap mirror to keep it moving so I could drive him to go fishing.
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west europe near negroids actually
literally me
>you can
yeah, maybe, if you're lucky. most won't make it.
they're either jeets or obese table top gamers
oh, so that's the source of the non-green arrow text

enjoying the loud music?
I don't care about "most"
happens all the time at my meme job too
when one of your managers start stuttering start yelling at them. they're inferior to you do not tolerate their subhumanness in your presence.
>everybody is quitting
>want to change job myself or get fired and get neetbux for 6 months
>stressing all the time
>enjoying the loud music?
no i am enjoying the fireworks and revving motorcycles
can you make money with it?
And you have to live with all the shit ethnic groups at once.
no im a burden maxxer and jester maxxer and i will never kms before age 70 no matter how much the system would like me to. my existence will continue to be everyones problem until im old and demented.
>slack off a bit now and then
>it gets out of hand rather quickly
>it's been months and no one has noticed
Should I stop?
I take nearly 40 different supplements and medications each day, exercise and eat like an American whale. My body and brain are too awake at all times for me to burn out despite high stress levels. I'd recommend that.
same i got a meme degree from a diploma mill and got a dev job through a reference 9 years ago. im the most competent developer in the org.
Yeah, japs shame employees into resigning instead.
the whole system of big companies is same as the government. you're punished for doing anything and systems are in place to snuff innovation at every step.
also japs get paid like dogshit so why would you need to fire any of them
game devs already make peanuts compared to regular devs, imagine jap game devs
Gaijins believe that by moving to glorious Nippon, they can become anime main characters. Instead they become soulless background characters in some shitty Jap teen slice of life anime.
I have this but would word it as
>Derives pleasure from deprecating humans
Depends. If you're in euroland with a solid contract just continue the slacking. If you're in US where being an employee is a voluntary thing at least try to look busy towards management. People generally don't care if projects take longer unless you're a dev that does client / consulting work.

In house dev > consulting by a huge margin. It's not even funny, most in house places also pay you a lot more than a consultancy company does.
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hey that’s me you’re talking about
You have to realize that RTFM and googling are actually uncommon skills. A sad state of affairs.
someone explain to me why the fuck linkedin sends so much fucking bullshit over for a goddamn request. Speaking of, is there a way to query jobs without their goddamn easy apply?
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that can only end well
I'm in EU, a coworker got fired because he got caught using a mouse jiggler and his performance was terrible, I still manage to deliver and I don't use anything that can be traced.
At worst I can get myself scolded and that's it.
Yup, you can only allow yourself to be slightly below average when it comes to performance or else you'll lose your job just as quickly as in the US.
guys im planning on blasting test to mentally survive my IT job, any suggests?
Inject high dose TRT and combine that with dutasteride and a statin so you don't die.
hire me, I created a detailed readme for one of my projects that was a robo caller

should I give you my proton email
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please /twg/ teach me everything you know about Elasticsearch, I told this recruiter have experience with it lmao
>just go bald and make your balls stop producing testosterone bro
might as well tell him to troon out
That's the the dutasteride is there for.
Assuming anon ever wants to quit TRT, his body will eventually recover normal hormone production.
>his body will eventually recover normal hormone production.
yeah, and you'll "eventually" recover from taking antidepressants, right?
not buying your shit, big pharma cuck
Actual Christcuck here, how do I tell my job to stop asking me to work on Sundays?
Serious answers only please
same story here, but it's been years already. I really don't understand how can anyone afford to keep me on their payroll. I mean, I don't earn Cali money, but I literally bring nothing to the company.
do you work every single day? can't you strike some soft of a deal with your manager?
Request a religious accommodation. If they tell you no you can sue them.
I tried SSRI before and they cleared my system by day 3.
Pretty much, yeah
What jurisdiction
its pretty simple and retard proof just dont try to make it like sql. its a document store. ive used solr extensively and had zero issues though most people who use it fail because most people are stupid
>waste a year of my life in hell desk
>need to waste another before I can beg for a better job
do people actually ever escape helldesk once they start working there?
It's the starting job in IT
It's mandatory cause every other fucking IT job needs experience
imagine being such an obedient, submissive slave.
so what is typically a step up from helpdesk?
who do I email? HR or my supervisor or both?
NOC or system admin
Or hell desk level 2
nobody worth anything ever actually worked in helldesk
makes sense, thanks
I just got internships in actual dev jobs.
Yeah man they just magically have the 2-3 YOE every damn NOC wants fresh out of school
this >>101232522. you are just wasting your time putting up with that shit. learn by yourself, talk to people and build a network, show them your knowledge, build a reputation and you will get job offers.
also, if you really care about shit like "2 yoe required", you got filtered for being fucking stupid lmao
based on the roles he listed, dev work is not something a helpdesk person would be interested in.
I'm not a programmer
The fuck kind of reputation do you need to do NOC work?
>programmer general
>I'm not a programmer
>I'm not even employed
I dunno. you are supposed to know that, retard
no wonder you are in helldesk
New Thread:
>programmer general
you're not a great programmer, are you?
How do you get a job if you haven't worked in 3 years? Do you just freeze your TWN and lie? I have a degree but only IT experience. I have a pretty nice GitHub but still.
Invent a company and list your buddy's phone number on it.

>who do I email?
Up to you. The law only requires that you "notify your employer". Check company policies to see if there's a specific way they want you to notify them.
Letting either of them know meets that requirement policy or no, but following your company's policies should reduce opportunities for fuck ups.
If you can't find any specifics in your company's policies I would send an email with whichever of them writes your schedule in the to: field and cc: the other one.
"I contributed to open-source projects and worked freelance jobs in multiple platforms in the meantime"
gotcha, so just lie. I'll figure something out, thanks y'all.
could say all the same thing about millennials. at least zoomers have a generation to laugh at and learn from.
Its the same pattern of rigid hierarchy and adherence to one size fits all buerocracy. It was stupid and inefficient even in ancient rome but god forbid you replace perfect enviorment for midwits and narcisists with something better,more transparent and efficient. No you gotta force that pattern that destroyed empires in to goverment, law, coorproations and ban everything else.
I quit the tech industry last year to do something else.
Keep getting pushed by family to go back into it.
"It's totally different now."

Is that bullshit?
Location - Ontario, Canada.
Exp. : 5Y.
Education: Yes.

I sent 400 applications to 3 interviews and 0 offers last year, before quitting.
Just want to know how the market is now.
Its worse now.
Canada's job market is trash and will always be trash
>I sent 400 applications to 3 interviews
>Just want to know how the market is now.
it's just as bad or worse. everyone is waiting for the printers to start going again.
Oh, kek, alright. Good to know.
Yeah, it wasn't great for me.
I've got certs too. Experience working at a top university's IT department. 2 years of startups, 1 year as a developer, another year miscellaneous contract jobs.
Everything from SysAdmin to DevOps to CybSec.
Network admin, server setup, workstation upgrades, structured cabling.

Know C++, Java, Python, HTML/JS/CSS.
Administered Windows & Linux.
>it's another "I need to spoonfeed all the retards in my team because they can't use read doc or use Google"
thanks god we get some days off this week
He kind of looks like a wojak. Does anyone know what I mean?
I think it's the forehead wrinkles and the melancholy expression.
do you not understand what ytd is?
year to date?

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