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Previous: >>484173929


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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'rada makin' 'em seethe edition
I smell
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we know kpiss
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*enters thread*
You inbred niggers will yell at Kazuya for being a casino machine when every single character does what he does safer and better. Hardly ever seen a more retarded playerbase.
unironically why the fuck did they do this
Kazuya can initiate his vortex casino from a mere fucking jab jab punish into guaranteed knockdown. His low is an unseeable that leads into pretty substantial damage and as are his mids. You're constantly guessing between two options that both hurt as fuck and only blocking the low option turns the tide on him. No other character functions like this no.
Kingbeeno redeemed.
Also both low and mid resumes the casino. It literally never ends. The moment you get hit once by Kazuya, you're basically in a guessing contest until you finally guess right to reset neutral.
>didn't half ass it and did it the entire path
Would have been 10/10 if he ended it with an electric
Another aspect of Kazuya that's often overlooked is that his twin piston launcher is incredibly fast, meaning most blocked lows lead to huge combo damage. Kazuya also has evasive high crushing low that makes highs also very risky to mash. So really all that remains is just mashing out out those mids and hoping he's been conditioned hard enough by round three not to block low.
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Tekken tricks your brain into producing testosterone and then it turns you gay or futasexual
Also forgot that twin piston is hit confirmable. So there is no reason for a player not to just use it after every blocked low and then hit confirm into full unsafe launcher if it hits.
TMM malding at this lil jappa
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>login to /tekgen/
>seething over kazgods
Thank you based Japan man for ending the narrative that Kazuyanigger is weak. Easy top 5 in the roster.
NA seethe is so real lmao.

Winning evo is death sentence
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why come na can't qualify?
jdcr, my liege..
Yo why are these all known legacy players? 4chan told me the game is just luck based pachinko but it's the same dudes winning as always???
So is Kazuya S tier now? Devil Jin and Reina are the only bad mishimas?
Tekken characters translated so well into 2D and now they are stuck in that game forever
Ed stole some things from steve in sfxt so it isn't all lost but still
He WILL secure his spot next tourney.
Knee will be the first eliminated from this
I'm losing fate bro...

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Trust and believe, JDCR will avenge himself and qualify.
what is every other fucking jab punish that goes into stance or spin lmfao. you guys act like a knockdown is a worse situation than being in your opponent's face at -13. its damage even got nerfed going into t8. knockdowns are ass in this game, you want people standing at huge minus in front of you.
>twin piston
>hit confirmable
Is this whole thing written by AI or is someone spreading lies?
his match with keisuke is the best thing i saw so far and maybe knee-elbow bryan, everything else sucks
Because Reina deserved it idiot that's why.
NA sucks at tekken. SF6 is more of a game for NA. But it's good to see all these old tekken boomers doing well in T8.
is there some site where i can see who already qualified to eswc?
now all we need is a good tekken game
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Buy the Battle Pass.
Knee is going to get top 3. Don't act surprised when it happens lil bro.
He will go early but after mangja (frauded a spot from evo jpn) and these meme African/Persians like Jodd and Sephiblack
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>no JDCR
murray fix jdcr nigga
It's funny when they say this because we have another stellar example of this in Leo, a character who has sliiightly worse versions of Kazuya's tools except he also gets to have the normal tekken fundies + the nutekken6 bullshit on top, but for some reason Kazuya's hellsweep that's locked behind a stance is the worst thing ever.
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I legitimately do not understand why he's so mad about this. He keeps saying "who cares" and things equivalent to "it shouldn't matter", but he seems to care and think it matters to an insane degree.
thank you brother
>watching that guy's self-posted video
lil bro
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where the fuck is jimmyjtran?
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calm down Rip
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>jab trades with df2 = -14
>downjab trades with df2 = -9
What gives?
Jab is more + on hit than downjab
I'm having more fun in Arcade Battle than in Ranked or Quick Match
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>lost my 15 win streak to a Dragunov
learn the matchup, bitch ass nigga
'novgods snatchin their streaks
kek this
I love this stage
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>downplaying 112
holy fuck
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>actual live footage of this thread when season 2 gets revealed
i can't fucking wait for the redemption.
Blud thinks there will be a redemption
So that's what Michael has been up to
Im still mad my boy AO got robbed hardcore
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Redemption? Sir.. please.. do not do it bloddy BITCH
same desu. this and keisuke dropping the combo right before reset have me bummed.
>victor apologist doesn't know how spring kick works
not surprising
I hope Rangchu trashes this roster of disgusting characters and wins the tournament. Imagine the seething of all the metaslaves.
please tell me what character has a jab punish that leaves them at +13f.
wtf I love Punjabi game making now! I just bought ten copies of Slimers!
Is there a lobby up?
There is no metaslaving in T8 it is nearly perfectly balanced
Yeah up ur azz
Okay playing Kazuya is actual psychological torture. it's like my moveset is from 3 tekkens ago and everyone else has moves that completely fuck me over, and these blue ranks have made me give up. i'm tired of purposefully playing an underpowered character. who should I pick up?
your moveset is from 3 tekkens ago because you can have success with 3 buttons
yeah disregard the fact high punishes are ass since every fucking character's moves leave them crouching or crushing highs, so I'm forced to use my shitty mids that are minus on block
why don't you use your good mid that's plus on block
or your good mid that launches
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schoolgirl Záhfina
or the demon paw heat engager
or df1
are you mad that kazuya doesnt have a -1 df1 or something lol

just practice more. your gameplan is easy, make better choices.
heh this is an effeminized negro
This literally has nothing to do with tekken
brainlet hours
I love stockings so much. They rock on both genders
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I want them to be happy bros...
kazyua doesnt have a mid launcher anon, unless youre counting ewgf which is a high
jim is unable to sneed for life. stop with those headcanons
yeah that's the secret, tekken has always been a luck based pachinko and these just happen to be the luckiest people
'novgods how we feeling for upcoming Evo
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No. She deserves someone not available to do sex like me I would make her happy
Ling will end dumping him when she meets a millionaire dude
fucking hell that pic is pathetic
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As Jin is fits him perfectly
Why is the Kazuya match up so sleep inducing?
Ling is thirsty for the BWC something about these chinese girls
you can't say that after ceo
Heihachibros.. how did we end up here..
Describe matchups you find exciting and compare.
jin is literally me
Lingniggers ("people" that call Xaioyu Ling) get the rope
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This your """goat""""? Flushed by fucking Yamagami? just lol..
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Who is Xaioyu is taiwanese? Link? Zelda?
Sidestep Lawniggers. They're so flowcharty they fall apart the moment you sidestep. This applies to Laws beyond blue ranks too.
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holding my ear on the door, while Lee deals with his secretary and the company money that mysteriously found its way to her private bank account
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fuck me two typos and i only fixed one. anyway lingniggers get the same rope that the faggots that always call feng by his full name get
>low parry junkyard
let me guess, you need more?
Mr. Washed wants to win again
Mr. Washed lives in a dream where he wins
Mr. Washed watches his past wins
Mr. Washed pom pom pom
it's cute. He has a soft side to him in the personal story mode. He's also canonically a mamma's boy.
yeah well his momma is gonna get seeded n feeded again by based Kaz
After evo for sure
>He has a soft side to him in the personal story mode. He's also canonically a mamma's boy.
sounds like kazuya
We will be back in the DLC. T-trust me.. we are just biding our time hahaha
But Lee is her father, and Jin's world war didn't leave that many millionaires.
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jdcr will finally qualify through The MIXUP 2024 by the fact that all of the people that will place higher than him will have already qualified
JDCR is based
Hopefully I believe in him
> mains a broken char that he knows perfectly
>can’t win shit in d8
>washed ?
Knee should retire and promote washing machines it fits him now
just look at the difference between keisuke playing against atif and against jdcr
against atif he is scared shitless and constantly pressured
against jdcr he can do whatever he wants because jdcr just tries to guess the mix or move instead of bumrushing in a way that the mix can't happen
Gooks are washed
sandniggers are ugly and boring
NA washed
EU ass
jdcr is playing tekken, atif isn't
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I will now accept your apologies.
jdcr is playing Tekken7*
the time of sitting back and not fighting in a fighting game is over
mykeryu go to bed
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Whens Lidia
should be sometime this evening, i usually do a lidia hours after eating, but this time it's slow
after evo
After evo
Wonder if he'll even bother to go considering how close it is to evo muttland.
where is knee
This game is just pure misery simulator. To have yourself downloaded and destroyed over and over again. It just hurts.
After twt grand finals 2024 Jamaica
if he doesn't take every chance he can to qualify for ewc he should just retire and never show his gook face again
don't rematch ever
This but Knee if he can't win anything
knee and jdcr are both washed and flushed, sorry lil gookbros but there's other ones you can look up to like Ulsan
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This useless character completely falls apart after blue ranks when people realize you can't just mash into his face. He's very satisfying to play in lower ranks but higher ranks you're just playing a worse version of a different character. Precisely because his entire act is exploiting careless mashing.
imagine that lidia is only the second worst handled fg dlc release this year
In 3 weeks, after evo
brownoid mudslimes and economic migrants will NEVER be able to achieve this level of good ass tekken
explain this then
>Feng vs Dragunov
Instantly closed down. Gook Tekken is so fucking boring.
This but asuka
whoops accidentally posted the wrong match
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eddy was that bad?
16 year old me beat his meat so hard to this stupid slut
Phidx admits multiple times throughout this video that JDCR was unaware of Steve's frame data after the patch. Like he did the wrong punisher for Steve's launcher multiple times. Phidx lucked out big time that he was playing a rare character who was also tweaked in patch so knowledge was at minimum.
>t. mudslime pajeet
f2,2 has been in the game since the start and the fc launcher got a faster start up but it's still just as punishable as before
he did nothing new patch specific
it was just typical steve mashape gimmick gameplay and lo and behold, it works well past blue ranks surprisingly
get out of my safespace youngfag
No they also reduced the frames on block I believe. Regardless, JDCR was playing like utter shit and missed out on punishing extremely careless play by phidx. Like holy shit the peekaboo mid spam that is like -15 or some shit on block, JDCR was just standing there doing nothing.
Lidia will come to game when pigs fly
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>standing there doing nothing
sir that is how tekken is meant to be played
>80iq subcontinenters don't see anything here
expanding the internet into the 3rd world was mankinds biggest mistake
I hate Korean Tekken so much
same frames on block still
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baby pinya
>footsie kino of this level
t8blackies could NEVER.
Regardless, you can't be watching that fight and not admit JDCR was playing sloppy as fuck. I eat more shit in blue ranks for missing that crouching launcher than Phidx did against JDCR.
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....kakatte kitamae
TheCheatedOnMan should not call himself a Tekken streamer anymore. Fucking sellout playing whatever publishers will pay him to play.
>TMM is not longer retarded
yeah too bad
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post his latest opinion of anything concerning a woman and you'll see otherwise
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>smurf Law, smurf Victor, smurf Dragunov
I'm so exhausted boys. This game utterly drains all my energy. It has reached a level where I now mute the game just to reduce the sensory inputs to bearable levels.
>mk1 645
Any hole will do at this point
granblue saving the fgc
the best game on this list is at the bottom because people don't want to play good games
go play it then, coward
Not bad considering how hard Slime Troonies is being propped up by its esports money.
i'm busy playing even better games(ones that aren't on this list)
Honestly not bad. Expected worse numbers.
when will harada reveal the TWT prize pool? surely that'll make even more people want to join the events like with SF6
Do retarded 17ers forget that Tekken was never a big "FGC esports" kind of game? It always had a very niche competitive scene, even during 5DR's glory days.
he cannot reveal it when there is nothing to reveal
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We're a lot closer this time.
Based SNK king.
Hopefully never. Slime Troonies have an absolutely soulless competitive scene precisely because everyone is money hungry loser. If you want to play competitive Tekken, play for fun.

In an ideal world, prize pool would be no bigger than $10,000.
Um.. Capcom what the hell are you doing hire some more fucking vtubers or do SOMETHING we have 40k players on steam ffs
jealous nigger qudans should have won at least a million dollars for winning twt 2017
Capslop can't just bring people over from Japan to US. You're just realizing now how hard Japan is carrying SF6.
Tatakai to wa...
tatakai to wa...
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yeah it's kinda nice
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This is why Harada will forever be /ourguy/. Gonna be real bad for Tekken when he leaves and a bunch of suits fuck everything up.
I mean that's all noble and shit but with no real money on the line there's no real incentive for a "world tour" anymore since it's just not financially viable to travel around for nothing
the tekken competitive scene would just become a bunch of locals for pizza money and that's it, that's the peak of 4fun
doesn't count
>the tekken competitive scene would just become a bunch of locals for pizza money and that's it,
holy SOVL
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Sorry murray
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Hey crowd, make some NOOOOOISE

I couldn't hear you, MAKE SOME NOOIIIIISEEE

Ok, we are now in game 2, round 3. I know the HUD overlay already tells you this but since I have nothing else to say, I will just point this out

Player X has to come back from this and win the game if he wants to win the championship. If he doesn't win, then he loses!

Will this Rage Art Kill? The suspense of this cutscene is killing me!

Hey Rip, what's the frame data on that move? Is that a mid or low? Did he drop combo? Please feed me actual game knowledge someone

MK1 lol isnt that a mobile game ?
I'll add that next time I post the Shouty Steve pasta. The legendary Bwa Bwaa Bwaaa is definitely always a highly informative and entertaining phrase!!
imagine playing this game for +10 years and still not realizing Harada just wants people to mash in the game and never take it seriously
how is that relevant in any way?
>Will this Rage Art Kill? The suspense of this cutscene is killing me!
I wish they would just go completely silent during these cutscenes to make namco look like assholes for putting this shit in the game.
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how does the fall of Babylon affects you and Tekken in any way?
kek they're way too desperate for the attention and money to actually care about the game
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Promote the charm
Steve hype is inversely proportional to the amount of bugs on screen

I don't care how many times Steve yells MAKE SOME NOISE, I will always love this lil nigga for giving Viscant the frame data back in '14 vs LTG
lmao the way LTG looks at Steve, real Judas moment.
When I watch SF today, I don't understand how I could ever tolerate this cheesy ass spammy gameplay. Tekken was truly in its dark ages for me to have played this instead.
*rolls backwards and throws knives at you*
heh nothin personal kid
SF4 was a collective delirium, 5 and 6 fixed that
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2014 it was Viscant.

LTG still has the taste in his mouth 7 years later
ltg looks pretty young for 42 year old
It's a shame there isn't a good rip of the Godfreakgaming match. All I can find on Youtube has commentators on top.
N and asian people have good genetics preventing then to look too older
After evo
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All the skimmas in the house say "DEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH"!
The SF6 general has much better vibes and are a little more positive. We are ready to implode on ourselves, having been cast aside by harada
They hate SF6 even more than we do.
I dont really hate sf6 I just dont like tranny propaganda
wtf I thought you guys told me Tekken/Tekken 8 was dying?
a question for the smart people of tekgen, if i get pregnant tonight, will i give birth or After Evo?
depends on what species you are
asuka main (gorilla)
that'll be eight and a half months
>ready to
So then why do you still here go with them to teletubbies general then
I'll take Harada over whatever globohomo Crapcom HQ retards are in charge of slime 6
when will tekken 8 leave early access??
First EVO always has good numbers for any game. Remember SFV?
When you go to teletubbies general and get a job
At least tekken streamers are cuter than pajeet fighter streamers
We get it, bro.
Medusa said that his Kazuya is better than Joka’s one.
Is that true?
>I'll take [warlord who subjects the masses to near constant psychological torture] over [warlords who subject the masses to near constant psychological torture]
v had good evo numbers its entire life because it's sf. evo and the fgc at large has always been sf and capcom vs centric.
Tekken 8 player numbers are like five times better than T7's relative to time. There is a big narrative to paint it as a failure but the numbers show different reality.

With that said, sloppy marketing and communication with fans has absolutely cost them some players. T8 could've been a huge hit had Bamco delayed the game by 6 months and fixed all the issues that are now sort of fixed.
I just bought Tekken 8 on Xbox Series S.
r/Tekken sounds like it'd be your ideal place
The schizo who can't stop bringing up SF here actually tempted me to try sf6 just to see what's his problem and it's actually pretty fun. Can't mash out combos like I do here and in strive but still pretty enjoyable.
i believe you slimenigger
let me know if you want to build a family of 6 with me
What a coincidence, so did I.
Since when were you under the impression that Slime Tekken Dix can compete with SF6?
Since when you're under the impression skibidi bop bop yes yes
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Fix devil jin nigga
based T8 buyers
Tekken Dix
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Tekken PALOMA 8
asuka looking thicc
Why are the Slime Troonies so upset today?
Ok buying a cheap Xbox account did not work. I'm back on PC.
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another major tourney where slime 6 was a sleeper and tekken was kino
scrupman on suicide watch
top 5 things cuckman would never achieve
No 1>>484243645
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you fucking pornbrained idiots, thats a fat latino man with mantitties. he probably looks like this normally
Ngl that koi guy has some nice lows
greetings from india, what is this strange thing im seeing??
Koi guy should commit seppuku
you niggas dont have the brains to be combative, you activate slurm and slide at each other all day
What happened to the other Kazuya pros? Choksae? ikari? Boa?
i sucked their cocks
Ikari still active in small gook tourneys
This shit doesn't even mention Asuka's wr2. Her most powerful move. BRAVO!
yeah I'm thinking dorya
asuka doesn't have a wr2
Knockdowns are always better than frames because you have severely limited your opponent’s options, especially in this game where get-up kicks are nerfed
some people can react to tech rolls or their opponent staying grounded which is a massive boon for characters like Kazuya/Yoshimitsu
shit meant wr1+2
only a year to go until Josie comes to save Tekken 8
is Kazooya the most quotable character in the game

Law doesn't count he's just WAAAAAH
Dragunov is the most suitable person
I'll Kick Your Ass
>boot up tekky 8 for a nice morning joonsesh
how do i cure mental retardation?
I don't get it? You played for 14 minutes?
I've started to mute when I match against Law. Too much screaming for my boomer ears.
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it's ok when i find the cure for mental retardation I'll share it with you
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stop gooning while playing
Why'd you turn Shion into a 3D character?
I got cursed. Matched with a smurfing Law right after this post. It's always when I'm on an alt these fucking smurfs with 30 win streak appear. Never on my main. And they always barely get the win and then dodge rematch. EVERY TIME.
>they tricked us all
do not appreciate him trying to pull everyone else into his retardation.
>patched the defense back
Literally what does le 500iq negro man mean by this? Is he talking about throws not homing anymore?
R.I.P. titan Cameraman
He's going to "retire" after EVO. It's obvious by all his excuses already.
ignorant ass nigga who is "us"
how the fuck t7 can be 80GB
elden ring is 50
what the fuck are there
did they put AVI prerenders there?
Enough of this smurfing niggers. I'm switching to my main. Nigger Laws. Nigger Victors. Nigger Kazuyas. Can't even learn my alt in peace.
yeah, you can save like 30 gigs by deleting the story mode cutscenes
has weed finaly fried his retard brain for good or was it the hot sauce?
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enough from the clown(s)
Rendered cutcenes from the story and character quests

If you delete all that you're left with 45 GB
it's up
Sneed and (You)
what the fuck is he saying, its still a mash heavy game
It's my fetish
This man and silantro are good guides
i only play tekken when im drunk
I like Speed, he's like that autistic uncle that you have that has some dumb takes but he's a hoot to watch
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For all the doomposting, no slimeposter can ever explain why T8 has like 4 times more players than T7 did relative to time.
speed touch me last night he forced me
>patched defense back
more like patched defense out
now everyone doesn't have a generic +1 fullscreen homing "reversal" mid anymore to escape pressure
now you gotta hold retard shit more
*autistic uncle that failed in life and everyone laughs because he always pretends to be too smart
Can you just straight up delete them or does it need to be a replaced by a 0 byte file?
can someone kill him already
I want Tekken 7 to have a separate thread. Imagine the fun shitposting wars we'd have together
>Known as a child prodigy before the career in fighting games, Speedkicks' received an invitation to Morehouse College at the age of 9, majoring in biology, computer science, and mathematics graduating at 13 with a degree in computer science, got a development job before pursuing a career in fighting games.
i deleted it last time and was fine
Can you tell me which folder directly? Also do you need to keep the intro file again?
Now i know how career in fighting games looks like
oh i deleted the game after a salty ranked session i dont really know anymore
just google it and you'll find a reddit thread with the folder and even the 0 byte files, i am sure
How can someone with multiple degrees say Hwoarang was basically dead after the patch
a blast
it was post-ironic twitter downplay meta engagement bait with multiple layers
if you just read it at face value of course you will miss the genius
where is jimmy?
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I'm too smart to press rage art and understand the concept of heat smash, btw did you know that Bandai Namco killed hwoarang with just one nerf? That's so unexpected and sad
elden ring is the same 10 textures and models copy and pasted lil bro it looks like dog shit
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okay i think i drank too much I can't react to lows lol
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lol funny image xD
>/v/ is bulling Dix again
but who though?
My uncle
alisa niggers are so fraudulant holy shit
it's impossible to play alisa honestly thoughbeit
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Alisa is honest cause Arslan players her and he's the most honest player there is
Kasumi and Ryu can murder Kazuya and the manlet army though
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List of Fraudelent Characters

Kazuya (cry more bitch)

If you main of these, you're not playing Tekken 8. You're playing Tekken For Retards.

>b-but what about Ji-
Shut the fuck up. He's still honest, just very powerful honest.
here *spreads ass*
Why is Kazuya lusting after a woman named Kazumi...
Jin is the most fraudulent character in the history of fraudulence
leave shaheen out of this
you forgot hwoarang
Nigga that's Akira
kazuya isn't fraudulent, he's a pachinko machine
I know, but I'm talking about the high test IP named DoA
But that's the definition of fraudelent?
gambling is entertainment. where is the fraud?
b-but what about Ji-
Shut the fuck up, He's still biggest faggot in the game
>No hworangutang in the list
>instant Jin downplay
Koi to you too, mf
Breasts don't really look like that right?
He doesn't I do, every night meanwhile he's sleeping
They actually do. The modder is definitely not a virgin.
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it's up
jin doesn't screw shitty mods
You do Jin when he's sleeping?
Excuse me but that's my girlfriend/wife not Jin's, he's her gay friend.
will they outdo themselves in Tekken 9 and make an easier character than Azucena?
i'm blocking all alisa players from now on. you niggas are brain dead flow chart glue sniffing retards. even winning against you doesn't feel good, its like beating a special ed kid.
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It's actually fucking unreal how shit Reina's lows are.
Meanwhile Jin and Kaz just gets to spam their plus on hit staturekicks and their CH launching highcrushing low BS.

Her mids aren't even that good.
I miss Hei so fucking much
i miss omen thunder god fist. kazuya's perfect ewgf is gay
Kill yourself, tranny.
Play hwo
reina having a 22 dmg low and hellsweep (both launch on block) are still enough to get your opponent to duck once and a while, her poke lows are shit however
alisa is a broken top tier yet her lows outside of stance are shitty. lows don't tell the entire story
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kill yourself, tranny.
>22 dmg low
It's fucking -4 on hit and also launch punishable on block.
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pee pee poo poo
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>Alisa's lows outside of stance are shitty
and it's also unseeable with good range and tracking, most characters don't have an 18 dmg unseeable low let alone a 22 dmg one
After evo
trust me, I fucking hate alisa but upplaying her lows is a fool's errand
one good low locked behind full crouch and d4/db3/d3 which don't incentivize you to duck
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Jackbros.. When is the next round of buffs
10F jab and lili sidestep
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why is casuals so sweaty man, why the fuck is everyone sweating so much in a mode where you don't lose a single point
>most characters don't have an 18 dmg unseeable low
You're right, most characters have CH launching unseeable low with good range and tracking.
You're actually arguing with me that low that gives up your turn on hit and gets you launched on block is good in a game where Drag's hatched kick, Jin's d+2 and Lee's b+3,3 exists.
How fucking low are your bar for Lows?
Who the fuck do you play?
maybe fighting games aren't for you, lil bro
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shut your fucking mouth
It's a smurfer's paradise. I try to practice with alts there and just hit a million smurfs.
stick to call of duty
i'll stick my dick to your mum how about that
i swear 24ers are fucking braindead
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every wifi player i go against is a sweaty retard
>You're right, most characters have CH launching unseeable low with good range and tracking.
Whataboutism. It's a fact that 22 dmg from an unseeable low is well above average, -3 on hit is bad but you can still move. CH/grounded hitting properties are important but damage/frames are king. Kazuya stature's kick is a crazy low even though it only gives extra frames on CH due to its range, tracking, safety, advantage on hit, hitting a downed opponent, and damage.
>You're actually arguing with me that low that gives up your turn on hit and gets you launched on block is good in a game where Drag's hatched kick, Jin's d+2 and Lee's b+3,3 exists.
All of these are also risky on block and the advantage isn't that great in every situation since
>Dragunov's hatchet has pushback and he's very steppable at +3 or you can just backdash, used for its damage mostly, much like Reina db2
>Jin d2 is seeable and Jin is also put into crouch, pressuring after is not as strong as if Jin was standing. High damage, tracking, high crush, -14, and grounded hitting property still make it a low that needs reworking
>Lee b3,3 is strong but like most of his lows, is risky on block, and +4 isn't exactly an overwhelming situation for a character as steppable as Lee
I know what you're thinking, well, Reina's is launch on block while only being similar damage and not advantaged on hit? Sure, but Reina has other moves to compensate, like one of the best df1 string mindgames, ff2 which is still potent after the nerfs, etc, then she has a hellsweep that gives stance pressure and high damage.
On the other hand, her db4 and ss4 are middling as low pokes.
>Who the fuck do you play?
A lot of characters, Jack right now.
steve is so shit what the fuck was H and M's problem
ok but
I hate these characters :)
Inside you there are two wolves
one looks like right dude the other like left
put king in the last spot or i'll have a mental breakdown
pretty much. these characters single-handedly make the game a chore to play.
He's fucking useless past the noob mashing stages. His entire strategy is punishing button mashers. His lows are trash. His launchers are trash. B1 is the most overplayed shit ever. It's completely irrelevant Bushin and above.
>His entire strategy is punishing button mashers
sounds good in a button mashing retardfest
>wake up and try to press db
>still get hit by a low
amazing game H
t. commontwitteropinion
you have to block a low with d while getting up
as to why? who knows, why can't we step into the foreground after force crouch on block? because they said so
Me too, buddy. Fuck Lili especially since she seems to get away with all her bullshit. I would add Asuka to this list too. I hate playing against these mongoloid characters.
>join random lobby FT5
>Fujin Jin
>all he does is spam demon's paw and d2
>wear him down
>one win away from victory, he gets one win
>he instantly quits after his one win
Jesus this fucking community is so thin skinned.
You're the retard here buddy
I've been trying to get a match for the past 20 minutes I fucking hate harada, Murray and nakatsu so fucking much why would you shoot your game in the foot like this.
i'm literally mashing db when i'm face down or face up. what's the point in getting up?
are you telling me tekken 8 isn't a masher's paradise
i'm NOT a retard
then you should be able to block lows, you have to block with d when already getting up after having input back or up for quickstand
>azucena nerfed into the ground
>Dragunov won't be
why is voll at fujin agane
but i'm not blocking lows, i can mash my keyboard till it breaks but i still get hit
i have the zero the hero riff on my mind for 5 days, not even Law screams when playing online can clear my mind
when i wake up tomorrow i'm deleting this fucking shit ass game
if you can't make steve work in this game you are a fucking retard, period
already did that for you, check your pc
Literally how is this whatabout-ism?
Most characters in the game have a fast low with a CH property that at least knocks you down.
The only low Reina has that does this is her db+3,1+2 which isn't even a natural on regular hit so you eat an i12 for doing that too, not even her fucking hellsweep knocks you down, which have always been preferable for mishimas.
>advantage isn't that great in every situation since
Bringing out the copium tank already i see.
I'd give up all of Reina's shit ass stance gimmicks for Paul's CD3, which is only neutral on hit but at least also gives a knockdown on CH.

This entire rant started because i said her mids are overrated as fuck.
Even Pre-nerf ff2 was above average at best and her df1 extension have always been df+1able on reaction.
On top of that most of her mids are linier as fuck, especially her stance mids.
Her best mid is unironically 3+4 just because of the speed huge hitbox and you don't get anything guaranteed after.
havent played in 3 weeks. Thinking about playing is more fun than actually playing
>play steve
>every """""""""""""""""""""turn"""""""""""""""""""" you get isn't your turn but the opponents turn
thanks M
You're welcome ;)
>Steve player for the first time in his life realizing that having your turn stolen isn't fun
Peak comedy.
It's where high ranked players go when they are drunk and dont want to lose points
>Most characters in the game have a fast low with a CH property that at least knocks you down.
You said CH launches, and that wasn't true.
>The only low Reina has that does this is her db+3,1+2 which isn't even a natural on regular hit so you eat an i12 for doing that too
Yes, but you'd only do the extension if you expect them to try and block punish your db3, so it having an extension at all is at least something.
>not even her fucking hellsweep knocks you down, which have always been preferable for mishimas.
True...but that doesn't make her hellsweep bad.
>I'd give up all of Reina's shit ass stance gimmicks for Paul's CD3, which is only neutral on hit but at least also gives a knockdown on CH.
That's a good low, but still -14, and I thought you didn't like how Reina's lows all carry risk (being -13 or higher)?
>her df1 extension have always been df+1able on reaction.
First I've ever heard of that. If she goes into stance you mean? Because I don't think you can challenge the high or mid heat engaging extension.
>On top of that most of her mids are linier as fuck, especially her stance mids.
Good thing she has a wavedash then...
>TWT vs CapCup be like
>have a 3060ti and a ryzen 7
>game still auto optimizes my graphics to make it look like a potato
god damn temu8
Character completely falls apart at higher ranks. Just learn Bryan instead. Same shit but a billion more damage at every hit.
How can you know whether the game is messing with your settings or not?
I have 3060Ti too. Sometimes retard game caps frame rate at 50. You can see this in menu already. So when that happens, just restart PC. That's how I avoid auto optimization shit.
You can tell when the game doesn't look like I have fucking myopia before and after they """""""optimize""""""" it for you.
Tekken is healing
tekken killed my dog and rope mother
That's poverty favelanigger tier hardware so I'm glad they put in a feature to limit your shit. DM your venmo and I'll send you some money for a decent budget pc
murray broke into my home and called me a faggot with graffiti on the garage wall
Michael Murray is aiming malicious radiowaves at my house to turn me into a crazy person for speaking out against the tekken shop
Nakatsu slept with my wife, and I am okay with it.
It tells you after a match with a pop up. Can't miss it.
Nakatsu broke into my house and scream "play some tekken” and eat my cat alive
3060ti is decent you stupid nigger. what the fuck are you smoking
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Thanks. Guess my 2070 Super is better than anon's 3060ti LOL eat shit bitch
this stupid ass game is more CPU intensive than GPU
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kazuyasisters........................we can never be number one
2070S is about the same. 3060Ti is also more than enough. It's just that the game has shoddy UE5 coding and will choke your RAM and CPU out of nowhere for no reason.
Kazuya players are
He practically won since nobody considers a Dragunov win as a real win.
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Consensus about Arslan
washed or fraud without good results
fraud enabled by infinite and his broken waifu characters that play the game for you
what's your poison tekgen, whiskey, gin or rum?
i alt f4 every time i have to watch a rage art.
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my only vice is eating PUSSY
He's god tier. So influential that T8 was reworked to adress all his strengths and yet he continues placing top 8 every tournament.
You now realize that despite a billion large prize pool, Dix barely beat T8 for this yesr's Evo. And there is no money in T8!
oh you're minus? lol
hold this df2
neither? he doesn't stop winning but he's still a little bitch and no amount of victories will change that
we have nothing
nerf sidestep saar
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POV you are boke
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Guys why is it taking so long to find a match?
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POV you are boke
I'll tell you after page 8
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stop bumping or I won't answer you
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What's the question again?
Why do people idle on the match making screen what the fuck this is the 5th guy in a row who didn't accept the game.
Side gooning session went wrong
Now that the dust has settled and Tekken 8 is the ubiquitous king of modern fighters, where did doomniggers go wrong?
1) backing crapslop
2) doubting Harada
3) doubting Michael
is that really how Harada sees 3D?
peak cope, embarrassing.
+180 days until the next balance patch
After evo
The ship has sailed
The mustard is off the hotdog
The chicken has come home
The fat lady is singing
Tekken 8... Is dead.
Leo is topless
My dick is cumming
Tekken 8... Is kusokino.
it's not a movie, it can't be kino
finally had a bowel movement
the game where all you can do is watch while the opponent mashes buttons with complete freedom on you isn't a movie?
I agree fellow ranger bro
I just wondered if they made the heat system shit on purpose so they can advertise a COMPLETE HEAT OVERHAUL for season 2.
in case you didn't notice yet, they don't know what they're doing for 5 years or so
I think it's more likely they made T8 so wacky so that they could do the "return to form" advertising gimmick for Tekken 9, or chase the remake trend and use that for the marketing of Tekken 1+2 Remake.

But Tekken 8 has been decently successful so far, so they will probably commit to it for the next couple of years and forget about their contingency plans for now.
What about tekken 8 is wacky?
the lack of leo tits, for one
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theyre not remaking a dated ass fighting game like tekken 1 and 2, some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
but nobody said anything, it's quiet
I'm hardstuck cavalry
remake in the capcom resident evil remake style where you take the setting, characters, premise, and core concepts but then completely overhaul the gameplay
Ladyboy ladyboy
Oh lady lady lady
Ladyboy ladyboy
Newfag here. What the most FUN fighters to main that are still actually good in the meta without being unbalanced cheese ?
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play kkokkomer
zoomer blud just asked for meta
*ducks laughing*
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xiaoyu owes me sex
I'm a pencil necked incel
She owes me a tongue kiss and sex
Leo doesn't owe me sex but she gives it to me anyway because we love each other very much
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Xiao doesn't owe me nothing she is a very horny person already no need to ask for sex
then why didn't Jin do anything?
jin is a forest child who doesn't know what sex is and certainly doesn't know how to initiate it.
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Jin doesn't know how to use his penis besides peeing poor guy is lost and ashamed everytime she talks about sex
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I would simply kiss her all the time
She's so cute perfect side profile
Where do I go to learn Asuka
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perfect lips, perfect face, perfect body, I wish I were Jin bros
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they turned her into such a hot little slut
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Oh wait, so we're actually not that far behind. What the fuck have the slimetrannies been yapping about then?
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I learned something today to not laugh at Jin for being virjin instead calling him terrorist/ war criminal
from t7s massive success to this is just fucking embarrassing
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She has ALWAYS been a cute slur. Seeing her smiling T4 back in the day makes little me want to do things to her.
What the fuck? Last year T7 had 1000 entrants. Just shut the fuck up with this negative bullshit
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midken will never be mainstream again. cope and sneethe more
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She has a cute smile but doesn't show her teeth when she does just occasionally
Go to Coach Kazama's gooncave
PLEASE post that gif of her with Jin in this outfit
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>Kazuya is being fucked by Jun in her cave right now
I don't think t7 ever beat sfv at evo even once
It's not fucking, it's a soul purification ceremony
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I would have simply married her and not ruined billions of lives
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"The average competitor at Evo 2024 entered 1.59 games out of the featured eight titles. While Street Fighter 6 received the highest number of single-game competitors this year at 2,269, TEKKEN 8 takes the category in terms of percentage, with almost half of its registrants (47.9%) choosing it as their only main lineup game. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike received the lowest percentage of single-game players at only 15.9%, while competitors who signed up for THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV had the highest number of games entered on average at 2.84 per player.

The titles with the lowest entrant crossover this year are Mortal Kombat 1 and UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes, with only 24 players entered in both tournaments. By percentage, this number accounts for 3.1% of the UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes bracket, which ties it for the lowest degree of relative crossover with the ratio of TEKKEN 8 players who also signed up for THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV. "
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is it true then? tekfags can't play any other fighters?
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I hate this fucking faggot. Sure, I achieved a great deal in school, too. But I never brought that up to impress strangers. How much of a underachieving piece of shit do you have to be to do stuff like this?
I think it was god's justice that speedkeks went prematurely bald and looks 10 years older than he is, a fittingly humorous fate for a child prodigy turned video game jobber
Tekken is healing
>not that far behind
KEK keep coping. Temu 8 is newer too and it still has less interest, SAD!
my asshole still gaping
Harada won.
Lidia doko?
Jivers were never exposed to this embarrassment. Turns out they were right all this time.
I've been trying to rewire my brain but I just can't resist ladyboy buttholes. Women are disgusting and "men" are superior.
After evo
I don't recall any good Xiaoyu player outside of dastry and Sodam
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nigga you what
Jin saved himself for this...
t. 5'2" manlet subhuman
I'm big boned but I got stuck with a small dick
*drops an orbital rail gun ln these whores*
I'm 5'6
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yo look at baby kazuya
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Got his hair from Kazumi
the late night joonsesh went a lot better than the early morning joonsesh
i'm still fucking dogshit at this game tho
way too small to be orbital. Looks to be more like a vehicle mounted cannon. It might be a single cannon from an orbital installation with multiple of those cannons.
Dead game dead gen dead genre
m8 you realize t7 was always way further behind sf5 in evo entrants than this, right?
After evo for sure
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Slimetroonies are having a meltdown with these latest news.

Oh well, maybe SNK arab money will save the game
Remember if you don't do iws2 as your mid mix as Kazuya from wavu you're a bitch
what news? that they beat us by only 600 persons?
>laucn punishable on block
>scared of guessing wrong
I WILL be the walking embodiment of a coinflip
Yeah it used to be by a 4-5k gap. SF6 is truly a nip only game. Dead in the west.
what the fuck this nigger literally lives here constantly mumbling about sf is that some dedicated discord trolling
malding slimetroon
theres no point posting on 4channel if you guys dont hands out direct (you)s
I have L1 set to Heat burst. I changed this to 2+3 command since Asuka uses that command a lot. (L2 is 1+4). But it fucks up my heat bursts immensely. Like an option select kicks in or some shit when half the time, heat burst doesn't come out and instead it's just a 2. Anyone else on pad have this issue? I don't want to use L3/R3 since they don't as natural to press as bumper buttons.
>y-you have to give me a (You)
You have to stay still if you want to heat burst with 2+3. I personally just use L3 for Heat Burst (not 2+3) and R3 for Rage Art. Since I main Jin I also have L2 set to 1+3 for his parry.
So there is now way around it but to either unfuck my reflexes or bind heat to L3. Kind of sucks. I really need that Asuka command grab.
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Yeah I use df+2+3 grab alot without a 2+3 bind. It's not that hard since you eventually just start to "get" it consistently.
I also had a dilemma with muscle memory when trying to bind 2+3 to L2 for easier electrics with Kazuya and Reina (doesn't on work Jin and Devil Jin because of their df+2+3 grab). But I eventually gave up on that and just focused on getting electrics the normal way instead.
kamige 6 mindbroke the temutard
Are you not supposed to bring up your similar experience?

Like legit question, like imagine if some Uber Driver was driving Magnus Carlsen around didn't know who he was and said "My kid became grandmaster at 20" would it be wrong to say that you are world champion

Imagine if you met an NBA player and you talked about how someone you knew was good at basketball
Maybe I should just learn to press each button then unbinded. The return of the claw. I will give it a try.
3D fighters are to different from 2D, I can SC much better than I can play 3rd strike
Slime Troonie shill consistently more mindbroke by the day.
he did nothing wrong
but I'm also socially retarded so don't trust me too much
skibidi toilet collab coming after this season
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and no 3d fighter plays exactly like another, except perhaps for scrimblo and dead or dead
You can unironically find Skibidi merch in gachapon machines in Japan so it's not a 0% chance
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Also Johnny D got top 64 (or even 32) in SF5 when he played at a previous EVO
>one hit takes off 30% health
>virtually no combo
>easier movement
this literally takes no skill, a purplefag could compete in evo with this shit
Would not mind a game with less stress than T8.
that all sounds great thoever.
I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay
Hi gay I'm fag
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What I've done
I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done
Kazuya is fucking shit.
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The crimes you commited will never fade
god damn, i have a fucking hangover
drank too much gin and tekken'd the whole night
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his only crime is not tapping this smokeshow
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Blame Jun for not teaching him about the birds and the bees
shut up Reina
Bryan is such a blatant ass nigger character now. Just a single touch and you're done. Requires zero skill. Requires zero spacing. Just mash your safe mids at range 3 and reap the rewards of 90 damage.
That webm is quite literally a man who refuses to block getting rightfully fucked by the character who punishes mashing. Just block Bryan's mids man.
>block bryon's mids
>it creates so much space you may as well give him another turn
>punishes mashing
Nobody mashes outside of combos
Bro just stop press buttons. Bro just bend over and let him fuck you in the ass bro.

Literal low IQ gorilla character.
>just block his safe homing mids bro
>just never press a button bro
>just constantly make hard reads that don't result in a fraction of the reward as Bryannigger mashing his mids
>4shits still don't allow VP9 webms
Sorry for the pixelated mess. Hiroshit gives no fucks about this site anymore.
bruh it does whatchumean
only no audio isn't allowed on most boards
blame game mechanics and balancing team
It won't allow me to upload VP9 webm though. Or am I missing a setting? It says there is an embedded file in the image.
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I thought they did?
I will try that program instead.
qcb1 ruined bryan's design. the whole gameplan vs bryan now boils down to "is he going to mash qcb1 or anything else"
Ok thanks. That program was much better. Looks much better now no?
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Colors are better for sure
>Mash qcb1
How do you mash a slow ass non bufferable stance move with no tracking?
It's like a poorman's EWHF.
Just SSR or duck and fuck him up.
>Just SSR or duck an-
*gets hit by demons paw*
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B-But it's nerfed now
mishima ones are nerfed, they forgot about bryan's
You mean qcb+4? That shit has no tracking to his left, only his right. If you want to track to his left with a mid you have to go out of your way to use df+1,1 (shit) or 1+2 (shittier).
There's a reason why nobody nobody wins tournaments with Byron.
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lunchtime again
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no I mean his actual, literal, demons paw
>bro just predict which of my five billion mids I'll use and then step in the opposite direction of that
>Demon's paw
Sorry, I read that as "Devil's pedal".
What's Byron's Demon's paw again? Qcf+1+2?

What are you talking about bro? qcb1 animation is 13 frames, fastest input for qcb is 2 frames. It's not slow for a range 3+ plus on block ch launcher with high evasion.
>It's i13
You're not getting a perfect input with that shit small dicked white man, it usually converts into iws1 when you try too hard. It's consistently i16 in practice.
And for a CH high, that's slow yes. I can b+1 or df+2 that shit with Steve all day.

That shit is actually nigh reactable because if the animation. Barely better tthan df+3.
Just do SSR guard or short SWR guard. You beat all of his mids except df+1,1 (too fast to SS guard consistently) that way.
If you lose against Lili, you simply lost to a player that knows when to sidestep your shit and has better foundamentals than you.
I don't see a suitable cliff, so I'll finish you here.
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perhaps the most memorable character since t3 imo, they struck gold with her
the official decision is up
you can stop shitposting between threads because this is the end-all be-all conclusive take
why didn't knee react to it here then >>484347958
he's old and has "brain fog" or whatever the witch doctor chanel diagnosed him with
ulsan/lowhigh would've reacted
Lili and Alisa are not like the others, especially Alisa.
Lili can't instanly mix you up at every range like Lars and Hwoarangutan nor she can stay in your face all day once you block her +mids/lows. She has to risk losing her turn if she wants to appy her stronger mix ups.
Alisa has no reliable knockdown lows or + on hit lows in the neutral. She also has no + on block mid outside of one move from chainsaw stance. If you get pressured by her you either suck of fought someone better than you.
As for Xiaoyu she has range problems. Just fucking backdash.
>Lili can't instanly mix you up at every range
>presses 3+4 and df3+4
Unironically washed.
blud really expects someone to watch an hour of tasty steve talking about fgs
just react to the i15 tracking mid bro, check the animation
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We skeet again
>Slow ass High that you can 100% SS guard on reaction even at 3 bars online, and sometimes duck on reaction offline if you visually train to hard enough.
>Linear Mid where she's the one getting mixed up if it's blocked, if it doesn't get sidestepped of course...
You call that a mix up? I call it suicide.
You don't even need to recognize the mid itself, you just need to baredy recognize the start up which looks like a micro duck into a back sway and then release your duck when you do.
It's doable.
ayo shoot every downplaying nigger, diablo jim
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jabs can be ducked on reaction so honestly there's no point doing anything in this game
it's all suicide
just spam your mids lil bro
>like Lars and Hwoarangutan
what's their stuff then?
demonflip? easily swr on reaction
DEN3? power crush on reaction
hwo ff4? (LMAO) as linear as it gets
hwo RFF homing heat engager? ss block on reaction easily plus requires you to be in stance
both of your "suicide" options are better in both risk and reward than anything Lars and Hwoarang have
Yeah, just spam mids to be CH launched by jabs
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Either since 3 or 5. Asooka, Lili and Drag are very popular. But I can see Reina beating them in popularity in the long run.
Nobody will remember your shitfu of the month in the few years
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she's already core roster
Because nobody will buy her as DLC
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people will not buy the next game without her
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shut up bitch
AI generated trash
>dude just be better than knee lmao
>dude just react to micro sways lmao
Bryan downplayers are amazing.
everything in this game is reactable
solved gamestate from round start
lili is not the only character there
more like people won't buy the next game if they keep up this kinda shit support
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Leo, my beloved
Sad state that Tekken 8 runs actually better on Xbox Series S than on my multiple times more powerful PC. There is no weird lag whenever I get a CH so I can actually do my combos on Xbox. The controller is awful though. Dpad placement is so fucked up, I don't know how Xbros tolerate this shit.
There's having opinions and there's being utterly delusional. I think Asuka is mediocre but I don't deny she's popular.
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any fate or blue archive female is popular, not your ugly gorilla or this forgotten iron mash tournament 8
literally who
Both can wavedash into your face with a tracking low retardbro. Or just simply raw dash into a high crushing +low into endless fucking mixups involving + on block mids and + on hit lows.
Meaning they have do have something to mix their retarded +mids with.
>DEN3? power crush on reaction
Yeah sure, you're gonna get fucked if you do that, your best bet is jab on reaction. But regardless, when you do you're basically being passive and you have to be standing, so you're open to get hit by DE4 into a braindead mix up. Good fucking luck. If you don't wanna get fucking by the low you have to SS duck his pressure then react to den 3 with a block.
>hwo RFF homing heat engager? ss block on reaction easily plus requires you to be in stance
You can instant RFF from wavedash retardbro, that's basic Hwoarangutan tech. And it's plus on block so his offense fucking continues lmao.
Lili? She gets launched if you SS the mid and she's the one getting fucked with a mixup if it's blocked. The high is reactable at longer range.
Alisa? All of her ranged moves are sidewalkable. D+3 in particular is 100% reactable at bigger range.
Xiaoyu there's nothing she can do at that range, wr3 is linear as shit.
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>Metallica - Master of Puppets
Yep, time to game.
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>raw dash into a high crushing +low into endless fucking mixups involving + on block mids and + on hit lows
damn sounds like every character has fullscreen mixup then since literally everyone can just dash up and do a move wow that's crazy
>high crushing +low
hwo doesn't even have that, with lars it's a basic suicide stagger low (unless you mean FC low which is slow as fuck like that like bro lemme just first dash up then suck your dick for a second and THEN hit you with a i20 low LMAO)
also none of these can be mix with DEN3
Lili's ff4 and d3 absolutely dumpster on all approaching lows that Lars or Hwo have
>you're gonna get fucked if you do that
no you don't, it's ridiculously easy if you have eyes open and monitor on
>you're basically being passive and you have to be standing
nobody told you to stop playing the game
"Lili has a snake edge that you have to react to to block, so you gotta just be passive and let her do stuff so you can react or you get hit by it" this is how you sound like
>it's plus on block
+1 lmaooooooooo holy moly jabs must be gigabroken you can just +1 and opponent is in a petrifying mixup for life LOL
also it's airborne so free floats if you ever challenge and he tries to loop
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
So, the easiest way to play with a friend on a different platform is just make a locked lobby and have him join that?
ask after evo
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>'T-they only beat us, not utterly rape us'
kek new tier of cope
Dab on em 'rada
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>still using old Chun Li face in comics
Chun Li looks like this now in Horror Engine Dix

If you play Victor, I will ki charge and one and done you.
>Also, at that time, community events did not have the same anouncements that they do now, so even if a developer came to see the event, the participants did not ask,
"What are you going to announce?”
In fact, they asked “Hey, did Mr. Harada come to manage the arcade cabinet and boards? By the way, I'd like to rent them out for my local event, who do I contact?” to me, lol.
lmao announcementfags btfo
based nostalgiafag 'rada
Are you stuck in May, slow kun? Victor is honest now
doesn't count
nah but I'm stuck in your mom, that's for damn sure
Get that ass banned, spook
>make a stable arcade machine game
>people don't ask for announcements
>make a live service microtransaction model game with constant updates
>people ask for announcements
is harada stupid? of course the people around react differently to a completely different type of game
imagine being a dvj main
having to deal with your character being bottom 5 all the way through S5
then T8 comes out and he's a stupidly overturned gimmick character
then they nerf him and now he's just a bottom 1 gimmick character

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i really hope that one day we can all have a Leo of our own ;_;
gimmick joke characters shouldn't be strong
glad that the honest fundie characters like yoshi and bears are strong now thoughever
>is harada stupid
Come on now anon
He just hopes the fanbase is stupid enough to never question his words.
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>Job Li ever winning a fight
chloe is NOT that chunky
CHLOE has a massive dick that she stuffs inside me btw
We know, Marduk.
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Chloe always had fat tits
This shit flies as ads here but can't post modded Tekken though lol
it's shit
how do you guys cope with the fact that you'll never be good at tekken
I listen to Liberation, which instantly lifts my spirits
it's up
I made top 64 at last years evo
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Queen Ryona
The song that killed "Sparking!"
and how do you cope with that
I'm alright at the game. Probably top 5% of all online warriors.
this ain't t7, lil bro
i dont need to im happy with the placement
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Reddit song
Other than ff2 getting gutted which was one of his key moves most of his problems existed since the beginning it just got overshadowed by his heat drive, the problem with having an overpowered move that's holding your character together is that when it gets nerfed in the first set of balance changes he's left with the rest of trash that is his moveset and you're left hoping that it might get better when people realize how bad it is.
tekken 3 was my first ever video game and I'm a lifelong jin main who knows all the lore etc so I legit had tears running down my face like a bitch for most of this final fight. so satisfying after all these years
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>so I legit had tears running down my face like a bitch
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jin mains, i swear to god
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We're so honest. We know.
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And this?
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i want to bang michelle and leo so hard
I want Eliza and Chloe to bang me so hard
Nice party masher. Let's see you try that now
What happened to the butt slap thing anyway? I could have sworn I've seen it before but I don't remember where
go to your local hooker
filter this:
*spreads ass*
spreading Leo's ass... (for easier banging access to her vagina)
On GOD this nigga thinks an axe wound is a vagina
LEO would be disappointed in you
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Leo would take my seed and birth two beautiful children for us to raise together
How does one birth a child out of an asshole?
Leo's cock cause me a week of back pain
Harada and Michael saved fighting games. Bravo, gentlemen.
they open ballsack (where pee is stored) and do a cut to the belly and extract the babby (which is fully formed by that time)
t. male birther
Why don't more people play Law? DSS is pretty easy now and he kept all his good shit from 7.
law is a sign of mental illness, i don't think people want to be outed as mentally ill
Becauss he's an annoying faggot and so was bruce lee
Anon no one sane plays Tekken already
be watah
playing law is a sign of being a favelanigger, are you one?
>they took it out
He's a real nigger character with annoying shouting sounds
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Don't bother me
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>with annoying shouting sounds
that shit's always funny as fuck
I love screaming characters
I did try him but I dislike stance flowchart characters and slide oki was gutted
god i hope i get at least 5 drags to plug today
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I'm more pissed that they took this out. Even if they wanted Jin to be more good, you can just remove the "You're a joke" line or change it into something else (like his "Forgive me" line from that was removed from T6 onwards).
I hope you face nothing but 'novgods lil bitch
I like them too actually but T8 has gone overboard with the vocal sound effects.
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plug one Drag you match up with 100 more
it doesn't matter, you can't escape the 'nov
this is rude and uncalled for.
my mom will be informed of this behaviour and will tell your mom which will take your gameboy away, take that "lil bitch"

slime cope.
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