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HAPPY MONDAY!!! edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>101221169
just be chad its not hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgb906KsxP4
I wanna make a website that people can use to show em how to do basic stuff
Quora is slop
Google is slop
vacation tomorrow
I'm gonna sleep so good
wow look at those bobos
do HR even believe people anymore when they tell them they're excited to work for this company because they're the greatest, or that this gap in the resume was because we were busy working on open source projects and traveling the world

ffs we just keep reusing the same lies over and over again
>do HR even believe people anymore
they never did.
>gap in the resume
they never really cared. it's all just part of the humiliation ritual.
Cause it's all bullshit
If you were talking to a man you could just say "I'm doing this cause I need money"
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The longer I am unemployed the more I start to feel animosity towards indians

Seeing fresh indian F1 grads scoop up internships and entry level positions that I cannot even get a call back for is making me absolutely mad

The jeet mafia is absolutely cucking americans out of jobs, STEM OPT needs to be nixxed given the oversaturation level
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Interview is a 1 hour presentation about my past projects delivered to 15 people
Dance, monkey. DANCE!
Is this for a job that actually pays well and is a high level or is it for some cuck $90k a year job
yeah, it's getting worse. it wasn't like that even 10 years ago. I blame smartphones for the jeet infestation of tech job market.
lmao what kind of interview is that. it is truly over.
>cuck $90k
us, europoors, would murder for this kind of money
well yeah, but don't y'all got that free healthcare or some shit?
i'd be able to do it without too much effort but i have 12 YOE
Low 100s

I have no choice, it's take a chance at this or continue being unemployed
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would you pass the keeper test?
yeah, after (((they))) take 40% of that 90k from you in taxes.
>humiliation ritual
Shit, this is really what it is. How fucking cruel to point at gaps in someone's resume, how is it anyone's business? Maybe they had cancer, maybe their parents died and they sunk into deep depression, maybe because it's fucking hard as shit to get a job? I fucking hate capitalism
This is fucking madness, we collectively need to stop accepting this. I'm fucking telling you that they'll flat out tell you to dance naked for them next
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my balls stink
>do HR even believe people anymore when they tell them they're excited to work for this company because they're the greatest
They don't care what you think. They just want to see how willing you are to get up dance for them.
Do you like the smell? Because you're supposed to.
I honestly don't know. sometimes I think my manager really believes I do something at work occasionally. that's a tough one.
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uh…yeah? I guess?
Tell them no. That will probably take you further in the process than saying yes.
my manager is an unthinking beast so who cares
My manager can eat my ass
My manager has no idea what I'm doing
i got a good performance review this year and it's 100% because my managers have no clue what i actually do/did
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it's almost 100 degrees here and running my AC below 70 is unreasonably expensive. i just run it at night now and sweat my balls off during the day.

thank god you can't smell people over zoom
lemme sniff
>that one guy at work who effortlessly tackles the hardest problems
>carries entire team
>never complains
how are they doing that? is it all motivation? 160 IQ? I would really like to know the secret.
My manager hates me
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>horrible management at company
>team gets along exceptionally well
I just can't decide if I want to stay or not, I love my coworkers but I hate management and everything else that isn't part of our team. Pay is nothing special since we're in the boonies.
sounds like a dead end. been there, done that. quit if you can.
Fortunately for you, in communism, you go to prison if you don't work. Even if you have cancer, so you will never have an emplpyment gap! Hooray! Now dig the fucking hole.
question for people who go into office that are salary. Do you ever leave work 2-3 hours early because you feel sick or have a headache? Since you are salary you can always just make up the 2-3 extra hours on another day, right?
we have one of those guys on our team and seeing a REAL 10x engineer in the wild is honestly inspiring and demotivating at the same time.

i think it's a combination of high iq and programming since childhood
What happens under mercantilism if you don't work?
never happened to me. though once my manager told me to go home, because I showed up pretty drunk for work. we were semi-buddies, so nothing serious came out of it.
yes and yes
>making up hours
omg i love capitalism now
I mean, I know in theory as long as you get things done, the hours dont matter, but it feels weird to me
>working remote
>pretend to work
>in fact i add extra hours where i pretend to work
How would they ever know
i go to the office, swipe in, swipe out, go home, go back to sleep, wake up at 6pm, do 2 hours of work, then play video games throughout the night

performance rating: exceeds
Hey, go be a communist, unironically. I don't care one way or another.

I would kind of prefer it if commies took over anyways. My dad was a party member in the 80s and grifted the fuck out of the commie government. I'll do the same.
I was always under the assumption that in order to survive a work place for a long time you must be good at your job and friendly with all your coworkers (aka lounge around the office and joke around and not leave early). Would you guys say that isn't the case? That a good or decent performance is worth way more than being a social coworker?
I wanna be one of yall

can an artistically skilled person take the most basic CompTIA cert and get these web design/UX/Graphic designer jobs? I see a lot of them in my area and I think that would give me the edge I need. Along with a strong visual portfolio.

I have the option to take it and I just need to get *A* job
Being popular with my coworkers has opened doors for me, I got a performance bonus solely due to my lead liking me, coworkers have my back and have defended me before against management. It's been worth it. I do leave early though, fuck that.
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based commie grifter's nepo baby. too bad westerners can't enjoy the amazing opportunities the TRUE communism presents before 0.1% of the population (all of them in the party and forces).
luckily as a tech worker you can just exempt yourself from all that since you actually do things. that's why this is the best field you can dodge social siutations quite easily. you can still talk to your boomer brained coworkers if you want to anyways but i strongly prefer not to.
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>leetcode-style live coding interview
>i program by staring at docs of things i should already know and looking up algorithms for things i can't figure out myself

it's over.
i'm losing my job. they keep pretending like I am going to get promoted and now just directly ignore me
it's really lonely at the top. that's probably why.
>hey this thing fucking sucks
retarded caveman defends the indefensible with whataboutism, what else is new
Pretty much.
Had a “meet & greet” call with a potential boss today after I sent an email to an executive management person I did some work for in the past and is a family friend.
We went over my background and I explained the kind of work I’m looking for. She told me that the reference spoke extremely highly of me, then she shared a job opening that would have me join her team and told me to apply and we’d “continue the conversation.”
I have been insanely depressed in unemployment lately and it’s the first time I’ve felt hopeful in months.
bros i can’t stop gooning … !
Good luck with the rest of the process, anon. I remember some of your previous posts.
congrats bro, you're as good as hired. for how long have you been unemployed?
Yes. They can fire me if they don't like it, I don't give a shit anymore.
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Remember to invest and invest early, kids. I make enough from my investments that I could live comfortably just off their returns.
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>friend of mine gets job because nepotism (close family member is ranked like #4 in the company)
>comes to me saying he's crying every day because his coworkers don't respect him and perceive him as incompetent/useless
Why are nepo babies so self unaware?
>rent 6k

it's ytd (6 months)
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i am scared that the stock market is going to crash anytime now so i just put most of my savings into treasury bills while we are still at 5%. am i dumb?
cost of living in USA, especially all the incidentals that Europeans don't have to worry about, eats the difference.
just be glad your food isn't poison and you're not living in an open-air insane asylum/prison
you can get all the fud you could ever ask for in >>>/biz/ and >>>/bant/smg
but yeah, I am on the fence myself. they say it's always good time to buy S&P500, so I think I will break eventually (knowing my luck, probably just before 2 decades long 50% drop).
Any companies out there sponsoring assisted suicide? I don't really want to continue in this hellworld.
thankfully, this is still free
what do you need assisting for? just walk up a tall building and jump off
my investments have moved 2% since I started putting money in at the COVID rebound
unironically higher returns from my savings account
i put like 20% of my salary into my 401k when i started wokring in 2016. 401k is now worth over $300k 8 years later. having basic financial literacy is a cheat code against the system they put up as many tricks as possible to prevent people like me but im too high iq.
what the fuck did you invest in? im up like 200% since the covid crash
people make it so complicated but it boils down to
>just invest, retard
spend half of your savings on hookers and cocaine in a 3rd world country then get back to us if you still feel the same.
>what the fuck did you invest in?
the money printer wasn't for businesses over here
he will come back with super AIDS and even worse depression from seeing all that 3rd world shit. even more reasons to end it all.
better have some nice vacation somewhere nice.
yeah its not complicated at all yet the average person is a life long debt slave anyways. makes you think.
My dad was making almost $100k in retirement from pensions and was still in over $100k credit card debt and had zero equity.

Some people just never learn how to manage money.
>I despise those who are just intrinsically motivated
>Just be a loser like me damn you
>Too lazy to explain why
This world is big, try something new
Yes definitely. You don't even need certs really. Get good with Figma and apply to UX roles
I worked literally 1 hour today
Will probably work another hour tomorrow + 1 hour of meetings
Same on Wednesday
Thursday is holiday
Friday everyone on the team is out on PTO but me so I won't do jackshit and no one will care

>somehow make 2,500 a week
I've been in tech since 2005, and still don't understand how can anyone afford my pay.
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Youtube is starting to make fun of me too.
I'm real fuckin depressed bros.
I'm investing in myself. money != wealth.

j/k, I have no clue about the stock market (lost 50%+ of the 10k I invested initially lmao) so I'm hoping some other meme investment of myself pays off big time
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>meme investment
you will keep losing money. just invest in VOO. it's up 23% in the last year

if you invested only $10k per year and only got the average 10% return, you would have almost 2 million after 40 years
nah, I think solar is trendy and I found an interesting niche that might give me some nice profits. I'll try that and, if it doesn't work, I'll get to keep the panels and the land.
anon, do you wanna chat?
honestly, VOO anon is giving you a good advice. be patient, forget about the lambo, kek.
i have my final interview tomorrow with a new company, i'm so excited to leave the shithole i've been at for the last five years
it's been bad for a while, but it's really ramped up the shittiness in the last year
>he thinks he's getting the job
They already hired the pajeet
This is just a meme to make it look "fair"
they only hire US citizens, so i'm fairly confident but you could be right
I don't care about lambos. the stock market doesn't seem sane. I missed not one but 2 opportunities, but I'd rather not lose money on that shit, considering how inflated it is and how terrible I am at understanding it. so, no stocks for me.
also, always remember: past performance is no guarantee of future results.
I live in the Netherlands. If you got the perm contract your manager needs to actively document proof of your ineptitude over a period of time. Then your employer needs to give you a path and a fair chance of improving that performance. If it is improved, you are off the hook for like 6-12 months again to slack so the cycle can repeat itself. You could drag this out for years until you get fired.
Stop scamming and cheating in Western countries.
What's up with so many fags trying to dilute the tech market as a whole with morons? I keep getting ads now for UC Berkeley's certificate in AI and machine learning. So what, is AI and machine learning going to become the next JUST LEARN JAVASCRIPT AND MAKE $300K A YEAR BRO grift and kill the small growth the tech job market has seen in the last few months? How can anyone get ahead when these people want every nigger on planet earth to code
because they dont need brilliant coders, they need the cheapest who can do it ok enough
I think I know the answer to this but surely the people behind programs and initiatives like this realize that it is a net negative for the industry (more bloat + mediocrity) and it hurts people who already have the skills by making them worth less now that more people have them. The demand for these skills has not increased enough to justify a significant increase in eligible workers, especially given recent layoffs, H1B visas, etc, and mike and jamal the fucking UPS drivers thinking they'll be able work from home making 6 figures will be very disappointed after "building their skills". So who is benefitting here?
what industry and company size uin
what makes it shitty
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What should I do? I think I need to get a job in IT.

I never had a job in IT but it has always been my hobby. I can code, automate tasks at my job, build websites, fix and build computers, and build navigating mobile robots in ROS/ROS2, etc.

But I work in a grocery store. It's very physical and I like it, and I don't like sitting down or sitting still. But now my girlfriend is saying she'll break up with me in October and go to the United States to study if I do not get a proper career-type job. Plus I do need more money because living is too expensive and I will need a house one day.

But I have zero ambition and don't feel like I want anything more than filling shelves, even if it is a moron job.
>I keep getting ads now for UC Berkeley's certificate in AI and machine learning

My sister was mortified to find out that her university is doing car radio ads for data science lmao
your gf is holding you back
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>have enough savings to not work
>have enough sorrow to kill myself
name even one reason I should even read another IT job listing, let alone apply
wanna give a senior computer science major $2000 so I can door-to-door job hunt in SF for a week or two? lol
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no. on top of making all computing experiences worse and you not deserving it, I didn't get to save money by spending it so frivolously. I only spend my money on beer
Fair enough, it was worth a shot and I appreciate your honesty. I hope you're able to get past your sorrow
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It was not worth a shot at all and I will never recover. I will not ask what it's like to be that wrong; I have always been that wrong and understand you.

IT-adjacent jobs for someone who knows what a computer is but doesn't want to be an explicit computer-toucher? hell desk gives me brain and soul damage and all contact I've ever had with programming and programmers has been kafkaesque nightmares that would put "The Trial" to shame
Same. Show cock.
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This time it'll be full blown judeo-communism and if you don't have a hooked nose you'll be destined for a gulag and/or mass grave.
What the fuck am I setting myself up for, going and getting a JNCIE
they get fired as they're worthless
Hard truth: If you can't learn leetcode mediums and do them easily in a few months you're probably just low IQ. IQ is a measure of how quickly you can pick up new patterns/designs.
i choose not to do leetcode because i am uninterested in programming and am comfy in maintenance
I love my job, I find it fun and oddly I don't get tired of it. but I fucking hate everything that surrounds me. I hate how they all try to get me do part of their bullshit job. I hate how they pretend to make my job easier and end up making it much harder for me. I hate these people...
also, coworkers and I NEVER talk about technical matters. I just don't think these fuckers even care anymore...
im pajeet. How bad are my people when it comes to coding? I'm in software eng and I think I regret picking it. I struggled with data structures class (taught by a fantastic Russian software engineer) and got a B rather than an A. I should just go to video editing.
You guys are spoiled. In the semiconductor industry I would give a presentation on top of an entire day of interviews, only to be shot down. Happened many times.

One time I went in for "interview day" at Intel where I had a meal with another candidate interviewing for the same position. Pretty crummy to make us eat together like nothing was up. I'm pretty sure I was only invited so that they had two bodies competing for one spot.

Pro tip: if some recruiter is rushing you into an on-site interview without a phone-screen, they probably just want to fill application slots for the paperwork.
Intel sounds like a big boy job that actually pays you well though
>the stock market doesn't seem sane.
It isn't (especially in this sector where people consider RSUs and other stock comp actual money), but it it dies then all your money does anyway, so whole-of-market ETFs like VOO are pretty safe as a 401k supplement that's easier to access
What's it like being a literal subhuman troglodyte nodev?
Naw even the Kool aid drinkers at Intel admit they aren't compensated as well as software engineers.

P.S. Don't let the prestige of the name fool you. I know some people who work there and I'm not impressed.
Why do nocoder puzzles when I can spend the time working on useful and non-contrived FOSS projects instead? No one ever got good at programming by doing Pajeet tier homework puzzles.
how do I talk to my boss when I accepted a new job, started already, but I haven't told him yet because I'm a scared? He was a amazing mentor to me but I was afraid of disappointing him by going to a new job
>semiconductor industry
>well paid
i just got off work and taking a short break before i have to QUICK CALL with india
we are not paid enough for the amount of hours we put in
be upfront with him. schedule a meeting. a good boss will be happy for you no matter what
I'm a poorfag in bay area renting and I don't have AC. Tomorrow and the day after are gonna be peak summer temperatures at like 95 degrees, so I might actually end up going to the office. I think these might be called first world problems
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are you guys taking 5th of july off? boss hadn't told us anything but i'm afraid to be seen as a lazy bones if i ask

might just work a bit harder these 3 days and make up work
If I lived there I'd rather stay home and melt instead of seeing fags parading with fag flags celebrating their victory.
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where do i go from service desk bros? i only have an A+ and it only makes sense to move vertically if i change jobs, what with the pay being the same all across SD jobs and the sysadmin-esque skills i've picked up over the last 3 years. however, i can't find shit that doesn't require extreme specialization and/or a BA. college is out of the question because i'm approaching the end of my 20s and i'm not about to open loans for just the CHANCE at getting something better
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we got the 5th off already...
leadership used to be brilliant, have since transferred to parent company or left for greener pastures. they've been replaced by CapitalOne washouts who have wasted millions, launched a colossal failure of a product, and want to backfill all positions with current college students or new grads for $65k/yr
support is a trap, once it's on your resume you are fucked until someone gives you a handout. easiest way: application engineer (salesforce, jira, etc.) and get your feet wet developing on their shit proprietary language.
I hate that every company wants you to have experience with everything professionally, but none of them wants to be the first to give you the opportunity to learn.
How am I supposed to have 3 years of experience for a Junior dev job, if there's nothing lower than that? It's so frustrating.
I am making a people review website to expose such crappy management, who I came across as well. feel free to sign up to the waitlist: https://forms.gle/tZt9B9BntJ5t5FCA9
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This for example. Why do I have to keep learning a new language FOR 3 years EVERY 3 years?
>do internship last summer
>2 months before I grad in april, hit up my manager asking if I can get return offer
>he says no openings rn and not in near future but will let me know if any open
>based on dm's I saw a year ago when he shared his screen once, he doesnt control budget, his skip does
>he did ask his skip if theres space for me. rest of the convo didnt happen over text
>I check if the only other intern rn is working there after graduation
>she is
I fucking hate my manager. lying retard told me theres no space even though that interns manager definitely had space. her manager was younger and definitely a better manager than mines. that guy actually told her to get familiar with the tech stack and gave her time. my manager gave me a hard full stack feature with 0 documenttion or instructions. surprise, he was a pajeet
It's July, no one cares about rainbows now.
I have never had a job where people actually count hours like this, is this even a real thing? I go in at like noon, and then I goof around on my laptop til like 7 or 8. I have an office with AC so I just kind of goof around there instead of at home so it looks like im doing shit. A lot of days I just don't show up and nobody says anything or notices.
what site is this? Also just apply anyways, make them have to deal with your resume.
bro that exists its called glassdoor and blind.
Fucking ditch your gf before getting your IT job lmao
or after, that also works
There will always be some MBA who understands nothing of tech making way more money than you at your company, deciding your fate
>do internship
>show you are incompetent
>wait until the last minute for a job
>don't get the job
fucking nepotism again man, how does everyone know someone in every company?
MSFT has like 300,000 employees, how do you not know someone?
i'm talking about smaller companies of less than 1000 people
I just got rejected from a fucking temp agency for "not having any experience in the last 9 months". This was for ditch digging and warehouse work. I got rejected from Taco Bell too.

I just reached a 1.5 year gap. I think I'm just gonna fucking lie through my teeth and add 1.5 years more experience. Those of you who lied, how did you get through the employment verification? Pretty much every company uses "The Work Number" and it's 100% accurate every time. Do the mythical "nation-wide blacklists" exist? Even if they do, I just don't give a shit anymore.
lmao its so over. do you have a cs degree?
oh well all californians deserve misery
>one of the top cs programs in the US, if not the world
you fucked up or your resume is horrible
t. bottom barrel cal state and got a job this year, aka the "it's over" year
support is absolutely a trap, there's no denying that, but i don't really desire to go the software dev/engineer route. how viable are further pursuits in infrastructure? i get a lot of joy from fuckin with linux servers, my intuition tells me it's coveted
How long is too long to stay at one company?

I'm approaching 5 years at my current place and don't really feel the need to move anytime soon. The work is interesting and I've worked on multiple projects. They let me WFH, don't breathe down my neck about getting shit done.

I'm paid pretty well too, compared to what I've seen that's out there. I don't really want to move and risk losing what I've got, especially if I'm not earning that much more. I'm just worried that when I do come to move jobs, they're going to see 6-7 years at one company and think something is wrong.
an hour to talk about my favourite projects to a bunch of code monkeys?? Are you kidding me I’d fucken do it for free
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friend, please don't devalue yourself like that. /g/ has a fetish for blaming X tech issue on ethnicity of the month that's being targeted by corporations. your people are being exploited, and so are the angry spergs here, all for some stupid profit. it all sucks desu
>on the internet, no one knows you're a pony
>Anon discovers DEI
lmao even
In the old days during the long long ago, people wrote content for their own websites that they self hosted. This was before zoomers, niggers, pajeets, and femoids were on the internet. After the internet became a normies thing and literal woman and niggers invaded what was meant to be a white space, there were blogs. Today you have social media filled with hoards of low IQ turd worlders and zoomers with 30 second attention spans. Good luck with this idea though. You'll need it.
Go take a walk in the nearest dog park. Step in a turd. Realize that most indians (including the educated high caste ones) are only capable of producing that. Go about the rest of your day with a smile.
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Hey faggots, with LLMs quickly improving what are you even studying for? I'm not talking about seniors devs who will still be here for a while, but juniors are going to be obliterated pretty soon aside from minorities and women (dei points). You better run your own business than waiting for the sky to fall on you.
>muh ai
Yeah muh ai faggots, if you think the upper management will pick you a junior/intern over giving an LLM to a senior, you're gravely mistaken.
Wrong thread.
Wrong opinion
yeah, it's over for you. just cut your loses, and quit now.
Nice cope
what cope? I work as a senior dev. you won't make it. I am agreeing with you.
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About to go to an interview for a trainee software engineer position. Probably I will get replaced by AI in 2 years but I have no choice since this is the only type of job I can go for. FML
people in other jobs: pretend to be poor, don't boast about their pay
people in tech: boasts about money and slacking off on every occasion because it's the only thing he succeeded at in life and he wants to make chad and stacy jealous (chad is his boss buying another yacht, stacy is his psychiatrist he spends half of his paycheck on to get ssris and benzos)
They boast about their children, house, last hobby they picked up, etc. Not like people in tech would have that lol.
Don't worry about it. ChatGPT and shit aren't automated factory pipelines, they're more like an electric power tool. Nobody got replaced when they invented the angle grinder, or the router.
this is akshully well said.

The sad thing is - as soon as they got robots in car factories... people lost their jobs. Or became robot maintenance techs.
They don't care. Only money matters.
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The industry is benefitting here, not your idea of what the industry should be. They want to cut costs, and salaries have always been the fattest sheep. They certainely don't care about their future, much less the future of the industry/country. They just want to cash out as much as they can today.
11 brutal truths every /twg/ anon needs to know:

1. Creating content won’t grow your schizo level. Creating the right content will.
2. The less you share your true opinion The slower you’ll grow.
3. People won’t believe you even when you’re telling the truth.
4. Content not getting engagement? Not the janny's fault.
5. Not getting leads? Your ideal thread friends don’t trust you.
6. You must learn “how to learn” if you want to grow.
7. You’ll want to quit every 2 weeks when you start.
8. Your trip popularity won’t grow if you never söyjak.
9. You’ll always feel your content can be 5x better.
10. People will call your success “a stroke of luck.”
11. Virality never guarantees schizo growth.

Never forget these 11 truths.

You’ll have a much smoother /twg/ journey.
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After a bit over half a year of nothing but sitting around watching anime and jerking off the company announced it's reducing staff. You think this is it anons?
What is a "schizo level" and why should you grow it?
Ironically growing your "schizo level" involves humorously embracing and exaggerating unconventional and conspiratorial thinking. This can serve as a tool for critical thinking, creative expression, and satirical commentary, while also fostering a sense of community and humor. However, it’s important to approach this with sensitivity and context awareness to maintain the balance between satire and respect for serious issues.
have you considered leaving if you dont like it?
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Fucking sick of working bitch boy contracts and going to school for cloud computing. I suck at school and I'm too old for this shit. I wanted to work from home for my career but I'm seriously looking into the trades now
>used to be worried about not having enough experience
>my uni experience feels like it shouldn't be counted, but use it anyway
>recently start seeing "X years of WORK experience", "X years of PROFESSIONAL experience", "X years of COMMERCIAL experience", etc
i can't do difficult stuff. i'm a freshgrad btw. if they put me in the fire immediately during the first 3 months of work i think i'm gonna jump and die.
why do I keep getting no offers after interivews?

They ask stuff like what you are expecting in this helpdesk job role. (it pays more than my current low pay helldesk job)
I just say I am looking to work in a new environment and gain more experience and learning about other technologies in depth other than in my current place of work.

I say stuff like I want to move to a higher level and have more growth opportunities with the company and help streamline workflows etc.

at the end they always say that they've got a lot of people they are interviewing with as well and get back to me end of the week so I know it means rejection.

I'm getting filtered in the HR stages often.
i agree with all of these, but number 4,5, and 8 is easily ignorable garbage.
What would you do in my situation?
Not exactly sure what you're asking, you do what you can do. A lot of the time "requirements" are optional, though if they ask for a "minimum ___ years" then I think it's safe to assume you do need to be experienced there.
I think I'll skip it, I only have 1 year of experience with PHP from my internship a decade ago.
I moved on to other languages since then.
Health industry. Company is almost 10k people
Perfect industry and size for slacking off.
Are you ugly? Or Indian?
If not, then I don't know, those responses sound perfectly fine to me.
Hence why smart people will remain in programming and dumb people may find there are less jobs available.
I actually used ChatGPT for a gain for the first time yesterday at my work. I was doing some messy ass templated stuff in C++ and after 5 mins of googling I decided to ask ChatGPT and it gave me 3 answers - 2 of which were completely wrong, and 1 of which worked for the example if I edited a few lines. Which I then had to adapt to the actual use case since I just asked it how to recursively handle variadic templates and not to program the finished function.

So, right now I'd say it's an excellent 2% productivity boost tool.
>and 1 of which worked for the example if I edited a few lines. Which I then had to adapt to the actual use case since I just asked it how to recursively handle variadic templates and not to program the finished function.
This agrees with my experience and I find myself wondering if it will ever be able to escape being 90% correct but still not functional. I can't imagine all the bullshit jeetcode that LLMs have to troll through on places like github and others.
Makes me feel secure in my job at least for now.
my son was that guy at 11 years old, legit tested super genius. But he keeps going all Howard Hughes and sitting around playing fucking smash brothers when you should be smashing puss and making waves. Hes home for the summer from college.
i have adhd so its never going to work. Inb4 fake. Yes tiktok normie adhd is fake, the real one is brain AIDS and ive had it since I was tiny, no cannot possibly be caused by screen use.
its because youre a white man
Must be a weird feeling being a father. Especially if you happen to roll a genius minded son. How do you handle it?
I sincerely hope my potential sons don't inherit my laziness. Being slightly above average IQ but lazy and poorly focused is such a curse. I know I could do and contribute more, but I wont. I feel like such a piece of shit all the time.
Not everyone is a slave of society
>looking into the trades
please talk to people irl who have done this. Where does this meme even come from? Those people break their bodies and ruin their health most of the time.
reddit but for street shitters
People only see the potential top end paycheck and don't know about the pain pill addiction and ruination of your health it requires. Also, I've put in my share of 85 hour weeks as a laborer. I'm good. I got what I needed out of it.
no I look normal, I'm chinese asian.

Last interview I had the head of IT asked me about the powershell and scripting on my cv and if I thought to go into devops. I said that it does sound interesting but I just enjoy scripting as it speeds up tasks and standardizes the workflow or efficently.

Then I asked stuff at the end about growth opportunities, 1 to 1, tech they use to manage devices (they used local admin on macbooks), working hours, what I would be doing first couple of months

though I did well but I got a rejection saying they feel I am not the right match for the helldesk position which is crazy because I literally fulfilled all their requirements on the job ad
friend you should get tested for adhd. Lots of unfinished projects? Moving your leg around right now? String of failed careers? Emotional dysregulation? Shame and guilt for never fininishing anything? Drift off during conversations a lot? Unable to read more than a few sentences of a book without daydreaming, unless its a topic you are suddenly obsessed with for no reason?
true but if hes a neet i wont get any grandkids and i would have wasted 20 years of my life raising him.
>How do you handle it?
I gave him every opportunity to learn things that nobody showed me, like programming. He taught himself math and wonenough state competitions for a full ride tuition. I dropped out of school at 16, so anybody can homeschool, its really just keeping your child challenged and interested in learning.
>its really just keeping your child challenged
Are you saying to keep your child mentally challenged?
Thank you fren, you are 100% correct. I have it bad. My diagnosing psychiatrist said something to the effect of
>one of the more acute cases I have diagnosed
Problem is, even medicated, I'm basically useless. Thank god I got lucky and found an engineering job in a boomer company where I can impress them with excel macros. But idk how viable this is long term, unfortunately.
But yes, and thank you for your concern. You were 100% correct.
dang well I respect you for having a career, having adhd makes everything nightmare mode lol I can tell within a few minutes if somebody has it.
Having grandkids is not a life requirement, it's a social construct. What if he doesn't want kids? What if his wife can't have kids? It won't be the end of the world. Learn to be happy inconditionally.
Thank you for the reply, I have also seriously considered homeschooling. It seems like it's going to be the only viable education method going forward for anyone who can't afford elite north eastern prep schools.
>What if he doesn't want kids?
Then you failed as a parent.
>What if his wife can't have kids?
Then that's unfortunate.
It's over. Hope you've been grinding leet code
Ironically, given the way companies in corporate America operate, you might be fine. The hard working guy that people talk shit about because he's threatening is much more likely to get shit canned than you are.
As long as no one has anything to say about you, good or bad, you're generally pretty safe.
>Then you failed as a parent.
Lol, my parents have 3 kids, all in our 30s now, and none of us have any kids or are even in relationships. They really fucked us up, lol
Yep that's a failed parent.
>What if his wife can't have kids?
You get a new wife. Simple as.
my millenial cousin who's going through a midlife crisis keeps trying to get me to bootstrap his "msp" "business" and I just want to tell him to fuck off and die
Families suck
do you guys get assigned with a PC / laptop at your office?
yes goy bonding with family is laborious and a waste of time. the State and corporations can be your new family. give your allegiance to the State.
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nigga you don't know shit
Families can suck, anon.
>if you are not a trad family man you are a jew
Why do you /pol/yps love trad life and family so much?
Just fuck off
yes...excellent...speak your truths anon...good good...
How should I handle pressure from tight deadlines? I have a project that I estimated will take 2 weeks longer than wanted and I’m getting pressure to deliver sooner. My mindset now is just to be productive during working hours and ignore all the noise. If it gets delivered later than they want, oh well. Is this the right mindset?
No, we each have our own Macbooks we carry around with us and hook it up to the monitor when we come to the office
>Don't panic
>Tell boss shit may not be done on time
>Keep working

Usually it's the simple answers to our problems.
you seem angry....rightfully so anon rightfully so. families do much damage.....may i offer you a subscription to Online Therapy by Proctor and Gamble? very reasonable...only $39.99 a month....or perhaps some antidepressants by Pfizer....call your doctor goyi-..guy. but remember, we're closed on the Sabbath...
Fat boomer. Did you just blow in from Facebook?
We should have a thread similar to HN's Who's Hiring? but on here and anonymously? I'm a manager at my company (all male, all white, mostly racist employees). I obviously can't advertise those 'perks' of the job, and we get a bunch of incompetent jeetshit resumes spammed through all our job postings. I'm sure a lot of people here would enjoy working there. I don't have the complete final say on hires but I can get bascially anyone an interview if I wanted lol
>I'm a manager at my company (all male, all white, mostly racist employees)
Sounds like a dream. You got room on your team for a racist white cynical mechanical cum electrical engineer with really good PM and technical design skills but weak coding?
>weak coding
sorry anon, software company hiring backend only atm.
i've always been here.....centuries even....
I get it. It's frustrating because I've been trying to break into software because I enjoy it, but I have basically only done hobby programming and companies see mechanical degree and throw my resume in the trash.
Maybe I need a master's. The idea of going back to school at 30 is horrifying and I know most masters are midwit traps.
I don't throw resumes in the trash if they say mechanical engineering, physics, mathematics, etc. but I would trash it if there were not 3 or 4 big full stack software projects listed on it showcasing what you know in a way that makes it clear you know what production-tier programming looks like.
Correct answer. Do not devalue your time by working yourself to the bone. Pad out your estimates with ample time to make way for unexpected problems and try your best to deliver. If somebody else were to set estimates for you, they likely haven't got a fuckin' clue and will give you no time at all. They will become upset, they will not hold themselves accountable, they will blame you for their own ignorance on how software is made.
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>Job post update last week
>Applied 4 days ago
the fuck are these jackasses doing?
Thanks for the reply. If you don't mind, can I ask your opinion on if you would take a guy with a masters in SWE but automation and controls experience?
>boss says we have to use an Excel sheet instead of Jira for tasks and features for the foreseeable future
>refuses to explain why, doesn't understand you can export to Excel
Looking for other positions in this company now desu
Good idea. Stay out of fuckwit companies.
Honestly, it would entirely depend on what projects you have listed on your resume if I open up a resume and see like some side project where the tech stack is.. idk heres a random made up example but like:
"Python, Flask, Airflow, Cloudflare, Teradata, Snowflake" If I see that, and the accompanying codebase, for several projects of similar or vaguely similar quality. I'm going to be like 'Ok this person is going to be chill with backend/devops shit at a professional level'. It really doesn't matter to me what the job history is so much as having items like that on their resume. Most people applying when shifting fields dramatically just put down TODO app clone, or random Kaggle analysis shit or like some 3rd party API consumer thing with a frontend stuck on it. None of that indicates that the person knows fuck all about what they are doing. It also isn't about a specific component for most resumes I see if they write down 'Ansible' at all that is a good sign. I don't care if they specifically use one tool over another. 70% of the applicants we get wouldn't know wtf ansible even is.
Thank you for your in-depth reply, anon. I need to reformat my resume to include some project examples.
Capitalism isn't why you're a failure. You're a failure because you NEETed because you were sad your parents died (a natural occurrence that happens to literally every human being in the history of time).
I have a sysadmin job that seems to be very cushy but also pretty boring and mind numbing, and I kind of hate how it feels like it's slowly making me dumber and killing my interest in tech.
I wish I could do something that felt meaningful, but it just doesn't seem to exist. Or if it does it doesn't realistically pay the bills.
I don't want to work anymore. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
I want to take my savings and move to a cheap ass Eastern European country and just live my life. I don't want to hear about layoffs, inflation, AI, war conflicts, gays on fags rough-and-tumbles, I just want to live my life far away from all this crap.
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pic related is what it starts to feel like to sit on a computer all the time
you unironically need to go outside and do something else at least every now and then, like just go on a walk if nothing else
I don't know how hikikomoris even live
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>student for 3 years
>quit waging last year and have been riding freelance gravy train
>main contract dries up or booted me after 6 months
>there's no part-time remote wagie jobs I can do on the weekend
>don't know what to tell spouse
I understand why these threads are full of depression and angst now
It's easy when you know how to entertain yourself or keep your mind busy then again I never really had friends or people around me. I think the only reason why I haven't lost it is because of forums , twitch chat, and the 3 close friends I have
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i had 3 cups of coffee this morning and just popped a couple zyns. time to code for 10 hours straight and make the shareholders happy
Do you think people would suddenly give a shit about you under communism?
my mom keeps pushing me to help her friend out and try to get him hired at my company. the dude is like 30 years older than me and has been living solely off of contract work and his wife's consistent paycheck. does anyone else not like doing these kinds of things? I don't want to gamble my reputation on some rando I don't care about.
I don't really have close friends but I live fairly actively. There's things you can do alone. Over the years I've learned how to pass time by myself. I think I'm going to go for a run this evening.
Here, gigaretard >>101234524
Silently denying you.
You should never risk too much in helping people you don't know or barely know. It's all downsides and no upsides. It's likely they'll never help you back, and if shit goes wrong, they'll blame you.
Go rope yourself, loser.
Theoretically, what would you do if you saw a large gap in the resume? Theoretically of course haha, who would have that?
I am seriously considering becoming a shepherd the day I've saved enough to survive. Fuck tech and every retard working in this field
bitch how is your job search going?
Nice projection. I'm employed. Keep on seething, nigger.
Fishing is the best for this kind of shit, spend the day outside, rewarding as fuck to catch something, and the hobby is as complex as you want it to be. Fishing is fucking goated, it's the only reason I haven't gone mental (fully).
i quit
Interviewing candidates for a c# dotnet position. Had a jeet apply that had asp.net rest apis on his resume. When it came to the technical interview, he didn't even show because he actually only had experience with java spring and put c#/dotnet because it's close enough.
if i just don't buy a house or have kids, i won't have to be a slave who works forever
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interview in 5 minutes
Just remember, if there's anything you shouldn't say is
>Doing your wife

how did he even manage to pass the resume screening? is it all just fucking lies on the resume to get an interview nowadays? fuck this gay earth
fuck i thought it was teams but its a phone call i just spent the past hour trying to look decent
Basically he has 2 resumes. One on his linkedin is the real one and the one he used to apply. In the one he used to apply, replaced the words Java with C#, and spring with asp.net
Thanks anon
Thanks anon. My team got laid off in September 2022 so it has been close to 2 years. I was in Grad school to get a Masters degree that I finished this Spring so I have a decent excuse for the resume gap. I actually quite liked not working for a while but it starts to become incredibly stressful to hemorrhage money and also not have much purpose
I see, what sorts of things are being asked for in the C#/.NET world in interview these days? Is it possible to learn enough using some personal projects to actually be somewhat technically capable, or am I wasting my time?
Tomorrow I have the “technical interview” stage for a data engineering role. Asked Senior manager at last interview what the technical stage would be, and they shrugged their shoulders and said it is up to the actual team interviewing me.
Asked HR contact what it will be and they just mumbled and rattled off random buzzwords
>”technical challenges…tech choices….problem solving….how do you build the right thing….white boarding….deep dive into technical challenges”
What the hell am I in for bros. I’m toast if it is more than just sperging talking about past jobs, or easy tier SQL leetcode
get ready to invert binary trees, anon
If I get told to reverse a linked list, I'm going to reverse my car through their office window.
When did job interviews become an autism screening test performed by middle aged women and why did we let this happen?
nta but is that really a question? It's really easy.
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normies really managed to gentrify the fucking TECH FIELD (an academic field primarily made up of well off first worlders) of all things. nothing is sacred to these people istfg
Bros, i was finally given a position after being unemployed for 4 months. I'm so happy.
Did I fuck up? I'm working on an app that our hr people are going to use eventually. It is not done to the point that it has a hello world front page but is in a "testable state". I'd say 30% of MVP. My manager just messaged me asking why the demo is showing old data and I told him it is because it is on a testing branch (because why wouldn't it be? it isn't done). And he is like "Oh no, this needs to be connected to live data asap". Why would I ever have a demo connect to live data? Why is my manager letting hr already use this? Is this my fault? Did this dude talk us into a corner?
4 months is quick in this market, congrats anon. what's your experience like and tech stack?
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why is /twg/ so unhinged
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>Initial screening interview
>Recruiter asks what I want for total compensation
>I say what I want for my salary
>Recruiter says that's doable
>(The conversation was more complex than this but I'm paraphrasing because the majority of it was me being a total sperg)
Fuck me lmao, I really shot myself in the foot there. Though I don't expect to get the job in the first place so it probably won't matter :)
HR is unironically retarded in all things tech so your manager needs to start showing them the real data so they don't go off on him about how it's showing old data.

they don't understand that its a demo. they dont understand the concept of segregated testing data. they don't understand SHIT. they look at website and see pretty colors. they will keep pestering your boss about "why is it showing old data" until the cows come home.

if your product doesn't modify any data, no harm in having it display the current stuff. if they can start fiddling with live data on the demo, then you better make sure the demo is tested to hell and back. also, just do what your boss says and divorce yourself from your code. if the roasties want to fuck up prod, let them (but they will probably blame you for letting retards like them even use it).
I'll be working at my state University as a sys admin. Been on IT for 5 years now. Laid off twice.
Should have asked what their budget was for the position. Them saying yes fast means you left money on the table.
I'm so glad I don't have to talk to the non tech people. I don't know if I have the patience in me. thankfully the demo right now is only readable stuff. no ability to modify things yet.
I dislike the guy I work with. Always seems like he thinks his ideas are objectively better, and reverts anything I do to what he thinks is best. But his shit sucks so much dick and is so incredibly unreadable. And I think he uses AI to write literally everything he's written in the past couple weeks because it has those stupid comments AI usually leaves in code and he never leaves comments. I hate him so much
what are your laptop idle lock timers set to, bros? i have to move my mouse every 12 fucking minutes.
it's horrible anon, most of the time the non-tech people will nitpick a stupid flaw (like wrong title on a webpage for example) and then continue harping about it for the entirety of the Agile sprint because they NEED to make themselves appear knowledgeable and in-the-know. the best part? when you spend the 2 minutes to fix it, they will continuously hold it against you and make sure that someone is making sure anons code is good, because he got the title wrong.

FUCK you stacy, PLACEHOLDER is clearly a fucking temporary title you mong, next time it'll be STACY TONGUES NIGGER ANUS ffs
>And I think he uses AI to write literally everything he's written in the past couple weeks because it has those stupid comments AI usually leaves in code and he never leaves comments
He might've been asked to increase his comments so he asks AI to do it for him. They can do that, just slap some code in and ask it to comment.
i wrote a script to move the mouse every 5 minutes so i always stay green while i fap all day
Who are you referring to specifically?
It's worse than you seem to understand. When he asked what I wanted for total compensation (I was thinking like $200K or something, but I really didn't know what to factor in), I went full retard and told him what I wanted for base pay ($150K), rather than total comp. So $150K is the answer for my total comp. So yeah, I left a lot of money on the table. I guess I'll awkwardly see how high I can negotiate it up from there if I end up doing well on the interviews. Or maybe they'll hire me just because they got such a good deal hahahahahahahahahaha
i'm so fucking sick of working
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I'm losing my grip on reality.
I should be a criminal. They're happier than everyone else.
Big oof, let's see how this plays out
Salary negotion should be illegal
Im so mad I cant even spell correcrly
nah I'm almost certain it's AI because not only have comments started popping up but he's also coding in a completely different style than he used to. So either a switch flipped randomly and he changed how he formats and writes code or he is using AI. And he's like the lead coder as well so no one over him reads any of the code our team of 5 puts out.
Why, just because you're bad at it?
Should being good at sex be illegal too?
Everyone is desperate for a job right now. They're going to be choosing the lowballers over me.
You still shouldn't lie on your resume, you'll be stressed out the whole time if you do. Part of the reason I can relax and only work a few hours a day as because I know how to solve the problems quickly and would rather just play Roller Coaster Tycoon for a few days instead.
I got hired a few months ago and told them I was making $xxxk at my last job so I'd like something more than that.
I wouldn't have minded something lower but at this point I don't take any of this crap seriously and told them that was my absolute minimum. They kvetched but ended up hiring me over the other guy anyway.

Remember at most companies the guy who writes the budget and the guy who picks new hires are separate people and lowballing by $20k isn't going to solve any problems for them anyway.
my nigger, I saw all the tasks she got, they were small and gradually increasing in size. my dumb manager gave me 0 guidance with a big task. he repeated the mistake with another junior
hmu, am a new grad, anonisburtsbees@proton.me
>want job in different sub-field of software engineering
>only way to get that job is to have experience in that field
catch 22
how the fuck do you make these kinds of changes
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work as helldesk 1st line and use a bunch of powershell scripts at my workplace is it a good idea to upload on github so I can put it on my cv or do employers not care?
>and have been riding freelance gravy train
how did u fidn these gigs
You might consider rewriting (not just retyping) it on a personal machine and putting that on Github.
That would still be illegal but it's not as blatent as uploading it straight from corporate equipment.
I am a new grad with a yearlong c#/asp.net internship. if u are interseted send me details at anonisburtsbees@proton.me
>in different sub-field of software engineering
what kind of shift are you planning on making?
just take the lying pill retards
i have a 2.5 year gap and I just gave up and filled it with fake jobs

have an interview tomorrow lol
Sounds like every field of software.
I just want to stop writing backend java code and do anything else
Someone tell me wtf a systems analyst is.
They rape systems until they work correctly, similar to buck breaking.
Anyone else have a coworker who's always sick?
I thought he was faking it at first
But he mentions it in the group chat pretty much unprompted at least once every couple weeks
I feel like if he was faking it he would only mention it when someone asks him to do something
He doesn't seem like he has cancer or anything so its weird that he would actually be sick that often
Nobody seems to question or call him out for it
I refactoed most of it on my personal pc then uploaded it to my work onedrive so I can use it.
But do helpdesk position care about github stuff?
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>Applied to FAGMAN Friday
>Checked this morning
>Status "Submitted"
>Last Updated Last Week
>Check again
>Last Updated 30 minutes ago
>Status "Submitted"
Stop fucking cock teasing me
>incompetent boomer middle manager sends an email agency wide saying hes leaving next week
no one cares retard how you are not retired yet idiot?
they probably write documents that are wrong and no one will read
Fuck Stacy and her NIGGER ANUS LINGUS
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