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Recommend some good ML books that cover some of the fundamental theory
What constitutes a "stupid question"?
I don't think it really matters, I learn a ton of shit trying to help people in these threads.
Can I use OPNsense as a travel router?
I have completely fried my dopamine receptors by playing vidya, watching videos and browsing social media at the same time for years.

My question is can this shit be fixed or is it a one way street? I can't even play a vidya(>>>/v/ I know cunt) for 10 minutes without doing something else and I get bored of everything extremely quickly.
it can be fixed but the neural pathways will take a while to rewire. it also takes a fair bit of effort
That's honestly what it seems like I have done. I have completely fucked my neural pathways. It causes a whole host of problems.
but its good because youve recognised the problem and you sound like you want to fix it. start by setting some concrete goals around what you want to change, and then break those goals down into easy, actionable steps
but I don't want to lose data if one of the drives crashes

Hmm maybe 5. Not familiar with ZFS I'll look into that
you need to make a backup then. raid is not and should not be treated as a backup. say a voltage spike fries your drives. youve lost everything because its not backed up
So for something like this you would just run them as individual drives?

Any idea if a Sapphire RX 550 will work on a Asrock Z68 Extreme4 Gen3 (LGA1155, Sandy bridge/Ivy Bridge)?
Apparently there is a whole uefi vbios things on graphics cards that I missed. The motherboard bios does say it's uefi, but I've installed stuff on an MBR hard drive so windows/linux say it's a legacy bios install - not sure if that will change whether it works. My understanding is that if the vbios isn't supported it won't post.

Was weighing up getting a RX 550 to put in there since the iGPU doesn't have the DirectX support I need going forward, but then discovered this whole uefi/legacy bios crap. Thought it'd be a simple plug and play.
a 2 drive raid would be really stupid. i guess you could claim raid 1 but ehy not just make one a backup? still having bith drives connected at the same time is where the risk is.
It's not anything priceless. I'm just looking for a place to store torrented movies. If they do die then I can redownload them, but I thought it would be nice to have a 4 drive raid setup so that if one dies I just need to replace the drive rather than replace it and then redownload a bunch of stuff I might not have a list of.

I realize there's a risk of them being on the same connection but I don't want like 4 different network drives all plugged into different outlets. Maybe I can get a surge protector or something for extra protection.
>a 2 drive raid would be really stupid
Nothing wrong with mirroring two drives.
now that's a stupid question
Your OS using the legacy BIOS boot scheme as opposed to using UEFI has zero effect on the OS support regarding... anything.
Why does my phone keep producing ".gov" instead of whatever word I typed when swipe typing? How do I fix this? I'm on a Samsung.
bro toss that phone right now the NSA has you
Probably need to go into storage and click on gboard and clear user data
What's the easiest job in IT that pays well and how can I get the fuck out of help desk and get one like that?
oh if its just media go ahead.
only if the mirror is disconnected, but since shes just doing media it doesnt matter anyway
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Was this a reference to the 8 bit guy?
Looks like I posted in the right place then. If memory serves, that Sandy Bridge era of motherboards were the first that were uefi / had uefi support but still worked in legacy, so not sure if it was completely supported.
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Why are there identical scaling settings in both "renderer options" and libplacebo sections. Do I have to set them both?
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The MOST ANNOYING thing has JUST happened.

fell asleep watching youtube. the next video's splash page is now imprinted on every window, like you'd expect with a plasma screen burn in.

restarted, changed desxtop background. interestingly, print screen does not display the burn in. what the fuck
Easiest way to wirelesly sync folders from an android phone to a windows pc without jewish google bullshit?
Dont want to haev to plug shit everytime I want to move crap.
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picrel but over network instead of USB
Assuming ADB is easy enough for you. (hey, at least your Android already comes with it)
Share a folder on your windows PC and mount it as an SMB share on the phone. Then copy stuff over.
If you want something automated I guess you can try syncthing I just don't think it makes sense to have multiple copies of the same data in different places in ways that aren't backups.
I need a laptop. I just want it to be light and to have a 80% keyboard. Dont care about procecing or graphic power, i dont even care about battery life. What are some good options?
What's your budget? What do you plan on using it for? Does it need to be new?
lock yourself in a white room with only a pen, paper and a math textbook, for as much time as possible
host a ftp server from termux
Arround a thousand dollars, i just gonna do lightweight programing and play dwarft fortress. I dont really care if it's new.
Don't be overdramatic and just stop playing shit and checking social media every five seconds. You'll be fine.
Pick up some slow burn hobby in the meantime, read meditations or paint or some shit.
You want syncthing. It's literally what it does and it does it exceedingly well.
Alternatively, you could use telegram for casual file sharing
How can I get my second screen working?

It's detected in my displays but it's black and I can only see my mouse.
I can't move my windows there because I can't see them if I try
what are you plugging it into? are they both in the gpu?
Still lurking in case I get an answer
I'm plugging it into my laptop, it has a port
It was working before and then all the sudden it doesn't work, but on my windows laptop it does
Is steam better native or flatpak?
works great on arch native
Straightforward way to transfer files to and from an SMB share with Linux? Rsync/cp/etc. doesn't work and smbclient is weird idk if I want to write scripts for it.
It seems like almost every night around 1 am my computer goes to 100% disk usage (task manager says system is using the most) and slows everything to a crawl. What could be causing this? Is there a way to fix it?

Yes I have a HDD, no I don't have enough money to replace it right now.
Is it possible to disable kde x11 login as an option but not actually remove it? Like I just want the one option to appear, or for it to appear by default as Wayland
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trisquel sucks
If I were to use a neural net to identify playing cards, would it be better to use a hopfield net or a CNN? I'm having trouble understanding the difference in use case between of those two types.
how much networking concepts should I know before diving into k8s?
>get recovery email
>enter 'p@$$w0rd' in the box
>This password is too widely used. Choose a password that's harder to guess.

wtf, how do they know this is a widely used password if they are not keeping a list of plaintext passwords? Not necessarily linked to accounts, but just a nice list to get your hands on. Company in question might or might not be Atlassian.
in windows, how do i make full screen mode resize the game and not just turn everything outside the game black? game is too small at its default res, i want it ewither stretched or reduce my own screen size. noth options just black everything outside of the game.
Frequency analysis based on leaked databases. Either that or they have a list of hashes generated from stupid passwords that they compare against.
Is Joomla dead?
Do you have system defrags scheduled then?
Is it possible to hide the titlebar for popup windows in Firefox?
As a user or as a developer?
Whatever gets it out of the way, user CSS is fine. As are extensions.

Is it possible? I can live with it if it's not but it's wasted space.
so when will a.i. local tools for copying/extending music like udio come out?

i wanna live in the age where you can drag your two favorite albums on a local software and get a decent one
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why is 4chan working like shit lately ? images load like shit, same with videos, errors, half of the images are missing or not loading etc
wtf happen ?
If you have 57:01 of free time, try this one.
It's either Cloudflare or the shitty PHP backend is falling apart. I'm not surprised, they can't even update their spaghetti code to support Webp, JPEGXL and AV1/AVIF
Data breach records
Change your screen resolution temporarily while you play your game
surprisingly insightful. Not that this check make any sense, but your explanation might be correct
I'm finally going to ask this.
Should I just turn my PC if I'm not going to use it for the next hour?
Does turning the PC on take more energy than just leaving it on for a little while.
I actually won a computer in a competition that has a 1600 PSU if that factors in.
Have you tried mounting it with CIFS? That's what I usually do, just make sure to specify all these options in fstab and unmount the thing before disconnecting the computer from the network.

//server/share   /path/to/mountpoint  cifs uid=1000,gid=1000,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,user,noauto,noperm,_netdev,username=username,password=password 0 0

But rsync should be able to transfer files without having to actually mount it.
repost from last thread, does anyone who uses mihon/tachiyomi know how to add different repositories for webcomics and other sites not in the keiyoushi github json file?
I usually do, just because I don't like idle devices connected to the network.
What are the pros/cons of using debian instead of ubuntu or mint?

>Will I still be able to use steam/minecraft?
>Will I have the latest versions of applications in my apt repo?
what is the correct extension/userscript to play webms with sound using a URL in the filename?
Debian Stable is stable. If something works it'll stay working. In exchange for this it doesn't have the latest packages including drivers. Ubuntu and Mint have later packages, somewhat comparable to Debian Testing. Debian has a lot of options in its installer compared to Ubuntu, for example you can pick one of several desktop environments.
Steam and minecraft will probably work, but you'll get a definitive answer by looking up "steam/mincraft on insert distro here."

I prefer ubuntu for desktop use mostly for drivers, but you have to fix this issue:
Going to toss lmde in a vm and see if the software is more up to date.
plz helllllp me NOW
>Will I still be able to use steam/minecraft?
Steam works, never tried Minecraft.
>Will I have the latest versions of applications in my apt repo?
No, they are older by design. A few exceptions are custom apt repos for things like browsers. You have to use flatpak, appimage, snap or binaries for the latest applications.
The volume for firefox defaults to 73% instead of 100% and when i change it through the sound settings manually, it goes back to 73% whenever i adjust the sound of anything in the actual firefox window. Im on fedora and it doesnt happen for any other app
I'd love to use more appimage apps, they're so convenient.
isnt python extremely slow? why do i see so many projects for things like ai use python? i thought it was just for making quick little scripts
usually they aren't doing the heavy work itself in python, it's like imagine a video encoder tool in python, as in the ui is all python, but when it goes to actually encode something, it calls ffmpeg. nothing wrong with that, none of the heavy work is done using python itself
4chan Sounds player
How fast/compatible are wine/proton nowadays with windows programs?
Debian feels weird as fuck, what is this DE and how do I edit the sudoers list?
Does anyone know about an autoclicker that I can target to one specific window on one monitor, but still lets me use my 2nd monitor freely, if that makes sense?
i'm looking around for pbr textures but every kike SEO site that shows up first is paywalled shit, what are some forums for sharing paywalled textures?
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Hi, it's me from yesterday >>101210649

I figured out why 4chan XT + OneeChan wasn't rendering the gears icon for OneeChan's settings. It's because 4chan XT actually differs from 4chan X in that it only imports the font awesome icons it actually uses (instead of everything). I went back to 4chan X (which I should've done earlier in the troubleshooting) and realized gears work fine there, so it's an issue of specifically adding the gears icon I want. Kind of like what they did here

Just wanted to leave it here in case someone else runs into the same problem. I don't really want to deal with it right now, so I'll just leave it an ugly emoji for now.
>tweaks around with the kernel
>doesn't turn off that much, just some bullshit in psuedo file systems and framebuffer support
>HDMI connection literally just stops working
>absolutely nothing I can do to troubleshoot it
It probably has nothing to do with the kernel tweaking but does anyone got any ideas on what the fuck can I do?
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redpill me on HDR
I understand what HDR is in terms of photography and why it exists but can't translate it to screens
My best guess it's that screens can control brightness at the pixel level but tell me what is it in practical terms? is it just a different color scheme? is it just saturation pumped up?
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>I understand what HDR is in terms of photography
then you don't understand what HDR is
you're probably thinking of DRC, or dynamic range compression, which is a very different thing
in fact it's basically the opposite of HDR, where DRC takes an HDR image and compresses it down to a narrower range, an HDR monitor supports a wider range of brightnesses
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>>101222499 (checkered)
>Catalog Ctrl + F Laptop
> Frogposter results
/g/entlemen, HP Victus 16-s1902ng:
AMD R7 8840HS, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, RTX 4060.
For a bit more than 1k yuro-shekels.
Or even better, any experiences?
I'm completely out of the loop when it comes to hardware, especially laptops.
Any opinions on HP laptops in general?
Much appreciated/love
to explain further, take that first example in the image i posted
the brightness difference between the sky and the trees is too great to display well as an SDR image, if you brighten the whole image to make the trees clear, then the sky will become blown out
imagine then, you had a monitor that went bright enough that the sky could become much brighter without blowing out details, for a more realistic appearance of both the trees and the sky. that's what an HDR monitor does
what's the difference in quality between a 320kbps mp3 and a 320kbps ogg? is there some kind of advantage that one have and the other doesn't?
>then you don't understand what HDR is
huh I was thinking on how to get an "HDR" image it is composed of the same take at several exposure values but I guess that was just marketing name
so it's something like a "brightness image" besides the color image? I mean, I can't get my head around it because (in SDR) brightness is controlled by the backlight at a constant level for the whole panel right?
I was planning on getting 2.
One for my mom, who's interested in VR.(light demo applications and virtual tours).

One for myself, currently overkill productivity wise.
Don't play that much vidya, but it probably kicks the shit out of my PC performance wise (i7 720, 1050ti).
Not my main concern but it seemed like a really good deal considering most Laptops with or out without GPU, with at least a 1 TB SSD and more than 8 GB RAM start at 800 bucks.

Any alternatives you'd recommend?
I don't really mind having a GPU and was considering business lappies but those seemed exorbitantly priced due to companies probably just writing them off lol
I understand basic coding, but I don't know how exactly to make the jump into creating "software", are there any good roadmaps for learning how to create personal software?
>huh I was thinking on how to get an "HDR" image it is composed of the same take at several exposure values but I guess that was just marketing name
technically you can make an HDR image that way, by taking multiple exposures you can capture a wider range of brightnesses
it's just that the thing you're talking about takes all that information and tone maps it back down to SDR
>so it's something like a "brightness image" besides the color image? I mean, I can't get my head around it because (in SDR) brightness is controlled by the backlight at a constant level for the whole panel right?
HDR in terms of displays/computers is comprised of a few components, namely it also implies a wider colour gamut (i.e. REC.2020) and higher colour bitdepth (i.e. 10/12bit), as a wider range of reproducible brightnesses also requires a wider range of values to maintain integrity
technically you could do some similar with a really bright SDR monitor by cranking the brightness right up then using pictures with appropriate gamma such that shadows/midtones are still appropriately defined, that'd be like hobo hdr
it's not the same as just turning the brightness up with regular sdr content, since that will also bring up shadows/mids, making them inappropriately bright. HDR is less a physical technology and more of a set of standards to make wider ranges work
choke on dicks
mega retard password
I have a monitor that does that too, It goes away in a few days
if you hash the same password twice, you get the same hash twice
overkill budget for light computing, you could even just grab a sturdy old 3rd gen i5 Dell Latitude in lightly used condition off of fleaBay for that

otherwise, pretty much anything will do, look into whatever you want that makes you happy in terms of keybed and screen, read reviews to find out if it is garbage or not
define "basic coding"
if you know oop and maybe some basics of data structures you can go pretty far already. even if you don't though, it could be fun to try something like qtwidgets or swing and toy around with GUIs
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Anon over at the webdev general was really cool and fixed it
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Does the "put-your-phone-in-rice-to-dry-it" trick actually work for a water damaged phone?
I know basic OOP, and some data structures, and I've made some GUIs (hell my internship rn made me do that).
Moreso looking for like... here's a project that will teach you xyz about software dev, yknow?
i mean. kinda. i'd use silica dessicant but rice also kinda works.
take into a repair shop fag
what is up with the youtube/tiktok conspiracy voice that sounds like Pauly Shore had a stroke
So basically we just got fiber with a new ISP and a new router, the router is the ISP brand. I don't really know anything about setting up custom routers with OpenBSD, maybe in the future. But anyways, what do you suggest I should do (like in the router settings for example) before I use it with my computer? DHCPCD should automatically configure resolv.conf to use the ISP's DNS, which is fine (I use Tor a lot anyways, so that's mostly irrelevant for me).
Ah ok.
I didn't even know that was a thing.
Is it better than X other than being typescript?
why not? My phone got damaged by rain, and my dad suggested I do that
What effect do I need to use to remove or reduce background white/static noise in audio?
There's several little things it does that I like, such as adding a "randomize filename" button in the quick reply window (instead of having to go all the way to the settings menu to toggle that on/off constantly), incorporating the sounds player from filenames (instead of needing a separate script for that), and a few other things
And like I mentioned above someone was already very kind and fixed the icon thing themselves >>101232211
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audacity has a feature for that
you just need to give it a sample of a few seconds of noise without any audio
Webp offers better compression for PNG, there's literally no reason not to support it. Perhaps you should be the one to choke on a dick.
what USB flash drive (preferably type A) has best random access speeds for both read and write? All sites I can find don't specify if it's random or sequential or even the file sizes tested. Or it's some 10+ year old flash drive.

I don't want to use NVMe in an enclosure because they're too physically large and I'd rather not spend the money if I don't need to
forgot to mention it's OK if it's an SD card or micro SD. Just don't want the bulkyness of an M.2 external enclosure or hard drive if I can avoid it
Where do you mount your drives? /mnt /media /opt? Does it matter?
>there's literally no reason not to support it
there must be.. considering its STILL unsupported by like every file manager..
Doesn't really matter, although I only know for sure that file browsers will pick up on something mounted on /mnt, /media, or somewhere in your home folder. Putting it in your home folder keeps you from having to fuss with folder permissions but does mean browsing through anywhere in /home will become a slog if the server becomes unavailable while you have it mounted.
Also rsync seems to work fine on test files so maybe the issue is the files themselves, which is typically the user folder contents from a windows install, specifically \AppData and \OneDrive
I offer better compression than that
I simply remove everything but the first bit
decompression is something I'm still working on, but the moderate drop in quality should be worth it
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How do i get more subscribers uh with sub bots bc youtube being kinda GAY. lol
what's resizable bar, and should I care
Cool, i'll try it out.
I don't know what DE you picked. The default checkbox is GNOME, but I prefer KDE. LXDE and LXQT are better for weaker systems.
As for adding your user to the sudoers list, look up "add user to sudoers list"
Which webm converter do I use for VP9?

WebM for Retards' VP9 option results in 4chan telling me there's a file embedded in my webms
That's my go to, anyway, since it's in my distro's repos and there's a gazillion unmaintained forks of various projects calling themselves webm for retards/bakas.
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I have to manually (IN TERMINAL) set up my bluetooth controller every time i restart.
The GUI blueman application does not work at all and constantly has permission problems with connecting and pairing.

is there any fix to either of these?
Linux mint cinnamon / 8bitdo pro2
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you're meant to load it in this order
>4chan XT
>Anon's fix
then refresh
It mostly works but for some reason the second thread I loaded did not.
On my tv setup I have a 3.1 system. During loud parts of a movie the sound cuts in and out. If I switch my AVR to stereo, the issue resolves itself. I thought it was my Plex since I was running a it off my ps5. But now it's also happening on my chromecast. Any ideas? Thanks.
In fact it seems to break on threads with many replies
wack, it happens to me too in that particular thread actually. I'll let them know in the webdev thread
Oh I see, I'll fix that. It seems Oneechan adds its settings element before the mutationObserver.
thanks lads
What is the best way to stream shit on my tv?
Like movies, shows and so on
I have a chrome cast on it.
I used to just cast my phone's screen on it but the quality isnt the best and stuff like dosney plus doesnt have everything i need and vpns dont work when casting.
Ok, seems to work now? Update your userscript
kind of a stupid question but why does my Western Digital Black External Drive make games lag? Its supposed to be for gayming but so far every game I install on to it just has awful lag every 2 mins of playing.
Looks good.
Very thanks based man.
I know this is tech board but can I ignore the airbag light in my car and assume I'll get airbags when I need them?
Maybe update again, I actually incremented the version number this time :P
Yes, well you can study design patterns, but I'd take a hands-on approach and contribute to a software project you're not familiarized with or start your own and learn from your mistakes
I understand what you mean but imo it's mostly practice and reading other people's code
I want a home server to host some simple apps on. Is virtualization on proxmox too much? I just set up some containers, instead of a full VM?
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what are these holes in the xhitter media tab? I thought they were left by the addblocker, but they persist after disabling it
I am facing a dilemma at work, when it comes to file permissions and such it is typical for the domain admin to have ownership of all if not most files and folders. However, how does this work when you as admin have access to all information including sensitive stuff, such as addresses, personal details and such. Is it just implied that the CEO trusts you to not read that information.

I am just a 1 man IT show at a small-medium enterprise but if anyone can give me advice from a corporate standpoint that would be great.
The moment you need airbags is when you crash which since that's not supposed to happen, is something you can't predict.
Or when the car gets inspected or sold I guess. It'll probably let you keep driving until then.
If you're really careful you can host a bunch of services under the same server OS, using containers just helps keep your services from affecting each other too much and using VMs gives you a convenient IP address and hostname (and helps keep your certificates organized if you care about that) for each service, at the cost of using lots of system resources.
At the smaller level there's not a lot you can do to compartmentalize, but as the business increases in size there's more employees you can trust with ownership of certain controls, administrative duties, files and folders. It's really best practice to not actually give total access to just one guy or group, since that means if that person or someone in that group, or their credentials or accounts, get compromised, it means a bad actor can have access to everything they can.
You can make a bunch of admin accounts for various tasks all with their own credentials. For example I (try to) do that with a user with permission to join machines to the domain with only a password for authentication, because trying to use my domain admin account which requires smart card for authentication has never worked.
how can i get pale moon font rendering on firefox? it looks a lot better for me on MacOS
im trying to batch convert ogg files to wav, but when i do it cuts off the end of the voice for some files
how come when I play video games I'm super focused and I never look at the time but when I'm trying to program I'm twitching like crazy, looking around, looking at the time every 5 minutes. How do you fix this? How do I get the same focus when programming?
I've been driving with my airbag lights for the last 3 years and nothing has happened.
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What do I have to do so "board" doesn't go outside the borders when I change the screen size?

This is my code in css:

.board-container {
width: 80%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
perspective: 1000px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

.board {
width: 80%;
height: 70%;
background-color: #4CAF50;
transform: scaleY(calc(1 / cos(45deg))) rotateX(45deg);
transform-origin: center center;
transform-style: preserve-3d;

align-content: center;
text-align: center;
Works on Linux. It's not Google's fault if Microsoft can't be asked to add support, and Apple prefers to use proprietary formats
I want to pirate the entire Touhou Lossless Music Torrent, which is 5.5 TB. However, I don't know how I should approach storage for this. Price-wise, a 6 TB HDD and enclosure look cheaper than a straight external HDD. I don't know if I should look into a NAS or something like this. Any ideas?

Otherwise, I'm trying to find a 2TB backup external HDD for my shit, and I'm not sure what's good. I was looking at the WD Elements shit, but I heard too many bad accounts of them failing. Right now, I have a Toshiba external hard drive, which has almost lasted me a decade with no bad sectors, and I was looking at the Toshiba Canvio Basics to back it up. Could someone toss some recommendations down here?
is 91% ipa enough for electronics
Yes, it just needs to dissolve flux.
what about cleaning motherboards and the like? is my main use
It's sufficient in some cases but not ideal because denaturing agents don't evaporate.

What are you trying to clean off a motherboard?
Ideally, no. Salting should prevent that.
Windows? Autohotkey can do that I think
Bad news: no
Good news: it looks like it works because it gets you to wait a bit for the damn thing to dry, which sometimes works
At that point about any project will teach you something about software dev. Try to make something you'd like to use.
Be more specific. A noise gate might be it, or it might totally not be it. What do you want this for?
Do you REALLY want to make life safety questions here anon? Are you sure?
Videogames are literally designed by people who have spent years and budgets to keep your attention. Programming hasn't.
If you enter a cod match and kill someone, you get tension before shooting, feedback on hits, then a satisfying sound bite with score to boot and a continuation of gameplay, it's an orgy of dopamine really.
Regarding a fix, attention is practiced, both implicitly and explicitly, if you keep exerting this focus you will become better at it, same as a muscle getting stronger, also you will learn how to focus better, that might involve background music, or caffeine, or frequent breaks, or hiding the clock, or setting milestones etc etc.
You are essentially fixing your attention span. It takes effort and it is frustrating, that's just how it is.
so how's piracy on Linux? I know a lot of linux software of choice is free, but is it easy to find pirated versions of paid software?
>be me
>have a sony vaio svf152c29m
>have official bloatware installed on it which allows me to limit battery charge @ 60% to prolong lifespan while using it plugged in for prolonged periods of time
>fast forward some years
>format it, new windows installation from scratch
>software not available anymore on Sony's website, everything is gone for every model (they apparently warned this was going to happen in 2023)
>can't find original software for it that let me limit charge % anywhere, only for different models which either throw up an error message on install or are missing the feature entirely
how do other /g/ tards cope with lost media software for older devices?
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here's a stupid question

how can i get this shit back?

just updated my windows and now this quick setting popup doesn't activate when i click there to open it
i need it back, im using win 11 home on a laptop
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when i change the computer rez all i get is that now the rest of the screen is black even tough i'm not plaing a game
what software should I use to reduce the size of video and audio files?
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convey me this thing is not overpriced, I don't want to believe
never mind

had to go into task manager and manually restart windows explorer
fucking hate windows updating it always breaks shit which is why i wait at least 3 months before updating anythign
Does 4chanX have a command to hide all images in a thread?
I bought an nvme board off Temu. On a scale of 1 to 10, how backdoored is my system.
It's called werk time
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in windows when i download something to a different drive, i open the location i want to download it to and copy the path. then in the download window i paste that path.
in ubuntu when I ctrl+L to copy the path, there is no where to paste it to for the download popup!
So I have to download a 16GB AI model to my 16 GB system drive and after 30m it fails and says the drive is full!
How do I choose where to download dsomething in ubuntu without manually changing drives? Is it possible to paste the path directly into the download window?
most browsers you can manualy navigate to the place you want to save your file with 'save as' or change in the options the save location.
Thank you. I can now have intelligent discussions on the /trash/ board without lust provoking images getting in my way.
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>Youtube app on mobile device
>Home page scrolls as normal
>clicking channels work
>shorts & all forms of interacting with posts work
>can't click on main video
>Screen is perfectly fine otherwise
>Force closing the app and reopening doesn't work
how do I fix this? what causes it? It's a pain to use now
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How come coordinates in vim are counted as
(1,1) for the first character of the first line, but in emacs it's (1,0) ?

Vim is consistent with starting the counts at 1, but emacs can't choose and does both. starts at 1 for lines, and starts at 0 for columns...
bump, please give me some of your insight
>I bought an nvme board off Temu. On a scale of 1 to 10, how backdoored is my system.
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Pls respond
I'm trying to understand who does what at a tech company.
Who's in charge of keeping AWS/cloud costs low?
Who's in charge of securing the cloud infrastructure?
Who's in charge of on-prem infrastructure?
Who's in charge of managing software subscriptions, setting them up and keeping them cheap + secure?
Is this all the same person?
I hot THE cheapest HP laptop I could find and the keyboard is very shitty, but other than that lubuntu works pretty nice on it
>Who's in charge of keeping AWS/cloud costs low?
>Who's in charge of securing(improve security) the cloud infrastructure?
>Who's in charge of securing(getting one) the cloud infrastructure?
>Who's in charge of on-prem infrastructure?
>Who's in charge of managing software subscriptions, setting them up and keeping them cheap?
middle managment, with no regards to the programmers needs nor constraints
okay so I'm more of a hardware guy than a software guy
and also I'm also kind of an ideas person, I'm actually a very creative thinking, I like coming up with ideas a lot and usually nobody else has come up with them
so my question is
What if there was a computer that's like...... it could change its wiring so that it could be both either a mac or a PC
I don't mean its case or whatever I mean like its internals, like what if you could press a button and it would switch between the two
I don't think this would be hard because like, they're both computers?? maybe you could put both the components in there and it could like swap them out or something
I know it would rpobably be hard to do without turning them off first but come on I don't think it's impossible
what do you guys think?
I didn't want to post this to start with because I'm sure someone is going to take this idea if its possible but I decided something like this would benefit humanity too much to keep to myself
piss cord blocked me again now it won't let me even make another account

how to ask all the other retards to not use it so i don't have to deal with this shit no more?
just spread the word
in my mmo i avoid guilds with discord chats and tell people in such guilds it makes ingame chats lonely
use forums instead of discord. even 4chan at least archieve your posts so a good search engine can still look up info.
are 8gb gpus still okay or should i just go with 12gb? 16 seems excessive and expensive
i can offer voice chat and 4chan like forum for the people i deal with but i am 100% they'll reject the offer
meet in person
>completely fried my dopamine receptors
Honestly this is reddit-tier "SCIENCE!!!" nonsense.
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hello, recently my PC crashes when I launch games after around 30 seconds to 2 minutes. I checked MSI afterburner and there is a GPU shut off temp set to 83 degrees Celsius. Is this too low or is my cooling fucked? RTX3070. Did SFC and Mem test etc.
So a while back ago my laptop's HDD died and I replaced it with an SSD. And for about two weeks it was amazing, everything was fast.

Today, it didn't really recognize my ethernet cable for some reason, so I restarted it. When I did, it gave a bluescreen during the restart with an error about "driver power state failure".
Next I start up and things are kinda slow, and task manager shows disk speed is at 100% all of the sudden. After struggling to deal with it, I restart again. I get a blue screen again, but for a different error, something critical I believe.

Now my SSD is completely not recognized. Nothing shows. I swapped into my old HDD real quick and that could be read and recognized, so it's just the SSD.

What the fuck happened? Do SSDs have this absurdly short of a lifespan? Is there anyway to save this thing or do I have to buy a new one and start reinstalling everything again?
never had this issue but you need to leave about 10% of the disk space free or it reduces the lifespan significantly.
I just got it two weeks ago, it barely had any data.
Where did the apple general go? I finally bought a macbook and I'm just getting everything setup. Never used macos before, but I have plenty of experience with everything else. How do I pirate ableton and photoshop?
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Good morning fellow tech jannies. I replaced the drum kit on this Kyocera printer but I still get an ugly smear on the right side of my pages. Could it be related to the developer unit?
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>Open up 4chan
>switch theme to "Tomorrow"
>few weeks go by
>theme switches back to default
I'm sick and tired of this shit. I've looked around my settings in Brave, and couldn't find any setting that would delete cookies after X amount of time. Also using 4chanX. Not sure if that could be causing it. Any ideas?
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if I use a logitech mouse to connect to my personal computer and work computer simultaneously with logi flow, will my employers know what I'm up to on my personal computer
there was a link for finding cool sites on internet that I found on the board. I remember that the thread with that link was about modern internet being shit. does anybody have the link
I moved my PC back home today. It was working fine yesterday. However, now the monitor says "no input signal found".

- The Q-LEDs are not showing any issue when booting, and if I connect my phone to the PC with a USB wire, my phone recognizes it as a computer.
- The monitor is set to the correct source and it works with other devices. Likewise, my PC has the same problem on other monitors.
- I have tried pushing all connections in.
- I have tried resetting my BIOS to no avail.
- My GPU fans run for a while after boot, then stop. I'm not sure if that's a hardware issue or simply "not displaying anything so why bother".
- My processor does not have integrated graphics.
- I do not have another PCIe slot or a spare GPU.

Besides my GPU being broken, what could be the issue? What can I try?
what are some good sites for mobile wallpapers that arent /w/ and /wg/?
>My GPU fans run for a while after boot, then stop
on modern gpus this is normal behaviour. zero rpm fans are great
sorry that doesnt answer your question though. have you cracked the motherboard maybe?
also on brave, though not 4chanx and get the same thing
i would go for a 12 at minimum, but theres other factors that matter. 16 isnt really excessive either
just use newpipe
what paid software are you thinking? i know at least resolve has a crack, check out https://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxCrackSupport/
its to do with gaming being a closed ended problem, but programming is an open ended one, where the actionable steps are not as clear
there's not much in the way of paid software i've wanted to use, but i've found pirated copies of the couple things i've looked for, for example vmware-workstation (now i use virt-manager), which i found on rutracker
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>you need to leave about 10% of the disk space free or it reduces the lifespan significantly
That's an old meme.
>reduces the lifespan significantly
Thought it was "makes it slower". Anyway, avoiding using a percentage of the total blocks is hack around bad hardware, the problem doesn't exist any more.
I am developing a software for a company and i am using code which has a non-commercial license (which means, i'm not legally allowed to do what i'm doing). Are there any risks associated with this? have you ever heard of somebody getting in trouble for something similiar? I'm the only one who has access to the code so nobody is gonna find out
overprovisioning is wasted space
I run qbittorrent-nox in a network namespace with all traffic running through a Wireguard tunnel. After running for a couple days, domain lookups start failing from the qbittorrent service, but performing queries from a shell in the namespace works fine. Upon restarting the service, domain lookups work again, but the cycle then repeats. Any ideas what could be causing this? I'm using in the namespace.
not him but the main reason not to run a drive very full is because of fragmentation, having very little space left means there's less contiguous space for new writes to be placed, the closer you get to 100%, the more fragmentation will occur
on hdd's this can lead to excessive performance loss due to increased seeking, and on ssd's this can result in excessive write amplification due to being forced to write smaller chunks of data
What are your fav non tech youtubers? Like maybe interesting videos, or hobbies you like?
really meant for >>101241846
Can you reply to several messages on usenet at once?.

Clearly Fedora is the better option. But I have this weird attachment to Debian.

What the hell!
i was just running arch

arch has better doco
but debian is better assembled, even sid
except when devs haven't finished uploading dependencies
>but debian is better assembled
idk what you mean. the only jank i know of is kdes discover needing a workaround to run properly.
i do literally everything on arch, from game, to uni stuff, and it all works great
i want to mess around with music. anyone know if there is some reliable crack/activation method for FL Studio that isn't to download the first result on 1337x? perhaps something equivalent to kms_vl_all for activating windows.
is there some general where people discuss this?
I would use an open source alternative to not bother with this shit but everyone says FL studio is vastly superior
It looks super slick. Font rendering is nice out of the box (especially on KDE), which is a first for me and Debian.

It works kinda nice. Packages you need get installed, e.g. Easy Effects recommended packages, whereas on Arch by default you have to remember to check optional dependencies, which can be tricky with a non-trivial set of packages to be installed.

It just has a polished feel to it in parts.

In other parts, yeah, it could use polish. For example, debian-installer doesn't make a /home subvolume by default on btrfs. You have to drop to a shell and do it manually, or do it manually from the installed system.

But I like that Debian -- like Arch -- is a community distro. Fedora sort of is, but legally has Red Hat and ultimately IBM behind it. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing. Fedora's website is rather impressive, at least for the intro/marketing bits.

Is anyone else on /g/ running Sid? It feels like I'm one of the few, if any.
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>have you cracked the motherboard maybe?
Would this not be apparent in other ways? Again, the Q-LEDs show no issue and my phone displayed picrel when connected via USB.
Is there some way I can check if my motherboard has been damaged?
>bought a m2 bluetooth adapter for my desktop
>I am so very clever i can connect to my headphone without a dumb usb dongle
>the thing barely reaches outside the case
god fucking dammit
>Now my SSD is completely not recognized.
Name the SSD? I hope you didn't go for some generic Chinese brand or buy from some mystery vendor on Amazon.
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You can trust Ediloca.
The Western Digital My Book line is good. Excellent build quality.
does anyone know how archive.today has exact coordinates for saved pages, so you can select text and it automatically changes the url to a hyperlink with that text selected https://archive.today/QlCcn#selection-122.0-122.5
or just get its position as a percentage of the webpage https://archive.today/QlCcn#20%
is this something that's possible on any html+css-based website? primarily the bit with links as a percentage of the page
iphone pictures contain a signature in the exif data, what exactly this and can it be used to verify the image? It looks like sha256 but the file hash isn't matching
a file can't actually contain its' own sha hash, as that would result in a circular reference, one way to get around this is to hash the file with zeroes where the hash should be, but this does mean the hash in the file won't match the hash of the complete file, you'd have do the same thing to verify it
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Recommend me a screen recorder. I want something simple, not extremely complete like OBS.
Forgot to mention that I need it for Ubuntu.
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What's the difference between the router your ISP give you, and a basic 60 euro router? Will I see much of an increase in speed / wifi strength / etc?
probably not. Whatever you get will be adequate, it's not like they'll sell you a 500mbps connection and give you a 100mbps router
look up x11grab
Please respond!!!
What's a good site to download youtube videos as MP3? I'd prefer a site rather than to have to download a whole ass program even if the quality isn't the absolute best

>inb4 just search converter
And get a virus. Right.
I think I'm looking for something with a better signal strength, and possibly also suitable for VR streaming via Airlink. I'm getting a dedicated router for VR anyway, but I'm looking for a semi-decent one.

Any recs?
I got an ASUS RT-AC87U in february for the exact same reason. Can't fault it, it's old but it works pretty damn good
not a recommendation, just data to consider
yt-dlp is the go to software.
if you don't want to download a whole ass 20MB just google youtube downloader and pick the first result, if you don't have the video in a minute go to the next result and try again. it's pointless to look for a "good" one because they are all shit.
>muh virus
if you can't tell apart a fucking wav from an exe you don't deserve to download anything
What happened to Redox?
>if you can't tell apart a fucking wav from an exe you don't deserve to download anything
It's not the file, but I'm pretty sure just downloading it can fuck you up, right? I don't have some kind of 'safebox' thing i can download files into to check if they're safe.
nigger just get yt-dlp
>smartest /g/ user in recorded history
just have a good adblocker so you don't get raped by ads opening all over the place and you are good. there are some file that can be modified to have script insides like pdf, but with an mp3 you should be ok
Recommend a based cheapass wifi6 router.
Got a teat for Matlab coming soon. Any resources or advice?
inspect element, ctrl+f, findXY
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I don't get tiling window managers. I got to fiddle with qtile and dwm for a while but at no point while working do I need to see more than two windows per screen at once.
Maybe there's something I'm not seeing.
sharex can record videos
I have an iPhone and my job wants to get me a new phone for work. Should I get an android or stay with iPhone? I feel like the extra cable to carry around is cluttery, but it would be cool to use an Android on the side.
Just keep a small velcro wrap around to keep the cord from spooling all over the place when you're not using it
The antenna, you mean?
thank you, deleted other response because i misunderstood lol.
Why does i3wm lag so much? When I have Firefox, Emacs and Vesktop running at the same time I even have to wait to switch to another workspace because of the lag. I've just set up dwm with a shit ton of patches and it RARELY lags, is it because it's made purely in C?
I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad T440P btw
I used to use ShareX on Windows and it's perfect. However, it is not on Linux. >>101244061
AX86U Pro?
Planning on using KeePassXC across devices. If I get this right, I can put the database on a cloud storage and then use KeePassDX to access it on Android?
What distro do I need to run CS2 on these specs? I've put countless hours into setting up arch with lowest graphical settings but that doesn't cut it either.
what should i use as a lint filter for my audio receiver so it keeps cat hair out but still ventilates
What's a nice (linux) program that tells me how much disk space does every folder in my drive takes? I want something similar to picrel, but where I can actually see each sub directory, e.g. "Downloads: 81.2GB, Downloads/Games: 32.4GB, Documents: 148.8MB", etc.
A shitty gacha that I already uninstalled left a WinRing0x64.sys file in my C:\Windows\Temp which I can't delete because it's supposedly being used.
I tried to reboot into Safe Mode, deleted it, disabled Safe Mode and the file came back somehow.
How can I get rid of it without formatting Windows?
Pls anons. This shit is driving me crazy and Google has failed me
What is a jfif file?
I downloaded this pic
What if its a backdoor file, malware? Something hidden in it?

Downloaded it and it chamged into jpeg, virus load? The code activating? Whats going on?
ACs are technology right?

For the foreseeable future (1+ years) I have to go on business trips anywhere from 1-3 days a week to a pretty remote area that only has one hotel.
The hotel itself is OK, but the AC is absolutely horrendous.
It makes a super loud buzzing noise, every 1-3 minutes. It's a Mitsubishi split unit like pic rel.
If I turn it OFF, it STILL makes the buzzing noise, albeit reduced to once every 10 or so minutes. Still terrible if you want to sleep.

And it's not just one busted unit, I've stayed in this hotel for 20+ nights so far in 8 different rooms and all had the same problem.

Any advice? This is literally killing my sleep. The staff are obviously clueless and don't give a shit.
Anyone recommend an sd card reader? The one I have just picks and chooses when it wants to read and constantly disconnects if you look at it, piece of shit.
Don't want to spend some retarded amount because it's just an sd reader. At the same time I want something that actually works.
Each time I post and do the captcha, it downloads the captcha to my downloads folder. I have dozens of little captcha png files in my dl folder now.

WTF is going on? How do I fix it?
this is your life now, captcha man
Can I get a virus malware spyware etc from this pic
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hardware store, cut off the excessive length so that they are at the same time just long enough for removal and wont dig into ear canals when laying on the side
I had working SSD used for storage, i unplugged it from old pc.
When i connect it to a new PC do i have to do anything (format, go in BIOS) or is it a plug-and-play type of thing where after i connected it i'll see a new 'D:' drive ready to use?
Read "Atomic Habits". A sumary:

- You are your habits, not your goals
- Good and Bad Habits can be changed
- Remove queues for Bad Habits and create queues for Good ones.

That's it, you can but it takes time. Nothing is easy and fast (unless you are a faggot looking for sex in New York).
Should be detected by the OS immediately, unless you already have a volume that's labeled D:
And it's not our problem either.
Google shouldn't have licensed it.
any video search engines that list by date?
>(Je)webp saves Jewgle 30c a year asshat!
>AVIF is better
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pls help anons
No need to manage windows by mouse. I3 also features tabbed or stacked windows out of the box, so I use that.
Should dust your entire computer and see if the temps go down. Check the manufacturer site of the GPU to see it's operating temperatures.
Do any of the windows logs in event viewer show any shutdown errors or whatever?
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What's the easiest, most retard-friendly way of bulk erasing the first 5 characters from the filenames of every file in a specific folder?

import os

dir = "NAME/OF/DIR/"
for i in os.listdir(dir):
if os.path.exists(dir+i[5:]):
if input(f"'{i[5:]}' already exists, overwrite [y/N]? ") != "y": continue
Where do I put this?
Probably power shell
Don't these have hardware encryption that can't be disabled by default? or am I mistaken?
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I actually tried that but it didn't work.
Sorry I didn't make it retardproof enough
it's python
Usually your desktop environment offers that.
For the terminal: ncdu. Takes some time to scan a directory but when you close it, it forgets everything.
It will bother you the first couple of nights, but then you get used to it and sleep better with it.
from a reputable Chinese brand

I use:

I've tried a handful of standalone card readers and they've all been either 1.) super slow, 2.) died after a few uses, 3.) both
I believe I have a slowass uGreen reader saved as a backup somehwere, but USB hubs from good brands tend to have better read/write speeds and reliability for whatever reason. I know folks who have gone through similar experiences and these days rely on some USB hub from brands like Baseus, Orico, Mokin, Anker, and few others.
Amazon Vine reviewers try to unload USB hubs on fleaBay, so you can get one cheaper there in mint/genlty used condition.
Also, will there be any issues formatting to ext4 and using it in a Linux distribution?
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So I was compressing some files into .rar and my computer crashed. Then, when I tried to boot it up, it said inaccessible boot device and then I realized my nvme drive wasn't appearing in the BIOS.
Is there a way to fix it?
that should run photoshop cs2 easily
how the fuck do I pull a few pages out of a protected/signed pdf of my lease agreement and add text over it?

Fuck writing everything by hand, but acrobat won't let me add text and all the "free" pdf editors aren't free
i've used libreoffice draw for that
help properly or fuck off
not him but it looks like a python script, you put it in a text file (usually with the .py extension) and run it with a python interpreter (doesn't come with windows)
What is bunker tranny?
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"print screen does not display the burn in"
me, i just sit in my room all day

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