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WTF is a keyboard edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>101232681
Going into the office with a remote controlled IOT vibe everyday for a week and I wanna tell everyone!
How do I get a remote job?
I have an AS in IT, a year of hell desk, and the A+ cert
>Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.
Cause you have to beg and plead in w possible to get a job and a demand like a salary isn't dancing like a money now is it
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I just bought a Steam Deck with the money I EARNED.
I need more big booba computer nerd girl
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best I can offer you
based brazilgod
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You all need to realize how connivingly adept Jeets are at scamming their way into institutions, including software engineering jobs. They're honestly worse than kikes. You have to beat them at their own game.

>Add a shit ton of people on Linkedin
>Doesn't matter if you know them or not
>As long as they're relevant to the industry you're in
>Create a couple of sock accounts
>Go to https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ and use whatever's generated for your sock accounts
>Have them add a shit ton of people they don't know (and yourself as well)
>Write a fabricated work history at prestigious companies for these accounts
>Give them big titles as well, why not?
>Use these accounts to write glowing reviews for your own profile
>Beef up your work history with total bullshit, statistics completely pulled out of your ass "e.g. spearheaded an initiative to innovate an efficient pipeline for deliverables and saw an 80% increase in effective output"
>Make yourself visible to recruiters by occasionally posting vacuous "motivational" trite and technical posts meant for somebody who is on day 1 of learning that topic
>The reason is because the more in-depth you go, the more likely a developer is
going to pipe up with a conjecture to something you've said
>If you keep it stupid simple, nobody but CTE victims are going to object (e.g. using JavaScript's map function to return a new array instead of writing a new for loop).

I can already hear you say
>But Anon, that's dishonest!

This whole industry is a scam and people who'll hire you will find a way to fuck you. Wring them for as much cash as you can.

Put fake experience at ghost companies on your resume. Give your LinkedIn profile glowing endorsements from your burner accounts. Take a single course from some random ass Harvard sideshow "sister school" so you can slap Harvard on your resume. You MUST start making shit up and being a sociopath or you'll get Jeeted eternally.

And don't forget LeetCode. Minimum 3/day.
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>have to hold demo in front of customer of a project that's half finished, only working 50% of the time and that I only joined 1 month ago and that I have no clue of
any salesfags here who have tips for me?
t. not a salesfag
Pretend to have COVID and have someone else do it
I'm not in sales but my SWEng job has me do a lot of presentations of prototypes to C-level people. Write a script and memorize it, but not to the point where you're dependent on it. Just tell a story and be personable.

>Tell them what you're gonna show them, show them, and then tell them what you've just shown them
might sound ridiculous but it works well.
Write a bulleted script. Insert 2 AI generated pun jokes into it. Place one at the 1/3rd mark and 1 at the 2/3rds mark. The goal of these is not to get laughs, it is to prevent people from asking questions or thinking too hard about your work. People usually only remember the last 30 seconds of a speech, so have AI write you a punchy 2 sentences to end on.
There you go, killer. Use your newfound powers for good.
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>only joined 1 month ago
They're feeding you to the wolves, nothing personal kid. You just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
>Go to https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ and use whatever's generated for your sock accounts
Isn't that a felony now?
Thanks guys.

I do a lot of demos for C-level types too but there's not much that can go wrong there.
They usually don't let me near actual customers though.
>Write a script and memorize it, but not to the point where you're dependent on it.
too late for that, it's in 2 hours, I'm currently in my hotel room mentally hyping myself up haha

>write a joke for a speech about my software product demo
>"Our security is so tight, even a hacker with a PhD in ‘sneaky’ couldn’t break in. We’ve got more layers than a seven-layer dip!"
thanks chatgpt I guess

honestly I've got the same feeling. There's like 12 people who have been working on it for months, I don't know why they have me, the biggest autist of them all, do the fucking demo

In a weird way, I'm still looking forward to it. I kind of want the "experience". Maybe I won't fuck it up completely
And you guys were worried about AI taking your jobs.
Comedians beware.
>Why did the dev go broke?
>lost all their cache
>I can play video games for 10+ hours straight
>can’t sit down to try and code for 10 mins

My job has yet to find out I’m a nocoder fraud. How do I get a grip and start grinding JavaScript or react or some shit. I’m 2 years in and barely know shit. I’d rather be getting drunk and jacking off but I think it will catch up to me soon if I don’t increase my skills.
What is the best tech job to have if I just wanna fuck around all day?
Sys admin
Security guard's still probably king.
Network engineer
any of them as long its wfh
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I fixed the eye
Did she break prod or something?

Do you / did you have a job?

You sound pretty much like me

>live in third world cesspool
>Average wage is 300 usd a month
>Only way to get a regular wage is by doing software related stuff remotely

I've got down the web dev trinity of html css and javascript but I'm still working on react, I also need to pick up java again to later on learn springboot as they say there are a lot of positions for react + springboot (I'll try getting a job after finishing with react but they say it's impossible to get a jr job as a react dev nowadays.)
and you didn't even the notice the keyboard?

>Forgot to add

Getting down to code is a pain, I have no real interest in this and only do it for the money, I pretty much study / code at 16 minute intervals as I get bored and tired quite easily.
Giving a number first is bad negotiation. Stall until you have a job offer with a number from them, anything less than that is just posturing and empty promises.
what should I say to them?

I sometimes get them calling and they ask what is my current salary and what am I expecting to see if they have anything for me,
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Bruh I'm from EU and that shit won't fly, I'm already being scrutinized because I job hoped from 1 place after only 6 months, not to mention adding fake experience.

Though if I get fed up with this shit I might just try and fuck around and find out...
My boss left and people kept heralding him as Jesus but I'm getting fucking irritated since I've gone in his role and people are treating me like shit even though I'm technically doing things way more efficient then he is.

Maybe it's my fault because I always use passive language since I don't want to step on people's toes but like I'll be like "Wait. I'm still reviewing and investigating this issue" and they'll like message me daily about it but then if it were my boss, they would leave him alone for a week and he'd reply back in two weeks going "have you tried x,y,z?"

Shit's so fucking annoying. My boss now wants to do a bunch of cleanup activities and everyone thinks my boss was able to do this massive sweep of all ours bugs but motherfucker just swept it underneath the carpet and I'm just like "bruh what the fuck do you expect me to do?". I can't sweep it under the carpet anymore. Shit's out in the open. And If I talk shit about my boss going "yo he left it like this", they get mad at me like I'm fucking stoning Jesus or something.

Fuck god damn.
they're seeing if you have salary requirements. they already know what the salary range is for the job and what they're expecting to pay you. they're seeing if you have a high salary requirement and would therefore not consider the job to begin with.
Does your employer record your working hours, and if yes do you always make sure to always meet your contractual hours to the minute.
yes i charge 40 hours a week its a contractual requirement.
are you retarded?
>"Hey Bill, we had $X/year budgeted for this req, but this schmuck said he's hoping for $X*0.2! What a loser!"
who are these poeple? devs? non tech people?
ok I guess I'll just say I'm expecting anything upwards of 1 million then?
My boss now is a tech person but he seems to not take "no" as an answer. The other ones aren't really tech people. I think I just have to use stronger language but fuck I'm still figuring most of this shit out myself and nobody's giving me the resources nor the time to allow me to bounce back ideas and try to get the product out like they want it. They just expect me to fucking know it.
When I was a consultant, I didn't have a minimum or maximum number of hours to report. However, due to the nature of the job I was basically expected to work overtime, under report my hours, and then they further under report hours to their clients. When I was getting paid hourly it was the worst because if I ever told the truth they would have fired me right then and there for incompetence. After I got salaried, bastards thought I would work overtime so they can overcharge their clients.
Just stall. Answer their question with absolutely nothing, be honest about your situation, or lie, it's up to you:
>My previous salary was a competitive market rate.
>I would prefer to discuss pay at a later stage in the hiring process.
>I'm under NDA and cannot discuss my previous salary.
I suck at that, just like how I suck at making anything up. I am too used to being honest when being asked something.
No wonder why I suck at interview
My new team is too friendly and hard working. I don't want to constantly go out to after work events with everyone. Everyone also closes tickets too fast and they're too smart. I feel like a fucking slacker now.
i hate that shit, i feel like i need half a day just to gather my thoughts on what to do
let's see how long i last
Is implementing Defender with Intune really as easy as it looks. Barely any configurations to do once you activate it. Am I missing something?
How much does proffeserMesser leave out his A+ videos? Is he an adequate substitute of the book?
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>We’ve got more layers than a seven-layer dip!"
holy shit i fucking love ai now
Linkedin is the most depressing and fake site on the internet
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I had to fire a mother of 3 dying of cancer and this is what I learnt:
stop reminding me, I fucking hate using it
>Did she break prod or something?
better edition caption desu.
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>The best part of my job is rapidly scaling premium products using CRM+Data+Trust+AI!
>Progressively aggregating mission-critical content is key in the fight for sustainability and human rights!
>I heckin love fungibly parallel task optimal scenarios using AI assisted HRMS!
Thanks microsoft
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soo uh... has g got any magical tricks to motivate yourself to code. im working on my side project and my motivation swings hard. sometimes i power through it and then whish... its gone. this is like... not shitty code that im just writing as toy poo code. theres thousands of lines of tests alone and the code base is 20k+ lines. i have to do more testing and im replacing some of the worst code in the project but im getting kind of bored of it. even though im close to releasing a new version.
if you say this, you'll be offered minimum band, every single time.

just say your salary + 30k or whatever gap you want if its the same role just somewhere else
if you exceed their band from the very get go, its on them to find a better number and it probably wont be minimum (you have to be currently employed and willing to walk if the number isnt high enough)
If you find anything that works let me know
If you overshoot their budget you're back at this problem

There are probably pros and cons to both negotiation approaches, like some employers will catch on to you bullshitting if you stall and disqualify you for that.
Regarding IT jobs, what technologies/stacks should I master in order to avoid working night shifts or being on call? What technologies/stacks should I get away from?
>boss wants data from a different API in this API he's working with
>attach it for him
>he doesn't like all the data and requests only one item from it
>tell him that he can just call the item he needs and the rest can be there for future usage
>tells me no
>do as he says
>over time, he needs more and more data from it, but refuses to just have the API data attached
>eventually most if not all the data is there, but all named differently from the API object
I think he just can't admit that he's wrong and just use the data as is so we did it this way so that he doesn't have to acknowledge it. Now anything that consumes the that data to do work has to account for both versions.
i dont feel like doing any work this week
aim for 1 feature in an hour. write down an hourly plan. for example, from 1-4, you implement signin.
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This one simple trick to drastically improve your mental well being.
>assigned bugs raised on task coworker did
>go to PR
>THIRTY THREE files entirely changed
>some random-ass SQL unrelated to anything
> 6/12 commits are "Fix merge conflicts"
>ask why, they say "It kept telling me to do it"
>realise it already went through code review
>the senior dev approved it

Unrelated but do any UK guys have any recommendations for job boards?
Amerilard here, strangely every Dutch/Belgian engineer I've ever worked with have been extremely competent at the entire software development lifecycle, but they're especially good at version control hygiene.

I deal with a lot of the same. Their IDE has a big red "Resolve Conflict" button and they just keep on clickin' it. Like a cow chewing cud.
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i keep telling people on my team to fix merge conflicts in their dev branches by rebasing and updating individual commits instead of merging into their dev branches but nobody fucking listens to me
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Rebase may as well be black-magick to 99.9% of engineering "talent".
kek ive never rebased ever i just fix conflicts manually. no one writes code but me so never an issue really
night shift and on call are very rare in tech. basically orient your skills towards actual software engineering and you will never have to do that shit.
annoying neckbeard shit. rebasing is how you lose commits just to maintain ur ocd virgin commit logs. meanwhile im doing real work and anyone who tries to slow me down is an autistic faggot.
Good git hygiene via rebase:
>able to autogen changelogs based purely on commit messages
>bisecting to find/fix bugs is piss-trivial
>commits are atomic and 1:1 mapped to their actual contents
>able to squash many similar commits that do roughly the same thing together instead of "fix 1", "fix 2 for real this time", "fix 3 but now it segfaults", "fix 4 final"
>it's just aesthetically pleasing, showing the code was written by a white man who takes pride in his craft
you reek of curry
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have you ever spent 2 days git bisecting to fix a production bug? if you did, you'd understand the value of keeping a clean commit history.

>rebasing is how you lose commits
if you, a software professional, somehow manage to delete a commit during an interactive rebase that's entirely on you. if you work in this field there's no excuse for not knowing how to properly use whatever VC your company has
experience doesn't necessarily mean being employed on that. sometimes you can learn stuff by yourself.

Obviously, but I was talking about sysadmin/support like jobs
tfw swe at small startup and am consistently on call at night to put out fires in prod

wish i took the large company pill
>How do I get a grip and start grinding JavaScript or react or some shit.

Without an existential threat, you'll never get a grip.
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I feel another rejection coming soon for another job I fully qualify for
nah, youre the curry. See, its always fucking idiots that manage to make simple processes complicated. You take something that could be pleasing and engaging to work around and infect it with your neckbeard convoluted bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with branching and pull requests, you autistic faggot
i really dont know how that happened to you. ive been doing this shit for more than a decade and ive worked for some totally insane startups. none of them have had that on-call shit. i wonder if theyre mistreating you. quite honestly not trolling here.
i mean the pay is solid but our product has very tight SLAs and we don't have a dedicated SRE team to do on-call stuff so it falls to the devs. we recently did a large overhaul of our tech stack because the old stuff wasn't scaling up and there have been a lot of issues that i get paged for
rebasing and creating branches are not mutually exclusive. please don't post again until you learn the absolute basics of using git.
>talking about managing git commits
>What the fuck is wrong with branching and pull requests, you autistic faggot

"Why are you faggots talking about dihydrogen monoxide? What's fucking wrong with water?"

t. you
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>company was planning on laying off our last 3 service desk guys and going full india for our service desk since it was already like 70% india
>they realized how retarded our outsourced workers are when some admins went a month without being disabled after they were terminated
>now they made an entire new role (promotion with raise) for our service desk guys and relegated the india techs to the lowest tier tickets possible and make them escalate the rest up to our US guys
>previously they were all doing the same work

lmao you love to see it
same experience here. I desperately need to get poached by a client or something
Retards like the one you're applying to lead me to believe this board is saturated with undergraduate students, LARPers, or "engineers" who couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag.

See: >>101249140
do you think that rebasing and branching are mutually exclusive, that you can't do both in a workflow? what exactly would you be rebasing if you don't create a branch? it's pretty obvious you have no idea how to actually use git
For work I need to figure out how to create a system to figure out overall time overlap.
For instance, say you have the information [1pm-2pm], [3pm-4pm]. From 1-4pm I would need to calculate 66%, as those time spans cover 66% of the period. Time spans can overlap and be pretty much anything.
Any ideas for an efficient system?
interval tree
I would like to keep git history clean but I simply have too much to do and too little time. And I am the only one who would care anyway. So I do a a lot of "fix shit" commits.
One of my coworkers got poached by a client. The owners were not pleased and they tried to dictate what he can and can't do when he basically became their client.

Owners ended up cutting ties with them which sucked since they were my major client and source of work. They later laid me off due to "incompatible skills." Still fucking hate that consulting firm.
not wanting to rebase or know how it works doesnt make me a bad engineer. you dont need to use it. its really just you trying to impose your taste on other engineers which is fucking insufferable.
is he indian?
pretty sure that just qualifies you for hell desk remotely, A+ isn't a cert that means anything
i don't respect your opinion on rebasing since you don't know how to use it or how it works. if you knew how to actually use git and didn't like rebasing i'd hear you out.

if you don't know how something works but have a strong opinon anyway, you're just parroting what someone else told you. which is fine, but don't expect to be taken seriously kek
Early in my carieer I rewrote history and completely deleted a bunch of work from another junior engineer so I have this ingrained fear of anything that requires it, especially rebasing which doesn't just rewrite history but does it in a complex way that I've rarely used.
>>able to autogen changelogs based purely on commit messages
You can do this without rewriting history by giving each feature it's own branch and squash merging the branches when the feature is ready. Which is what normal people do anyway.
we're not even talking about the more complex rebases, just simple interactive rebasing that some kid is sperging out over
I know what rebasing is. its where you take your commit history and tidy it up. its a pedantic waste of fucking time.
idk I learned when I was 12.
Just open up vim, open up the Oreilly js book, and try to write some video games. That's literally what I did.
Got some juicy pcaps here if anyone has the balls to crack 'em https://easyupload.io/ll6mbe
>thinks you only use rebase for "tidying up" commits
>thinks you can't both rebase and create branches
bruh you have no idea what you're talking about just go read the docs
Dude these people capitalize software development like it's an asset.
They still haven't figured out how much of this is a massive scam. Like everything is fake from top to bottom but it's been going for decades. Stop taking it so seriously.
I was fortunate that the games I played as a kid were telnet applications, learning to write c meant I got to create the game everyone else was playing with me.
I'm guessing you play minecraft. I think that's the same idea of being able to create your own server with custom attributes written in pretty much any language.
no one cares faggot. this is why people hate working with cunts like you. because at the end of the day theres really no fundamental benefit but your autistic preferences (which you then dictate is a 'requirement')
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It feels so good, bros. Offer letter. Medium COL. South US (role is remote though). 8 YOE.
believe whatever you want about me lmao, just read the docs so you don't look silly next time
Taxes are going to eat enough of that it won't feel like a real bump. Your 401k will look nice though, congrats.
Taxes suck and I was lied to that getting married would really help me (my wife makes a lot less).
I'm very tempted to submit a W-4 with 20 dependents and just not file returns. It's not so much the money but where it's going that pisses me off.
You'll get audited immediately
On paper once I get married my taxes go way down. My future wife doesn't work and can be listed as a dependant. What did you run into?
Yeah my dad tried this when I was younger and that's exactly what happened.
To this day he says taxes are too complicated to trust things like Turbo Tax to but desu I think he should have just filled his W-4 out correctly.
My wife works and makes about 1/3 of what I do. The difference between 2x single vs MFJ was something like .4% (in favor of MFJ). Which is still...better (~$700), but it wasn't this life changing difference boomers sold to me.
apologise for calling me a poo or i throw curry at u.
Sometimes you just got to push through it. Take it slow if needed, sometimes just creating variable is better progress than not touching the project at all. Also dreaming about the end product of what it could be helps too.
At some point I've realized most of the stuff the boomers say is complete bullshit and doesn't apply to reality now if it ever even did.
Yup, they also said I'd get a huge tax break once I got a house (due to the high interest payments on the start of the mortgage). The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act completely obliterated that such that even my first year paying a mortgage, the standard deduction was still better for me.
git commit -a -m "some changes"
how hard is the service desk
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good explanation
me at work:
>this isn't that hard. why don't more people study engineering?
me after work dealing with "regular" people:
>holy shit. i need a raise.
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i do this but can just -am its the same thing
I wish I could lord over "stakeholders" and just tell them what to do and what to accept and what to expect.
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whats wrong with this tho
desu after being on the other side of one of those walls and consuming software from another team it's not like we have any say either.

The whole thing is just a middle manager pissing contest.
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The higher ups hired a new guy with an Ashkenazic last name some six months ago or so. The new guy comes on as Senior. He turns out to be smart technically, but bad judgement, and doesn't understand our domain well. He's also a filibusterer: whenever he's challenged on anything he will argue it to hell and back, often with incredibly stupid reasons, but which are always well articulated, and would sound reasonable if you aren't familiar with the actual code. This is a man who knows and employs every tech cliche ever.

Over the past few weeks he's spending more time than we'd expected on a story. Someone asks how it's going, and he says he's working on "foundational / structural" changes that will facilitate things. I begin to suspect he's not using our existing code, and instead sort of reinventing wheels. He submits his PR, and sure enough it's hilarious how much duplication he's introducing. I'm going to have to tell him to delete ABC and instead use XYZ, which already exists and should suffice. I fully expect to hear long-winded explanations of why ABC is superior. If I insist on this, I'm sure he will regard my feedback as "new scope" and will insist that his ticket failed the sprint because of the "new scope."
I've never thought of slacking by just rewriting things I don't want to consume. That's a neat trick.
>Did she break prod or something?
Either that or is in the shota thread
> be me
> work for private company
> have like 100k equity options unexercised
> been putting off exercising them for years (can be done at anytime while I'm still employed
> Employer fundraises in shit economy
> Their valuation is down 82% from ATH.
> My option strike prices are now anywhere from 2x to 5x higher than the current market value
> company reduces all options to current market value.
> My cost to exercise everything drops 70%
I can't tell if this means I should exercise or if we're beyond fucked and I start looking for a new job.
If they've vested and are in the money why on earth would you not exercise them?
they're neurotic and controlling. at least hes trying at all i guess.
to be fair though no one wants to deal with legacy bullshit. its always hard starting a new job. give the lad a break.
too hard for jeets
Private equity. I can't sell them without board authorization.
They're vested but:
1. The new strike price IS fair market value (because they reduced all my strike prices to BE FMV).
2. Can't sell unless we go public (or get bought out or something)
3. If the comoany goes bankrupt I'm out
4. If I exercise within the hear and we exit it's still short term capital gains. I'd be better off just doing cashless.
5. My company's value just dropped 82%, which is a concerning signal
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Hello anons, I'm the Christcuck from yesterday who was asking about religious accommodations.
I emailed HR (and CC'd my boss) about it this morning but have not heard back. It's 10:30 PM now.
I am still on the schedule to work this Sunday.
I have a feeling this is because I'm on a work trip and will be for another week. So the company A. doesn't want to waste money on a hotel for a day when I'm not working (even though on previous trips I got sundays off) or B. they think I'm making this up so I can have a day off and be a tourist (the work site is near a large city)
Or maybe I'm just being neurotic
>(even though on previous trips I got sundays off)
should specify that i basically didn't even have to ask not to work on sundays on these previous trips
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Just spent 3 hours with my roommate freaking out to me about their career, me not having a job, and listing off job posts that I already looked at. I need a damn job and move out on my own.
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I just realized that being too productive threatens my job security.
I've been studying for the Security+ and holy shit this material is boring. I've been hearing people say the test for it is hard, but I'm starting to think that's not really the case.
It's just a lot of boring compliance and bureaucratic jargon while the first 2 are just hardware and software focused.
>It's just a lot of boring compliance and bureaucratic jargon
Did that shit right after I graduated high school at 18 and forgot it all. Only retards think it's hard
What's the job market like these days? I've been employed for the last 4 years and only gave job searching a shot more than a year ago and it seemed pretty bad then. Is it still the case now?
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Kill hedonists. Behead hedonists. Roundhouse kick a hedonist into the concrete. Slam dunk a hedonist baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy extroverts. Defecate in a hedonists food. Launch hedonists into the sun. Stir fry hedonists in a wok. Toss hedonists into active volcanoes. Urinate into a hedonists gas tank. Judo throw hedonists into a wood chipper. Twist hedonists heads off. Report hedonists to the IRS. Karate chop hedonists in half. Curb stomp pregnant extroverted hedonists. Trap hedonists in quicksand. Crush hedonists in the trash compactor. Liquefy hedonists in a vat of acid. Eat hedonists. Dissect hedonists. Exterminate hedonists in the gas chamber. Stomp hedonist skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate hedonists in the oven. Lobotomize hedonists. Mandatory abortions for hedonists. Grind hedonist fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown hedonists in fried chicken grease. Vaporize hedonists with a ray gun. Kick old hedonists down the stairs. Feed hedonists to alligators. Slice hedonists with a katana.
I don't even know how to begin to tackle this JNCIE stuff
Living with a roommate sounds way worse than living with your parents. I don't understand why anyone does that after college.
Ah right. Sorry I've had this sort of thing at public companies.
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>Gigantic fucking SSH vulnerability just disclosed
>Tens of millions of publicly accessible servers on the internet possibly affected
>*Unauthenticated* Remote Code Execution exploit
>Right before what was supposed to be my long weekend
>Have to create and push out updates to every single fucking linux server we or our customers use
Because living on your own in HCoL areas is painful financially. It's better to have a roommate and save money. The downside is you might get one that demands you speak to them for hours.
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wow another day another vulnerability
pretty sure the real downside is having a slob who never bothers to clean up and do chores
>Report hedonists to the IRS.
too far
>downside is you might get one that demands you speak to them for hours.
Are you rooming with a woman? I've literally never had roommates like this.
There's been times where I didn't even think my roommates are alive anymore because I'd go multiple days without seeing them.

Also>>101251774 is way worse.
Some people are not fit to care for themselves, and it’s cruel to allow them the autonomy that they simply cannot handle

I hate help desk lifers. These people are like 35+ years old, some even in their late 40s/early 50s, make $70k+ per year at least and all they do is talk talk talk talk talk when there is down time (which there is a lot of). I would kill to be my boss. The guy makes $130k/year and spends I SHIT YOU NOT 80% of his day working on his fucking media server. GOD DAMMIT. I just graduated with my computer science degree, I spend my time at work writing code, programming on non-work related projects and yet I make a fraction of what they make. I have all the skills, the soul, the strength of youth, the brains, and yet... here I am
people who dislike the statement of "life is just about finding work, getting married, and have kids" are the ones who gets upsets easily when you ask them why they don't make a good living or maidenless
how old are you? jump ship quick every 1 year and double your paycheck on your next company
im 23. idk where to jump to. There's very little to no software work in my area
graduating soon what the fuck do I do???????
I fucked up by having nothing but fullstack webshitter/Python data plumber internship/job experience. Nothing interesting, nothing that stands out. My resume looks so generic and pathetic it might as well be fucking empty. I never even liked webshit to begin with, I did it anyway because I wanted job security.

Every other alternative dev path I'm interested seems unreachable right now or is even worse than webshit in terms of job security. What do? so far I've considered
>DevOps, which seems miserable but I don't see anyone struggling to get jobs
>BI "analyst" (idk it seems like chatgpt/claude can do everything these people do now)
>data engineering (apache spark? grafana? whatever the fuck that means)
>IT helldesk
>AWS solutions """"""architect"""""" (glorified salesman)
not sure which one has the best job market right now
Do you want to make more than 300 lakh in your data engineering jobful? Then tryfords these resume tips:

1. Don't disclose marital status

2. Do not put father name on resume
and by graduating I mean graduating with BS in CS just like every other generic codemonkey, of course. I'm too dumb and too tired to pursue grad school, just let me make money doing tech stuff for the love of god
how is there time to do anything?
i get home and do chores and its time to sleep and wake up for work.
is it like this forever?
It gets worse when you get older and less energetic.
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career advice post
>currently studying comp sci
>scared by calculus 2, linear algebra, and other higher level math
>only studying comp sci in hopes i can get a job in the united states
>only want a job in the united states so i can pursue acting in LA instead of Vancouver, Canada
>recently discovered food science program, which is something im genuinely interested in, but not passionate about
>prospects seem to be limited in the areas i want to live in, plus a masters is highly recommended to get an actual good job
>im intelligent and personable, going comp sci feels like im not using all my potential given its solitary culture

So here's where we stand
points in favour of comp sci:
>higher pay
>more likely to be remote, add all the benefits of that
>only need a bachelors to get a solid job
>higher likelihood of getting US citizenship and being able to move to LA
>i already have a year's progress towards my bachelor in this
>higher concentration of jobs in the areas i want to live in

points in favour of food science:
>i actually have a genuine interest in this
>less scary math
>less likely to be sat behind a desk all day
>"recession proof", historically less beholden to the ups and downs of other industries

What does /adv/ think? With the nature of the acting industry, it's very unlikely that I'll ever get the recognition that will allow me to get an "actor's visa" to go to the US, so do I pursue a career I have minimal interest in to increase my chances of being successful in my ultimate dream? Or, do I pursue a career that I have more interest in, potentially improving my day to day enjoyment at the potential expense of quality of life, and my ultimate goal?
1.) Seems you don't like STEM, so aim for other non stem programs.

2.) Assuming you are applying for TN, check out other possible professions from this list then choose your degree
If it makes you feel better I'm 30 and make $165k writing 2 hours of SQL a day and playing video games. I did more specialized support at 23 for a custom product for $80k.
I also am a CS dropout.
Feels good.
right now it's between food science or computer science. another point in favour of comp sci is that it's not uncommon to get into food science with just a master in food science, so if it's something i really wanted to do i could just get a masters in it later
Good luck
yes and thats why wfh is so valuable
How can I be like you within the next 7 years? I'm sick of gambling on crypto and I have actual skills. I just want to be a millionaire by the time I'm 35
cybersec or embedded. Both are based but not as much as open source contributing NEETs
i'm 23 too nigga, take it easy
at the very least you're not overworked, right? right?

>idk where to jump to. There's very little to no software work in my area
take risk. save a lot of money to move elsewhere.
I hate how gen z is being perceived in the working world (gen z are lazy, entitled, doesn't want to put in effort) despite how hyper competitive life already is, but then i look at my younger siblings and i said to myself "maybe some of us really deserves to rot and die".

Boomers and Gen X really don't know how to raise kids except giving them phone and internet connection. These foolish cretins they call themselves "the youth" don't bother to do anything in their life or pursue anything worthwhile. they just scroll youtube, listen to kpop, and play dumb gachas and mobas. It's all about that damn phone while their mouth droops since they got so slack jawed.

They don't bother to help doing chores, they don't bother to at least help around keeping their own room and wardrobe nice and tidy, they don't bother to conversate or socialize

I fear the day when younger gen Z and alphas turn 22. There will be a painful realization that they don't know a thing or two about feeding themselves without relying on their mommies and daddies.

the competition is harder than ever because the ones already in power is taking the ladder with them, while we the ones who left at the bottom (like starting their career) are getting dragged by each other. It's easy to write essays and blogs but nobody bothers to be competent and unite in one voice. It's too easy to be contrarians, while it's more comfortable to hurl insults and do nothing.

i don't know. If i somehow make it and survive, i just want to live in a secluded place in a fortress or a bunker, not getting bothered with anyone. I don't want anyone to become a hindrance in my life. The old ones are greedy, the adults are tired, the young ones are ridiculously self-destructive.

if you're reading this, save yourself. Find a stable income, invest it to something. Educate the ones who loves you, not the ones who just wants to mess around forever. if you want to raise a family, raise them well and never spoil them with shit.
It's pretty sad that only gen y knows computers.
>at the very least you're not overworked, right?
No I'm not. I just hate that my coworkers talk so much that I literally can't focus on my programming projects so my 6~ hours that I have every day where I'm not actually doing my job involve constant interruption and toddler behavior from 40/50 year old men
>take risk. save a lot of money to move elsewhere.
I've lost 1/3 of my net worth on crypto this past month, my tolerance for risk is completely shot rn. I'm not even sure where to move, SF? LA, Seattle? I'm in Oregon in a (relatively) small city so anything that isn't here that would have opportunities for me would be expensive as shit

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