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Photoshop is obsolete now
Anon, that's not foss.
Is it krita ?
If not, gtfo
Now implement segmenting AI and multimodal vision+text llm.

Then type in "remove the guy to the right of stalin, I dont want him in the picture"
now give stalin huge titties
this is tech that has been around for over 100 years at this point
>leg is now outside the coat
Literally worse than 70 years ago.
not to /g/ linux users
whats an example of a preset that stops opus from speaking for user?
>no embedded SegmentAnything
>has to manually select the dude
Why is it so slow?
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corrupt file
Lmao poorfag kys
ARe you aware GIMP has background removal plugins that depend on local REMBG


what software?
oh... I see I use LamaCleaner to do workflows like that. I past a layer inside lama cleaner remove what I need then paste data back into GIMP
If it uses Stable Diffusion as a backend like I think it does, then it probably depends on your GPU.
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I use MS paint
Photoshop could have done this in 0.5s... good job proving how shit gimp is.
Photoshop had a content aware fill 10 years ago.
why did FOSS devs have to wait till Stable Diffusion to do this? Why could they never implement context fill that's existed in Photoshop for a decade?
what the FUCK??? How can I do this on Krita
based and saved
because jews, there's your awnser. By the way your photo suite is backdoored for goyim like you!
you realize that's a famous photo and the ai probably just incorporates the already trained against stalin-censored version? try doing the same thing but on an OC photo it won't have trained against
why so defensive putinbot?
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>>101210902 oh my god cope more you wintoddler or macdrone useful idiot. Say something positive because you'll eventually be forced to use this.

total hohol death and yes I deleted to correct grammar.
qrd on this pic and why people always keep trying to remove that guy from the pic?
Stalin would kill his enemies and erase them from photos, changing history to make it seem like they never existed.
>according to jews who fled russia in the 1950s
Okay, I use KolourPaint.
The guy was added to the pic later, just look at how there's a weird halo around him in the "original." They took a picture of him against the waves and then cut him out of the picture and glued it into the picture of Stalin. The waves made a different pattern in the picture of the guy on the right.
What was the deal with Joe's hand, anyway?
Nobody likes him
>/g/tards don't know that there's an entire suite of AI-powered plugins for GIMP, some of which are developed by Intel, and rival Photoshop's
but that's krita
Ain't nobody need photoshop when ya got GIMP! FAGGOT!
I gave up in the content aware fill days because gimpfags were lying about their plugins.
Krita had "AI" like a whole year before photoslop had it. You guys are just too retarded to lurk.
False and retarded claim.
lama-cleaner was released in November 2021, it predates Stable Diffusion by 9 months. And inb4 b-but it only got good after SD, this is the demo for a version released in February 2022, still half a year before SD.
Not to mention that Gimp already had Resyntethiser in 2011 (not a typo, that's 13 years ago), horribly outdated today but at the time it was vastly superior that anything Photoshop had.
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Just the right time when Adobe turned into even more greedy assholes
>50 posts
>Nobody says the name of the fucking software that was used
If you know you know
>GIMP is totally better than Photoshop, just ignore the fact it's missing basic shit like the ability to draw a fucking circle
What software is this?
because this is a bot thread.
It's over, Ptrovik won, the whole western golemlomerate is finished
Yes. We're bots and we will pound your juicy ass with 20A.
Still doesn't explain how nobody in the thread can name the software being used.
if you don't know, you really don't belong here
>Russian shitbag shitposting about whatever
Do something decent for once in your life and go star in a drone video.
if it would work for video it could delete ugly bastards from hentai. Do the same for audio and finally these hentais would be watchable.
yeah but now it's using AI, anon. so give us all your money.
>expects /g/ to spoonfeed newfags
Any seasoned /g/tard would've guessed what software and OS in used in the video
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>he doesn't know
>it's real! I just can't tell you the name or anything about it but it's totally real!
Sure thing buddy
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>Photoshop is obsolete now
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A big kek at these faggots who paid mothly sub to use Adobe's products, only to get their stuff used as source for the Adobe's AI training model. You should have pirated photoshop dumbasses.
Krita master race.

on-canvas type editing cooming in 5.3 too.

Fuck gimp
Fuck adobe
Cool, I'll keep using photoshop then
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>Cool, I'll keep paying adobe monthly to fuck me in the ass then
this it not the win you think it is, lmao
For people wanting to know what it is : Krita + StableDiffusion plugin, it's on github
Yeah, all /g/ users were born with universal knowledge, they never needed to learn they just already knew. They also were born with a beard and they never were virgin.
NTA but it's strange how people like you get irrationally mad when you dare question the supremacy of their beloved AI. And I say that as someone who is fascinated by AI. It's fine to criticize it.

The original pics being in the training data definitely could inform the AI as to how to do this task better. For those who are familiar with ML this is known as "training set contamination" and it's definitely something that these systems take advantage of when they can, because cheating can improve their benchmark results.

When you try to apply any of our current AI to tasks that have never been seen before, they flounder. If you don't believe me, look up "ARC-AGI", it's a benchmark that evaluates AI systems against novel tasks that have never been made public. Anyone is allowed to participate, and the best AI we have today can't even crack 50% of the tasks on there.
it's called lurking retard
you keep posting dumb shit, so obviously you wouldn't know, stay in your ai coomer generals
NOOOO you need the $89.99 cloud subscription!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now if only FOSS was able to do interfaces that are as painful to use as driving nails into testicles
It's not a "win", I'm just saying that if nobody says what open source software this is I'll just keep using photoshop. It's not that hard.
>google search "krita ai"
>literally first result
wow that was hard
>if you know the name you can search for it and find it
Why did it add an arm to Stalin if his arm is already clearly behind his back?
>hey what's the name of the software?
><hurrr durrr just google the name of the software you don't know dudeee it's the first result!!!
Are you legit retarded? Do you think people who don't know the software are just going to google the name of the software?
It was mentioned like a million times in this thread that this is krita, you are just too dumb to search up stuff
I pirated it, I have never paid for software in my life
based and sane pilled
>not using dingboard
Does anyone have a webm of him running across the river? I lost my shit the first time I saw that.
Photoshop has that AI slop built right in.
They don't care if you pirated it, it's expected, they will just collect and sell your data
Now turn pizza in to a lady.
The computer upon which I use it is perpetually offline filled to the brim with pirated software I use for work like ArcGIS and Autodesk shit
It has a high quality GUI, of course its not Krita.
It's Krita of course but it looks poor here because video compression, Russian language and some custom changes to theme. Most people use dark theme these days i think.
Can this app remove Israel like that?
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1. suka blyat
2. This image already has been tinkered with my default you faggot, check those terrible edges everywhere
it is Krita
I wish krita was a general purpose image editor because I'm sorta tired of GIMP just being kinda garbage.

it's stopped recognizing the plugin folders for some reason so I can't even use those anymore. it's hell
This doesn't replace Photoshop, hell this is not even good enough to replace GIMP.
>never used krita
>comments on krita
How many layers of lies was the Sowjet Union even built upon, holy crap.
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no way
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Thank you comrade Photoshop.
Because USA is so much better right?
khazarian milkers
Is this GIMP resynthesizer?
is there a more advanced alternative of lama-cleaner?
Are you retarded?
Context fill requires a lot of effort and touch-ups to actually look good, you can't just select an area and call it a day
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removed image already existed.

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