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Boeing bros...
We orbiting good tonight!
>*ignores the depleting oxygen levels*
>Yup, you heard us right folks, our spaceships can stay in space FOREVER!
>What about the astronauts inside?
>... >:(
Just put the robot inside not like some mutt or poojeet deserve to be in space
Elon musk probably sabotaged it for a PR move so they could steal tax payers money and boost their stock.

/ourguy/ Thunderf00t will probably have a video about it soon
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>SpaceX shill thread
3 Xshekels have been deposited in your account.
>astrotrannies die
I don't see a problem. Astronauts don't deserve respect. I would spit in the face of an astronaut if I could. "Ohh wow cool you were sent to space in a rocket because your millionaire daddy knew how to network". Fuck astronauts. Space is fake and gay.
It's not a stranding it's an unscheduled delay
This americans are scum, China's space agency is far more progressive and revolutionary
>pretending "astronauts from my country are better than astronauts from your country"
You silly nigger. Chinese astronauts belong in the same oven with the rest.
It's literally docked to the ISS.
>cant go back or else they explode
>arent stranded
>muh envy is a virtue!
you sound like the tranny tbqdesu
oh no not the orbital freemasons
I swear I'll laugh so hard if in a few months we hear about dead DEI astronauts orbiting Earth in a diversity-hire designed spacecraft.
they'll just beg the russians to save them. again.
>helium leak detected before launch
>proceed with launch anyway

still not as retarded as the challenger
This is such a gay retarded nothingburger of a story. The Starliner astronauts are in absolutely 0 mortal danger whatsoever. If you've ever been at the airport and they had to change the plane for your flight, you were put in about as precarious a situation as the Starliner astronauts are in right now.
>moves their hq out of Renton into bum fuck no where
>cuts costs where ever to inflate profits
And it's coming home to roost
I think he's not sincere about hating astronauts
So what your saying is, the astronauts need to contact the hotel to rebook for one more night, call their bosses to beg for another day off, and the children are gonna miss a day of school?
Not necessarily. In this situation, being stuck in the hotel is their job, so they don't have to beg for days off.
>oxygen levels
Don't they send them up with algae tanks to avoid that situation?
So instead they need to beg for unauthorized overtime pay, reschedule their dental appointments, and miss their kid's graduation ceremonies?
Approximately yes.
God I hate the fucking airport and all airlines.
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Don't forget one of the previous women "astronauts" literally drilled a hole in the side of the space station.
That's exactly where it should be heading. People are supposed to be too precious to kill, said god, not man. Setup robotic mining operations. Better yet, less people, wait it out 200,000 years for a proper understanding of sciences.
which was still a lesser problem than the smell
you don't want to know
Yes I do.
and also tried to blame it on the russians
What does space smell like?
Burnt metallic type of smell
Some nameless Russian engineer accidentally drilled hole in the wrong place of the Soyuz capsule during regular maintenance and it never got patched.
Rather than admit that perhaps someone somewhere made a human error, the Russian government concocted this outlandish story that one of the American astronauts was homesick and so sabotaged the capsule they would have used to transport her back to ground. (?)
Some time later, a /pol/shart added another made up component to this made up story where said American astronaut intentionally clogged the ISS toilets and all the ISS astronauts were forced to float around in their own shit.
The /pol/shart version of the story was reposted to numerous reddit/xitter Ebic 4troon Greentext accounts, and for some reason, people still believe it to this day.
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Hey Vlad, according to your very reliable source, the ISS was rendered "uninhabitable" three years ago due to excessively poopy air. Why are they still sending people up there? And why are they perfectly healthy?
And by the way, "they" also includes your own Roscosmos.
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shouldn't you be posting prisoner dron execution videos on /k/ope, tranny?
the fedniggers ALWAYS show up when you bring up the space poop episode. but they're getting slower. too many fires to put out, i guess.
this. /pol/ is the most insufferable cesspit of failed ideologies and is arguably the most morally bankrupt site on the surface-level web.
>hey guys I found one(1) picture of a ukrainian Jew
Don't care. Russia has more Jews, gypsies, and child porn traffickers than anyone else.
lmfao what the fuck
I don't have it, but about 10 years back there was a gif/webm making the rounds of a russian soldier on a news channel using an oversized wrench on a bolt pretending to work while being interviewed. I 100% believe this anon's version of the story.
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SpaceX isn't a public company.
I accept your apology. And no, I'm not American, but I do appreciate the implication.
And yet always right.
Name one time /pol/ was right about something.
The entirety of COVID pandemics and vaccines.
>astronauts will die soon
WHY IS EVERYTHING FUCKING CLICKBAIT NOW????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They need the views.
At one time nickelodeon had better ratings.
The only thing they got right is that the vaccines basically didn't work, and they stole that from MAGA boomers who just wanted an excuse to hate Biden and got lucky. (Even though Trump is probably they reason the vaccines didn't work in the first place. Operation Warp Speed, anyone?)
They called out testing cases death counts and efficacy of masks and were right every single time.
Stop trying to rewrite history.
>They called out testing cases death counts
Still bunk in 2024. Vaxxchads are not dropping dead on the streets en masse as predicted.
>efficacy of masks
Also bunk. Masks do not shield you from the environment, they shield the environment from you.
>but astronauts will die soon
Of course they will, they're in a Boeing craft.
There is no singular "/pol/", you retards, it's glowies, bots, redditors, trannies and otherwise everbody else, with edginess dialed up to a hundred.
Guilt-by-association to /pol/, easiest way to shut down unweclome ideas, eh?
>this thread became a /pol/ thread as soon as russians were called out for ruining the ISS
>those scratch marks from someone whos never used a drill before and cant get a hole started
>the off kilter angle
>the lack of chamfering
this was 100% the work of a woman
no, they sent them up with oxygen tanks instead
for some reason no one has ever tried algae tanks
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Or more likely, a slav.
Star Trek Enterprise S01E16 Shuttlepod One
>The Russian government made up that story
Sure thing buddy.
Biden being mentally ill.
>this was 100% the work of a woman
A slav woman, perhaps.
>believing the russian government
I do not envy the life you "live"
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Introducing the Boeing sub.
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If you're going to die, why live?
You can't take anything with you.
What's the point?
Absolutely despicable waste of fucking time.
That's all.
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At least post the story how a woman in space costed humanity trillions and decades of time.
space is fake
still waiting for the red deer
With the amount of government handouts they get they might as fucking well be
Not how that works.
you're fake
The Russians would never blatantly lie to cover their own asses, right?
shit I'd better go and inform all of my coworkers that they're women now
Some of the stuff in this is definitely false. If she contaminated the inside of the station, wouldn't they have some way of cleaning it up? Maybe they couldn't make everything completely sterile (though the space station never was a cleanroom), but surely the inside would have been rid of the smell and residue of the spacesuits after some cleaning.
>they immediately turn and rush in and in panic skip all decontamination protocols
Why would they rush inside in a panic? It's not like they can smell the fluid at all- they're in airtight spacesuits. If anything, they would be reluctant to take the suits off because they'd only smell the sewage when they take them off. It makes no sense for them to be panicked and thus skip decontamination when they know that skipping decontamination would cause them to smell that nasty stuff.
>ISS has been the cleanest freshest smelling environment ever
Many astronaut testimonies say that it always smelled like a swimming pool cause of all the chemicals they use to keep bacteria/mold under control.
>permanently irradiating the ISS to deadly degrees inside and out
>everything is forever radioactive, so long stays would cost life
This is just silly. It's not like they stopped sending people up there afterwards for long periods.
>everything is forever radioactive, so experiments are forever impossible.
But the ISS always has had higher levels of radioactivity than sea-level. Any experiments they conduct there are exposed to lots of radiation; it's just the nature of being in space. So now they are somehow so irradiated that even experiments can't be performed? And all from the residue left on a suit?

She totally drilled that hole through the hull though. For that alone she should be imprisoned.
>For that alone she should be imprisoned.
should've been evacuated
>this was 100% the work of a woman
Or a drunk Russian.
Impossible to tell, but Russian space technicians are known to drink a lot including the ethanol rocket fuel.
what the fuck is this fanfiction lmao
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>can't make a single post without screeching irrationally about "Russia bad"
Could have been avoided. NASA pressured Morton Thiokol into rescinding its NOGO recommendation when the engineer that was warning about it was excluded from the meetings.
Yeah, evacuated out the airlock.
This sounds like a whole load of horseshit other than the shoddily made hole being drilled into one of the ISS modules. I can believe the woman throwing a hissy fit and drilling a tiny hole in protest but the other stuff sounds fictional af.
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>I can believe the woman throwing a hissy fit and drilling a tiny hole in protest
You're right, I can't. It's not proven. Your narrative exists to rewrite history and deflect the blame from Russia. Next you're gonna tell me Ukraine deserved to be invaded, that they instigated this war, and that they're losing.
>russia good cause... well... russia just good ok?
Literal trannybrain
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Too busy debunking stupid Water scams

then what's stopping you?
what? I think there's supposed to be sides here but I can't tell which one you're on or which one you think I'm on
>>101224602 is meant for >>101224531
>final mission, crash into the ocean
>posted May, 2022
>it is now June, 2024
>ISS is still not in the ocean
How retarded do you have to fall for this shit? It was obvious fake then, it's even more super duper obviously fake now.
What is this actually retarded, beyond the level of clickbait shit.

The boeing astronauts are on the ISS, -the- space station. They are fine. They aren't trapped in the boeing ship.
This shit is retarded and you should all feel stupid.
Ever since the sub that imploded the news has been desperate for another low hanging fruit. They know people will tune in every day to find out if anyone is dead/trapped.
This is a /pol/ honeypot thread. Read some of the posts
boeing idf, you're a bit late to the party
>be Boeing
>bailed out every single recession with hundreds of billions of taxpayer money
>kill 400 people due to criminal negligence
>avoid prosecution by promising to fix it
>continue to ask for government handouts via contracts
>have zero intentions of improving your product
>emergency exit plug blows out
>loose nuts and counterfeit materials found on dozens of other planes
>their fucking spaceship is now quarantined
this dogshit company needs to be nationalized
every cent of profit should be going back to the government and taxpayers
>this dogshit company needs to be nationalized
Nah. The US government is the other face of the same shitty coin.
Just behead (or hang) one exec for each incident, instead. You'll see improvements in a matter of week.
why would there be drills on the ISS?
it was one woman
one woman caused the ISS to be retired
one woman destroyed trillions of dollars and decades of research
One of your comrades already beat you to it Dmitri. Read the fucking thread.
one woman snuck into the place where all the russians hang out all day and operated a fucking power drill with no one noticing?
>yuropoor space program
oh wait sorry that's not a thing lmao
Boeing DEI works
Musk can fix it
Critical thinking appears not to be /pol/'s strong suit.
Post one meaningful trustworthy news article or reliable link about how it was a woman instead of a Russian. I don't trust random anons on the internet for information anymore than we should trust an image on how to grow crystals.

No, I will not accept a screencap of someone's headcanon as evidence.
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it looks different above water.
It doesn't pass basic logic given the evidence in the photo of the hole. A reasonable argument like the drill's catter marks looking very amateurish and nothing like the other holes/machined features on the soyuz capsule should outweigh your need for an appeal to authority.
Appeals to authority are only made in the absence of sufficient pieces of evidence that are enough to point to a conclusion.
Also, the appeal to autority is poor here because Russia is also an authority. You can make the argument that Russia is less trustworthy, but that is almost impossible to prove evidentially. You only regard Russia as being unreliable in telling the truth compared to the US because of narratives you heard, and the same would be true for a Russian seeing US government claims as being untrustworthy. We have been playing an information war with them for the last few years, after all.

And, really anon, do you think the Russians treat their human rated spacecraft like an alcoholic's weekend garage project? You think they just drill the holes with a drill by hand? In a CNC machined hull component? It just doesn't pass basic scrutiny.
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>citation needed
>Also, the appeal to autority is poor here because Russia is also an authority.
Ok then, show me a Russian source. I'll take anything at this point. And I want specifically the poop version of the story.
I didn't ask for a wall of text you nigger. Post a link or shut the fuck up.
>Space is fake and gay
This. 100% of the important knowledge we have about it has been inferred from collecting and analyzing data with radio telescopes located on Earth. Studying space is cheap, boring and simple. Putting stuff in orbit has nothing to do with science.
>do you think the Russians treat their human rated spacecraft like an alcoholic's weekend garage project?
you underestimate russian incompetence
>Putting stuff in orbit has nothing to do with science.
I'd argue that satellites that map the earth or help us understand orbital decay better contribute to science, but aside from that I 100% agree.
>*forcibly installs gyroscope upside-down*
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>You can make the argument that Russia is less trustworthy, but that is almost impossible to prove evidentially.
Bait. If anything serves as evidence of Russia's ability to be trusted it is comparing it's reporting on the warfront. I bet you really think a cigarette took out the Moskva.
>You only regard Russia as being unreliable in telling the truth compared to the US because of narratives you heard
You have no idea what I have and have not heard. You are implying that I'm following this story or that I care. You are further implying that I'm American. I'm calling you a liar. I'm telling you that you should have opposing viewpoints supported by evidence that isn't just your own word of mouth because I don't trust strangers on the internet. If the stories "don't pass basic scrutiny" then where is the reliable sources that call this out? If it's that simple they should be abundant.
>and the same would be true for a Russian seeing US government claims as being untrustworthy.
Irrelevant "whataboutism". You have nothing to back your claims so your tactic is to instead discredit all other sources. You're pathetic.
Russia is suing her for sabotaging the module. I don't know about poop
tinyurl dot com slash 3zcnhsmm
This is a decent article on it, including links to many Russian news articles that were released as the story unfolded and the investigation concluded that it was a deliberately hand-drilled hole. You can see that Russian sources did not immediately report that she drilled it- they start out claiming that it might be from a meteoroid, then a technician could have done it in error, and when the investigation concluded then the accusations started.

And I know this isn't mentioning the poop part. I don't believe that story either, in fact >>101224425 is my only other post ITT. Thank you for at least writing a real response unlike the other retarded anons kneejerking.
ITT: Russia derangement syndrome
so much seethe, can't even cope
you have brown brain syndrome
>"noooo! you can't call out my favorite corrupt country!!! noooooo, noooo! y-you're american!"
you don't seem to understand anon. russia doesn't get respect as a consequence of my disdain for my own government's failings. I'm perfectly happy to shit all over putin's worshippers. we can stop pretending russia deserves respect anytime. clearly you're not ready to have that conversation since russianfags are doing damage control in this thread.
>If anything serves as evidence of Russia's ability to be trusted it is comparing it's reporting on the warfront.
If the US were at war with one of our immediate neighbours, do you seriously believe that the news wouldn't be enveloped in a misinformation/propaganda campaign? Really? The US Government has lied about its acts during wartime in every modern example. If we began to invade Mexico tomorrow, you'd be an absolute fool to believe every American news narrative you hear. Just looking at the war in Palestine will show you that America's government and media will gladly warp the truth and obfuscate events during a war, and that example is without a great wartime need to do so to its citizens.
I am not saying that Russia is a reliable beacon of truth, only that America may not be comparatively much better; it is just in a position where obfuscation is not worth the effort/risk. And it's a comparative argument since you're arguing for one authority over the other.
>You are implying that I'm following this story or that I care.
No I'm not. We all hear countless narratives without caring about them. They still impact our assumptions.
>You are further implying that I'm American.
I don't know where you got this. I'm not. You are being subjected to Western and American born narratives though- after all, there are quite a few being posted in this thread! I think you believe that I'm assuming you're American out of some frustration with having your nationality assumed when posting here.

>you should have opposing viewpoints supported by evidence that isn't just your own word of mouth
My viewpoints aren't just word-of-mouth. First, I don't believe the whole story- specifically the contamination part. That shows that I'm thinking of at least a little more than word-of-mouth. Second, I based all my reasoning on a photo that's featured in dozens of news articles. The photo, and secondly the Russian investigation, were the evidence I pointed to.
>If the stories "don't pass basic scrutiny" then where is the reliable sources that call this out?
There are many published by Russia and other countries. But the argument doesn't need authority backing it up beyond the claim that the photo isn't faked.
>You have nothing to back your claims so your tactic is to instead discredit all other sources.
I already posted a url to an article that has many handy hyperlinks showing Russia's reporting of the events as they unfolded.

father my children, funny man
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Yes it's a comparative argument. The question is person A's word over person B's. In those cases, the reliability of each of them should be compared. It would be ridiculous to examine only person B and claim that he must be lying due to his tendency to lie. You need to evaluate the trustworthiness of both of them.
so you're saying this woman smuggled a hefty drill onto the ISS, snuck into the bit where the russians hang out 24/7, and drilled near other drill holes for no apparent reason, all without being noticed?
That's the basic story, though she didn't sneak a drill on as they have drills and many other tools onboard. And I don't believe that the Russians "hang out" in the Soyuz capsule all the time. I won't pretend to know exactly how life is up in that thing, but i doubt there's an iron curtain between the Russian and America parts of the station.

Also nice complete whataboutism that doesn't address any argument in my post you replied to. And right after you complained that I was making a whataboutism. Are you actually paying attention to the conversation?
>From the expert diverse and young engineers with fresh ideas who brought us the OceanGate submarine
why do they have drills on the ISS? any pictures of them?
>says something retarded
>moves the goalposts when called out
>talks about ragebait content creators
Yeah you're definitely a democrat
popularmechanics com/space/a24639/
that's crazy
Absolutely. I hope they bring that thing back down to Earth and don't just let it burn up in the atmosphere.
Space is gay and so is everyone in this thread caring about it, that is all.
its a dumb fanfic, but yes the ISS will eventually be de-orbited into the southern pacific
funny how all this russia cope started the moment politics and media had to find someone responsible for their own deceit and wrongdoing in the 2016 election. like recycling some 80's boogieman. even funnier, dismal actually, are the npc's eating up this propaganda like no tomorrow.
Were these the same Russians that leaked Hillary's emails and deepfaked all that Biden footage?
youtu be/QvTmdIhYnes?t=699
Also here's a regular looking hand drill in the top left of this ISS tour video at 11:40.
>open window
>drop rope
Why would they go down the pool?
>get complaints about vehicles falling from the sky
>make vehicle that stays in the sky properly
>people still mad
the same Russians who hacked the election to make Trump win?
Unironically yes. You pretend information warfare is some nonchalant thing but Russia basically did phishing of the human mind.
It's summer. Clearly it's to cool off
>downplaying info warfare
Blaming all your own mistake on muh Russians or muh China is information warfare.
I'm amazed you are able to operate a computer.
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We call that: lying.
If you lie and wrongly blame someone else, or make stuff up to support your narrative, you are lying.
You aren't some epic info warrior. You are a liar.

Blaming Russia for the sperg out of a NASA roastie is ridiculous.
Pic related is the woman in question.
>Blaming all your own mistake on muh Russians or muh China is information warfare
It's the other way around, actually. Blaming the U.S. makes you look incompetent. Sorry about (((You)))r space station, brother.
Thank you, samefag
I guess you're the liar by that definition. Were you expecting respect for pushing this narrative without a citation?
Half that fag's videos are about malding over the muskrat.

Even during his "god is fake" edgy phase he was less unbearable to watch.
>pushing this narrative without a citation
see >>101225081
Total astronigger death
The blame was on a NASA spic woman, not on the USA.
That you treat it as a national security issue and information warfare whenever an American woman does something stupid and gets called out, says us a lot about you.

It means that whether or not what is true here, we know that you will not care about it and always push your narrative. Because you think that you are in some form of war here.
A Russian suddenly got drunk and decided to drill a hole
A mutt jewess channeled her inner ancestral instincts and went schizo

Gee this is a tough one
Robots are expensive. Jeets are fodder.
>tradecuck speaking about muh hole science
You will never be a real engineer.
When i say that the Boeing Starliner is stranded in space, will you also claim that this is "information warfare" and will you go out of your way to spam that everything is fine and make up blunt lies in your epic internet war?

How far does your commitment to your "war" of "lying on the internet" go?
kek read >>101223250 you fucking retard
DEI just DIE arrange by a DEI hire.
Proof of siimulation
>stuck at airport
>beg boss for another day off
Burgers are truly something else.
astronauts are fake, space is a hologram, the earth is flat and also hollow
nationalised, that just makes it worse.
it needs to fail, so prices are pushed up, so you can pay competant people a proper wage.
>Russians hacked the election to make Trump win
and fuck boeing
>no further details were provided
>it is not apparent that any follow-up actions have been taken
is this supposed to be convincing?
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>Boeing shills try to hijack the thread by schizoposting /x/-tier conspiracy theories about Russia
>it works
/g/ is the easiest board to troll
You're silly. Just stop believing everything Russia says as a default and we can have a sincere discussion.
>nigger doesn't understand that lying to the general public has consequences
A tale as old as time
black women stink
How many clotshots?
Oh yeah, all those vaxxies dropping dead from SADS, a diagnosis never existent before 2021, and 21 year olds getting heart attacks all the time is just a coincidence.
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But Boeing xisters, our DEI metrics are getting better across the board!

I don't know about you, but I think a few dead astronauts (probably privileged white guys) is a price well worth paying for the excitement of having spaceships assembled by women of color floating in orbit.
It's docked to the ISS.
The astronauts are safe.
Worst case scenario they'll jettison it and just take an escape capsule back to earth.
Imagine thinking space is even real. How fucking retarded could you be?
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The astronauts would also stay in space forever, no?
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That Boeing capsule which is docked to ISS is dragging it down reducing its speed. So it can only dock to iss for limited amount of time (2 more days) unless it is able to push it to increase its speed.
They can take Crew Dragon back if the need arises.
OP edited the text.
Holy shit doesn't anyone doublecheck this stuff anymore?
every cuckrainian is a jew, coping anglo tranny
>muh data points
Over 1 billion people took the vaccine you stupid fucking nigger-brain. You could give 1,000 examples and that would still be less than 1% even if they were tied directly to the vaccine.
Suck my cock, brownoid. Ukrainians deserve more respect than Russians, Indians, and chinks combined. Technology will not change this.
Good goy, don't forget your boosters NPC number 1,204,560,340 and coomply harder you soulless husk of a "human."
Silence, tranny. I did not ask for your appraisal of my statement.
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>do you think the Russians treat their human rated spacecraft like an alcoholic's weekend garage project
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The only people still pushing the clotshot are kikes, trannies and shills. Now go get another clotshot you disingenuous kike/shabbos goy.
Or else what, you nigger-mouth?
Or you'll die from covid.
you have to really wonder what kind of person has the kind of brainrot to actually make these images.
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Jesus, did Buzz Aldrin put his thumb inside you or something?
I'll tell you who isn't gonna kill me. Russians. They can't kill anyone. They're dying on the front lines by the thousands. It's been 2 years since the start of the ukrainian war effort and they've lost more people in that time than US veteran suicides, Vietnam deaths, Iraq war deaths, and Afghan war deaths combined. And after that clusterfuck now people want me to believe that Russia somehow isn't incompetent enough to damage the ISS. What else do you have to say for yourself you propaganda faggot?
Then your brain got fried by propaganda, congrats.

I wish you good luck in the future in your "information war" that you are fighting. May you lie on the internet more than your opponents.
>Russia russia russia
Leftists are brain broke, you forgot to mention Trump too vaxxie government cuck.
all the seething replies prove this anon right
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You're talking to more than one person.
no, i am only talking to you, i wasn't part of your "discussion" before
Sounds like your own problem. Get fucked vatnigger. The ISS problems are their fault.
I don't care about technical problems that don't put people in danger, come back when some private company blows up ISS or at least kills the passengers, like that submarine recently.
I don't care about Russia or the ISS, I just know you're a fucking vaxxed NPC zombie.
>putin trump and biden don't belong in the same unmarked 6 meter deep grave
Lol, lmao even.
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Why are there 100 replies seething about Russia and talking about information warfare in a thread about an American made spacecraft being stuck in space?
Stay on topic, alt-right conditioned anon. We're talking about the state of spacecraft in this thread.
Because people are baiting
There it is. How many clotshots did you get?
Because of information warfare.

Americans are stuck in space because of an American spacecraft, made by an American company is malfunctioning?
Better whine about Russia and lie as much as possible!
Why would Russia be responsible for dumbfuck Americans being stuck on the ISS because their mulatto shuttle leaks?
Funny init.
Real posts like this gets drowned in shitposts. Welcome to nu/g/.
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Last week, on June 25, the Chang'e-6 lunar probe came back to earth.
The Chinese collected rocks from the backside of the moon and got them back successfully and with no issue.

Meanwhile, at the same time in AMERICA, American astronauts are stuck in space cause the American spacecraft leaks.
Stop deflecting and answer my question tranny >>101227132
That's some weak photoshop
Again, stop deflecting and answer my question >>101227132
Worse than that, mate
She's Korean
Reminder that Americans will have to beg Russia or China to pick up their Astronauts YET AGAIN if they can't get their spacecraft working.

Wouldn't be the first time.
>pick up their Astronauts YET AGAIN
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>American spacecraft
>it breaks
That is expected. It would be surprising if it would work.
It's like those Space X test launches where they go:
When the USA had to stop their Space Shuttle program, they became incapable of flying into space and Russia had to transport the Americans for almost ten years.
>russia was a cuck nation reduced to a space taxi service
How do you know it's real?
because this board is infested with /pol/tards who think we are on the same side because we hate glowies
The astronauts could just drink each others' piss and eat each others' shit and stay alive forever.

Problem solved.
Why would NASA beg other countries when Musk is the king of space these days?
because of reality.
kill yourself
Why be pretentious? /g/ and /pol/ do not share core ideologies nor consistent lines of thought.
>American astronauts are LE STRANDED IN SPACE!!! LAUGH at the stupid Americans xaxaxaxa!
<No they aren't.
>Oh, well uhm... remember that one time one of your astronauts drilled a hole in the Great Russian Soyuz capsule and made poopies all over the
<That didn't happen either. Russia made accusations but never followed up on the-

You people are so obvious it's almost funny.
>talking about a whole board as if its one entity
wonder how WE know that you are a newfag?
The topic of this thread is an American spacecraft breaking.
And its not the first time. Like that American women drilling holes into the ISS.
Maybe she did it again and this is causing your leak?
>talking about a whole board as if its one entity
It is. That's a fact.
>they aren't stranded
Ok, dear information warrior, how would you call this situation?
Everything according to plan? No problem anywhere? The leak is a lie?
Low orbit gravity, how does it work?
>That's a fact
This is how government shills work
They just deny everything as western lies
They don't have any actual arguments, since their arguments are written by people behind a firewall
Source on the only 2 more days, not the atmospheric drag, you moron.
>anime ellipsis
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Oh Nonononono, Americans are stuck in space again.
How unfortunate. This is so sad. I am truly sorry for them, i really are.
>no true scotsman argument
Die vatnigger
So you say that there is no problem with the Starliner?
This. Fuck this hijacked thread.
>Ok, dear information warrior, how would you call this situation?
They need to run their diagnostics on the Starliner in space because the part which is leaking is designed to burn up on re-entry. Otherwise they can't approve it.
They are not stuck. No one is on any danger. There is no race against the clock. This is a very classic case of media sensationalism resulting from lazy ""journalists"" not doing any research and just copy-pasting each other's articles.
Maybe they should have kept paying Russians for it.
We see now what happens when they themselves try it.
Americans are simply incapable.
>the part which is leaking
so they have a problem
>there is no danger
but there would be danger if they would try to fly back with it right now?
>they are not stuck
then why can't they just jump in and fly back?
>Americans are simply incapable
Then come destroy us. We're waiting. We're so weak and fragile right? What's holding you up?
>what is crew dragon
If you don't whine and cry about Russia in a thread about a purely American problem, you are hijacking this thread!
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>Then come destroy us
I'm saying that governments are all shit, and the more power the government has over its people, the more shit it is (i.e. China and Russia are basically hell on eath)
>so they have a problem
Correct. There is a (minor) problem with the spacecraft.
>but there would be danger if they would try to fly back with it right now?
It is highly unlikely that they would be, but you can't take any risks in space. If they are ultimately unable to diagnose the Starliner, the astronauts will be brought back in the SpaceX Dragon instead.
>then why can't they just jump in and fly back?
My above response also answers this question.
>ohh no not the normies
ISS life support is beefy enough. They could stay up there until they die of natural causes. Ofc that would mean some more upmass in cargo, but nothing SpaceX couldn't handle. And their emergency lifeboat option would be to tether themselves onto dragon walls and not seated unless an extra Dragon is sent up.
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>nobody cares if you kill Americans
i agree
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I don't think they will say that part out loud anon. They will just jettison the capsule and crash it down to Earth.
Couldn't they come up with a better plan than an eugenic retard tax?
Doesn't matter. You're only gonna kill the stupid, corrupt, and the immigrants. Thanks for whittling off the shitter of the gene pool in our 330,000,000+ population
>call their bosses to beg for another day off
If your plane got delayed then it's obvious that you won't be able to go to work. Why do you need to beg for anything? Just send some mail to inform that you will be out of office and call it a day.
Killing 100k Americans per year with no costs seems like a pretty good strategy.
Especially because it is mostly men in fighting age.

If Americans would have any historical knowledge, they would remember the Opium wars.
yeah some short post really equates the 'original' image.

fucking moron
"get here by the agreed upon date or you're fired"
I don't think they will say the part you made up out loud too.
This is not legal here.
>You're only gonna kill the stupid, corrupt, and the immigrants
Who do you think are the men who would be used by your army?
Who got drafted into the army during Vietnam? Remember when they put druggies before court and told them:
>either you go fight in Vietnam or you go to jail

Only the stupid and the corrupt would ever fight for the USA in a war. And they die right now in droves.
Anywhere in first world.
Not my problem. You can believe what you wish. But do check the news about this on July 4th. You might even see the "firework" yourself.
>Who do you think are the men who would be used by your army?
Niggers and right wing white people
>Who got drafted into the army during Vietnam?
Niggers and right wing white people
>Only the stupid and the corrupt would ever fight for the USA in a war. And they die right now in droves.
You're bad at math. Subtract the number of people killed by fentanyl from the total population. You're not denting the numbers yet. At best you're making the homeless population insufferable.
>Anywhere in first world.
Such as?
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Call me when the desired immigration flow is from the US to CCP land rather than what it is now Chang.
What are you talking about mayotard? Americans come to China in droves. We are turning you away as we speak making you endure what are basically 24 hour total round trip flights. 'mutticans beg to live in China.
>If they are ultimately unable to diagnose the Starliner, the astronauts will be brought back in the SpaceX Dragon instead.
Not having starliner functional is ultimately what people mean by stranded.
There are 7 seats available for the 7 astronauts that were aboard the ISS when starliner docked. 3 from Soyuz and 4 from Dragon. Starliner added 2 for Butch and Suni.
If Starliner is gone, now you're short two seats. NASA would have to kick SpaceX into high gear to send a Dragon which while ultimately not an impossible task, it leaves astronauts stranded for a time and delivers a major PR blow to Boeing and NASA
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>haha, there are low-skill immigrants invading the USA right now! You don't have that! Checkmate, China!
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>There is NO problem with the American Starliner!
It is just a small leak that needs some testing! We don't even have to fix it!
>Nobody is stranded or in danger!
>They could hop in and fly back anytime they want, they just don't want to!
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Oh yes!
But what if we simply change the definition of the word "stranded"!
What if we change it from
>left without the means to move from somewhere
>left without the means to move from somewhere and without anyone else having the means to pick them up
Now they aren't stranded anymore!

let me guess, manufacturer of mount flange has been dunk as fuck ever since date of manufacture
Holy seethe. Russians get so mad when you contradict their lies.
Watch him mindlessly shit out another 'jak in response to me as he is programmed to do.
The most likely solution is to ask China or Russia to pick them up. Russia can get a S𐐬yuz up in no time.

They just have to do an "information war" and spam shit on the internet to /k/ope and all is good.
this is /g/, not /k/

If you want to fight your info war, do it somewhere else.
>You're not allowed to contradict me when I blatantly lie because that's a heckin info war.
If you argue about the semantics of the word stranded, to /k/ope for the stranded Starliner, you are obviously acting in bad faith here.
This is not the place for your info war. Go to /k/.
Sure, lets ask the country that never sent anything to ISS instead of an American company that did (SpaceX).
yeah some /pol/ddit nigger cuck really explains the "real" situation.

fucking moron
>That Boeing capsule which is docked to ISS is dragging it down reducing its speed
I guess inertia isn't a thing in space, which is also mostly free from drag (there is no air up there)
nice bait though
>You actually have to talk about the space technology on the weapons board because you heckin disrespected muh based Russia.
It'll be Dragon more than likely
They have 4 Dragons on the ground in various stages of readiness, with one being new.
If there is anyone sane left at NASA they won't use a US adversary just to save giving SpaceX a win.
The next crewed SpaceX mission is already planned for August.
If you think that SpaceX can hastily quickly launch a second one at the same time... go ahead... we would love to laugh at America even harder when that one spectacularly fails.

Meanwhile the Russians even have a S𐐬yuz on the ISS docked RIGHT NOW, reserved for emergencies.
Russians ALWAYS have one docked.
The Americans could simply ask the Russians to use the vehicle that is already there. A broken spacecraft counts as an emergency to me.
The Shenzhou got used 18 times with 0 failures.
Nigga, it's not reserved for emergencies, it's a return vehicle for the current crew. There is always enough vehicles to return the crew because the ones that deliver them stay there to fly them back, that's how it always worked, but there is no backups in case something goes wrong like with Starliner now.
It never docked to ISS.
Imagine being so childish that you rather rush a risky mission and risk the lives of your Astronauts, then simply asking another country to pick them up.

The NASA had to beg Russia already multiple times.
And this didn't give them any propaganda blow, because the stupid sheeple in the USA would simply forget it on command or not even realize it, when the media doesn't tell them in a big headline.
2 more weeks
Nigger. there is always one docked for emergencies.
They are always capable to ship the whole Russian crew back at any time on a whim.

They could use it and the Russians could simply send another one. It wouldn't be the first time.
The Americans could be back home by today, if they ask Russia.
>If you think that SpaceX can hastily quickly launch a second one at the same time... go ahead...
They literally have 20 boosters, mutiple dragons on standby, second stages constantly being churned out. Crew towers at both LC-39A and SLC-40
The idea SpaceX couldn't send a mission is based on an assumption they can't assemble the pieces to their own rocket.

What's risky? Where is SpaceX deficit?
Learn to read, you fucking imbecile.
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>The Americans could be back home by today, if they ask Russia.
This means they aren't stranded, because they could always fly back with the Russians!
But if they use the docked Soyuz then the Russians will become stranded.
None of what you said disproves it.
The Americans could ask to fly back with it. With the very vehicle that is docked on the ISS right now.
They can replace it.

They could even make a trade and offer to fly the next mission of hte Russians.
No need to wait months till you get a Dragon ready.
>They can replace it.
In what time frame? Because until then you'll be at square one with people stuck at ISS with no way to get back to Earth, except this time it will be Russians.
>It never docked to ISS
Sure, if you are arguing about semantics and definitions, like a true coping mulatto... yes.

It did "only" fly crewed 18 times to the Tiangong space station and experienced 0 failures.
It can dock to the ISS, but i guess it never did before so it's over?
lmao, do you think it's like driving to a different store in your car?
>Because until then you'll be at square one with people stuck at ISS
Right now they are stuck with more people on the ISS than planned. If they fly back with the docked Russians, they are back to the operational level.

At worst, it means that the current crew would have to be there a bit longer before it is replaced with another crew. But the total amount of people that breaths air and eats food stays the same.

I am sure you understand this.
I am sure you are capable of understanding this.
You just don't want to.
It's fact checked on snopesarino
reality is the ISS has thrusters
The next Russian mission is planned for September.
So if they get another one ready in the next three months, it means that it doesn't harm their planning.

On average it takes them two months to prepare and launch one.
So it is all very much possible with no disadvantage besides the temporary situation of not having an emergency vehicle docked.
Europe. Poland for example.
The law is more complicated than I could get in a post. But to get fired out right, your employer must prove your fault. Having plane delayed would not meet the criteria.
Boeing is shit because of the US Government. We subsidized their retarded company to fail upwards for the better part of the last 30 years ever since their CEOs changed out
Nationalizing them will just accelerate their descent into shit. They need to be investigated and broken up.
There is no issue with having 9 people aboard.
Shit is planned at least a year in advance. Post proof that they can prepare and launch a mission in two months in case of emergency.
And stop calling the vehicle for the current mission an "emergency vehicle", retard.
In Yurop they don't have at-will employment so it's basically impossible to get fired.
The other side of this coin is that it's also basically impossible to get hired, but it's ok they have government programs for that which by the way are completely sustainable trust us :)
It used to be a joke, like it was only republican caricatures calling people russian spies to illustrate that they were stuck in the 70's.

It literally shows the left owns the media.
Yes, I will also say a Russian did it
>Post proof that they can prepare and launch a mission in two months in case of emergency
MS-22 had micro-meteoroid damage in its radiator, that got detected on the 15th December 2022 so they didn't use it returned it uncrewed.
The MS-23 launched uncrewed to replace it on the 24th of February 2023.
>stop calling the vehicle for the current mission an "emergency vehicle"
It IS an emergency vehicle. There is no need for it to be there, except for emergencies.

Otherwise they could just use the vehicle for the next crew to fly out the previous crew and have none docked.
mutts are jewish golem hivemind so they are essentially one "person"
It's not an emergency vehicle, they are planning to use it to return old crew in September.
>Otherwise they could just use the vehicle for the next crew to fly out the previous crew and have none docked.
To have none docked with the crew on-board you'd have to return at least one vehicle with fewer people than it carried and that makes no sense.
king of twitter space maybe
oh wait he put an X on it just like with all his retarded lies like mars mission
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nice argument /pol/tard
MS-23 was planned to launch in March 2023, they just pushed the launch less than a month earlier and sent it uncrewed.
>Europe. Poland
figures that kurwaniggers are the ones deepthroating the american boot
you're not even third world you're like sixth world
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>2021 suing
sooo how this whole suing thing going Ivan?
spacex has...
>the only reusable booster atm
>leader in upmass
>crew capsule that works
>only Leo internet constellation worth a shit

>b-but he lied about Mars
So If I make zero goals for myself and achieve zero goals, I'm a better space company than SpaceX?
she was convicted in-absentia and sentenced to death by firing squad in a secret court hearing
>criticize american work culture
>you are deepthroating the american boot
Can you even read?
It was Russians lol. They blamed the cuntstronaut but it does not explain other multiple similar fuck ups confirmed to be from the Russian builders.
gyro that was hammered upside down was obviously a cia op
Is knowing how to network not a skill?
So why don't you do it too? Must be easy, right?

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