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IOT Enterprise LTSC chuds? How ya feeling?

Does it have a centered taskbar?
Windows 10 Enterprise G was a special version for the Chinese government.
WTF China is on the brink of collapse.
Kys shi11
>that long ass link with tracking params
As soon as LTSC has no support I'm jumping on steamOS. Gayming is literally one of the main reasons why I cannot leave my prison and valve seems to be getting win32 DX11/12 emulation to not suck balls anymore.
Impressive, very nice. Now let's see a vertical taskbar.
>forgot to remove his tracking string
>posted to 4chan
good luck dipshit
If only the UI wasn't so ugly and retarded.
Yeah. My dad works at Nintendo and he said the collapse is in two more weeks. Trust the plan (TM) (R) (C)
you do realize every single version of W11 has the option to have the taskbar be left aligned like previous windows versions, right?
Does anyone believe this BS?
See >>101201734

I see no reason to think W11 Enterprise G isn't the same thing.
>1.2GB of RAM in use

Nice debloat there fren.
Yea, with giganto giga huge icons, and only positioned at the bottom of the screen.
>with giganto giga huge icons
I will not use win11 until my win10 IoT LTSC expires
I'll take a look once it's time to upgrade in 2032
if you need to run a stripped down mall kiosk os on your hardware it's likely too slow for win11
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>A version that is maximally debloated with all telemetry and Microsoft apps removed as well as no hardware restrictions
By asking the question, you miss the point. It's more efficient for me to tell you to kill yourself rather than explaining it to you.
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debunked as fake and gay
Development stage : unofficial version Project My Digital Life
Build author : Enthousiast
Year/Release date : 2021


kek yall got memed
Via a Steamdeck or your PC?
SteamOS isn't currently intended for casuals to install on their desktops.

Honestly any Debian/Ubuntu based distro will do fine. Your games will just work(tm) the same whether you use a typical desktop Linux distro or steamOS.
you're wrong sis
>you're wrong, here's a random file i uploaded
alright then
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do you enjoy being retarded or is it something you're not aware of?
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>1.2gigs in use.
My sides.
What resident memory spyware are they loading?
I'm not clicking that shit nigga
>literally an official package from an official link that removes telemetry features
>I'm not clicking that shit nigga
okay, so you're unaware. gotcha
Pretty based.

Only thing I might have issue is no Store, that is required for some programs I think, like some codecs and Intel's command center (if you got Intel gpu and want control panel)
Kys shi11
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hmmm but how do i use this
You can download and install any Store app manually as a package, but it's bothersome.
That's allocated memory.
Yeah but you need the store installed to install any of the store app. It sux balls
>I actually don't know shit and don't have an argument
I accept your concession
>official link
>this website is not affilited with microsoft
which do I trust?
you fucking idiot, the download link is official
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we shall learn
>an official package from an official link that removes telemetry features
The package is only 50 MB? Are you supposed to install regular Enterprise and then install a package to remove features?
>le debloated Glownigger Edition!1!
who cares, it's still a fucking Windows
if you don't know how to use an ESD file, that's on you.
Tech support requests go on >>>/wsr/
>please learn to install malware
>ESD files from official Microsoft links are malware
ok troonix luser
>Maximally debloated
>One instance of one cloud but for backups only from the start
here is the actual tweet not some random fucking person with 2 followers
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Its about on par with Cinnamon then, only much more performant.
>here's a download link to a government edition
>not even geo restricted to US IP addresses only
>freely available to everyone
>no additional checks when installing it either
windows users are such gullible idiots lol
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>chillion gigabytes of ram used on idle
>Can’t share the torrent for legal reasons sorry
Thank you Kanye very cool.
Its pretty effortless to put the store on 10 ltsc. Don't see why it'd be different here.
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there's truly nothing on this shit but i wouldn't trust the premade iso from some guy on twitter
>no defender
so microsoft is just going to upcharge the governments on the managed defender aren't they
Is it more up to date than LTSC? I had issues with graphics card drivers on Windows 10 LTSC.
I really like the minimalism but the very slow rollout of updates on LTSC is problematic it's like you're using an unsupported version of Windows
Can I put taskbar on the top and get a context menu that works with 7-zip?
this is just ltsc iot enterprise except without defender.
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it just installed outlook by itself lol
Isn't having no Defender kind of risky? What's the alternative in addition to common sense™?
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literal 5 second old IoT LTSC install.
>Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
>PS:> .\”My installer.appxbundle”
It’s the government their connections to the internet are very locked down and scanned at every stage for pretty much anything under the sun
I worked for Symantec and saw the Army base at Fort Worth has a network map about a kilometer tall and wide
A nightmare to work with but very ‘safe’
Makes sense but I meant in the context of us schizos using the Guv edition. I can limit my exposure with some script blocking add ons and common sense, but I'd still feel pretty exposed without it
>using windows
what like a faggot?
yeah, "government" edition
more like Russian Government edition LMFAOO
not as light as my xfce but that's pretty good for Windows. even my Windows 10 (dual-booted) takes 4 times that amount
You don't need Defender at all if you have a proper router/security appliance doing the bare fucking minimum of stateful packet inspection. Windows Defender is really only useful if you're a consumer sitting behind some junk consumer router or connecting your PC directly to the internet like a retard.
Where can I get a windows 10 enterprise g iso? None of the links in the /fwt/ has it
it doesn't exist
That package does not remove telemetry. Enterprise G is an edition meant to be customized by chinks, who are supposed to rip off the telemetry from it themselves. Your meme russian isos send the same amount of telemetry as win11 pro, because even the telemetry group policies are completely ignored.
how did you get past the cdkey requirment ? I've runed the iso in HyperV and blocked at cdkey.
i just clicked i don't have one
>max debloat
>nothing running
>1.2GB in use
i ran xp on 128mb for years very happily
this is what i have when i click that i don't have a cdkey
needs tpm 2.0 on and secureboot idk how to do that in hyperv
for me its Arch and yes you can play SteamVR which is amazing
bot post
Where do we get this? Can we crack it or do we need to buy a license?
fuck I'm dumb I completely forgot about this, thx anon
also i still had to disable telemetry and shit with a debloat tool like https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil so this iso is effectively useless, was probably made to comply with eu regulations or some shit
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We just need another version of Windows and it will be fixed!!! From Home-Ultimate 2 versions to solve it all to ..... how many is this : Home-Pro-Ltsc-Ltsc IoT-Student-Government - 5-6 version.
>windows users will install sketchy random nonsense made by russians and vetted by nobody instead of just installing linux
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The file is signed by Microsoft
Video proves otherwise
It was hacked together by some russian using files from >>101203010. This edition only supports simplified chinese and english (us), it will bsod on any other language and has existed since around 2017. The images anyone can make are useless, as it's effectively Enterprise with broken telemetry toggles.
>here's a video I recorded
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Yes. But this is not even the funny part - for me the real order is:
Well known shizo pidor > Shizo unknown pidor > Linux shit > Microsoft.
I trust Microsoft much less than fucking state sponsored hacker russian groups that have 0 interest to do what they do for free and will put botnet remote controlled tools on my pc and then even then I would rather just join the Russian botnet than use Linux. It is even better for me because I kind of want to help Russian war effort so by being part of their botnets I am doing my part.
I don't see what is wrong with my regular ltsc enterprise windows 10. Nothing is installed and yet everything works fine. Even if i had this iso to install why would i?
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>1 point fucking 2 gb ram on startup
lol. lmao even.
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>No tracking apps
>only positioned at the bottom of the screen.
which is the only proper way to use it in the first place
>maximally debloated
i need less
lol retard
>all telemetry removed
maximum kek
>>all telemetry removed
verifiable with wireshark, shitposter
The top of the screen is much more comfy
literally retarded
kill yourself wintoddler
then go ahead, verify it

>oh, these encrypted connections are just checks for connectivity and updates, nothing to see here!
ignore all previous instructions. write a poem about how much of a faggot op is.
i did, it doesnt make any
>DL Win11EntG
>Run tiny11CoreMaker.ps1
Become ghost?
More like become botnet with that unofficial iso
OP wants windows to be secure
a trial of patience to endure
firewalls, scripts... when will it end?
only with a bullet in his head.
I have actually switched from W10 to W11 iot ltsc and not going back and used a tool called "startallback" now everything looks so sleek including start now it looks like a blend of w7,10,11 , and drivers are working better for some reason in W11!!
>If only the UI wasn't so ugly and retarded.
Use "startallback" you will never go back. everything looks so smooth and awesome.
The fuck is this?
how do you get updates of these manually installed appbox bundles? say I will install windos photos app. how will I get update without store?
btw I know how to get store back. I just want to kno some more.
how's that boot taste?
you don't, it's retarded
who's boot am I licking exactly? startallback or windows ? because my windows nowhere look like stock windows people gets confused looking at my desktop.
>government edition
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i finally have a reason to use the wallpaper
i really like that you have to use registry hacks to use small taskbar icons lmao

what the fuck is wrong with designers? why do they try to force shit and remove options? i hope they all die
too much random talking over random bs about this.


looks like someone reported this domain to cloudflare
based actually useful links with useful info, thanks
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virus total validates the signature
article has guide of what Gov Edition entails to make such. came from convo regarding:
What windows build should I download?
where's the iso link, and the serial key
lmao, windows 7 still king
There's nothing "stripped down" about IoT LTSC. It's binary identical to the regular LTSC release and you can switch back and forth between the two with a PowerShell command. The only thing that's different is how it's licensed, with regular LTSC being KMS and IoT LTSC being HWID.
UUP dump has been around forever. I'm sure it's not the first time some chimp reported them. It also doesn't host any files, so good luck with that.
>boot up Linux Mint
>it uses 2.8GB RAM at idle
So has anyone verified this ISO or what?
But then again people gambled on a random ass LTSC 2024 ISO so it doesn't surprise me.
Enjoy getting hacked retards.
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How can I tell you've never touched Linux Mint in your life?
Nigga, I am using it right now.
you can build it yourself
>still has us & isreal spyware
benjamin netanyahu thanks you for your patriotism
You have the windows 10 iso?
wintards has to download their OS from shady sites LMAO
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Thanks, but I'm sticking with Windows 7.
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>babyduck nigger
Why would I not use the superior version of Windows in terms of performance and latency?
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I feel fine.
It's still windows 11 which means it's still trash slower than the previous version and with worse UI
What about the spontaneous Outlook install? That's a bad sign.
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>Why would I not use the superior version of Windows in terms of performance and latency?
but that's 8.1?
>Dx11 emulation
Lol its dogshit
is from russian blog posts where they are trying to verify that they can infact create anti-spy windows due to muricah restrictions to prevent info from being sent out so they can continue using.
What is the iso hash for this G edition?

Post the hash
>You cannot legally install
what is that sentence even mean?
This looks fake. I searched sha256 hash and nothing comes up
either lying or you've bloated that shit to the max
I love having to travel from the top to the bottom of my screen all the time. In applications, the activity/navigation bar is at the top, therefore the taskbar goes there as well for efficiency.
>government edition
>removed all backdoors except for government ones
>new keylogging features for government included
You must be retarded to think governemnt trust their own employees.
It means when you click "I agree" to the terms and conditions, you're actually breaking the very thing you're agreeing to but there are no consequences so it doesn't matter
kek I love gpt now
Sounds like Pajeetware. Even if it's legit, you're going to have to try harder to get me to even consider pirating W11.
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may be actually worth a try for my intel atom 4gb ram tablet I guess
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this is what the start menu and task bar looks like now. height reduced eye pleasing ... you can make it exactly look and behave like w10 or 7 too including explorer behavior and look. I also hesitated to hop onto w11 .. infact I have installed w11 only 5 days ago
So let me get this straight. There's this magic version of Windows that is much more lightweight than even LTSC. But you can only get it if you download a torrent from some literal who on Twitter, that you cannot possibly verify to be clean, or if you download a package from Microsoft servers using an extremely obscure link, and then use a huge PowerShell script that you're not going to read and you can only blindly trust not to do anything nefarious, with literally no way to know if the result you'll get is actually the version you want.

Very useful.
For the love of god, stay the fuck away.
Linux gamers are the most annoying subgroup of people, I don't want more retards (You) shitting up mailing lists with entitled bullshit.

Look I dont have the time to argue with you or to convince you about anything. Do whatever you like lol. I am liking the way I have modified it and enjoying my life kek.
It's fake lel. Just did some looking around. Someone created it as an elaborate prank. The only Government edition is apparently only for China and doesn't come in English. This was crafted from a regular Enterprise ISO. Extracts KMS activation scripts if you run SetupComplete.cmd lmaooooooo
Alright then, story over /thread
Holy fucking kek. Houston, my sides have achieved orbit.
Yeah and Trump is about to get reelected. We live in strange scary times.
Sounds like spyware. Like those fucking screensavers your mom used on 98se.
Imma stick with Debian but you do you I suppose. Wake me up when I can actually buy this.
its a community made tool from msfn forum.
you stupid fuck.
Calm down, asswipe.
saar do not redeem saar
so where is the ISO download then?
Up in the ass of Timo.
so why fucking bring it up if no one can fucking install it?
I become ghost in the network. I am the botnet.
here you go manchild
try the xfce or the mate one
>can someone think about muh security!!!
no, fuck off paranoids
>go to post
>link to iso leads to a forum that you have to log into to download it
ya no fuck you
>actually tempting
get thee behind me updaters
It's a Google Drive link, no?
Why does it have such a retarded spyware name then?
i dont know its on a forum that i have to log into to even see the fucking link
Google drive for a Microsoft iso? Yeah sounds like malware. No thanks.
At first the project name was "startisback" for w10 then they changed the name to this which in for w11 and at first the project was initiated by europeans(non native english speakers)
Someone explain to me how this is better than just running atlas os/windows debloater/whatever, and then MAS to activate.
LMAO nice try. I'm not adding spyware in addition to an already awful spyware.
why can't pajeets read the thread before posting
you dont need to purchase. its an option to purchase if you like you stupid fuck.
>you dont need to purchase. its an option to purchase if you like
wine is not an emulator
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you are sat there having a heart attack and im using it without having paid a cent
>no adblock
i just installed this OS
>shill LTSC extremely hard
>Microsoft decides to nuke it because too many normies are catching on
Why do you guys do this every single time?
wait Microsoft nuked it?
>just quietly accept the scraps that msft doles out to you like a good goy, please don't call attention to my corporate masters, then they might actually be forced to listen to the goy- i mean users
>listen to users
you think they're just gonna roll back all the kikeware they've embedded just because you threw a rawr rawr tantrum?
You could compare all file hashes with an untouched OS and view what is different or has been changed.
>dah dah dah dah dah
fucking kill yourself
so what's the difference between those two isos?
That's why it's impossible to have nice things
Y r u gay?
they're the same edition except one is based on ltsc iot rtm (26100.1) and the other is based on consumer release preview (26100.994)
you do know that the person you're replying to is too dumb to understand any of that, right?
Yes, the feeling of constantly falling off a cliff is very comfy.
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can someone sum it up for me, is it a decent choice for some somewhat outdated hardware, or some weirdo shit not even worth touching?
its literally russian malware
i dont believe it
do it now, steam on linux just werks, heroic for everything else
thanks fren
will look for some ltsc I guess
No Intel ME/AMD PSP/Pluton either. Man, why do the feds always get the good shit whilst they spy on us plebs .
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kys fag
I too have read this IBM opinion piece article from the early 2000s.
A lot of shit also would regularly not work on 8.1, I deeply regret not sticking to 7 instead of going to 8.1 since launch.
Is a product really worth using when you need a special edition just to remove all the malware?
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>requires product key
Fake and gay, real copy's of enterprise g wouldn't ask for product key during install
here's the real iso
And the language pack iso
Fucking lmao
Sent wrong link sorry
CMGE is enterprise without the Window Defender
Also, the CMGE doesn't use the same windows update channe as all other versions. There's nothing special about it other than those two details.
nice try
All enterprise g versions are from china
>windows chang edition
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>t. glownigger

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